Feeds Sentence Examples
Jenn, start intel feeds every thirty minutes starting now.
It feeds exclusively on leaves and branches of bushes and small trees, and chiefly frequents the sides of wood-clad rugged hills.
Use of imported News Feeds (these can be slow and can also distract the viewer ).
Methods of available for continuously feed oil to porous bearing using force feeding or using very simple wick feeds.
The rock wren feeds chiefly in open slopes on mountain ranges.
Observations upon captive specimens have led to the conclusion that it feeds principally on juices, especially of the sugar-cane, which it obtains by tearing open the hard woody circumference of the stalk with its strong incisor teeth; but it is said also to devour certain species of wood-boring caterpillars, which it obtains by first cutting down with its teeth upon their burrows, and then picking them out of their retreat with the claw of its attenuated middle finger.
Among the vegetable-feeding chafers we usually find that while the perfect insect devours leaves, the larva lives underground and feeds on roots.
There is one enormous boa, the maja (Epicrates angulifer), which feeds on pigs, goats and the like, but does not molest man.
The water which bears the oxygen for respiration and the minute organisms upon which the Brachiopod feeds is swept into the mantle cavity by the action of the cilia which cover the arms, and the eggs and excreta pass out into the same cavity.
The sloth (Bradypus) is an arboreal animal which feeds almost exclusively on the foliage of the Cecropias.
AdvertisementA large Mygale found on the island of Siriba, of the Abrolhos group, feeds upon lizards, and has been known to attack and kill young chickens.
It is a widelydistributed species, being found throughout the northern and temperate seas of Europe, Asia and America, extending as far south as Gibraltar, but not entering the Mediterranean, and inhabits water from 25 to 50 fathoms deep, where it always feeds close to the bottom.
Two main lines of railway traverse the valley; that on the south is the main line from Aix-la-Chapelle, Cologne and Dusseldorf to central Germany and Berlin, that on the north feeds the important towns of the Ruhr valley.
The blackbird feeds chiefly on fruits, worms, the larvae of insects and snails, extracting the last from their shells by dexterously chipping them on stones; and though it is generally regarded as an enemy of the garden, it is probable that the amount of damage by it to the fruit is largely compensated for by its undoubted services as a vermin-killer.
Flocks of geese and other birds come to the islands from the north (Bunge and Toll), as also the gull Lestris pomarina, which feeds chiefly on the lemming.
AdvertisementIt feeds chiefly on fruit and roots, but kills sheep, goats, deer, ponies and cattle, and sometimes devours carrion.
Conolophus subcristatus and Amblyrhynchus cristatus inhabit the Galapagos; the former feeds upon cactus and leaves, the latter is semi-marine, diving for the algae which grow below tide-marks.
An interesting species of the last is the leaf-cutting ant (Eciton) which lives in large underground colonies and feeds upon a fungus produced by leaf-cuttings stored in subterranean passages to promote fermentation.
It often feeds on fresh-water turtles; sometimes following the reptiles into the water to effect a capture, it inserts a paw between the shells and drags out the body of the turtle by means of its sharp claws.
In spring the chaffinch is destructive to early flowers, and to young radishes and turnips just as they appear above the surface; in summer, however, it feeds principally on insects and their larvae, while in autumn and winter its food consists of grain and other seeds.
AdvertisementCanadian hogs are fed, as a rule, on feeds suited for the production of what are known as " fleshy sides."
The eria or arrindi moth of Bengal and Assam, Attacus ricini, which feeds on the castor-oil plant, yields seven generations yearly, forming loose flossy orange-red and sometimes white cocoons.
The lion lives chiefly in sandy plains and rocky places interspersed with dense thorn-thickets, or frequents the low bushes and tall rank grass and reeds that grow along the sides of streams and near the springs where it lies in wait for the larger herbivorous animals on which it feeds.
Indeed, the natives are disposed to consider him as in some sort their protector, as he saves their crops from destruction by the wild animals on which he feeds.
In these it remains during great part of the day, emerging at night in search of the herbs on which it feeds.
AdvertisementHoe's first presses were four-feeders, but as many as ten feeds were supplied, as in the case of the two presses built to replace the Applegath machine for The Times, each of which produced about 2000 impressions from each feed, making a total of 20,000 per hour, printed on one side, or from two machines 20,000 sheets printed on both sides.
