Feel-like Sentence Examples
I feel like we're drifting apart here.
I feel like you're using me – like it means nothing to you.
I feel like a pioneer.
So did I. Maybe you feel like we both betrayed your trust.
I feel like I should take my sister and Toby with me.
You may have limited information and resources to effectively search for him and the emotional toll of the hunt has really made you feel like giving up.
I feel like I'm in a good place with all that, Kiera said.
I'd feel like a third wheel.
What do you feel like for dinner?
It seems weird, and I'd totally feel like the loser I pretend not to be if you have to take me with you.
AdvertisementI feel like a shit about the whole business.
Sometimes I feel like you're a stranger.
The table scrap thing makes a person feel like a benevolent despot, a human queen of the cat realm.
I'm starting to feel like we're star-crossed lovers from opposite sides of the tracks who aren't permitted to see each other.
Hope this helps better than the other guy who said he didnt want to feel like a smarty pants.
AdvertisementNow I feel like a proper dirty old pervert.
The needles are inserted rapidly into the key acupuncture points, and this should feel like a small pinprick at most.
I feel like I have finally purged myself of the repetitive thoughts that have been torturing me for the last year.
I feel like a salivating dog with nothing to salivate about.
I feel like i've had the stuffing knocked out of me.
AdvertisementSome times we just feel like yelling at the tops of our voices, " Hey I'm not superhuman, you know!
Being see through in all the right places you will look and feel like the seductive temptress you are!
I feel like it is a cross between something from the 60s and almost tribal music.
I have spoken to people who say they feel like it can be quite unapproachable and that is not necessarily very healthy.
Try to make your breast feel like your fly by using body undulation as in (12 ).
AdvertisementIncludes the immortal line " vino tinto, vino blanco, makes me feel like General Franco " .
Made to look and feel like normal underwear, Overnight Undies are very absorbent and are great for night time wetters.
Why, I feel like a colt today, replied Jim.
They will feel like we stumbled sloppily into the future.
But I told her that my heart was sad, and I didn't feel like eating.
At present I feel like a jungle on wheels!
I feel like sitting down on my heels, putting my arms round my knees like this, straining tight, as tight as possible, and flying away!
Before that I was very restricted due to joint & muscle pain, and now I feel like my life is back on track.
On being sane in insane places Yes, we all feel like this at some time or another.
As you sashay down the Spanish Steps, you will feel like a Ziegfeld Girl (even if you 're a boy).
The days when we, as search engine optimization specialists, did n't feel like a private schoolgirl smoking in the bathroom?
Maybe I did n't feel like standing out just then.
I am starting to feel like a stuck record.
I feel like i 've had the stuffing knocked out of me.
Some times we just feel like yelling at the tops of our voices, Hey I 'm not superhuman, you know !
Being see through in all the right places you will look and feel like the seductive temptress you are !
With a mere 2 hr flight time, we feel like we 've switched cultures in the twinkle of an eye.
Try to make your breast feel like your fly by using body undulation as in (12).
Does she feel like a guardian angel or a vengeful spirit?
Includes the immortal line " Vino tinto, vino blanco, makes me feel like General Franco ".
But I feel like I am wading through mud at the moment !
Not to make the customer feel like they have been zapped back to the 80's.
The rhetoric used in the newspaper article made the readers feel like they were a part of the event.
Even though I have been playing tennis for four years, I still feel like a tyro when I practice with more experienced players.
Baby travel overseas means you may feel like you've packed everything but the kitchen sink!
Although they might feel like diapers, Pull Up training pants do have the advantage of being designed for easy pulling up and down.
There may be days when you feel like your baby is living in his or her stroller, so you want as many extra comforts as possible.
Is your toddler picking up on tensions in the house which are making him feel like life is not that safe and secure and so he needs more reassurances of your presence at night?
Let her participate in sending the toy back to the manufacturer, so she can feel like an active part of the process.
A three inch cushion is hidden under an easy to clean fabric cover, so your child won't feel like she is sitting on a regular booster seat.
It has been more than five years since my doctors first told me about my "best case" scenario, and I don't feel like I'm in imminent danger of complete kidney failure.
By the time you're done getting ready for that bundle of joy, it can feel like you've spent a fortune.
At this stage it may feel like you'll never find the answer to "how long should a baby nap?" but you'll see an improvement in baby's sleep patterns very quickly.
However, as the months drift by, many women will ache to feel like themselves again, and the look and texture of boring, white, stretchy nursing bras can leave you feeling more matronly than womanly.
Use our tips below to learn about buying a bed for your dog and make your pooch feel like royalty.
The instep should be comfortable and the heels should not feel like you are performing a balancing act!
Do you feel like you need to have the newest and latest thing all of the time?
Ideally, it should almost feel like there is no additional weight on your feet at all.
You shouldn't feel weighed down by your clothing, nor should you feel like you're being baked.
The screen does its job, but when compared to the bright and, let's face it, sexy iPod Nano screen, you'll feel like you're stuck in Kansas while everyone else is in Oz.
Beautiful linens can make any meal feel like a special occasion, and knowing how to purchase table linens can make creating a perfect table easy.
Or on the other spectrum, you might feel like any old piano will do.
You don't want to feel like you're buying a car!
No matter which game you decide on, you should consult a professional if you feel like you are developing an addiction.
If you don't feel like driving, you do have the option to go by bus from Downtown Seattle; by limousine if you wish to take a private luxury shopping trip; and by shuttle from various suburbs, though a reservation is needed.
The Nook comes with games like Sudoku and Chess for times when you feel like taking a break from reading.
Sometimes kittens just don't understand that the potted ficus isn't an appropriate substitution if they don't feel like going all that way to the official box.
This allows the cat to explore a single room, find 'defensible positions' and feel like he has one comfortable fortress from which he can venture out to explore the rest of the house and meet the rest of the family.
