Favor Sentence Examples
Do me a favor and don't listen to Dulce.
Can you do this one last favor for me?
Do me a favor and don't climb back up on your soapbox.
I'd like to ask a favor of you.
But you can do me a favor on the case.
Lydia spoke not another word, ignoring Dean in favor of her thoughts as she raced back to town.
What had started out as a favor to her friend was turning into something else.
She gave him a withering look, wondering what crack he was smoking to think he did her any favor by bringing her here instead of to a hospital.
He was asking for a favor, one Darkyn would discover within seconds of her returning to Hell.
I have a really big favor to ask of you.
AdvertisementWhile inequalities still exist around the world for women, the tide of history is flowing inexorably in favor of women's rights.
I did you the favor of running your prints years ago.
At that time a famous joke of Ermolov's was being circulated, that as a great favor he had petitioned the Emperor to make him a German.
This view was very general in the upper army circles and found support also in Petersburg and from the chancellor, Rumyantsev, who, for other reasons of state, was in favor of peace.
Deities did things differently, but he wasn't about to do what his predecessor would have and demand a favor of someone like Andre.
AdvertisementI broke Immortal Code to grant your favor of not killing Rhyn.
It was a cavalry general who had obtained the Emperor's special favor during this campaign, and who had formerly commanded the division in which Rostov was serving.
To favor revolutions, overthrow everything, repel force by force?...
The dust storm might work in their favor, but it would only increase their discomfort.
He.d only spent one night there last month before Sasha flung him to the side in favor of a demoness.
AdvertisementNo appeal of yours will work in his favor.
Andrew..." she said timidly after a moment's silence, "I have a great favor to ask of you."
Quinn, consider it a personal favor... from the guy you appointed boss.
Not that I don't appreciate the favor, she said.
Normally she acquiesced in favor of a paycheck, but Lacy's demand was bizarre, even by Lacy-standards.
AdvertisementIf this solution works, you owe me a favor of my choosing.
A favor of your choosing, so long as it pleases me to grant it.
The cat declined a lap-offer in favor of the purple rocker, Martha's chair, as if to question the whereabouts of her missing friend.
I came by your place to ask you a question—a favor.
After all, he'd abdicated all Bird Song's weekend chores in favor of his flesh-pressing tour, and Cynthia deserved a rest.
Darkyn would be doing me a favor if he took out that jackass.
Exactly. I then called in the favor she owed me from the bet I actually lost.
He didn't mistake his returned powers for a free favor.
She took me in as a favor to my father and will release me, if I ever wanted it.
A favor from an old friend who doesn't want to see you in pain.
Rhyn snorted and faced Sasha, the brother charged with governing Australia, and the first to abandon the Council in favor of serving the Dark One.
You.ve been my lover for ages, and I am doing you a favor.
Venice; but on the 7th of July the assembly declared in favor of fusion with Piedmont, and Manin, who had been elected president resigned his powers to the royal com- Danicle Mania and missioners.
This is one of the quickest and easiest ways of using negation in you favor.
But Leo rejects that director's nihilism in favor of some idea of redemption through words.
So, public policy is in favor of arranging circumstances so that letters of negotiation shall remain strictly entre nous.
Apparently the odds were in my favor that this was a freak occurrence and in all probability would never happen again.
The mainstream might have abandoned Lynch in favor of other oddballs du jour, but he still has something to say.
Unfortunately it is all too often overruled in favor of departments which push specific interests.
There was no electoral pact between the parties in favor of the Executive.
Only the best figurative painters do us this favor.
You will find that most pathogens favor lower acid (higher pH) conditions.
One can only hope that Britain is too phlegmatic for the kind of tactics they favor.
It is common for a pitcher to pitch for several innings and then be removed in favor of a relief pitcher.
In practice does the land-use planning system still embody a presumption in favor of development?
There is a general presumption in favor of disclosure.
Item 426 - Price £ 1.20 Love Heart Candle Favor Heart shape candle sitting on roses makes a truly romantic favor.
The Claimants ' suit was therefore time-barred and summary judgment was entered in favor of the defendant shipowners.
For one thing, the 9-5 working day would be scrapped in favor of a four-day week complete with midday office siestas!
These include specially embroidered silk and organza bags, seashell placecard holders, and porcelain truffle favor boxes.
But the plan to murder silva was shelved, in favor of eliminating Cardoso first.
We found that a monopoly situation exists in favor of the PRS.
He did all he could to discredit the work of a Duma heavily slanted in favor of the left.
I think you should exercise some care before asserting that David Cameron is ' clearly in favor of the odd spliff ' !
He was also noted to have said, " We shall squeeze the orange until the pips squeak, " in favor of reparations.
However, to avoid writer starvation, the Solaris threads package tends to favor writers over readers.
Topton's last 8 races quite decent efforts but today he ran a stinker with conditions in his favor.
Similar brown stoneware bowls were in fashion at the end of the 19th century, being phased out in favor of white bowls.
That included a stoppage time winner and two stoppage time equalizers as fortune started to favor them.
Swap spreads are widening in favor of the UK, " said Naeem Wahid, currency strategist at HBOS Treasury Services.
Its goal was to collect signatures in favor of a Charter demanding universal suffrage.
In addition to the members of the committee proper there were several members of the House present who favor woman suffrage.
I found they favor many black baits, and will take tares in the early season, mirroring part of their natural diet.
A prosecution will usually take place unless " there are public interest factors tending against prosecution which clearly outweigh those tending in favor " .
It became largely theologians who argued in favor of the actual infinite.
The favor of him who brings glad tidings of Thee, Even without Thy summons, is sweeter in mine ear than songs.
Significantly, a number of Labor backbenchers were in favor of scrapping the tolls on both bridges, against Executive policy.
That favor was that they should become the torchbearers of the knowledge of God to the world.
Chocolate Wedding Favors Providing chocolate as a wedding favor has been a time honored tradition for many centuries.
Gone were the flowing tresses in favor of a neat, short cut.
Some 85 percent voted in favor on a 80 percent turnout.
We all hope we favor the underdog, but don't have to express our tactless opinions even if we feel them.
Tried to do the guy a favor and he went wacko on me.
While languishing at his estates at Kelston near Bristol and awaiting a return to royal favor, he invented the first water closet.
Wednesday 8th September 2004 As a personal favor to me, please, leave immediately.
Italian politics; prosperous republics, with plenty of money to spend but no leisure or inclination for camp-life; cautious tyrants, glad of every pretext to emasculate their subjects, and courting popularity by exchanging conscription for taxationall combined to favor the new system.
In 1730 Victor Amadeus abdicated in favor of his son Charles Emmanuel III.
Side by side with the Mazzinian propaganda in favor of a united Italian republic, which manifested itself in secret societies, plots and insurrections, there was another Liberal movement based on the education of opinion and on economic development.
Foiled by the dictators stubbornness, Cavour had once more to take to underhand methods; and, while continuing futile negotiations with King Francis, sent his agents into Naples to stir up disaffection and create a sentiment in favor of national unity strong enough, in any event, to force Garibaldis hand.
Prudence, moreover, counselled avoidance of all action likely to serve the predominant anti-Italian party in France as a pretext for violent intervention in favor of the pope.
