Feared Sentence Examples
The idea he feared anything amazed her.
She was annoyed because she feared it would lead to unhappiness.
They feared that the wolf was upon him; but he wished only to get his gun.
Now, half a year later, came the feared phone call informing them that Martha too was leaving.
And yet, he feared what that fire might mean.
Everyone had something they feared.
He'd wanted to ask about Angel but feared doing so.
The Revolution of 1868 in Spain promised such salutary changes for the Antilles as the introduction of political parties, the restoration of representation in the Spanish Cortes, and the enfranchisement of the slaves; but the imprudent "Insurrection of Lares," and other outbreaks of 1867-68, delayed these anticipated reforms. The reactionaries feared separation from the mother country.
It was feared that the heresy, if suffered to make headway, would spread like wildfire among the ignorant Russian peasantry, and Archbishop Nikon was sent to Athos to threaten the recalcitrant brethren with severe temporal and eternal penalties should they remain obstinate.
Nelson having destroyed the French fleet at Trafalgar, Napoleon feared the possibility of a British army being landed on the Peninsular coasts, whence in conjunction with Portuguese and Spanish forces it might attack France from the south.
AdvertisementIt is no mere receptacle, but a sacrosanct object as much to be feared as Yahweh himself.
Local associations with his original seat - Kutha - and the conception formed of him as a god of the dead acted in making him feared rather than actively worshipped.
The governor expressed his views to the prime minister that the Natal government ought to give the British government every support, and Colonel Hime replied that their support would be given, but at the same time he feared the consequences to Natal if, after all, the British govern m ent should draw back.
The governor was strongly opposed to this step, as he was anxious to protect the coal supply, and also feared the moral effect of a withdrawal.
In Natal, especially among the older colonists, who feared that in a united South Africa Natal interests would be overborne, the proposals for union were met with suspicion and opposition, and the Natal ministry felt bound to submit the question to the people.
AdvertisementVien-Tiane during the 18th century was the most powerful of the Lao principalities, and was feared and respected throughout Indo-China.
The earl showed himself finely capable in practice as in theory, vigorous and tolerant, a man to be feared and a leader to be followed; he took the government entirely into his own hands, repressed the jobbery traditional to the office, established schools and manufactures, and at once conciliated and kept in check the Orange and Roman Catholic factions.
Of all external agents acting for evil, however, probably vegetable and animal micro-organisms with a pathogenic bent are most to be feared.
The boundary was beaconed in 1864, but when in 1865 Umtonga fled from Zululand to Natal, Cetywayo, seeing that he had lost his part of the bargain (for he feared that Umtonga 1 might be used to supplant him as Panda had been used to supplant Dingaan), caused the beacon to be removed, the Zulu claiming also the land ceded by the Swazis to Lydenburg.
The left column under Colonel (afterwards Sir) Evelyn Wood, which had done excellent work, found itself obliged to act on the defensive after the disaster to the centre column.2 For a time an invasion of Natal was feared.
AdvertisementTwo possible eventualities had especially to be feared - the sea might get up, or a heavy bombardment of the beaches might be instituted by the Turks while the final evacuation was in progress.
The latter portion was not much known to the Hebrews, but was vaguely feared as a power in the early days of the monarchy, though not in the later pre-Captivity period.
P. Baglioni, who had been given estates but feared to lose them, joined forces to conspire against the Borgias.
The rivalry of the Burgundians and Armagnacs brought terrible disasters upon France, and for many years afterwards the name of "Armagnacs" was bestowed upon the bands of adventurers who were as much to be feared as the Grandes Compagnies of the preceding age.
Even after Conrad's capture of Naples Innocent remained inexorable; for he feared that Rome itself might fall into the hands of the German king.
AdvertisementAlthough himself a stranger to letters he welcomed scholars to his court and eagerly seconded the efforts of his brother Bruno to encourage learning; and while he neither feared nor shirked battle, he was always ready to secure his ends by peaceable means.
For many years there had been trouble between the ruler and the people over the ownership of the extensive crown lands, it being evidently feared at one time that an English prince might renounce the throne and yet claim the lands.
Lentulus was compelled to abdicate his praetorship, and, as it was feared that there might be an attempt to rescue him, he was put to death in the Tullianum on the 5th of December 63.
As for the revolutionaries, he detested them but feared them, and was convinced that sooner or later he would be their victim."
Doubtless with the object of expanding the flourishing foreign trade of Samos, he entered into alliance with Amasis, king of Egypt, who, according to Herodotus, renounced his ally because he feared that the gods, in envy of Polycrates' excessive good fortune, would bring ruin upon him and his allies.
In 1525 the conservative party, which had from the first feared that Luther's teaching would result in sedition, received a new and terrible proof, as it seemed to them, of the noxious influence of the evangelical preachers.
About 000 insurgents under Shays assembled at Springfield on the 26th of September to prevent the sitting there of the Supreme Court, from which they feared indictments.
They were feared, too, as ministers of the taboo and were entitled to pronounce a kind of excommunication for offences against its rules.
The priest may not indeed himself have believed them, but he probably feared their effect on the moral courage of the people.
The inscription on the portico states that it was erected by him during his third consulship. His friendship with Augustus seems to have been clouded by the jealousy of his father-in-law Marcellus, which was probably fomented by the intrigues of Livia, the second wife of Augustus, who feared his influence with her husband.
To this Brand rejoined that, as far as the offensive was concerned, he did not desire to be a party to attacking any one, and as for the defensive, where was the pressing danger of the enemy which Kruger feared ?
He failed as a political reformer because the merchants and the moneyed classes, whom the Gracchi had tried to conciliate, feared that they would themselves be swept away by a revolution of which the mob and its leaders would be the ultimate controllers.
The great obstacle in the way of this, the only true solution of the difficulty, was the opposition of the Lithuanian magnates, who feared to lose the absolute dominancy they possessed in the grand-duchy if they were merged in the szlachta of the kingdom.
But to this the magnates and the szlachta were equally opposed, the former because they feared the rivalry of a national assembly, the latter because they were of more importance in their local diets than they could possibly hope to be in a I The Red Russian sejmik was of later origin, c. 1433.
Here Churchyard enriched himself at the expense, it is to be feared, of the unhappy Irish; but in 1552 he was in England again, trying vainly to secure a fortune by marriage with a rich widow.
Their own poems soon became the theme of criticism and of comment; and, by the time of Quintilian and Juvenal, they shared the fate (which Horace had feared) of becoming textbooks for use in schools.
