Fatty Sentence Examples
Owing to their possession of this common property, these natural fatty bodies and various artificial derivatives of glycerin, which behave in the same way when treated with alkalis, are known as glycerides.
It splits it into a fatty acid and glycerine, but seems to have no further action.
The suberized and cuticularized cell-walls appear to contain a fatty body called suberin, and such cell-walls can be stained red by a solution of alcanin, the lignified and cellulose membranes remaining unstained.
The more usual method is to take milling soap, neutralize it with sodium bicarbonate or a mixture of fatty acids, and, after perfuming, it is aerated by mixing the hot soap with air in a specially designed crutcher.
The complete analysis involves an examination of the fatty matter, of the various forms in which the alkalis are present - free and combined glycerin, &c.
Fatty degeneration is common to all dead or decaying tissues in the body, and may be followed by calcification.
Yellow Soap consists of a mixture of any hard fatty soap with a variable proportion - up to 40% or more - of resin soap. That substance by itself has a tenacious gluey consistence, and its intermixture in excess renders the resulting compound soft and greasy.
The most important points in soap analysis are (1) determination of the fatty matter, (2) of the total alkali, (3) of the substances insoluble in water, (4) of the water.
The first is carried out by saponifying the soap with acid in the heat when the fatty acids come to the surface.
With genuine soaps, however, it suffices to calculate the fatty acids as anhydrides and add to this the amount of alkalis, and estimate the water by difference.
AdvertisementFrom similar investigations of valerianic acid he was led to conclude that fatty acids were oxygen compounds of the radicals hydrogen, methyl, ethyl, &c., combined with the double carbon equivalent C2.
For general purposes, however, the symbol (2), in which the lateral rings are benzenoid and the medial ring fatty, represents quite adequately the syntheses, decompositions, and behaviour of anthracene.
By actual observations it has been shown that ether, alcohol, many esters of the normal alcohols and fatty acids, benzene, and its halogen substitution products, have critical constants agreeing with this originally empirical law, due to Sydney Young and Thomas; acetic acid behaves abnormally, pointing to associated molecules at the critical point.
Recent researches have shown that the law originally proposed by Kopp - " That the specific volume of a liquid compound (molecular volume) at its boiling-point is equal to the sum of the specific volumes of its constituents (atomic volumes), and that every element has a definite atomic value in its compounds " - is by no means exact, for isomers have different specific volumes, and the volume for an increment of CH 2 in different homologous series is by no means constant; for example, the difference among the esters of the fatty acids is about 57, whereas for the aliphatic aldehydes it is 49.
Schroeder the silver salts of the fatty acids exhibit additive relations; an increase in the molecule of CH2 causes an increase in the molecular volume of about 15'3.
AdvertisementThis is true of the fatty acid series, and the corresponding ketones and alcohols, and also of the succinic acid series.
Boiling with dilute mineral acids, or baryta water, decomposes albumins into carbon dioxide, ammonia and fatty aminoand other acids.
There is present in the seeds an enzyme which rapidly decomposes the oil if the seeds are crushed and kept, setting free a fatty acid and glycerin.
They are easily oxidized to the corresponding fatty acid, in many cases simply by exposure to air.
When strongly heated they decompose, forming fatty acids, nitrogen peroxide and nitrogen.
AdvertisementWhen heated with water and mineral acids, the nitrolic acids are completely decomposed, yielding fatty acids and nitrous oxide.
It has a strong and characteristic odour, and a hot sweetish taste, is soluble in ten parts of water, and in all proportions in alcohol, and dissolves bromine, iodine, and, in small quantities, sulphur and phosphorus, also the volatile oils, most fatty and resinous substances, guncotton, caoutchouc and certain of the vegetable alkaloids.
If the demand be for the red cells owing to loss from haemorrhage or any of the anaemias, the fatty marrow is rapidly replaced by cellular elements; this is mainly an active proliferation of the nucleated red cells, and gives rise to the erythroblastic type of marrow.
If the white cells be required, as in local suppurating abscess, general septicaemia, acute pneumonia, &c., there is an active proliferation of the myelocytes to form the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes, so that we have in this condition a leucoblastic transformation of the fatty marrow.
The fatty matter, however, it must be borne in mind, is the expression of dissimilation of the actual substance of the proteids of the tissues, not of the splitting up of proteids or other carbonaceous nourishment supplied to them.
AdvertisementWhen a nerve-trunk is separated from its central connexion, the distal portion falls into a state of fatty degeneration (Wallerian or secondary degeneration).
Fatty accumulations in the tissues of the body are found in health and in pathological conditions; these are usually recognized and described as fatty infiltrations and fatty degenerations, but there are intermediate conditions which make it difficult to separate sharply these processes.
In acute and chronic alcoholism, in phthisis, and in other diseases this fatty condition may be very extreme, and is commonly found in association with other tissue changes, so that probably we should look on these changes as a degeneration.
Over and above the bacterial intoxications we have a very extreme degree of fatty degeneration, widely distributed throughout the tissues, which is produced by certain organic and inorganic poisons; it is seen especially in phosphorus and chloroform poisoning.
In diabetes mellitus, in which there is marked derangement in metabolism, extreme fatty changes are occasionally found in the organs, and the blood may be loaded with fat globules.
Any of the abnormal conditions that bring about general or local defective nutrition is an important factor in producing fatty degeneration.
