Fears Sentence Examples
These fears have, however, fortunately proved to be unfounded, and ordinary gas fittings can be used with perfect safety with this gas.
His fears were instantly justified.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't have some fears, but I'm alright now... really.
The courage of the Romans, however, soon overcame such fears; the Britons were put to flight; and the groves of Mona, the scene of many a sacrifice and bloody rite, were cut down.
In the end, however, the fears were more justified than the hopes.
When acetylene was first introduced on a commercial scale grave fears were entertained as to its safety, it being represented that it had the power of combining with certain metals, more especially copper and silver, to form acetylides of a highly explosive character, and that even with coal gas, which contains less than i %, such copper compounds had been known to be formed in cases where the gas-distributing mains were composed of copper, and that accidents had happened from this cause.
For Ultramontanism fears that any infusion of a national element into ecclesiastical life would entail the eventual independence of the people in question from papal control, and lead to developments opposed to its papalistic mode of thought.
In her thirteenth year her brother promised her in marriage to Alphonso of Portugal, but she firmly refused to consent; her resistance seemed less likely to be effectual in the case of Pedro Giron, grand master of the order of Calatrava and brother of the marquis of Villena, to whom she was next affianced, when she was delivered from her fears by the sudden death of the bridegroom while on his way to the nuptials in 1466.
The overthrow of Spanish rule in Mexico was the beginning of a new period, and efforts were made to introduce educational reforms, but the colonists and ecclesiastics were still governed by their fears and prejudices, and little was accomplished.
At the same time the fears of the more sober and respectable citizens were allayed by Otho's liberal professions of his intention to govern equitably, and by his judicious clemency towards Marius Celsus, consul-designate, a devoted adherent of Galba.
AdvertisementHigh as man is placed above the creatures around him, there is a higher and far more exalted position within his view; and the ways are infinite in which he occupies his thoughts about the fears, or hopes, or expectations of a future life.
Gradually, however, he was made uneasy by the obvious trend of the imperial policy towards the annihilation of Protestantism, and by a dread lest the ecclesiastical lands should be taken from him; and the issue of the edict of restitution in March 1629 put the coping-stone to his fears.
His Catechism (Catechisme ou instruction familiere, 1652) and his Christian's Defense against the Fears of Death (Consolations de l'dme fidele contre les frayeurs de la mort, 1651) became well known in England by means of translations, which were very frequently reprinted.
In that year the Great Fire of London, following on the Great Plague, roused the superstitious fears of the people, and the House of Commons embodied the general feeling in a bill against atheism and profaneness.
Some of those who were discontented with this decision retired from the preliminary parliament, and a few of them, of republican sympathies, called the population of Upper Baden to arms. The rising was put down by the troops of Baden, but it did considerable injury by awakening the fears of the more moderate portion of the community.
AdvertisementBy 1231, however, the fears of the church were beginning to be allayed.
At the time he sent it to Grimald Walafrid had, as he himself tells us, hardly passed his eighteenth year, and he begs his correspondent to revise his verses, because, "as it is not lawful for a monk to hide anything from his abbot," he fears he may be beaten with deserved stripes.
Thus with respect to early religious beliefs he rejected Hume's notion that religion sprang out of the fears of primitive men, in favour of the theory that it represents the first attempts of our species to explain phenomena.
As soon as Carthage seemed to be recovering herself, and some of Massinissa's partisans were driven from the city into exile, his policy was to excite the fears of Rome, till at last in 149 war was declared - the Third Punic War, which ended in the final overthrow of Carthage.
The larger political reasons which had brought about the conflict were also no longer valid; the fears to which the Vatican decrees had given.
AdvertisementThese ordinances fulfilled the worst fears of the Germans.
The day, said The Times, " was crowded with rumours, alarms, contradictions, fears, hopes, resolves, uncertainties."
Darnley being a Catholic, as far as he was anything, the jealous fears of the Brethren under Knox reached a passionate height.
He denied - he never ceased to deny - his share in the guilt, and Mary worked on his vanity and his fears, and moulded his " heart of wax " to her will.
The coming of the Child draws Eastern sages to his cradle and fills the court of Herod with suspicious fears.
AdvertisementA swarm of astrologers and physicians preyed upon his fears - and his purse.
The truth seems to be that native opinion throughout India was in a ferment, predisposing men to believe the wildest stories, and to act precipitately upon their fears.
When the Chinese government was terrified by the advance of the AngloFrench expedition of 1860 and the burning of the Summer Palace, he worked on their fears so dexterously that he obtained for Russia not only the left bank of the Amur, the original object of the mission, but also a large extent of territory and sea-coast south of that river.
