Favorite Sentence Examples
She's my favorite character.
Riding horses was one of her favorite pastimes, and the country out that way was gorgeous - winter or summer.
He was, in fact, making this soup, his favorite dish.
If I could draw, you would be my favorite subject.
It was an Appaloosa - her favorite breed.
This is currently my favorite red car.
My favorite color is green.
It was one of her favorite artists, Andy Gordon.
After tea, Nicholas, Sonya, and Natasha went to the sitting room, to their favorite corner where their most intimate talks always began.
Jackson was thrilled at the thought of spending a decade or so at his favorite home, claiming North America to be fresh and new.
AdvertisementHe made me sit in his armchair, while he brought different interesting things for me to examine, and at his request I recited "The Chambered Nautilus," which was then my favorite poem.
It reminded her of one of her favorite space empire-building games, Homeworld.
When she did venture forth from her digs, a favorite pastime was exploring the cyber world with Fred and his computer.
Do you have a favorite kind?
She unraveled herself from her favorite chair near the window.
AdvertisementI don't think Claire is one of Donnie's favorite people.
Princess Mary had two passions and consequently two joys--her nephew, little Nicholas, and religion--and these were the favorite subjects of the prince's attacks and ridicule.
Jack crossed to what had been his favorite spot on the couch.
Uncle Pat Clancy asked around Pop's favorite bars, but no one knew for sure—or really cared much.
His trench and shirt were shredded and his favorite sword shattered, along with the majority of his other weapons.
AdvertisementDave's favorite hobby has always been riding motor cycles.
Even if she could explain, he wouldn't understand the gnawing fear that drove her from their favorite spot.
He had taken her favorite picture of her parents to an artist and had a painting made that matched the one of his parents.
It didn't take long to clean up after two people, and then it was time to do the chores? her favorite job.
But I thought the window seat was your favorite place.
AdvertisementBoth are highly valued for the sake of the shell, which has always been a favorite material for ladies combs and hairpins.
At the age of seventy, after a reign of forty-two years, Abbas died at his favorite palace of Farahabad, on the coast of Mazandaran, on the night of the 27th of January 1628.
The defection of his favorite son John gave Henry his deathblow, and Philip Augustus found himself confronted by a new Phil!
Use a favorite nursery rhyme to give your baby shower a fun theme.
In the 18th century, they sent heavily armed naval warships to the pirates ' favorite hunting grounds.
If you have a favorite watering hole I have missed, please me and I will be pleased to add it to the list.
A favorite blanket or toy can work wonders.
A parents' favorite item, a rocking chair with an ottoman makes its way into many baby nurseries.
The specialties here offer combos of your favorite types of beef matched with seafood cuisine.
The one here in Montana has always been my favorite.
Fred waved back to Mrs. Blanding, who was waiting anxiously for her favorite helper.
The most expensive one was her favorite, but she selected the least expensive.
Yet another and very favorite method, giving beautiful results, is to model the design on both faces of the metal so as to give a sculpture in the round.
It is not to be inferred, however, though it is a favorite assertion of collectors, that no good netsuke have been made in modern times.
The soft silk known as habutaye is a favorite ground for such work, but silk crape also is largely employed.
Banko faience is a universal favorite with foreign collectors.
The weapons are the spat ha, or double-bladed German sword, the sax (a short sword, or long knife, semispathium), the knife, shield, and the favorite German axe, though this latter is not found in Bavaria.
Above Cairo the Nile is the favorite tourist route, while between Sheila!
The bath is a favorite resort of both sexes and all classes.
Notwithstanding its condemnation by Mahomet, music is the most favorite recreation of the people; the songs of the boatmen, the religious chants, and the cries in the streets are all musical.
In later times the theory of Ennead became very popular and was adopted by most of local priesthoods, who substituted their own favorite god Re, sometimes retaining and sometimes changing the names he other eight deities.
A favorite way of indicating the eyes was by drilling two holes and inserting a white shell bead n each.
A favorite decoration was by lines of white clay slip, in crossing patterns, figures of animals, and, rarely, men.
Kheti or Achthos was apparently Hera cleo- a favorite name with the kings, but they are very period, obscure.
The incidents of this episode were a favorite subject in the sculptures of his temples, where their representation was accompanied by a poetical version of the affair and other explanatory inscriptions.
Egypt was largely governed by his favorite Karaksh, who lives in popular legend as the unjust judge, though he does not appear to have deserved that title.
Early in the year I 811, the preparations for an expedition against the Wahhbis in Arabia being complete, all the Mameluke beys then in Cairo were invited to the ceremony of investing Mehemet Alis favorite son, TUslin, with a pelisse and the command of the army.
Nor yet can we make the favorite assumption 01 a great empire in Bactria.
The Babylonian towns, especially Seleucia (q.v.), were handed over by Phraates to his favorite, the Hyrcanian Himerus, who punished them severely for their resistance.
In fact he was compelled to proceed with great caution whenever he wished to elevate a favorite of humbler origin to an office which custom reserved for the nobility.
His instruments were ministers of ability chosen from the clergy and the gentryhe seems to have been equally averse to trusting the baronage at the one end of the social scale, or mere upstarts at the other, and it is notable that no one during his reign can be called a court favorite.
Indolent in his temper, James had been in the habit of leaving his patronage in the hands of a confidential favorite, and that position was now filled by George Villiers, marquess and afterwards duke of Buckingham.
Louis was deposed at the assembly of Compigne (833), the bishops forcing him to assume the garb of a penitent; but he was re-established on his throne in St Etienne at Metz, the 28th of February 835, from which time until his death in 840 he fell more and more under the influence of his ambitious wife, and thought only of securing an inheritance for Charles, his favorite son.