The neutral fats are composed of fatty acids and glycerin.
The free fatty acid radicle then unites with an alkali, and becomes transformed into a soluble soap which is then readily absorbed in this fluid condition by the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane.
As fat is a food element essential to the carrying out of the vital energies of the cell, a certain amount of fatty matter must be present, in a form, however, unrecognizable by our present microchemical and staining methods.
This splitting up of the fats previously combined with albumin in the cell by the action of natural ferments - lipases - and the setting free of the fats under the influence of toxins represent the normal and the pathological process in the production of so-called fatty degeneration.
From whatever cause the tissues become disorganized and undergo fatty degeneration, the fatty acids may become liberated and combine with the alkalies to form potash and soda soaps.
This pigment is of a light yellow colour, and contains a fatty substance that reacts to the fat-staining reagents.
He acted as president of the International Congress held at Geneva in 1892 for revising the nomenclature of the fatty acid series.
Bernthsen (Ann., 1884, 224, p. 1) condensed diphenylamine with fatty acids, in the presence of zinc chloride.
Again, anode reactions, such as are observed in the electrolysis of the fatty acids, may be utilized, as, for example, when the radical CH3C02 - deposited at the anode in the electrolysis of acetic acid - is dissociated, two of the groups react to give one molecule of ethane, C 2 H 6, and two of carbon dioxide.
Methane and its homologues give origin to the " paraffin " or " fatty series " of the general formula C,H 2, ,+ 1 000H, ethylene gives origin to the acrylic acid series, C n H 27, - 1 000H, and so on.
It dissolves most organic compounds, resins, hydrocarbons, fatty acids and many metallic salts, sometimes forming, in the latter case, crystalline compounds in which the ethyl alcohol plays a role similar to that of water of crystallization.
The drug, along with gum, fatty oils, and malates of magnesium and calcium, contains also about 1% of cubebic acid, and about 6% of a resin.
The acetate and the citrate are valuable mild diuretics in Bright's disease and in feverish conditions, and by increasing the amount of urine diminish the pathological fluids in pleuritic effusion, ascites, &c. In tubal nephritis they aid the excretion of fatty casts.
Fittig and his pupils (Annalen, 1883, 216, pp. loo, 115; 1885, 227, pp. 55, 119), in which it was shown that the aldehyde forms an addition compound with the sodium salt of the fatty acid, and that the acetic anhydride plays the part of a dehydrating agent.
Most mammals have certain portions of the skin specially modified and provided with glands secreting odorous and fatty substances characteristic of the particular species.
Thus the bituminous and fatty matters found about the mummies and their wrappings were employed as a sovereign remedy, particularly for wounds and contusions, and a brisk trade began in these "exudations" of mummies.
The fatty matter is also less in proportion than in other cereals.
Rice, therefore, is chiefly a farinaceous food, and requires to be combined with fatty and nitrogenous substances, such as milk or meat gravy, to satisfy the requirements of the system.
Calcium oxalate is a very common substance, especially in crustaceous lichens; fatty oil in the form of drops or as an infiltration in the membrane is also common; it sometimes occurs in special cells and in extreme cases may represent 90% of the dry substance as in Verrucaria calciseda, Biatora immersa.
It contains palmitic and several other fatty acids, among which there is one - ricinoleic acid - peculiar to itself.
Sometimes fatty oil or watery sap is found in swollen hyphal ends, or such tubes contain coloured sap. Cystidia and paraphyses may be also classed here.
Among the enzymes already extracted from fungi are invertases (yeasts, moulds, &c.), which split cane-sugar and other complex sugars with hydrolysis into simpler sugars such as dextrose and levulose; diastases, which convert starches into sugars (Aspergillus, &c.); cytases, which dissolve cellulose similarly (Botrytis, &c.); peptases, using the term as a general one for all enzymes which convert proteids into peptones and other bodies (Penicillium, &c.); lipases, which break up fatty oils (Empusa, Phycomyces, &c.); oxydases, which bring about the oxidations and changes of colour observed in Boletus, and zymase, extracted by Buchner from yeast, which brings about the conversion of sugar into alcohol and carbondioxide.
At the bottom of the fermented liquor the cells often obtain fatty contents and thick walls, and behave as resting cells (chlamydospores).
Halogen acids convert it into monohalogen fatty acids, and the halogens themselves convert it into dihalogen fatty acids.
The fats and waxes are the esters of the higher fatty acids and alcohols.
The esters of the higher fatty acids, when distilled under atmospheric pressure, are decomposed, and yield an olefine and a fatty acid.
The drug is contra-indicated in all cases where the heart is already beating too slowly; in aortic incompetence - where the prolongation of diastole increases the amount of the blood that regurgitates through the incompetent valve; in chronic Bright's disease and in fatty degeneration of the heart - since nothing can cause fat to become contractile.
Similarly, when the axons of the motor spinal cells are by severance of the nerve trunk of a muscle broken through, the muscle cells undergo "degeneration" - dwindle, become fatty, and alter almost beyond recognition.
Among other contents of the cell, fatty substances and tannin are known.
The products of assimilation are stored up in the form of a fatty substance and not starch.
This fatty substance is at first semifluid and yellow, but afterwards acquires the consistency of pomade and becomes darker.
In the dyspnoea of advanced valvular disease of the heart morphine relieves the distress and restlessness, and induces sleep. It should however be withheld if the heart has undergone fatty degeneration.