The commissioners feared that, so long as Greek was a sine qua non at the universities, these schools would be cut off from direct connexion with the universities, while the universities would in some degree lose their control over a portion of the higher culture of the nation.
In 1753 Berthier feared that in thirty years no one would be able to read Greek.
McClellan, deprived of McDowell's corps, felt himself reduced to impotence, and three Federal armies were vainly marching up and down the Valley when Johnston fell with all his forces upon the Army of the Potomac. The Federals lay on both sides of the Chickahominy river, and at this moment Johnston heard that McDowell's arrival need not be feared.
He proposed the convocation of a national congress, but was overthrown by a conspiracy of Spaniards under one Yermo, who feared that they would lose their privileged position through severance from Spain.
The work was pressed forward with all speed, for, as Coverdale writes to Cromwell, they were " dayly threatened " and ever feared " to be spoken withall."
To Nur-ed-din he was invariably submissive, but from the vigour which he employed in adding to the fortifications of Cairo and the haste with which he retreated from an attack on Montreal (1171) and Kerak (1173) it is clear that he feared his lord's jealousy.
As Turkish interests demanded the isolation of the Oriental Christians from their western brethren, and as the orthodox Greek nationalists feared Latinization more than Mahommedan rule, a patriarch hostile to the union was chosen, and a synod of Constantinople in 1472 formally rejected the decisions of Florence.
Even benefit societies were feared and forbidden by the Roman autocrats, and the " dominical suppers " of the Christians were not likely to be spared.
Meanwhile a Bavarian Assembly had been elected, and the Bavarian reactionaries feared that, when it assembled, Eisner's influence might continue to predominate or might even be fortified.
They are as a rule frugal, industrious and lawabiding, and are feared rather for their virtues than for their vices.
A population largely Roman Catholic in creed, and partly French in origin and language, feared that an influx of new settlers would overthrow cherished traditions.
Tiberius and his favourite Sejanus feared that her ambition might lead her to attempt to secure the throne for her children, and she was banished to the island of Pandataria off the coast of Campania, where she died on the 18th of October 33, starved to death by herself, or, according to some, by order of Tiberius.
He feared also whether we can explain the mystery of the Incarnation, and other things, unless real bonds or unions are added to monads and phenomena.
To his thinking, poison and the dagger were less to be feared by the pope than the lust of power.
Newman, which could not be content with a compromise with truth, but feared to face ultimate realities, the rigidly authoritative attitude of Rome made an irresistible appeal.
In this passage he deprecates current physiognomical speculations, saying that he might criticize them but feared to waste time and become tedious over them.
At first it was feared that such bars would have a tendency to slip through the concrete in which they were embedded, but experiments have shown that if the bar is not painted but has a natural rusty surface a very considerable adhesion between the concrete and steel - as much as 2 cwt.
They are exceedingly thin, but being buried in concrete no danger of their perishing from rust is to be feared.
Hudson Taylor in 1853 went to China as the agent of a number of folk in England who feared that missionary work was becoming too mechanical.
The news of Glover's approach induced the king, who feared also the return of the white troops, to sue for peace.
At Rome he was opposed by Antipas and by many of the Jews, who feared his cruelty; but Augustus allotted to him the greater part of the kingdom (Judaea, Samaria, Ituraea) with the title of ethnarch.
During this period Clement was mainly occupied in urging Charles to arrest the progress of the Reformation in Germany and in efforts to elude the emperor's demand for a general council, which Clement feared lest the question of the mode of his election and his legitimacy should be raised.
But it happened that Hobbes had allowed a French acquaintance to have a private translation of his reply made by a young Englishman, who secretly took a copy of the original for himself; and now it was this unnamed purloiner who, in 1654, when Hobbes had become famous and feared, gave it to the world of his own motion, with an extravagantly laudatory epistle to the reader in its front.
The opposition of the bishops to these laws was supported even by many Protestants, especially by the more orthodox Lutherans, who feared the effect of this increased subjection of all churches to the state; they were opposed also by the Conservative members of the Upper House.
Bismarck therefore no longer feared, as he formerly had, to encounter the difficulties with Great Britain which would be the natural result of a policy of colonial expansion.
The Agrarians tjons, believed that the Berlin Exchange was partly re sponsible for the fall of prices in corn; the Anti Semites laid stress on the fact that many of the financiers were of Jewish extraction; the Centre feared the moral effects of speculation.
In 1678 the university registers which had been in his custody for eighteen years were removed, as it was feared that he would be implicated in the Popish plot.
But his interest was in the fascinating game of diplomacy; he was ambitious of playing the leading part on the great stage of international politics; and he was too consummate a courtier to risk the loss of the imperial favour by any insistence on unpalatable reforms, which, after all, would perhaps only reveal the necessity for the complete revolution which he feared.
We are told by Dr Derham in his Life of Ray that the reason of his refusal "was not (as some have imagined) his having taken the ` Solemn League and Covenant,' for that he never did, and often declared that he ever thought it an unlawful oath; but he said he could not declare for those that had taken the oath that no obligation lay upon them, but feared there might."
The Genius, now that it had become a vehicle for this dangerous doctrine, was a paper to be feared and intensely hated.
Certainly there are occasional man-eaters amongst them, and in some countries they are much feared.
In spite of all the precautions they took and the contracts they made, the Egyptians could never quite rid themselves of the dread that their tombs might decay and their cult be neglected; and they sought therefore to obtain by prayers and threats what they feared they might lose altogether.
Napoleon's occupation of the Ionian Islands and his relations with Ali had alarmed Russia, which feared that French influence would be substituted for her own in the Balkan peninsula; and on the 5th of September 1798 a formal alliance, to which Great Britain soon after acceded, was signed on behalf of the emperor Paul and the sultan.
He discharged his duties with so much spirit and so conscientiously that he ultimately gained the esteem of Frederick William, who no longer feared that he would leave the crown to one unworthy of wearing it.
Generally speaking, the classes of persons who claimed the rights of asylum were slaves who had been maltreated by their masters, soldiers defeated and pursued by the enemy, and criminals who feared a trial or who had escaped before sentence was passed.
From 1577 onwards, Venice endeavoured to crush the pirates without offending Austria, enlisting Albanians in place of their Dalmatian crews, who feared reprisals at home.
Meanwhile Lothar's contemplated attack upon Roger had gained the backing of Pisa, Genoa and the Greek emperor, all of whom feared the growth of a powerful Norman kingdom.
Her kinsmen, the Guises, fell from power, and were no longer to be feared by England, so that Elizabeth need not abandon her favourite, Lord Robert Dudley, in the hope of securing Scotland by her marriage with Arran.
