Feathers Sentence Examples
Insects and bats have no feathers, and yet fly well.
The feathers and wings of birds are still drier and thinner leaves.
The puffin is most commonly taken for its feathers.
The former, for instance, has three instead of two toes on each foot, it has no apparent tail, its wings are far better developed, and when folded cover the body, and its head and neck are clothed with feathers, while internal distinctions of still deeper significance have since been 1 What prompted his bestowal of this name, so well known in classical mythology, is not apparent.
The two centre tail feathers attain a length of 34 in., and, being destitute of webs, have a thin wire-like appearance.
The Miocene has yielded by far the greatest number of bird-bones, including even eggs and imprints of feathers.
In these " Fragments," apparently his earliest productions, we find him engaged on the subject with which his name will always be especially identified, the structure and arrangement of feathers.
The highest point of elaboration in colour, pattern and form is shown by the great eye-painted tail feathers.
The whole body is covered with a thick coat of short nestling feathers, pure white in colour.
Use large plumes of white feathers around your centerpiece and introduce silver and blue glassware and ornaments.
AdvertisementCostumes for this dance are as bright and colorful as the feathers of the birds it emulates.
In the northern ports there is a similar but smaller trade and one also in ostrich feathers.
This splendid plumage, however, belongs only to the adult males, the females being exceedingly plain birds of a nearly uniform dusky brown colour, and possessing neither plumes nor lengthened tail feathers.
The crest consists of six or eight narrow and elongated feathers, turned slightly upwards at the end, and is usually carried in a horizontal position, extending in the cock beyond the middle of the back; but it is capable of being erected so as to become nearly vertical.
In one of the most esteemed varieties, the wing and tail feathers are at first black - a peculiarity, however, which disappears after the first moulting.
AdvertisementBut these are only surmises, based upon the fact that in various dry caves limbs still surrounded by the mummified flesh and skin, feathers, and even eggs with the inner membrane, have been found.
The feathers have a large after-shaft which is of the size of the other half, likewise in agreement with the Australian Ratitae, while in the others, including the kiwis, the after-shaft is absent.
The artificers in gold and silver melted the metals by means of a reed-blowpipe and cast them solid or hollow, and were also skilled in hammered work and chasing, as some fine specimens remain to show, though the famous animals modelled with gold and silver, fur, feathers and scales have disappeared.
In winter of a nearly uniform ash-grey above and white beneath, in summer the feathers of the back are black, with deep rust-coloured edges, and a broad black belt occupies the breast.
It is chiefly composed of moss and wool, lined internally with grass, wool, feathers, and whatever soft material the locality affords.
AdvertisementThe mamo (Drepanis pacifica) has large golden feathers on its back; it is now very rare, and is seldom found except on Mauna Loa, Hawaii, about 4000 ft.
The most obvious feature the Apteryges afford is the presence of a back toe, while the extremely aborted condition of the wings, the position of the nostrils - almost at the tip of the maxilla - and the absence of an after-shaft in the feathers, are characters nearly as manifest, and others not less determinative, though more recondite, will be found on examination.
Externally the most striking feature of the bird is its head, armed with a powerful beak that it well knows how to use, and its face clothed with hairs and elongated feathers that sufficiently resemble the physiognomy of an owl to justify the generic name bestowed upon it.
The exports include cattle, hides, skins, wool and ostrich feathers.
In the case of the ptarmigan the evidence is clear that the existing autumnal feathers do change, more or less completely, to white.
AdvertisementIn some cases, as in all the varying hares, in addition to the eyes retaining their normal pigmentation, areas similar in extent and situation to those on the Himalayan rabbits also retain their pigmentation; and in the ptarmigan there is a black band on each side of the head stretching forwards and backwards from the eyeball, and the outer tail feathers are black.
This bird is still more beautifully coloured than the chaffinch - especially in summer, when, the brown edges of the feathers being shed, it presents a rich combination of black, white and orange.
Occasionally turkeys, the cocks especially, occur with a top-knot of feathers, and one of them was figured by Albin in 1738.
This curious variability, deserving more attention than it has yet received, only occurs in the outer feathers of the series, which are narrow in form and extremely stiff, there being always 10 in the middle of ordinary breadth.
A similar sound may be made by affixing those feathers to the end of a rod and drawing them rapidly downwards in the same position as they occupy in the bird's tail while it is performing the feat.
There are no orders for natives, and such distinctions as are conferred by the different coloured buttons of the mandarins, the grades indicated by the number of peacocks' feathers, the gift of the yellow jacket and the like, are rather insignia of rank or personal marks of honour than orders, whether of knighthood or merit, in the European sense.
The species are all characterized by short rudimentary wings, bearing four or five barbless shafts, a few inches long, and apparently useless for purposes of flight, of running, or of defence; and by loosely webbed feathers, short on the neck, but of great length on the rump and back, whence they descend over the body forming a thick hair-like covering.
The young lack the ornamental plume, and in them the head and neck are clothed with short black feathers, while the bill is yellow.
Alternations of the brighter colours are also displayed in the feathers of the throat, breast and tail-coverts, so as to be in like manner characteristic of the species, and in several the bare space round the eye is yellow, green, blue or lilac. The sexes are alike in coloration, the males being largest.
In this the feathers of the top of the head are very singular, looking like glossy curled shavings of black horn or whalebone, the effect being due to the dilatation of the shaft and its coalescence with the consolidated barbs.
Some of the feathers of the straw-coloured throat and cheeks partake of the same structure, but in a less degree, while the subterminal part of the lamina is of a lustrous pearly-white.
The chief wealth of the people consists in the gum obtained from the grey acacias, in oxen, camels and ostrich feathers.
All the trade with Darfur passes through the town, the chief commerce being in cattle, feathers, ivory and cotton goods.
The wings are short and rounded, and in some forms the feathers ' Brisson and after him Linnaeus confounded this bird, which they had never seen, with the Trumpeter.
A tuft of black, bristly feathers projects beardlike from the base of the mandible, and gives the bird one of its commonest epithets in many languages.
In the young of the year the whole head, neck and throat are clothed in dull black, and most of the feathers of the mantle and wing-coverts are broadly tipped and mesially streaked with tawny or lightish-grey.
In habits it resembles the northern bird, from which it differs in little more than wanting the black stripe below the eye and having the lower part of the tarsus bare of feathers.