Bismarck nevertheless continued his press campaign in favor of the temporal power until, reassured by Gambettas decision to send Roustan back to Tunis to complete as minister the anti-Italian programme begun as consul, he finally instructed his organs to emphasize the common interests of Germany and Italy on the occasion of the opening of the St Gothard tunnel.
Financial considerations, lack of proper transports for an expeditionary corps, fear of displeasing France, dislike of a policy of adventure, misplaced deference towards the ambassadorial conference in Constantinople, and unwillingness to thwart the current of Italian sentiment in favor of the Egyptian nationalists, were the chief motives of the Italian refusal which had the effect of somewhat estranging Great Britain anc Italy.
Conciliation with Italy would expose the pope and his Italian entourage to suspicion of being unduly subject to Italian political influence of being, in a word, more Italian than Catholic. Such a suspicion would inevitably lead to a movement in favor of the internationalization of the curia and of the papacy.
Possibly an adroit repetition in favor of Mangashh and against Menelek of the policy formerly followed in favor of Menelek against the negus John might have consolidated Italian influence in Abyssinia by preventing the ascendancy of any single chieftain.
The atmosphere is a cause of disease in the neighborhood of chemical works, large towns, volcanoes, &c., in so far as it carrie, acid gases and poisons to the leaves and roots; but it is usual tc associate with it the action of excessive humidity which brings about those tender watery and more or less etiolated condition, which favor parasitic Fungi, and diminish transpiration and therefore nutrition.
In the same year a similar enactment was passed in Saxony, and the subject is a favourite one with antiSemites, who have enlisted on their side some scientific authorities, though the bulk of expert opinion is in favor of Shehitah (see Dembo, Das Schlachten,1894).
It may be said to have wholly supplanted its predecessor in popular favor, for the classic style that is to say, the Chinesehad now come to be regarded as the only erudite script.
Then with his strong face aglow in their feeble light, he made a speech in favor of a law to help poor fishermen.
So you will do me the favor.
But while Nicholas was considering these questions and still could reach no clear solution of what puzzled him so, the wheel of fortune in the service, as often happens, turned in his favor.
In his first letter which came soon after he had left home, Prince Andrew had dutifully asked his father's forgiveness for what he had allowed himself to say and begged to be restored to his favor.
That I, the daughter of Prince Nicholas Bolkonski, asked General Rameau for protection and accepted his favor!
Kaiser Karl who assumed the supreme command pursued policies in favor of peace.
This extremely reductive idea of painting is one reason why Greenberg 's concept of modernist fell out of favor in the 1960s.
Nor do I have to rehearse the arguments in favor of liberalization.
Creative subjects such as art, geography and music were relegated in favor of English, maths and science, he said.
Yes, the next of kin can relinquish in favor of you providing that there are no objections from other surviving relatives.
Frederick repents and shoots himself, leaving Rose his fortune, this she renounces in favor of Arthur.
The TPP process has however, been rescinded in favor of Local Transport Plans.
The losses suffered during the Boxer Rebellion affected Taylor 's health and he resigned officially in favor of D E Hoste in 1903.
Cases that have arisen before the Equal Rights Committee have generally been resolved in favor of the students.
Most respondents were in favor of applying a flat rate deduction.
With Pop 's help, Pieter is restored to favor in the village.
Here 's hoping that doing a favor for the Diocese of Brechin has a reward in heaven !
However, it is later scrapped in favor of the A4000.
I bypassed appealing to conscience in favor of pointing out various self-serving reasons to take organics seriously.
Peter and Ilona, she says, were always eager to curry favor with self-styled spiritual leaders.
There are no arguments in favor of the sell-off of a significant part of the air traffic control system.
A hundred years ' later, they might easily have feared that a later shah, was turning his favor to the Jews.
His father had never conferred a favor or shewn a kindness more to his satisfaction.
Well, almost; PUT will have been shunned in favor of POST, which all Web browsers actually contain support for.
Has the Beijing agenda been sidelined in favor of the MDGs?
I'd rather not say but I have some important information for you and I need a favor.
But could you do one favor?
Thought I'd return the favor.
That alone is a point in her favor.
The Deans couldn't hear the conversation but assumed it was one more lady in waiting for the senior Prince Charming's favor.
Unfortunately, the breeze was in her favor.
I'll consider it a favor.
For once, things were going in Death's favor.
I need a favor.
He was doing Kris.s next lover a favor.
I still owe you a favor.
His attention turned to the odious favor.
He'd known it would fail, but the elders of the Planetary Council had called in their last favor.
I came for … a favor.
It's for a favor.
No thanks, but could you do me a huge favor?
I'm calling to ask a big favor.
Kill me. Do me, you, and everyone else a favor!
Then I will grant you a favor.
As Dean smeared his whole-wheat toast with a coating of peanut butter, Fred poured the coffee, a sure sign he was looking for a favor.
Do me a favor and keep Arthur away from that file.
Could I ask for one last favor before you leave the nest?
I had to do them a favor.
What did you trade them for this favor?
You would be doing me a favor if you were to act against me.
This is the first favor my best scout has ever asked of me.
You would rule under my favor.
You'll earn his favor, even if only for an evening.
Can he be swayed in our favor?
Call it a favor to me.
Look, just do me a favor this week.
Call it a favor? she pleaded.
I might be doing the world a favor.
I'd definitely be doing women a favor, since you treat them like toilet paper.
Evergreens predominate in the south, where grow subtropical plants such as the myrtle, arbutus, laurel, holm-oak, olive and fig; varieties of the same kind are also found on the Atlantic coast (as far north as the Cotentin), where the humidity and mildness of the climate favor their growth.
The extent to which communal independence had been maintained in Italy through all the centuries of its political disintegration was strongly in its favor.
The tyrants general policy was to favor the multitude at the expense of his own caste.
He won favor by these means, and completed the levelling down of classes, which had been proceeding ever since the emergence of the communes.
The republics set up by the French at Naples, Rome and Milan collapsed as soon as the French troops retired; and a reaction in favor of clerical and Austrian influence set in with great violence.
Other changes took place in that year, all of them in favor of France.
Very many of them, distrusting both of these kings, sought to act independently in favor of an Italian republic. Lord William Bentinck with an AngloSicilian force landed at Leghorn on the 8th of March 1814, and issued a proclamation to the Italians bidding them rise against Napoleon in the interests of their own freedom.
Confalonieri, who was in favor of an Italian federation composed lEngelsm of northern Italy under the house of Savoy, central bardy.
All parties, however, were agreed in favor of war against Austria, for which the peoples forced their unwilling rulers to prepare.
He made desperate efforts to conciliate the population, and succeeded with a few of the nobles, who were led to believe in the possibility of an Italian confederation, including Lombardy and Venetia which would be united to Austria by a personal union alone; but the immense majority of all classes rejected these advances, and came to regard union with Piedmont with increasing favor.
Napoleon now realized that it would be impossible, without running serious risks, to oppose the movement in favor of unity.
On the 19th Leboeuf handed Venetia over to the Venetian representatives, and at the plebiscite held on the 21st and 22nd, 647,246 votes were returned in favor of union with Italy, only 69 against it.
Prussia, while satisfied at the fall of the temporal power, seemed to fear lest Italy might recompense the absence of French opposition to the occupation of Rome by armed intervention in favor of France.