We've never seen this response from her before, but we feel like we've discovered gold!
Smaller Payments - While in a substantial amount of debt, it can feel like running on a treadmill.
However, there's no way to guarantee how soon you'll feel like dating.
Most parents naturally feel like they know what is best for their children, so when they are forced to submit to a court's decision it can elicit strong feelings of helplessness.
They're also great because you don't have to feel like you're sitting in the bedroom in the middle of the day.
This can be a benefit as it can make your whole office feel like a more comfortable and relaxing place to be, instead of like an intimidating area where you don't want to linger.
Field guides are books that contain all sorts of useful information about plants, from exact photos to detailed text descriptions of what a variety will look like, smell like, feel like and even taste like.
Whether you suffer from arthritis, backache, migraines, sore muscles, hives, poison ivy or sports related pain, Hyland's offer many products that will make you feel like yourself again.
Your personal items will help make the office feel like it's your own space.
All any teen really wants is to feel like their opinions are being considered and that they have a room that reflects their styles and tastes to some degree.
Painting dark walnut kitchen cabinets might feel like a big step, but you will love the added light it will bring to your kitchen.
Country French Style Bedroom - Feel like you're on vacation in the French countryside when you go to bed every night with this design style for bedrooms.
Kitchen throw rugs are inexpensive enough that you can change them for special occasion ones or simply when you feel like changing the décor.
Decorating any home can feel like a challenge sometimes.
The result will be an open, airy space that makes it feel like you're on vacation all year long.
Painting with this collection will make you feel like you're on vacation all the time.
If you feel like a free spirit and like to express yourself through artistic creation, these colors are just waiting for you and your imagination.
You will feel like an aspiring makeup artist with your Bare Escentuals makeup kit.
Most liquid and powder concealers are heavy and feel like a mask.
Esca offers a number of excellent accessories to help a woman feel like a queen during her daily makeup and beauty routine.
Once you've found a prom dress that makes you feel like the belle of the ball, it's time to consider what type of formal prom makeup will compliment and flatter you on the most anticipated night of the year.
If you feel like you just have to add a little eyeliner, stay within the earth tone shades to keep with the natural look.
It's not nearly as popular as more lightweight foundation formulas because it's so dense that your skin doesn't feel like it's really "breathing."
If you shied away from this makeup in the past because you were afraid it would clog your pores or make you feel like you were wearing a mask, try the newest types out there.
If you feel like browsing current offers, one of these clearinghouse sites will be the place to start.
Use the website in any way that you need, and you will surely feel like Merrill Lynch takes care of its clients.
Some programs launch every time the computer starts, other applications work only when the screensaver kicks in, and still other programs only launch when you feel like playing with your virtual pet.
Puppy Luv from Game Mill Entertainment installs as a regular game that you can launch whenever you feel like playing with your virtual puppy.
If you're looking for a simple pet that you can play with whenever you feel like but doesn't require much upkeep, you will want to find a site that can accommodate that.
Point-and-shoot digital cameras are loaded with lots of user-friendly functions that make beginners feel like a pro.
In addition, heavier make-up can make your subject feel like a professional model and encourage her to take more risks during your shoot.
The zombie probably earned its name because that's what you look and feel like after drinking two of them.
Daiquiris are one of the best tasting things to come out of Cuba since the Cuban pork sandwich and when you mix a strawberry daiquiri recipe with a little sunshine, you'll feel like you're there.
Using a scrapbooking kit can help you build confidence if you don't feel like you have a lot of artistic ability or don't know where to start when it comes to building a scrapbook page.
According to Diana Gardner-Williams, owner and founder of Just a Cloud Away, women coping with the pain of pregnancy and infant loss often feel like no one understands their grief.
Don't feel like you need to cover every inch of the paper.
For example, if you buy new embellishments for a Christmas layout, you may feel like working on those photos before you tackle your Thanksgiving pages.
Even though scrapbooking is a creative activity, there may be times where you feel like your creativity is sapped.
If you don't feel like you have the talent or the time to create embellishments by hand, don't worry.
For many people, the end of a vacation can feel like a bit of a let-down.
Find out what are the best types of games to play when you feel like you just need a break from the day or life in general.
Even if you don't feel like you've had a very successful time, don't think of it as a waste.
Even if it's only five minutes, you will feel like you were able to separate yourself from the current situation and get yourself together.
It will bring things into perspective and help you feel like you are in control again.
It only takes a few minutes to plan your day so you don't feel like you have a hundred things to do when you only have ten.
If you feel like slamming your head through a plate glass window, think of how silly this will look.
When you start to feel like you are losing your mind - a common occurrence during this time of year - take a break and do some quick stress relievers.
You may feel like you don't have the time because you won't finish what you need to do, but if you are less stressed, you will find that you have that extra time.
It's no wonder that people feel like they lose their mind this time of year!
Bad things happen and when they do, you may feel like you will never be able to recover from it.
Traveling is a good method to release stress and when you return, you will feel like you are a new person and can better handle what life has in store for you.
When you are overwhelmed, you may not feel like you have the time to do anything but what is causing you stress.
You may find yourself in a rut and feel like there is nothing you can do about the hectic lifestyle you lead when there really are many things you can do to help you have feel better about yourself, your life, and your future.
Over time, you start to feel like you never are able to have a good time in anything you do because your mind has become accustomed to dealing with stress and holding on to it as long as possible.
It may feel like a tight band is squeezing your head or the pain may be a throbbing sensation across your entire head.
It can also be a nice change of scenery from both home and office, and can feel like a small vacation from everyday worries.
Exercise "burns" up these chemicals so that you don't constantly feel like fighting with someone, or hiding from the world.
Staying angry and sad about it won't make you feel better, but doing things to make you feel like you aren't letting your job loss ruin your life will.
