Fault Sentence Examples
Don't dare to say it was her fault.
It's all your fault, you know.
I am afraid I find fault with the poem as much as I enjoy it.
They're as much at fault as him.
I'm sorry I was rude to you, and I know it's not your fault you look so good in that suit.
It's my fault he was caught.
It wasn't his fault she was in such a rush tonight.
Jake's death is not your fault.
Or maybe it was all her fault, created by bad karma she built up when she was some crazy deity in a past life she had no memory of.
It's my fault Ne'Rin lost his faith in you.
AdvertisementIt.s my fault Toby was wandering around without someone watching him, but really, Kris, who assigns a woman an Immortal kid that.s not even her own and expects her to know what to do with it?
If she was bored, it was no one's fault but her own.
I do not suppose that I have attained to obscurity, but I should be proud if no more fatal fault were found with my pages on this score than was found with the Walden ice.
But it's not his fault.
Really it was not my fault!
AdvertisementYou could lie and tell him Humphries said it wasn't really his fault and his mother was just upset at losing a daughter.
Maybe Gabe was right; maybe this was partially her fault for breaking too many Immortal Laws at once.
It's my fault I can't right this.
Your chief fault, my friend, is in being made of wood, and that I suppose you cannot help.
They say it wasn't my fault - but they don't want to marry me.
AdvertisementIs it my fault?
No one's to blame," said Natasha--"It's my fault.
And it was always my fault.
It isn't your fault.
It was all her fault.
AdvertisementIt wasn't Darcie's fault.
It wasn't your fault.
It wasn't his fault.
Maybe it had been partly her fault for insisting that he wear the pants.
It's nobody's fault, it's just one of those things.
Work to discover and rectify the fault in the dam ran into a number of problems.
However, fault may play some role in a court's distribution of property.
He found fault with the church for having substituted for Christian liberty a yoke of Jewish bondage.'
When a room has bad acoustic quality we can almost always assign the fault to Large smooth surfaces on the walls, floor or ceiling, which reflect or echo the voice of the speaker so that the direct waves sent out by him at any instant are received by a hearer with the waves sent out previously and reflected at these smooth surfaces.
It is with his interpretation and systematization of the moral sentiments that most of Martineau's critics have found fault.
His chief fault is a certain carelessness in writing; he can never write a bad poem, but rarely a poem absolutely flawless.
His sagacity was indeed sometimes at fault.
Nor is that a being bound foranother's offence; for when it is said that we through Adam's sin have become obnoxious to the divine judgment, is is not to be taken as if we, being ourselves innocent and blameless, bear the fault of his offence, but that, we having been brought under a curse through his transgression, he is said to have bound us.
Thus even infants, whilst they bring their own condemnation with them from their mother's womb, are bound not by another's but by their own fault.
If this fault be in me or in Jonathan my son, give Urim, and if it be in Thy people Israel, give Thummim.'
In this case the former of the two names might be derived from the root arar, " to curse"; the other from a root meaning "to be without fault."
When the missionaries of other Roman Catholic orders made their way into China, twenty years later, they found great fault with the manner in which certain Chinese practices had been dealt with by the Jesuits, a matter in which Ricci's action and policy had given the tone to the mission in China - though in fact that tone was rather inherent in the Jesuit system than the outcome of individual character, for controversies of an exactly parallel nature arose two generations later in southern India, between the Jesuits and Capuchins, regarding what were called "Malabar rites."
After the feudal vassals, decimated Struggle by the wars of religion and the executioners hand, with the and after the recalcitrant taxpayers, the Protestants, Protest- in their turn, and by their own fault, experienced this.
The 72nd canon ordains that " no minister or ministers shall, without licence and direction of the bishop under hand and seal, appoint or keep any solemn fasts, either publicly or in any private houses, other than such as by law are or by public authority shall be appointed, nor shall be wittingly present at any of them under pain of suspension for the first fault, of excommunication for the second, and of deposition from the ministry for the third."
The straw skep has, however, the irredeemable fault of fixed combs, and the gradual development of the movable-frame The mov- h i ve of to-day may be said to have first appeared in able-frame hive.
This appliance, known as the " Novice Honey Extractor," became very popular in the United States of America, but it had the fault FIG.
A well-made horse wants dissecting in detail, and then if a good judge can discover no fault with any part, but finds each of good proportions, and the whole to harmonize without defect, deformity or deficiency, he has before him a well-shaped horse; and of two equally well-made and equitably proportioned horses the best bred one will be the best.
The thickness of the cross wire may also occasion a fault.
They rest unconformably on the Silurian rocks on the King river and to the west are faulted against the schists by a powerful overthrust fault, traversing the Mount Lyell copper field.
It is probably separated on the east from the recent deposits of the pampas by a great fault, which, however, is always concealed by an enormous mass of scree material.
Whatever fault may be found with Polybius, there can be no question that he had formed a high conception of the task before him.
It flows from north to south in a deep trough-like valley, the Aulon of the Greeks and Ghor of the Arabs, which is usually believed to follow the line of a fault or fracture of the earth's crust.
Don't dare to say it was her fault to pretend to be someone she wasn't.
We found ourselves in the middle of something that dropped in our laps through no fault or effort of our own.
And it's my fault for bringing her into this mess.
He's in trouble, B, and it's all my fault!
The next, it's my fault she's gained twenty pounds.
He had no interest in apportioning blame or proving that anyone was at fault.
Scotland ' s longest Glen, and the UK ' s greatest geological fault, is 73 miles long.
With a thrust fault, whose plane is inclined to the Earth's surface, one side moves upward over the other.
I suspect my computer has developed a hardware fault.
Broader picture smith wasat fault in getting rid the last auto.
Palestine is now a key fault line in US imperialism's effort to establish ' full spectrum dominance ' around the world.
A successful track record in electrical design and site test, commissioning and fault finding on rotating machines and controls.
An atrial flutter is a fault in the electrical activity of the heart.
My mother, who I might say is extremely fussy, could not fault the lodge.
The train manager tried to placate my anger but made matters worse by spouting garbage that it wasn't her fault.
Where we have studied the surface geomorphology of a fault, earthquake seismology provides insight into the nature of the faulting at depth.
A light tap with a 7lb sledge hammer remedied the fault!
Also included within this test is a polarity and earth fault loop impedance test of up to 10% of the sockets.
The most common fault by far, is an obstruction stopping the pump impeller from spinning.
The Customer acknowledges that it is technically impracticable to provide a fault free Service and Griffin does not undertake to do so.
Vertical fault movements restrict rivers to a few deeply incised canyons.
If the world does become inhospitable in the next few thousand or million years, then it will probably be our own fault.
Whenever possible, each function should be implemented on a single replaceable item to make fault isolation straightforward.
The primary focus will be on investigating lineaments of the region and determining which are active fault zones ' .
Some things you can find on topographic maps free online are volcanoes and earthquake fault lines, mountain ranges and deserts.
Try not to take it personally; it's not your fault.
I get down I feel like the reason why they don't like me is because I'm too ugly, too fat, too stupid, like I'm never good enough and that's why its my fault that guys don't like me.