His shrewd sense of political expediency and his loyalty to constitutional principles saved .him from the error of obstructing the advent and driving into an aati-dynastic attitude politicians who had succeeded in winning popular favor.
The railway redemption contracts were in fact immediately voted by parliament, with a clause pledging the government to legislate in favor of farming out the railways to private companies.
Depretis recalled Nigra from Paris and replaced him by General Cialdini, whose ardent plea for Italian intervention in favor of France in 1870, and whose comradeship with Marshal Macmahon in 1859, would, it was supposed, render him persona gratissima to the French government.
Apart from resentment against France on account of Tunisia there remained the question of the temporal power of the pope to turn the scale in favor of Austria and Germany.
A commission of inquiry reported in favor of private management.
Menelek, by means of Count Antonelli, resident in the Shoa country, requested Italy to execute a di version in his favor by occupying Asmar and other points on the high plateau.
The influence of Giolitti was based largely upon the favor of a court clique, and especially of Rattazzi, minister of the royal household.
The deputies of the Extreme Left, instead of using their influence in favor of pacification, could think of nothing better than to demand an immediate convocation of parliament in order that they might present a bill forbidding the troops and police to use their arms in all conflicts between capital and labor, whatever the provocation might be.
The mayor of Venice sent a firm and dignified protest to the government for its inaction, and the people of Liguria raised a large subscription in favor of the troops, in recognition of their gallantry and admirable discipline during the troubles.
But while the majority of the deputies, were nominally in favor of the bill, the parliamentary committee reported against it, and public opinion was so hostile that an anti-divorce petition received 3,500,000 signatures, including not only those of professing Catholics, but of free-thinkers and Jews, who regarded divorce as unsuitable to Italian conditions.
These words were taken to mean that Italy would receive compensation to restore the balance of power upset in Austrias favor.
Numerous wild hypotheses as to changes in the constitution of the host-plant, leading to supposed vulnerability previously non-existent, would probably never have seen the light had the full significance of the truth been grasped that an epidemic results when the external laciors favor a parasite somewhat more than they do the host.
It may be that in particular cases particular modes of cultivation disfavour the host; or that the soil, climate or seasons do so; but overwhelming evidence exists to show that the principal causes of epidemics reside in circumstances which favor the spread, nutrition and reproduction of the pest, and the lesson to be learnt is, that precautions against the establishment of such favoring conditions must be sought.
Good cytological evidence has been adduced in favor of both theories, but further investigation is necessary before any definite conclusion can be arrived at.
Assuming that in its circumpolar origin the North Temperate flora was fairly homogeneous, it would meet in its centrifugal extension with a wide range of local conditions; these would favor the preservation of numerous species in some genera, their greater or less elimination in others.
His learning, genial disposition, and conversational powers won him the favor of Henry III.
Its pure white or rose-red blossoms, heralding the first approach of genial weather, are regarded with special favor and are accounted the symbol of unassuming hardihood.
It was in the middle of the 18th century that the decorative, but relatively feeble, Chinese art of the later Ming period found favor in Japan and a clever exponent in a painter named Ryurikyo It must be regarded as a sad decadence from the old Chinese ideals, which was further hastened, from about 1765, by the popularity of the southern Chinese style.
These students, confronted by i strong reaction in favor of pure Japanese art, have fought manfully to win public sympathy, and though their success is not yet crowned, it is not impossible that an Occidental school may ultimately be established.
Stone has never been in favor in Japan as a material for the higher expression of the sculptors art.
Tiles thenceforth became the orthodox covering for a roof, hut vermilion, being regarded as a religious color, found no favor in private dwellings.
But the ware has never found favor in Japanese eyes, an element of unpleasant garishness being imparted to it by the vitreous appearance of the glaze, which is manufactured according to European methods.
When this building of railways began in Japan, much discussion was taking place in England and India as to the relative advantages of the wide and narrow gauges, and so strongly did the arguments in favor of the latter appeal to the English advisers of the Japanese government that the metre gauge was chosen.
Both the earlier and the later parts of the Silurian period seem to have been times when physical conditions were such as to favor the development of provincial faunas, while during the more widespread submergence of the middle Silurian the fauna was more cosmopolitan.
In California the effect of the strong equatorward turn of the summer winds is to produce a dry season; but in the states along the Gulf of Mexico and especially in Florida the withdrawal of the stormy westerlies in favor of the steadier trade winds (here turned somewhat toward the continental interior, as explained below) results in an increase of precipitation.
The powers of a state are inherent, not delegated, and each retains all such rights and functions of an independent government as it has not, by entering the Union, affirmatively divested itself of in favor of the Federal government.
Every resident citizen has the right to bring forward and to speak in favor of any proposal.
There has long been a demand for an amendment to the Constitution which should vest the election of senators in the peoples of the several states, and more than one-half of the state legislatures have at one time or another passed resolutions in favor of the change.
The Judiciary Act of 1789 (as amended by subsequent legislation) provides for the appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States of a final judgment or decree in any suit rendered in the highest court of a state in which a decision in the suit could be had where is drawn in question the validity of a treaty or statute for an authority exercised under the United States, and the decision is against their validity; or where is drawn in question the validity of a statute of, or an authority exercised under, any state, on the ground of their being repugnant to the Constitution, treaties or laws of the United States, and the decision is in favor of their validity; or where any title, right, privilege or immunity is claimed under the Constitution, or any treaty or statute of, or commission held or authority exercised under the United States, and the decision is against the title, right, privilege or immunity specially set up or claimed by either party under the Constitution, treaty, statute, commission or authority.
If the decision of the state court is in favor of the right claimed under Federal law or against the validity or applicability of the state law set up, there is no ground for appeal, because the applicability or authority of Federal law in the particular case could receive no further protection from a Federal court than has in fact been given by the state court.
Where this happens there is much room for the display of tactical skill by the party managers in persuading delegates who favor one of the less prominent aspirants to transfer their votes to the person who seems most likely to unite the party.
A considerable and growing public sentiment in favor of the use of the taxing power for the regulation of wealth taken from society demands the introduction into the Federal system of income and inheritance taxes.
Poultry farming is a considerable industry, thegeeseof Pomerania and thefowls of Thuringia and Lorraine being in especial favor.
There are no statistics of posts and telegraphs before 1867, for it was only when the North German union was formed that the lesser states resigned their right of carrying mails in favor of the central authority.
The emperors idea was that, as church lands and offices could not be hereditary, their holders would necessarily favor the crown.
For some time he resisted, but at length the emperor in person marched against him and he was forced to submit; the only favor he could secure when peace was made at Erfurt in November 1181 was permission to retain Brunswick and Lneburg, which have remained in the possession of his descendants until our own day.
But for this favor he had been compelled to pay a high price.
The pope and his French ally, Charles IV., whom it was proposed to seat upon the German throne, had completely misread the signs of the times, and their schemes met with very little favor in Germany.
This elaborate scheme found favor with a large number of members, but others insisted that there should be a president or a central committee, appointed by the parliament, while another party pleaded that the parliament itself should exercise executive as well as legislative functions.
Matters came to a crisis at the end of October when the diet passed a resolution calling on the king to intervene in favor of the Viennese revolutionists.