When you lose your job, you may feel like life is no longer in your control.
You may start to feel like life is spiraling out of control.
Once you've found an alternative way to cope with something in your life, you will feel like you are in power again and reduce your stress levels.
You may feel like you have hundreds of things to do but when you write down all that you have to do, you may realize it's not all that much stuff.
If you do not feel like dealing with holiday crowds at malls and big box stores, shop online or through mail order catalogues.
You might feel like you have greater physical strength, endurance, or find yourself trembling, nail biting, or numb from pain.
While it might feel like replaying or worry about future events is productive, it can actually make you feel even worse.
While it can feel like you are the only one in the world experiencing puberty, all girls go through it at some point in their lives.
Your parents can tell you the stories of when and why they first had sex, which might give you a better idea of when you feel like you're ready.
Young students learn quickly that forming a tight-knit group of friendships helps them feel like they belong.
They are not the right option for all families, but if you feel like you're at the end of your rope and don't know what to do, these camps can be a big help.
Since you want to feel like a princess, make an appointment early to get your hair and nails done by a professional.
It can start to feel like everyone wants you to know exactly what you life is going to be like right away, but it's really not the end of the world if you don't know what you want to do after high school.
Although it may feel like every kid on the street is an ADHD teenager or child, in reality, the American Psychiatric Association says true cases of ADHD only occur in three to five percent of children in the United States.
Teens who feel like they don't fit in may turn to drugs as a way of finding acceptance with a group.
So don't feel like your dilemma is incredibly stupid.
I get down I feel like the reason why they don't like me is because I'm too ugly, too fat, too stupid, like I'm never good enough and that's why its my fault that guys don't like me.
Junior highers may feel like adults, but the truth of the matter is they need not be treated as such.
I feel like I have started a new, (almost) adult life and my parents continue to treat me like a kid under their roof.
I've told my friends that still go to his school that I'm over him... but I feel like I'm only half over him... because I'll still fantasize and dream about him.
I'm 16 years old and I feel like all the guys ignore me because of it.
You can feel like a princess at your prom and look like a million dollars.
The perfect dress can make a woman feel like a princess.
I know that he isn't shallow but don't you ever have those times when you feel like you can't compare to those girls?
Usually when I get really close to a person, everything's cool, I feel like the world isn't on my shoulders anymore and that everything's going to be okay.
Sometimes I feel like the most unattractive quality a guy can have is being attracted to me.
It may not feel like it at the time, but the work that counselors are able to do on women who have undergone abortions can make the difference between life-long acceptance or indeed life-long guilt about a very harrowing decision.
If you sleep in late and don't feel like doing anything with your friends one weekend, you may have just been overtired.
If your goal is to look and feel like a princess, then Tiffany design prom dresses are your answer!
Others don't want to spend the time picking up their dress whenever they feel like boogieing down on the dance floor.
However, you may also feel like you are stuck in a rut and need some new fun ideas to try.
You'll feel like you've finally unlocked the secret door to your anguish and will be able to start letting go of the pain.
This study helps to show that teens don't need to feel like victims of peer pressure and that family support can help to make difficult situations easier.
It may feel like forever before they stop, but they will.
Anyone can make a coupon booklet, so if you feel like you have no crafty skills, you can still make homemade gifts for teenagers.
Get a teen a balloon or two to carry around the school the whole day and they are likely to feel like the center of the whole world.
If you don't feel like cutting up celery, washing grapes or other fruit when you are ready for a snack, do it ahead of a time.
You may feel like you are always eating, but the total amount of calories you consume will be less than what you would have consumed if you ate junk food instead or binged on food later because you hadn't eaten all day.
If you dread standing in front of your television following an exercise video, or you don't want to join a gym, there are things you can do to increase physical activity that won't make you feel like you are working out.
With all the abbreviations that teens use when texting or instant-messaging one another online, as well as their day-to-day vocabulary, an adult may feel like a teen is speaking Greek to him.
Camp doesn't have to feel like a chore and can be quite fun.
Lush curtains set up around your bed will help you feel like you're in the desert yourself.
Do you feel like your parents treat you both exactly the same, not noticing your differences?
Parents usually feel like an older teen will be more responsible watching their children than a younger teen, though this is not always the case.
Add in that you might also be friends on social media sites and it can feel like your friend is always in your tracks.
While that might feel like a lot of pressure, don't let it get to you.
A lot of girls choose designer dresses because they can make you look ever more beautiful and make you feel like a movie star.
Look for either a pink dress with leopard accents or a leopard dress with pink accents to feel like a funky, rocker chic, yet prom-worthy princess.
This look says fashion risk taker, without making you feel like you're stepping entirely out of your comfort zone.
While it can feel like a huge deal, asking a girl to be your prom date isn't the end of your year or your life.
Artwork - Don't despair if hearing the word "art" makes you feel like you need some hidden ability; creating memorable art can be as simple as cutting things out from the paper and gluing them together.
For those who believe that physical, mental and spiritual health are intrinsically connected, and that how we treat the earth is reflected in how we treat ourselves, eating raw can feel like the only way to live.
Feel free to swap out certain ingredients in recipes if you feel like it.
If you feel like the sleeves might get warm during the reception dance, consider buying a strappy dress and a bolero jacket or shawl to cover your shoulders.
Available in styles to be worn with or without veils, tiaras make you look and feel like a princess on your special day.
You won't feel like your back in elementary school on a luxury bus limousine.
If you want to arrange your own floral arrangements but feel like you have the creativity of a brick, that's okay.
The most elegant and formal of Mori Lee's gowns are found in the Bridal Collection, which makes countless women look and feel like royalty on their special day.
If your dress is not comfortable, doesn't flatter your figure, and won't make you feel like a million bucks on one of the most important days of your life, it's not the dress for you.
If you're getting married at a winery, don't feel like you need to have grapes on your invitation.