The couple's marriage bell is placed in a prominent place in their home, and the newlyweds use the bell to end an argument without admission of fault.
Depressed teenagers will also feel guilty for many things in their life that are either not their fault or uncontrollable, making them feel even worse about themselves.
Sources say she appeared to be in a pain and was prescribed medication and release.Meanwhile, an investigation is underway to ensure that Milk Studio is not at fault for the fall.
Sometimes, either by their own doing or by fault of a doctor, plastic surgery that is supposed to beautify a person can do the exact opposite.
Some, maybe not her fault, but many or her slip-ups are definitely her fault.
Has been in numerous car accidents - Too many to count, and most of them she has been at fault.
It's not clear who was at fault for Willie Nelson racking up a debt of 32 million dollars to the Internal Revenue Service.
This will decrease the possibility that the fault will not be passed on to the offspring.
So now my boyfriend is mad at me and told me it's my fault because I'm not strict enough.
Pyrenees, like most dogs that find themselves in rescue centers, arrive at shelters through no fault of their own.
Most rescue Bulldogs are there through no fault of their own.
It isn't the dog's fault; she cannot brush her teeth by herself.
The individual blooms are small, but clustered in dense heads, their one fault being a somewhat unpleasant smell.
Their only fault is in not proving really hardy, except in warm localities in the southern counties.
These berries are studded thickly over the ash-grey stems and even on the old main branches, the one fault being that, clustering mainly on the underside, they are not readily seen.
Please note that most companies will not refund money for misspellings, unless the company was at fault.
They've also turned the fault into a feature of the store, with customers making pilgrimages to hunt down and find the Slaters menswear retailer nearest them.
The fact is that in some cases underwire can cause such problems, but it really isn’t the fault of the underwire.
Snoring is no one's fault, but it a nuisance that can strain a relationship between two people sleeping next to each other.
The warranty does not cover damage due to mishandling of the glasses or breakage due to the wearer's fault.
At the same time, many injury cases are extremely complex and the issues of fault, negligence, adequate maintenance, and other potential accident causes may need to be examined.
Even casual statements such as "I was so stupid" could be recorded and repeated as an admission of fault.
The biggest fault that can be said with Endless Ocean for the Wii is the monotony.
When I first played, I thought it was utterly ridiculous how many points I was racking up through no fault of my own.
As any intelligent person knows, this is not the fault of a video game.
Dialogue is wooden (and it wasn't even Lucas' fault!) and dead-panned, and the comedy portion of Kenobi and Skywalker's light banter tried too hard.
Nothing particularly special, but I can't exactly fault the developers for not spending too much time on this front either.
Sadly, the biggest fault of the game is the fact that the developers gave you this huge environment to play around in, but hardly bother with letting the player choose how the game falls into place.
The iPhone reception problems are among the most common iPhone complaints, but it is quite possible that this problem is not really the "fault" of Apple at all.
Children who are diagnosed with depression should be reassured that the condition is quite common and that it is due to factors beyond their control (i.e., genetics, neurochemical imbalance) rather than any fault of the child.
Parents are also often embarrassed by their child's alcohol abuse and may believe that it is somehow their fault.
Siblings may fear they will catch the disease or perhaps caused it, and may need to reassured that they are not at fault.
They should let the child know that bedwetting is not their fault.
In 2000, there were reports that the surgical clamps used in circumcision were at fault in over 100 injuries reported between July 1996 and January 2000.
Reassure any other children present that everything is okay and it is not their fault.
The victim may think that no one will believe the assault occurred or that they were somehow at fault.
Usually, rape and sexual assault cannot be prevented, and it is important that children and adolescents, who often think they are at fault after an attack, be told that there was nothing they could have done to prevent the attack.
For the best mental health of the victim, parents should strive to listen to their children, use healthy coping strategies, and reassure the victim that he/she was not at fault.
Children who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder should be reassured that the condition is due to factors beyond their control (i.e., genetics, neurochemical imbalance) rather than any fault of their own.
When a fault occurs on this gene, it leads to difficulties in processing written language.
It is not the parent's fault that babies cry.
Explain to the child that getting JA is nobody's fault.
Individuals must be released from work through no fault of their own to qualify for benefits.
The Federal-State Unemployment Insurance Program provides individuals who have lost a job through no fault of their own with monetary assistance until they can secure future employment.
If the layoff wasn't your fault, you are entitled to a few layoff rights for workers.
However, if the layoff happened for no fault of your own and is a result of company downsizing, for example, there are some laws in place to help you until you get back on your feet.
Unemployment applies only in those special situations when you lose your job due to no fault of your own.
The unemployment insurance program is designed to provide temporary financial support to workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.
In most situations, unemployment insurance benefits go to those who are out of work through no fault of their own.
If you find yourself unable to find employment and have lost your job due to a loss that is not your fault, it is your right to file an application for unemployment insurance benefits.
If you can prove that you are unemployed due to no fault of your own and properly complete an application, you should have no problem getting unemployment benefits.
If there's good evidence that the drug is at fault, the FDA may require the company to change its official information.
The main quake occurred along the San Andreas fault and was felt as far as Los Angeles and Oregon, but the epicenter occurred most closely to the city by the bay.
I, on the other hand, understand this is my fault but the problem is that I am shy.
He blames you and says that it's your fault for not being able to be as romantic on the phone as you are on the Internet.
I would really like some great date ideas that would show how much I care about him since most of the fights have been my fault.
Every time she says this I have said that the other life which you think you have spoiled is not completely your fault.
Take the time to explain to your children what is happening and that it is not their fault.
It's no one's fault; it's simply a lesson to learn that will make you stronger in future love relationships.
Sometimes, state courts award the ring to the person who was not at fault in a break-up.
Most etiquette experts believe the woman should always offer to return the ring, regardless of fault or value.
Care free to a fault, you probably find yourself in a bit of a scrape from time to time.
Virgos can be disciplined to a fault, which means you may have to put off a romantic evening out because your man wants to finish a project at work.
Additionally, he's loyal to a fault and will go to any length to ensure you're happy and safe.
It isn't his fault that he has to wade through crowds of women to find his one and only.
He's resilient to a fault because he'll continue to have faith even when the object of his adoration is unworthy of such dedication and devotion.
They may see the divorce as the fault of one parent or another and direct anger toward that parent.
Both parents should consistently assure the children that they are not at fault for the split and that they are deeply loved.
That being said, it may not be the fault of the other parent at all.
Then, it's not your fault if they have blisters at the end of the night.
I wasn't up against anyone else, so if I didn't get it, it was entirely my own fault, which was pretty scary, but it worked out well and I got to test with the lovely Grayson McCouch.
Grace's mother advises her to forgive Adrian and to forgive herself, because it is not Grace's fault that Jack strayed.
There is also a repair form on this page that allows you to fill in details of the fault and your own details to return with the watch.
Many theories suggest that the way some parts of the brain sends information to other parts may be at fault.
It is not always the product that is at fault, as it is often the consumer who applied it!
Some dealers deserve to be mistrusted, but frankly, they're blamed for everything, whether it's their fault or not.
A policyholder who is involved in an accident will not be hit with higher rates following the incident, even if he or she was at fault.