By saponification it yields a number of fatty acids - palmitic, myristic, oleic, linolic, linolenic and isolinolenic. Exposed to the air in thin films, linseed oil absorbs oxygen and forms " linoxyn," a resinous semi-elastic, caoutchouclike mass, of uncertain composition.
It may be prepared by the oxidation of fats and of fatty acids by nitric acid, and is also a product of the fermentation of malic and tartaric acids.
Where there has been local mischief due to inflammation the dead leucocytes must be removed, and this is done either by their being converted into pus in one mass, and making their way through the tissues to the nearest surface, whether of skin or mucous membrane, from which it can be discharged, or they may undergo a process of fatty degeneration and absorption, leaving behind in some cases cheesy matter, in others hard connective tissue.
He attributed this force, however, not to any general property of the surfaces of liquids, but to the fatty part of the soap which he supposed to separate itself from the other constituents of the solution, and to form a thin skin on the outer face of the bubble.
A widespread toxic action is indicated by the lesions found - cloudy swelling, which may be followed by fatty degeneration, in internal organs, capillary haemorrhages, &c. In septicaemia.
By this process of preparation a considerable portion of the narcotine, caoutchouc, resin, oil or fatty and insoluble matters are removed, and the prolonged boiling, evaporating and baking over a naked fire tend to lessen the amount of alkaloids present in the extract.
They occur as glycerides in rape-seed oil, in the fatty oil of mustard, and in the oil of grape seeds.
The head is about one-third of the length of the body, very massive, high and truncated in front; and owing its size and form mainly to the accumulation of a peculiarly modified form of fatty tissue in the large hollow on the upper surface of the skull.
Ergot should be kept in stoppered bottles in order to preserve it from the attacks of a species of mite, and to prevent the oxidation of its fatty oil.
Its function in the hairless Cetacea is discharged by the specially modified and thickened layer of fatty tissue beneath the skin known as " blubber."
The muscular system is usually well developed, but there is deficiency of fatty tissue, which affects the features (particularly by giving relative prominence to the eyes) and the general character of the skin.
After chronic poisoning a widely spread fatty degeneration is present.
The terminal phalange of the toe is greatly enlarged and modified in form to support this hoof, and the size of the internal framework of the foot is increased by a pair of lateral fibro-cartilaginous masses attached on each side to the hinder edges of the bone, and by a fibro-cellular and fatty plantar cushion in the median part.
Too much linseed, often used in preparing horses for market, gives a similar appearance, but is liable to induce fatty degeneration of the liver; given in moderation it regulates the bowels and stimulates the more perfect digestion of other foods.
In addition to the fatty acids mentioned already there occur also, although in much smaller quantities, other fatty acids combined with glycerin, as natural glycerides, such as the glyceride of butyric acid in butterfat, of caproic, caprylic and capric acids in butter-fat and in coco-nut oil, lauric acid in coco-nut and palm-nut oils, and myristic acid in mace butter.
The glycerides occurring in natural oils and fats differ, therefore, in the first instance by the different fatty acids contained in them, and secondly, even if they do contain the same fatty acids, by different proportions of the several simple and mixed glycerides.
The changes conditioning rancidity, although not yet fully understood in all details, must be ascribed in the first instance to slow hydrolysis ("saponification") of the oils and fats by the moisture of the air, especially if favoured by insolation, when water is taken up by the oils and fats, and free fatty acids are formed.
The fatty acids so set free are then more readily attacked by the oxygen of the air, and oxygenated products are formed, which impart to the oils and fats the rancid smell and taste.
The products of oxidation are not yet fully known; most likely they consist of lower fatty acids, such as formic and acetic acids, and perhaps also of aldehydes and ketones.
If the action of air and moisture is allowed free play, the hydrolysis of the oils and fats may become so complete that only the insoluble fatty acids remain behind, the glycerin being washed away.
This is exemplified by adipocere, and also by Irish bog butter, which consist chiefly of free fatty acids.
If an amount of the bases sufficient to combine subsequently with the fatty acids be present, then the corresponding salts of these fatty acids are formed, such as sodium salts of fatty acids (hard soap) or potassium salts of the fatty acids (soft soap), soaps of the alkaline earth (lime soap), or soaps of the metallic oxides (zinc soap, &c.).
The conversion of the glycerides (triglycerides) into fatty acids and glycerin must be looked upon as a reaction which takes place in stages, one molecule of a triglyceride being converted first into diglyceride and one molecule of fatty acid, the diglyceride then being changed into monoglyceride, and a second molecule of fatty acid, and finally the monoglyceride being converted into one molecule of fatty acid and glycerin.
All these reactions take place concurrently, so that one molecule of a diglyceride may still retain its ephemeral existence, whilst another molecule is already broken up completely into free fatty acids and glycerin.
Naturally these processes can only be applied to those seeds which contain large quantities of fatty matter, such as coconuts and olives.
The method consists essentially in cutting up the fatty matter into small fragments, which are transferred into vessels containing water, wherein the comminuted mass is heated by steam, either under ordinary pressure in open vessels or under higher pressure in digestors.
Where, however, the fatty material forms the main product, as in the case of palm kernel oil, or sesame and coco-nut oils from damaged seeds (which would no longer yield proper cattle food), the process of extraction will be preferred, especially when the price of oils is high.
