Fat Sentence Examples
I feel fat and lazy.
Here was her fat little neck.
The market man showed him a fat turkey, plump and white and ready for roasting.
Snow fell in lazy, fat flakes, sticking to his clothes and hair.
In this world, humans have grown fat, stopped walking, and fill their days with non-stop entertainment and food.
When we went home we saw eight rabbits and two fat puppies, and a nice little white pony, and two wee kittens and a pretty curly dog named Don.
My father lived to be ninety years old, and he never went on no fat diet.
On the deposition of Charles the Fat in 887 he was excluded from the throne by his youth; but during the reign of Odo, who had succeeded Charles, he succeeded in gaining the recognition of a certain number of notables and in securing his coronation at Reims on the 28th of January 893.
Vegetarian and vegan options will cut out much of the animal fat and cholesterol from your dinner.
This fat growing evergreen develops long shoots with small adhesive rootlets.
AdvertisementMost paneer dishes are coated with butter or cream-based sauces that quickly add calories and fat to your dish.
Then again, don't the fat years make up for all this?
Fat raindrops soaked his clothing and left him chilled.
Now maybe you can buy your own Fat Tire Ale.
Carbohydrates are not fattening, potatoes contain no fat at all!
AdvertisementA tray containing lard or solid fat can also do the trick.
I live on the fat of the land--don't I, Ozma?
A few pieces of fat pine were a great treasure.
In previous years I had often gone prospecting over some bare hillside, where a pitch pine wood had formerly stood, and got out the fat pine roots.
Dean cringed at the word "fat."
AdvertisementShe thinks everyone here views her as short and fat.
We'll have us a good old mess of Polk weed and fat back.
The digestion of fat or oil has not been adequately investigated, but its decomposition in germinating seeds has been found to be due to an enzyme, which has been called lipase.
The slighting references to it by the Christian fathers are no more an argument against its existence in the primitive church than the similar denunciations by the Jewish prophets of burnt-offerings and sacrifices are any proof that there were no such rites as the offering of incense, and of the blood of bulls and fat of rams, in the worship of the temple at Jerusalem.
There are two varieties of sheep, both having the fat tail.
AdvertisementIts flesh is palatable although wanting in fat, while its skin forms the chief clothing material of the Patagonians.
Friend E suggested I only employ au pairs who were too fat to attract a social life.
The most important of the animal fats are those of the ox and hog, and of the vegetable oils cotton-seed and coco-nut; it is also to be remembered that resin, although not a fat, is also important in soap-making.
The cheaper mottled and brown soaps have for their basis bone fat, obtained by treating bones with superheated steam or other methods.
Curd soap and London grey mottled are prepared from kitchen or ship fat, whilst fuller's fat is employed in the manufacture of soft soaps.
Of the vegetable oils, in addition to cotton-seed and coco-nut, olive oil is the basis of soaps for calico printers and silk dyers; castor oil yields transparent soaps (under suitable treatment), whilst crude palm oil, with bone fat, is employed for making brown soap, and after bleaching it yields ordinary pale or mottled.
The processes of soap manufacture may be classified (a) according to the temperatures employed into (I) cold processes and (2) boiling processes, or (b) according to the nature of the starting material - acid or oil and fat - and the relative amount of alkali, into (1) direct saturation of the fatty acid with alkali, (2) treating the fat with a definite amount of alkali with no removal of unused lye, (3) treating the fat with an indefinite amount of alkali, also with no separation of unused lye, (4) treating the fat with an indefinite amount of alkali with separation of waste lye.
In Germany tallow is the principal fat; in France olive oil occupies the chief place and the product is known as Marseilles or Castile soap; and in England tallow and palm oil are largely used.
So soon as the tallow is melted a quantity of weak lye is added, and the agitation of the injected steam causes the fat and lye to become intimately mixed and produces a milky emulsion.
The bull was to be sacrificed to Mithras, who was to mingle its fat with consecrated wine and give to drink of it to the just, rendering them immortal, while the unjust, together with Ahriman and his spirits, were to be destroyed by a fire sent from Heaven by Ormazd.
The noveschi, being "fat burghers" with powerful connexions, abilities and traditions, gained increased strength and influence in exile; and five years later, on 22nd July 1487, they returned triumphantly to Siena, dispersed the few adherents of the popolo who offered resistance, murdered the captain of the people, reorganized the state, and placed it under the protection of the Virgin Mary.