The fears of Parthian invasion were not realized, but Cicero, after suppressing a revolt in Cappadocia, undertook military operations against the hill-tribes of the Amanus and captured the town of Pindenissus after a siege of forty-six days.
Spain's fears passed on to Mexico, the Russians being feared only less than Americans.
But, though largesses and thanksgivings celebrated the suppression of the conspiracy, and the round of games and shows was renewed with even increased splendour, the effects of the shock were visible in the long list of victims who during the next few months were sacrificed to his restless fears and resentment.
Man and the actual universe kept on reasserting their rights and claims, announcing their goodliness and delightfulness, in one way or another; but they were always being thrust back again into Cimmerian regions of abstractions, fictions, visions, spectral hopes and fears, in the midst of which the intellect somnambulistically moved upon an unknown way.
Grossly ignorant of all that falls outside " the daily round, the common task," they are full of panicky fears in regard to this unknown, and the primary attitude of society towards it is sheer avoidance, taboo.
After Fouquet's death (1680) Dauger and Fouquet's other (old-standing) valet La Riviere are put together, by Louvois's special orders, in one lower dungeon; Louvois evidently fears their knowledge of things heard from Fouquet, and he orders Lauzun (who had recently been allowed to converse freely with Fouquet) to be told that they are released.
But even at this stage of his career the pessimism of his later writings began to manifest itself, together with a susceptibility to morbid fears which led him to keep loaded weapons always at his bedside.
Spinoza quieted his fears as well as he could, assuring him that as soon as the crowd made any threatening movement he would go out to meet them, "though they should serve me as they did the poor De Witts.
Among other engineers, Telford and Stephenson favoured the project of converting Wallasey Pool into a great basin for shipping; but, largely owing to the fears of Liverpool lest a formidable rival should thus be created, it was not until 1843 that parliamentary powers were obtained, and the work entrusted to James Rendel, who finished it in less than five years.
But missionary influence was strong; it was reinforced by the growing strength of the imperialistic spirit and by the fears excited by Germany's intrusion on the south-west coast.
And everything is brought into closest relation with "that which is the foundation of all our hopes and of all our fears; all our hopes and fears which are of any consideration; I mean a Future Life."
Army's movements were hampered by fears of a crisis at Adrianople, where a serious sortie-battle was being fought at the time.
But the success of Germanicus had already stirred the jealousy and fears of Tiberius, and he was reluctantly compelled to return to Rome.
The fears excited by this letter that King Leopold desired to restrict Belgium's liberty of action in the Congo State when the latter should become a Belgian colony were not diminished by the announcement in November 1906 of four new concessions, conferring very extensive rights on railway, mining and rubber companies in which foreign capital was largely interested.
Upon the return of new dangers, or at least of fears, Abelard left the Paraclete to make trial of another refuge, accepting an invitation to preside over the abbey of St Gildas-de-Rhuys, on the far-off shore of Lower Brittany.
Forrest in the Indian government records have shown that the sepoys' fears of defilement by biting the new cartridges had a considerable foundation in fact.
Canning succeeded in constructing a ministry in April - but the hopes and the fears of friends and enemies proved to be equally unfounded.
Does this consciousness represent an authentic insight into ultimate fact, or is it a pitiful illusion of the nerves, born of man's hopes and fears and of his fundamental ignorance?
With some fears and misgivings -the senate permitted him to retain the command of his victorious.
He could trade upon Edwards precocious hatred of Marys religion, he could rely upon French fears of her Spanish inclinations, and the success which bad attended his schemes in England deluded him into a belief that he could supplant the Tudor with a Dudley dynasty.
After Magenta (June 4, 1859), it was the fears of the Catholics and the messages of the empress which, even more than the threats of Prussia, checked him in his triumph and forced him into the armistice of Villafranca (July 11, 1859).
And, further, there intervenes a remarkable passage with an account of his conflict with the divine being who fears the dawn and is unwilling to reveal his name.
But Mozaffar lasted for a short time, and then died, poisoned, as it was said, by his brother Abdurrahman, called Sanchol, the son of Mansur by one of the Christian ladies whom he extorted for his harem from the fears of the Christian princes.
In 1610 fears of the help which the Moriscoes might give to a Mahommedan attack from Africa combined with religious bigotry to cause their expulsion.
The man who is hasty and nervous in temperament, who fears an occasional sting, and resents the same by viciously killing the bee that inflicts it will rarely make a good apiarist.
Jefferson merely had exaggerated fears of a moneyed political engine, and seeing that Hamilton's measures of funding and assumption did make the national debt politically useful to the Federalists in the beginning he concluded that they would seek to fasten the debt on the country for ever.
Pneumonia, the doctor said, confirming Alex's fears.
Fears and concerns paled in importance to this unbelievable ability to save lives.
I reluctantly told her of Quinn's phone call, the Boston break-in and my fears, shared, apparently by Julie.