Ammon is figured of human form, wearing on his head a plain deep circlet from which rise two straight parallel plumes, perhaps representing the tail feathers of a hawk.
In Northern Nigeria up to the moment of the British occupation the foreign trade was chiefly in the hands of Tripoli Arabs whose caravans crossed the desert at great risk and expense, and carried to the markets of Kuka and Kano tea, sugar and other European goods, taking away the skins and feathers which constituted the principal articles of export to the Mediterranean coast.
Salt and " potash " are imported from Absen in the Sahara; and ivory, ostrich feathers and leather goods are exported to Tripoli.
With the increase of transport facilities it is probable that the trade with the Mediterranean coasts will also be diverted to the south, and profitable minor branches of trade would be formed in leather, ostrich feathers, gums, fibres, &c. The imports from Great Britain, which come via Forcados, are mostly cotton goods, provisions and hardware.
Gum, ivory, hides, and ostrich feathers from the Sudan, cotton and sugar from Upper Egypt, indigo and shawls from India and Persia, sheep and tobacco from Asiatic Turkey, and European manufactures, such as machinery, hardware, cutlery, glass, and cotton and woollen goods, are the more important articles.
These neossoptiles or first feathers bear no resemblance to those of the Anseriform birds, but agree in detail with those of spoonbills, the young of which the little flamingos resemble to a striking extent, but they leave the nest soon after their birth to shift for themselves like ducks and geese.
The remiges and rectrices indicate perfect feathers, with shaft and complete vanes which were so neatly finished that they must have possessed typical radii and hooklets.
It has the same moderately long, plump body, with a low dorsal crest, the continuation of the membrane bordering the strongly compressed tail; a large thick head with small eyes without lids and with a large pendent upper lip; two pairs of well-developed limbs, with free digits; and above all, as the most characteristic feature, three large appendages on each side of the back of the head, fringed with filaments which, in their fullest development, remind one of black ostrich feathers.
The other centres of population are Shingeti, Wadan and Ujeft, Shingeti being the chief commercial centre, whence caravans take to St Louis gold-dust, ostrich feathers and dates.
When going to solemn ceremonies he is carried on the sedia, a portable chair of red velvet with a high back, and escorted by two flabelli of peacock feathers.
All these guinea fowls except the last are characterized by having the crown bare of feathers and elevated into a bony "helmet," but there is another group (to which the name Guttera has been given) in which a thick tuft of feathers ornaments the top of the head.
The subscription controversy was then agitating the university, and Paley published an anonymous Defence of a pamphlet in which Bishop Law had advocated the retrenchment and simplification of the Thirty-nine Articles; he did not, however, sign the petition (called the "Feathers" petition from being drawn up at a meeting at the Feathers tavern) for a relaxation of the terms of subscription.
This name in seamen's ornithology applies to several other kinds of birds, and, though perhaps first given to those of this group, is nowadays most commonly used for the species of Tropic-Bird, the projecting middle feathers of the tail in each kind being intent, "Dunghunters."
Birds of either phase of plumage pair indiscriminately, and the young show by their earliest feathers whether they will prove whole or parti-coloured; but in their immature plumage the upper surface is barred with pale reddish brown.
Having been conducted to the Afghan camp, he fixed, the royal plume of feathers on the young rebels turban Malmmud S with his own handS and 4000 Afghans were ordered to Usurpation.
The Sudan produce (ivory, ostrich feathers, &c.) formerly brought to Bengazi by caravan, has now been almost wholly diverted to Tripoli, the eastern tracks from Wadai and Borku by way of Kufra to Aujila having become so unsafe that their natural difficulties are no longer worth braving.
Wool, mohair and ostrich feathers were the chief exports, the only mineral exported being copper (from the Namaqualand mines).
Of the exports raw gold was valued at £33,303,000, diamonds at £6,370,000, wool at £3,728,000 and ostrich feathers at £2,091,000.
The head and neck are destitute of feathers, and the former, which is much flattened above, is in the male crowned with a caruncle or comb, while the skin of the latter in the same sex lies in folds, forming a wattle.
The adult plumage is of a uniform black, with the exception of a frill of white feathers nearly surrounding the base of the neck, and certain wing feathers which, especially in the male, have large patches of white.
The white ruff on the neck, and the similarly coloured feathers of the wing, do not appear until the completion of the first moulting.
Feather-Market Hall, where are held the sales of ostrich feathers, seats 5000 persons.
The exports are mainly the products of the eastern part of the Cape province, the most important being ostrich feathers, wool and mohair.
Wheat, barley, eggs, butter, oilcake, hides, tallow, leather, tobacco, rugs, feathers and other items add considerably to the total value of the exports, which increased from 14 million sterling in 1851-1860 to 8-14 millions sterling in 1901-1905.
This bird inhabits the lagoons and swamps of Paraguay and Southern Brazil, where it is called " Chaja " or " Chaka," and is smaller than the preceding, wanting its " horn," but having its head furnished with a dependent crest of feathers; while the plumage is grey.
Feathers even are not necessary to flight.
It in fact ensures that the wing, and the curtain or fringe of the wing which the primary and secondary feathers form, shall be screwed into and down upon the wind in extension, and unscrewed or withdrawn from the wind during flexion.
That this shape is intimately associated with flight is apparent from the fact that the rowing feathers of the wing of the bird are every one of them distinctly spiral in their nature; in fact, one entire rowing feather is equivalent - morphologically and physiologically - to one entire insect wing.
The wing is really eccentric in its nature, a remark which applies also to the rowing feathers of the bird's wing.
Short axis of rowing feathers of wing.
Long axis of rowing feathers of wing.
The rotation of the rowing feathers on The rapidity of travel of the insect wing is in some cases enormous.
Here the cork, in falling, acts upon the feathers (which are to all 'f intents and purposes wings), g and these in turn act upon FIG.
This author, distinguished alike as a physiologist, mathematician and mechanician, describes and figures a bird with artificial wings, each of which consists of a rigid rod in front and flexible feathers behind.
The chief articles of export are coffee, skins, ivory, civet, ostrich feathers, gum, pepper, kat plant (used by Moslems for its stimulating properties), gold (in small quantities) and live stock.
Trade is in wool and feathers.
The staple exports are diamonds, gold (from the Witwatersrand mines), wool, copper ore, ostrich feathers, mohair, hides and skins.
In the same year (1905) 471,024 lb of ostrich feathers were exported valued at £1,081,187.
