Feathery Sentence Examples
For cutting, its light feathery sprays are useful.
The deep green leaves are finely cut and give a feathery appearance.
I. Gerardiana is a pretty plant which may be grown as a bush or against a wall, which it clothes gracefully with feathery leaves, towards the close of summer, bearing small Pea-like bright pink blooms.
Once you've selected your color, remember to use a light hand and short feathery strokes.
This pappus is either simple (pilose) or feathery (plumose).
It has feathery, gray green arching leaves, with very small flowers and yellow /red edible fruits.
On emerging from the egg, the tadpoles have feathery external gills.
Love Grass (Eragrostis) - Grasses, some of which are worth cultivating for their elegant feathery panicles.
Our native M. effusum is worth cultivating for its feathery plumes.
It blooms about mid-summer, the small white flowers being borne in dense feathery clusters.
AdvertisementPennisetum - P. longistylum is one of the most elegant of grasses, 1 to 1 1/2 feet high; the flower-spikes, borne on slender stems, are from 4 to 6 inches long, of singular twisted form, and enveloped in a purplish feathery down.
With us it grows from 3 to 5 feet, makes a dense bush, bearing in summer white, sweet-scented flowers in feathery spikes.
The plant is evergreen, and forms masses of firm leathery leaves from which issue dainty feathery plumes of creamywhite flowers late in spring.
American species will be found useful for mixed herbaceous borders, having rich green foliage and white feathery flower-heads in May and June.
Whether they feel a real affinity with heavenly bodies, or it's just wishful thinking on their part, a lot of tat enthusiasts have a feathery wing inked on each blade.
AdvertisementOver time as the leakage continues, the buildup grows and hardens resembling feathery limestone crystals.
The Angels always wear trademark wings, but they can vary from the feathery white wings to those for butterflies or devils.
Lankha's hands were covered in what felt like soft, feathery, cool micro-suede.
He smoothed out her hair and finally rested a feathery hand on her eyes, easing her into a restless sleep that didn't last long enough.
The pair of barren glumes (b) are separated from the flowering glume, which bears a long awn, twisted below the knee and feathery above.
AdvertisementLess absolute characters, but generally trustworthy and more easily observed, are the feathery stigmas, the always distichous arrangement of the glumes, the usual absence of more general bracts in the inflorescence, the split leaf-sheaths, and the hollow, cylindrical, jointed culms - some .or all of which are wanting in all Cyperaceae.
Within these are three stamens surrounding a compressed ovary, with two feathery stigmas.
These curious appendages (Aphlebiae), at first regarded as parasitic growths, have been compared with the feathery outgrowths which occur on the rachis in the Cyatheaceous genus Hemitelia, and with the 'anomalous pinnules found in certain species of Gleichenia, at the points of bifurcation of the frond.
They all had Lankha.s flat face, no nose, bug eyes, and scrawny little bodies with feathery hands.
Ingrid claimed to hire an ugly, old assistant, but the woman concerned more about the stain on his shirt than being around a vampire was enchanting, with long, loose blonde curls, olive-tinted skin and feathery eyelashes that set off striking gray eyes.
AdvertisementThese discount birdhouses are well crafted and exquisitely designed to bring years of nesting pleasure for your feathery friends.
The Liaoning fauna has given us a unique glimpse into a world where a variety of feathery, theropod dinosaurs lived side by side.
Platies are prone to nibbling at plants, so very feathery foliage may disintegrate rapidly.
It has finely divided, almost feathery leaves, and tiny flowers that form a cluster.
The green feathery foliage grows rapidly; can stand crowding.
Unlike with creeping thistle, the feathery pappus is attached firmly to the seed.
Calcite crystals, drusy, feathery or fern-like, line the sides and bottom of every water-filled cavity, and indeed constitute the sub stance of which they are made.
Use short, feathery strokes, rather than drawing one continuous line.
The best mascara for short lashes helps give stubby lashes a long, feathery look.
The last-named kind has delicate feathery foliage.
C. cordifolia attains 3 to 4 feet high, giving erect feathery plumes of whitish flowers.
C. racemosa (Black Snakeroot), 3 to 8 feet high, with feathery racemes of white blossoms 1 to 3 feet long, which, being slender, droop gracefully; but the plants generally are not of much garden value.
The flowers appear in panicles at the ends of the shoots, and in this case every growth is bearing its feathery head of blossoms, so that they arch out in a singularly graceful manner.
Canadian Moonseed (Menispermum) - M. canadense is a hardy climber of rapid growth, having slender, twining, large roundish leaves, in summer bearing long feathery clusters of yellowish flowers.
Each of the numerous flowers has at its base a tuft of long silky hairs, which contribute greatly to the feathery lightness of the whole.
German Tamarisk (Myricaria) - M. germanica is an elegant shrub, hardly differing from the common Tamarisk of our sea-coasts, with feathery foliage and many long plume-like clusters of small pink flowers.
G. elegans is a graceful feathery annual much used for bouquets.
Hordeum - Grasses, of which the Barley is the most familiar type, few of ornamental value except H. jubatum (Squirrel-tail Grass), which has long feathery spikes.
Humea - A very graceful halfhardy biennial, 3 to 8 feet high, H. elegans having large leaves with a strong odour, and forming, when in flower, an elegant feathery pyramid of reddish-brown blossoms.
There are three kinds; each forms a tuft of finely-cut feathery foliage, and has slender flower spikes from 2 to 3 feet high, thickly set with flowers that open in succession.
The tiny bright yellow flowers come during July in large feathery heads.
D. chinense is distinct from other Larkspurs, and is neat and rather dwarf in growth, having finely cut feathery foliage, and freely producing spikes of large blossoms, usually of a rich blue-purple, but sometimes white.
Mayweed (Matricaria) - Weeds, excepting the double variety of M. inodora, which is a pretty plant with feathery foliage somewhat like Fennel, and with large white flowers, perfectly double.
He took her hand gently in his feathery, cool hands and pressed a finger to the inside of her forearm.
The small flowers or spikelets are borne in pairs on the ultimate branches of a much branched feathery plume-like terminal grey inflorescence, 2 ft.
Oaks and wild prunus, wild vines and sumachs, various kinds of maple, the dOdan (Enkianthus Japonicus Hook.)a wonderful bush which in autumn develops a hue of ruddy redbirches and other trees, all add multitudinous colors to the brilliancy of a spectacle which is further enriched by masses of feathery bamboo.
The tentacles may number many hundreds or may be very few, in rare cases only one or two, or even absent altogether; they may be long and filamentous, or short and reduced to mere knobs or warts; they may be simple and unbranched, or they may be feathery in pattern.
In this way are formed the familiar feathery colonies of Plumularia, in which the pinnules are all in one plane, while in the allied Antennularia the pinnules are arranged in whorls round the main biserial stem.
Within these are six stamens, a hairy ovary surmounted by two feathery styles which ripens into the fruit (grain), and which is invested by the husk formed by the persistent glume and pale.
The plant is monoecious, producing the staminate (male) flowers in a large feathery panicle at the summit, and the (female) dense spikes of flowers, or " cobs," in the axils of the leaves below, the long pink styles hanging out like a silken tassel.
The stout horizontally spreading branches give a cedar-like appearance; the foliage is light and feathery; the leaves and the slender shoots which bear them fall in the autumn.
The stamens are placed round the base of the ovary, which is rounded or oblong, much smaller than the glumes, covered with down, and surmounted by two short styles, extending into feathery brush-like stigmas.