An accomplished general, a skilful diplomatist, and a patriot who not only loved his country above all things, but never feared to tell his countrymen the truth, he excelled in all private and public virtues.
The policy of the British government was not favourable to the economic development of the newly-acquired country, since it was feared that its prosperity might react against the trade and industry of Great Britain.
Turning his attention in another direction he built a fleet, and the ravages of the Vandals soon made them known and feared along the shores of the Mediterranean.
Some indeed feared that his life was endangered by the violence of popular feeling.
In terror they fled from the tomb, " and they said nothing to any man, for they feared.
The spell, however, of O'Connell's power had vanished; his health had suffered much from a short confinement; he was verging upon his seventieth year; and he was alarmed and pained by the growth of a party in the repeal ranks who scoffed at his views, and advocated the revolutionary doctrines which he had always feared and abhorred.
Basnage had welcomed the revival of the Protestant church due to the zeal of Antoine Court; but he assured the regent that no danger of active resistance was to be feared from it, and, true to the principles of Calvin, he denounced the rebellion of the Camisards in his Instructions pastorales aux Reformes de France sur l'obeissance due aux souverains (Paris, 1720), which was printed by order of the court and scattered broadcast in the south of France.
The attention of the British government had been directed to Afghan affairs ever since the time of Sir John Shore, who feared that Zaman Shah, then holding his court at First Lahore, might follow in the path of Ahmed Shah, Afghan and overrun Hindustan.
Although Spain had joined France in the war against Great Britain, she feared to imperil her own colonial interests by directly encouraging and aiding the former British colonies in their revolt against their mother country, and she had refused to recognize the United States as an independent power.
Vahsel feared the destruction of the vessel, and induced the leader to change his plans and return to South Georgia for the winter in order to try again next year.
Austria, once the champion of Europe against the Turk, saw in the Russian advance on the Danube a greater peril than any to be feared from the moribund Ottoman power, and made the maintenance of the integrity of Turkey a prime object of her policy.
It was feared that the removal of this powerful deterrent would adversely affect discipline, but on the contrary, the yearly average of prison offences has diminished from 147 to 131 per thousand prisoners, and it has been felt by the authorities that the limitation was salutary and wise.
The superior party, however, maintained Mosta`in on the throne, because they feared lest Motazz should take vengeance upon them for the murder of his father Motawakkil.
His report of this expedition upon his return to Washington, D.C., in 1844, aroused much solicitude for California, which, it was feared, might, in the event of war then threatening between the United States and Mexico, be seized by Great Britain.
Virginia now feared that too much had been given up, and desired joint regulation of the navigation and commerce of the river by Maryland and Virginia.
Spain's fears passed on to Mexico, the Russians being feared only less than Americans.
Where the reptile is venerated or feared it is usually inviolable, and among the Brassmen of the Niger the dangerous and destructive cobra was especially protected by an article in the diplomatic treaty of 1856 for the Bight of Biafra (Maclennan, 524).
On the day of public procession - the last took place in 1857 or 1858 - naked priests and " wives" escorted the company with songs and dances; death was the penalty of those caught peering from their houses, and, apart from this, the natives feared loathsome diseases should they gaze upon the sacred scene.
Especially was this need realized by the British government, which feared that Russia would seize the occasion for an isolated intervention under the treaty of Unkiar Skelessi.
Menzies was president, was formed after this event by ministers and elders who feared that the cause of free theological inquiry was in peril in the church.
In 1665 he almost quarrelled with his fellow-Platonist, Henry More, because the latter had written an ethical work which Cudworth feared would interfere with his own long-contemplated treatise on the same subject.
His great popularity, and the general ignorance of the reasons for his imprisonment, stirred up a strong feeling against the queen, who was reported to be influenced by Bacon, and such indignation was raised against the latter that his friends feared his life would be in danger.
It is clear that the extraneous influence to be feared was Coke, who, on being addressed by Bacon, again objected to giving his opinion separately, and even seemed to hope that his brother judges after they had seen the papers would withdraw their assent to giving their decisions privately.
Under these circumstances, Bacon, who feared that such a report might incite other people to attempt a similar offence, proposed to the king that a second rumour should be circulated in order to destroy the impression caused by the first.
On that day Bacon, as he had feared, was too ill to attend.
The town was full of angry murmurs, and the landlord feared that the mob would storm his house and drag Spinoza out.
France had just received a humiliating check at Dettingen, and the invasion of the north-eastern frontier was feared.
He died on the 24th of November 1572, and at his funeral in St Giles' Churchyard the new Regent Morton, speaking under the hostile guns of the castle, expressed the first surprise of those around as they looked back on that stormy life, that one who had "neither flattered nor feared any flesh" had now "ended his days in peace and honour."
But when the Hats became the armourbearers of France in the north, a protector strong enough to counteract French influence became the cardinal exigency of their opponents, the younger Caps, who now flung themselves into the arms of Russia, overlooking the fact that even a pacific union with Russia was more to be feared than a martial alliance with France.
With each of these local potentates the king could deal with as scant consideration as he pleased, always provided that he had the power or understood the art of making himself feared.
According to Marcion, the good God never judges, but everywhere manifests His goodness - is, therefore, not to be feared, but simply to be loved, as a father.
They could not keep back the waves of the new civilization, they feared being swamped, and they sought vainly to maintain intact their old organization while reaping the financial benefit resulting from the working of the gold mines.
Alphonso, who became count of Portugal in 1128, was one of the warrior heroes of medieval romance; his exploits were sung by troubadours throughout south-western Europe, and even in Africa " ibn Errik " - the son of Henry - was known and feared.
But orthodox churchmen feared that even in Portugal this appeal from authority to experience would lead to an attack upon religious doctrines previously regarded as beyond criticism.
Backed by these forces, as well as by the king and the army, Franco effected some useful reforms. But his opponents included not only the Republicans, the professional politicians and those officials who feared inquiry, but also the magistracy, the district and municipal councils, and the large body of citizens who still believed in parliamentary government.
On the 10th of February 1360, when another French invasion was feared, the bailiff of Sandwich was ordered to send all the lead he had to Wykeham for the works at Dover.
Stilicho, "fearing to suffer all that had caused himself to be feared," annihilated those defences of Alps and Apennines which the provident gods had interposed between the barbarians and the Eternal City, and planted the cruel Goths, his "skinclad" minions, in the very sanctuary of the empire.
But even in this period of headlong reaction his influence was felt and feared.