His deep chestnut head and throat are diversified on either side by a line of buff, which, springing from the gape, runs upward to the eye, in front of which it forms a fork, one prong passing backward above and the other below, enclosing a dark glossy-green patch, and both losing themselves in the elongated feathers of the hind-head and nape.
The African golden-moles (Chrysochloris), the desmans or water-moles (Myogale), and the West African Potamogale velox, are remarkable as being the only mammals whose hair reflects those iridescent tints so common in the feathers of tropical birds.
The Papuan loves personal adornment and loses no chance of dressing himself up. His chief home-made ornaments are necklaces, armlets and ear-rings of shells, teeth or fibre, and cassowary, cockatoo, or bird of paradise feathers - the last two, or a flower, are worn through the septum of the nose.
On festal occasions he decks his wellforked-out and dyed hair with feathers and flowers, and sticks others in his ear-lobe holes and under his armlets; while a warrior will have ovula shells and various bones of his victims dangling from ringlets of his hair, or fixed to his armbands or girdle.
The Papuan comb is characteristic. This is a long piece of bamboo split at one end into prongs, while the other projects beyond the forehead sometimes two feet or more, and into it are stuck the bright feathers of parrots and other birds.
The produce of the whaling and fishing industries, woollen goods, lamb skins and feathers, are the chief exports, while in Thorshavn the preserving of fish and the manufacture of carpets are carried on to some extent.
The feathers of the rhea have a considerable market value, and for the purpose of trade in them it is annually killed by thousands, so that' its total extinction as a wild animal is probably only a question of time.
In size and plumage the two sexes offer a striking contrast, the male weighing about 4 lb, its plumage for the most part of a rich glossy black shot with blue and purple, the lateral tail feathers curved outwards so as to form, when raised, a fan-like crescent, and the eyebrows destitute of feathers and of a bright vermilion red.
The female, on the other hand, weighs only 2 lb, its plumage is of a russet brown colour irregularly barred with black, and its tail feathers are but slightly forked.
Tyrone had received a crown of peacock's feathers from the pope, who was regarded by many as king of Ireland.
In his youth he shot a supernatural crane, and can always fly about in its feathers, like Odin and Loki in Scandinavian myth.
So far the peculiar mark of the wilder American tribe legends is the bestial character of the divine beings, which is also illustrated in Australia and Africa, while the bestial clothing, feathers or fur, drops but slowly off Indra, Zeus and the Egyptian Ammon, and the Scandinavian Odin.
Of Huitzilopochtli, the famed god, Sahagun says that he was a necromancer, loved " shapeshifting," like Odin, metamorphosed himself into animal forms, was miraculously conceived, and, among animals, is confused with the humming-bird, whose feathers adorned his statues."
The constant enemies of the gods, the giants, could also assume animal forms. Thus in Thiodolf's Haust-long (composed after the settlement of Iceland) we read about a shield on which events from mythology were painted; among these was the flight of " giant Thiazzi in an ancient eagle's feathers."
They also keep ostrich farms, the feathers being of good quality.
The chief products of the Sudan for export are gum, ivory, ostrich feathers, dates and rubber.
Though the Ornitholepas australis (Targioni Tozzetti, 1872), found on the tail feathers of a bird, represents only the cypris-larva of a cirripede, it still shows one of the many facilities for dispersion which these creatures enjoy.
The plumage, which clothes the whole body, generally consists of small scale-like feathers, many of them consisting only of a simple shaft without the development of barbs; but several of the species have the head decorated with long cirrhous tufts, and in some the tail-quills, which are very numerous, are also long.'
Nothing would ruffle his feathers and he had a very acerbic sense of humor.
Indeed, with most owls it is usually very easy as they usually perch with their leg feathers covering the anklets.
I did manage to get a nice cape from Ebay but seemingly they are not shipping feathers across the pond anymore.
The Feathers is one of several pubs that through the years has offered a large clubroom for use by organizations in the town.
That the length and broadness of their tail feathers is similar to the Australian black cockatoos Calyptorhynchus.
He compared the image of a strutting cockerel with its fine feathers and the men dressed up to go out.
As already advertised, from 17th June until September the fabulous green feathers will be donned by Olivier award winning comedian MARK LITTLE.
However, despite its bulky size, the gull is largely composed of feathers.
The young cygnets are starting to sprout their adult feathers.
Regards Claire wedding party Just to express our sincere thanks to DJ who did our wedding disco at The Feathers in Ledbury, Herefordshire.
Feathers from the eider duck Old blue paper covered slide by an unknown mounter.
They were a key part of men's clothing and were usually made out of parrots, macaws and harpy eagles ' feathers.
But Mr Powell, the secretary of state, was once again enlisted to smooth the feathers ruffled by his hawkish colleagues.
He certainly still exuded sex appeal, feathers or no.
Motion to Land Registry Group I put a motion forward to my Branch AGM held in February, which ruffled some feathers.
They can often chase the rest of the flights occupants, plucking feathers from them.
Bert Fry has already been on the phone ' spitting feathers ' .
The range of textures he creates - tough hide, fluffy fur, preened feathers, dry scales - is extraordinary.
Feathers are always worth studying in close-up especially if you can compare the small downy feathers are always worth studying in close-up especially if you can compare the small downy feathers and the larger display feathers.
We have had a few peacock feathers around for many years; we used to buy them to play with our cats.
The tail feathers can be seen to the left of the figure.
It is considered unlucky to keep peacocks ' feathers in the house.
A sword pressed against his side opposite a quiver of arrows fletched with swan feathers.
Were the Tory leader to change track now, Labor's " flip flop " charge would stick to him like feathers on tar.
They were given a dead guinea fowl to eat, feathers and all.
Peacock feathers and curious birds decorate the frieze around the central pavilion, designed by Philip Witcomb, with green pillars and red lanterns.
The Naivasha race tends to show pale tipped feathers on their heads which this gives them a somewhat frosty effect.
In summer, young goldfinches sometimes visit with the adults, their plumage changing gradually to adult feathers.
A great blue heron was fishing, standing in water up to his belly feathers.
Even one researcher said " At the morphological level feathers are traditionally considered homologous with reptilian scales.
It was like watching Dante from Clerks dancing a jig with a head full of paper feathers.
Clothes moth larvae are among the few insects able to digest the keratin of hairs and feathers.