At first he lay awake, conscious of every sound the motel uttered, fearful that Cynthia Byrne might waken to God knows what thoughts and fears.
How could she let her fears reign when he was so brave?
It will assuage the fears of subscribers worried about publicly associating themselves with fiction.
Nature fears shame and contempt, but grace is happy to suffer reproach.
An anonymous pamphlet of 1792 which plays on British fears of the popular uprisings in France to link slave trade abolitionists with French Jacobins.
During Health Questions the Health Secretary did not allay my fears.
The EU must also allay widespread fears about globalization.
My fears have been somewhat allayed by taking Rosy out on a test cruise.
However, my fears were quickly allayed once I began to read.
The sightings have raised fears that little is being done to enforce the ban.
Of course, there are real fears that the National Scrapie Plan will destroy valuable sheep breeding bloodlines.
Fears were raised when officers arrived at Lorraine Lovell's parent's home in Emerson Green to find bloodstains and signs of forced entry.
The leftist elite obviously fears an armed citizenry, which is, of course, the sole barrier to tyranny.
This may allay some current fears about the safety of using creatine for short periods of time.
Brunel was not deterred by such fears and in 1836 work began with the sinking of shafts to deterred by such fears and in 1836 work began with the sinking of shafts to determine the course of the tunnel.
My initials fears are immediately dispelled within seconds of his arrival in the North London pub at which we have agreed to meet.
The report confirms fears that mentally distressed black people are more likely to be locked away.
Let mountains speak for themselves and students may only hear the echoes of their hopes and fears or silence.
A slow start led to fears the area would fail to attract tenants, with most office space lying empty.
By providing a full analysis of a project's effects, an environmental statement can help to allay fears created by lack of information.
Introduction to lobbying Introduction to what lobbying is and dispelling common fears of how to get involved.
Being proud to have made it Have you got any irrational fears or phobias?
While todays game will be a pressure cooker for former boss Peter Taylor Leicester have a great chance to ease their relegation fears.
But there are fears that insufficient funds will be made available to see through its vision.
Happily, however, whatever fears I might have had proved groundless.
At times his friends experience overwhelming guilt, over-protectiveness toward Matt, and fears of incompetence in the event of seizures.
Icke fears that microchip implants are next, followed by the cashless society to control our spending.
The Scottish retail industry fears the threat of future cost implications.
The party fears infighting will further dent its dwindling popularity.
To use false rumors to spread fears of a mass cull is utterly irresponsible.
Previously UK awash with unwashed dishwashers European washout fuels immigration fears Take that, you stinking leech!
However, there are new fears about yobbish behavior, from graffiti to neighborhood nuisance.
Fears were expressed that other cancer causing chemicals including phenol and benzene are also polluting the site.
About phobias common phobias include fears of animals, heights, crowds or social events.
There are fears among academics that the economic constraints faced by employers reduces the scope for substantial expansion of the one-year placement.
He confirmed my worst fears - a bad vaginal prolapse.
I was also quaking at the knees a little due to lack of culinary prowess, but all fears were dispelled on arrival.
It will heighten educational publishers ' fears over the state of the market.
Today's technologies make these fears seem almost quaint.
The move had sparked fears among customers of a price hike and time limits for tickets, but these were quickly quashed.
For millionaireâs daughter Polly Browne this is made more difficult as her father fears some young rapscallion will take her for a ride.
The proposal raises fears that magazines like Loaded or FHM might be bagged if WH Smith judges their covers to be too raunchy.
India fears that rapid progress to a republic could allow the powerful Maoist rebels to fill the vacuum.
The actress had earlier said the ceremony had been put back because of fears of a media scrum.
Turkey fears a Kurdish breakaway state in northern Iraq could trigger renewed armed Kurdish separatism on its own territory.
Performers in black masks, dwarfed by flickering shadows, invited the audience to share their fears.
I make a daily inspection of springs, shock absorbers, engine and body mountings, U bolts and shackles to allay my fears.
High heels are not to blame, says research Fears that wearing high-heeled shoes could lead to knee arthritis are unfounded, say researchers.
The fears of the sister have added to the weakness of the woman; but she is by no means a simpleton in general.
Many politicians used the psychological fears of the West Coasters against the Japanese Americans to gain political stature among the voters.
Isn't the lead singer from eighties synth merchants, Tears for Fears from Bath?
A pint of ale in a dark corner of an old tavern or two will chase away your fears.
On the subject of ' dodgy ' food, one of the biggest fears for those going on holiday is ' holiday tummy ' .
However all such negative fears were to prove unfounded.
Fears of uneven depth of seed distribution seem unfounded.
Fears of increased cannabis usage as a result of the experiment would thus appear unfounded.