Collision-Covers the damage to a vehicle regardless of fault, based on a depreciated value of the vehicle.
Some states have no-fault insurance, where companies cover injury claims regardless of who is at fault.
This benefit covers the cost of medical care and of fixing property damage when the insured is at fault.
This benefit covers the insured person in the event of a car accident at the fault of an uninsured or underinsured driver.
This covers medical expenses for all covered individuals under the policy, no matter who is at fault.
It's the amount the insurance company will pay to cover someone's injuries if you are at fault for the accident.
It's how much the insurance company will pay to fix or replace someone's car if you are at fault.
If you are injured in an accident, regardless of whether you are at fault, you can tap into this coverage to pay for doctor visits, ambulance rides, and physical therapy visits, among other things.
You can purchase a policy which will cover you completely regardless of the cause of the damage - whether it was your fault or someone else's - usually by paying a daily fee for the policy.
Most policies cover collisions whether or not you are at fault, but if you are the person at fault there is a good chance your policy premium costs may increase after the claim.
Liability insurance is designed to protect you from financial consequences if you are involved in an accident where you are considered to be at fault.
Sometimes quitting or being fired is an eligible reason too, but only if the Department of Labor determines that the termination was not the fault of the employee.
California law requires that every driver must carry at least a minimum amount for the death or injury of anyone in an accident where you're either completely or partially at fault.
Under California legislation, your unemployment must be "through no fault of your own."
When a worker becomes unemployed due to cutbacks, layoffs or any other reason that is not the fault of the employee, then that employee could potentially qualify for New York State unemployment benefits.
Finally, you will need to have some way to show that it's not your fault that you're unemployed.
Unemployment insurance is available to employees who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.
Being the "at fault" driver in an accident will increase the likelihood that you will need to buy bad driver insurance.
You have been in more than one car accident, especially if one or all of the accidents were your fault.
In each of these cases, the negligence of the organization directly led to the injury, and that fault overrides any existing release forms.
For example, certain agencies may waive your liability if you are not at fault.
For example, if you're involved in a car wreck and you're found at fault, your liability coverage will pay the other driver's expenses.
If someone is injured while visiting the property you rent, you may be liable for any medical costs that arise, particularly if you or your family members are found to be at fault for the injury.
If a guest in your rented home is injured, even if you are not directly at fault for the injury, you may still be liable for the costs surrounding medical care for your guest.
How much can you afford to pay if a court finds you at fault and responsible for medical bills that could amount to tens of thousands of dollars?
If so, your liability insurance will pay for damages regardless who was at fault for the accident.
The Maryland unemployment insurance plan is designed to provide some income replacement for people who are out of work through no fault of their own.
You may find that the insurance does not cover instances where you are at fault for the damage, such as if you leave a candle burning and this causes a fire in your unit.
A claim may be made by someone alleging that the product contained a flaw in its design which made it unsafe or that the fault rests in the manufacturing process.
It's not their fault that "love me, love me" song is stuck on your head again now; go on and give this new one a try.
Some of the early eliminations were not necessarily the fault of the contestants; they weren't there long enough to get to know Tila.
And while they ultimately earn the viewer's sympathy, their situation is so unfair and their creation and purpose is so immoral, that it's very hard to fault them for their reaction.
Harry had to go to Diagon Alley and buy his wand from Mr. Ollivander, but what he didn't know (and it's not his fault - nobody told him) is that the most powerful wands are those you make yourself.
Watching the two of them, it was all she could do to control her own tears... especially knowing that this was at least partly her fault.
It's not your fault.
It's all my fault.
It was my fault.
It was her fault he was in the hospital.
You don't believe this is your fault.
A second glass led her to think it was all her fault.
What happened to Toby wasn.t your fault.
Can you find fault with that?
It was all his fault.
Granted, we didn't stop her death, but she didn't kill herself through any direct fault of ours.
She asked for it—it was her fault!
You think everything wrong with us is your fault, and that is simply not true.
It's not your fault, Toby.
No. It isn't anyone's fault.
No, she didn't have much faith in him, but that wasn't his fault.
This is my fault!
A fault divides the latter from the mass of red-brown Old Red Sandstone that spreads south nearly to Enniskillen.
Instead, however, of proceeding with the work of practical legislation, accepting the Instrument of Government without challenge as the basis of its authority, the parliament immediately began to discuss and find fault with the constitution and to debate about "Fundamentals."
The fault was no doubt partly Cromwell's own.
The insulation is again tested, and if no fault is discovered the served core is passed through the sheathing machine, and the iron sheath and the outer covering are laid on.
Within a few years several methods had been proposed by different inventors, but none was at first very successful, not from any fault in the principle, but because the effect of electrostatic capacity of the line was left out of account in the early arrangements.
She started from Valentia at the end of July, but fault after fault was discovered in the cable and the final misfortune was that on the 2nd of August, when nearly 1200 m.
In order not to confound the innocent with the guilty, Torquemada published a declaration offering grace and pardon to all who presented themselves before the tribunal and avowed their fault.
Accidents to passengers other than those caused by collisions or derailments of trains are very largely due to causes which it is fair to class either as unavoidable or as due mainly to the fault or carelessness of the victim himself.
Passengers Servants Other accidents, due to railway operations Passengers and others Servants Other accidents, victim's own fault - Passengers and others.
Many of them are fault block mountains, the crust having been broken and the blocks tilted so that there is a steep face on one side and a gentle slope on the other.
They met with a quick and easy sale, were very extensively read, and very liberally and deservedly praised for the unflagging industry and vigour they displayed, though just exception, if only on the score of good taste, was taken to the scoffing tone he continued to maintain in all passages where the Christian religion was specially concerned, and much fault was found with the indecency of some of his notes.'
That his temperament at the same time was frigid and comparatively passionless cannot be denied; but neither ought this to be imputed to him as a fault; hostile criticisms upon the grief for a father's death, that " was soothed by the conscious satisfaction that I had discharged all the duties of filial piety," seem somewhat out of place.
The recent excavations by the British School on the site of the Dictaean temple at Palaikastro bear out this conclusion, and an archaic marble head of Apollo found at Eleutherna shows that classical tradition was not at fault in recording the existence of a very early school of Greek sculpture in the island, illustrated by the names of Dipoenos and Scyllis.
The intervening depression, which seems to be bounded on the west by a fault, is filled to a large extent by sandstones and marls of Eocene age.
The generous elevation of David's character is seen most clearly in those parts of his life where an inferior nature would have been most at fault, - in his conduct towards Saul, in the blameless reputation of himself and his band of outlaws in the wilderness of Judah, in his repentance under the rebuke of Nathan and in his noble bearing on the revolt of Absalom.
But here something (probably the examiner) was at fault, for a note was attached to Pasteur's diploma stating that he was only "mediocre" in chemistry.
By his personal conduct he had set an ideal example for Anglican priests, and it was not his fault that national authority failed to crush the individualistic tendencies of the Protestant Reformation.
If I have dived therein without finding any pearls it is the fault of my star and not of the sea."
Ray's interest in ornithology continued, and in 1694 he completed a Synopsis Methodica Avium, which, through the fault of the booksellers to whom it was entrusted, was not published till 1713, when Derham gave it to the world.'
