Feet-first Sentence Examples
In addition, they should be instructed never to dive into an unknown body of water, but instead jump in feet first to avoid hitting their heads.
There is pressure on the infant's raised arms during a breech (feet-first) delivery.
Breech presentation-The condition in which the baby enters the birth canal with its buttocks or feet first.
In ancient times, the dead were carried from their beds, feet first.
He shifted and lowered himself feet first into the hole.
She swung out and at the precise moment, let go, holding her nose and plunging into the water feet first.
Both divers commenced the ascent but at 30m the casualty lost buoyancy and started to sink feet first.
Perform a feet first and a head first surface dive wearing T-shirt, long sleeved jumper or sweat shirt while in deep water.
Indeed, many an injury will accompany this feet first fall, and so before you take out the garden hose to blast your cat out of a tree, it's important to remember that you may be paying some hefty vet bills before the day is out.