And this money, so necessary for the prosecution of the war with England, which had been interrupted for a year, thanks to the popes intervention, was lavished by him upon his favorite, Charles of La Cerda.
The favorite subject of themysteries and of other artistic manifestations was no longer the triumphant Christ of the middle ages, nor the smiling and teaching Christ of the I3th century, but the Man of sorrows and of death, the naked bleeding Jesus, lying on the knees of his mother or crowned with thorns.
In 1499, appealed to by Venice, and encouraged by his favorite, Cardinal dAmboise (who was hoping to succeed Pope Alexander VI.), and also by Cesare Borgia, who had lofty ambitions in Italy, Louis XII.
However, at the point of death he roused himself to order the execution of the kings favorite, Cinq-Mars, and Ms friend de Thou, guilty of treason with Spain (1642).
The expenses of the royal household increased fourfold, and most of the increase was absorbed by the favorite and his agents.
For twenty years the administration was really directed by his favorite the count of Olivares (q.v.) and duke of San Lucar, known as the Conde Duque, the countduke.
Destiny was watching her as though she were a favorite TV show.
Although Sarah spent most of her time in the garden or crocheting, Lisa soon discovered her favorite hobby was shopping, which she did at least once a week.
Perhaps I'll reward myself in my favorite way.
She chuckled to herself, wondering if guessing someone's favorite drink was his Natural gift.
It lists your pic and all your bio info, which includes your favorite food down to the coffee.
Martha sat at her cereal bowl—oatmeal, an unseasonable but favorite treat—eating slowly, red-eyed and sullen, her new suitcase next to her chair.
Uncle Pat Clancy asked around Pop's favorite bars, but no one knew for sure—or really cared much.
They made their way unscathed through the dining room to their own little corner, where Toby.s favorite food combination of mac-n-cheese and French toast waited for him on the table.
She wandered back to the safety of her room, wanting paper and pencils, her favorite jeans … anything familiar to comfort her.
Dean suggested a pizza to give him time to get it out, and the two walked a few blocks to a favorite neighborhood spot—redcheckered tablecloth and scenes of Old Sorrento on the walls.
Not caring how many vamps might be in the gym, she entered and took up her favorite spot and began channeling her emotions into the punching bag.
I plan to indulge in a favorite pastime - losing myself in a book.
Photos of my favorite childhood actors bring on pure nostalgia.
Mr Pastry ' Mr Pastry ' was my favorite comedy actor.
Have you noticed how your favorite television programs, billboard adverts, magazines, and business cards include web site and email addresses?
The answer is caffeine - the world's favorite way to stay alert.
The photo above is of my favorite resort Courchevel 1650 situated in the French alps.
Today rafting trips are among the favorite amusements in Jamaica.
Forty Shades of Blue is a textbook Sundance Film Festival favorite - all long lenses, grainy stock and arduously earnest indie angst.
And everyone's favorite ape-man came to life as Edgar Rice Burroughs published Tarzan of the Apes.
You can Search for your favorite wine, or use the appellation lists to browse their portfolio.
Arbors Ashley's arbors Ashley's Arbors features America's favorite line of vinyl garden arbors, trellises, address signs and mail posts.
Hundreds of kilometers of coastline, many of which are still unexplored, make the Maltese archipelago a favorite with adventurous divers.
In the evenings he likes to sit in dad's favorite armchair or spread out across the sofa.
Brio is Ammi and Moo's favorite atm, they play together really nicely with it.
The outer casing is a toughened skin which can be injected with your favorite liquid attractant to give a timed release of flavor.
The common trait is that they are all mothers or someone's favorite auntie.
She disagreed, and bade au revoir to her favorite mosaic, the " unswept floor " in the Vatican.
Do you have any favorite authors you admire or who have influenced your work?
She just fixed him one of his favorite foods, fried cabbage with green onions mixed in, using her special oil.
Illustrated with vivid color photography, these books bring to life all the heartwarming, endearing characteristics that make these canines our favorite companions.
I'll end with a story about one of my favorite people - Blase Pascal, a French polymath of the 17 th Century.
Rather, have a nutritious snack, watch a TV show, or read your favorite section of the newspaper.
Cabin nie the Pooh What's cabin's favorite song?
And whenever you wish, you can insert an audio CD and listen to your favorite songs.
My favorite food is home-made bread with a bowl of home-made tomato soup.
A sparrowhawk's favorite food is small birds, including sparrows, hence the name.
You'll be having your favorite beach babes, football teams or films splattered across your pocket PC in no time.
We now faced one of my favorite off-road sections, this being the fast meandering track through the mining spoil heaps.
Don't be too organized, keep things spontaneous, but try to see as many of your favorite bands as you can.
Thanks to the SteadyShot digital stabilizer, you can say goodbye to fuzzy films that spoilt your favorite memories.
Many other private devotional stela, made by individuals for their favorite gods are known.
I have had some fairly good results but nothing like my favorite kind of crispy but not too stodgy bhajees.
Norwich born shot stopper Mark Tyler has long been a favorite with the Peterborough fans since his arrival as a teenager.
Cut-Out Characters Photocopy or draw the main character(s) from a favorite storybook.
His name was Barrington Stoke and he was the children's favorite storyteller.
Members of the X-Men are a lot of people's favorite superheroes... More about this video game 5.
Cobb makes surmises - April is the favorite month for young female suicides - nine month after summer.
So thank goodness everyone's favorite retro sweetie has now been lovingly immortalized in silver.
Harry Angel is hired for $ 125 a day to track down the big band swinger Johnny Favorite.
How is this better than the Piano sound in my favorite synth?