No matter how you add a touch of royalty to your day, you're sure to feel like a princess!
These ideas save money but allow guests at a small wedding to feel like they are part of the intimate gathering.
An outdoor wedding with a small guest list offers couples the opportunity to plan a wedding on a small budget but make guests feel like they are truly a part of the festivities.
The intimate feel to these weddings help guests feel like they are truly a part of the wedding day festivities.
If you don't feel like you have the talent to write your own poem or you're suffering from nerve-induced writer's block, don't despair.
A bride's wedding day is one occasion during which she can feel like a princess, and besides having a gorgeous fairytale Cinderella dress, there's no better way to embrace the elegant princess role than to serve a castle wedding cake.
Intervention is an intelligent, emotionally balanced, psychologically sound method enabling a controlled confrontation, where the addict doesn't feel like an accused victim by family members.
That means that every morning you wake up, during the day when you feel like smoking a cigarette and before going to bed turn your will and life over to the complete care and abandon of God as you understand Him.
If you have a drug addiction to a drug, you will have intense cravings and possibly suffer physical withdrawals if you don't get the drug when you feel like you need it.
Remember, you may feel like life is not worth living but if you hang on and seek treatment, life will get better.
You don't have to feel like this forever; there is hope!
If you've said, "I just don't feel like myself anymore", you may suffer from clinical depression.
You feel like you are losing touch with everything that used to be important to you.
You feel like life is dreadful, and you just don't want to deal with another day.
Treatment is available that will make you feel like yourself again and help you see life filled with opportunity rather than dread.
You're not feeling like you can't continue on with life, but you also don't feel like yourself.
In time, you will feel like yourself again and be a stronger person because of it.
Crystal methamphetamine can make some users feel like there are bugs crawling on them.
Pilling creates tiny little "pills" that feel like sand in the bed.
Toddler girl bedding can be a fun way to liven up your little girl's bedroom and make her feel like a big girl.
The whole idea is just to make your High School Musical fan feel like a star.
I definitely want to be a producer, and the reason I am an economics major is I feel like I am learning production and filmmaking by doing it; whereas it is helpful for me to have a more complex business understanding through school.
The tirade also includes Baldwin saying, "You've made me feel like a fool over and over and over again."
I used to feel like I had to stuff my bra."
When people say, "I am so sorry but I feel like I really know you," my answer is, "Do not be sorry, you do.
While clothes became simpler in the 1960s and 1970s, there was still something particular about a little girl's best dress -- nearly every girl likes to feel like a princess sometimes, and a frilly dress is required.
Finally, a girl with a strong sense of her individuality and style may want to express that through clothing - and it's hard to feel like an individual when there are twenty other versions of the same dress on a rack.
No matter what you end up buying for Easter this year, your daughter will feel like a million dollars if you affirm how beautiful she looks in her dress on this special day.
When she smiles, you'll feel like a million bucks, too.
Once your child is wearing their first jersey, he or she will feel like a pro and be geared up to hit the diamond hard.
It is a dress to make a little girl feel like a princess.
A simply cut dress in an A-line or something slightly straighter, but with a flowy skirt, in a high-quality fabric will still make a girl feel like a princess - just an older, slightly more sophisticated princess.
Your child will feel like the princess she is.
Make the reader feel like he/she was there with you.
Does the architecture inspire you or do you feel like you're in a soulless institution?
Involving children in cruise planning sparks their enthusiasm and helps them learn that a cruise ship really is a floating city, so they don't feel like they'll just be in a big hotel during the voyage.
These elegant vessels not only offer the benefits of a typical cruise, but they go above and beyond to make every passenger truly feel like a star.
Even the youngest passengers will feel like stars aboard Celebrity ships.
Whether you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary or you simply want to live it up with like-minded adults; a party cruise on the high seas may be just what you need to feel like a kid again.
After dinner, you can dance, drink, and feel like you're in another era.
If I tell him to sit, and he doesn't feel like it, he'll look at you until you make him sit.
If you don't feel like you can forget about it, I suppose you can gather up all the paperwork and take the breeder to small claims court.
I feel like we are constantly stopping the behavior.
Of course, it never hurts to add a little extra chopped lean turkey or chicken to a dog's dinner to coax him to eat, even if he doesn't feel like it at that moment.
I can still make my present look wonderful, and I feel like I have given a very thoughtful and tasty gift; one the whole family can get involved in for the family dog.
It is so economical that if you feel like it, you can have a leash to match any mood or outfit for every day of the week.
If you aren't very well versed in this area, consider buying a book to learn more about how to make your home theater look and feel like a commercial movie theater.
In addition to looking like wood, many also feel like real wood.
There are now ceramic tiles that look and feel like granite, marble, leather, stone, and even animal hides (more so the look than the feel).
Poor lighting will make the room feel like it's closing in on itself, while natural light will make it feel and look more airy and spacious.
By the time you are ready to put together your designer living room area rug, you'll feel like a pro.
I think some people are afraid because they feel like it's not them.
I almost feel like it was working me up to selling jewelry.
Whether you are looking to wear the earrings with jeans and a t-shirt or with a glamorous little black dress, these distinctive pieces of jewelry will make you feel like a million dollars.
This collection is both affordable and fashionable and will make you feel like a star!
If you're not in the military, but want to support the troops and feel like you are a part of the fighting force, U.S. Navy jogging suits are a great way to show support while you stay in shape.
Even if black tie isn't required, you can still don a tux and feel like you're dressed just right.
Whether it's the color or material that makes it stand out, there's something special about a suit that makes a man look and feel like a million bucks.
Casual Performance Chinos are great for the weekends when you want to look polished but don't feel like ironing.
For big men who need special big and tall sizes, looking for clothing could feel like a hassle.
Avoiding certain looks will go a long way in helping you look and feel like a million bucks.