The squadron was not very well manned, and Byng was in particular much aggrieved because his marines were landed to make room for the soldiers who were to reinforce the garrison, and he feared that if he met a French squadron after he had lost them he would be dangerously undermanned.
Those of the northern marches, Trent and Friuli, with the important dukedom of Turin, retained longer the kind of independence which marchlands usually give where invasion is to be feared.
He appears to have feared the return of Mary Queen of Scots to Scotland, but after her arrival in 1561 he was appointed secretary of state, and for about six years he directed the policy of Scotland and enjoyed the confidence of the queen.
He left the service of the king of Canaan because the king feared the devil, and that of the devil because the devil feared the Cross.
Between them and the European settlers there were seldom any manifestations of acute hostility, though each race feared and distrusted the other.
Philip Carteret reassumed the duties of his office, but his administration, now that Andros was no longer feared, was again marked by much friction with the assembly.
At the time it was feared that there would be civil war between Hendrik Potgieter and Andries Pretorius, but they were reconciled in Potgieter's tent.
He appears to have taken no steps whatever to prevent the crime, beyond writing to Rome in vague terms that " he feared some particular desperate courses," which aroused no suspicions in that quarter.
The patriarch feared on the one hand that the growing influence of the Russian Church would give a colour of Slavism to the whole church, and that a Russian might eventually be appointed oecumenical patriarch at Constantinople, while the Rumanians hoped by means of the independence of their church to deprive the Russians of all excuse for interfering in their internal affairs under the pretext of religion.
His birth was greeted with joy by the Spaniards, who feared the dispute as to the succession which must have ensued if Philip IV.
It was feared by some that Duke John might carry his ambitions so far as to, aim at the thronehe could do what he pleased with his doting father, and flaws might have been picked in the marriage of the Black Prince and his wife Joan of Kent, who were cousins, and therefore within the prohibited degrees.
But the Commons feared his commanding genius too much to let him go free.
His family, who feared his conversion to Roman Catholicism, opposed his wish, but he promised not to go beyond France.
Ritschl 3 even speaks of the Reformed as teaching Kenosis in the modern sense; but it is to be feared they rather taught alternately the manhood and the Godhead than made a serious effort to show the compatibility of divine and human predicates in one person.
He was hated and feared by most of the oligarchy.
In Greek mythology the term was specially applied to the stone supposed to have been swallowed by Cronus (who feared misfortune from his own children) in mistake for his infant son Zeus, for whom it had been substituted by Uranus and Gaea, his wife's parents (Etymologicum Magnum, s.v.).
But he feared to summon the national assembly, was personally weak and vacillating, and in foreign politics was Turcophil and Austrophil rather than Russophil.
Staples answered that preaching was his duty, and that he would not fail; but he feared for his life.
They hated, feared and despised the Irish, and took pride in preserving their pure English speech.
A famine was feared, and in the west there was much real distress.
About four years after, in 1092, on the invitation of Hugh, earl of Chester, Anselm with some reluctance, for he feared to be made archbishop, crossed to England.
Night is a person in Greek mythology, and in the fourteenth book of the Iliad we read that Zeus abstained from punishing Sleep " because he feared to offend swift Night."
For some time it was feared that the French kingdom would be entirely absorbed in consequence of the marriage between Louiss daughter and Henry II.s eldest son.
When Isabella died, Ferdinand endeavoured to lay hands on the regency of Castile, but the nobles, who disliked and feared him, forced him to withdraw.
At the same time his inheritance of the Netherlands brought him into collision with their inhabitants who feared his absolutist tendencies, and with the Reformation The revolt in the Low Countries was inevitably favored by both France and England.
This bellicose policy, however, brought him into collision with the queen, who feared that the outbreak of war would diminish the revenues which she squandered in selfindulgence.
But the Conservatives preferred to support the late kings brother Don Carlos, and they had the active aid of the Basques, who feared for their local franchises, and of the mountaineers of Navarre, Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia, who were either quite clerical, or who had become attached, during the French invasion and the troubles of the reign of Ferdinand, to a life of guerrillero adventure.
His early fall was predicted, and it was feared that he might bring down the monarchy with him.
Zamoyski feared their influence upon Poland, which he would have made the head of the Slavonic powers by its own endeavours.
As accuser affecting man's standing before God he is greatly feared.
Meanwhile there had been a massacre at Trebizond (October 8), in which armed men from Constantinople took part, and it had become evident that no united action on the part of the powers was to be feared.
But he made no sign of disapproval when the doctrine was defined, and subsequently, in a letter nominally addressed to the duke of Norfolk on the occasion of Mr Gladstone's accusing the Roman Church of having "equally repudiated modern thought and ancient history," Newman affirmed that he had always believed the doctrine, and had only feared the deterrent effect of its definition on conversions on account of acknowledged historical difficulties.
He came into notice first as an opponent of Pericles, to whom his advanced ideas were naturally unacceptable, and in his opposition somewhat curiously found himself acting in concert with the aristocrats, who equally hated and feared Pericles.
He received an enthusiastic welcome in both capitals, but the visit to Vienna was never returned in Rome, for Francis Joseph as a Catholic sovereign feared to offend the pope, a circumstance which served to embitter Austro-Italian relations.
It wasn't the venom she feared, although she was cautious, but the way the body writhed and slithered.
Han was as big as the man before her, and if he feared him … Damian's gaze swept over her.
In my day, Oracles were the most revered, most feared and celebrated.
Even demons feared Past-Death; she'd ride on the small woman's reputation.
She definitely feared him, and she was shown mercy by the Dark One.
She feared asking what they meant by Immortal society.
While the sole down stairs room would have saved considerable huffing and puffing, Dean feared the smaller quarters and especially the bed would not adequately accommodate the woman's substantial mass.
The former head of the assassin corps for the White God was revered and feared among the Guardians.
These people – Guardians or whatever – feared him.
At other times (e.g. agoraphobia, social phobia) avoiding the feared situation limits their life severely.
This heavy armament soon became justly feared by enemies on all fronts during WWII.
Oscar kills a terrible boar that has long been feared by the people of Erin.
Relatively isolated and impoverished communities turned themselves into rich self-governing city-states exercising power that was felt and feared over a wide area.
When Oswald was picked up, Roselli suggested the underworld conspirators feared he would crack and disclose information that might lead to them.
The National rifle Association In 1859, when England feared invasion from France, a volunteer rifle corps was formed.
Scarcely dared I answer her; for I feared the next sentence might be rough.
In addition to the 10 miners originally entombed it is feared that one of the rescue parties has perished.
I did not say she feared fallout from any test.