Better yet, use an old china teapot or your grandmother's favorite vase for the flowers.
Bring your favorite teddy to get in for free!
My favorite school memory My favorite memory from school is the Pythagorean theorem.
RaceBook.com brings you betting on your favorite thoroughbred, harness, greyhound racing and jai alai events from the comfort of home.
But my personal favorite is the parking brake which is like the engine throttle control on the flight deck of a jet airliner.
The lightly reinforced toe makes them durable while still allowing you to dance the night away in your favorite open toe shoes.
Cook for 15 minutes, turning half way through and serve just like a burger with your favorite toppings - very satisfying!
My favorite was the crispy corn kebab, which was packed with crunchy cooked vegetables.
My favorite is my bright yellow helmet, complimented by a yellow reflective waistcoat.
What is it that makes us go weak-kneed every time we see another example of our favorite car on the road?
Shingle is not the favorite surface for walking but we struggled along, seeing widgeon on the way to the tern colony.
Itâs missing all the fun and games - the Britannia officersâ favorite game was throwing the wombat.
My favorite has to be zeppelin, where you're fighting aboard, well, a giant zeppelin!
Zombie revenge... discuss my current favorite Sega Dreamcast game, zombie revenge... discuss my current favorite Sega Dreamcast game, Zombie Revenge.
The music, vocal and instrumental, is generally of little compass, and in the minor key; it is therefore plaintive, and strikes a European ear as somewhat monotonous, though often possessing a simple beauty, and the charm of antiquity, for there is little doubt that the favorite airs have been handed down from remote ages.
The oppression of the French Protestants was but one of the pretexts for the English expedition under James I.s favorite, the duke of Buckingham, to La Rochelle in 1627; and, in the end, this intervention of a foreign power compromised their cause.
He has lost count of his children, but this Pierre was his favorite.
Whilst I did have £ 300 on the current favorite Hi Dubai in the Pretty Polly and she did quicken well.
You can create your favorite meals in the well equipped kitchen and enjoy the privacy of your own washroom with hot shower and toilet.
My favorite thing to study about language issemantics, specifically how words and meanings change over time.
My favorite thing to study about language is semantics, specifically how words and meanings change over time.
Paying bills is my least favorite part of adulthood.
Peter enjoys finding symbols that point to famous people or places, so his favorite artists are those that use the technique of allusion.
One of my favorite experiences was running a half marathon with my dad.
Books with a handwritten message inside the front cover, including a small Bible or a favorite children's book, also make excellent baby gifts, and because you wrote the message yourself, personalization is free.
Ask guests to bring a copy of their favorite children's book to help stock baby's library or their favorite toy or an item that reminds them of their childhood.
Ask guests to dress as their favorite parents from history, literature and movies or their favorite character from a children's book.
Even those who aren't parents were kids once, and we all had favorite things to do or play with when we were little.
Take any favorite toys that she usually sleeps with, and arrange them on her new bed.
Be sure you get on your favorite stores' e-mail lists, so that you are notified about their newest sales and specials.
If you have several favorite ideas that you like, you might want to create a decorating folder.
These are easy to apply and remove and come in lots of fun patterns, designs, and even favorite storybook characters.
Ride-on toys are a favorite at this age.
You might want to keep a few of her favorite books in the bathroom for her to look at, too.
You can even bring him some of his favorite books to look at.
If you let your little boy help you pick out underwear in his favorite characters, he may be so excited about wearing them, that he embraces the art of using the potty wholeheartedly!
Keep some of her favorite books beside the chair.
Come watch your favorite sports teams play on large high-definition televisions.
The shrimp scampi pizza is one menu favorite as is the wasabi beef.
Bollywood music, Bhangra and Rnb music generally are very vast genres and each person will have there own favorite songs.
If your favorite bookstore does not stock No Exit Press titles, hassle them.
Ranscombe Farm is one of British botany 's classic sites, and a favorite haunt of wild-plant enthusiasts for hundreds of years.
A favorite hobby of many older ladies is to brew their own apricot or plum brandy.
Mix with your favorite foundation or apply direct to the skin to instantly brighten your complexion.
And took up america's new favorite chris brooks and a man and.
Treat yourself, have a lovely bubbly soak with your favorite soap.
It aint my favorite one of his, but YA cant deny its a masterpiece!
She was wrapped up in her red cardigan with her favorite flowery dress over the top.
At 12.30 on Wednesday 20th December, carols Galore gives you a chance to sing along in your lunch hour to your favorite carols.
The format will be similar to that of previous years - congregational singing of the favorite carols, readings and carols from the choir.
Crossroads Village carousel Coloring Book - Color your favorite animals, toys, plants, clowns, and carousel horses.
The odd carp is also being taken from the boats with the island being favorite.
What's your favorite catchphrase that you've come up with?
Dean fished his favorite Icelandic red caviar and cream boilies with crushed boilies and hemp in a pva bag.
Jay's latest production Late Night Tales is a compilation mix cd of his favorite tracks drawing on his musical inspirations.
These people went that far and beyond, enduring surgery to look like their favorite celeb.
Voters were invited to select their top 10 favorite characters from a predetermined list.
It's a slot recently vacated by everyone's favorite former choirboy Aled Jones, who quit the station to move to the BBC.
The former owners of the Post have moved to Robbie Williams ' favorite restaurant, Mood's, taking their loyal clientele with them.
Imagine the effect of training your favorite scented climber through the lattice - heaven!
And when I was always broke due to shoving all of my pocket-money into my favorite arcade coin-ops!
I mean, it's not like I will be buying it chocolates or wondering what its favorite cologne is.
