Fatally Sentence Examples
Stewart was fatally wounded, an advance was made at 3 P.M.
His next move turned out fatally.
So fatally were the internal affairs of that magnificent but unhappy country bound up with concerns which brought the forces of the civilized world into play.
Terry to fight the duel with the United States senator David C. Broderick which ended fatally for the latter.
But the heads of the two FrondesCond, now set free from prison at Havre, and Gondi who detested himwere not long in quarrelling fatally.
With obscure vision, the problem is often fatally compounded.
In 1997, a worker was fatally electrocuted as a result of faulty washer equipment.
He married Eurydice, who was fatally poisoned by a snake bite.
Later found to be fatally complacent, Boucher had relied on outdated data that neglected the dynamic forces of violent gusts.
Everyone, deep down (and maybe not so deep down) wants to believe that celebrities are fatally flawed, but it seems as though Jennifer Garner truly is a sweet girl from the south, living out her dreams.
AdvertisementBlum is merely a conservative middle bourgeois who fatally gravitates to the society of the big bourgeois.
The Great Shield was fatally flawed; in time the tiny fracture would grow into a gaping wound.
The Hamas leader was fatally wounded in a helicopter gunship attack on his car on Saturday.
But she is fatally torn between the dull virtue of middle-class respectability and the evil attractions of the beckoning city lights.
A woman who fatally stabbed her abusive husband had her murder conviction quashed by the court of appeal today.
AdvertisementThe youngsters watch a video where a young boy is fatally injured after ignoring triangular yellow Danger of Death signs and entering a substation.
However, his case is being fatally undermined by the soaring costs within the industry.
The aorta may be fatally weakened by a lack of mature elastin in animals deprived of dietary copper.
By an arrangement with Bavaria, they were able to march through Tirol and down the valley of the Adige in force, and overpowered the troops of Eugene whose position was fatally compromised by the defection of Murat and the dissensions among the Italians.
The news of Navarino betrayed Mahmud into one of those paroxysms of rage to which he was liable, and which on critical occasions were apt fatally to cloud his usual good sense.
AdvertisementThe 24th of November falling on a Sunday, his clerical duties threatened fatally to clash with his astronomical observations; he was, however, released just in time to witness the punctual verification of his forecast, and carefully noted the progress of the phenomenon during half an hour before sunset (3.15 to 3.45).
While segregation injures the metal here, often fatally, by giving it an indeterminate excess of phosphorus and sulphur, it clearly purifies the remainder of the ingot, and on this account it ought, under certain conditions, to be promoted rather than restrained.
While England endeavors to cure the potato-rot, will not any endeavor to cure the brain-rot, which prevails so much more widely and fatally?
In 2003, 38 percent of drivers who were fatally injured in motor vehicle accidents had been drinking.
Unfortunately, Steve Irwin's life came to a tragic end when he was fatally pierced in the chest by a stingray spine on September 4, 2006.
AdvertisementA baby can be fatally injured by being thrown even onto a soft mattress.
He had died administering the last rites to people fatally injured.
On the night of December 8, 1980, Chapman fatally shot Lennon as the singer entered his home.
These stories can also be heartbreaking because many of these animals were fatally ill when they arrived at their new homes.
He came to the throne at a time when the attacks of the Greeks in Cilicia, and of Zengi on Edessa, were fatally weakening the position of the Franks in northern Syria; and from the beginning of his reign the power of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem may be said to be slowly declining, though as yet there is little outward trace of its decay to be seen.
But he committed the tactical error of appointing a disproportionate number of Jews and Christians as revenue officials, and thus made many enemies among the Mongol nobles, who had him assassinated in 1291 when Arghun was lying fatally ill.
A stroke of paralysis in 1894 fatally weakened him, but he continued at work till his death on the 22nd of March 1900.
At the very beginning of the siege Sir Henry Lawrence was fatally wounded by a shell, and died on the 4th of July, thus depriving the defence of its guiding spirit.
Had the Catholic reaction not fatally discouraged the pursuit of the natural sciences in Italy, had Leonardo even left behind him any one with zeal and knowledge enough to extract from the mass of his MSS.
At Bombay, in March 1898, a riot begun by Mahommedan weavers was not suppressed until several Europeans had been fatally injured.
Alvas operations were fatally handicapped by this disaster, but Philip was too much involved in the Netherlands to declare war on England.