Some organs are subject to enlargement from deposition within them of a foreign substance (amyloid, fat, &c.).
Within the cytoplasm are found manifestations of functional activity, in the form of digestive vacuoles, granules, fat, glycogen, pigment, and foreign bodies.
Adiposity or obesity occurs when we have an excessive amount of fat stored in the normal connective-tissue areas of adipose tissue.
In diabetes mellitus, in which there is marked derangement in metabolism, extreme fatty changes are occasionally found in the organs, and the blood may be loaded with fat globules.
There it is acted on by ferments (lipases) and converted into neutral fat, which may remain in the cell as such.
The fat in this condition is readily recognized by the usual microchemical and staining reactions.
Some investigators hold that the soaps may become combined with albumin, and that on becoming incorporated with the cytoplasm they can no longer be distinguished as fat.
Apart from some southern dialect forms which have found their way into the literary language, as vat (for fat or wine fat which still survives in the English Bible) and vixen the feminine of fox, all the words in English which begin with V are of foreign, and most of Latin origin.
Goats are raised in Piura and Lambayeque for their skins and fat, and swine-breeding for the production of lard has become important in some of the coast valleys immediately north of Lima.
At a later period when he had grown fat he accounted for his skill in taking "cut balls" at tennis by saying that he was a very "painstaking man."
This is why fat of a victim was smeared an a sacred stone, not only in acts of homage paid to it, but in the actual consecration thereof.
The men are tall and thin, the women fat and under middle height.
There is no universal method of oil-refining applicable to any and every oil or fat.
Fat is an abundant source of energy for the endurance athlete.
In the fat years, agricultural prices are pushed downward by the abundance, often below the cost of harvesting and transporting the crops.
The sulci are emphasized because the subcutaneous fat, which is copious in order to pad the skin for the purpose of firmness of holding„ being restricted to the intervals between the lines along which the skin is tied down, makes these intervals project, and these are the monticuli.
Cochineal also contains a fat and wax; cochineal wax or coccerin, C30H60(C31H6103)2, may be extracted by benzene, the fat is a glyceryl myristate C3H5(C14Hz702)3.
As made by the Indians it was composed of the lean parts of the meat, dried in the sun, and pounded or shredded and mixed into a paste with melted fat.
Long before the shaft had been cut as deep as now the water flowed away by a channel gradually contracting to a serpentine way, so extremely narrow as to be called the Fat Man's Misery.
Such lenses are often seen formed by drops of fat floating on the surface of hot water, soup or gravy.
In Germany descendants of Pippin reigned till the death of Louis the Child in 911; in Italy the Carolingians maintained their position until the deposition of Charles the Fat in 887.
The young soon after they are hatched become a perfect mass of fat, and while yet in the nest are sought by the Indians, who at Caripe, and perhaps elsewhere, make a special business of taking them and extracting the oil they contain.
The introduction The of the Minie rifle, with its greased cartridges, was accompanied by no consideration of the religious prejudices of the Bengal sepoys, to whom, whether Hindus or Mahommedans, the fat of cows and pigs was anathema.
It was easy for agitators to persuade the sepoys that the new cartridges were greased with the fat of animals sacred to one creed or forbidden to another, and that the British government was thus engaged in a deep-laid plot for forcing them to become Christians by first making them outcasts from their own religions.
The growth of missionary enterprise in India lent colour to this theory, which was supported by the fact that no precautions had been taken to grease the Indian cartridges with a neutral fat, such as that of sheep and goats.
No attempt, in fact, had been made to exclude the fat of cows and pigs, and apparently no one had realized that a gross outrage was thus being perpetrated on the religious feelings of both Hindu and Mahommedan sepoys.
These orders were, at first, that the Amaxosa were to destroy their fat cattle.
They are chiefly manifested in the form and number of the horns, which may be increased from the normal two to four or even eight, or may be altogether absent in the female alone or in both sexes; in the shape and length of the ears, which often hang pendent by the side of the head; in the peculiar elevation or arching of the nasal bones in some eastern races; in the length of the tail, and the development of great masses of fat at each side of its root or in the tail itself; and in the colour and quality of the fleece.
It is supplanting the Border Leicester as a sire of mutton sheep; for, although its progeny is slower in reaching maturity, tegs can be fed to greater weights in spring - 65 to 68 lb per carcass - without becoming too fat to be classed as finest quality.