If some, and not the least essential, of these aspects are quasi-negative, it must be remembered that negations - witness the Unseen, the Unknown, the Infinite of a more advanced theology - are well adapted to supply that mystery on which the religious consciousness feeds with the slight basis of conceptual support it needs.
The tarsier feeds chiefly on insects and lizards, sleeps during the day, but is tolerably active at night, moving chiefly by jumping from place to place; an action for which the structure of its hind-legs seems particularly well adapted.
It consists of the females of Coccus cacti, an insect of the family Coccidae of the order Hemiptera, which feeds upon various species of the Cactaceae, more especially the nopal plant, Opuntia coccinellifera, a native of Mexico and Peru.
It feeds upon the substance of the nut.
The scutellum meanwhile feeds the developing embryo from the endosperm.
One of the best game-birds of the forest is the "crested curassow" (Crax alector), sometimes weighing 12 lb, which feeds on arboreal fruits and rarely comes to the ground.
It is commonly supposed to be capable of prizing limpets from their rock, and of opening the shells of mussels; but, though undoubtedly it feeds on both, further evidence as to the way in which it procures them is desirable.
The opening of the mouth is small, and from it the echidna puts forth its long slender tongue, lubricated with a viscous secretion, by means of which it seizes the ants and other insects on which it feeds.
It feeds on small freshwater animals and soft vegetable matter, and spawns in April or May.
She feeds off the powers of Guardians, so we stripped the Guardians of power.
It's a beading machine that feeds a series of assorted beads onto hair for that boho look.
An inclined channel feeds the silica abrasive to the surface of the test wheel about 2 cm in front of the test-piece.
Heat is abstracted from the ground and feeds into the building heating ventilation air conditioning system.
Technical and financial support from Government to enable farmers to use alternative, sustainable aqua feeds.
For example, several of my feeds are about automotive technology, and some are about science.
This includes backspaces, form feeds, and the like.
Try some of the traditional dry-cured bacon, cut to your own requirements, or chicken fed only on additive free feeds.
This feed has a very nice consistency and unlike some organic feeds doesn't smell too bad either.
If you wish, you can use calculated feeds and speeds but you must look up and enter the relevant data.
Cassegrain telescope feeds is in progress.
Technical training at LCDS directly feeds courses in repertoire and performance studies where students learn solo and group work choreographed by professional choreographed by professional choreographers.
A crib makes a cozy cocoon and is conveniently sized to sit beside your bed for easy night time feeds.
Could RSS feeds become a conduit for the transmission of computer worms?
A digital crossover feeds the multiple digital to analog converters, whose outputs in turn feed the integral power amplifiers.
The low energy density feeds require a large volume plant to process them.
The design is based on a modified log-periodic dipole array with independent feeds to each dipole array with independent feeds to each dipole.
Not, of course, like a modern school teacher, but as the shepherd who leads and feeds the flock.
You will be working in a modern weather office, using the very latest hi-tech meteorological data feeds.
Adjustable knock-off stops were fitted to both longitudinal and cross feeds - the selection of which was by a push-pull knob.
When printing, the paper feeds back to the top-of-form loading position.
Red and white millet mixed are high producers of protein feeds for wild birds.
It does not apply to moist feeds (e.g. brewers grain, silage, liquid molasses, fruit and vegetable waste etc ).
This may sound esoteric but it feeds through into fixed-rate mortgage rates, which have fallen sharply, thus helping support the housing market.
There is little of the obsessive manipulation of money and place that feeds the educational neurosis of the American and British middle classes.
The plant is entirely parasitic on Nettles and feeds on their sap using especially adapted ' suckers ' .
The short form tear-off feature automatically feeds the perforation of continuous paper to the tear-off position of the top cover when printing is complete.
They may start demanding extra feeds outside their normal routine.
In agriculture, margin was adversely impacted in wheat based animal feeds but improved in sugar beet based ruminant feeds.
Lifting the ban on fishmeal in ruminant feeds would play a significant role in making up the anticipated shortfall in protein.
The buttons carry light collecting prisms attached to optical fibers in a 10m cable that directly feeds a spectrograph on the dome floor.
Progress again here has been slow, and news feeds from the club remain sporadic to say the least.
A meandering stream feeds 3 large lakes and the course is planted with mature palms and attractive cactus and sub tropical gardens.
Paddy feeds the swans on a very cold Friday 24th Feb 2006.
A female common blue feeds on birdsfoot trefoil by the rocky path nearby while two male common blues fly over the open ground.
The larvae of this species feeds on milk wort.