Similar methods are employed in the production of lard oil, edible cotton-seed oil, &c. For refining oils and fats intended for edible purposes only the foregoing methods, which may be summarized by the name of physical methods, can be used; the only' chemicals permissible are alkalis or alkaline earths to remove free fatty acids present.
In most cases the purification consisted in removing the free fatty acids from rancid oils and fats, the caustic soda forming a soap with the fatty acids, which would either rise as a scum and lift up with it impurities, or fall to the bottom and carry down impurities.
The modern methods of oil testing rest chiefly on so-called "quantitative" reactions, a number of characteristic "values" being determined which, being based on the special nature of the fatty acids contained in each individual oil or fat, assist in identifying them and also in revealing adulteration.
The saponification value (saponification number) denotes the number of milligrams which one gramme of an oil or fat requires for saponification, or, in other words, for the neutralization of the total fatty acids contained in an oil or fat.
We thus measure the alkali absorption value of all fatty acids contained in an oil or fat.
A few of the blubber oils, like dolphin jaw and porpoise jaw oils (used for lubricating typewriting machines), have exceedingly high saponification values ` owing to their containing volatile fatty acids with a small number of carbon atoms. Notable also are coco-nut and palm-nut oils, the saponification numbers of which vary from 240 to 260, and especially butter-fat, which has a saponification value of about 227.
These high saponification values are due to the presence of (glycerides of) volatile fatty acids, and are of extreme usefulness to the analyst, especially in testing butter-fat for added margarine and other fats.
By this means a measure is obtained of the unsaturated fatty acids contained in an oil or fat.
The unsaturated fatty acids which occur chiefly in oils and fats are oleic acid, iodine value 90.07; erucic acid, iodine value 75.15; linolic acid, iodine value 181.42; linolenic acid, iodine value 274.1; and clupanodonic acid, iodine value 367.7.
Thus it points the way to the application of a further method to resolve the isolated fatty acids of an oil or fat into saturated fatty acids, which do not absorb iodine, and into unsaturated fatty acids, which absorb iodine in various proportions as shown above.
This separation is effected by converting the alkali soaps of the fatty acids into lead soaps and treating the latter with ether, in which the lead salts of the saturated acids are insoluble, whereas the salts of the above-named unsaturated acids are soluble.
The saturated fatty acids can then be further examined, and valuable information is gained by the determination of the melting-points and by treatment with solvents.
Thus some individual fatty acids, such as stearic acid and arachidic acid (which is characteristic of ground nut oil) can be identified.
In the mixture of unsaturated fatty acids, by means of some more refined methods, clupanodonic acid, linolenic acid, linolic acid and oleic acid can be recognized.
The methods sketched here do not yet exhaust the armoury of the analytical chemist, but it can only be pointed out in passing that the detection of hydroxylated acids enables the analyst to ascertain the presence of castor oil, just as the isolation and determination of oxidized fatty acids enables him to differentiate blown oils from other oils.
The United Kingdom is also one of the largest importers of fatty materials.
Waxes The waxes consist chiefly of the fatty acid esters of the higher monohydric alcohols, with which are frequently associated free alcohols as also free fatty acids.
In their physical properties the natural waxes simulate the fatty oils and fats.
The essential oils are for the most part insoluble or only very sparingly soluble in water, but in alcohol, ether,`,fatty oils and mineral oils they dissolve freely.
Their chief physical distinction from the fatty oils is that they are as a rule not oleaginous to the touch and leave no permanent grease spot.
The fatty materials then take up and fix the essential oil.
The essential oil is then dissolved by the fatty substances.
Each oil requires almost a special method, but with the progress of chemistry the extensive adulteration that used to be practised with fatty oils has almost disappeared, as the presence of fatty oils is readily detected.
Arsenic and antimony do not form combinations with albumen, but they both greatly depress the central nervous system and circulation; and, if their action be long continued in large doses, they cause fatty degeneration of the viscera and disappearance of glycogen from the liver.
The free fatty acids are then released from the sodium salts by adding a dilute acid.
Hence consumption of food rich in saturated fatty acids would raise cholesterol levels concurrently.
The trial was of four months duration and compared omega-3 fatty acids versus olive oil in 30 patients with bipolar disorder.
Tropical oils and mother's milk are by far the richest food sources of medium chain fatty acids available.
There is no evidence that fatty foods, sweets, or chocolate either cause or aggravate acne.
These acids can be further refined to make fatty alcohols, metallic soaps, fatty amines, fatty acid esters and fatty amides.
This fatty acid has strong antifungal and antimicrobial properties.
Fatty liver, present in 90% of persistently heavy drinkers, is usually asymptomatic.
This commonly occurs over a patch of fatty material called atheroma.
Thanks to DJ Fatty Boy for organizing the whole bash.
However this is not the case for the chloroplast complex which plays a distinct role in supplying acetyl CoA for fatty acid biosynthesis.
Residues of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) in fatty foods of the Canadian diet.
They may find coffee too bitter, soft drinks too sweet, and full cream milk too fatty.
These areas become infected with anaerobic bacteria, which release malodorous volatile fatty acids as a metabolic byproduct.
Food sources include fatty fish, wholegrain cereals, nuts, meat, vegetables.
Beneath the pointed chin a second, fatty version was forming.
Envelope membranes from spinach chloroplasts are a site of metabolism of fatty acid hydroperoxides.