His chief fault is his overweening haughtiness, due to an over-exalted opinion of his position, which leads him to insult Chryses and Achilles, thereby bringing great disaster upon the Greeks.
There was a constant feud between the chief of Bobbili and the raja of Vizianagram; and when Bussy marched to restore order the raja persuaded him that the fault lay with the chief of Bobbili and joined the French with 11,000 men against his rival.
Medical science has never gauged, perhaps never enough set itself to gauge the intimate connexion between moral fault and disease.
Some days afterwards Ignatius was examined and found without fault.
No fault was found in their life and teaching; but they were forbidden to define any sins as being mortal or venial until they had studied for four years.
It is probable that his fault was one of negligence only; but, distrusting the impartiality of the judges of the Somme, he fled to Paris, and on the 23rd of August 1793 was condemned in contumaciam to twenty years' imprisonment.
No reasonable fault can be found with the marine surveyors of this period, but the scientific cartographers allowed themselves too frequently to be influenced by Ptolemaic traditions.
This was the fault of their leaders solely, for, except for the last attack, local superiority was in each case attainable.
Bernadotte, however, was missing, and this time through no fault of his own.
Before being admitted to deacon's orders he had communicated to a friend some fault which he had committed when about fifteen years of age.
And law in plenty was forthcoming, so soon as the Church developed the discipline of public confessions followed by appropriate penances for each fault.
Nor can it be said that the instinct of the saint was altogether at fault.
The fault of the controversialists on both sides has been that each party has only seen "one side of the shield."
In personal character he has sometimes been described as having been revoltingly heartless; and it is abundantly plain that he was singularly incapable of feeling strongly the more generous emotions - a misfortune, or a fault, which revealed itself in many ways.
He was amiable and even estimable, the chief fault of his character being vanity and an incurable tendency towards theatrical effect, which makes his travels, memoirs and other personal records as well as his historical works radically untrustworthy.
Both here and elsewhere his great fault was an inveterate superficiality.
Private affairs also combined to urge Gentz to leave the Prussian service; for, mainly through his own fault, a separation with his wife was arranged.
One main fault of the Speculum Historiale is the unduly large space devoted to miracles.
In 1848, through no fault of his own, his salary was reduced to go.
It is supposed to be due to a great fault along its western margin.
But Amy, scarcely by her own fault, is drawn into certain breaches of definite moral laws which Defoe did understand, and she is therefore condemned, with hardly a word of pity, to a miserable end.
The geological " Great Fault " stretches from sea to sea at the foot of these hills.
North of the Great Fault and at Comino the level of the beds is about 400 ft.
One of the scarps or steps is the result of a great fault or displacement of the earth's crust, and is known as the Balcones fault scarp; others are due to erosion and weatherin g of alternate layers of hard and soft rocks lying almost horizontal.
This range of mountains, which was formed by a great fault, has a maximum elevation at its southern end of about 9000 ft.
It was his own fault that he saddled himself with the Le Vasseurs, but their conduct was probably, if not certainly, ungrateful in the extreme.
He loved stories for their own sake, and found fault with Wace for questioning the miraculous elements in the legend of Arthur.
The failure of the scheme was due not to any fault of the count, but to the inefficiency and insubordination of the district officers.
He held fast to the great idea of the catholicity of the English Church, to that conception of it which regards it as a branch of the whole Christian church, and emphasizes its historical continuity and identity from the time of the apostles, but here again his policy was at fault; for his despotic administration not only excited and exaggerated the tendencies to separatism and independentism which finally prevailed, but excluded large bodies of faithful churchmen from communion with their church and from their country.
Burr was unscrupulous, insincere and notoriously immoral, but he was pleasing in his manners, generous to a fault, and was intensely devoted to his wife and daughter.
And after the establishment of the monarchy, though the conditions for an accurate chronology now existed, errors by some means or other found their way into the figures; so that the dates, as we now have them, are in many cases at fault by as much as two to three decades of years.
His chief financial expedient was to debase, or rather ruin, the currency by issuing copper tokens redeemable in better times; but it was no fault of his that Charles XII., during his absence, flung upon the market too enormous an amount of this copper money for Gertz to deal with.
In the "Seven Days" Jackson was frequently at fault, but his driving energy bore no small part in securing the defeat of McClellan's advance on Richmond.
The translation, however, is stiff and literal to a fault, violating idiomatic usage and the proper order of words in its strict adherence to the Latin.
He has not only the fault of diffuseness, which is common to so many of the best-known historians of his century, but others as serious or more so.
He was recalled in April 1573, but the queen recognized that the failure had been due to no fault of his, and eight months later he was admitted to the privy council and made joint secretary of state with Sir Thomas Smith.
The French government, which by the fault of the British administration was allowed to take the offensive, had three objects in view - to help the Americans, to expel the British from the West Indies and to occupy the main strength of the naval forces of Great Britain in the Channel.
Near the Colorado river the dissected cuesta of the Grand Prairie passes southward, by a change to a more nearly horizontal structure, into the dissected Edwards plateau (to be referred to again as part of the Great Plains), which terminates in a maturely dissected fault scarp, 300 or 400 ft.
Throughout the whole length of the chain, wherever the junction of the Siwaliks with the pre-Tertiary rocks has been seen, it is a great reversed fault.
But the great fault just described is not the only one of this character.
The fault was not wholly in the subjectivism of the movement.
As a writer, his chief fault is want of concentration;.
His writings have not one literary fault except their occasional looseness of grammar and their frequent indecency.
Longfellow could never be brought to find fault with anybody or anything."
Her dower is not lost by a divorce resulting from the fault or misconduct of the husband.
A worse fault is the vTCXo,uveta, or, to borrow Butler's expression, the Cat-andPuss dialogue, which abounds.
He also appointed another select committee to consider how to control expenditure, the chairman of which, Mr. Herbert Samuel, told him that his fault as a Chancellor of the Exchequer was that he was " too amiable."
The fault that the City of London found with him was that he was too much occupied as Leader of the House and member of the War Cabinet to give sufficient attention to finance.
The positions of springs are determined by permeable depressions in the surface of the ground below the general level of saturation, and frequently also by the holding up of that level locally by comparatively impermeable strata, sometimes combined with a fault or a synclinal fold of the strata, forming the more permeable portion into an underground basin or channel lying within comparatively impermeable boundaries.
If, therefore, one part is held up, by unyielding rock for example, while an adjoining part has no support but the clay beneath it, a fracture - not unlike a geological fault - must result.
The puddle at a was originally held up by the flat head of this pedestal; not so the puddle at b, which under the superincumbent weight settled down and produced the fault bc, accompanied with a shearing or tangential strain or, less probably, with actual fracture in the direction bd.
This western shore is marked by a continuous fault line which runs parallel to the lake at a short distance inland.
Washington lamented deeply the death of Laurens, saying of him, "He had not a fault that I could discover, unless it were intrepidity bordering upon rashness."
Though himself pious, of blameless morality, hospitable to a fault, and so exempt from avarice, says his secretary Conti, that he could not endure the sight of money, it was Sixtus's misfortune to have had no natural outlet for strong affections except unworthy relatives; and his great vices were nepotism, ambition and extravagance.