Huntly Banks, where "true Thomas" lay and watched the queen's approach, is half a mile west of the Eildon Tree Stone, and on the west side of the hills is Bogle Burn, a streamlet that feeds the Tweed and probably derives its name from his ghostly visitor.
Nothing material is worth a thought; anxiety is folly; your Father, who feeds His birds and clothes His flowers, will feed and clothe you.
Dynamic feeds can be created by querying a suitable database.
On Guam, the colony inhabiting the eastern side of the Naval Magazine feeds over savanna grasslands dominated by Miscanthus and ravine forest.
All NewsGator products synchronize seamlessly, enabling users to read their RSS feeds anywhere, anytime, with any device.
The larva always feeds singly on the pith in the cavity of a teasel seedhead.
You can create aggregate feeds (data merged from multiple logs) to assist with timeline analysis across networked computers.
Their endorsement ' feeds her ego and causes her to lose touch with reality '.
Several examples are given below, and you can also utilize browsers such as Mozilla firefox to read these feeds.
This hatches and feeds on the whitefly larva finally pupating within the empty host skin as a light yellow ' mommy '.
The larvae of this species feeds on Milk wort.
For the first few weeks, the pillow can support baby while he feeds and lies on the floor.
Reduced appetite - refusing feeds or less keen to take a whole feed.
If mom breastfeeds or bottle feeds the baby before or after the ceremony, ask permission to take a discreet photo.
This action feeds the litter through a grid that catches waste clumps and dumps them into a pull-out drawer that you must empty.
As for the food you feed your cat, the recent food recall has taught us that commercial feeds probably aren't as heathy for our pets as we once believed.
Some cards come with usage fees, however; monthly maintenance fees, balance inquiry feeds and ATM fees (for withdrawals) and others all chip away at the balance.
You'll find collections like 1,001 Saints, List of Popes, Art Gallery and even a list of RSS feeds.
The website also includes videos, Flash animation and RSS feeds.
Many of the stores also feature video walls which play live feeds from Hunting Beach, California, which creates the illusion of a surfing environment in stores from one end of the country to the other.
The new plant feeds off of the water and coconut meat inside, until roots also push through and a new palm tree is born.
The media attention can be dangerous for the celebrities involved and there's no question that the general public's constant craving for news and photographs feeds the frenzy even more.
From its humble beginnings as a grocery store brand, to its current status as one of dog breeders' favorite feeds, the manufacturers of this kibble and canned dog food have been at the forefront of canine nutritional research.
Although natural dog foods can be a viable alternative to commercial feeds, you should gradually switch your dog over to this type of diet.
Orijen includes a variety of veterinarian approved herbs and other botanicals to round out the nutritional and therapeutic effects of their feeds.
Violets attract the Great Spangled Fritillary to lay eggs and this type of butterfly later feeds on milkweed, Consider growing violets early in the season.
The Monarch lays eggs as well as feeds off the nectar of milkweed.
The best organic fertilizer is one that feeds the soil, not the plant.
Organic feeds cannot contain these items, nor can they contain grains that are genetically modified in any way.
The People Hub aggregates all of the users social networking feeds and photos, providing one location to view and update content.
This iPhone apps organizer is designed specifically for your web-based applications, including simple bookmarks to your favorite websites and RSS feeds.
When blood supply to a tissue or organ is blocked by an embolism, infarction, or death of the tissue the artery feeds, occurs.
A breast-fed or bottle-fed infant is unable to feed or feeds poorly.
Matt keeps up a semi-regular blog on his website, and like any good media presence, he knows the key to drawing in readers is to pack his entries full of photos and video feeds.
The fire element is associated with the south direction and in the productive cycle, fire feeds earth.
A better choice might be the color red, because fire feeds earth.
First the chi energy falls from the heavens and condenses into water, which nourishes the wood that feeds the fire that tempers the earth and forms metal, which in turn draws water.
Web cams start their live feeds at 7am and end at different times throughout the evening.
Gone are the days of crab feeds and magazine sales, when you can just depend upon a single grant or multiple contributor opportunities to get you through financially.
The waterer feeds the tree the right amount of liquid to keep it fresh and fragrant.
This ultimately feeds into the emotional bond you have for one another.
She gets to feel desired, which feeds her ego in a way that her current live-in can't or isn't.
Again, diversity and variety is what feeds her soul and keeps her excited about life.
The upward energy of air gives fire a sense of direction, just as free oxygen feeds a flame.