It is an early-maturity breed, and no other Down produces a better back to handle for condition - the frame is so thickly covered with flesh and fat.
Although it handles hard on the back when fat, no breed except the old Horned Norfolk equals it in producing a saddle cut of mutton with such an abundance of lean red meat in proportion to fat.
The lambs are weaned towards the end of June and the ewes run on the poorest pasture till August to lose surplus fat.
Fat wethers for the butcher are drafted from the hills in August and the two succeeding months.
Finally, the invention of a new rifle led to the introduction of a cartridge which, though it was officially denied at the moment, was in fact lubricated with a mixture of cows fat and lard.
The Sepoys thought that their caste would be destroyed if they touched the fat of the sacred cow or unclean pig; they were even persuaded that the British government wished to destroy their caste in order to facilitate their conversion to Christianity.
Before retiring they become very fat, and at such times the edible dormouse is a favourite article of diet on the Continent.
It paints popes, cardinals, prelates, rectors, monks and friars, who call themselves followers of Peter and keepers of the gates of heaven and hell, and pale poverty-stricken people, cotless and landless, who have to pay the fat clergy for spiritual assistance, and asks if these are Peter's priests.
Their flesh is as good as that of the fat sheep of Castile.
English officers who saw him at Navarino describe him as short, grossly fat and deeply marked with smallpox.
The bird is boiled for the sake of the fat, which is used by the heavendoctors to puff on their bodies, and to anoint their lightning-rods."
For thirty-four years of increasing warfare this active the Fat and energetic king, this brave and persevering soldier, (1108 never spared himself, energetically policing the royal 1137).
By the reign of Charles the Fat a principality had been founded.
No oil or fat is found in nature consisting of a single chemical individual, i.e.
Since the methods of preparing the vegetable and animal fats are comparatively crude ones, they usually contain certain impurities of one kind or another, such as colouring and mucilaginous matter, remnants of vegetable and animal tissues, &c. For the most part these foreign substances can be removed by processes of refining, but even after this purification they still retain small quantities of foreign substances, such as traces of colouring matters, albuminoid and (or) resinous substances, and other foreign substances, which remain dissolved in the oils and fats, and can only be isolated after saponification of the fat.
In fact C. Friedel has found unchanged triglycerides in the fat which had been buried several thousand years ago in the tombs of Abydos.
Since the oils and fats have always served the human race as one of the most important articles of food, the oil and fat industry may well be considered to be as old as the human race itself.
The cave-dweller who first collected the fat dripping off the deer on the roasting spit may well be looked upon as the first manufacturer of tallow.
Not only must each kind of oil or fat be considered as a special problem, but frequently even varieties of one and the same oil or fat are apt to cause the same difficulties as would a new individual.
It consists in treating the oil with a small percentage of a more or less concentrated sulphuric acid, according to the nature of the oil or fat.
There is still a wide field open for the application of proper processes for the removal of impurities and colouring matters without running the risk of attacking the oil or fat itself.
The modern methods of oil testing rest chiefly on so-called "quantitative" reactions, a number of characteristic "values" being determined which, being based on the special nature of the fatty acids contained in each individual oil or fat, assist in identifying them and also in revealing adulteration.
The saponification value (saponification number) denotes the number of milligrams which one gramme of an oil or fat requires for saponification, or, in other words, for the neutralization of the total fatty acids contained in an oil or fat.
We thus measure the alkali absorption value of all fatty acids contained in an oil or fat.
To ascertain this value the volatile acids contained in 5 grammes of an oil or fat are distilled in a minutely prescribed manner, and the distilled-off acids are measured by titration with decinormal alkali.
This indicates the percentage of iodine absorbed by an oil or fat when the latter is dissolved in chloroform or carbon tetrachloride, and treated with an accurately measured amount of free iodine supplied in the form of iodine chloride.
By this means a measure is obtained of the unsaturated fatty acids contained in an oil or fat.
If one individual oil or fat is given, the iodine value alone furnishes the readiest means of finding its place in the above system, and in many cases of identifying it.
Thus it points the way to the application of a further method to resolve the isolated fatty acids of an oil or fat into saturated fatty acids, which do not absorb iodine, and into unsaturated fatty acids, which absorb iodine in various proportions as shown above.
It may be safely said of the United Kingdom that it takes the foremost position in the world as regards the extent of the oil and fat industries.
In the north of Europe, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp and Copenhagen are the largest centres of the oil and fat trade.