An agitation in his favor had already begun in Holstein and, after the promulgation of the new Danish constitution, this was extended to Schleswig.
On the 24th of December Saxon and Hanoverian troops occupied Holstein in the name of the German Confederation, and supported by their presence and the favor of the population the prince of Augustenburg, as Duke Frederick VIII., assumed the government.
The counter-stroke of Austria was to embarrass Prussia by allowing full play in Holstein to the agitation in favor of the Augustenburg claimant.
To the protests of Prussia, Austria replied that she had a full right to do what she liked in the duchy, and that she still adhered to the declaration of the princes, made on the 28th of May 1864, in favor of Dtrke Frederick.
It was, however, opposition in the Bundesrat which obliged him to abandon his scheme for imperial railways, and when, in 1877, it was necessary to determine the seat of the new supreme court of justice, the proposal of the government that Berlin should be chosen was out-voted by thirty to twenty-eight in favor of Leipzig.
He decided in favor of Spain, Germany being granted certain rights in the islands.
Bismarck, now that the choice was forced upon him, determined in favor of Austria, and during a visit to Vienna in October, arranged with Count Andrssy an alliance by which in the event of either being attacked by Russia the other was to assist; if either was attacked by any power other than Russia, the other was to preserve benevolent neutrality unless the attacking power was helped by Russia.
The agricultural interests in Germany had during the middle of the 19th century been in favor of Free Trade.
The policy of the government is to maintain the small proprietors, and to do nothing tending to oust the native in favor of European landowners.
The favor afterwards shown to Ibn Raiq at Bagdad nearly threw the Ikshid into the arms of the Fatimite caliph, with whom he carried on a friendly correspondence, one letter of which is preserved.
Aziz attempted without success to enter into friendly relations with the Buyid ruler of Bagdad, A1/4od addaula, who was disposed to favor the Alids, but caused the claim of the Fatimites to descend from Ali to be publicly refuted.
He was at first under the tutelage of the Slav Burjuwn, whose policy it was to favor the Turkish element in the army as against the Maghribine, on which the strength of the Fatimites had till then rested; his conduct of affairs was vigorous and successful, and he concluded a peace with the Greek emperor.
The new reign began by an armed struggle between two commanders for the post of vizier, which in January 1150 was decided in favor of the Amir Ibn Sallr.
The son, Abu Bakr, to whom he had left the throne, was able to maintain himself only a few months on it, being compelled to abdicate on the 4th of August 1341 in favor of his infant brother Kuchuk; the revolution was brought about by Kaustin, a powerful Mameluke of the preceding monarch.
On the 23rd of May 1412, after being defeated and shut up in Damascus, he was compelled by Sheik Mabrnudi to abdicate, and an Abbasid caliph, Mostain, was proclaimed sultan, only to be forced to abdicate on the 6th of November of the same year in Sheiks favor, who took the title Malik al-Muayyad, his colleague Newruz having been previously sent to Syria, where he was to be autocrat by the terms of their agreement.
A certain Ahmed Pasha, who was about to proceed to a province in Arabia, of which he had been appointed governor, was raised to the important post of pasha of Egypt, through the influence of the Turks and the favor of the sheiks; but Mehemet Ali, who with his Albanians held the citadel, refused to assent to their choice; the Mamelukes moved over from El-Giza, whither they had been invited by Thir Pasha, and Ahmed Paslia betook himself to the mosque of al-Zflhir, which the French had converted into a fortress.
Fortune continued to favor the pasha.
Abdullah, their chief, was made prisoner, and with his treasurer and secretary was sent to Constantinople, where, in spite of Ibrahims promise of safety, and of Mehemet Alis intercession in their favor, they were put to death.
To European merchants, on whom he was dependent for the sale of his exports, Mehemet All showed much favor, and under his influence the port of Alexandria again rose into importance.
The Bahr-ei-Ghazal.The first outbreak in favor of Mahdism in the Bahr-el-Ghazal took place at Liffi in August 1882, when the Dinka tribe, under Jango, revolted and was defeated by Lupton 33ey with considerable slaughter at Tel Gauna, and again in 1883
The potato although successfully cultivated in Persia since about 1780, has not yet found favor, and the same may be said of the tomato, asparagus celery and others.
Many members of the clergy, particularly those of the higher ranks, have very liberal ideas and are in favor of progress and reforms so long as they are not against the shar, or divine law; but, unfortunately, they form the minority.
Among the subject races the Medes particularly stood high in favor.
When Tigranes had submitted, Pompey received him into favor and extended the Roman supremacy over the vassal states of Gordyene and Osroene; though he had allured the Parthian king with the prospect of the recovery of his old possessions as far as the Euphrates.
His claim to succession had been put aside by Timur in favor of Pir Mahommed, the son of a deceased son, but KhaliI Shah, a son of the discarded prince, won the day.
Zeno states that he was then thirteen, which is much more probable,2 and the several data available for reference are in favor of this supposition.
As to foreign relations, he received embassies from Europe and a deputation from the French East India Company; he sought to conciliate the Uzbegs by treating their refugee chiefs with unusual honor and sumptuous hospitality; he kept on good terms with Turkey; he forgave the hostility of a Georgian prince when brought to him a captive; and he was tolerant to all religionsalways regarding Christians with especial favor.
In 1800 its tsar, George, son and successor of Heraclius, notwithstanding his former professions of allegiance to the shah, renounced his crown in favor of the Russian emperor.
Agreeably to the Persian custom, asserted by his predecessors, of nominating the heir-apparent from the sons of the sovereign without restriction to seniority, he had passed over the eldest, Mahommed Ali, in favor of a junior, Abbas; but, as the nominee died in the lifetime of his father, the old king had proclaimed Mahommed Mirza, the son of Abbas, and his own grandson, to be his successor.
After the generals arrival the march upon Borazjan and the engagement at Khushabtwo places on the road to Shirazand the operations at Muhamiah and the Karun River decided the campaign in favor of England.
Early in 1909, indeed, a Russian force of 2600 men was sent to watch events near Tabriz, and if necessary to intervene in favor of the Nationalists who held the town, and had for some months been besieged by the shahs troops.
When next there was rebellion in that quarter it was in favor of a Wessex prince, not of a Danish adventurer, and had no sinister national significance.
Meanwhile, however, he was encouraged to persevere by the fact that his brother Theobald had withdrawn his claim to the duchy of Normandy, and retired in his favor.
Such was Englands, fate till 1153, when Matilda had retired from the strife in favor of her son, Henry of Anjou, and Stephen was grown an old man, and had just lost his heir, Eustace, to whom he had desired to pass on the crown.
Among those who stood about him were four knights, some of whom had personal grudges against Becket, and all of whom were reckless ruffians, who were eager to win their masters favor by fair means or foul.
The fortune of war at first turned in favor of the English king.
For some time he was in high favor with his brother-in-law, and was looked upon by the English as no better than Aymer de Valence or Peter of Savoy.
The fortune of war in- batons dined at first in favor of the royalists, who captured wan Northampton and Nottingham.
After some delay, and with manifest reluctance, the Scots complied; their hand was forced by the fact that most of the claimants to the crown had hastened to make the acknowledgment, each hoping thereby to prejudice the English king in his own favor.