Large feathers are easy to study under a hand lens or low power stereo microscope.
One of the most obvious features is that some feathers end in an apparent eye or ocellus (plural ocelli ).
Mature male peacocks have a long train of tail feathers and when the male opens the tail he reveals a highly colorful pattern.
Built in the form of a giant bird the device was deep scarlet in color, with ' feathers ' picked out in gold.
They'll be ruffling feathers and building shopping malls in Ankara next.
Figure 2. Wing of a great skua showing the bold white flash of feathers.
Inside the cage were their feathers heaped like a black slag of tar.
Soon there is no more green slime covering George's feathers.
The acrid smell of burnt eagle feathers hung in the air.
If the birds do not wash the soda off their feathers then it can collect and prevent them from flying.
It's an iridescent purple-black sunbird, which apparently shows two tiny tufts of orange feathers under the wings.
Males did not have their long tail feathers but were still unmistakable.
Snowdrop has white feathers, pink eyes, pink feet, a pink face and a very pale beak.
He had to find enough white feathers, arrow shafts, and points, bowstrings, wood and glue to sink a battleship.
Just a pile of pure white feathers scattered randomly the only evidence left of his opposition or would-be friend.
The wing feathers have rounded ends, whereas the other figure's wing feathers are open ended.
He concisely cites (p. 238) no fewer than eight other characters of more or less value as peculiar to the Carinate Division, the first of which is that the feathers have their barbs furnished with hooks, in consequence of which the barbs, including those of the wing-quills, cling closely together; while among the rest may be mentioned the position of the furcula and coracoids, 4 which keep the wing-bones apart; the limitation of the number of the lumbar vertebra to fifteen, and of the carpals to two; as well as the divergent direction of the iliac bones - the corresponding characters peculiar to the Ratite Division being the disconnected condition of the barbs of the feathers, through the absence of any hooks whereby they might cohere; the non-existence of the furcula, and the coalescence of the coracoids with the scapulae (or, as he expressed it, the extension of the scapulae to supply the place of the coracoids, which he thought were wanting); the lumbar vertebrae being twenty and the carpals three in number; and the parallelism of the iliac bones.
Nitzsch's work on feathers has been carried farther by many later observers, and its value is now generally accepted (see Feather).
Its intensity seems due, however, in some degree at least, to the weathering of the brown fringes of the feathers which hide the more brilliant hue, and in the Atlantic islands examples are said to retain their gay tints all the year round, while throughout Europe there is scarcely a trace of them visible in autumn and winter; but, beginning to appear in spring, they reach their greatest brilliancy towards midsummer; they are never assumed by examples in confinement.
The one-sided specialization and the peculiar metallic colouring of the lateral tail feathers mark them as the extreme terms of a degenerative series, whilst the symmetry, likeness of constituent parts inter se, and absence of specialized pigment, as well as the fact that they differ little from any average feather of birds in general, mark the contour feather as primitively simple, and as the starting-point from which the highly elaborated eye-painted tail feather has gradually evolved.
The fibres were either animal or vegetable; animal fibres were hair, Textile fur on the skin, feathers, hide, sinew and intestines; vegetable fibres were stalks of small trees, brush, straw, cotton, bast, bark, leaves and seed vessels in great variety as one passes from the north southward through all the culture provinces.
The genus Struthio forms the type of the group of Ratite birds, characterized chiefly by large size, breast-bone without a keel, strong running legs, rudimentary wings and simple feathers (see Bird).
The revenue derived from the export of ostrich feathers in 1899 was recorded at half a million.
Harting, in his and De Mosenthal's Ostriches and Ostrich Farming, from which the woodcut here introduced is by permission copied, gives (pp. 67-72) some portentous statistics of the destruction of rheas for the sake of their feathers, which, he says, are known in the trade as "Vautour" to distinguish them from those of the African bird.
The feathers of the head and neck, except on the crown and nape, where they are dark brown, are dingy white, and those of the body ash-coloured tinged with brown, while on the breast they are brownish-black, and on the belly and thighs white.
The figure depicts an Aztec priest plumed, with the feathers of the Quetzal bird.
The pens used for the writing were quills made from the primary feathers of birds.
He wrote rapidly on course paper with a quill of goose feathers.
They were a raggedy bunch with most of their feathers missing and very underweight.
Regurgitated blood can stain the feathers around the beak and neck.
Both fur and feathers are, in any case, simply modified reptilian scales.
Russians ' flying visit Monday 3rd January 2005 A GROUP of Russian visitors ruffled a few feathers with a surprise trip to the Capital.
Word of mouth is the best way to guarantee your wishes, and not ruffle any feathers in the process !
Frank 's feathers are ruffled when he loses, but he falls for Annie and she is offered a job as his assistant.
Ginger Nut Ranger Dark russet red with accented black tail feathers, this is a perky chicken.
There was still a slight rusty tinge on the edge of some of the feathers on its back which confirmed the identification.
The claret feathers of the breast are tipped with white, and the scapular feathers are also edged with chestnut.
They feed on epidermal tissue debris, parts of feathers, sebaceous secretions and blood.
A neglected bird will engage in self-destructive behavior, like plucking its own feathers out or making lots of noise.
The other wife had already finished while the good-for-nothing was still struggling with the singed feathers.
Soon there is no more green slime covering George 's feathers.
His feathers might be cut off for breaking a sumptuary law.
It 's an iridescent purple-black sunbird, which apparently shows two tiny tufts of orange feathers under the wings.
A token of their ancestry will be seen in the curly tail feathers of the drakes.
In the topmost tier was just one single crouching chicken, the blustering wind ruffling its feathers.
On each side of the disk is a tuft of red feathers.
We had good views of a slim, blackish, long winged bird with brilliant white upper central tail feathers.
The wing feathers have rounded ends, whereas the other figure 's wing feathers are open ended.
Male birds will use tactics like dancing or flashing their colorful feathers to beguile their female counterparts.
Some bags are embellished with rhinestones, feathers, ribbons, and sequins.
Down is the under-layer of soft feathers found on birds.
Down comforters can be filled completely with 100% down, or they can be filled with a combination of down and less soft feathers.
Primaloft comforters are especially the choice of people who are allergic to feathers.
Down is the soft cluster of fibers found beneath the feathers of a goose or duck.
Many down pillow manufacturers will use different grades of down, from those with mostly feathers to those with a combination of feathers and down, or those completely made with down.