You can feel like Hugh Hefner and wear a pair at home to lounge in or wear them to feel sexy when planning an evening with that someone special.
Just because it's a classic doesn't mean it's old-fashioned - hipsters and fashion-forward men are just as likely to embrace good tweed as well as those who like to feel like a country squire.
You will look and feel like a private detective - or a spy - and you will stay comfortable in the inclement weather.
They are so lightweight that they will feel like you are wearing boxers.
Here in Kyrgyzstan, with the mysterious and primeval landscapes, you feel like the first and the sole man on the planet, as if you were transferred through the time, and appeared at the starting point of the Earth history.
Plus, with the wide variety of materials and styles available, you won't feel like you have to settle for boring baby fashion.
If you are looking for something that makes you feel like you've just stepped out of a Jane Austen novel, or anything else with a retro look, there are a lot of new and vintage patterns out there.
Being a plus sized woman does not need to feel like a burden when in actuality it is just another form of being beautiful.
Alternatively, if you really want to feel like a sexy sweetheart, slip into their sultry satin heart chemise.
Slipping into silky pajamas can make you feel like a movie star.
Woven finishes feel like medium-weight cotton and are often seen in classic blouses with lace collars or in beautifully printed shirts such as the We Be Bop big shirts.
Finding perfect plus size special occasion dresses for your important celebration will make you feel like the belle of the ball.
Wear your plus size capri leggings with your mini skirts when you just don't feel like showing that much skin.
Unlike cotton micro fiber can be woven to feel like a natural fiber, but it is a manufactured fabric created to maximize absorption.
You'll find a wide variety of dresses in just about every color and style you can imagine, from short dresses to long, sweeping gowns that will make a girl feel like a princess.
From their exquisite sheath style evening dress of silk chiffon called Simply Elegant to the sexy and shimmery A-line halter styled evening dress Captivating, there is sure to be a style that will make you feel like a million dollars.
The underside of this kind of leather has a fuzzy feel like suede.
They'll help make the most of your figure and make you look and feel like a million bucks!
If you're a shorter plus size woman and feel like you're swimming in fashions too long for your torso, arms or legs, then you probably should consider shopping for petite women's plus size clothing.
You can revel in the fact that you're wearing high quality, elegant lingerie that makes you look and feel like a million bucks.
Throw in a few gleaming accessories and a gorgeous pair of heels, and suddenly you look and feel like a million bucks!
If you are a plus size women and feel like you need more room in the waist, you can always try a men's cut to see if they are more comfortable.
In addition to simply looking beautiful, the perfect prom dress does its owner a world of good, by making her look and feel like a million bucks!
When you don't feel like wearing the infamous little black dress that's appropriate for all occasions, a plus size little red dress may be just what you're looking for to add some sizzle to your wardrobe.
It is flexible, as you can dress it up and down and feel like you have a variety of outfits.
In addition to simply fitting, your swimsuit should also make you look and feel like a million bucks!
Here are just a few styles available that will allow you to look your very best and feel like a million bucks, too!
Many women balk at briefs, as these feel like the ghost of women's plus size panties past.
Glamorous nights out are more enjoyable when you feel like a queen from head to toe.
Garments created from them are exquisite in appearance, and the luxury of the fabric often makes a woman feel like a million dollars.
You can find a long, elegant and comparatively simple gown that suits the occasion and still makes you look and feel like a queen.
While shapewear is nothing new, it can make you feel like a brand new woman.
Leather jackets are iconic fashion solutions that wear and feel like a second skin.
You may still feel like you want to get out and do all the things you did in your twenties, but your body simply won't comply.
If you feel like your arms aren't long enough to be able to read the fine print without glasses, in most cases it's because the lens of your eye has lost its ability to focus because with age it has grown rigid.
Even those seniors that have difficulty walking or standing are able to participate in virtual sports that make them feel like they are actually playing the game.
You don't have to look, act, or feel like the stereotypical senior citizen.
Electric shock sensations, which may feel like a rubber band snapping in the layers of tissue between the skin and muscles.
With an affordable taxi service taking you wherever you need to go, you won't feel like you are inconveniencing loved ones any longer.
Don't feel like you need to limit yourself to hairstyles typically worn by older women.
Using such services helps your loved one to function and feel like part of society, and they can still come home to be with you at the end of the day.
Hot flashes feel like a rush of heat that spreads across the body but is especially noticeable on the face and upper torso.
When treatment begins, the first few days of real, genuine sleep can make you feel like a new person.
Over time, getting too little sleep can affect your job performance and end up making you feel like you're working harder and harder with fewer positive results.
In other cases, you may just feel like adding a spooky edge to your regular attire, whether you normally choose to embrace the goth style or not.
During the first few days or weeks, you may feel like your vision "jumps" as you switch from one part of the prescription to the other (near vs. far).
You'll feel like a princess as often as you'd like, for as long as you wish; just slip them on.
Second, because the imitation styles are so much cheaper, customers are able to purchase more than one pair, and that means that you have the opportunity to change your look whenever you feel like it.
The extremely lightweight design of the Cocoons frames allows them to float comfortably over prescription glasses and you don't even feel like you are wearing two pairs of glasses.
Some have complained that LensCrafters have given them poor quality (scratched lenses, for example), and that they feel like a dime a dozen with their services.
There's also the traditional style if you feel like going old school.
With so many styles to choose from, you can find the perfect pair that will make you feel like a celebrity.
If, however, you need a large lens to feel like you can comfortably read, you may want to look elsewhere or at least take a careful look at the selections available before opting for this style of reading glasses.
Carnival tents, a tremendous Krusty-themed entrance, and extended clips and new ride-exclusive animation can be found throughout the queue and preshow areas to help guests feel like they are a part of Springfield.
Making it a fun and constructive experience will not only teach your youngsters the value of a dollar, but gives them input on vacation plans as well, which makes them feel like a welcomed member of the clan.