This theory of affinity had beenwell known in the 12th century, an.d had been urged in favor of King John when he was contending with his nephew Arthur.
Though he found himself certain of a considerable amount of support, he yet could see that there would be no general rising in his favor, for many of the magnates refused to help in making king a baron whom they regarded as no more important than one of themselves.
Indeed, there was a decided reaction in Edwards favor, since Lancaster and his friends had been tried and found wanting.
But he failed to win any decisive advantage thereby over King Philip. It was not till 1346, when he adopted the new policy of trusting nothing to allies, and striking at the heart of France with a purely English army, that Edward found the fortune of war turning in his favor.
Pole was impeached on a groundthe kings less charge of corruption and condemned, but Richard favor- at once pardoned him and restored him to favor, Dc ftes.
Fortunately for Bolingbroke the young earl was only six years of age; not a voice was raised in his favor in parliament.
All Cheshire, a district always faithful to the name of Richard II., rose in their favor, and they were joined by Hotspurs uncle, the earl of Worcester.
The new king had everything in his favor; his father Accession had borne the odium of usurpation and fought down ileniy v.
Despite all this, there was still, when the wars began, a very strong feeling in favor of compromise and moderation.
The king had in his favor the prestige of the royal name, and a popularity won by his easy-going affability and his liberal gifts.
All that can be said in favor of the Yorkists is that they restored a certain measure of national prosperity, and that their leaders had one redeeming virtue in their addiction to literature.
To each of the combatants it seemed that the English alliance would turn the scale in his own favor.
It also empowered the king to leave the crown by will if he had no legitimate issue; but the illegitimate son, the duke of Richmond, in whose favor this provision is said to have been conceived, died shortly afterwards.
They were conservative demonstrations in favor of a restoration of the old order bl means of a change of ministry, but not a change of dynasty.
Somersets own brother, Thomas Seymour, jealous of the protector, intrigued against the government; he sought to secure the hand of Elizabeth, the favor of Edward VI.
Scarcely an English Catholic would have raised a finger in Philips favor; and when he could not subdue the two provinces of Holland and Zeeland, it is absurd to suppose that he could have simultaneously subdued them and England as well.
The case was argued in the court of exchequer, and was there decided in favor of the crown.
Now the favor shown to the Roman Catholics by the king opened up a source of mischief which was to some extent real, if it was to a still greater extent imaginary.
The sentence passed by the Lords vindicated the right of parliament to punish officials who had enjoyed the favor of the crown, which had fallen into disuse since the accession of the house of York.
He began by making use of the necessity of resisting Monmouth to increase his army, under the pretext of the danger of a repetition of the late rebellion; and ir, the regiments thus levied he appointed many Roman Catholic officers who had refused to comply with the Test Act., Rather than submit to the gentlest remonstrance, he prorogued parliament, and proceeded to obtain from the court of kings bench a judgment in favor of his right to dispense with all penalties due by law, in the same way that his grandfather had appealed to the judges in the matter of the post-nati.
Before he could reach London every class of English society had declared in his favor.
The Grand Alliance became, as William would have wished, a league to wrest the whole of the Spanish dominions from Queen Philip, in favor of the Austrian archduke Charles.
The duke cared little for home politics in themselves; but he had his own ends, both public and private, to serve, and at first gave his support to the Tories, whose church policy was regarded with favor by the queen.
The movement in favor of economy was necessarily also a movement in favor of peace; and when the surrenderof Yorktown was known (1782), Lord North at once resigned office.
The Irish parliament took umbrage at the superiority claimed by England, and threw out the measure as an insult, though, even as it stood, it was undeniably in favor of Ireland.
Fyshe Palmer for circulating an address from a society of the friends of liberty to their fellow-citizens in favor of a reform of the House of Commons.
It had given the undertaking demanded by the king; those of its members who, like Canning, were in favor of Catholic emancipation, arguing that, in view of greater and more pressing questions, it was useless to insist in a matter which could never be settled so long as the old king lived.
Another meeting was accordingly summoned for the undoubtedly legal purpose of petitioning parliament in favor of reform.
The Manchester Massacre gave an immense impetus to the movement in favor of reform.
They were obviously indebted for office to the favor of the queen, and not to the support of parliament.
Ought the British legislature to continue to favor their designs and their plans?
The Liberal party generally in the House of Commons was in favor of such a modification of the oaths as would enable the Jews so elected to take their seats.
The distress which resulted naturally created a strong feeling in favor of intervention, which might terminate the war and open the Southern ports to British commerce; and the initial successes which the Confederates secured seemed to afford some justification for such a proceeding.
R011fl Several of its members were in favor of assimilating the borough franchise to that in force in municipal elections, and practically conferring a vote on every householder who had three years residence in the constituency.
By an overwhelming majority it threw its lot in favor of Gladstone; and Disraeli, without even venturing to meet parliament, took the unusual course of at once placing his resignation in the queens hands.
The new minister had been swept into power on a wave of popular favor, but he inherited from his predecessors difficulties Glad- in almost eyery quarter of the world; and his own stones language had perhaps tended to increase them.
It was generally understood that H Lord Carnarvon, who had been made viceroy of ome Ireland, had been in communication with Parnell; that Lord Salisbury was aware of the interviews which had taken place; and it was whispered that Lord Carnarvon was in favor of granting some sort of administrative autonomy to Ireland.
The Unionist party in the country had, meanwhile, been recovering from the Tariff Reform divisions of 1903, and was once more solid under Mr Balfour in favor of its new and imperial policy; but the campaign against the House of Lords started by Mr Lloyd George and the Liberal leaders, who put in the forefront the necessity of obtaining statutory guarantees for the passing into law of measures deliberately adopted by the elected Chamber, resulted in the return of Mr Asquiths government to office at the election of January 1910.
Hence the sixty years of terror and confusion which came between Charlemagne and the death of Charles the Bald suppressed the direct authority of the king in favor of the nobles, and prepared the way for a second destruction of the monarchy at the hands of a stronger power (see FEUDALISM).
The insubordination of several great vassalsthe count of Vermandois, the duke of Burgundy, the count of Flanderswho treated him as he had treated the Carolingian king; the treachery of Arnuif, archbishop of Reims, who let himself be won over by the empress Theophano; the papal hostility inflamed by the emperor against the claim of feudal France to independence,all made it seem for a time as though the unity of the Roman empire of the West would be secured at Hughs expense and in Ottos favor; but as a matter of fact this papal and imperial hostility ended by making the Capet dynasty a national one.
Unfortunately his successor, Louis VII., almost destroyed his work by a colossal blunder, although circumstances seemed much in his favor.
The retreat to France of Pope Alexander III., after he had been driven from Rome by the emperor Frederick in favor of the anti-pope Victor, revived Louiss moral prestige.
He demanded renunciation on Johns part, not of Anjou only, but of Poitou and Normandy of all his French-speaking possessions, in fact in favor of Arthur, who was supported by William des Roches, the most powerful lord of the region of the Loire.
In return for this favor, which the king could not claim as a right, the states, feeling their power, began to bargain, and at the session of November 1355 demanded the participation of all classes in the tax voted, and obtained guarantees both for its levy and the use to be made of it.