The Critical Review and the Quarterly feared that the extensive use of Scots would prove incomprehensible to an English audience.
Freedom of speech (typified by Clause 28) was stifled and creative individuality feared.
At first it was feared the huge landslip may have buried a walker, cyclist or jogger out on the popular sea walk.
My uncle was a dangerous madman, if you will, but he was not cruel and base as I had feared.
There was a feeling of such malevolence that I feared for our lives.
The much feared man-eaters like Oceanic Whitetips and Tiger Sharks, are commonly seen plying the deeper waters along the shelf.
Eldon Hole near Peak Forest used to be feared as the entrance to a bottomless pit or even to Hell itself.
Timebat tribunos aut plebes [one feared the magistrates or the mob] does not exclude the case in which one feared both.
It was feared that the Society might act like a secret society and take independent action politicking behind the parent body's back.
These were called priestesses, or Witches, or Wise Ones, and they were feared, for their knowledge and their power.
The Poppy Appeal, feared by some to be declining in support, has in fact broken all records in the locality.
The overwhelming majority of parents opposed the repeal of Section 28 precisely because they feared it would lead to the aggressive promotion of homosexuality.
I feared retribution from other male students in Suzanne's tow.
He was greatly feared, because he could bring ruination upon anyone for the smallest slight to his honor.
They had lived through the Prague Spring and feared they could hear the distant rumble of the tanks.
Most town leaders feared what the Sea Beggars would do to their towns as they seemed as ruthless as the Spanish.
The troubled teen, who his parents feared would be inside by his 16th birthday, has turned his life around.
Others left because they feared constant political turmoil in Germany.
But on the other hand the very elimination of John could have sparked just the very uprising that Herod feared.
Seeing Darkhawk suddenly stop in mid stroke Trimus feared the worst and he drew a wand.
At the critical moment the British government, urged to move in the matter by the British residents in both countries, who feared that war would mean the financial ruin of both Chile and Argentina, used its utmost influence both at Santiago and Buenos Aires to allay the misunderstandings; and negotiations were set on foot which ended in a treaty for the cessation of further armaments being signed, June 1902.
France, and the French Catholics especially, feared lest conciliation should diminish the reliance of the Vatican upon Terms France, and consequently French hold over the of the Vatican.
The tsar was reluctant to bind himself by a formal treaty, because the French government did not offer the requisite guarantees of stability, and because he feared that it might be induced, by the prospect of Russian support, to assume an aggressive attitude towards Germany.
During the absence of Archelaus, who would - the Jews feared - prove his legitimacy by emulating his father's ferocity, and to whom their ambassadors preferred Antipas, the Jews of Palestine gave the lie to their protestations of loyalty and peaceableness.
The Directors feared a rupture with the man to whom they owed their existence; and the house of Austria was fain to make peace with the general rather than expose itself to harder terms at the hands of the Directory.
He set out for Narva on the 13th of November, against the advice of all his generals, who feared the effect on untried troops of a week's march through a wasted land, along boggy roads guarded by no fewer than three formidable passes which a little engineering skill could easily have made impregnable.
They often lived on terms of intimacy either with the head of the house or its younger members; but it is to be feared that too often this intimacy was founded, not on mutual respect, as in the heroic example of Ulysses and Eumaeus, but on insolent self-assertion on the one side and a spirit of unworthy compliance on the other, the latter having its raison d'être in degrading services rendered by the slave.
The coast in the direction of the Euxine also was greatly feared by sailors, as the harbours were few and the sea proverbially tempestuous; but the southern shore was more attractive to navigators, and here we find the Greek colonies of Abdera and Mesambria on the Aegean, Perinthus on the Propontis, and, the most famous of all, Byzantium, at the meeting-point of that sea and the Bosporus.
This action, however, did not meet with the approval of MacMahon, who feared that the Arabs would resent it as an infraction of the religious peace, and thought that the Mahommedan church, being a state institution in Algeria, ought to be protected from proselytism; so it was intimated to the prelate that his sole duty was to minister to the colonists.
In the Anecdota Procopius adds as an illustration of Justinian's vanity the story that he took in good faith an observation made to him by Tribonian, while sitting as assessor, that he (Tribonian) greatly feared that the emperor might some day, on account of his piety, be suddenly carried up into heaven.
There was no precedent for large military forces, in close contact with a formidable enemy, embarking within easy artillery range of positions in the hands of the opposing side, and the most sanguine amongst high military authorities in the councils of the Entente feared that a withdrawal could not be carried out without incurring heavy losses.
Though people might disbelieve in his visions, they feared to ridicule them in his presence.
The state debt was large, taxation was heavy, and industry was unsettled; worthless paper money was in circulation, yet some men demanded more; debtors were made desperate by prosecution; the state government seemed weak, the Federal government contemptibly so; the local courts would not, or from intimidation feared to, punish the turbulent, and demagogues encouraged ideas of popular power.
They insisted that the Government should introduce proposals as to the official language of functionaries, for they feared a return of the procedure used by Badeni, which by means of a Government ordinance had altered the received usage and upset the national balance of power; that in Bohemia the purely German sub-districts (Bezirke) should be included in German districts (Kreise), and in like manner the purely Czech sub-districts in Czech districts, so that there would then be a relatively small number of territories of mixed nationality, which would have to be governed bilingually; that minorities should be protected by law; and that in appointing to posts in the offices of the autonomous Bohemian territorial Government, proportionate consideration should be given to the Germans, attention being paid to the fact that in Bohemia more than a third of the population were German, and that they paid more than half the taxes, but that the Czech national majority had appointed more than 90% of Czechs and not even 10% of Germans in the Government offices.
The fiery blasts of summer, furnace-heated over the red-hot Kizil Kum, are hardly less to be feared than the ice-cold shamshir (or north-western blizzard) of winter, which freezes men when it finds them in the open desert, and frequently destroys whole caravans.
He used prayer and fasting to deliver himself from evil enchantment; and when he saw ecstatic and mystical visions promising him the Lord's help and great usefulness in the Lord's work, he feared that these revelations might be of diabolic origin.
But the Catholics feared that the Italian national movement, when once started, would entail the downfall of the papacy; and in opposition to the emperor's Italian advisers, Arese and Prince Jerome Napoleon, they pitted the empress, who was frivolous and capricious, but an ardent Catholic. Napoleon III.
He feared that Bonaparte's genius might outweigh all the courage of the Russian troops, and at the same time could not admit the idea of his hero being disgraced.
She feared to look round, it seemed to her that someone was there standing behind the screen in the dark corner.