Booster - down down down down Is my favorite adrenaline combo, and comes in handy in all the available gametypes.
Paperback from Bible Reading Fellowship £ 5.99 100 Favorite Prayers Lois Rock A cheerful and comprehensive compendium of prayers for everyday.
Sun Tzu divided them into two companies, and placed one of the King's favorite concubines at the head of each.
I also consumed vast amounts of my favorite drink â pints of blackcurrant cordial with water (no ice, thank you ).
Her favorite foods are anything that is sweet, but she doesn't like soggy cornflakes or sandwiches with no crunch.
Or is it simply eating your favorite kind of cookie whilst watching countdown with a hot water bottle in a really comfy chair?
Virgin Cayo Guillermo beaches still offer a true sense of tranquility and romance, making Cayo Guillermo holidays a favorite with honeymoon couples.
The poem is in the form of rhyming pentameter couplets, sometimes called heroic couplets, the favorite poetic form of the eighteenth century.
These favorite instruments are all conveniently packaged in a durable wooden crate to hold all 7 instruments.
My favorite flower in those days was the dahlia â I showed mainly dahlias and some Chrysanthemums.
Joining Slayer on the musical front is the cult death metal group deicide, which calls itself " Satan's favorite band " .
Affectionately known as M&S or Marks and Sparks, they are one of the UK's favorite department stores.
Add a designer label to your table top from the UK's favorite interior designer.
The Pentagon's favorite Iraqi dissident, Ahmed Chalabi, is actually proud of what happened.
Dolphins are my favorite animal and if you kill dolphins are my favorite animal and if you kill dolphins you are very sick minded and rude!
But, once again, my favorite was lonesome dove, and I think that was my best work.
Features include 8mm tempered glass shelf, a pull-out drawer to store your favorite DVD / CD collection & rubber feet.
Dr. Octagon- Aliens June 24th, 2006 Your favorite crazy dude is back once more.
A favorite method of divination was reading sheep or goat entrails.
World Wide Words An excellent site giving the etymology of abracadabra (always a favorite of mine) to zorbing.
You may wish to tell everybody about your own site, or some of your favorite Country Music sites.
You just had to choose your favorite marque and there would be prime examples parked up across the circuit.
This is the ultimate in performance eyewear, meaning you can be participating in tough sports whilst still listening to your favorite music.
Since moving to North Wales Andy has become a firm favorite with the Wrexham Faithfull.
I love your books and I would say that I really can't pick a favorite out of your books.
Backgammon Experience the challenge and exhilaration of playing this all-time favorite against your handheld!
Anyway I love all your books but DEEP SECRET is my absolute favorite.
She is much touched at your having thought of gratifying her by the portrait of her old favorite.
All methods are working, although pole and float tactics remain favorite particularly as a lot of the catches are coming from mid water.
I predict it'll be a cult favorite within months.
We combined our favorite Electro-Optical circuit with a damn fast FET based brick-wall limiter reminiscent of some cool classics.
Cabin g Kong What's cabin's favorite film?
I know it may be her favorite soap, I like fish fingers but I'm not asking for a job to make them!
So the pudding is still a great favorite in Britain and a freshly made rhubarb flan or Brown Betty is certainly hard to beat.
Simply fill the stainless steel flask with your favorite tipple, hide inside the book, and slam shut.
We're mint chocolate chip, the other favorite flavor.
Our favorite game, for a long while, was a pinball game which used the ALT keys to work the flippers.
I would suggest writing a front-end to convert your favorite language into Exstatic's intermediate format (which is an XML variant ).
The over 60s who currently use the chip pan to make the teatime favorite may qualify for a safer, deep fat fryer.
The Sister is an immense favorite with the poor fugitives.
Athena, reputed to be Zeus's favorite child, sprung full-grown from his forehead.
A common type of situation is where Player A is favorite, and if she wins she is very likely to win a gammon.
Amelia, 12, from England Want to tell other Global gangers about your favorite band?
An infusion of Ginger makes an effective gargle for sore throats, and the spice is a favorite in many seasonal drinks and recipes.
The results are towering remote-controlled golems in the image of our favorite sorceresses!
The Catalan is a favorite of many top grandmasters, with Kasparov, Karpov and Korchnoi using it to good effect in key matches.
You begin to wonder just how and why she reached her " nation's favorite granny " image.
On the ranges I managed to obtain good scoring, more so on the rifle, yet my favorite was still the bren gun.
The Living Room in York boasts fabulous views across the river Ouse and has become a favorite neighborhood hangout in the city center.
The evening before her departure, she went for a solitary walk, lingering amid all her old favorite haunts.
This is a beautiful, haunting, thought-provoking novel by one of my favorite writers.
Do you have a favorite family heirloom or something of historic interest that you would like to know a bit more about?
Wendy was most excited at seeing several herons, but my favorite bird of the day had to be the Ruddy Duck.
Lewis ' favorite hobby was his model train set.
Or try making homemade wraps using tortillas and your favorite fillings.
However, in his spare time he plays either hooker or flanker for his favorite local rugby team, Burnham United.
He hissed through his teeth, in unconscious imitation of a popular favorite in melodrama, " Him shall she never wed!
And I laughed heartily with Charles Morgan's little " making the inquisitor funny " bit- it will probably always be my favorite book.
It was one of the favorite tricks of British army interrogators of IRA suspects in the early days of the conflict in Northern Ireland.
Have your favorite piece of music beautifully arranged, or choose from our extensive repertoire of classical, jazz, pop or rock music.
You can even create your own puzzles with your favorite images jigsaw puzzle maker and music.
In name only upon learning this the entrance to online favorite john.
This mobile jukebox has room for up to 3,000 of your favorite stereo tracks.