This was in consequence of the death of his sister, who had been married to Bedford, and the return of his brother- in-law Richemont into the French kings favor.
His first proceedings had indeed given no We promise of the moderation and prudence afterwards to characterize him; he had succeeded in exasperating all parties; the officials of his father, the well-served, whom he dismissed in favor of inferiors like Jean Balue, Oliver le Daim and Tristan Lermite; the clergy, by abrogating the Pragmatic Sanction; the university of Paris, by his ill-treatment of it; and the nobles, whom he deprived of their hunting rights, among them being those whom Charles VII.
Grouped together on the council of affairs, they managed to control the policy of the common council, with its too mixed and too independent membership. They successfully strove to separate the grandeur and superexcellence of the king from the rest of the nation; to isolate the nobility amid the seductions of a court lavish in promises of favor and high office; and to win over the bourgeoisie by the buying and selling and afterwards by the hereditary transmission of offices.
All those time-worn medieval institutions which no longer allowed free scope to private or public life were demolished by the legists in favor of the monarchy.
The Guises set aside, Coligny, supported as he was by Jeanne dAlbret, queen of Navarre, now received all Charles IX.s Coligny favor.
The diet of Regensburg, under the mediation of Maximilian of Bavaria, decided in favor of peace with France, and on the25th of December 1641 the preliminary settlement at Hamburg fixed the opening of negotiations to take place at Munster and Osnabruck.
Mazarin justified Richelieus confidence and the favor of Anne of Austria.
This collective administration, designed to cripple the action of the regent, encountered a twofold opposition from the nobles and the parlement; but on the 2nd of September 1715 the emancipated parlement set aside the will in favor of the duke of Orleans, who thus together with the title of regent had all the real power.
His political ideal for France was that of the monarchy, rescued from all association with the abuses of the old rgime and broad-based upon the peoples will; his practical counsel was that the king should frankly proclaim this ideal to the people as his own, should compete with the Assembly for popular favor, while at the same time using every means to win over those by whom his authority was flouted.
In order to preserve popular favor and their direction of the Republic, the Girondins had not dared to pronounce against the sentence of death, but had demanded an appeal to the people which was rejected; morally weakened by this equivocal attitude they were still more so by foreign events.
But though the heads of the goyernment wanted to put an end to the Revolution they had no thought of restoring the monarchy in favor of the Comte de Provence, who had taken the title of Louis XVIII.
On the night of the I9th Brumaire a mere ghost of an Assembly abolished the constitution of the year III., ordained The Con- the provisionary Consulate, and legalized the coup sulaje, detat in favor of Bonaparte.
When France and other European nations abandoned free trade for protection towards 1890, a strong movement set in in Spain in favor of protection.
The governments of the Restoration showed the Church much favor, allowed the Jesuits and religious orders of both sexes to spread to an extent without precedent in the century, and to take hold of the education of more than half of the youth of both sexes in all classes of society.
Constance favored the monks of Cluny, and obtained her husbands favor for them.
His son Enrique (Henry) was, killed by the fall of a tile three years later; and Berengaria, to whom the crown came, sent to Leon for her son Fernando, and abdicated in his favor.
The judges finally decided in favor of Ferdinand, on the ground that his mother, Eleanor, was the daughter of Peter IV., and that though a woman could not reign as a proprietary queen in Aragon, she could convey the right to her husband or transmit it to her son.
His conflict with his son by his first marriage, Charles, prince of Viana, was settled in his favor by the death of the prince.
Her first agent was the Italian priest Alberoni (q.v.), whose favor lasted from 1714 to 1719.
At the head of the opposition was Ferdinand, the heir to the throne, as insignificant as his rival, but endowed with all good qualities by the credulous favor of the people.
A raging mob surrounded the palace, clamouring for Godoys head; and the favorites life was only saved by Charles TVs announcement of his abdication in favor of Ferdinand (March 17).
The first won because the general trend of the world was in their favor, and because their opponents were blind, contumacious, and divided among themselves.
A constituent Cortes was assembled in 1869, and decided in favor of a monarchy.
The king and his prime minister were equally agreed about the necessity of showing the Vatican and the Church sufficient favor to induce them to cease coquetting with the pretender Don Carlos, but not so much as to allow the pope and the clergy to expect that they would tolerate any excessive Ultramontane influence in the policy of the Restoration.
He elected to trust to diplomacy; and Spain made out such a good case for arbitration, on the ground of her ancient rights of discovery and early colonization, that the German emperor, who had no desire to imperil the dynasty and monarchy in Spain, agreed to submit the whole affair to the pope, who gave judgment in favor of Spain.
Sagasta derived much benefit from the divisions which made democracy powerless; and he Was able to cope with Carlism chiefly because the efforts of the pretender himself abroad, and of his partisans in Spain, were first restrained and then decisively paralysed by the influence of foreign courts and governments, above all by the direct interference of the Vatican in favor of the Spanish regency and of the successor of Alphonso XII.
Doa Christina, apart from the dictates of gratitude towards the head of her Church for the kindness shown to her son and government, was a zealous Catholic. She proved all thfough her regency that she not only relied upon the support of the Vatican and of the prelates, but that she was determined to favor the Church and the religious foundations in every possible way.
In 1886, in the first parliament of the regeiicy, Cuban autonomist deputies divided the house on a motion in favor of home rule and of an extension of the franchise in Cuba.
Nevertheless, his bill did not find favor with the Conservatives or the majority of the Liberals, and Sagasta, trimming according to his inveterate habit, found a pretext to get rid of Maura and Gamazo.
The latter at the last moment recorded their votes in favor of the Abarzuza Bill when they perceived that a strange sort of eleventh-hour presentiment was about to make all the Spanish parties vote this insufficient reform.
These protests were overruled by the majority of the ministers, who invoked dynastic and monarchical considerations in favor of a desperate stand, however hopeless, in defence of the last remnants of the colonial empire of Spain.
The drastic measures taken by the government against the National Union of Taxpayers, and against the newspapers which assisted it in advocating resistance to taxation until sweeping and proper retrenchment had been effected in the national expenditure, checked this campaign in favor of reform and retrenchment for a while.
He abdicated under pres i sure in 1808 in favor of his son Ferdinand, and then re signed his rights to Napoleon.
His mother abdicated in I his favor and he was re stored.
At the present day Gallego, which is simply Portuguese variously modified and with a development in some respects arrested, is much less important than Catalan, not only because the Spaniards who speak it (i,8oo,ooo) are fewer than the Catalans (3,500,000), but also because, its literary culture having been early abandoned in favor of Castilian, it fell into the vegetative condition of a provincial patois.
He'd never forget his single run-in with one of the Others, a group of Watchers working to destroy the mortal world in favor of an immortal one.
Janet had foster-housed Martha for a short time last year as a favor to the child's jailed mother, but in January she imposed on the Deans' good nature to look after the young girl after being arrested and sentenced to sixty days in lock up after a check writing "misunderstanding."
I came by your place to ask you a question—a favor.
Whatever favor Fate asked of Death, it'd be huge.
Sometimes I favor an outcome and nudge the chain of events to fulfill it.
He made it clear he didn't have to curry her favor, not with the Immortal Code on his side and the arrangement he proposed.