Some of the local magnates made a desperate defence of their own regions, especially Ulfkytel of East Anglia, a Dane by descent; but the central government was at fault.
It was not Stephens fault that the boundary of England did not permanently recede from the Tweed and the Soiway to the Tyne and the Ribble.
It was,not Johns fault that the campaign failed.
His greatest fault in the eyes of his subjects was his love of foreigners; since John had lost Normandy the English baronage had become as national in spirit as the commons.
The nation, however much it might murmur, would never have been willing to rebel against a sovereign whose only fault was that he occasionally pressed his prerogative too far, Edwards rule was seldom or never oppressive, the seizure of the merchants wool in 1297 was the only one of his acts which caused really fierce and widespread indignation.
They had shaken the grip of the English on the north, and reconquered a vast stretch of territory, but they had failed by their own fault to achieve complete success.
The judges who had given obnoxious decisions were called to answer for their fault and were taught that they were responsible to the House of Commons as well as the king.
Those members who stood out were, indeed, bought by a lavish distribution of money and coronets; but the advantages to Ireland which might reasonably be expected from the Union were many and obvious; and if all the promises held out by the promoters of the measure have even now not been realized, the fault is not theirs.
The fault of the government lay, not in taking vigorous measures for the suppression of these disorders, but in remaining obstinately blind to the true causes that had produced them.
The great fault is the neglect of the vast quantities of state papers in the British Museum.
That they'd ally with the dishonorable Yirkin was his fault; his affront at taking Kiera from them was enough for them to overcome their distaste at dealing with the Yirkin, whom they viewed as even less civilized than the Anshan.
She asked for it—it was her fault!
He wanted to curse Elisabeth and blame her for the whole mess, though he knew it was entirely his fault.
If he was having problems finding a virtuous mate, fault more likely lay in a character flaw than his looks - as Katie had so often implied.
Jeff does kind things for people, sometimes to a fault, but he seldom talks about it.
He was the most adamant about this need for someone to be at fault.
Through no fault of mine I am now looking for my 3rd home at the ripe old age of 9 months.
The fault has finally been remedied by replacing the old copper anode by a new one.
For in the latter, liability is probably strict, whilst in the former, it is certainly arguable that fault must be established.
In the case of unchecked baggage, the carrier is liable only if at fault.
The island lies across the Highland Boundary Fault noticeable at Loch Fad that almost bisects the island.
It is really a fault zone bounded by two major faults and filled with a well cemented fault breccia.
This is caused by dirty hydraulic components or a fault in the sliding member (cone clutch ).
I could find no real fault with it so I would heartily commend it for use.
Upon receipt of the fault report, the Company will take all proper steps without undue delay to correct the fault.
Often the additional insight provided by an accurate process model is required in order to make an accurate fault diagnosis.
Operators at the plant also now have access to a comprehensive diagnostic package, which minimizes downtime thanks to targeted fault diagnostics.
If you still have no dial tone, please contact BT Residential on 0800 800 151 and report the fault.
Who had been severely disfigured in a car accident that was the fault of a drunken driver.
Its simple earthiness is difficult to find fault with.
This is a fault of design where little attempt is made to identify the end-user 's conceptualisation of the information space.
Solution Fitting a new temperature sender should rectify this fault.
A description of the problem you are having will also help to diagnose the fault.
I was really taken aback when I discovered a relay problem causing an intermittent fault on receive!
An electrical fault started the blaze, which gutted the shed.
The Highland boundary fault separates the metamorphic bedrock of the highlands and the old red sandstone underlying the lowlands.
I mean, is it the scriptwriter's fault that Trevor can only do ominous malevolence or should they write him accordingly?
If he has a fault he is inclined to believe the advice that he is given from faceless civil servant mandarins.
It's not his fault it was completely misinterpreted.
Non Fault Accidents involving an uninsured or untraced motorist.
Birthday Card Gallery Fault Gallery Updates Let's face it, I'm only a household name in my own home.
However, due to a mechanical fault on their launch they actually arrived onboard at 1100.
I regret that some of the contributed news is now out-of-date, which is not the fault of the original authors.
Of course, people are quick to find fault with the original poster, but, for them, your post is just peachy.
For example, to establish the fracture history or fault zone permeability.
The Johnson's were good people and it wasn't their fault their son was a little pervert.
At 023 049, a large fault is observed, trending approximately N-S, which juxtaposes shattered quartzite against shattered quartzite.
More like a midnight, street corner karaoke rendition of ' My Way ' than ' My Fault ' .
A sketch map by Barbara Nuttall of medieval Thornhill shows Deadman's Lane climbing the fault scarp of the Edge.
In this case two of the fault classes were linearly separable, whilst the third was not.
The syringe pump was found to have a fault caused by an electrical short circuit.
Singapore The most obvious design fault is the small size of the text used throughout the site.
The fault was finally traced to slipped timing and a beaming smile once again shone from beneath Douglas ' wrinkled brow.
In the filthy January weather, the new X5 feels sure-footed to a fault.
If we are not able to measure up to this height, then surly the fault lies with us and not with the teaching.
Well, it's not always the lab technicians ' fault.
These fault timesheet timecard conditions are normally masked with a standard junction box allowing operation with measurement errors.
Identify the key aspects of fault tolerance in networks.
Challenges include improved tribology, condition monitoring, fault tolerance and self-diagnosis and repair.
He states that in the case of persistent truancy, it is the system which is at fault, not the pupil.
The fault, however, lies in what goes unsaid.
So if you have been involved in an accident which was not your fault and have whiplash as a result, contact us!
His fault cannot have been very serious, for he was shortly afterwards (he had in the meantime settled in Pesth) appointed by Count Hunyady to be his deputy at the National Diet in Pressburg (1825-1827, and again in 1832).
Field-Marshal dAspre from seizing Mortara, a fault for which he was afterwards courtmartialled and shot, and after some preliminary fighting Radetzky won the decisive battle of Novara (March 23) which broke up the Piedmontese army.
When serious proof existed against one who denied his crime, he could be submitted to the question by torture; and if under torture he avowed his fault and confirmed his guilt by subsequent confession he was punished as one convicted; but should he retract he was again to be submitted to the tortures or condemned to extraordinary punishment.
The lower usage of Apology (as expression of regret for a fault) has tipped many a sarcasm besides George III.'s on the occasion of Bishop Watson's book,, " I did not know that the Bible needed an apology!"
Once having accepted the principle of constitutional government, the emperor-king adhered to it loyally, in spite of the discouragement caused by party struggles embittered by racial antagonisms. If in the Cisleithan half of the monarchy pv rliamentary government broke down, this was through no fault of the emperor, who worked hard to find a mod us vivendi between the factions, and did not shrink from introducing manhood suffrage in the attempt to establish a stable parliamentary system.
It is the neglect of this which constitutes the principal fault in carrying out the English fan system, as it is usually practised.
The fault of the 1 7th-century sermon was a tendency, less prominent in Jeremy Taylor than in any other writer, to dazzle the audience by a display of false learning and by a violence in imagery; the great merit of its literary form was the fullness of its vocabulary and the richness and melody of style which adorned it at its best.