The United Ste tes takes the foremost place in the world for the production of cottonseed and maize oils, lard, bone fat and fish oils.
An exceptional position is occupied by wool wax, the main constituent of the natural wool fat which covers the hair of sheep, and is obtained as a by-product in scouring the raw wool.
Wool fat is now being purified on a large scale and brought into commerce, under the name of lanolin, as an I.
Less tender plants can be treated by the analogous method of maceration, which consists in extracting the odoriferous substances by macerating the flowers in hot oil or molten fat.
The essential oil itself can be recovered from the perfumed oils, prepared either by enfleurage or maceration, by agitating the perfumed fat in a shaking machine with pure concentrated alcohol.
But while roasting Fafnir's heart, which Regin had cut out, Sigurd burned his finger with the boiling fat and, placing it to his lips, found that he could understand the language of birds, and so learned from the chattering of the woodpeckers that Regin was planning treachery.
On one side Prometheus arranged the best parts of the ox covered with offal, on the other the bones covered with fat, as the meat was covered in Homeric sacrifices.
Zeus was invited to make his choice, chose the fat, and found only bones beneath.
The fat bitch was trying to negotiate with me!
Maybe he didn't want to screw a fat cow but then when he did want to, I didn't and both of us are too damn stubborn to talk about it.
He was dressed in all black again from turtleneck to heavy boots despite the heat of early afternoon, the color emphasizing the zero body fat of his lean body.
But unlike petite Cynthia, Maria was compact—not fat, but solid.
Cynthia was already in bed, an impossibly fat book in her lap— probably a long drawn out saga where generations of dysfunctional families romp around history.
Then he thought, Screw the diet, and stopped for a six-pack of Fat Tire on his way back to Bird Song.
I had two and you had three and the fat lady down the hall had four, so then I got hers and that mean man.s pillows.
Fat Ella thinks this notebook is our practice!
I had to ball that fat cow Gladys to get in here and then pay a hell of a premium to those guys just to get a room of my own.
Now she was supposed to be an entertainment committee to a sophisticated fat cat.
The three of us live in a five-room ranch with a fat mortgage and less than a thousand dollars in the bank.
Hated the hot and stickies of Norfolk weather and was always after me to transfer him back to Scranton—fat chance of that—or to some bread-basket state out west.
Let's just hope the indictment clicks and they nail the fat bastard Delasandro to the courthouse wall.
A really fat, old, ugly woman with warts, so you're not tempted to replace me.
The fat coats flour particles, and prevents moisture absorption which inhibits gluten formation.
Obesity is a condition in which an abnormal accumulation of excessive fat impairs health.
Obesity is an excessive accumulation of fat in the body - it does not just mean being overweight.
Starving women, female athletes and anorexics with low fat stores experience secondary amenorrhea.
Also, some woman who have body fat can manufacture estrogens from their own adrenal androgens.
Fat tissue is comparatively anhydrous and acts as a resistor to the flow of an electrical signal.
A Uruguay Q In which year did Fat Les sing Vindaloo, Englands unofficial anthem that year?
Their policy seems to consist entirely of sitting on their fat backsides doing absolutely bugger all in response to enquiries from prospective customers.
Examples include measurements on the fat content of farmed salmon, and on cake batters.
Melt the low fat spread over a gentle heat and mix the crushed biscuits into the melted fat.
Leave to settle, then blot off any surface fat using several sheets of paper towel.
Adult seals have a thick layer of fat, called blubber, under their skin.
Ian's guess to the tie breaker question " How many fat cells does the average healthy person have in their body?
And the unsightly bulge of stubborn belly fat isn't the only problem.
He finds them of admirable use in feeding bullocks, and fat and lean sheep.
At Melford fair, good horses were scarce and eagerly sought after, cows started at low prices, fat bullocks in scant supply.
To be an efficient fat burner you need to increase your muscle density.
That's over 4,500 fat calories each day - hardly conducive to fat loss!
The rent was £ 10 per year with two fat hens at Christmas and two fat capons at Easter.
Atkins, low carb, low calorie, low fat, low anything you can name.
No matter what the text books say, we don't convert carbohydrate to fat.
The industry was set up with the fat cats who don't pay out of their own pocket in mind.
This lecture will examine how a common metabolite in both fat and carbohydrate catabolism could hold some insight into metabolic integration.
Obesity In people who are overweight, the fat in their abdominal cavity exerts more pressure on the stomach.
