Fatherhood Sentence Examples
The Rt. Rev. Phillips Brooks has explained to her in a beautiful way the fatherhood of God.
Charlie wrestles with alcoholism and fatherhood.
In due course Alexander was born, and Philip's suspicions were overcome by a second appearance of the dragon, which was held to prove the divine fatherhood.
Once you lose the fatherhood of God, you soon lose the brotherhood of man.
Some include family breakdown, irresponsible fatherhood or motherhood, premature motherhood, birth out of wedlock, or the death of one or both parents.
Fatherhood project - Nonprofit that examines the future of fatherhood project - Nonprofit that examines the future of fatherhood and develops ways to support men's involvement in child rearing.
It might be good advice to switch to boxers while you are in the fatherhood mode and working toward how to get pregnant.
European maternity leave for men has been studied by The National Information Centre on Fatherhood.
While some men wear their fatherhood on their sleeves, other men consider 'Dad' t-shirts and hats somewhat corny.
Jack has been particularly unlucky in the fatherhood department as he has mourned many children lost to miscarriage, stillbirth and the revelation that he wasn’t the father.
AdvertisementIf the fatherhood of God stands out clearly, we may remember a passage of St Mark also which speaks of " the Heavenly Father " as forgiving those who forgive.
Leading thoughts in the teaching of Jesus, so far as they are new, are the Fatherhood of God - new at least in the central place given it - the imminence of the " kingdom " or judgment of God, and Jesus' own place as " Messiah," i.e.
In our day especially it must seek to light up every doctrine with the genuine Christian belief in God's Fatherhood.
Once you lose the Fatherhood of God, you soon lose the brotherhood of man.
You might even say that human fatherhood was created as an analogy to help us understand God's fatherhood.
AdvertisementThis is the theology of Jesus regarding the fatherhood of God.
A lot of men clearly saw fatherhood as discipline, as responsibility foisted on you from above - ultimately necessary, but preferably postponed.
Beachill, amazingly, accomplished these impressive wins while anxiously waiting news of his impending fatherhood.
I find no trace whatever, in all our Lord's teaching, of anything like a universal fatherhood.
Within this context, Joseph's human fatherhood was also " taken up " in the mystery of Christ's Incarnation.
AdvertisementThere is no divine fatherhood proclaimed by the Son in Buddhism.
I just wondered how you're coping with new fatherhood at the moment with all the Rings fever?
Fatherhood in man is a certain likeness of fatherhood in man is a certain likeness of fatherhood in God.
Theology is to be formally Christocentric, materially Theocentric (Fatherhood of God).
Dad might enjoy a few books on handling fatherhood, along with a yummy treat or two.
AdvertisementAlthough the pregnant Gwen Stefani claims she'll be putting her career on hold for a few years after the baby arrives, Gavin is eager to step into the demands of fatherhood.
The mind category offers a wide range of materials to challenge and expand your knowledge on pregnancy, childbirth, fatherhood, motherhood, and other issues important to new parents and parents-to-be.
The doctrine of universal restoration was maintained by Thomas Erskine of Linlathen on the ground of the Fatherhood of God, and Archdeacon Wilson anticipates such discipline after death as will restore all souls to God.
The Church's first creed had been " the Fatherhood of God and the Messiahship of Jesus " (A Ritschl); but the " Rule of Faith " (Irenaeus; Tertullian, who uses the exact expression; Origen)- that summary of religiously important facts which was meant to ward off error without reliance on speculations such as the Logos doctrine - built itself up along the lines of the baptismal formula of Matt.
Once you loose the fatherhood of God, you soon loose the brotherhood of man.
Her admiration for the impressive explanations which Bishop Brooks has given her of the Fatherhood of God is well known.
As a preacher, his message was apparently simple; his two great convictions were the fatherhood of God, and that all religious systems which had any stability lasted because of a portion of truth which had to be disentangled from the error differentiating them from.
Bishop Brooks taught me no special creed or dogma; but he impressed upon my mind two great ideas--the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, and made me feel that these truths underlie all creeds and forms of worship.
Ceremonies of initiation are the means by which the alliance is established between the deity and the young man, when the latter enters upon the rights of manhood; and the supposed bond of kinship is thus regarded as an artificial union from the outset, so far as the individual is concerned, although Robertson Smith still maintains the theory of the fatherhood of the god, where it is a question of the origin of the totem-kin.
The specific gospel of Jesus, the gospel of divine fatherhood and human brotherhood, received no attention in the earliest days, so far as our sources enable us to judge.
In 1864 he delivered the first series of Cunningham lectures, taking for his subject The Fatherhood of God.
We note in passing that this is the first introduction of our Lord's teaching of the fatherhood of God.