Those pillows made completely of down will be the most expensive; those made mostly of feathers will be much cheaper.
This is because more down is required to fill one pillow than one filled with feathers alone.
It will be necessary to regularly clean the cage to avoid the build-up of waste, dropped food and feathers and to ensure that the bird has a clean place to live.
Simply hang this confection of fur, feathers and fleece from a door knob and watch your cat discover it.
By-products - means anything from beaks and claws to hair and feathers.
Holistic cat foods are formulated with the idea that a cat's digestive system is still the same as that of her wild feline cousins who wouldn't normally have access to potatoes, livestock hooves, or dried, powdered chicken feathers.
Chicken is from the meat and ground bone only, not the feathers or internal organs.
It cannot have feathers, hooves, horns, teeth or hair.
Attaching catnip-scented toys, feathers or other lures will add to your cat's amusement.
The stuffing can be polyester fiberfill, polyurethane foam, down, feathers, batting, polystyrene beads, or other material.
Some Native American made lamps are further embellished with items such as real leather, turquoise and feathers.
Familiarize yourself with artist Shu Uemura's amazing false eyelashes - some are made of feathers, others are bold in bright shades like blue.
They can be adorned with feathers, lace, beads, or even live flowers!
Add feathers, fur, or use bright colored fabrics when creating your fabulous prom dress.
If you want to buy a dress that has already been sewn, but is not as elaborate as you want, then you could customize it by adding fur, feathers, or bling to it.
Tiaras, combs, clips, or barrettes with flowers, feathers, and crystals are all suitable.
Enlist the help of a crafty friend and embellish ho-hum discount items with glitzy stones, white feathers or sprays of imitation pearls.
Brides who are choosing a funky short dress with feathers may want her maids to don a short dress accented with a feather broach.
Add some feathers and rhinestones to a floral arrangement for a peacock themed wedding.
Velvet, velour, brocade, and matte satin are the most popular holiday fabrics, and many Christmas wedding dresses are trimmed in faux fur or feathers for an extra touch.
For example, in some states a comforter may be labeled as 100 percent pure down, when in truth, it's only 75 percent down and 25 percent feathers.
The baffle box contains the feathers and prevents the down from clumping together and shifting to only one section of the comforter.
There are various methods involved in the down, or plumage from the underside of geese and duck feathers, being plucked from the birds.
If you'd like, you can pipe frosting "eggshells" onto the top and bottom of each chick, add a tuft of feathers at the top of their heads, or embellish the design in other ways.
In the end, Siriano's line that included an evening gown draped in feathers, multiple pairs of skinny pants and a jacket adorned with a high ruffled neckpiece beat out the lines designed by Rami and Jillian.
The main problem with this format was that the "Indians" in these films were played by Caucasian actors who donned long black wigs, feathers, and face paint to play the parts.
Create tee shirts that work for every fun holiday, such as Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and more, using paints and other fun items, like feathers, lace, ribbons, and glitter.
These puffy jackets are made of a synthetic outer fabric, and filled either with real feathers or with a synthetic material that resembles down.
For instance, crude protein can come from sources such as ground beaks and feathers and pass through the dog's body completely undigested.
I was afraid to pose the question, but asked if there were any other questionable ingredients in our pets' food.Meat by-products can include indigestible materials such as beaks, feet, feathers and hair.
Are ornamentation, tattooing, feathers, skins, jewelry, or even hairstyles forms of clothing?
Pinnate palm trees have fronds that resemble feathers.
These stones display the rich yellow coloring that has earned them the title "canary diamonds", named after the intense yellow feathers of the popular songbird.
Felt hats with long feathers were great toppers.
The rulers of the time wore jewelry and embellishments such as feathers or ruffles on their garments.
No Feathers Please specializes in organic bedding and concentrates on wool and cotton.
Unlike down or feathers, wool is taken without harming the sheep.
This year at Carnival we sponsored an animal rights float and encouraged all of the Carnival participants not to use bird feathers and animal ingredients in their floats.
The traditional look, of course, was the "Easter bonnet" - a great hat that was adorned with flowers and perhaps feathers.
Donating gives you a fuzzy feeling inside and unlocks different colored feathers, based on the amount you give, for you to proudly display to envious visitors.
One is a red Macaw with a touch of blue and yellow on its feathers and the other one is a yellow breasted turquoise Macaw.
Some of the jars have colorful details such as painted feathers or beads.
The headdress consists of about four feathers tilted to the side.
All products made from feathers should be removed.
Dander-Loose scales shed from the fur or feathers of household pets and other animals.
The costuming is usually very elaborate with feathers, animal skins, and ornate masks.
While different tribes would create various costumes for the dance, common symbols were feathers and jewelry with turquoise stones in it.
Also notice all the feathers the man is wearing.
Feathers - These are ancient good luck charms.
In many of the drawings, these birds are stylized and have elegant flowing lines of feathers to convey the emotion of love.
Farrah's feathers were the epitome of the ultimate soft, sexy hairdo.
Braids often denoted warriors in Africa and Native Americans in the Plains wore long braids adorned with feathers.
Strictly for those who want to channel their inner Viking or Captain Jack Sparrow, if you have a longer beard or goatee, you can create tiny braids in it, and even adorn them with tiny beads or feathers.
In addition to corsages and handbags, Homecoming girls love to accessoirze their hair with faux flowers, pins, rhinestones and feathers.
It was common to see headbands, bandanas, and clips with feathers and beads worn in the hair as well as lace bows.
To create full feathers, start with a long and layered cut and blow-dry style from the front to the back upsweeping and lifting ends with a round brush.
Make sure you spray the finished style to maintain the hold and bend of the feathers.
For extra accessorizing, enhance your funky color with fanciful feathers.
Feathers, ribbons, and flowers all can be great additions to this classical hairstyle.
Unlike traditional hair extensions, feathers add a wispy and eccentric accent to your look and can help define your free-spirited style.
Affixed to your hair hair with the use of a unique crimping iron, feathers are an affordable trend that can be added in at a salon or at home with the right tools.
Once you get started in the world of hair feathers, the creative options are truly endless.
You can vary hairstyles completely by adding feathers.
Whether it be a simple feather that graces the clavicle or a bottom layer of colorful feathers that moves and adds drama, the following tools and tips will get you started in the world of feather extensions.