Seeing Diego use these tools to seek information feeds the preschoolers' thirst for knowledge.
While the natural and loving act of breastfeeding has many emotional and nutritional benefits, the decision to nurse is entirely personal and should be respected regardless of whether or not a mother breast or bottle feeds.
Ghost Watch provides video feeds from an old linen mill in Ireland that is reported to house the ghost of Helena Blunden, a young lady who fell to her death in 1912.
Besides great updates, you will also receive daily news feeds and have access to message boards so you can gauge the reactions of other diehard fans.
His older brother, Damon, is far more hedonistic and feeds indiscriminately.
However, for many others, getting hold of spoilers only adds to the fun and anticipation of watching the actual episode, and feeds the craving to watch when you are unable to because of a business trip, vacation, or previous engagement.
There is a sort of feedback loop between the two realms, where acceptance in one sphere feeds into acceptance in the other.
Why bite the hand that feeds, when for a little extra you can legally purchase terrific flash and make sure the whole industry remains healthy and viable?
Unlike other watches, the Solaris watch strap feeds under the watch face at one end and over the watch face at the other end, giving an unusual asymmetrical look.
The signal from the atomic clock feeds the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and this transmits the time signal which is picked up by atomic watches.
Set up time is the time it takes for a printer to "burn" a metal plate from typeset originals provided by a customer or in-house typesetter, and adjust his press so that the paper accurately feeds through press rollers.
The desire to lose weight quickly can be detrimental because the process feeds into the cycle of overeating and under-eating.
To combat this, it releases insulin, a powerful hormone that "force feeds" the muscles and liver with excess sugar.
First two singles, "The Hand That Feeds" and "Only" both sold well, and NIN took to the stage for the With Teeth Tour 2005, their first tour to be entirely sold out.
Basically, when you use an RSS reader -- like the free Google Reader -- it automatically updates whenever one of the "feeds" is updated.
With an RSS reader, you can manage multiple feeds from all of your favorite sites.
By subscribing to the appropriate RSS feeds, you won't have to visit several websites at once.
Currently, the official Limewire blog has two RSS feeds.
Some shows also have live, unedited feeds of episodes aired on a different cable channel like Big Brother After Dark.
The only exceptions are during competitions and occasionally when twists are involved; at these times, the feeds are blacked out to preserve the integrity of the broadcasts.
Jim Bob says he feeds the entire family on less than $2,000 a month, and that the clan lives debt-free.
Get the live feeds at the show's official website.
In some countries, Big Brother shower scenes go out over live feeds but never make it into actual episodes, while in other countries, shower scenes - edited or unedited - make it into TV broadcasts if they are relevant to the story line.
If you are looking for live shower footage, check out the live feeds.
In the US, you can watch live feeds online and on Showtime on Big Brother After Dark.
These feeds on itself until physical presence becomes 'icky', a dirty thing.
Louis is the original 'vampire with a soul', who feeds but not to slay, mocked by Lestat for his wishy-washy ways.
True fans watch the show, view live feeds online, and keep up with what is going on with past and current cast members.
The blog also includes links that allow users to subscribe to live feeds of the program.
The blogger has watched every season of the program, as well as the live feeds for each season.
When there is a Big Brother season in progress, you can keep up with everything that is going on in the house via Big Brother Live Feeds.
Pheedo is a feed advertising service that matches advertisers seeking opportunities to advertise in blog feeds that reach readers in their defined target audience with blog publishers who have RSS subscribers within that population.
Approved blog feeds become part of Pheedo's publisher network.
Ads are served to approved blog feeds within the Pheedo network based on advertiser goals.
What are RSS feeds and how they can help streamline communication between a website publisher and user?
Just about every website or blog that offers information, news or advice has syndicated web feeds available.
The feeds usually contain a brief summary of the information with a link back to an associated site for full text.
Some RSS feeds have the complete article or update right in the feed.
This reader checks the subscribers' feeds for new content and downloads any updates.
The feeds are very basic-looking, without graphics or images, for the most part.
Feeds for popular, high traffic sites sometimes have advertising embedded in them.
Feeds will bring visitors back to your site for updates and may also bring in new users as well.
Because you do not give your e-mail address when you register for feeds, you do not put yourself at risk for unwanted spam, viruses or phishing.
The feeds are organized by website so they are easy to find and go through.
As a website publisher, you don't have to worry about the privacy of your visitors because no personal information is used to send or receive the feeds.
Web feeds allows them to get all of their updates in one place -- talk about saving time!