A domestic rebellion (1387-1395) prevented him at the outset from executing his design till 1396, and if the hopes of Christendom were shattered at Nicopolis, the failure was due to no fault of his, but to the haughty insubordination of the feudal levies.
Modern medicine, like modern ?xperiscience, is as boldly speculative as it has been in mental any age, and yet it is as observant as in any naturalistic period; its success lies in the addition to these qualities of the method of verification; the fault of previous times being not the activity of the speculative faculty, without which no science can be fertile, but the lack of methodical reference of all and sundry propositions, and parts of propositions, to the test of experiment.
They averred that the sum and substance of their "fault" was that they had been accustomed to meet on a fixed day before daylight to sing in turns a hymn to Christ as God, and to bind themselves by a solemn oath (sacramento) to abstain from theft or robbery, and from adultery, perjury and dishonesty; after which they were wont to separate and to meet again for a common meal.
Struve (Description de l'Observatoire ' Central de Pulkowa, pp. 196, 197) adds a few remarks to Steinheil's description, in which he states that the images have not all desirable precision - a fault perhaps inevitable in all micrometers with divided lenses, and which is probably in this case aggravated by the fact that the rays falling upon the divided lens have considerable convergence.
Ultimately the discrepancy was traced to an error which, not by Joule's fault, vitiated the determination by the electrical method, for it was found that the standard ohm, as actually defined by the British Association committee and as used by him, was slightly smaller than was intended; when the necessary corrections were made the results of the two methods were almost precisely congruent, and thus the figure 772-55 was vindicated.
The southern and narrow part of the table-land, called the Edwards Plateau, is more dissected thanthe rest, and falls off to the south in a frayed-out fault scarp, as already mentioned, overlooking the coastal plain of the Rio Grande embayment.
In 1577 he was committed to the care of Cox of Ely with strict rules for his treatment; and the bishop (1578) could find no fault with him except that "he was a gentle person but in the popish religion too, too obstinate."
If the experiment cannot be regarded as successful, the fault lies in the difficulty of reconciling the artificial conventions of the Greek theatre, the chorus and the oracle - here represented by dreams and superstitions - with the point of view of the poet's own time.
The Moors are temperate in their diet and simple in their dress, though among the richer classes of the towns the women cover themselves with silks, gold and jewels, while the men indulge to excess their love of fine horses and splendid arms. The national fault is gross sensuality.
The range is cut by numerous fault lines, some of which betray evidence of recent activity; it is probable that movements along these faults cause the earthquake tremors to which the region is subject, all of which seem to be tectonic. The altitudes of the Coast Range vary from about 2000 to 8000 ft.; in the neighbourhood of San Francisco Bay the culminating peaks are about 4000 ft.
That Calvin was actuated by personal spite and animosity against Servetus himself may be open to discussion; we have his own express declaration that, after Servetus was convicted, he used no urgency that he should be put to death, and at their last interview he told Servetus that he never had avenged private injuries, and assured him that if he would repent it would not be his fault if all the pious did not give him their hands.'
The first he is willing to accept without further inquiry, though it is an error to suppose, as Kant seems to have supposed, that he regarded mathematical propositions as coming under this head (see HuME); with respect to the second, he finds himself, and confesses that he finds himself, hopelessly at fault.
The other girls felt sorry that she should suffer for so small a fault.
When I was not guessing, I was jumping at conclusions, and this fault, in addition to my dullness, aggravated my difficulties more than was right or necessary.
When the fairies heard this, they were greatly relieved and came forth from their hiding-places, confessed their fault, and asked their master's forgiveness.
Some would find fault with the morning red, if they ever got up early enough.
Lemarrois had just arrived at a gallop with Bonaparte's stern letter, and Murat, humiliated and anxious to expiate his fault, had at once moved his forces to attack the center and outflank both the Russian wings, hoping before evening and before the arrival of the Emperor to crush the contemptible detachment that stood before him.
Seeing him, Kutuzov's malevolent and caustic expression softened, as if admitting that what was being done was not his adjutant's fault, and still not answering the Austrian adjutant, he addressed Bolkonski.
It was all my fault, and Andrew was only joking.
I cannot help loving the light, it is not my fault.
It wasn't your fault so why should you mind?
In fact, I had a raging hangover which was n't my fault at all and was extremely tired due to lack of sleep.
A sketch map by Barbara Nuttall of medieval Thornhill shows Deadman 's Lane climbing the fault scarp of the Edge.
Risk of segmentation fault with huge weight maps fixed.
They largely follow shale beds along the access of folds within the Dent Fault disturbance zone.
The short-circuit rating of equipment must be higher than the prospective fault current at the position where the equipment is installed.
Major winners would and its citizens get started in smith wasat fault.
The replacement was a form of " no fault " insurance applying to all categories of claimants, including sportsmen.
An ohms meter is also very handy for checking and or fault finding the stator plates.
High-resolution seismic image of polygonal fault systems feeding fluid expulsion pipes in the overlying strata.
It is hoped that the seismic data will also allow us to distinguish between submarine volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occurring along subduction fault lines.
Hence we have taken the Law Commissionâs recommendations on omissions and supervening fault, and included them in our draft Bill.
These tools have ranged from fault tree packages through to what some might consider exotic theorem provers.
Thou wilt say then unto me; Why doth he yet find fault?
Numerous unconformities provide key surfaces throughout the succession and are understood to represent fault block rotation.
I am an unhappy wretch, and it is all his fault, for he ought to have known his own condition.
The cave consists of vadose development along the line of a fault.
To be neglected before one 's time must be very vexatious; but it was entirely the mother 's fault.
I found this sample when I was working in a heading that was going through a major geological fault called the whin dike.
So if you have been involved in an accident which was not your fault and have whiplash as a result, contact us !
Pretty, fun, witty as hell, and loyal to a fault.
Humble to a fault, Howie refused to accept the reward for his hard work.
Premature babies are born through no fault of the mother.
It covers you in the event of an accident that is your fault.
You may be able to take advantage of this coverage whether or not it is you who is at fault.
By using a monitoring service, you can watch for fraudulent activity or mistakes that might adversely affect you through no fault of your own.
Although Courts in New York do not consider which, if either, party is at fault when dividing property or setting child support, it is the one state in the nation that does not allow divorces without grounds.
Fault is not a matter of incompatibility.
A divorce may be granted on either a no-fault or a fault basis.
No matter how often parents tell their children that the divorce is not their fault, they tend to blame themselves when their parents' marriage breaks down.
You want to make sure they don't feel that the arguments you have with your spouse are their fault.
In some states, the Court will also consider fault when making a ruling about alimony.
Each spouse's financial need or who was at fault for the divorce are not considered for the divorce settlement.
Another situation where an unequal division may be ordered is where one person is considered to be at fault for the breakdown of the marriage.
Many states do not consider fault when deciding on spousal support; however, some do, especially if it negatively affects the financial outcome of the other spouse.
This is especially true if there are children involved because they should not be exposed to parents who bicker back and forth about who was at fault for what.
When trying to figure out how to cope with divorce, accept that both of you were probably at fault in one way or another and now it is time to move on as a divorced couple.