However, almost immediately, my fears and concerns became totally unfounded.
Now, seven years later, their fears have proved all too well-founded, and the processing industry is in ruins.
The friends of individual liberty and local government naturally found in the assumption by the central government of even the minimum of its granted powers constant stimulus to their fears (see Democratic Party); while the financial measures of Hamilton - whose wish for extreme centralization was nowise satisfied by the government actually created in 1787 - were calculated to force an immediate and firm assumption by that government, to the limit, of every power it could be held to possess.
So too, many of the spirits especially concerned with the operations of nature are conceived as neutral or even benevolent; the European peasant fears the corn-spirit only when he irritates him by trenching on his domain and taking his property by cutting the corn; similarly, there is no reason why the more insignificant personages of the pantheon should be conceived as malevolent, and we find that the Petara of the Dyaks are far from indiscriminating and malignant, though disease and death are laid at their door.
According to its so fifth report, it originated " in the prospective fears of a portion of the trade that some dire calamity must inevitably, sooner or later, overtake the cotton manufacture of Lancashire, whose vast superstructure had so long rested upon the treacherous foundation of restricted slave labour as the main source of supply for its raw material."
By August Vieuville's worst fears were realized; he was arrested on the 13th of the month for corrupt practices in office, and the intriguing cardinal who had caused his overthrow became chief minister of Louis His advent was hailed with joy by both the Catholic party and the patriotic party, eager for the overthrow of Habsburg supremacy in Europe.
At the same time the circumstances of the period, the fact that various schemes of union with Rome were abroad, that the missions of Panzani and later of Conn were gathering into the Church of Rome numbers of members of the Church of England who, like Laud himself, were dissatisfied with the Puritan bias which then characterized it, the incident mentioned by Laud himself of his being twice offered the cardinalate, the movement carried on at the court in favour of Romanism, and the fact that Laud's changes in ritual, however clearly defined and restricted in his own intention, all tended towards Roman practice, fully warranted the suspicions and fears of his contemporaries.
Darnley at once threw himself into the arms of the party opposed to the policy of the queen and her secretary - a policy which at that moment was doubly and trebly calculated to exasperate the fears of the religious and the pride of the patriotic. Mary was invited if not induced by the king of Spain to join his league for the suppression of Protestantism; while the actual or prospective endowment of Rizzio with Morton's office of chancellor, and the projected attainder of Murray and his allies, combined to inflame at once the anger and the apprehension of the Protestant nobles.
Their aim, he said, was nothing less than "the lifting, from the backs and from the hearts of men, of their burden of arms and of fears, so that they may find before them a golden age of freedom and of peace."
It was the sweet allurement of the mimosa tree in full bloom that finally overcame my fears.
My first thought was, one of the dogs has hurt Mildred; but Helen's beaming face set my fears at rest.
Their fears were well founded, for their long absence had alarmed the king, and he had started out to look for his tardy servants, and just as they were all hidden, he came along slowly, looking on all sides for the fairies.
Their fears were well founded, for their long absence had alarmed the King, and he mounted North Wind and went out in search of his tardy couriers.
But they heard him at the council of war and will hear him when he talks sense, but to temporize and wait for something now when Bonaparte fears nothing so much as a general battle is impossible.
Man can be master of nothing while he fears death, but he who does not fear it possesses all.
Today 's technologies make these fears seem almost quaint.
The Turkish Tourist Board in the UK is also keen to qualm fears.
For all her fears and frailties, Alison is a robust and rambunctious character, uncompromising and unapologetic.
Some react to stress by expressing their fears openly.
The West moved forward, and Islam, where not actually regressing remained stationary, The old fears passed away, .
Nature fears shame and contempt, but grace is happy to suffer reproach for the name of Jesus.
The new director has laid emphasis on unconscious fears and desires in his reworking of the well-loved fairy tale.
Eight young people confront their fears, hurts and prejudices on the rooftop of a block of flats.
Their information raises fears of a wave of sabotage attacks in the event of a war in Iraq.
Servile dependency was one of the proud Greeks ' worst fears.
But confidence has stabilized on the back of declining fears about the UK sliding into recession.
Our village birthrate 's falling and no wonder we have fears The squire 's son has been away for five and twenty years.
It allowed the press to stoke unwarranted public fears by reacting slowly to the scare stories.
Sir Henry has, I suppose, no superstitious fears in the matter?
However, fears were allayed and all thoughts of George Clooney suppressed when she promised me that the milk was new.
Is n't the lead singer from eighties synth merchants, Tears for Fears from Bath?
On the subject of ' dodgy ' food, one of the biggest fears for those going on holiday is ' holiday tummy '.
Finally the goal of Psychotherapy is to reveal the unconscious motives, fears and anxieties that are being manifest in debilitating mental symptoms.