Hence unsaturated fatty acids would tend to reduce plasma cholesterol.
The first time you see a fatty, you'll get a chuckle.
Biotin (vitamin H) is an essential coenzyme that assists in the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids.
Mood disorders have been associated with abnormalities in fatty acid composition.
This treatment combines vacuum and laser to eliminate toxins, break down fatty deposits and smooth unwanted dimples.
Avocado Oil Derived from the fruit of a tropical tree, it is a rich, fatty acid emollient.
Lipid compound A substance containing esters or fatty acids, which are important structural materials in living organisms.
With few exceptions, the rest of us are usually fighting an ongoing battle with our more than enough fatty deposits.
A core of fatty tissue is also excised down to the underlying deep fascia.
They also contain other unsaturated fats called ' essential fatty acids ', which the body needs for good health.
Unless you're a big fatty and have eaten it already.
Control of fatty acid oxidation is exerted mainly at the step of fatty acid oxidation is exerted mainly at the step of fatty acid entry into mitochondria.
Absorption of food, especially fatty foods cannot take place, producing bulky foul smelling, frequent stools.
I think it's good to eat not too healthy or too fatty food - just normal food.
There are concerns that young children are eating too much fatty junk food, and adopting " couch potato " lifestyles.
Beware of meat products like beefburgers and sausages which are very fatty, choose low-fat varieties whenever possible.
My diet is ok, I dont eat loads of vegetables although I do eat some and my diet is not particularly fatty.
At 6pm, gorged myself on some rather fatty belly of pork.
Studies are needed to determine the diet and lifestyle patterns that enhance ALA conversion to the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.
We do not need the trans fatty acids in processed foods.
Equivalent enzymes for shorter chain fatty acids are soluble proteins of the mitochondrial matrix.
Red cell and plasma fatty acid changes accompanying symptom remission in a patient with schizophrenia treated with eicosapentaenoic acid.
Classification of fluorescent soft rot Pseudomonas bacteria, including P. marginalis strains, using whole cell fatty acid analysis.
The apple pectin helps to regulate the digestive system and to metabolize fatty acids.
Short Description Omega 3 Fish Oil contains the fatty acids EPA and DHA which are essential to achieve and maintain great health.
Previous studies had shown that, among other functions, CD36 is involved in transporting free fatty acids into cells.
Effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids on factors related to cardiovascular disease.
Milk contains the omega-6 essential fatty acid linoleic acid and the omega-3 fatty acid linolenic acid.
Pharmacological doses of n-3 fatty acids can lower triglyceride levels but have also been shown to raise LDL cholesterol levels in people with diabetes.
The oils produced from the seed contains the highest amount of essential fatty acids in the plant world.
Milk contains the omega-6 essential fatty acid linoleic acid and the omega-3 fatty acid linoleic acid and the omega-3 fatty acid linolenic acid.
Infant formulas supplemented with these fatty acids have also been associated with lower blood pressure.
In a somewhat grotty cafe I ordered what turned out to be the most soggy, fatty veggie burgers in the world.
On every corner you can have fatty, greasy hamburger in McDonald's or Burger King.
These were characterized by hepatic hypertrophy and fatty degeneration.
Researchers hypothesized that fatty acids are an important mediator in the development of obesity and CVD.
The fatty acid made " highly significant improvements " in 12 out of 13 behavioral scales, including inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
The biological inoculants tended to have contrasting effects on silage total fatty acid compared with the other additives.
Each capsule is prepared in a base of essential fatty acids, including lecithin, the major component of cell membranes.
A tiny amount of golden linseed will provide essential fatty acids, but only a tiny amount is needed.
The company's extensive range of health care ingredients includes essential fatty acids, high purity lipids, drug delivery systems and protein derivatives.
Fat pets are more susceptible to fatty tumors called lipomas.
Main current research is a BBSRC project on microarray analysis to study gene regulation of polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism.
Transfer of the fatty acid moiety across the inner mitochondrial membrane involves carnitine.
The earliest detectable lesions, called fatty streaks, contain macrophage foam cells that are derived from recruited monocytes.
The effect of duration of feeding oilseeds to dairy cows on the persistency of response in milk fatty acid composition.
Omega 3 fatty acids oily fish is the best source of omega 3 fatty acids.
We should also be having more omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in oily fish.
Young children The benefits of long-chain omega 3 fatty acids have also been evidenced in children aged six to twelve.
Control of fatty acid oxidation is exerted mainly at the step of fatty acid entry into mitochondria.
Compliance was affirmed by determination of serum phospholipid fatty acids.
Fatty deposits, called atheromatous plaques, can build up over time and block the artery.
These fatty acids with more than 20 carbon atoms are called long chain polyunsaturated, LCPs for short.
Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are the building blocks for the body to produce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to inhibit the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins.
Don't eat too much salty, fatty or sugary foods such as crisps, burgers and cakes.
Sesame oil is a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and it contains potent free radical scavengers.
In fact, eating two servings of fatty fish a week can lower your risk of heart disease.
In MS, damage or scarring occurs to the myelin sheath a layer of fatty protein that protects the nerves.
The complete chemical name for a specific ceramide includes the sphingoid and fatty acyl substituents.
They work synergistically to enhance thermogenesis - the body's ability to free fatty acids and use them for energy.
Kahn found high levels of lethal toxins in Frost's fatty tissue.
