Feeders Sentence Examples
Here the con ductor should be led along the highest end or side of the meadow in an inclined plane; should it terminate in the meadow, its end should be made to taper when there are no feeders, or to terminate in a feeder.
Carmen poured grain into the feeders and the smell of oats and honey brought a tidal wave of goats into the barn.
They are vegetable feeders, both in the perfect and larval stages, and are often highly injurious.
Owing to their great height these three ranges receive heavier rainfall than the surrounding country and are feeders to the northern valleys, which constitute the chief agricultural region of the state.
It receives several feeders, and falls into the Trent near Repton.
Under such conditions of supply, however, the root-crops, gross feeders as they are, and distributing a very large extent of fibrous feeding root within the soil, avail themselves of a much larger quantity of the nitrogen supplied than the cereal crops would do in similar circumstances.
In 1875, at Taunton, special prizes were awarded for onehorse and two-horse mowing-machines, hay-making machines, horse-rakes (self-acting and not self-acting), guards to the drums of threshing-machines, and combined guards and feeders to the drums of threshing-machines.
The last-named lake has now been almost entirely dried up by the cutting of a channel, which conducts its feeders directly to the Orontes.
It has few feeders and none of any size.
Auriferous sands, but not very rich, have been discovered in the feeders of Lake Hanka and the Suifong river, as also on the smaller islands of the Gulf of Peter the Great.
AdvertisementThe principal trunk lines (the Sao Paulo and Paulista) have a broad gauge, while their extensions and feeders have a narrow gauge.
Besides these there are other companies engaged in the coasting and river traffic, either with subsidies from the state governments, as feeders for railway lines, or as private unsubsidized undertakings.
In England directly-heated coal furnaces are still in common use, which in many cases are stoked by mechanical feeders.
Great improvements have been made in the means of feeding the mills with canes by doing away with hand labour and substituting mechanical feeders or rakes, which by means of a simple steam-driven mechanism will rake the canes from the cane waggons on to the cane-carriers.
In Louisiana the use of mechanical feeders is almost universal.
AdvertisementThe remaining feeders are of distinctly less importance, the Lofu, which enters in the south-west, being probably the largest.
The chief feeders of Lake Rukwa are the Saisi and the Rupa-Songwe.
Most of them are insectivorous, but a few are almost entirely vegetable feeders.
On the Lednock are the falls of the Devil's Cauldron and on the Turret and its feeders several graceful cascades.
Among the chief feeders of the Oder are the Malapane, the Glatzer Neisse, the Katzbach and the Bartsch; the Bober and Queiss flow through Silesia, but join the Oder beyond the frontier.
AdvertisementFrom this point the traveller followed a general south-westerly direction around the heads of all the feeders of the upper Dre chu, and thence into the lake region of northern central Tibet, crossing Bonvalot's route south of the Chi-chang t'so and that of Bower a few days farther south.
The beds are watered by " feeders," that is, channels gradually tapering to the lower extremities, and their crowns cut down, wherever these are placed.
The depth of the feeders depends on their width, and the width on their length.
The water overflowing from the feeders down the sides of the beds is received into small drains formed in the furrows between the beds.
These small drains discharge themselves into the main drain, and are in every respect the reverse of the feeders.
AdvertisementThe depth of the feeders is the same in relation to the conductor.
For the more equal distribution of the water over the surface of the beds from the conductor and feeders, small masses, such as stones or solid portions of earth or turf fastened with pins, are placed in them, in order to retard the momentum which the water may have acquired.
Heaps of stones answer very well for stops in the conductor, particularly immediately below the points of junction with the feeders.
The descent of the water in the feeders will no doubt necessarily increase in rapidity, but the inclination of the beds and the tapering of the feeders should be so adjusted as to counteract the increasing rapidity.
Let the stript ground then be neatly formed with the spade and barrow, into beds varying in breadth and shape according to the nature of the soil and the dip of the ground - the feeders from the conductor and the small drains to the main drain being formed at the same time.
The water should be let on, and trial made of the work, whenever it is finished, and the motion of the water regulated by the introduction of a stop in the conductors and feeders where a change in the motion of the current is observed, beginning at the upper end of the meadow.
The points which require constant attention are - the perfect freedom of all carriers, feeders and drains from every kind of obstruction, however minute; the state and amount of water in the river or stream, whether it be sufficient to irrigate the whole area properly or only a part of it; the length of time the water should be allowed to remain on the meadow at different periods of the season; the regulation of the depth of the water, its quantity and its rate of flow, in accordance with the temperature and the condition of the herbage; the proper times for the commencing and ending of pasturing and of shutting up for hay; the mechanical condition of the surface of the ground; the cutting out of any very large and coarse plants, as docks; and the improvement of the physical and chemical conditions of the soil by additions to it of sand, silt, loam, `` chalk, &c.
Even with a river supply fairly constant in level and always abundant, no attempt should be made to force on a larger volume of water than the feeders can properly distribute and the drains adequately remove, or one part of the meadow will be deluged and another stinted.
When this inequality of irrigation once occurs, it is likely to increase from the consequent derangement of the feeders and drains.
This is, of course, due to the excess of evaporation over the amount of water supplied by its two feeders, the Amu-darya and the Syrdarya, both of which are seriously drawn upon for irrigation in all the oases they flow through.