Their young minds are newly self-aware, which means that many young children come to believe the breakup is their fault.
Georgia allows "no-fault" divorces, in which neither party is identified as responsible for the demise of the marriage, and "fault" divorces, in which one spouse's behavior is identified as the reason for the divorce.
A fault divorce can be based on one or more of 13 different grounds, including adultery, desertion, abuse, mental illness or one spouse's addiction to drugs or alcohol.
Remind him that this situation isn't the child's fault and it's not fair to her that she has to witness such violence between her parents.
Dry steam - Power plants around the world take the steam that pours out of fault lines and fractures in the ground and uses it to power turbines to generate energy.
Most of what happened was my fault, as I strayed very far, had sex with someone else, and was very confused.
His principal fault was a want of tenacity and resolution; his tendency to unguarded language undoubtedly increased the number of his enemies.
In numerous instances clear evidence of recent movements along the fault planes has been discovered; and frequent earthquakes testify with equal force to the present uplift of the mountain blocks.
He admits that his quotations are not always exact, but asserts that this was the fault of careless copyists.
There is a system of lesser faults, parallel to the Great Fault, dividing the area into a number of blocks, some of which have fallen more than others.
Indeed, there still existed on the statute a provision that "Masters and Bachelors who did not follow Aristotle faithfully were liable to a fine of five shillings for every point of divergence, and for every fault committed against the logic of the Organon."
Where properties are much divided, it is always necessary to maintain a thick barrier of unwrought coal between the boundary of the mine and the neighbouring workings, especially if the latter are to the dip. If a prominent line of fault crosses the area it may usually be a convenient division of the fields into sections or districts.
This fault has now been reduced by a cage of steatite round the burner tip, which draws in sufficient air to prevent deposition.
These cliffs are peculiar in gradually passing from one formation to another, and in having a height dependent on the displacement of the fault rather than on the structures in the fault face; they are already somewhat battered and dissected by erosion.
During the current cycle of erosion, several of the faults, whose scarps had been worn away in the previous cycle, have been brought to light again as topographic features by the removal of the weak strata along one side of the fault line, leaving the harder strata on the other side in relief; such scarps are known as fault-line scarps, in distinction from the original fault scarps.
When, the region was broken into fault blocks and the blocks were uplifted and tilted, the back slope of each block was a part of the previously eroded surface and the face of the block was a surface of fracture; the present form of the higher blocks is more or less affected by erosion since faulting, while many of the lower blocks have been buried under the waste of the higher ones.
In the north, where dislocations have invaded the field of the horizontal Columbian lavas, as in south-eastern Oregon and north-eastern California, the blocks are monoclinal in structure as well as in attitude; here the amount of dissection is relatively moderate, for some of the fault faces are described as ravined but not yet deeply dissected; hence these dislocations appear to be of recent date.
The fault of the opposite school, on the other hand, is to disparage interpretation and to regard correction as the proper field of a scholar and gentleman.
The Frondes were largely due to his own fault.
The irritation of the latter was greatly Mazarin's own fault; he had tried consistently to play off the king's brother Gaston of Orleans against Conde, and their respective followers against each other, and had also, as his carnets prove, jealously kept any courtier from getting into the good graces of the queen-regent except by his means, so that it was not unnatural that the nobility should hate him, while the queen found herself surrounded by his creatures alone.
That he had many a petty fault there can be no doubt; that he was avaricious and double-dealing was also undoubted; and his carnets show to what unworthy means he had recourse to maintain his influence over the queen.
Dante was perhaps too severe on Robert, whom he described as a re da sermone (word king), and contemporary critics accused him of covetousness, a fault partly excused by his pressing need of money to pay the expenses of his perpetual wars.
The work is considered too subjective and fanciful, the great fault of the author being that he lacks the impartiality of objective historical insight.
The Jus pacis was an addition introduced first in the later work, an insertion which is the cause of not a little of the confused arrangement which has been found fault with in the De jure belli.
Elizabeth, fearless almost to a fault in face of physical danger, constant in her confidence even after discovery of her narrow escape from the poisoned bullets of household conspirators, was cowardly even to a crime in face of subtler and more complicated peril.
Along the line of contact, which is often a fault, the oldest beds of the Molasse crop out, and they are invariably overturned and plunge beneath the Flysch.
It is intensely folded and is constantly separated from the Mesozoic zone by a fault.
Throughout the whole extent of the Eastern Alps it is strictly limited to the belt between this fault and the marginal zone of Molasse.
The sudden widening is due to the great Judicaria fault, which runs from Lago d'Idro to the neighbourhood of Meran, where it bends round to the east.
The throw of this fault may be as much as 2000 metres, and the drop is on its south-east side, i.e.
The structure of the zones in the Bavarian Alps seems to suggest that the chain grew outwards in successive stages, each stage being marked by the formation of a boundary fault.
Gregory's principal fault as a man of business was that he was inclined to be too lavish of his revenues.
Hume certainly did his utmost to secure for Rousseau a comfortable retreat in England, but his usually sound judgment seems at first to have been quite at fault with regard to his protege.
It is a long and narrow trough, which is separated from the older rocks of the Ardennes by a great reversed fault, the faille du midi.
This is one rule of wisdom with regard to religion; and another equally important is to avoid superstition, which he boldly defines as the belief that God is like a hard judge who, eager to find fault, narrowly examines our slightest act, that He is revengeful and hard to appease, and that therefore He must be flattered and importuned, and won over by pain and sacrifice.
In private life he was in every way estimable, - upright, amiable, devoid of all jealousy, and generous to a fault.
However, in the summer of 1378, he commanded in an attack on St Malo, which through no fault of his failed.
The faults of the book resolve themselves, for the most part, into one great fault.
Bavaria and Swabia yielded, but, mainly through the fault of the king himself, their submission was of brief duration.
He recognized that the fault of the government lay in the fact that it did not govern, and he deplored that his own function, in a decadent age, was but " to prop up mouldering institutions."
Now when we consider that at that time there were many Moslems who had heard the Koran from the mouth of the Prophet, that other measures of the imbecile Othman met with the most vehement resistance on the part of the bigoted champions of the faith, that these were still further incited against him by some of his ambitious old comrades until at last they murdered him, and finally that in the civil wars after his death the several parties were glad of any pretext for branding their opponents as infidels; - when we consider all this, we must regard it as a strong testimony in favour of Othman's Koran that no party found fault with his conduct in this matter, or repudiated the text formed by Zaid, who was one of the most devoted adherents of Othman and his family, and that even among the Shiites criticism of the caliph's action is only met with as a rare exception.
His utter failure was due, partly to the vices of an undisciplined temperament, and partly to the extraordinary difficulties of the most inscrutable period of European history, when the shrewdest heads were at fault and irreparable blunders belonged to the order of the day.
Bandello's novels are esteemed the best of those written in imitation of the Decameron, though Italian critics find fault with them for negligence and inelegance of style.
He is also at fault in regard to the Jewish sects.
His judgment was more at fault when he conquered Boulogne and sought by violence to bring Scotland into union with England.