They are found naturally in organically produced tripe and uncontaminated fatty fish and Savoy cabbage.
These provide the highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) that make up 20% of the weight of the brain.
The young pigeons are fed by both parents with a peculiar stuff, the product of the strongly proliferating epithelial cells of the crop, which cells undergo a cheese-like fatty degeneration, and mixed with mucus, perhaps also with the proventricular juice, make up a milklike fluid.
About 1874 he abandoned the manufacture of coal-tar colours and devoted himself exclusively to research in pure chemistry, and among the discoveries he made in this field was that of the reaction known by his name, depending on the condensation of aldehydes with fatty acids (see Cinnamic Acid).
The general conception of a resin is a noncrystalline body, insoluble in water, mostly soluble in alcohol, essential oils, ether and hot fatty oils, softening and melting under the influence of heat, not capable of sublimation, and burning with a bright but smoky flame.
The normal alcohols were found to be transparent to the ultraviolet rays, the normal fatty acids less so.
The changes produced at a distance by distribution of toxins may be very manifold - cloudy swelling and fatty degeneration, serous effusions, capillary haemorrhages, various degenerations of muscle, hyaline degeneration of small blood-vessels, and, in certain chronic diseases, waxy degeneration, all of which may be widespread, are examples of the effects of toxins, rapid or slow in action.
Up to recently the oils and fats were looked upon as consisting in the main of a mixture of triglycerides, in which the three combined fatty acids are identical, as is the case in the abovenamed glycerides.
Calculating the actual, societal costs of fatty foods, alcohol, cars, pet ownership, mercury thermometers, air conditioning, solar panels, razor blades, jogging shoes, and ten thousand other things, and incorporating those costs in the prices as taxes would lead to a vastly more efficient allocation of resources.
Do n't eat too much salty, fatty or sugary foods such as crisps, burgers and cakes.
Products high in saturated fatty acids, salt, sugar etc should therefore not be promoted on this basis.
Producing more sebum is NOT due to eating fatty foods.
What about the risks involved in smoking, eating fatty foods, not taking regular exercise, sexual intercourse, or crossing the road?
They work synergistically to enhance thermogenesis - the body 's ability to free fatty acids and use them for energy.
Some spreads provide omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils which, in sufficient quantities, can lower triglyceride fats in the blood.
Fresh tuna is an oily fish, high in fatty acids.
The uncharged methyl groups of the fatty acid chains that form the phospholipid bilayer have very little attractive force for water molecules.
Addition of omega-3 fatty acid to maintenance medication treatment for recurrent unipolar depressive disorder.
Other ingredients added to formula to try and copy breast milk includes fatty acids or lipids known as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and ARA (arachidonic acid).
Wellness also adds chicken fat in its cat diets to provide arachadonic acid, an essential fatty acid for felines.
Fatty acid supplementation may help your cat's skin irritation.
Duck tends to be very fatty, but if you take the skin off, you have very tasty dark meat, and it sautés quickly.
It contains the essential fatty acids and taurine he needs.
Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and Fatty Arbuckle are just a few that could be developed into unusual names.
It contains high levels of amino acids, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, and concentrated sources of nutrients.
Most cats love salmon, and although it's rich, it contains Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for felines.
Meat by-products actually contain no real muscle meat, but they may include any organ, bone or fatty tissue.
Quality cat foods must contain the amino acids taurine and arginine, as well as a fatty acid called arachidonic acid.
They are a superior source of fiber, omega fatty acids, antioxidants and even protein.
Acai is also rich in essential fatty acids, particularly the omega-6 fatty acids.
These acids appear in many foods, and the ratio or balance of various types of fatty acids contributes to health and longevity.
Evidence suggests that a lack of essential fatty acids or an imbalance among the fatty acids contributes to disease formation.
Acai contains a high proportion of omega-6 fatty acid, or linoleic acid.
Not only is it full of fiber, essential fatty acids, and calcium but it also naturally low in sugar.
The fruit is also full of protein, dietary fiber and high levels of both omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.
Omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids may even have a role in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood.
The theory is that the fruit's natural mixture of essential fatty acids, fiber, phytosterols and amino acids will cause you to burn fat more efficiently.
Rich in vitamins and minerals, the seeds of the primrose also provide omega-6 fatty acids that are necessary for a host of bodily functions, including making insulin, regulating the heart and mood and promoting blood flow.
These fatty acids are necessary for healthy skin and bodies.
It is important to consume evening primrose oil in conjunction with vitamin E so the fatty acids don't oxidize.
Rich in vitamins and minerals, the seeds of the evening primrose are an ideal source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA) and omega-6 fatty acids.
These fatty acids are necessary for healthy skin, hair, nails and body function.
The scientific community has only begun recognizing the health benefits associated with gamma linolenic acid (GLA) and other fatty acids over the past decade.
You may have read recent studies showing benefits of omega-3 fatty acids in the fight against coronary artery disease, through sources such as fish and fish oil supplements.
The benefit of the various fatty acids is an exciting area of new scientific inquiry.
While there seems to be no concrete evidence that proves the curing abilities of the EPO oil, GLA and omega-6 fatty acids, studies are ongoing.
The reason for these similar benefits is that flaxseed oil, also known as linseed oil, contains approximately 50 to 60 percent omega-3 fatty acids in the form of alpha linolenic acid (ALA).