But many automatic feeders have been invented from time to time, which for the many purposes for which they are suitable must be reckoned part of a modern printing establishment.
The species of Charybdaea are stated to be quick and active in their movements and to be voracious feeders.
The Copper, the Susitna and its tributary, the Yentna, as well as the Skwentna, a tributary of the Yentna from the west, all run through picturesque canyons, and their upper courses are characterized by glacial and torrential feeders.
Even if the Augustinian stream is the main current of Western piety, there are feeders and also side-currents.
In the early spring the existence of a lake could only be certified by pools or hollows of water formed at the mouths of the principal feeders, such as the Khash Rud on the north-east, the Farah Rud on the north-west, and the Helmund, where its old bed terminates at no great distance from the Khash Rud.
A seasoning of ground fenugreek or spice is sometimes given to shy feeders to encourage them to eat.
The Loup system is remarkable for the even dip of its parallel feeders, which once joined the Platte separately, until the latter banked up its deposits across the mouths of their more sluggish currents.
About nine-tenths of Prussian Saxony belongs to the basin of the Elbe, the chief feeders of which within the province are the Saale, with its tributary the Unstrut, and the Mulde, but a small district on the west drains into the Weser.
Occasionally a deer would wander under the shelter and eat some of it, but the J-shaped feeders protected most of it.
Jackals are opportunistic feeders who are equally at home hunting small antelope or scavenging at larger kills.
Almost all of the other bivalves are deposit feeders.
Researchers were surprised to see even blackbirds, normally strict ground feeders, tucking in.
In the wild, tortoises are opportunistic feeders and they will on occasion tackle carrion and dung.
A female chaffinch was seen once at the weekend on the ground in the garden, she has not been seen at the feeders.
It is an ideal food for all filter feeders such as Fan worms, sponges soft corals and many more.
Lacewing adults and larvae are voracious feeders on aphids.
The hummingbird feeders which are also on the balcony mean you get to see these tiny hovering jewels just inches away.
Bottom feeders are those fish that spend most of their time at the base of the aquarium, including loach and catfish.
We set off along the picturesquely named Devils Gorge, having already seen nuthatch on the feeders by the visitor center.
All species love this very nutritious feed, ideal for hanging feeders.
After weaning, pigs are fed using Pioneer feeders for 13 days, then move straight onto the home produced liquid weaner diet.
The cows when housed just get fed grass silage together with a few kg of meal fed using out of parlor feeders.
Red squirrel and common woodland birds, including tree creepers and great-spotted woodpeckers, visit our feeders daily.
The East or Hampshire Avon rises in Wiltshire south of Marlborough, and watering the Vale of Pewsey collects feeders from the high downs between Marlborough and Devizes.
They are most ravenous feeders, stripping bushes and trees completely of their foliage, and even fruit.
The rich lowlands, between the Downs and the Forest Ridges to the south (which themselves extend into Kent), watered by the upper Medway and its feeders, are called the Vale of Kent, and fall within the district well known under the name of the Weald.
The quiver tip section is ideal for feeder fishing on big rivers and will handle feeders of 3oz plus.
Just do n't encourage them into the garden by hanging out non squirrel proof bird feeders.
Grays are destructive feeders due to their habit of stripping bark, which will often ring and kill younger trees.
He occasionally offers her a morsel of food, which she takes, tho she is often on the sunflower hearts and suet feeders.
The Government did, however, assist swill feeders in other ways.
As they are weaned onto food suitable to small salmon, the fry become free swimming rather than bottom feeders.
The garden and lawn ornament store Harper's provides online sales of seasonal, religious and holiday ornaments, plus pedestals, birdbaths and feeders, and even human figurines.
They are also gross feeders and impoverish the soil.
Moutans are gross feeders, and amply repay generous treatments with occasional top-dressings of half-decomposed cow manure.
Attract birds by placing bird feeders close to infested areas.
They're heavy feeders, and if not kept well fed they might not produce berries.
You can harvest the seeds and use them in bird feeders throughout the winter to attract cardinals, blue jays and other beautiful birds to the garden.
They're also heavy feeders, and require rich, well drained soil.
Strawberries tend to be heavy feeders and need rich, well-drained soil.
The two types of hunting options avaialbe at this facility are (1) spot and stalk, and (2)stands over corn feeders.
Hummingbird feeders are easy to maintain and with your own hummingbird food recipe, you can have an endless supply of food and hummingbirds.
Hummingbird nectar is usually found in flowers that are colored pink, red, or orange, which is why hummingbird feeders are colored similarly.
Milk jugs-Use these to make bird feeders, small gardens, watering cans, ball catchers, and piggy banks.
Set up is the time it takes to burn the plates, adjust the paper rollers and feeders, and create an ink color that matches the design.
From wind chimes to bird feeders, there are a variety of crafts that you can create.
To a geographical distribution of the widest extent, Diptera add a range of habits of the most diversified nature; they are both animal and vegetable feeders, an enormous number of species acting, especially in the larval state, as scavengers in consuming putrescent or decomposing matter of both kinds.
The Rusizi, the next (or perhaps equal) in importance among the feeders of the lake, has already been spoken of.