Usually feathers look best under a few strands of hair, so use a clippie to pin the top few layers back and work with a small section, twisting several strands together and put them through the hook.
Slide the micro bead to the top of the hook and onto the hair, inserting the feathers through the bead.
Clamp down on the micro link with the pliers to squish the feathers and the hair together.
With proper care and gentle handling, feathers can last up to two months, which is certainly plenty of feather for your buck.
Many salons include feathers in the application cost, while others may ask you buy your own and bring the stock or pick from their in-salon selection.
If you have your own feathers, be sure to find out if you can bring them and how much it will cost to avoid disappointment and unexpected fees.
While feathers can be purchased from the above mentioned Internet retailers, be sure to check craft sites such as Etsy too for unique one-of-a-kind feather and dye lots.
Many crafters have brought their talents to the table creating a variety of fowl feathers sure to make you ruffle in delight.
Rocks, feathers, shells and mini-flags all add dimension to finished sandcastle sculptures, so use your imagination.
The book even comes with a small bit of fur, feathers and other supplies to get you started with your first creation.
Feathers, a full skirt and a big swan head aren't likely to be forgotten soon when draped over the petite singer.
The difference might be in evening headgear, when a flapper would accessorize her very, very short hair with a spangly headband or exotic feathers - something very attention-getting.
When it comes to glamorous evenings out, Victoria often turns to a dizzying array of bustier-styled tops, the occasional leather strap adornment and even plumes of feathers, to keep her on the cutting edge of fashion.
Not just women - some species of birds were pushed to the edge of extinction because their feathers were in demand for hat adornment.
Platform shoes, glitter, excessively painted faces, colored and spiked hair, blouses that harkened back to the Victorian era, leather, feathers, bell bottoms, metallic fabrics and intense colors.
From ruffles and abundant zippers to feathers and fur, the details that define fashion seasons are always shown first in the major fashion shows.
Players are given a chicken pawn and a card, and they have to steal feathers from other players until revealing one that matches the one in front of their chicken pawn.
Woolworth imported German-made ornaments to sell in his stores, where they were displayed on small trees made of dyed goose feathers.
Add embellishments after printing it out, such as glitter, buttons, felt or feathers.
Glue feathers and fake fur bits to her clothing or spray her entirely in white or gold paint.
There are other variations to the sexy bunny costume that are tighter, different colors (pink is also popular), feathers, garters and other fun touches.
For a selection of traditional papier mache masks, go to Masks and Make Believe, which has a wide selection of handcrafted masks, including seductive animal faces, jesters, Pinocchios and masks decorated with feathers and beads.
Between a craft shop and a fabric shop, you'll be able to find feathers, beads, sequins, velvet, appliqués and fabric paint to create a look that is unique, seductive and matches your costume.
Remember that female masks tend to have short feathers on the side of the masks with long feather in the middle, while male masks generally have short feathers flocking the entire mask.
You can wear a half-mask if you like, decorated with feathers, or apply sparkling makeup.
You can use a hot glue gun to affix feathers, or simply bead feathers onto suede cord and tie them through small holes made in the costume, carefully knotting the ends to secure the jewelry.
Boys can wear feathers affixed to suede cord simply tied into their hair, while women can wear beaded or feathered headbands as an alternative to a heavy headpiece.
If you want something that will make a bolder impact, consider such options as sequins, beads and feathers.
Leis can be made from beautiful fresh flowers, silk flowers, plastic flowers, seashells, or feathers.
The costume should be adorned with plenty of trims, lace, ribbons, beads, feathers, and possibly jewels.
They suggest affixing it to craft foam and then decorating with paint, glitter, gemstones and feathers.
There are also a number of accessories - the hat can be decorated with a skull-and-crossbones symbol, or festooned with feathers.
Each child can design his own Indian headband from a strip of brown construction paper with feathers attached.
Make an Indian headdress of feathers, wear moccasins and face paint to complete the look.
Whether you want a painted mask or one covered in glitter, sequins, beads and feathers, it is not difficult to make your own mask.
Glue feathers, stars, rhinestones or beads to your liking allover the mask in any order that you can think of.
Feathers and other accessories can make your Easter bunny craft all the more dazzling.
Jewelry designers create hundreds of unique Damascus ring patterns that can range patterns resembling wood grain to feathers.
Internal flaws are called "inclusions" and can include cloudy spots, feathers, cavities, and mineral deposits.
Does your personal style lean more toward classic simplicity (turtlenecks and pencil skirts) or funky glamor (peacock feathers and embellished jeans)?
The Dolce Bag is a prime example of Dolce & Gabbana's grace and ingenuity, a stark contrast to their flashier leopard print designs and ostrich feathers.
Expect chain straps, large gold-tone clasps, and hanging charms within this line, often nestled up to feathers, sequins, or fur for an air of loveable ostentatiousness.
It's exactly what it sounds like - a clutch purse decorated with one or more feathers.
Feathers have been an accessory on women's hats and bags for centuries.
Matching feathers often adorned her bag, which in those days tended to be a tiny clutch, a drawstring pouch or a flat reticule, often beaded.
It's a silk bag with a snap closure and embroidered peacock feathers on each side.
It is made of black satin with a bow on front and a spray of black feathers.
Feathers are easily bought in craft and sewing stores.
It's very easy to attach feathers to a fabric bag.
You'll find red silk clutches sporting feathers alongside basic black pieces with a few jewels pinned on.
Their demeanor is very calm, and they don't get their feathers ruffled very easily.
It's not beyond Aquarians to ignore traditional social graces or societal norms in favor of doing what they feel like; this can ruffle a lot of feathers.
Paisley designs are centuries old and draw from leaves, feathers and other surroundings to create woven and intricate patterns.
You can focus on natural things, such as bird feathers, pine cones, leaves, sticks, rocks, etc., or you can actually hide items in the yard, such as candy and small prizes.
From water to dirt, rocks to feathers, kids can experience a wide variety of textures.
However, some may contain a thin filling of down feathers between two layers of fabric.
If a child is allergic to feathers, this can pose a big problem.
Change it up a bit from the traditional construction paper feathers by adding glitter.
Another choice is to make the feathers from fabric.
Let them choose five or more pre-cut fabric feathers or brightly colored synthetic feathers sold in craft stores.
Take three gum drops and stack them on the toothpick leaving enough of the toothpick exposed to poke into the apple for the turkey feathers.