The menu will include kippers, the favorite choice of passengers on the well-known electric Pullman train.
It helps you maximize your favorite nail lacquers by making the polish adhere better to your nails.
Terri loves to travel and experience differing cultures whilst another favorite pastime is spending time with friends drinking latte and eating chocolate cake!
A favorite ' cure ' was to bleed the patient using leeches.
Cook great-grandmother's favorite recipes and retell the family legends, especially to younger members of the family.
Anyway her version of ' My Favorite Things ' was another attempt to inject some levity into the proceedings.
Slipways is a list of useful links to favorite websites compiled by librarians from Southampton Reference Library.
Activities include face painting, cake decorating, windmill making, lucky dip and visits from cartoon favorite Gordon the Garden Gnome.
Research interests The b lymphocyte is my favorite cell type.
Nick Cave, because he is my favorite lyricist.
A great way to look macho but, let's face it, not the best way to cut your favorite cigar.
We were sitting by the Union Canal, bent over a copy of our 4- 4 - 2 (our favorite footie mag ).
Everyone's favorite car is back with a 21st Century makeover!
Apparently, however, one of its favorite foods is the leaf of the red mangrove.
I don't have one particular favorite but I do like bats, otters and pine martens more than others.
These allowed him space to hold forth about his favorite topics - the Kray twins, forgotten pulp masterpieces, pit-bull terriers.
In the fall, the seeds are a favorite food of goldfinches and an important medicinal for people.
We've got a range of useful and stylish merchandise, branded with our favorite fox.
What are a few of your favorite rappers which have motivated or inspired you to want to grab a mic yourself?
A favorite in church were the sermon was measured in balls, three for forty minuets.
Great Christmas DVDs Everyone has a favorite Christmas movie, one that makes you go misty-eyed.
One night we left droppings splattered around in my grandmother's penthouse while elephants scratched mom 's favorite pink Cadillac.
Wedding Accessories montage Magic Montage Magic offers the opportunity to display all of your favorite images in a single, stunning photo montage.
Everyone's favorite drummer Evan has been doing a little moonlighting recently with new London hippy-rockers, Reactor.
In conclusion, then, it is time to update the favorite motto of development policymakers.
The lines I added are from my favorite musical, Sunday in the Park with George.
The favorite subjects for intaglio include floral elements, animals and even mythological scenes.
Ian Walker, her least favorite nephew, has been given the task of transcribing the sessions likely to prove most lucrative.
The Warsaw Voice weekly newspaper is a favorite for the city's English-speaking community.
You can either include the feed in your favorite desktop newsreader, or web developers can embed the feed in their own web sites.
Baby rhymes party supplies Baby rhymes A favorite nursery rhyme to give your party a certain lift.
Whenever the prudes mount a censorship offensive, their favorite line of attack is suicide.
Another favorite of many visitors is a walk around the Broderie Italian Garden which is sunken to allow unspoiled views from the Victorian orangery.
A favorite is the navy, silk organza tulip dress which plays with the lengths and layers of typically 20s fashions.
Whenever asked what her favorite birthday present was, the reply is always ' dizzy lizzie ' .
Here all my most favorite flowers grow in wild profusion.
All your favorite foods are re-made in the style of puffed wheat or puffed rice.
Traxx offers you the choice of 3 quality 4 wheeled pushchairs with matching accessories my favorite is the Jeep range.
The scientists found that a brain region called the ventral putamen lit up most strongly when people drank their favorite cola.
Great savings on this upgraded version of the old favorite, with ingredients including the inflammation reducer quercetin.
In the Dales, the favorite type of knitting stick was a shape known as the goose quill, which was curved and elegant.
Photography was, of course, quite real, but it has proven to be a favorite tool of hoaxers since its invention.
Her favorite themes were marriage breakdowns, unusual psychology and sexual relationships.
His agile mind, quick wit and ready repartee made him something of a favorite of the media.
What if samples were made taken from your favorite Scottish bands and mixed with the irregular rhythms of our ancient music.
Bait wise, snowman rigs still appear to be favorite with all areas of the lake producing.
My Favorite is the title track, pure adrenaline rush, best male harmonies I've heard on a rock track.
Serve with a rocket salad dressed with your favorite chutney.
The driver for the backlash is that regulation seems to have become businesses ' favorite scapegoat for their own problems.
The favorite i'm network went live Vegas sculptor tony.
Search tools Everybody has their own favorite search engine.
Mushrooms, one of my favorite foods, are a good source of the antioxidant selenium as well as potassium and B vitamins.
It was the favorite sport of the last shogun who surrendered power to the Emperor in 1868.
During the recent severe weather, a number of skaters were able to enjoy their favorite pastime, skating on the canoe lake.
I wouldn't say this is my favorite of the early series, it all seems a bit slapdash.
The sag aloo I get from a couple of favorite curry houses has a slightly smokey, bitter background taste that I really like.
Raised in 1982, she was a favorite of King Henry VIII, and represents a perfect time capsule of Tudor life on board.
Magical and seemingly timeless, the hilltop stands of beeches were a favorite subject of the modern artist John Piper.
In the evening you can enjoy your favorite tipple in front of a real log fire.
You left at 2.15 this morning sucking on a big fat Cuban and half in the bag favorite tipple?
It's a curried-up version of the old British favorite toad-in-the-hole.
My favorite track is a lilting song celebrating the Maryport sea festival.
Plant your favorite climbing plants up the diamond trellis sides to enhance it even further.
Let's try and repeat the trick for 2005, starting with that perennial favorite.
The Pelican once again turns to one of his favorite themes - the sad state of American ufology.