The valley of the Garry and Tay crosses the strike of all the Highland rocks, traverses the great fault on the Highland border, and finally breaks through the chain of the Sidlaw Hills at Perth.
He inherited his father's love of art and of nascent science; but this fault was forgiven him, as his manners were popular, his horsemanship good, and his bearing frank and free.
The headlong recklessness of James, remarked on by Ayala, gave the opportunity, but he nobly expiated his fault.
If our increased appreciation and knowledge of Greek and Roman art makes us at times impatient with the mechanical perfection of the works of Wedgwood and his contemporaries, the fault is even more the fault of a nation and a period than that of any individual, however com - manding.
The Phenomenology of Spirit, regarded as an introduction, suffers from a different fault.
Moreover, along the eastern side of the JordanAraba valley there is a great fault, and on the eastern side of this fault the whole series of rocks stands at a much higher level than on the west.
The western margin of the valley is possibly defined by another fault which has not yet been detected; but in any case it is clear that the great depression owes its extraordinary depth to faulting.
In 1843 the Mahommedan rulers of Sind, known as the " meers " or amirs, whose only fault was that they would not surrender their Annexa- independence, were crushed by Sir Charles Napier.
In 1808 he was again sent on a mission to Persia, but circumstances prevented him from getting beyond Bushire; on his reappointment in 1810, he was successful indeed in procuring a favourable reception at court, but otherwise his embassy, if the information which he afterwards incorporated in his works on Persia be left out of account, was (through no fault of his) without any substantial result.
The writers of the silver age found fault with his prolixity, want of sparkle and epigram, and monotony of his clausulae.4 A certain Largius Licinius gained notoriety by attacking his Latinity in a work styled Ciceromastix.
But he had to atone by his death for the fault of his system.
In the Val Sugana the same fault was observable.
It has already been said that in the initial phase of the battle the Italian leadership was at fault, and on this point much controversy has taken place, one party blaming Cadorna and another Brusati.
But even Sigwart's errors are outdone by Lotze, who not only reduces " Every NI is P " so " If S is M, S is P," but proceeds to reduce this hypothetical to the disjunctive, " If S is NI, S is P L or P 2 or 1 33, " and finds fault with the Aristotelian syllogism because it contents itself with inferring " S is P " without showing what P. Now there are occasions when we want to reason in this disjunctive manner, to consider whether S is I n or P 2 or P 3, and to conclude that " S is a particular P "; but ordinarily all we want to know is that " S is P "; e.g.
In the east part of the state is the magnificent Sierra Nevada, a great block of the earth's crust, faulted along its eastern side and tilted up so as to have a gentle back slope to the west and a steep fault escarpment facing east, the finest mountain system of the United States.
Where the volcanic formations were spread uniformly over the flanks of the mountains, the contrast between the canyons and the plain-like region of gentle slope in which they have been excavated is especially marked and characteristic. The eastern slope is very precipitous, due to a great fault which drops the rocks of the Great Basin region abruptly downward several thousand feet.
The Lower Old Red Sandstone strata are separated from the foregoing series by a fault and form a curving belt extending from Corloch on the east coast south by Brodick Castle to Dougrie on the west shore.
They appear on the east coast between the Fallen Rocks and the Cock of Arran, where they form a strip about a quarter of a mile broad, bounded on the west by a fault.
No fault, in this respect, can assuredly be found with the legendary Rama, a very paragon of knightly honour and virtue, even as his consort Sita is the very model of a noble and faithful wife; and yet this cult has perhaps retained even more of the character of mere hero-worship than that of Krishna.
The most glaring fault was plainly the undue and increasing pressure on the productive classes.
Unproductiveness is, according to modern standard, the cardinal fault of any particular tax.
And for the last, I conceived it to be no fault, but therein I desire to be better informed, that I may be twice penitent, once for the fact and again for the error."
Although Polybius and Dionysius of Halicarnassus frequently find fault with him, the first uses him as his chief authority for the Second Punic War.
Innocent issued at the close of 1404 a summons for a general council to heal the schism, and it was not the pope's fault that the council never assembled, for the Romans rose in arms to secure an extension of their liberties, and finally maddened by the murder of some of their leaders by the pope's nephew, Ludovico dei Migliorati, they compelled Innocent to take refuge at Viterbo (6th of August 1405).
The great fault of his character, as it appears in his writings, is that he too exclusively indulged this mood.
West of the Blas river a similar reversed fault forms the boundary between the lower Tertiaries and the pre-Tertiary rocks of the Himalaya, while between the Sutlej and the Jumna rivers, where the lower Tertiaries help to form the lower Himalaya, the fault lies between them and the Siwaliks.
The hade of the fault is constantly inwards, towards the centre of the chain, and the older rocks which form the Himalaya proper, have been pushed forward over the later beds of the sub-Himalaya.
The fault in fact was being formed during the deposition of the Siwalik beds, and as the beds were laid down, the Himalaya were pushed forward over them, the Siwaliks themselves being folded and upturned during the process.
A reversed fault was formed at the foot of the chain, and ?.?
After a time a new fault originated at the foot of the sub-Himalayan zone thus raised, which now became part of the Himalaya themselves, and a new sub-Himalayan chain was formed in front of the previous one.
The war in France was disastrous, how far through Wykeham's fault we have no means of knowing.
His logic, while never obtruded, was rarely at fault; but lie loved the flash of the rapier, and was never happier than when he had to face down a mob and utterly foil it by sheer superiority in fencing.
This fault of partiality was, according to Polybius, a conspicuous blot in Fabius's account of his own times, which was, we are told, full and in the main accurate, and, like the earlier portions, consisted of official annalistic notices, supplemented, however, not from tradition, but from his own experience and from contemporary sources.
From the tendency to use a poetic diction in prose, which was so conspicuous a fault in the writers of the silver age, Livy is not wholly free.
This disengagement from local circumstance without the sacrifice of emotional sincerity is a merit in Petrarch, but it became a fault in his imitators.
He finds fault with those who are non exornatores rerum sed tantum narratores.
The northern part of the western side of the anticline is broken off by a great fault in the valley of the Eden, and the scarp thus formed is rendered more abrupt by the presence of a sheet of intrusive basalt.
The lower basin portion of Utah is separated from the high plateaus by a series of great fault scarps, by which one descends abruptly to a level of but 5000 or 6000 ft.
One of the fault scarps is known as the Hurricane Ledge, and continues as a prominent landmark from a point south of the Grand Canyon in Arizona to the central part of Utah, where it is replaced by other scarps farther east.
Its steep fault scarp faces west, and rises from 4000 to 6000 ft.
Quinet's Parisian professorship was more notorious than fortunate, owing, it must be said, to his own fault.
To be neglected before one's time must be very vexatious; but it was entirely the mother's fault.
It isn't your fault, you know.
It wasn't his fault he wasn't worth a damn at any of them.
No one will fault you for taking that one step further and cleaning house, Dr. Wynn said with a faint smile.
It was entirely her fault Logan was dead.
Katie couldn't help but pity the woman; it was her fault they were both there.
It was her fault he was hurt.
I don.t fault you, he replied.
Mansr, I can't help but think it's my fault that Ne'Rin betrayed him.