Misunderstandings and fears about HIV are still widespread in society.
I enjoy helping children overcome fears and dislikes so that they no longer abhor many of the fun things in life.
I was worried about the increased crime in my neighborhood, but this new home security system allays my fears.
Many pregnant mothers approach their due date with trepidation regarding the newborn phase, but such fears are often unnecessary.
A good pediatrician can help to quell the fears of new parents, but he can also spot any developmental or physiological problems early on, which can often lead to more effective treatment.
Finally, just remember that you won't be able to alleviate all of your child's fears.
Parents can do a lot to alleviate the insecurities and fears that an older sibling might have.
Play and laugh together, taking the opportunity to learn about your baby's new arrangement, thus relieving your fears and ensuring the child will build trust with the new caregiver.
While some relish the thought of having two babies without two pregnancies and two births, most have fears over the challenges and potential problems of carrying two fetuses and caring for two newborns.
Before you rush to your pediatrician's office with your fears about stuttering, step back, take a deep breath, and wait.
Protecting your family and baby does not mean that you have to let your fears overtake your life.
Having these fears occasionally is normal, but thinking about them all the time is a sign that you are letting your need to protect your baby go too far.
Hugging and kissing to soothe his fears and bruises is a reasonable reaction, but lining your whole house in pillows is not.
They learn our speech patterns; they use our vocabulary; they mimic our gestures, absorb our fears and more.
Perhaps one of the biggest fears people have when they are buying a car is that they will end up with a "lemon."
If you are uncertain or skeptical, ease your fears by purchasing a refurbished Mac from an Apple authorized partner>.
These fears are not without theoretical weight, although there is a lack of medical documentation and research to support such claims.
These intrinsic fears will transfer into the home when you try to bring a new cat into the territory of your current pet.
There are fears that birds can fly into the wind turbine and get killed.
Fears about how the carbon footprint of individuals, corporations and organizations are affecting the environment means that action needs to be taken now.
However, this is an obvious concern that many people have, therefore siting the compost bin away from the house will help to dispel any fears.
A study conducted by the Miami School of Nursing, in conjunction with the Sirkin Creative Living Center, concluded that five-flower essences eased fears and anxieties as compared to conventional pharmaceutical treatment.
One of the biggest fears of those who are new to digital scrapbooking is that they'll somehow "mess up" the project beyond repair.
This is important because it can help to alleviate any fears or preconceived notions you may have about meditation in general.
Write down everything you have been through during the day, everything that has bothered you, your hopes and fears.
Therapy will also provide you with an outlet to share your frustration, anger, and fears in a safe and supportive environment.
Grounding Meditation is about releasing your fears and grounding yourself to earth.
Anxiety can cause many uncomfortable problems like panic attacks, irrational fears, high blood pressure, chronic worrying, and disturbing thoughts.
If you experience these types of symptoms in conjunction with fears or a sense of panic, however, you may be subject to anxiety attacks.
Once the clients understand how their thoughts may be irrational, the therapist tries to rationalize their fears.
Identifying and changing cognitions - The first step is to address all the fears and concerns the client has when experiencing a high level of anxiety.
However, sometimes it can be difficult to identify your negative cognitions because to you, your fears and concerns and your thoughts because of them are rational, which is why they produce such a high level of stress.
If you're a parent, try talking to your child about his or her fears, but don't press too much if he or she doesn't want to talk.
Bringing his head out of the anxiety filled clouds and back down to the reality of first dates and their fears surrounding them may be a big comfort.
Whether a student is found cheating on tests or homework, or is simply hanging with the wrong clique, trouble follows when teens feel they can't share their fears and concerns to an adult without fear of judgment or discipline.
Talking to a physican or drug counselor and having your questions answered can ease fears and concerns.
The person needs to learn that his fears and misperceptions are not healthy.
The anxiety is what motivates people to begin collecting whatever they feel will ease their fears.
After walking out the door, she discovered her fears were not unfounded when after she left, he threatened to kill Kim, her entire family and any man she ever dated.
However, many of Tinseltown's elite have the same deep-seated fears as the rest of the population.
Gradually increase the time and distance until your pet is able to overcome his fears and ride without any ill affects.
In most situations, there was at least one knowledgeable individual who calmed parents' fears about a potential suitor or knew the details of a widow's bounty.
One of the reasons people may joke about turning 50 is to conquer their own fears.
They may have fears about the type of people they might meet if they do go out, and many simply do not even know where to go to meet single people their age.
Most of the theories about dream causes revolve around the dream as a way to experience fears, anxieties and conflicts which the dreamer may, or may not, be aware of when they are awake.
He suggested that the unconscious is the part of the mind that is hardest to access because it contains people's deepest fears, emotions, and desires.