Do you feel like taking a different route when jogging?
The possibilities feel like they're endless in this game.
If you feel like you can wait for the DVD release, or didn't like the movie that much to begin with (so help me, God, I have pity on your soul if this be the case), then maybe you should rent it first.
When you play Condemned, the graphics in this game really make you feel like you are actually there!
Certain levels do offer branching paths, but it's not enough to make you feel like you're actual deciding where you go.
The tracks look and feel like Burnout tracks, and the DS displays them nicely.
The entire thing feels so slow and clunky that you feel like you're driving a parade float through heavy traffic to get to the parade on time.
It will take you less than five minutes to learn how to play, yet you'll barely feel like you've mastered the game once you complete it.
As your barrel your way through the varied race courses, you really do feel like you're going incredibly fast.
The cars feel like they're floating and it's useless to push the brakes.
You may want to try out the following ones the next time you have some free time and feel like playing a driving game.
When you don't particularly feel like being productive, there really is no harm in finding some games to play when bored.
When graduating from one difficulty setting to the next, it will feel like you took a quantum leap in difficulty.
Once you can master some of the songs on expert, you will feel like a rockstar.
There are some gems out there, if you feel like wading through the river of untidiness.
The cheats in Halo allow you to feel like this for a limited time.
After you complete just one, you feel like you were actually there.
This is a game you can really invest time into and have it not feel like time wasted.
It really makes you feel like you're a part of the game, rather just controlling it as a spectator.
Drift Attack gets frustrating because you feel like you're on ice.
But all this is mute if you don't feel like your racing around at 180 m.p.h.
Do you always feel like you are the last to know?
Touch screen interaction lets you fall into the game, while voice interaction makes you feel like you have a real dog.
Sorry no Pat Sajak or Vanna White, but you will still feel like you're on this very popular game show.
Even if you've mastered the classic version, Super Mario 64 DS can feel like an entirely new game.
I think this enhances the game, and makes you feel like you are more involved in their world.
This may be disappointing to gamers, since this motion made you feel like you were part of the action of the game.
If when you pick up WWE Day of Reckoning 2 for the first time, and you feel like you've played this game before, you have.
That said, the Wii Zapper is arguably more involving, getting you to feel like you are actually a part of the game.
With its characteristic bubbles and toasty flavors, Champagne can make even the mundane feel like a celebration.
And if you get tired of riveting wines and feel like a pint of suds, don't think twice about stopping in Boonville for an IPA at Anderson Valley Brewing Company, just for a change of venue.
The vivid descriptions from Janet Chapple along with the stunning photos will make you feel like you can step right through the pages and be there yourself.
The next morning, when you slide your warm feet into the boots, it'll feel like you're wearing ice shoes.
Don't feel intimidated by the people working at the store and don't feel like you need to sign on the dotted line right away.
Do you ever feel like there aren't enough hours in a day?
A toothache may feel like a sharp pain or a dull ache.
Although the woman having the contractions may feel like she is really experiencing labor, true labor is determined by cervical change.
Some express the need to feel like a child again, to be taken care of and protected, to feel secure in a safe world.
Finding out what special talents or interests these children have and encouraging them through classes or events makes them feel like they matter and are as important as firstborns or lastborns.
Tell children that they will be getting a shot and that it will feel like a prick; however, it will only sting for a few seconds.
But if you don't have the time or just don't feel like clarifying butter, don't sweat it...your butter/flour roux will be fine.
Any time an audience greatly enjoys a dance routine, the dancers are bound to have more fun and to feel like they really impressed the crowd.
If you feel like getting closer, you can simply take a step forward and let your hands meet behind your partner - either at the back of the waist or the neck.
They key thing every woman who suffers a miscarriage should realize is that even though she may feel like her world has been turned upside down, it really hasn't.
If you feel like you need to get a better understanding on how to grieve after a miscarriage, you can always join a support group.
It is nearly impossible to get precise results with hot wax, and using tweezers to pluck one hair at a time can feel like an eternity of torture.
According to the product's marketing, S-Factor items make people who use them feel like they were born with hair that feels great at all times.
When every strand is just where it should be, and when the sun beats down and casts a luminescent glow on your mane, you'll feel like a supermodel.
Classic prom hair styles are sure to make you feel like the belle of any ball.
If you like to push the boundaries and want to feel like a rock star or A-list celebrity walking the red carpet rather than a prom princess, an edgy party prom updo is definitely your best bet.
Homeschooling online can help bridge the gap between what you as a parent feel like you know, and what you would need help with teaching.
Finding a support group can feel like a breath of fresh air for a new homeschooler.
In addition, some parents feel like they should explain why they are homeschooling or unleash their complaints regarding their child's school on the board of education.
Even citing "personality differences" with your old boss may come across as a veiled negative, so instead talk about your quest to be in a positive environment where you'll feel validated by co-workers and feel like a part of the team.
Some teens are reluctant to pursue these types of jobs because they do not feel like they are "real jobs."
If you feel like you're throwing your money away by paying rent each month with nothing to show for it, you may be ready to purchase your first home.
Since they are influenced by other factors, it may feel like any decision will be the wrong call.
Yoga is a terrific way to get to know your body and to improve your posture, which is particularly important as your pregnant body begins to feel like it belongs to someone else.
It will feel like tiny bubbles in the beginning and progress to kicks and punches as your baby grows.
If you have a difficult birth or feel like your birth just happened and you had no control over it, you could have problems bonding with your baby and may be at a much higher risk for postpartum depression.
However, it's important to note that if you feel like you can't breastfeed for some reason, you are not a failure.
If you're a pregnant teenager, you may feel like you're all alone.
If you pride yourself on avoiding favoritism among your children, you may feel like sibling rivalry is an attack on your parenting skills.