Is it really possible to melt off fat, or massage cellulite away?
The milk was separated by centrifugation into the cell fraction at the bottom, fat at the top and solution in between.
It lets users analyze their personal daily food intake, including total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
And eggs are an excellent source of dietary choline without a high fat intake.
The rich, fat man sat sweating behind his even fatter cigar.
A fire blanket or damp cloth should be used on a fat pan fire.
To make the cobbler rub the fat and the flour together.
Much most effective way to limit calorie intake, therefore, is to reduce the fat content of the diet.
Their recommendations are - Soft tissue contracture around patella and fat pad - Start serial lateral X-rays to follow patellar height.
Swimming Optimum body fat for swimmers has become controversial of late.
A good first step to cutting fat is to buy a good low-fat cookbook.
Finish with a fat slice of chocolate mousse cake or baked cheesecake topped with tropical fruit coulis.
I've always thought that haute couture is just a big fat nothing with its nose in the air.
It's also useful to have some fat crayons, thick washable felt tip pens or chalk.
It is also the name of small round pieces of lean meat such as lamb cutlets with the bone and fat removed.
Fat cells arise from the fibroblast lineage, and consist of a central lipid droplet, surounded by a thin skin of active cytoplasm.
When young,George was handsome and polished but it would seem he was bored with his life and quickly degenerated into a grossly fat debauchee.
You must be in a calorie deficit to burn fat.
The CRF also provides an X-ray densitometer machine to accurately measure total body bone, muscle and fat mass.
Fat can be hard for your body to digest when you are sick, it can cause diarrhea, nausea, gas and bloating.
And eat a sensible low-fat diet so the liver doesn't have to try to process lots of fat.
The combined dioxin and PCB concentrations were in the range 2.5 - 6.1 ng TEQ/kg milk fat.
Hirofumi Ogawa rewrote chunks of the FAT (DOS/Windows fs) code base and made the larger magneto optical disks work.
Milke is the collaboration of esteemed producer Friendly who is also resident DJ at The End's Chew the Fat!
And I got a big fat dollop of water in my eye for my efforts.
If this is not done 80 per cent of the calories from roast duck will be from fat!
They are unscrupulous salespeople earning fat commissions selling dud " investments " .
Both types are often encrusted with a black deposit which visually certainly seems likely to have been formed by burnt fat.
Cooked, peeled single prawns from the North Atlantic are naturally low in fat, with good protein content to boost energy levels.
I would urge everyone to get rid of them and buy a deep fat fryer because they can catch alight so quickly.
To avoid having an oil or fat pan fire use a thermostatically controlled deep fat fryer.
The most common item in a deep fat fryer is the basket where food is put to fry.
For safer deep fat frying choose an electric fryer.
The over 60s who currently use the chip pan to make the teatime favorite may qualify for a safer, deep fat fryer.
The Efco Melting Pot The Efco melting pot looks like a small deep fat fryer.
In fact, the infinity fryer has been scientifically proven to produce food with up to 25% less fat.
The process they use to skim it produces very small fat globules, which are more dangerous than proper fat.
The milk of the Red Poll is higher in protein and has smaller fat globules than other breeds such as the Fresian.
Often round fat globules can be seen within an egg.
How do I get my body burning the fat for stamina or must it burn the glycogen?
I knew I should have kept my fat gob shut.
All focus on using grapefruit at each meal as a way to encourage your body to burn fat.
The gentle undulating ' Weald ' is dotted with hop fields and fat cattle graze in lush green meadows.
And in third place, again represented by a naked greed fat suit, was supermarket giant Tesco.
Bake on a hot griddle or frying pan, using very little fat.
The cod family, which includes haddock, is too endangered and special to batter and drown in fat.
There once was a fat man called Sid, Who ate twenty haggis for five quid.
The pup, on the other hand, rapidly gains weight feeding on milk, which contains about 60% fat.
Their sound includes off-kilter lyrics, blues guitar jangle and wailing harmonica, low down funky drums and fat jazz double bass.
How to make your own fuel How to make a simple heat exchanger Can I burn straight vegetable fat in my diesel engine?
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 Bush Was Right...and he has fat right-wing redneck hicks with guitars to prove it.
Seventy fat hogs made in 4 months, 106 large loads of fine dung.
No definitive answers from Q or Mojo so far, but the fat lady ai n't hollered yet.
Lunch Wholemeal pitta bread filled with a tbs reduced fat hummus, mixed salad, 5 olives and cherry tomatoes.