Repressed desires and unconscious fears show up in dreams in Freudian theory.
For example, a dream about falling is often associated with hopes and fears weaved into the innate fear of plummeting.
The fears and worries are common and your doctor may have some advice to make the study more comfortable.
The Sum of All Fears was released in 2002 and is a tactical first-person shooter much like Rainbow Six.
Gamestop offers a one-year store warranty that can help alleviate any fears you have of purchasing a used system.
Fears of the Chrono Trigger followers were assuaged when this title was released.
Defying fans' fears, Metroid Prime managed to preserve as much of the original flavor as possible and went on to become one of the most highly praised games of the GameCube era.
They still have everyday needs to fulfill, (eating, bathing, having fun, etc.), but the game takes Sim living to a whole new level with the addition of "Aspirations", which are met by fulfilling the "Wants" and avoiding "Fears".
Verizon customers who crave the abilities of the iPhone will be able to try it without giving in to any of the fears they may have of transitioning to AT&T, which currently has the iPhone.
Parents of a child with leukemia must balance their own fears for their child's health with the child's fears and worries.
Parents can explain the procedure briefly to the child ahead of time to help reduce fears and encourage cooperation.
These variables include the story's major theme, the major character's needs, drives, anxieties, conflicts, fears, and the child's conception of the external world.
New cases of measles began being reported in some countries-including Great Britain-in 2001 because of parents' fears about vaccine safety.
Fears about the body and body mutilation, especially of the genitals, are often major sources of fear in preschoolers.
Therapists may use the therapeutic session as a means of emotional release and may encourage a child to create drawings that express their deep fears and angers.
Almost all children develop specific fears at some age.
Sometimes the fear is a result of a particular event, but some fears arise on their own.
Many fears are associated with certain age groups.
Preschoolers often have imaginary fears, such as monsters who might eat them, strange noises, being alone in the dark, or thunder.
School-age children have concrete fears, such being hurt, doing badly in school, dying, or natural disasters.
Children often have specific phobias that they outgrow over time, and they can learn specific fears from adults or other children around them, or even from television.
People with social phobia have deep fears of being watched or judged by others and being embarrassed in public.
Young children often have a fear of strangers that is quite normal; social phobia is not usually diagnosed until a child reaches adolescence and has crippling fears that interfere with normal function.
It is not unusual for people with social phobia to turn down job offers or avoid relationships because of their fears.
Almost all children experience some specific fears at some point, but not many rise to the level of phobia or require professional treatment.
A doctor, mental health professional, or counselor should be consulted when irrational fears interfere with a child's normal functioning.
Children are often less able to accurately describe their symptoms or discuss their fears, and so should be encouraged to talk about them with parents.
Treating agoraphobia is more difficult than other phobias because there are often so many fears involved, such as fear of open spaces, traffic, elevators, and escalators.
Parents should be observant to ensure that unusual fears or phobias do not interfere in the lives of their children.
Parents should recognize that a child's fears are real, and encourage the child to talk about his or her feelings, without trivializing the fear.
If a school-age child has fears that interfere with the child's education, ability to make friends, or participate in other normal activities, a professional should be consulted.
Infants and toddlers are not likely to understand verbal explanations, but they have a strong parental attachment and need affection to ease fears.
At this age, the simple fears and fantasies of the younger child are replaced by more complex internal conflicts, such as the struggle to preserve one's allegiance to both parents.
Normal separation fears are outgrown by children by the ages of five or six, but SAD usually starts between the ages of seven and 11.
Often fears and anxieties come and go with time and age.
This tendency leaves children developmentally deprived, because imaginative and fantasy play allows children to explore their world and express their innermost thoughts and feelings, hopes and fears, likes and dislikes.
To control their fears, children who live with violence may repress feelings.
Fears of abandonment and rejection often lead to an excessive dependency on others.
When the diagnosis has been verified by a health-care professional, accurate information about Bell's palsy can greatly alleviate further fears.
The child has fears that persist throughout the day.
Fears are normal, and can be a good thing.
Children's personalities also will influence their fears.
Many childhood fears fall somewhere between the rational and irrational, occurring in phases as the child or adolescent is exposed to new experiences and as both cognitive reasoning and the capacity for imagination develop.
Fears among toddlers include strangers, animals, bugs, storms, sirens, large objects, dark colors, darkness, people with masks, monsters, and "bad" people, such as burglars.
In older adolescents, common fears include anxiety about school achievement, social rejection and related worries, and sexual anxieties, including dating and sexually transmitted diseases, especially human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Nearly all fears have a scientific name, such as triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number 13.
Research shows that most children report having several fears at any given age.
People with social phobia have deep fears of being watched or judged by others and of being embarrassed in public.
