Fatigued Sentence Examples
She was so fatigued, she hurt everywhere.
She still looked fatigued, with dark circles under her eyes and skin pale beneath the caramel.
She was hungry and fatigued but too scared to sleep.
Her fatigued body ached while her tired mind struggled to keep her thoughts clear of emotion.
Though she was fatigued, her wounds were healed.
Do you frequently feel fatigued throughout the day?
Newton received this problem about 5 o'clock in the afternoon as he was returning from the mint, but, though he was fatigued with business, he solved the problem the same evening.
It can also leave a teenager feeling fatigued with a loss of energy.
Her hair was damp at the roots but her long curls as bouncy and cheerful as she felt fatigued.
In the highest degrees the complete correction may be employed, but lorgnettes are generally preferred, as they can be removed when the eyes become fatigued.
AdvertisementThe behaviour of the majority of the troops had been beyond all praise, but all were now worn-out, physically fatigued by the long trial of the retreat and suffering from the great moral depression caused by unexpected defeat and retirement from the lines they had held so long.
Maybe the underworld was having some effect on her. She'd been fatigued since arriving, but she'd explained it away with the fact she'd had little sleep and an unexpected pregnancy.
A late period is usually the first signal, followed by other symptoms such as morning sickness, swollen breasts and generally feeling fatigued.
An unclean person is universally a slothful one, one who sits by a stove, whom the sun shines on prostrate, who reposes without being fatigued.
If the mom had a difficult delivery, is especially fatigued, or needed to have a Caesarean section, the first seven days can literally be an endurance test.
AdvertisementAvoid kittens that seem sickly, fatigued, or overly afraid.
The downside to this is that some of the eating plans don't give you a lot of the proper nutrients, therefore leaving you fatigued and weak.
Although it may seem counterintuitive, drinking alcohol to excess can actually make it more difficult to fall asleep and may leave the sleeper feeling fatigued the next day.
Certain foods do tend to make you drowsy and fatigued, both physcially and mentally.
As you deprive yourself of sleep, you begin to feel more fatigued.
AdvertisementThe child may also become too fatigued to even cough.
Older children generally have fewer symptoms but may appear to be easily fatigued or to experience shortness of breath or weakness or lameness in their legs.
Teachers plan a balanced schedule in which the children do not feel rushed or fatigued.
If a child is tense, irritable, has difficulty concentrating in class, is often fatigued, or is shirking homework, it may be due to the extracurricular activities taking too much of his or her time.
By the last few reps your muscles should be quite fatigued.
AdvertisementBy the time you near your last few reps, your muscles should be thoroughly fatigued.
If your muscles do not have enough stored glycogen, you can become fatigued easily and may not be able to complete your workout effectively.
She sagged, horrified and fatigued.
She was mentally tough but fatigued by the events that occurred since they inadvertently met on a night similar to this one.
Part of her desperately tried to make excuses for Gabe. Maybe he was fatigued or Death had done something to him.
Was she that fatigued?
A guard's exclamation drew her fatigued gaze from its place resting on the ground.
He did not, and she sagged, fatigued.
It is sometimes said that a bar is " fatigued " by repeated straining.
As a result the fatigued cells appear shrunken, and their reaction to staining reagents alters, thus showing chemical alteration.
After reading the Nouvelle-Hloise, Clarissa and Sir Charles Gran-dison, fatigued and wearied society revived as though beneath the fresh breezes of dawn.
If you feel fatigued or overly sluggish, or if you notice twinges of muscular pain, ease up on your training.
If your shoulder gets fatigued after having a bag strapped onto it for a long period of time, you're going to want to purchase the lightest laptop available.
Even if you are sleeping, you may still feel fatigued.
Those sections of the light spectrum can cause headaches, fatigued eyes, itchy eyes, and blurred lenses.
Assuring that children get sufficient rest and do not become fatigued can help in maintaining and building up an immune system that can fight off these infecting agents.
People who smoke, who are fatigued, run down, or who live in damp, crowded conditions are also more likely to become infected.
Before long the muscles that move the ribs and diaphragm, so that air is drawn into the lungs, become fatigued.
During pregnancy, your body undergoes many changes that may cause you to feel unusually fatigued.
You can also use this pose whenever you feel tired or fatigued from a long day's work.
Your body needs adequate amounts of water to function properly, and becoming dehydrated and feeling fatigued can certainly impede you on the road to a healthy weight.
I was tired all the time, fatigued and getting depressed too.
While this every other day approach may seem easier to some dieters because they only have to diet one day before they can eat normally again, the very low calorie days often leave dieters feeling fatigued and unable to perform daily tasks.
However, if you are fatigued, over-trained or on the verge of getting a cold, you might get an elevated heart rate.
It means your lower abdominals have become fatigued and are no longer participating in the exercise.
Work until your triceps are fatigued, but rest in between each set.
After you have sufficiently fatigued your upper body, it is time to move onto your lower body.
Your muscles should feel fatigued after you are done.
You may find that as you get close to the time when you have completely fatigued your arm muscles that they may begin to quiver.
Have a snack high in protein after you work out as a reward and to fuel your fatigued muscles.
With more mitochondria, you have more energy and thus, can exercise longer without becoming fatigued.
According to running expert Rick Morris, this program is particularly effective on a treadmill because you won't be able to slow down towards the end of the program as you become fatigued.
That said, "Fatigued" lettering on the front of the pajama does help it to stand out.
Do the same if you feel dizzy, faint, or fatigued.
Fatigued, overwhelmed, Deidre was unable to summon the physical strength to move or the willpower to order him away.
Fatigued, she carefully sealed it and returned all but the bladder to the hiding spot behind the trunks.
When applying the shadow, angle the outer corner upward to avoid a fatigued appearance.
If this is the case you will likely feel fatigued, both mentally and physically afterward, so pay attention as you eat these foods and how well you can perform at school or your job.
It's not unusual to feel a need for a nap after a hard day, but the physical demands of supporting a pregnancy can make some women feel fatigued all day long.
Intermediate to advanced exercisers can benefits from doing multiple sets (usually only two to three) as long as their muscles become fatigued at the end of each set.
Do 12 to 20 dips or until triceps are fatigued.
She remained where she was, his simple touch enough to revive her fatigued body.
Chernyshev and Prince Andrew went out into the porch, where the Emperor, who looked fatigued, was dismounting.
Prolonged or excessive stimulation invariably leads to depression or paralysis, the tissues becoming fatigued, and from this condition they may recover or they may not.