She could free low fat diet plan hypoglycemia buttocks.
Eating a low fat diet can help to avoid indigestion which is also possible.
It is most often rendered animal fat, restaurant grease, or other oils too rancid or deemed inedible for humans.
There Beetle found a fat arm-chair, a silver inkstand, and unlimited pens and paper.
A simple change from butter to margarine is a simple way to start cutting down on your saturated fat intake.
High carbohydrate intakes reduce appetite far more successfully than high fat intakes.
Undertake High Intensity Workouts The best way to burn fat is to undertake highly intensive aerobic exercise.
When the fat reaches the large intestine, it is partially broken down by the bacteria in the colon.
I had a fat lass on top of me.
Human milk contains the enzyme lipase which helps the baby digest milk fat more efficiently.
Fat pets are more susceptible to fatty tumors called lipomas.
Liposome drugs are standard chemotherapy drugs used to treat KS that are put inside microscopic bubbles of fat called liposome drugs are standard chemotherapy drugs used to treat KS that are put inside microscopic bubbles of fat called liposomes.
Essentially biological liposuction works because it is possible to trick the immune defenses into thinking that the fat cells are appropriate targets for elimination.
In fact, some environmental lobbyists have called for the trade in fat people to be increased.
To get the most lycopene, cook tomatoes with a little " healthful " fat, such as olive oil.
In children, fat malabsorption can lead to a deficiency of vitamin E characterized by abnormal red blood cell development.
Melt 40g (1½oz) reduced fat margarine with 75g (2¾oz) dark chocolate, cool slightly then beat in an egg yolk.
Simply spread a little marmite over 2 crispbreads, then pile 75g (2¾ oz) low fat cottage cheese on top.
Over the 12-week period, there were no differences between the two groups in lean body mass or per cent body fat.
Lunch 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 1 hard boiled egg mixed with ½ tbs reduced fat mayo, sliced spring onion.
Your Mother is so fat that... she puts mayonnaise on aspirin.
Brakes Healthier Choices Potato Salad contains diced, cooked potatoes and onions bound in a low fat mayonnaise with parsley.
The pills also purport to stimulate the metabolism, breaking down fat.
They found that gut microbes can open the ' ' gates ' ' fat uses to enter the body's fat cells.
Foods high in fat and sugar tend to be poor sources of the essential micronutrients.
For a reduced fat version use light condensed milk, which is made using skimmed milk.
In India, the fat skimmed from the top of the broth was supposed to help children avoid misfortune.
Your typical coffee-shop frappuccino and large mocha with cream have about 26 grams of fat.
It is a component of lecithin, which helps facilitate the movement of fat from the liver into cells.
Joe's bike has a fat rear mudguard, mine doesn't.
Day 7 Breakfast Small glass of fruit juice 2 heaped tbs sugar-free muesli topped with a pot of low fat yogurt.
I saw a mangy mutt the other day trotting along the road with a big fat dead one in his mouth.
The last time I walked past one, I found the smell of fat and small children rather nauseous.
Abacavir's contribution to body fat changes is thought to be fairly negligible.
We started using liquid nitrogen at the Fat Duck five or six years ago.
The brain is over 50% fat and needs oils to be properly nourished.
Avoid dishes with cashew nuts they are over 50% fat!
It is now virtually trans fat free and does not contain hydrogenated vegetable oils.
In particular, red meat contains oleic acid, the same type of fat that's found in olive oil.
Try to choose foods high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat such as vegetable oils e.g. olive and sunflower oil.
Cheese now outranks meat as the number one source of saturated fat in our diets.
A fat ox is a finer thing than a cheese, however good.
In both trials, total fat oxidation was higher and the total ingested carbohydrates oxidation lower in the boys than in the men.
The report mentions that 26% of all fires were caused by fat or oil catching fire and 16% by grill pans.
The fire service will also exchange old chip pans for new deep fat fryers free of charge.
Yes, yesterday I enjoyed that classic Japanese pastime of watching fat people falling down.
Down came poor Mr Hudson upon his fat paunch.
Personally I think it's Heston and not Moore who is the big fat phony.
And the key to doing that appears to lie in fat molecules called phospholipids.
Christmas pudding with half the fat No Christmas meal is complete without a traditional plum pudding, flaming in brandy and smothered with custard.
We believe the secret of cooking succulent pork lies in the slow maturing qualities of the meat allied with a good covering of fat.