While normal fears tend to be experienced in phases and tend to be outgrown by adulthood, abnormal fears are those that are persistent and recurrent or fears that interfere with daily activities for at least a month.
Abnormal fears, including extreme separation anxiety, being afraid to go to school, or extreme social fears, may indicate an anxiety disorder.
When children's fears persist beyond the age when they are appropriate, they can begin to interfere with their daily lives.
For example, a child who fears dogs may first be asked to look at pictures of dogs, then perhaps play with a stuffed dog or view a dog from afar, ultimately getting to the point when she is able to pet and play with dogs.
More common problems associated with doctor visits are dealing with fears babies have of strangers touching them, and managing the child's pain from vaccinations.
Children who have not yet developed sufficient coping mechanisms to deal with many normal childhood fears and problems may feel overwhelmed and insecure.
Child fears a recurrence of the frightful dream and may resist a return to bed.
A child who is losing sleep and whose fears persist during day-time hours may benefit from the help of a pediatric psychotherapist in developing coping strategies for the stress and anxiety expressed through the dreams.
Parents or caretakers should take into account the age and developmental maturity of their child when responding to the fears and anxieties that a nightmare brings to the surface.
The nightmare reflects real fears and stressful circumstances present in the child's waking life.
A parent's willingness to listen to and sympathize with a child's fears provides a necessary validation of the child's experience and helps to calm the child's anxiety.
Often described as the "disease of doubt," the sufferer usually knows the obsessive thoughts and compulsions are irrational but, on another level, fears they may be true.
Because the symptoms are so distressing, sufferers often hide heir fears and rituals but cannot avoid acting on them.
Typical obsessions include fears of dirt, germs, contamination, and violent or aggressive impulses.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) teaches patients how to confront their fears and obsessive thoughts by making the effort to endure or wait out the activities that usually cause anxiety without compulsively performing the calming rituals.
Before they can reassure their children, parents need to deal with their own fears about the impending experience.
It may be easy for parents to unintentionally communicate these fears to the child.
Even with preparation and support, it is normal for children to experience certain fears when they are hospitalized.
Children may or may not verbalize these fears.
Often, they temporarily lose a recent advance, such as staying dry at night or overcoming certain fears.
Funeral directors usually do all they can to allay the family's fears and give them peace of mind that all will go well with the funeral and burial.
If you are an African American individual living in the Washington DC area who fears that there is little you can do to dress-up your hair, Butler's artistic vision is the remedy for your despair.
Despite popular fears that brown hair is boring, there are plenty of spicy ways to add a timeless look to your already beautiful brunette hair.
If you still have some fears, then promise yourself to get a trim at least once every two to three months.
Be sure to communicate your concerns and fears at your next appointment to ensure your long tresses are in experienced hands.
Summer camps and weekend camps are a great way for your child to meet other children and overcome any fears he may have approaching unfamiliar peers.
You'll be able to share your fears and get some guidance on keeping yourself and your baby healthy.
They may alleviate fears that the couple may have as well.
Participants have the opportunity to express fears and ask questions related to pregnancy, parenthood, and childbirth.
Fears of infection and other complications may deter some women, though research proves the IUD does not increase risks of infections and does not cause infertility (as previously supposed).
If you haven't yet chosen a dentist that will adequately suit your needs and help you overcome your tooth-related fears in life, below are some great places to check out.
Frank Grimaldi has been practicing quality dental care for over 20 years, specializing in patients who struggle with overcoming their fears and phobias related to oral health.
But a good teacher can ease those "pattern fears" by helping select the right one for a first project.
While this can be more expensive, it is a recommended option for those who have fears about swimming.
Many instructors understand and have techniques for helping people overcome their fears and begin to be comfortable in the water.
He or she will be able to take your fears into account when working with you, and try to make sure that you're never asked to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.
A private class can be ideal for an adult who has some fears about the water.
Whereas a group class could make one feel self-conscious, a few one-on-one sessions with a calm, generous instructor can do a lot to ease fears and help you feel comfortable in the water.
Many people who have fears of burning candles due to children, pets, or a simple fear of house fires can use these products safely and easily in their homes.
Plastic candles are available in many styles and designs and offer many of the attractions of real candles, without the fears.
This also means that there are no fears of the candle leaving soot marks on walls or decorations.
Electric candle holders are a great addition to the Christmas home providing all the benefits of scented candles without the fears of using a lit candle in the home.
Don't let your fears of writing put off your motivation to design a special romantic love letter, start today!
Many of them feel alone and have fears of never finding true love.
If you are scared of opening your heart after being crushed by another, tell you partner your fears.
To dispel those fears, try some creative answers.
Are her fears that if a man is in your life your studies might suffer which would delay or keep you from graduating from college?