Pierre absolutely disbelieved both the princess' hints and the letter, but he feared now to look at Dolokhov, who was sitting opposite him.
He feared to give way to his thoughts, yet could not get rid of them.
Seeing that her mother was still praying she ran on tiptoe to the bed and, rapidly slipping one little foot against the other, pushed off her slippers and jumped onto the bed the countess had feared might become her grave.
Prince Andrew did not laugh and feared that he would be a damper on the spirits of the company, but no one took any notice of his being out of harmony with the general mood.
There was no fracture, not even the rupture of ligaments that we had feared.
The highest point of the islands is only eight feet above sea level and it is feared that rising waters will eventually cover the islands completely.
My first thought was that the sanctuary was full to overflowing and Daddy feared I'd be nervous.
Reports began circulating a few days ago that Jackass star Steve-O was hospitalized because those close to him believed he was suicidal and feared that he was a danger to himself.
With the enormous success of her debut single, some may have feared that Leona Lewis was going to be relegated to "One Hit Wonder" land.
When she went missing this time, they informed the police, letting them know that they feared she might try to harm herself.
Hopefully, not something too dark as reports surfaced last week that some of her friends feared she might be suicidal.
Other students feared their credits wouldn't transfer and that they weren't learning enough to make the money they spent worth the effort required.
Rookie has come a long way from his beginnings as a little yellow puppy that feared his own shadow.
If planted in May and frost is feared, protect the young plants at night by turning a garden pot over them.
Their poisonous character is well known and feared in their native countries.
Career changes are common and not to be feared.
You may be surprised to find that European eyeglasses aren't as steeply priced as you feared.
What is UV, and why is it one of the most feared forms of energy on the planet?
You'll eventually gain a reputation amongst the land, but whether you're adored or feared is entirely up to you.
Aries trained Kratos to be the strongest, cruelest, and most feared mortal.
With their adversaries gone and their powers weakened, the gods feared lowing their own lives.
Some nineteenth-century physicians feared a variety of consequences from thumb sucking, such as weak moral character, and earlier generations of parents were advised to break this habit forcibly.
Desensitization-A treatment for phobias which involves exposing the phobic person to the feared situation.
If the person rarely encounters the feared object, the phobia does not cause much harm.
However, if the feared object or situation is common, it can seriously disrupt the person's everyday life.
It exposes the person immediately to the feared object or situation.
Parents should be sympathetic, but not allow the child to avoid situations in which the child must encounter the feared object or events.
Desensitization means exposing a child to something that is feared in a gradual way, in order to help the child overcome the fear.
Therefore, CBT helps the child overcome avoidance by gradually facing what is feared with lots of praise and positive reinforcement for doing so.
The most significant factors in overcoming fear are identifying the fear, developing a sense of control over the feared environment, and envisioning alternatives to the feared negative outcomes.
Fear symptoms in toddlers include crying and avoidance of the feared person or object.
However, if the feared object or situation is common, it can seriously disrupt everyday life.
Most often it takes the form of desensitization, a technique by which the fearful person is exposed to the feared stimulus in an extremely mild form and then with gradually increasing degrees of intensity.
The eyebrow area happens to be one of the least painful areas to wax, so it should not be a feared method of enhancing the look of the face.
You'll learn about the brutal life on the island, the escape attempts and the reasons why this maximum security prison was known as the "most feared institution in the American penal system."
He feared that this dependence on DeBeers diamonds could be used against the Soviet Union at will.
For centuries many believed Lucian was dead, only to return and become one of the most feared and ruthless leaders of the Lycan clan.
Many people aren't prepared for the psychological impact that's involved when you're faced with the reality that the things you feared most as a child could actually be true.
Within paranormal realms, poltergeist hauntings are often the most feared because they can be terrifying and even violent.
If ever you've feared that diabetic shoes would leave you the most unstylish gal on the block, think again.
Network executives were upset initially by the magazines because they feared that viewers would use previews to know when they could tune out rather than when they could tune in.
When Brown returned to daytime in 2004 on As the World Turns, the show hoped to capitalize on her popularity and when word that her character's name was Julia, fans feared and hoped that Julia Lindsay was returning.
Eventually, Julia learned who Jack was, but she sought to conceal the information because she feared losing the little family they'd formed together.
Fans feared the worst, but it was soon revealed that it was Marlena's twin Samantha that the Strangler killed and not Dr. Evans herself.
Jane wrestled with telling Grayson the truth, but feared he would reject her.
Fire is one of the most feared destructive forces in nature.
Not as much as feared, but it will cost you if you're a smaller company lacking an IT department that can maintain your PCs using the Windows 2000 Operating System (OS).
The real reason is they feared that once "dumb" consumers got wind of the score idea, they would change their behavior and manipulate the system.
When the concept was first introduced to the Georgia medical community, many organizations feared that the care received by patients would be driven more by profits than by the needs of the patient.
However, though constriction and molding of the ribcage and waist can be seen on O'Followell's X-rays, few of the feared health effects were seen or proven.
They feared people would stop buying so many albums, if they could just swap tapes with their friends, and feared music piracy would increase.
In 2006, Jen feared she was becoming a workaholic and gave online dating a try.
Tepes began to take his duties seriously and began to rule with an iron hand by showing his people and merchants he was to be feared.
Beautiful, mysterious and otherworldly creatures, these fairies are awed, revered and feared.
Sauron's forces feared this weapon, but it disappeared after Gil-galad died in combat against Sauron.
Yet somewhere deep inside she feared that if he was capable of betrayal once, then he might be again.
Maybe it was as Giddon had feared.
It was bad enough that his actions warranted her decision to leave, but now she actually feared him.
However, we feared no threat from either, nor did we feel they wished to identify us.
I feared my unique relationship with Martha was terminally damaged and if so, I was heartbroken.
Talon asked the question she feared voicing.
After a childhood filled with foster homes, she feared getting too comfortable, even in the home of the man who adopted her twelve years ago, when she was ten.
Part of her wanted to return to her home that very night, and another part of her feared what she'd find if she did.
But there was another reason she dared not leave her father, one she feared voicing even to the man before her.
Han was as big as the man before her, and if he feared him … Damian's gaze swept over her.
If Dustin's words were true, she'd never be welcomed into the home of any of Damian's people, not if they feared the sight of her!
The Guardians knew that betrayal would be confronted by Dusty, and even those loyal to Damian feared him appearing unexpectedly at their door.
Everything she did, she did for him, even if she feared him.
She could summon Darkyn, though she feared his reaction to her leaving more than what these people would do to her.