Slimmer silhouettes, pants, and feathers were some of the looks that paraded down the runway for fall.
At that point, the head and tail feathers become bright white.
Younger eagles have brown beaks and brown or mottled brown and white feathers on head and tail.
The back has plenty of room for detailed feathers and a unique background.
Realistic-looking eagles need to be sized large enough to show the feathers while simpler designs, including those in a tribal style, can be smaller.
Not everyone has the ability to make feathers look natural or to create the eagle's steely gaze.
These tattoos can range from "typical" Native American pictures, such as wolves and feathers, up to other images that are associated with parts of the country that were settled by Native Americans.
They sell balsam wreaths as well as birch twig wreaths, even some interesting ones made out of feathers.
Quilting stencils come in all sorts of patterns, from stars to swirls, feathers to flowers.
Instruct them to color each of the feathers (finger shapes) a different fall color.
They can draw additional feathers on the side of the turkey, or they can glue feathers if you like.
Older children might enjoy adding other decorations, such as feathers, eyes, buttons, glitter, and any extra embellishments that you have available.
Use glitter, pom poms, feathers, construction paper, buttons, ribbon, or anything else that you can glue on the hat.
Carefully glue on colorful feathers to create a unique headdress the child can wear.
Marabou and chandelle feathers weigh down the hem and sleeves of this robe.
Marabou feathers give your garment's hems a little fluffiness.
Flat, shiny chandelle feathers make any sheer robe look stunning.
Full-length robes that reach the ankles look Hollywood glam with some chandelle feathers sewn around the bottom for weight.
Silver threads and tinsel are sewn into the chandelle feathers for luminous beauty.
Elements of the mascot can also be easily used, such as paw prints for a leopard or feathers for Native American tribes.
She has seemingly endless amounts of energy and appears to take delight in ruffling feathers of the people around her.
Past projects have included walls covered in feathers, and a life-sized mural of herself in a home owner's living room.
Pollard became a breakout reality TV star after ruffling feathers on Flavor of Love.
Barney joined the Real Housewives fold in Season Three and immediately began ruffling feathers.
They hand paint it on, starting with the black then the yellow and red feathers.
These started out with the bird simply sitting there on the screen, but as the bit went on, the birds were smashed, crushed, shattered, beheaded, or exploded in a flurry of feathers or a splatter of pinkish goo.
Toby laughed and tossed Rhyn another pillow, delighted when he snatched it from midair and shredded it in an explosion of white feathers.
They fell delicately one by one, like feathers.
Its bright red beak, the bare bluish skin surrounding its large grey eyes, and the tufts of elongated feathers springing vertically from its lores, give it a pleasing and animated expression; but its plumage generally is of an inconspicuous ochreous grey above and dull white beneath, - the feathers of the upper parts, which on the neck and throat are long and loose, being barred by fine zigzag markings of dark brown, while those of the lower parts are more or less striped.
The graceful Menura superba, or lyre-bird, with its tail feathers spread in the shape of a lyre, is a very characteristic form.
No headgear is worn, except sometimes a net to confine the hair, a bunch of feathers, or the tails of small animals.
The outer opening of the ear is, with rare exceptions, concealed by feathers, which are often rather stiff, or modified into bristles.
Its striated plumage also favours this view, as an evidence of permanent immaturity or generalization of form, since striped feathers are so often the earliest clothing of many of these birds, which only get rid of them at their first moult.
The cock has a fine yellow bill and a head bearing a rounded crest of filamentous feathers; lanceolate scapulars overhang the wings, and from the rump spring the long flowing plumes which are so characteristic of the species, and were so highly prized by the natives before the Spanish conquest that no one was allowed to kill the bird when taken, but only to divest it of its feathers, which were to be worn by the chiefs alone.
Large flocks of sheep are kept, both for their flesh and their wool, and there are in the province large numbers of horned cattle and of pigs, Geese and goose feathers form lucrative articles of export.
Stray Feathers, an ornithological journal for India and its dependencies, contains many interesting and some valuable papers.
The sternum has no keel, and ossifies from lateral and paired centres only; the axes of the scapula and cora.coid have the same general direction; certain of the cranial bones have characters very unlike those possessed by the next order - the vomer, for example, being broad posteriorly and generally intervening between the basisphenoidal rostrum and the palatals and pterygoids; the barbs of the feathers are disconnected; there is no syrinx or inferior larynx; and the diaphragm is better developed than in other birds.'
The important exports are gums and resin, fibre, hides, ivory, ostrich feathers, coffee, ghee, livestock, gold ingots from Abyssinia and mother-of-pearl; the shells being found along the coast from Zaila to beyond Berbera.
The Pharaoh's characteristic crown (or crowns) symbolized his royal domains, the sacred uraeus marked his divine ancestry, and he sometimes appeared in the costume of the gods with their fillets adorned with double feathers and horns.
The tail, in most species very short, has in others the middle feathers much elongated, and in one of the outer rectrices are attenuated and produced into threads.
Some of the last-named are represented with such truth of colouring and delicacy of detail that even the separate feathers of the wings and tail are well distinguished, although, as in an example in the British Museum, a human-headed hawk, the piece which contains the figure may not exceed 4 in.
Omdurman is the headquarters of the native traders in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, the chief articles of commerce being ivory, ostrich feathers and gum arabic from Darfur and Kordofan.
The more common sea-birds are the Sula variegate or guano-bird, a large gull called the Larus modestus, the Pelecanus thayus, and the Sterna Ynca, a beautiful tern with curved white feathers on each side of the head.
The species may be further distinguished by the former having the proximal third of the tail-quills pure white, and the distal two-thirds black, with a narrow white margin, while the latter has the same feathers barred with black and white alternately for nearly their whole length.
Some of the eagles feathers, blown to his side, suggest the death of the bird; at his feet lies the corpse of the little boy, and the horror, grief and anger that such a tragedy would inspire are depicted with striking realism in the farmers face.
It is an important trade centre, the chief articles of commerce being gum, ivory, cattle and ostrich feathers.
From each side of his head sprouts a tuft of stiff curled feathers, while the feathers of the throat change colour, and beneath and around it sprouts the frill or ruff already mentioned as giving the bird his name.
The feathers which form this remarkable adornment are, like those of the "ear-tufts," stiff and incurved at the end, but much longer - measuring more than 2 in.