Preliminary evidence suggests some deficiencies or imbalances in certain unsaturated fatty acids might contribute to behavioral disorders like ADHD, which can be managed with flaxseed oil supplements.
Crohn's disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is linked to low levels of essential fatty acids.
Evening primrose oil is exceptionally high in this omega-6 fatty acid that the body uses to quench the inflammation fire.
Other fatty acids, such as borage oil, may also contain acids used to quench the inflammation response.
The oxygen free radical in the ozone reacts with the unsaturated fatty acids of the olive oil to form a number of biologically active oxygenated compounds.
By stabilizing ozone within the fatty acids of a naturally benign substance like olive oil, the harmful effects of the chemical are neutralized while the medical benefits remain active.
And still others like flax are best known as extracts like flax seed oil, a plant-based source of the all important fatty acids.
Avoiding dishes containing duck, peanuts and fatty meats is also a great way to keep fat grams and calories at a minimum.
Olive Oil - This oil from pressed olives comes in varying degrees of acidity, which refers to the proportion of fatty acids not taste.
Duck and goose are naturally fatty; save them for special occasions.
High in fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, your mom will love both the taste and health value.
This usually is a symptom of an underlying heart problem such as Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), in which fatty deposits accumulate in the vessels leading to the heart.
When you sit down to eat meals make sure you choose foods that are not fatty.
Girls also typically develop body odors during this time in their lives due to changes in the fatty acid composition of their sweat.
One of the perceived disadvantages of vegetarianism is it can be harder to get certain nutrients, such as calcium, folic acid, omega 3 fatty acids and protein.
Additionally, the diet may result in calcium, omega-3 fatty acid, iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies, as well as a lack of protein and a marked decrease in calorie intake.
Sunflower seeds in their raw, unprocessed form are packed with vitamins, protein, and essential fatty acids.
These fatty acids are easily assimilated by the body when the seeds are pressed into oil.
Essential fatty acids in cold-pressed oils have been used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.
Each cacao pod contains a few dozen fatty cacao seeds, which are extracted, fermented, dried, and sometimes roasted.
This includes B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish, but also found in the algae they eat.
Sprouted chia seeds are edible and contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, provide ample dietary fiber and are also a source of protein.
They also contend that omega-3 fatty acids found in vegetable oil, salmon, and walnuts fight heart disease, reduce cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.
The drug detox program developed by Narconon is based on the thought that drug residue stays in the fatty tissues of the body.
Natural Blends contain white chicken meat for protein, oatmeal and brown rice to aid digestion, sweet potatoes for anti-oxidants, and Omega fatty acids for healthy skin and coats.
Additionally, Orijen offers a 6 Fresh Fish formula that is full of fish protein and essential fatty acids and even makes a cat food formula for our feline friends.
Chicken fat, sunflower oil and canola oil are added for healthy coats and omega 6 and 3 fatty acids.
You can make this dish with tuna or canned salmon, both of which are very good for your dogs since they contain Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.
All diets contain an Omega 3 fatty acid blend.
Pet food formulas include vegetable and fish oils as sources of omega 6 and 3 fatty acids.
Ingredients include chicken, brown rice, oats and omega fatty acids.
As Labs get older they tend to get what is called fatty tumors.
Supplements, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and glucosamine are used to treat pain, especially pain associated with arthritis.
The diets also have a large amount of vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids.
In addition, sunflower oil, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, and peas are essential ingredients.
It is said to break down fatty, mucous and phlegm deposits.
High in protein, vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids, this plant-based fat is about as healthy as they come!
Hemp oil is over 80 percent essential fatty acids in their purest form, and has a three to one ratio of essential omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids.
The meat that develops from grain feeding is high in saturated fat and has less omega-3 fatty acids.
It is caused by increased omega-3 fatty acids present in the meat as well as the residual flavors of the pasture that the animal fed on.
Flaxseed and salmon provide Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids.
The formulas for this dog food utilize core organic nutrition with minerals in their natural form, probiotics, Omega- and Omega-6 fatty acids and natural antioxidants.
These meats tend to be more rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
You can look for other ingredients which will provide additional health benefits such as omega 3 fatty acids to ensure a luxurious coat.
Raw meat is high in essential fatty acids and nutrients that dogs need for optimum health.
An added bonus is that grass fed beef has a higher amount of important omega-3 fatty acids than beef raised in other ways.
Coronary artery disease is one form of heart disease and occurs when the arteries supplying blood to the heart are blocked due to a buildup of fatty material or scar tissue.
A diet rich in foods containing antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and vitamins A, C and E help keep your hair, and body, strong and in good condition.
This alternative treatment can help you to reduce the amount of fatty tissue located at the back of the throat and into the neck region.
By losing weight, the amount of fatty tissue in the neck region will lessen, allowing the airway to remain open more readily.
Poor muscle tone and a large amount of fatty tissue both contribute to snoring.
The Sauvignon Blanc is a crisp, acidic wine that works well with fatty cream sauces and fish.
It compliments fatty meats, such as prime rib, especially well.
In children, blockages may be caused by a blood clot, injury to the artery, or rarely in children, atherosclerosis (build-up of fatty deposits on the blood vessel walls).
The test detects lactic acid and other short-chain fatty acids from undigested lactose fermented by bacteria in the colon.
Myelin-A fatty sheath surrounding nerves throughout the body that helps them conduct impulses more quickly.