She feared seeing them happy again, knowing she really was nothing more than a disposable stand-in until they were able to be together again.
Just as much, she feared seeing them miserable, because of her brief involvement in the mix.
You feared death, and I dangled hope in front of you.
The Deans had feared the long Colorado winter might slow down frisky Fred but, if anything, the opposite occurred, due in no small measure to his young pal and junk sale cohort, Martha Boyd.
They feared her, and this was what kept them in check.
The human feared a relationship with someone who wouldn't share more than his body.
She had decided to let it grow long, even though she feared the weight of it would remove the curls.
She feared asking more and braced herself when it took one foot in its hand.
He motioned to a seat at the table loaded with food she feared eating.
She feared asking him, not wanting to tip him off that she was plotting.
She feared looking at Rhyn, feared knowing what shape he'd taken.
While she feared him, she feared the rest of the monsters more.
She feared knowing what he truly was, that she'd married a demon.
She belonged here in his arms, and yet she feared what that meant.
Suddenly, she feared a new fate.
Either way, she feared seeing him again before she had her it.s-not-me-it.s-you speech ready.
She feared leaving the injured woman, in case Jade lurked on the other side of the hill or there were animals that might drag her away.
If she looked, she feared she might find him amused.
Of all the things she felt, she feared he'd reject her once and for all.
No wonder the young man feared her!
Most of all, she feared for her baby.
He feared that, even if she accepted him, she would never trust him so completely as last night.
Maybe he feared his punishment would be worse when she told Mr. Tim what he did, for Mr. Tim would surely crush Brady's PMF militia once he found out his friend was a traitor.
I told no one the truth, because I feared what that would mean.
As much as she liked Mrs. Watson, she feared trusting anyone ever again.
She feared staying here too long and wondered again how she'd cross the river.
Katie chuckled, and he was almost relieved at the sight of her smile. Her features had grown paler and gaunter under his watch. He feared the underworld would sink her spirit, too. One of them had to have some sort of hope they'd make it out alive.
Gods, but he could smell her sweet scent! Her large eyes seemed to see right through him. He feared reaching out, in case she slid through his fingers like smoke. He'd lost her in life; he wasn't going to risk losing her in his dreams. He could imagine closing the distance between them, sweeping her up into his arms, and making love to her on the beach.
Straight to Death. If what Gabe said was true, he was taking her to the only way out of the underworld. And yet, she feared what that would mean. Was she supposed to reason with Death?
He feared the palace would go down with Death, what with the nonsense she was spouting about leaving. He took in his best friend's features, uncertain whether becoming Death was a good thing or not. Gabe looked the same, and hopefully, he wouldn't turn into the riddle-talking sociopath that preceded him.
While he knew he should report his suspicion of being bugged, he feared having to answer questions about his clandestine work in the Byrne matter.
The sound was like a rifle shot and for a fleeting second Dean feared someone had fired.
This time, it wasn't them he feared.
He feared what it could do, that he couldn't control it.
Of all the evil in the world, she feared this the most.
He feared the answer, and he'd never let one of these creatures see him vulnerable.
The book's ancient pages were so brittle, he feared they would crumble before he finished.
It feared what Memon planned - -one host for both of them.
Taran fought madness because he feared I wouldn't survive without him.
She feared what she'd see in Memon's eyes and stared instead at his chest plate.
He ached to know how Rissa was but feared even sending a page, lest Memon's men grow suspicious.
And yet the curse he'd feared was broken!
She wondered what she'd ever feared or loathed about the harmless, ill-made book.
These people – Guardians or whatever – feared him.
In 1291 he attempted to secure the election of his son Albert as German king; but the princes refused on the pretext of their inability to support two kings, but perhaps because they feared the increasing power of the Habsburgs.
On the 7th of May 1451 Waynflete, from "le peynted chambre" in his manor house at Southwark, asserting that his bishopric was canonically obtained and that he laboured under no disqualification, but feared some grievous attempt against himself and his see, appealed to the protection of the pope.
Polybius accuses Cleomenes of the murder, but Plutarch is probably right in saying that it was the work of those who had caused the death of Agis, and feared his brother's vengeance.
Sent to join the French embassy in London, he made himself so active that he was recalled by the request of the ambassador, who feared his intrigues.
So dreadful had been the yoke of Rome, which they had shaken off, that they feared to submit to anything similar even under Protestant auspices.
The vigour and success with which he organized the national resources and upheld the national honour, asserted the British sovereignty of the seas, defended the oppressed, and caused his name to be feared and respected in foreign courts where that of Stuart was despised and neglected, command praise and admiration equally from contemporaries and from modern critics, from his friends and from his opponents.
John and his friends feared lest the inquiry promised into the extent of the hated forest areas would be carried out too rigorously, and that these would be seriously curtailed, if not abolished altogether.
The child made no complaint to Barras of his treatment, probably because he feared to do so.
But he knew also that neighbouring nations looked with unquiet eyes on the progress of affairs in France, that they feared the influence of the Revolution on their own peoples, and that foreign monarchs were being prayed by the French emigres to interfere on behalf of the French monarchy.
Firdousi directed his steps to Mazandaran, and took refuge with Kabus, prince of Jorjan, who at first received him with great favour, and promised him his continued protection and patronage; learning, however, the circumstances under which he had left Ghazni, he feared the resentment of so powerful a sovereign as Mahmud, who he knew already coveted his kingdom, and dismissed the poet with a magnificent present.
They feared his ability and ambition; while he credited them with the design of poisoning him.
Bonaparte's action in the years1800-1802showed that he feared the old republican party far more than the royalists.
Of the specimens in the British Museum described by Latham it is to be feared that scarcely any exist.
Especially feared among many peoples are the souls of those who have committed suicide or died a violent death; the woman who dies in childbed is held to become a demon of the most dangerous kind; even the unburied, as restless, dissatisfied spirits, are more feared than ordinary ghosts.
According to the Malays a penanggalan (vampire) is a living witch, and can be killed if she can be caught; she is especially feared in houses where a birth has taken place and it is the custom to hang up a bunch of thistle in order to catch her; she is said to keep vinegar at home to aid her in re-entering her own body.
After Henry VIII.'s change of attitude towards Rome, Stephen Vaughan, the English envoy to the Netherlands, suggested Tyndale's return, but the reformer feared ecclesiastical hostility and declined.
Although he endeavoured to win the popular favour, he was more feared than loved.
After the cession of Louisiana to the United States, the people of West Florida feared that that province would be seized by Bonaparte.