Internet dating has helped to alleviate some of these fears.
I feel like if we could get past our fears, which I don't know is possible, she will even want to give it another go.
I don't want to speculate, but I can't help but wonder if she has her own fears of getting too close with a guy and being disappointed.
We learned that our own fears made us feel uncomfortable, not the culture.
People couldn't have been nicer, but our fears kept us from knowing that until we attended their activity.
Trust issues, fears, and age appropriate interests of the kids may occupy much of the quality time.
Try to understand what her fears are about the two of you being in a relationship are.
I really think she fears what he may do if she kicked him out.
The fighting is a way for expressing the unspoken words and fears you and/or he feels.
My suggestion is that the two of you sit down and each talk about your own fears, insecurities and wants for the relationship.
For example, signs of emotional cheating may include confiding in work fears or dreams with another person who is not his wife or partner.
The only solution to that is communication - clear, open, and honest, not only about what you are doing but also about your fears and why they exist.
The representatives voiced increasingly extreme fears of the consequences of the film.
Try to listen to that little voice inside of you and discuss your fears with him.
Committed couples will discuss their dreams, hopes and fears about the future.
However, you are then faced with the worry of making it a good date, and that can cause all sorts of fears and anxiety about impressing the target of your affections.
Singles who have herpes often have a hard time dating because of common prejudices and fears about the sexually transmitted disease.
You'll either clog up the employer's In box or raise fears about computer viruses.
If one of those planets is Saturn, you may also need to push back against any fears you may have associated with that house.
Card 10 represents your hopes and fears.
Keep in mind that sometimes the things you hope for may also bring about certain fears.
A good counselor must be able to soothe fears and instill confidence in the youngsters.
Keep your anger, frustration, and fears to yourself.
Children of alcoholics often hide their problems and fears from friends and other family members.
Even if you don't have absolute proof, you should report your fears.
Withdrawn children experiencing depression or self doubt need a trustworthy outlet in which they can share their fears and challenges.
Ask her about her favorite color, and teach her some of your favorite songs, while taking the time to nurture her inner thoughts and fears.
Make sure when your child speaks, you not only listen, but take the time to understand their thoughts, fears and concerns.
It is important to let children ask questions and express both their curiosity and their fears about baptism.
The account terrifies as it taps into our primordial fears.
A past life reading can help identify influences that you may not be aware of, or shed light on phobias, fears and talents that you may possess.
Combat these fears by realizing that no matter what it is that you "see", you can always take the helm by deciding to analyze it.
This fated day is not only a calendar date, it's now a cultural symbol that represents a number of underlying collective human fears.
The author soothed her friend's fears, but a few days later her friend fell down a flight of stairs and swore that she was pushed.
The greeter usually reassures the person and calms any fears.
Their previous fears, especially the fear of death, are gone.
She thinks she had sex with Ricky when she was at band camp, but "it was over in two seconds," so she isn't sure until four different home pregnancy tests confirm her worst fears.
Emma's mother became pregnant at age 14 with daughter Emma, so she understands and empathizes with Manny's fears.
Both hypnosis and self-hypnosis can be used to boost self-confidence, overcome or lessen fears and stress, and even provide a certain level of pain relief.
If we take in to account all of the bad omens and wives tales surrounding comets, these myths and fears can also give way as a means to signify change in someone's life.
A key wound clock works anywhere without any fears of it stopping - making it ideal for traveling or simply for taking into the garden to wake you up after an afternoon snooze.
Knowing that the alarm is going to go off promptly can aid relaxation as there are no fears of over sleeping, which can help ensure a good night's sleep.
Injuries, fears, stress, and disabilities can all be addressed on an individual basis in a private lesson.
This documentation will aid you as you discuss your doubts and fears with a physician.
Selecting toys that encourage verbal communication, body language, and facial expressions can help your child learn more than one way to express her emotions, desires, and fears.
The Wakefield autism vaccine study retracted helps calm many parent's fears about MMR vaccine safety.
Really I think the biggest challenge is just overcoming my own fears.
Fears about the H1N1 virus have inspired organizations such as the International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to issue guidelines and directives for swine flu cleaning procedures.
Thus, no fears of your socks shrinking or felting, and they are suitable for machine washing.
One of the fears among doctors and scientists is that the higher fat content of the Atkins diet may put patients at risk for coronary artery disease and other cholesterol-related problems.
They can then answer any questions you might have and calm any fears.
The Internet brought all these old fears back the surface with new intensity.
Lambert selected Mad World, a melancholy ballad originally written by the British pop-duo Tears for Fears in 1982 and was the first single from the band's debut album The Hurting.
The Adam Lambert Mad World performance was much more inspired by the Gary Jules version of the song than the original Tears for Fears version.