Might help get you back in the Dark One.s favor, but I.m here for Darkyn only.
There was a time when A'Ran would've scoffed at Jetr's mention of a favor.
I came for … a favor.
Whoever did it, it was working in the Guardians' favor right now.
The concept was abandoned in favor of the claim to a diverse society.
Are you willing to abdicate control in favor of a defined group esthetic?
The King decided to abdicate in favor of his son.
He agreed to abdicate and retire in favor of the next in line for the throne.
He abdicated the Portuguese crown in favor of his seven year old daughter, Maria da Glória of Portugal.
On 11th December 1936 the King abdicated in favor of his brother, the Duke of York, who became George VI.
He's looking for belligerent countries to take action in favor of peace.
The plan was biased in favor of small parties.
He was a conscientious historian with a standard biased in favor of maintenance of the status quo.
There was no exercise of discretion in favor of the registered proprietor.
Now we're campaigning for trade justice, with new rules weighted in favor of the poor.
Asked about tax policy, George was only able to mouth platitudes about being in principle in favor of low taxes.
Appeal panels are not bound by precedent or by any notional percentage of appeals which they must uphold in parents' favor.
There were prejudicesin favor of genuine Communist politics.
Then how do you expect Brazil to not reciprocate the favor on the US imposed fee?
The favor was reciprocated by the rest of the family.
The Nationalists under Fenech-Adami were strongly in favor; the Labor party was an equally vehement opponent.
She petitioned the King to terminate the abeyance in her favor.
The majority of staff voted in favor of the proposal while there was one against and a few abstentions.
Why have you come to favor a strategy of shareholder activism?
I favor the name Adam for a variety of reasons which I am happy to share with individuals if interested.
The Cape Dutch all through 1901 and the first part of 1902 conducted a strong agitation in favor of the former republics.
We welcome this change in favor of good animal husbandry.
I ask all in favor to stop being so apathetic and voice your opinion.
Strength of strength A strong, dominant physical appearance can go a way in your favor.
Even the independent assessor Mr Hill was in favor of the regime at High Oaks.
Although not in favor of forced assimilation, most people clearly want immigrant communities to become integrated into the wider society.
There was a tide so strongly in his favor as to excite the astonishment of all observers.
Ulla said, ' Would it be supposed that [Jeshu the Nazarene] a revolutionary, had aught in his favor?
There are two general arguments in favor of trying to make learners autonomous.
This was abandoned in favor of a new arrangement of a very large porch, or narthex, with the circular baptistery.
There is also correspondence, etc, relating to calling the barony out of abeyance again in favor of Una Mary Ross, 1943.
Both species seemed to favor the very tops of tall beeches.
And then there's this crowd of nobles, all subservient to him, all beholden to him and dependent on his favor.
For this reason I am in favor of supporting the research, however we cannot say that biotech can solve world hunger.
Item 630 - Price £ 1.75 bucket Wedding Favor These small galvanized buckets are absolutely great for something different.
Favor Pitta pacifying foods include squash, warm milk, and homemade buttermilk.
The ants return the favor by guarding the caterpillar against the many predatory insects which enjoy eating juicy young caterpillars.
The argument in favor of removing the cervix pre-dates cervical smears.
If you need a checkup now, the stars are in your favor as your physician will be accurate in his prognostication.
Predictably, the financial markets favor a continuation of the economic policies pursued by the governing coalition.
The reality is that any changes would be recommendations of an appointed unelected commission, all of whom would favor euthanasia.
Square Favor Box with Jewels These gorgeous favor boxes have jewels on gold color wires on the lids and contain confectionery of your choice.
The Bush administration is seizing advantage of the present conjuncture in order to shift the terms further in the favor of US capitalism " .
A debtor who is not insolvent may also execute a deed in favor of his/her creditors generally.
It is wise to choose transistors with greater gain to favor lower quiescent current.
The traditional tutors ' barn dance was eschewed in favor of cocktails in Old Hall.
The majority of the dragonfly species recorded in London, including the emerald damselfly and the ruddy darter, also favor this habitat.
Internal transfer A pension sharing order will create a pension debit against the scheme member in favor of the spouses pension rights.
This argument in favor of regional processing, while appealing in its simplicity, is highly deceptive.
Our space suddenly became defensible, criminals flourished as opportunities became more lucrative and the laws changed in favor of civil liberties.
It requires deference to authority and acceptance of fixed ideas, whereas science requires authority to be continually overthrown in favor of better ideas.
The conference showed defiance by voting in favor of linking the basic pensions with average earnings.
Meta Group recently predicted the demise of desktop PCs over the coming few years, in favor of portable computers.
Each argument that you can propose in favor of budgeting is systematically demolished by this book.
Two days later, following mass demonstrations in his favor, Chavez was back in power.
Since 1997 there has been a dramatic shift in public opinion in favor of welsh devolution.
The honorable Member for Birmingham had made a very dexterous speech, a skillful evolution in favor of the middle classes.
I have already announced our intention to widen differentials on Vehicle Excise Duty in favor of greener vehicles, in a revenue neutral manner.
Whig politicians out of favor also showed no disinclination to join them.
The arguments that have been put forwarded in favor of ID Cards can be easily disproved.
Thus ' with few dissenters, we have successfully reached a consensus in favor of the chemiosmotic theory ' .
Opinion polls over many years have shown a persistent public distaste for giving up the pound in favor of the euro.
Looks at a scheme in Angola which largely eschews air-conditioning in favor of a more natural solution.
If the trust is in favor of the surviving spouse, the spouse exemption will still apply.
Victory in the Philippines - the court has ruled in favor of bikes using expressways.
Of 2,000 people surveyed, 53% were also in favor of random roadside testing of drivers ' eyesight.
Another point in favor of such a combination is that it is a prerequisite for the introduction of dedicated fast lanes.
Then e-mail us and we will return the favor.
Wisdom allows me to find favor in the eyes of God.
Did Hevel violate any known principle by being successful and gaining favor in the eyes of his Maker?
But if He does that, we have to look at ourselves and ask what we've done to lose the favor of God.
Grace is free unmerited favor for sinners giving them full forgiveness in Jesus Christ forever.
Have you lost the sweet sense of divine favor, the happy consciousness of acceptance with God?
Here is the perfect destination wedding favor - " Mini Books " .
Than one-fifth of herrick strongly favor on a project broker houston lender mortgage texas plan to accept.
The answer is simple, with a wedding favor.
Three-quarters of Council must be in favor for an honorary fellow to be elected.
I don't care a fig about whether you pronounce in favor of this or that book, film or record.
The ruling The House of Lords ruled in favor of the retained firefighters.
The Russians brought back the long out of favor rocket as a major contribution to artillery firepower.
For this reason, many orthopedic consultants now favor surgical fixation.
One factor in easyMobile's favor is the Group's well-known, well-respected and very distinct brand, pioneered by charismatic founder Stelios Haji-Ioannou.
The only solution for ICANN was to completely fudge this process in VeriSign's favor.
This is equally the case with back specialists, many of whom still favor spinal fusion for chronic low back pain.
The pay gap has widened in favor of the public sector worker by almost £ 1 an hour.
Had Boro equalized then the late goal glut might again have gone in their favor.