It is getting too much pseudo fat from the factory, which is overloading it.
Regardless, while the movement of players comes very easily, getting the puck past a big fat goalie is another issue.
Andy died, Liza got fat, and the rest of us were condemned to a shabby and joyless social purgatory.
A large, fat man in a suit and light raincoat was giving himself gray hairs with the Telegraph crossword.
After a hard night being blown by the winds and knocked by hailstones and big fat raindrops, it felt happy and safe.
We can also take in extra doses by eating food in which the fat has turned rancid, by smoking or drinking alcohol.
I got some tea to take home with me, now I just need the fat rascals.
Three fat candles shimmered a warm glow, but barely penetrated the darkest recesses of the tiny croft kitchen.
Did you know that tasty Game is lower in fat and cholesterol than other red meats?
Instead, they show a picture of a fat man in a green suit pulled about in a chariot drawn by reindeer.
Pour away any extra excess fat from the tray leaving all residue behind.
That's right, those skinny modern racing tires are evolved from a fat old roadster!
I thoroughly enjoyed myself and have already made two nice fat chunky roulades!
I find it strange the way Morgan Webster, the fat little runt they have the sense of humor to call a singer.
Examples of foods which use biopolymers in this way include reduced fat spreads and reduced fat salad dressings.
Vegetables increase satiety and keep blood sugar concentrations steady so that the muscle building, fat burning process isn't interrupted.
Many people in the UK are eating too much fat, especially saturated fat.
Making sure the fat chips were not left out, I offered my chili sauce.
Then make a cheese sauce using the butter and fat in the saucepan, the flour, milk, cheese and a little seasoning.
City fans applauded it then serenaded back to halfway with chants of " you fat b*stard " .
Thus, beef fat is more saturated than chicken fat and vegetable shortening is more saturated than vegetable oil.
He's even shunned by the kids at the fat table at school, friendless and alone.
Nutritional Information A bowl of porridge with skimmed or semi skimmed milk provides a low fat, high carbohydrate breakfast or snack.
Why would I want some fat slag on TV playing with herself with a wine bottle?
The fat youth described the town in Poland where I had spent Christmas, and made some unpleasant personal slurs against me.
Thin Teachers Fat Teachers Mad about their cat Teachers And wearing white spats Teachers.
A young starling begs to be fed by the adult on the insect treat fat block.
I think there is less stigma attached to being a fat bloke than being a fat woman.
The undigested fat also traps water in the feces, resulting in pale, bulky, greasy stools which are difficult to flush away.
Here and there may been seen fat old tradesman taking the bottled stout.
I should think Dr. Butler or any other fat English Divine would take two utter strangers into his library and show them the way!
It is located in the anterior stroma of the cornea and consists of an infiltration of lipid (fat ).
Stir the prune puree together with 2 tbsp sugar free muesli into 300ml low fat bio-yoghurt and serve.
Mrs. Morley also produced a very handsome silver spirit teapot, won at the Barnet Fat Stock Show, possibly by Mr Charles Morley.
Sometimes products may be low fat, yet taste terrible!
You left at 2.15 this morning sucking on a big fat Cuban and half in the bag favorite tipple?
And who cares that five years ago we had virtually the same story (" fat naked man reflected in chrome toaster " )?
Research indicates that they may lower plasma triglyceride (blood fat) levels.
I reckon another 8-10 weeks tops to include a final two weeks of fat trimming at the end!
The one who thinks the way to present a baked potato is to ` smash ` it with his fat little trotter.
Each cheddar truckle is approximately 40cm in diameter, 30cm high, 25kg in weight and has a fat content of 48% .
He will, of course, be thought of as the fat, sweaty turd he is.
Causes pressure ulcers tend to develop on areas of the body that have little body fat to cover them.
Although they may appear very underweight they will feel fat.
Mix a 200g tub of low fat soft cheese with 1 beaten egg, 2 tbsp powdered sweetener and 1 tsp vanilla extract.
He is seen to throw a vase at Lenny and shout, ' You fat fool!
From local forests, wild venison is a healthy meat, low in fat.
I'm a fat wad, a cushion for fingers.
The end of program joke is about " a new low fat communion wafer " .
Tourism tends to be upmarket here too so pack a fat wallet if you plan to eat or drink here.
I think he was a big, fat daddy walrus.
If fat wasting develops, will switching to another drug restore the fat?