Since celebrities get so much media coverage, it's easy to feel like you actually "know" your favorite singer, actress, or entertainer.
So, if you feel like you "know" your favorite singer, actress, or entertainer, it's only natural to be curious about her celebrity pregnancy pictures.
At first, it may feel like a little flutter.
The secret is the company's hug-a-boo fabric, created from bamboo fibers and designed to feel like cashmere next to your skin.
Buy the set and feel like the beautiful woman that you are!
They're a bit costly but worth it if you don't feel like reading - some people learn better visually.
Just as we look for a house that really feels like a home, these people look to reinvent their bodies to feel like their bodies.
You're not the only woman to feel like this about a high risk pregnancy.
You may feel like you always have to look perfect.
Time spent in relaxing and restive activities that help Mom feel like herself are as important to your overall well-being as eating right, getting enough rest and seeing the doctor regularly.
Whether you are waiting until you are far enough along to find out if you are pregnant or you simply feel like something isn't quite right with your body, finding the answers to your questions is extremely important.
Some women experience cramping in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy, which can feel like menstrual cramps.
Remember that finding the most effective method for yourself can take some time; you may have to try a few different pills before you find one that still allows you to feel like your old self even while taking it.
Braxton Hicks contractions feel like the real thing, but they are not effective in moving the baby down the birth canal.
Although your body may not feel like your own during pregnancy, don't tune out its signals.
If you feel like having someone else show you the way, there are many San tours that will take over and let you sit back and enjoy.
Their 4-star accommodations provide Internet access, fitness centers, gourmet room service, and even complimentary robes - leaving you feel like royalty whenever and wherever you choose to visit.
With the wrong blanket however, that's exactly what it will feel like.
It's especially great for those times when you just don't feel like wearing that skimpy little string bikini from last year when you used to work out an hour a day.
The best part is you'll always have the original design to fall back on for days when you just feel like covering up.
Surf boarders know that blowing sand can stick to the wax on their boards, making the surface feel like sandpaper rubbing against their flesh.
It just might also make you feel like a winner.
Think about publicly exposing as much of your body as you possibly can without getting arrested, and you'll have a fairly accurate idea of what wearing one of these styles can feel like.
Wear one of their cotton pareos, and you may feel like you're in an island paradise no matter where you live.
While you might feel like you need to wear your favorite basic black swimsuit on stage to feel comfortable, something a bit flashier looks smart and stylish.
Once you've built a few ambitious sandcastle sculptures, you might feel like testing your skills against the pros.
A lot of pear-shaped girls feel like they should cover up their bottom halves as much as possible to make them visually shrink.
Spanx swimsuits not only look great, but the majority of the suits are so beautifully distinctive that you'll feel like a supermodel when you sport one.
You might feel like your eyes are playing tricks on you, but these professionally rendered pieces of body art aren't clothes at all; they really are body paint made to look like designer swimwear.
The name of this suit is no misnomer because a Goddess is exactly what you'll feel like in this bandeau bikini top and matching shorts!
The intensity of the fuchsia in this swimsuit will make everyone around you feel like they're watching a canvas come to life.
Stay within sight of any life guards on duty, and signal them as soon as possible if you feel like you're in trouble.
However, you'll be happy to know that most people can't tell you're just wearing paint, and you feel like you're wearing the real thing.
You feel like you're wearing clothes when you're just wearing the paint.
If you feel like standing for a few hours while being tickled by a paintbrush, you might want to offer to be someone's swimsuit paint model one day.
By their own definition, WW also offers "naughty knickers" and a bevy of complementary casual wear for those rare moments you might feel like covering up.
If you don't feel like going through the hassle of buying an expensive swimsuit coverup, then consider these long board shorts.
Whether you are interested in this specialized top for a Halloween themed party, a beach get-together with friends, or just feel like standing out in a crowd, a sea themed top is sure to get you noticed.
The fashion swimwear is more cost-friendly but the suits feature racerbacks, so that your child can feel like a professional even when just splashing about.
While you might have your heart set on one, the exquisite design of a more traditional French bathing suit might seduce you into trying one of those instead - you will feel like you are in St. Tropez, even in your own backyard.
Want to feel like Venus herself rising from the foam of the ocean?
Get ready for plenty of practice before you feel like a fly pro.
The suits act as shapewear but don't look or feel like it - a distinct advantage over options from just a few years ago.
Like other Baby Alive dolls, this one is made of plastic but has rubber "skin" that makes her feel like a real baby.
With battery-operated lights and sounds and working parts, he will feel like the conductor of his very own train station.
Simply fill it with water, and your children can really feel like they took a trip to the beach.
Confidence can make any woman look glamorous and feel like a million dollars!
When you are self-confident, you will look and feel like a million dollars.
Not only will you feel like a million bucks, designer denim is usually better constructed, making your investment last a long while.
Even your simplest work suit should make you feel like a fashion model.
Elegant, chic and oh-so sophisticated, these gowns have the ability to make every one of us feel like Cinderella.
However, the very best way to feel like Cinderella is to choose a dress that is the most appropriate for your shape.
When you tailor clothes, they look and feel like they were made to fit your body, not like you're trying to make your body fit your clothes.
When you pair your sexy overalls with heels and a clutch, you should feel like you can head out on the town-and if you don't, keep shopping for the right pair.
These can make you feel like you're attending a garden party in the 1920s with a modern flair.
The perfect outfit should make you feel like a million bucks when you head out the door.
Wearing sexy outfits can boost your confidence, lift your spirits and, in short, make you feel like a million bucks.
If you're shopping online, think of other items in your closet that you enjoy wearing, the ones that make you feel like the hottest girl in the room.
Single cup coffee makers offer a wonderfully convenient alternative to multi-cup coffee makers and they allow the benefit of enjoying many different types of brews, teas and even hot chocolate whenever you feel like having a cup.