They seem to be everyone's favorite underdog and couldn't disguise the joy as they appeared at Live8 in the summer of 2005.
Come and explore the undergrowth, then make a mask or a model of your favorite wild creature.
When you reach back into the mists of your most treasured childhood memories, can you recall a favorite toy?
Players can now recreate more of their favorite DC Comics rivalries and teams than ever !
Always a favorite because of the refreshing scent the whole plant carries.
Let 's try and repeat the trick for 2005, starting with that perennial favorite.
He is a regular favorite at the Grand Theater, appearing in Music Hall and repertory seasons.
In an attempt to disgust and repulse these vile oppressors, I once again induced myself to vomit on their favorite chair.
My Favorite is the title track, pure adrenaline rush, best male harmonies I 've heard on a rock track.
Killer sudoku is my favorite sudoku variation (with the possible exception of killer samurai sudoku).
On the first day it rained, so we went to watch John 's other favorite pastime - scoffing food in the local cafe.
The favorite i 'm network went live vegas sculptor tony.
It was the favorite sport of the last Shogun who surrendered power to the Emperor in 1868.
My favorite was the skinless man casually holding his flesh folded over his forearm.
I would n't say this is my favorite of the early series, it all seems a bit slapdash.
Some of my favorite stories were about the dog sled team my mother had.
Sleight of mouth Sleight of mouth is one of my favorite aspects of NLP.
The first dog may let the newcomer take over a favorite chair and slink away for example.
My favorite spot was on small opening in the middle of a mile long cattail slough that ran along a flooded creek bed.
What is your favorite song to sing in a smokey bar or in the shower?
Cabin nie the Pooh What 's cabin 's favorite song?
My favorite was her home-made chicken soup with dumplings.
A Tranmere Rovers fanatic 's favorite striker just ca n't stop scoring but his affections turn sour when Super Davie scores once too often.
A Sparrowhawk 's favorite food is small birds, including sparrows, hence the name.
Imagine speaking with the voice of one of your favorite sounding characters from TV or film.
Do n't be too organized, keep things spontaneous, but try to see as many of your favorite bands as you can.
Each wok comes with cooking instructions and some favorite stir-fry recipes.
His name was Barrington Stoke and he was the children 's favorite storyteller.
The stretch of canal between these two locks was always a favorite swimming place with local youngsters.
Ever dreamed of being an air guitar champion, strumming along to your favorite tunes?
Sage and onion stuffing for chicken is an old British favorite.
I have stumbled accross this site as it promised to send me a free t-shirt with my favorite goat printed on the front. hmmm.
The sumac tree was another favorite with thick, gently curving branches, ideal for resting on.
Members of the X-Men are a lot of people 's favorite superheroes... More about this video game 5.
So thank goodness everyone 's favorite retro sweetie has now been lovingly immortalized in silver.
It 's like eating different salsa 's every time you go to your favorite taco stand.
Better yet, use an old china teapot or your grandmother 's favorite vase for the flowers.
Bring your favorite teddy to get in for free !
Anstey 's words We sit around the table each with our own favorite brand of chocolate bar ready to thrash out another idea.
My favorite pastimes are having a tickle under the chin and eating ' Iams '.
Reading a favorite story to a child at bedtime is a wonderful and time-honored tradition in many families.
You left at 2.15 this morning sucking on a big fat Cuban and half in the bag Favorite tipple?
It 's a curried-up version of the old British favorite Toad-in-the-Hole.
In the second half, my favorite singer in the whole wide world blew out all the cobwebs in my tone-deaf ears.
Cook for 15 minutes, turning half way through and serve just like a burger with your favorite toppings - very satisfying !
Maggot is the favorite bait if you 're trotting a stick float, as just about everything will take it.
Throwing For run-outs from my favorite cover-point and point positions I often throw underarm at the stumps.
They seem to be everyone 's favorite underdog and could n't disguise the joy as they appeared at Live8 in the summer of 2005.
Use your favorite unzip utility for unpacking such archives.
These features are also useful for learning your favorite up-tempo song.
Favorite table games discrete vip booths encourage more companies.
Two media folk in Millbank regularly wager bets on how long certain politicians can go in an interview without uttering their favorite words.
Oil paintings & watercolor prints capture your pet in realistic detail from your favorite photo.
Why not take good clean wearable clothes straight to your favorite local charity shops?
For centuries now, Acton has been the favorite stopping place for weary travelers.
Our favorite is the blueberry and white chocolate muffin cake.
Wilderness adventures such as hiking, backpacking, mountain biking, horseback riding and wilderness camping are favorite attractions in Colorado.
My favorite has to be Zeppelin, where you 're fighting aboard, well, a giant zeppelin !
Zombie Revenge... discuss my current favorite Sega Dreamcast game, Zombie Revenge.
She just wanted to while away the rainy afternoon at home catching up on her favorite TV shows.
She baked her friend’s favorite cake as a way to apologize for the argument they’d had.
Though her favorite color was red, she chose the blue dress to match her eyes.
Geology is one of my favorite sciences.
Inventing is my favorite way to integrate my love of science and working with my hands.
I could juxtapose all of my favorite foods with foods that I don't like too well for my class project.
Her favorite baby names, respectively, are Sarah Jane and Mary Sue.
He is my favorite poet because of his vatic writings, which are widely disputed.
My favorite aspect of this home is the large, farmhouse style kitchen.
The fearsomechimera is my favorite mythical creature.
His favorite part of the video game was when he could blow the space aliens to oblivion.
My favorite antagonist in literature is Iago in Othello. He is set on bringing down Othello.
The US is such a diverse country that many of our favorite foods and common everyday words are a result of cultural diffusion—almost without us even realizing it. That's how natural and organic cultural diffusion can be.