Burke's conservatism was, as such a passage as this may illustrate, the result partly of strong imaginative associations clustering round the more imposing symbols of social continuity, partly of a sort of corresponding conviction in his reason that there are certain permanent elements of human nature out of which the European order had risen and which that order satisfied, and of whose immense merits, as of its mighty strength, the revolutionary party in France were most fatally ignorant.
In 1889 he entertained at Hissarlik a committee of archaeological experts, deputed to examine B6tticher's absurd contention that the ruins represented not a city, but a cremation necropolis; and he was contemplating a new and more extensive campaign on the same site when, in December 1890, he was seized at Naples with an illness which ended fatally on the morning of Christmas Day.
He entered the Union army in June 1861 (commission May 14) as captain of the 3rd (afterwards 6th) U.S. cavalry; on the 15th of April 1863 he became colonel of the and Massachusetts cavalry; he was wounded fatally at Cedar Creek on the 19th of October 1864, when he was promoted brigadiergeneral of U.S. Volunteers, and died on the next day at Middletown, Va.
Stn Sgt Thomas Green Struck on the head and fatally wounded when a rioting mob attacked Epsom Police Station.
Regular industrial work is however handicapped by competition with the tourist trade in its several branches - acting as guides and camp servants, manufacture and sale of " souvenirs ' (carved toys and trinklets in mother - of-pearl and olive-wood, forged antiquities and the like), and the analogous trade in objets de piete (rosaries, crosses, crude religious pictures, &c.) for pilgrims. Travellers in the country squander their money recklessly, and these trades, at once easy and lucrative, are thus fatally attractive to the indolent Syrian and prejudicial to the best interests of the country.
If a man is thought-free, fancy-free, imagination-free, that which is not never for a long time appearing to be to him, unwise rulers or reformers cannot fatally interrupt him.
And Prince Andrew, with others fatally wounded, was left to the care of the inhabitants of the district.
In short, the country was already thoroughly democratic in spirit, while Federalism stood for obsolescent social ideas and was infected with political "Toryism" fatally against the times.
But even in this crowning triumph the cramping egotism of his nature - a mental vice which now grew on him rapidly - fatally narrowed his outlook and led him to commit an irretrievable blunder.
He attended as operating surgeon when President Garfield was fatally wounded by the bullet of an assassin in 1881.
This put the caliphs fatally at the mercy of their guards.
If the case is about to terminate fatally the spasms rapidly succeed each other and death usually occurs within two hours, either from asphyxia produced by spasm of the respiratory muscles or more rarely from exhaustion.
The old males, however, live alone except in the rutting season, which occurs in October, when they join the herds, driving off the younger bucks, and engaging in fierce contests with each other, that often end fatally for one at least of the combatants.
Time after time His life is threatened before the feast is ended, and when the last passover has come we can well understand, what was not made sufficiently clear in the brief Marcan narrative, why Jerusalem proved so fatally hostile to His Messianic claim.
He pictured the consequences of that temper of vengeance which animated the Parisian mob and was fatally controlling the policy of the Convention, and the prostration which would ensue to France after even a successful struggle with a European coalition, which would spring up after the murder of the king.
To treat the actual forms of religion as expressions of our various human needs is a fruitful idea which deserves fuller development than it has yet received; but Feuerbach's treatment of it is fatally vitiated by his subjectivism.
They were normally drawn up in more open order than the heavy Greek phalanx, and possessed thereby a mobility and elasticity in which the latter was fatally deficient.
Her failure was due partly to the commercial jealousy of Corinth working on the dull antipathy of Sparta, partly to the hatred of compromise and discipline which was fatally characteristic of Greece and especially of Ionian Greece, and partly also to the lack of tact and restraint shown by Athens and her representatives in her relations with the allies.
This corruption was fatally apparent in the army, the feudal basis of which was sapped by the confiscation of fiefs for the benefit of nominees of favourites of the harem, and by the intrusion, through the same influences of foreigners and rayahs into the corps of janissaries, of which the discipline became more and more relaxed and the temper increasingly turbulent.
The destruction of the forest is telling fatally on the ' See the geological map of New Zealand by Sir James Hector (1884).
But he was not destined to see its success, being fatally struck with apoplexy at St Germain-en-Laye on September 3rd.
From the necessity of leaguing together against the common Saracen foe, Genoa united with Pisa early in the 11th century in expelling the Moslems from the island of Sardinia, but the Sardinian territory thus acquired soon furnished occasions of jealousy to the conquering allies, and there commenced between the two republics the long naval wars destined to terminate so fatally for Pisa.
Optical complications fatally impeded sharpness of vision, and the phenomena took place in a debateable borderland of uncertainty.