He himself stayed behind, as he feared that, if he went with them, Caraffa at Rome, together with Dr Ortiz, a German opponent in Paris and now Charles V.'s ambassador at the Vatican, would prejudice the pope against them.
Alexander now feared that the king might depose him for simony and summon a council, but he won over the bishop of St Malo, who had much influence over the king, with a cardinal's hat, and agreed to send Cesare, as legate, to Naples with the French army, to deliver Jem to Charles and to give him Civitavecchia (January 16, 1495).
Colonel Schmettau's excellent survey of the country to the west of the Weser (1767-1787) was never published, as Frederick the Great feared it might prove of use to his military enemies.
Henry was disliked but feared by the baronage, towards whom he showed gross bad faith in his disregard of his coronation promises.
As the king could not abandon Portugal to itself he determined at first to send the prince thither as regent, but Dom Pedro had acquired such popularity by his conduct in the revolution, and had exhibited such a thirst for glory, that the king feared to trust his adventurous spirit in Europe, and decided to go himself.
Three of William's guardians were murdered; and for some time he was kept in strict concealment by his relatives, who feared that he might experience the same fate.
The opposition came from the Agrarians and extreme Conservatives, who feared that it would enable foreign corn to compete on better terms with German corn; they were also jealous of the attention paid by the government to commercial enterprise in which they were not immediately interested.
Many larvae of beetles, moths, &c., bore into bark, and injure the cambium, or even the wood and pith; in addition to direct injury, the interference with the transpiration current and the access of other parasites through the wounds are also to be feared in proportion to the numbers of insects at work.
Eureka helped him by flying into the faces of the enemy and scratching and biting furiously, and the kitten ruined so many vegetable complexions that the Mangaboos feared her as much as they did the horse.
Zeb was also escorted to a room--so grand and beautiful that he almost feared to sit in the chairs or lie upon the bed, lest he might dim their splendor.
Now the landlord prided himself upon keeping a first-class hotel, and he feared that his guests would not like the rough-looking traveler.
They feared to spare him lest he should report the matter to the king.
But the rumble of the machinery made me think it was thundering, and I began to cry, because I feared if it rained we should not be able to have our picnic out of doors.
Her every waking moment is spent in the endeavour to satisfy her innate desire for knowledge, and her mind works so incessantly that we have feared for her health.
I tried to describe to her the appearance of a camel; but, as we were not allowed to touch the animal, I feared that she did not get a correct idea of its shape.
The episode had a deadening effect on Helen Keller and on Miss Sullivan, who feared that she had allowed the habit of imitation, which has in truth made Miss Keller a writer, to go too far.
We waded so gently and reverently, or we pulled together so smoothly, that the fishes of thought were not scared from the stream, nor feared any angler on the bank, but came and went grandly, like the clouds which float through the western sky, and the mother-o'-pearl flocks which sometimes form and dissolve there.
Who that has heard a strain of music feared then lest he should speak extravagantly any more forever?
But among these people Prince Andrew knew how to take his stand so that they respected and even feared him.
Pierre tried several times to speak, but, on one hand, Prince Vasili did not let him and, on the other, Pierre himself feared to begin to speak in the tone of decided refusal and disagreement in which he had firmly resolved to answer his father-in-law.
It was as if she feared this strange, unexpected happiness of meeting again the very man she had then chosen (she was firmly convinced she had done so) and of finding him, as it seemed, not indifferent to her.
Natasha felt so lighthearted and happy in these novel surroundings that she only feared the trap would come for her too soon.
She was only a couple of paces away when she saw him, and to her too he was not the Nicholas she had known and always slightly feared.
She had decided to receive them, but feared lest the prince might at any moment indulge in some freak, as he seemed much upset by the Rostovs' visit.
They feared Napoleon, recognized his strength and their own weakness, and frankly said so.
Sometimes Natasha noticed embarrassment and awkwardness on his part in her presence, especially when he wanted to do something to please her, or feared that something they spoke of would awaken memories distressing to her.
She feared for her brother who was in it, was horrified by and amazed at the strange cruelty that impels men to kill one another, but she did not understand the significance of this war, which seemed to her like all previous wars.
The fact that he did not, as she had feared, order her to be carried away by force but only told her not to let him see her cheered Princess Mary.
He was lifted up, carried to his study, and laid on the very couch he had so feared of late.
The peasants feared him more than they did their master.
She also knew that neither her father nor her brother would refuse to help the peasants in need, she only feared to make some mistake in speaking about the distribution of the grain she wished to give.
We are feared, but we are loved.
More than anything she feared lest the confusion she felt might overwhelm her and betray her as soon as she saw him.
Formerly he had feared the end.
In battle he was always under fire, so that Kutuzov reproved him for it and feared to send him to the front, and like Dokhturov he was one of those unnoticed cogwheels that, without clatter or noise, constitute the most essential part of the machine.
He thought too of the possibility (which he feared most of all) that Napoleon might fight him with his own weapon and remain in Moscow awaiting him.
He then still wished to live and feared death.
But Pierre's face quivering with emotion, his questions and his eager restless expression, gradually compelled her to go into details which she feared to recall for her own sake.
She no longer complained of her position, did not say a word about the past, and no longer feared to make happy plans for the future.
A ratepayers ' association, however, feared that rates would be squandered.
He feared that the reformation begun on Carmel might not be lasting; and depression seized him.
I feared retribution from other male students in Suzanne 's tow.
A hundred years ' later, they might easily have feared that a later shah, was turning his favor to the Jews.
I was so worried when I feared he would be out for weeks.
The grandchildren feared making a mess because their grandmother always kept her home in immaculate condition.
Ben feared there was a scintilla of doubt in his heart, so he prayed for faith.
If you're going to be in the startup business, make operational failures your friend, while keeping in mind that enterprise failure is your most feared enemy.
I wanted to offer him proper guidance, using some very unconventional methods, through the first steps of his journey to becoming a fantastic kid and a great man-a journey I feared I might not be around to witness much of.
Many European countries feared Germany's ambitions for expansion, so they declared war on Germany.
Thus far, he'd listened to her, and she hoped he feared Damian enough to continue paying attention.
Nervous about proposing a deal, she also feared doing it wrong.
She had always feared learning to love a child, only to have the mother change her mind.
At first he feared it was a telephone until its uninterrupted sound told him otherwise.
And yet, somewhere deep inside she had feared it would come to this.
What he wanted from her was a question she feared to ask.
Perhaps he feared getting close to her if she was going to die in a few months, seeing as how past-Deidre crushed his heart, too.