Web feeds, such as RSS, have really revolutionized social networking online by allowing users to read more content in less time.
At the bottom of the page with your search results, you will find links where you can sign up for RSS or Atom feeds.
Visit LoveToKnow Social Networking to learn about the language of social networking, such as RSS Feeds and Web 2.0 and find the best social networking sites for you.
The blogging craze is one of the biggest to hit the web, and your Xanga page has its own blog that incorporates RSS feeds for people to subscribe.
Down the middle of the screen are your news feeds, which is updated each time one of your friends changes their status, someone takes a quiz and publishes the results, or if someone posts photos or videos.
Those three are the main reasons the news feeds usually update.
For example, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post all use Twitter to post their headline feeds.
EasyPodder - Created for Windows and Linux, this is a one-stop shop for podcast production, generating RSS feeds (as .xml files), ID3 tags, and even providing an FTP tool for uploading your podcast.
The biggest criticism seems to be that the people who twitter are saying nothing of importance, and that there is a vast sea of irrelevance among all the twitter feeds.
Most include basic features such as the ability to import current bookmarks, interface enhancements such as CSS and Ajax, and generate RSS feeds.
Unlike a television broadcast, a podcast can be made available through RSS feeds.
Like many social bookmarking sites, these pages have RSS feeds that allow people to follow multiple accounts.
You can automatically publish to an RSS or ATOM or RDF feeds and even upload directly to the iTunes Store.
This updates any RSS feeds and sends out notices to anyone subscribed to your blog.
This WordPress Plugin is a very useful integration tool that feeds your Twitter updates into your Wordpress blog.
Before you can plow your virtual feeds and plant seeds in cyberspace, you will need to set up a Facebook account and download the application.
You can access every facet of the social networking platform, including news and live feeds, user profiles, walls, groups, notifications, and events.
Automated blog posts strip down all of the personality of a blog and instead search for keywords relevant to the blog's topic from RSS feeds.
These feeds come from other blogs, and the automated post generator makes a few small changes before reposting the content to the owner's own blog.
Instead, these blogs are designed to have automated content created around keywords and Really Simple Syndication feeds.
Since most of the content is gleaned from RSS feeds, instead of creating and contributing your own content, you are, at most, rehashing other people's content.
Cancel any blog feeds that you might be using on your account.
Syndicated blog feeds work the same way.
While using RSS feeds is a good way to keep up a supply of fresh content for your readers, it should never replace your own high-quality blog posts.
The good news is that there are other ways to feature feeds on almost any type of blog.
While RSS feeds are a great way for readers to get a variety of information with one simple stop, they have become a bone of contention for some bloggers.
This kind of thing borders on theft, so you should always act responsibly and provide your own content in addition to any feeds you incorporate into your blog from other sources.
Adding multiple Twitter accounts to one interface can also keep it hassle-free to monitor your work and personal Twitter feeds.
The trefoil part of the insignia represents the three parts of the promise, with the vein coming up the middle representing the law that feeds the rest of the credo.
However, space gets used up quicker when you add databases, e-mail folders, images, graphics and audio/video feeds to the mix.
Heavily invested in Web 2.0, Jivaldi offers a full list of web marketing services, from RSS feeds to content development to email marketing.
The "LOLs," as they are called, are updated constantly through RSS feeds, and the search engine uses results from Google, Yahoo!
If you are a webmaster who would like to increase traffic to your website or blog, you may recognize the need to create easy RSS feeds for your website.
While there are many methods you can use to market your website, one of the most effective ways to build a loyal readership over the long term is to offer high quality RSS feeds of your website or blog updates.
When RSS feeds were first created, web designers had to manually create the RSS feed in the form of an XML file, and had to write those files by hand.
Feedity is another tool that will create an RSS feed for any website, and also includes functionality to publish feeds on your own website.
This allows you the ability to maintain the freedom to customize and modify your website however you wish, while enjoying the traffic generating power that RSS feeds typically offer blogs.
Development continued by various groups including Dave Winer until 2000 when he released a major upgrade in RSS feeds.
At the same time, people use "feed readers" (such as Google Reader or Newsgator) which are programs (or sites) that constantly monitor the RSS feeds from their favorite sites.
Food is served in two portion sizes - small feeds two to three people, and large is enough for six.
It is of nocturnal and burrowing habits, and feeds on decomposed animal substances, larvae and termites.