The forming of bird skins, rabbit skins and feathers into robes, and all basketry technic, existed from Vancouver Island to Central America.
The addition of brilliant ornamentation in shell, teeth, feathers, wings of insects and dyed fibres completed the round of the textile art.
The Eskimo engraved poorly, the Dene (Tinneh) embroidered in quill, the North Pacific tribes carved skilfully in horn, slate and cedar, the California tribes had nimble fingers for basketry, the Sioux gloried in feathers and painted parfleche.
Its head and neck are covered with short thick-set feathers, resembling velvet pile, of a bright straw colour above, and a brilliant emerald green beneath.
The king bird of paradise (Cicinnurus regius) is one of the smallest and most brilliant of the group, and is specially distinguished by its two middle tail feathers, the ends of which alone are webbed, and coiled into a beautiful spiral disk of a lovely emerald green.
In the red bird of paradise (Paradisea rubra) the same feathers are greatly elongated and destitute of webs, but differ from those in the other species, in being flattened out like ribbons.
In like manner other writers of the same or an earlier period latinized lapwing by Egrettides (plural), and rendered that again into English as egrets - the tuft of feathers misleading them also.
The chief articles brought by the caravans are ostrich feathers, skins and ivory and one of the principal imports istea.
These deities are not easily ' One of the most important sources for the ancient Mexican traditions and myths is the so-called " Codex Chimalpopoca," a manuscript in the Mexican language discovered by the Abbe analysed, but on the other hand Tonatiuh and Metztli, the sun and moon, stand out distinctly as nature gods, and the traveller still sees in the huge adobe pyramids of Teotihuacan, with their sides oriented to the four quarters, an evidence of the importance of their worship. The war-god Huitzilopochtli was the real head of the Aztec pantheon; his idol remains in Mexico, a huge block of basalt on which is sculptured on the one side his hideous personage, adorned with the humming-bird feathers on the left hand which signify his name, while the not less frightful war-goddess Teoyaomiqui, or " divine wardeath," occupies the other side.
For the great festival of Tezcatlipoca, the handsomest and noblest of the captives of the year had been chosen as the incarnate representative of the god, and paraded the streets for public adoration dressed in an embroidered mantle with feathers and garlands on his head and a retinue like a king; for the last month they married him to four girls representing four goddesses; on the last day wives and pages escorted him to the little temple of Tlacochcalco, where he mounted the stairs, breaking an earthenware flute against each step; this was a symbolic farewell to the joys of the world, for as he reached the top he was seized by the priests, his heart torn out and held up to the sun, his head spitted on the tzompantli, and his body eaten as sacred food, the people drawing from his fate the moral lesson that riches and pleasure may turn into poverty and sorrow.
Formerly there was a trade in ostrich feathers and ivory; but.
The cliffs of Copinshay (10) are a favourite haunt of sea-birds, which are captured by the cragsmen for their feathers and eggs.
The legs are stout and spiny, and well adapted for clinging to the hair or feathers of the host animal.
The skins and feathers are highly valued for decoration.
Their merchandise consists of sheep and goats, gum and resin, skins and ostrich feathers.
Large flocks of geese are kept in the moist lowlands; their flesh is salted for domestic consumption during the winter, and their feathers are prepared for sale.
These and the gunwale are tastefully inlaid with mother-of-pearl and wreathed with shells and feathers.
The rest of the head, the neck, throat and lower parts generally are clothed with lanceolate feathers of a pale tawny colour - sometimes so pale as to be nearly white beneath; while the scapulars, back and wing-coverts generally, are of a glossy greyish-black, most of the feathers having a white shaft and a median tawny line.
Other industrial products are machinery, enamelled tinware, leather, alum, paper, earthenware, stoves and spirits, while a tolerably brisk trade is carried on in wool, feathers, cattle and horses.
Two strings of purple beads dangle down from the base of the brace to form a tail, ending in small peacocks ' feathers.
Although dress regulations states black feather plume with ring of scarlet feathers, most pictures show scarlet feathers with black ring.
These feathers are highly valued because they do not have quills.
Therefore the golden color of the tail feathers signifies the gift of his eternal reward.
Word of mouth is the best way to guarantee your wishes, and not ruffle any feathers in the process!
He battled well enough, but in truth he never even ruffled Ricketts ' feathers enough to get him really vocal.
The scalding tank, which removes the feathers after slaughter, does not kill salmonella.
Jigging with white and colored feathers and artificial sand eel for Pollack, mackerel and cod is successful.
They all stared in timid bewilderment at the strange, long-haired commander dressed up in feathers and gold.
Use white feathers for accenting around the tree.
The maxillae are not piercing organs, and their function is to protect the mandibles and labrum and separate the hairs or feathers of the host.
Even hair and feathers have occasionally been represented among the enclosures.
The middle feathers of the tail, ordinarily concealed, as are those of the Peacock, by the uropygials, are black, and the outer white with a black base.
To these succeeded forms where the down had developed into body feathers for warmth, not flight, whilst the fore-limbs had become organs of prehension, the hind-limbs of progression.
At the island of Aretias they drove away the Stymphalian birds, who used their feathers of brass as arrows.
Many Acari are parasitic on marine and freshwater molluscs, and others are found on the feathers of birds and the hair of mammals.
This, when adult, is readily distinguishable from the ordinary bird by the absence of the blush from its plumage, and by the curled feathers that project from and overhang each side of the head, which with some difference of coloration of the bill, pouch, bare skin round the eyes and irides give it a wholly distinct expression.
In a surprisingly short time the feathers clothing the face of the male are shed, and their place is taken by papillae or small caruncles of bright yellow or pale pink.
Though part of the plumage in many sun-birds gleams with metallic lustre, they owe much of their beauty to feathers which are not lustrous, though almost as vivid,' and the most wonderful combination of the brightest colours - scarlet, purple, blue, green and yellow - is often seen in one and the same bird.
His idol was a huge block of basalt (still thought to be preserved in Mexico), on one side of which he is sculptured in hideous form, adorned with the feathers of the humming-bird.
When I made most noise he would stretch out his neck, and erect his neck feathers, and open his eyes wide; but their lids soon fell again, and he began to nod.
The colours range from deep black to pure white, passing through chestnut or bay, and many tints of brown or ashy-grey, while often the feathers are more or less closely barred with some darker shade, and the black is very frequently glossed with violet, blue or green - or, in addition, spangled with white grey or gold-colour.