For vegetarians who do not eat fish, getting enough omega-3 essential fatty acids may be an issue, and supplements such as flax-seed oil should be considered, as well as walnuts and canola oil.
Another essential fatty acid, omega-6, found in fish, can be obtained from borage oil or evening primrose oil supplements.
Essential fatty acid (EFA)-A fatty acid that the body requires but cannot make.
Low-fat diets are not recommended except in special circumstances, since fat is a source of both essential fatty acids and abundant calories.
Severe cases of hypoglycemia may cause ketosis (excessive amounts of fatty acid byproducts in the body), acidosis (a disturbance of the body's acid-base balance), or shock.
Without this enzyme, fatty compounds start to line the blood vessels.
The collection of fatty deposits eventually affects blood vessels in the skin, heart, kidneys, and nervous system.
It is due to a deficiency of phytanic acid hydroxylase, an enzyme that breaks down a fatty acid called phytanic acid.
Symptoms develop in infancy and are due to the accumulation of a fatty acid compound in the nervous system.
Symptoms begin in the first few weeks of life and include an enlarged liver and spleen, adrenal calcification (hardening of adrenal tissue due to deposits of calcium salts), and fatty stools.
Patients should also avoid fatty foods, caffeine, mints and mint-flavoring, spicy foods, citrus fruits, and anything with tomatoes.
Elevated cholesterol levels can result in the accumulation of fatty deposits on blood vessel walls, narrowing veins and arteries and impeding blood flow to the heart, brain, and other organs.
High cholesterol levels and fatty deposits in veins and arteries (atherosclerosis) have been found during autopsies of children who have died of accidents and other causes.
Sluggishness may also be noted if a child's veins and arteries are consistently filled with higher than normal amounts of fatty substances that are not being metabolized by the body.
Alternative treatment of high cholesterol may include high doses of garlic, niacin, soy protein, algae, or other fatty acids, and the Chinese medicine supplement Cholestin (a red yeast fermented with rice).
A study released in 1999 indicated that blue-green algae contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that lower cholesterol.
Flax seed oil is another source of fatty acids known to reduce cholesterol levels.
Atherosclerosis-A disease process whereby plaques of fatty substances are deposited inside arteries, reducing the inside diameter of the vessels and eventually causing damage to the tissues located beyond the site of the blockage.
The body requires some, called essential fatty acids, to form membranes and synthesize important compounds.
Polyunsaturated fat-A non-animal oil or fatty acid rich in unsaturated chemical bonds.
This changes the double bond on the carbon atom from a cis configuration to a trans configuration, making the fatty acid saturated, and a greater health concern.
Increased consumption of fish, especially coldwater fish such as salmon, mackerel, halibut, and tuna, provides a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
In these conditions, a tumor of fatty tissue becomes isolated among the nerves below the spinal cord, which may result in tethering of the spinal cord and complications similar to those with open spina bifida.
Fatty growths within the kidneys (called angiolipomas) may grow so large that they cause pain and/or kidney failure.
Tay-Sachs disease is a genetic disorder caused by a missing enzyme that results in the accumulation of a fatty substance in the nervous system.
Gangliosides are fatty substances necessary for the proper development of the brain and nerve cells (nervous system).
Ganglioside-A fatty (lipid) substance found within the brain and nerve cells.
Cytochrome P450 is involved in the metabolism of chemicals, vitamins, fatty acids, and hormones; it is very important in transforming toxic substances into easily excretable materials.
The major symptoms of obesity are excessive weight gain and the presence of large amounts of fatty tissue.
These are amino acids, vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc, and essential fatty acids.
For vegetarians who do not eat fish, getting enough omega-3 essential fatty acids may be an issue, and supplements such as flaxseed oil should be considered, as well as consumption of walnuts and canola oil.
Therapies include supplementation of the diet with antioxidant vitamins or limitation of intake of fatty acids, especially VLCFAs.
Dietary supplements, including garlic, fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids), L-arginine, soy, coenzyme Q10, phytosterols, and chelation therapy may be beneficial, but the exact nature of their effects on blood pressure is unknown.
However, most children are not in this category, and no special diet is recommended for them, except that they should avoid eating fatty foods because the body has difficulty digesting fat when the liver is not working well.
Increased consumption of fish, especially cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel, halibut, and tuna, provides a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Many patients with gastrointestinal symptoms will have diarrhea and fatty, greasy, unusually foul-smelling stools.
Irritants remove lipids, which are fatty substances that help to maintain the integrity of skin cells; irritants also damage the skin's ability to hold water.
However, most children are not in this category, and no special diet is currently recommended for them, except that they should avoid eating fatty foods because the body has difficulty digesting fat when the liver is not working well.
They also suggest avoiding caffeine and fatty, gassy, or spicy foods, as well as alcohol.
In addition to lactose, known problem-causing substances include caffeine, beans, onions, cabbage, cucumbers, broccoli, fatty foods, alcohol, and certain medications.
Dairy products, sugary beverages and foods, highly seasoned foods, and fatty or fried foods should be avoided until symptoms have cleared.
However fatty foods or spicy meals that may bring about digestive distress at bedtime may trigger sleep disturbances and awaken a child out of an otherwise peaceful slumber.
Some research suggests that vitamin B supplements, primarily vitamin B6 in a complex, magnesium, and fish oil supplements (omega-3 fatty acids) also may help relieve cramps.