Complete felicity overcame me when I realized I was meeting my favorite celebrity soon.
When she met her favorite iconic writer, Julia tried tolook calm and collected to hide her excitement.
Hannah's favorite part of the trip to the zoo was seeing the muster of peacocks up close and personal.
Jeff's favorite type of nonfiction books are biographies about historical figures.
Her favorite pun to tell her friends is, "Cheese that isn't yours is nacho cheese."
Paul's epistle to the Colossians is one of my favorite pieces of Biblical literature.
Pop is an ever-changing genre that is different depending on the favorite music of the day.
I would recommend trying the sirloin steak. It's my favorite!
Read some of his favorite books, and add a few that show children using the potty.
Although this gift may be too pricey for many, you could take a favorite photograph to a local artist and commission him or her to draw or paint the new baby.
Let your child visit the local dollar or department store with you, and ask her to pick out her favorite stickers.
However, the invitation should also request that each guest bring a favorite child's book to give to the baby.
If you are holding the baby shower right before or even right after the baby's birth, you can invite guests to make their favorite casserole or dessert, freeze it, and give it to the new parents.
If you have access to a dvd or vhs player, plan on bringing along some of your child's favorite videos.
Many of these have velcro straps so that you can attach baby's favorite toys.
If they don't stop leaks as well as your favorite name brand, then use the name brands on your baby at night and the off brand during the day.
Once guests arrive, let them decorate their own animal masks, put on some fun music, and let them jump around the room as they act like their favorite animal!
Why not cut out some of your child's favorite nursery rhyme characters?
On the opposite side, invite party guests to come dressed as their favorite character.
Popular themes include favorite television and movie characters, alphabet and number invites, and colorful pictures of boys and girls.
Of course, everyone wants to get the classic photos of baby with Santa or other favorite characters.
You can scrapbook, combining mementos, notes and decorations with your favorite baby pictures or you can just fill an album with the images of your infant.
In the meantime, cuddle with your children on the couch as you watch a video or read a favorite book.
Pack your hospital bag, and place a favorite picture of your child in it.
You've probably already witnessed your baby's eyes light up when you hand her a new or favorite book to read.
You really don't have a lot of free time, and when you do, your trying to catch up on laundry or getting in some much needed "me time" by reading or doing another favorite hobby...for a few minutes at least!
Favorite photos-Be sure you get photos of all the birthday guests, gifts, cake, and of course the guest of honor!
Our favorite aspect about the swing was how content our son was while it was in motion.
Your baby will also begin sitting up with support at this time, and he'll enjoy handling his toys, looking at board books, and playing with his favorite person...you!
One of my favorite features is that the seat belt clips fit nicely back into the seat.
You can also add the names and phone numbers of favorite paint stores, fabric stores, local decorators, baby department stores, and even the numbers of commissioned artists if you want a nursery mural.
Once you've created your nursery idea folder, you can start narrowing down your favorite choices.
Teddy Bears Theme-Of course, teddy bears remain a nursery decor idea favorite!
Cute -Some parents love cute bags patterned after favorite characters, such as Winnie the Pooh, or decorated with boats, flowers, bears, or choo-choo trains.
If you're an avid reader, consider following the celebrity-inspired trend of naming your baby after a favorite author, book, or literary character.
Avent is growing fast with many new favorite pumps manufactured.
Do you have any favorite baby shower games that you'd like to share?
We've compiled some of our favorite free baby shower games.
Be sure you get on your favorite stores' mailing lists so you can find out about any discounts that might be offered.
Classic Pooh cribs continue to be favorite baby bed choices.
We've researched and posted some of our favorite baby shower poetry, and we invite you to take a look at what we've found!
We've compiled a list of our favorite themed baby shower supplies, along with some recommendations for Web sites for you to check out.
Here are a few of our favorite baby shower food themes.
You might encourage a favorite toy or lovey that he can keep in his bed.
Another way to make the day special for the mom-to-be is to include some of her favorite foods when planning the menu.
It's easy to forget something when you leave on a trip, but when it comes to traveling with an infant a forgotten favorite toy or blanket can turn your travels into chaos.
As you study the lists of names, try to narrow it down to 10 favorite names for a boy and 10 names for a girl.
Offer to watch baby for a few hours and give the parents a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant.
Some parents choose a name that they associate with a special memory, such as a place they honeymooned, like "Cheyenne," or a favorite time of year, like "Noelle."
Their loss is your gain, so be sure and check your favorite stores frequently for new sale items.
If you have a favorite online store you'd like to share with our readers, we'd love to hear from you!
Win a college track championship in your favorite pair of Nikes?
Though it may seem like the perfect blend of your favorite things, it really is only making your child a walking, talking advertisement for the company.
Use this tool to double check that your favorite name is offbeat and rare.
Another popular activity that can take the place of a baby shower game is to invite each guest to relate one favorite memory that she has of the guest-of-honor.
If guests might be uncomfortable speaking before everyone else, ask each guest to write down a favorite memory of the honoree.
After you have the bottles, fill them with your favorite candy, nuts, or other small edible treat.
You can make your favorite cookie recipe from scratch, or use the refrigerated cut-out dough available at your grocery store.
They can be as simple as her age, her middle name, her first boyfriend, her favorite restaurant, etc. Hand each guest a copy of the questions, and have her write down her answers.
Water bottle-This is a favorite toy that babies generally love!
Cloth baby books-These are another perennial favorite, but cloth books can be expensive.
Kitchen fun-This type of toy really doesn't take any type of construction, but it is a classic favorite for little ones.