The metabolic changes in the cells, however, concern other decompositions side by side with those which involve the building up of protoplasm from the products of which it feeds.
The male of the hornbills, Bucerotinae, feeds his mate, which is imprisoned, or walled-up in a hollow tree, during the whole time of incubation, by regorging his food.
The hoactzin, Opisthocomus, feeds to a great extent upon the leaves of the aroid Montrichardia or Caladium arborescens.
There it feeds first as an internal parasite of the waspgrub, then bores its way out, moults and devours the wasp larva from outside.
The foundress of the nest lays eggs and at first feeds and rears the larvae, the earliest of which develop into workers.
Argyroneta feeds principally upon flies or gnats, which it seizes from below as they light upon the surface of the water.
Though the fondness of this species for the seeds of flax (Linum) and hemp (Cannabis) has given it its common name in so many European languages,' it feeds largely, if not chiefly in Britain on the seeds of plants of the order Compositae, especially those growing on heaths and commons.
It feeds on mackerel, pilchards and herrings and, following the shoals, is often caught by fishermen in the nets along with its prey.
It has been shown that this parasite feeds upon the blood, not the bile of its host, though it occurs mainly in the bile ducts.
It grows to a length of 5 ft., climbs extremely well, feeds chiefly on mice, and becomes very tame.
It grows rarely to a length of 4 ft.; it never bites, and feeds chiefly on frogs, toads and fishes, but mice are never taken.
The Semite or savage who sets up a sacred stone or Bethel believes indeed that a divine power or influence enters the stone and dwells in it, and he treats the stone as if it were the god, kisses it, anoints it with oil, feeds the god in it by pouring out over it the blood of victims slain.
A diggingwasp hunts for insect prey and buries it with the egg, while a true wasp feeds her brood with captured insects, as a bird her fledglings.
The female, instead of provisioning her burrow with a supply of food that will suffice the larva for its whole life, brings fresh flies with which she regularly feeds her young.
As is the case with other water-bugs, this insect is predaceous and feeds upon aquatic grubs or worms. The body is richly supplied with long hairs, which serve to entangle bubbles of air for purposes of respiration.
The Cynthia moth, Attacus cynthia, is domesticated as a source of silk in certain provinces of China, where it feeds on the Ailanthus glandulosa.
Moonga silk from Antheraea assama has generally a rather darkbrown colour, but that appears to be much influenced by the leaves on which the worm feeds, the cocoons obtained on the champaca tree (Michelia champaca) giving a fine white fibre much valued in Assam.
Chaetoderma, of which nine species have been described, has similar habits and distribution, but feeds chiefly on Protozoa.
The herd never feeds without having a sentinel posted on some prominence to give notice of the approach of danger; which is done by stamping on the ground with the forefeet, and uttering a shrill whistling note, thus putting the entire herd on the alert.
The parasitic Histriodritus (Histriobdella) feeds on the eggs of the lobster.
Ausonius could still reckon Catana and fourfold Syracuse (" quadruplices Syracusas ") among the noble cities; but Sicily is not, like Gaul, rich in relics of later Roman life, and it is now Egypt rather than Sicily that feeds Rome.
Without being very plentiful anywhere, it is generally distributed in suitable localities throughout its range - those localities being such as afford it a sufficient supply of food, consisting during the greater part of the year of insects, which it diligently seeks on the boles and larger limbs of old trees; but in autumn and winter it feeds on nuts, beech-mast, the stones of yew-berries and hard seeds.
Hygieia, goddess of health, passed for his daughter, and is commonly identified with the woman in Greek art who feeds a serpent out of a saucer.
By preference the condor feeds on carrion, but it does not hesitate to attack sheep, goats and deer, and for this reason it is hunted down by the shepherds, who, it is said, train their dogs to look up and bark at the condors as they fly overhead.
The animal lives mostly underground, burrowing in soft earth, and feeds on ants and other small animals.
The flesh feeds on the body and blood of Christ, that the soul also may be filled and sated with God.
It feeds on small fish and on the animal refuse that floats on the sea, eating to such excess at times that it is unable to fly and rests helplessly on the water.
Most of the streams maintain a good flow of water in the driest seasons, and in case of heavy rains many of them " underflow " the adjacent bottom lands, saturating the permeable substratum of the country with the surplus water, which in time drains out and feeds the subsiding streams. This feature is particularly true of the Saline, Solomon and Smoky Hill rivers.
The drivers side battery feeds the hot side of the car up to the starter solenoid off its negative post.