Either way, it is a fun way for players to feel like they are traveling through the United States, learning the names of each state's capital city.
If you get creative with images and wording, your game will feel like it is all yours.
If you're fairly new to candle making and don't feel like spending a ton of money on expensive molds you may only use once or twice, there also are several items in your kitchen that may be repurposed as floating candle molds.
If you don't feel like experimenting, these are perfectly find to use.
People tend to bond over their passion for making soap, so it's no surprise that these folks start to feel like friends.Don't be intimidated if you're new to a forum.
This is an excellent cause to support if you really want to feel like you're making a real difference in the lives of military families in need.
You must be persuasive enough that people feel like they want, or even need to give money after reading your letter.
You receive dozens of phone calls or emails from the organization in a short period of time or you feel like you're being threatened or intimidated into making a donation.
While this may make you feel like you wasted your time, try not to let it interfere with your search.
Make your guests feel like they are vacationing on the beach at your party.
Christmas décor is often what makes a holiday feel like a holiday.
Whether you are young or old, Christmas always makes you feel like a kid at heart.
If someone doesn't celebrate Christmas or just doesn't feel like being part of a gift exchange, he or she should never feel pressured to participate.
Even if you don't feel like being part of an organized effort, you can scour garage sales, thrift stores, and eBay for the perfect costume at an affordable price.
That way, the belly can poke through and the momto-be does not have to feel like she's exposing too much skin.
At its classiest, you can feel like you've stepped back into a previous century.
Bear in mind that you may be tipping into "stupid" rather than weird, but if you need a last minute costume and don't feel like spending money, it's a simple way to go.
Do you ever feel like you do too much laundry?
Such clothing can make you feel like you're a Currier and Ives print come to life.
It's true, you're really only as old as you feel, and if you feel like you still have a lot to offer someone romantically, then by all means, get out there and dive into the seniors dating scene.
You get to find out a lot about the other person from your friend's perspective, so you may actually feel like you know each other a little by the time you finally meet.
For many young people, making them feel like an outcast with a disability.
This is an instant community where your son will not feel like an outsider.
You can stay up as late as you want, eat whatever you want, go out whenever you feel like it.
Do I feel like I am constantly thinking about my specific out-of-control sexual behavior, even when I don't want to?
If you don't ask questions but do all the talking she will feel like you are not interested.
I feel like it's very disrespectful, should I worry or not?
I feel so emotionally drained and I also feel like we don't bring out the best in each other.
I feel like I don't want anything to get taken away from what she and I have built up from some new guy coming in and getting close with her as well.
I feel like I miss him more than he misses me, and have more of a need for physical presence.
It lifts you up so you feel like you can accomplish almost anything.
That is why you feel like you got screwed over.
One of the reasons you may feel like there is something wrong with you (and there is not) may be because you've matured and the guys you have dated haven't.
Adopting this feeling will then cause Virgo not to feel like Libra is lazy.
I didn't want to meet them up in person just online and if I did, it would help me feel like I was loved.
These are only a few of the free date chat online sites you can visit when you feel like meeting someone new but don't feel like going out.
I feel like if we could get past our fears, which I don't know is possible, she will even want to give it another go.
I've gotten to know him pretty well over the last couple months, and I feel like I'm getting a lot of "signs" from him.
We flirt a lot and when we're alone, I feel like he likes me back.
I know that if he has a girlfriend that I should probably back off, but I feel like if I stop liking him then nothing at all will happen.
I feel like there might be something there, but that his relationship status is standing in the way.
I don't want him to feel like he can't do anything because I know that guys need there guy time.
I kind of feel like I'm here on a temporary basis.
I am completely confused and feel like I am being torn apart.
If you feel like you need to get a restraining order, then get one, and do the breaking up through an attorney if necessary.
I do feel like because of our past, trust is a problem.
I still want him to like me and I feel like I let him down or something?
I feel like I've messed everything up by being myself.
At times it will be hard to not personalize the lack of support and not feel like you have some how made a mistake by being honest with yourself and with others.
I know that I started to feel like I was falling in love with him all over again.
I still feel like if I sleep with a few other girls that maybe things would get easier for me, that I could move on.
I just feel like I am spinning my wheels here as far as getting him to be romantic.
He makes me feel like no one else could ever.
I am starting to feel like you're giving me the third degree."
If anyone should feel like a third wheel, it should be him.
The second reaction can sometimes feel like someone just took a knife to your heart.
But there's no reason that this medium shouldn't be used to fight against some of the boredom that can cause people to feel like they're being taken for granted.
Hold your partner's hands while talking, look into his/her eyes, make your partner feel like the only person present.
He wants to feel like he can lean on you too.
If you are going to talk to a girl, do not make her feel like an afterthought.
I feel like we are ready to take the next step.
It may feel like you've talked about it for pages and pages of text - but unless your partner is reading it as well, you're not talking to the most important person who needs to hear what you have to say.
However, the letter writing process may help you feel like you have a little more control over the direction the relationship took.
You might feel like you've known each other a long time, even in the beginning of your relationship.
When financial disasters occur like a loss of savings, loss of a long time job or loss through fraud, a person may experience feelings of inadequacy or may feel like a failure.
However, you continue to make me feel like I am some sort of animal.
After only unpacking once, you can experience multiple destinations without needing to drive or fly again, and the exquisite service between ports makes everyone feel like royalty.
Garrard Jewellers is the oldest jewelry house in the world, and with its esteemed status as the official Crown Jeweller for Britain's royalty, an engagement ring from Garrard is sure to make any bride-to-be feel like a princess.
Choosing a Garrard engagement ring, then, is sure to make any woman feel like royalty long after her wedding day.
By choosing a quality diamond and an impeccable princess cut, any woman will feel like a princess.
Does the Twilight ring feel like your ring or Bella's ring?