Valency grammarians who favor Arg-Sel might be happy to subscribe to Szen-Sel instead.
A vast amount of stuffy and sentimental humbug has been uttered in favor of the Gospel of Work.
While scalloped hammerheads favor deeper waters and socialize in large schools, great hammerheads are solitary hunters that are equally comfortable at the surface.
He later abandoned hypnotism in favor of free association and dream analysis in developing what is now known as " the talking cure.
But Defense Minister Peter Struck said already last week that a vote in favor was " basically not imaginable anymore.
Amendments introduced by the Enterprise Act 2002 sought to redress the perceived imbalance in favor of the bankrupt.
From this material he builds up an apparently impregnable argument in favor of the revived eastern cult.
He asks patronage from the one - he asks no favor from the other, except that they shall not claim kindred with him.
I favor Battle Front, but that is mainly because I know the fellow kiwis running the outfit.
We banned them here years ago in favor of the loop leash.
Notwithstanding the joint liquidator 's views, I find in favor of DTI in all these respects.
Some baby shower favor ideas include personalized lollipops or candy tins, baby themed cookies, or the ever popular bubble gum cigars.
The other key factor was that councilors led by a senior ' raving loony ' were in favor.
More like out of the loop It was a bold move shunning celeb mag fodder in favor of news.
Feeding on the seeds of tree mallow, they seem to favor coastal areas.
To say that you were in favor of workers ' sanctions was to support militarism.
Pressure from America and Europe will also militate in favor of a settlement.
One of the huge ironies of the web is that the economic incentives actually militate in favor of the monkeys.
Zoroaster, whose aim was to promote monotheism, apparently omitted these gods from the Gathas in favor of Ahuramazda.
None of these will necessarily favor a European civic culture based upon the values of some kind of liberal multiculturalism.
Printed napkins, coasters, beer mats, cake and favor boxes from a lovely family printing firm in Bedfordshire.
They purposely excluded people who approach art in part for pleasure and edification in favor of social one-upmanship and an ever-narrowing, in-crowd elite.
They will abandon all pretense of benign assistance in favor of a more oppressive approach.
He spoke out in favor of building the largest primate research center in Europe at the Cambridge primate lab inquiry in 2002/03.
If you're so pro-life, do me a favor - don't lock arms and block medical clinics.
Where such mistakes are in your favor, we do not seek any recompense.
This extremely reductive idea of painting is one reason why Greenberg's concept of modernist fell out of favor in the 1960s.
The court found in favor of the plaintiffs, and the NCAA immediately rescinded the rule.
For one thing, the 9-5 working day would be scrapped in favor of a four-day week complete with midday office siestas !
But the plan to murder Silva was shelved, in favor of eliminating Cardoso first.
Usually movies about folks dying are skewed in favor of the people not doing any of the dying.
I 'm all in favor of sponsored events being actually useful.
Probably, the funding would have been stacked in favor of the yes campaign.
Topton 's last 8 races quite decent efforts but today he ran a stinker with conditions in his favor.
Swap spreads are widening in favor of the UK, said Naeem Wahid, currency strategist at HBOS Treasury Services.
Ministers have swept aside concepts of clinical priority in favor of their own insatiable PR agenda.
This idea developed in favor of an international synod of Reformed churches, chiefly through James 's and Maurice 's intervention.
For a start I wish they would both drive in the crosses rather than float them in which tends to favor the keeper.
A prosecution will usually take place unless " there are public interest factors tending against prosecution which clearly outweigh those tending in favor ".
Thou canst not present any service or sacrifice that will at all avail thee for averting the Divine wrath or winning the Divine favor.
The Green Paper ignores the way in which planning legislation is tilted in favor of the developer.
The earlier plan of investing the allies of Rome with the transmarine possessions that she acquired was no longer viewed with favor.
The ubiquity of GSM technology in Europe leads proponents of airborne mobile services to favor 1800 MHz GSM for the initial service.
This term was unbalanced in favor of the supplier, the consumer not having a reciprocal right.
We all hope we favor the underdog, but do n't have to express our tactless opinions even if we feel them.
A majority of Tory MPs will vote in favor, he believes.
Budget reform must reduce wasteful expenditure in favor of a rigorous selection of priorities.
Berti Vogts...Please Leave wednesday 8th september 2004 As a personal favor to me, please, leave immediately.
And other factors do not appear to favor persistent mild westerlies.
Our current proposals sound like tearing down the whole funding system in favor of some whiz-bang voucher thing.
For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favor of the Lord.
Now I find that this support will be withdrawn in favor of Blackboard.
The lawyer worked with his clients to proselytize the judge, hoping to get a decision in their favor.
Discarding your original product in favor of one that gains customer traction may sound like a relatively simple objective, but all sorts of obstacles can impede your progress.
Startups are a bit like football; they tend to favor the young.
You can view a list of potential allergens at BabyCenter.com, but if an infant seems to be responding poorly to breastfeeding, this is not something a parent should ignore in favor of the alleged health perks of nursing.
Are there specific colors that you favor over others?
There are cons, and those who favor disposable diapers are quick to point the negatives out!
While some stars search for the distinctive, others favor bringing back traditional names that have long disappeared in the general public.
While of course you'll also be shopping for the gown, sifting through favor choices, and ordering the cake, you'll also need to put some thought into what your invitations should look like and what type of wording you prefer.
When searching through baby nursery ideas, it's always a good idea to take along a notebook or binder and jot down and/or place samples of the materials, paint colors, and accessories that you favor.
Keep an idea folder in which you place pictures of decorating ideas you favor.
Do her a favor and take the outfit to be finished once the baby has been born.
Yet even the most educated amongst us might consider tossing out those rules in favor of a name that is spelled or pronounced strangely.
Read on for some simple favor ideas, and discover how you can create them with minimal experience and supplies from your local craft store.
Secondly, make sure it's a favor you can actually manage to put together.
Miniature soaps are a great shower favor, as they are cute and classy and relatively inexpensive to create.
Most women love chocolate, so a candy-themed favor is an ideal choice for a baby shower.
While we're on the theme of food favors, cookies also make a great favor display.
There are plenty of favor options available, and an abundance of online resources available to help you get started.
You can even create several craft stations at the shower itself, allowing people to make their own favor through a designated activity time.
Toddler beds have gained favor among many parents over the last decade, chiefly because they ease a toddler's transition from a crib to a full-size bed.
These suggestions can also affect many other areas of your child's health and wellbeing, so it can never hurt to favor fruits and vegetables over processed foods.
Most people have a sweet tooth, so candy is a classic favor idea.
Tie with decorative ribbon and attach a favor tag if desired.
Turn a standard chocolate or candy bar into a Care Bare Favor by ordering custom Care Bear labels from a stores such as Treasured Memories, or by creating your own labels.
Replace the retail candy bar wrapper with the custom are Bear wrapper for a cute favor.
Chocolate Care Bear lollipops are another fun favor.
If the mom-to-be loves Care Bears or has a collection of bears, a mini version can be an appropriate favor for the shower.
Bring back the nostalgia of Care Bears in a big way by giving a Care Bears DVD as a shower favor.
Since the rainbow is a well-known Care Bears symbol, any favor in a rainbow theme could be used as the shower favor, such as multi-colored candles, rainbow keychains.