This can be as simple as buying an extra copy of a Dr. Seuss book and framing the pages or buying an art print of a favorite Dr. Seuss character.
Its colorful appearance and sturdy structure make it a favorite among kids and parents.
At this website, you can check out this toddler favorite recipe.
Turn your favorite finger paint pictures into washable place mats by laminating them with clear contact paper.
A simple solution is to choose white or use the new mom's favorite color.
Consider what her favorite treats might be, such as sweets, videos, or trips to a local park.
Dr. Toy-Chosen as the one of the "100 Best Children's Products" by Dr. Toy, the DVD Baby Galileo continues to be a family favorite.
You simply take lots of photos, then select your favorite.
If you can't find the perfect basket, or you have your own favorite baby items that you would like to include in baby care gift packages, you can simply make your own.
The nostalgic Care Bear characters are as cute today as they were at their inception in the early 80s, and small items with these favorite bears make adorable shower favors.
Hostesses can choose a favorite Care Bear color and character to coordinate the shower.
You should be able to read a bit about each child though, including favorite hobbies, likes and dislikes, academic ability, and any health or special needs issues.
Picture frame-Commemorate this special day with a picture frame that showcases a favorite image as well as the child's name.
Find out the baby's favorite foods, or purchase a few foods that he may not have tried.
Whether you buy a card at the supermarket or spend hours crafting a multi-layered masterpiece, you can also add a baby poem you wrote yourself, a favorite baby quotation, or a picture to your card for personalization purposes.
If the unborn baby has not yet been named, ask guests to write down their favorite baby names and why they love each one.
Plan a few games (and bring prizes for the winners), and start with your favorite activities.
Good prices and a no-nonsense selection of cloth diapers makes this site a favorite with new parents.
Your child will recognize all her favorite TV characters like Dora, Diego, and of course Moose and Zee.
They can be "shaped" like a racecar or castle, or have a favorite character theme, such as Thomas the Train or Winnie the Pooh.
Finally, keep a close watch on your favorite department stores like Target and Wal-Mart.
Because the Playtex brand has been a household favorite for several decades, it continues to be a trusted choice among moms today.
The clarity of its 900Mhz frequency and the 350 foot range make this monitor a favorite among parents.
Mixing gifts from both categories ensures that some of your presents will be greatly appreciated by the parents, and others may become favorite toys or books of the baby.
If you're a new couple and she's told you her favorite flower, you can demonstrate what a good listener you are by sending an arrangement with those as a focal point.
Using your smartphone, you can see what's playing at your favorite theater, when the next showtimes are and purchase the tickets all in a matter of seconds.
Here you can get tickets to see your favorite bands play live, your favorite sports teams battle their bitter rivals and attend your favorite events around the globe.
Look for your favorite band, check sporting events, look at specific dates or search for events in your area.
You can now get the best seat in the house without standing in line for a second through your favorite online ticket seller.
Does she have a favorite actor or actress whose movies she enjoys watching?
You can even have some items personalized with favorite colors, quotes, and so on.
Soon you will wonder how you ever lived without a way to get your favorite images and text off of the computer and into your hands.
When buying clothes for boys you should make some considerations before you go to the store to make a purchase -- or log in to your favorite website to buy online.
Table lamps not only give us light for reading when placed next to our favorite chair or couch, but they also add a level of comfort and style to any room in which they are used.
That favorite comforter you have had since high school graduation cannot hold one more repair.
Enjoy your favorite smoke along with a weekly special from JRCigars.com.
Follow the simple advice below and you'll be curled up on your couch with your favorite author in no time flat.
When you go online, bring up your favorite search engine and type in the word "books.'
Mid-length skirts are the fashion favorite of everyone since they are adaptable to various kinds of dress, both formal and informal.
It could be your favorite team or your favorite player.
Hosiery is often a woman's favorite item in her wardrobe.
You should make sure these coordinate with your suits, your favorite slacks (the ones that make you look so svelte) and your little black skirt.
You can also order gifts like coffee mugs with your favorite photographs printed on them.
The options for listening to our favorite music, movies and TV shows seem to increase daily.
Amazon.com offers movie lovers the chance to shop for many of their favorite titles in used format.
So you've decided this will be the summer you step into playing America's favorite game.
Keep the rest of your golfing wardrobe in mind when shopping for shoes, and try to envision what the golf shoes you're considering purchasing will look like with the favorite pair of pants you wear when golfing.
Enter "vacation apartment," along with the city and state you plan to visit, into your favorite search engine and prepare for a multitude of results.
You could even order a custom-made basket filled with your intended recipient's favorite diet foods.
If you are not an Amazon.com person, you might want to check your favorite Bookstore.
As such, having the jersey to your favorite player may go "out of date" very quickly.
If you're in doubt, go to your favorite search engine and look for the company's name with the word "scam" next to it.
Odds are you think you're getting enough catalogs in your mailbox every day, but you can also sign up to get catalogs from your favorite merchants.
Ignite your passion for your favorite hobby or pastime by requesting a bunch of catalogs, and you'll know exactly what to ask for when the next holiday rolls around.
While The Simpsons is widely available in syndication, DVDs offer the convenience of being able to watch your favorite episodes any time and in any place.
With a total of 46 different patches to choose from, there's sure to be a favorite for most shoppers.
Download your favorite songs from the Internet or your computer's hard drive and organize them into playlists.
Do a search for your favorite artists to see a large selection of choices.
If you find yourself listening to a few favorite tunes, you may just want a single CD player system.
Department Stores - Check the purse and luggage areas of your favorite department stores.
Popular since the 1970's, Class C recreational vehicles, also known as mini-motor homes, have long been a perennial family favorite.