Group 2 had reduced energy from fat by 8.0 per cent and also lost 1.2 kg body weight and 1.4 per cent body fat.
Pine Cone's Report by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA Well, the fat wench did it again.
I think he is telling a big fat whopper.
He conned billions of people with a big fat whopper.
Fat to the to familiarize yourself broken windscreen then the conventional group.
A few fat raindrops hit the windshield and Polly knew she should get out.
For a lovely rhubarb fool, mix 150g low fat plain yogurt with 150g low fat soft cheese.
He is said to have been vain and fat, and to have been so fond of display that he was nicknamed Pompicus, or the Showy (unless the epithet refers to his literary style).
The seams are principally above water levels and in many cases have been laid bare by erosion; and the supply is varied - besides a " fat coking, gassy bituminous," there are an excellent grade of splint coal (first mined in 1864 at Coalburg, Kanawha county) and (except that in Kentucky) the only important supply of cannel coal in the United States.
An abundance of lean meat and a moderate amount of fat well distributed constitutes a better carcase, and a more economical one for the consumer, than a carcase in which gross accumulations of fat are prominent.
If from some cause the cell be damaged in such a way as to produce disintegration of the cytoplasm, there will be a breaking down of that combination, so that the fat will be set free from the complex protein molecule in which it was combined as a soap-albumin, and will become demonstrable by the usual methods as small droplets of oil.
The fat cells are increased and infiltrate the connective tissue between the bundles of muscle fibres.
At Gotha he heard Goethe read his I phigenie auf Tauris, and made the acquaintance of the dignified Herder and "fat little Wieland."
The Mantispidae are remarkable among the Neuroptera for their elongate prothorax, raptorial fore-legs and hypermetamorphic life-history, the young campodeiform larva becoming transformed into a fat cruciform grub parasitic on young spiders or wasp-larvae (see Mantis-Fly).
To ordinary spectators the lady appeared to be a short, fat, coarse woman, painted half an inch thick, dressed in gaudy colours, and fond of exhibiting provincial airs and graces which were not exactly those of the Queensberrys and Lepels.
This leads to the proverbial "lean years" and "fat years."
It may be vain to ask why the imagination will not be reconciled to flesh and fat.
Since Prince Andrew had last seen him Kutuzov had grown still more corpulent, flaccid, and fat.
Traditional quiche would be higher in ' bad ' or saturated fat due to the pastry.
Buy a gas mask and smear it with rancid animal fat.
Sealants based on fat however have a shorter lifespan and must be renewed periodically.
That 's right, those skinny modern racing tires are evolved from a fat old roadster !
I thoroughly enjoyed myself and have already made two nice fat chunky roulades !
Investigate the effect on viscosity on the type or quantity of fat used in a basic roux sauce.
You can cut down on pure fat by reducing extras, such as salad dressings and butter on bread.
Vegetables increase satiety and keep blood sugar concentrations steady so that the muscle building, fat burning process is n't interrupted.
This is a simple way to reduce your saturated fat intake.
The causes are the same old suspects - too little fiber, saturated fat, cholesterol and obesity.
So when you think you 're cool scooting around, all I see is a fat red Po saying " Eh oh " !
The sound of your sizzling fat legs will be drowned only by the sound of your screams of agony.
City fans applauded it then serenaded back to halfway with chants of " you fat b*stard ".
Place haunch on serving dish and pour off all but 1 tablespoon of fat from the roasting tin.
Think I have shaved off some of the fat last week.
One of Kiernan 's creations in the sketch show Chewin ' the Fat is a short-tempered man always blowing his fuse.
He 's even shunned by the kids at the fat table at school, friendless and alone.
To make the gravy skim off any excess fat from the roasting tin.
Choose lean meat / mince and skinless chicken / poultry and trim all visible fat before cooking.
But Sahar had developed a passion for the skinny lattes and fat free muffins she had seen in New York.
She felt repelled by her old and fat husband, and sought solace in the company of other men.
Excess intakes of fat - soluble vitamins are not recommended.
There might be some big, fat, squelching analog bass on that particular track.
Special high fat diets can help to keep the body 's energy needs supplied whilst starving the tumor.
Omega 3 fats are a particular type of polyunsaturated fat that reduce the stickiness of blood, making it less likely to clot.
I should think Dr. Butler or any other fat English Divine would take two utter strangers into his library and show them the way !
It is located in the anterior stroma of the corn