Faster Sentence Examples
I can get there a lot faster by plane.
The memories came faster.
Her steps went faster.
He moved faster than she was able to follow.
With his return to work, things at the house shifted to a faster pace.
The dreams bombarded him faster now.
He'd heal four times faster than a normal human, but it wasn't fast enough.
As her excitement grew, she spoke faster.
The more she did for herself, the faster she would heal.
The reason is that the heat produced in a given time in a wire is proportional to the square of the strength of the current passing through it, and hence the rate at which the heat is produced in the wire, and therefore its temperature, increases much faster than the current itself increases.
AdvertisementShe forced her legs to move faster, stumbling and almost falling in the deep sand.
As much as she would like to have offered to walk while he rode, she knew they would cover ground faster if she rode and he walked.
The air was cold, brisk, the snowflakes falling faster.
Her heart began to beat even faster, and she pulled free the laser gun.
The railroad is close enough now that wagons can reach it from Ashley faster than we can cross the desert.
AdvertisementHolding the bill made her hands sweat and her heart beat faster.
She waited, her breathing growing shallower and faster.
The more the warlords used the magic for themselves, the worse their fates and the faster their madness came.
Any other time she probably would have let him grab a mouthful to munch on his way down, but the storm was getting closer faster than she anticipated.
The petite woman who materialized out of the shadows wasn't what he expected. Her flawless features were unremarkable, her large eyes turning colors faster than his.
AdvertisementI wanted to protect you. Rhyn and Gabe came to find you, but I knew I could find you faster, so I came with a shapeshifter.
I find I get on faster, and do better work with Mr. Keith than I did in the classes at the Cambridge School, and I think it was well that I gave up that kind of work.
He recovered faster and snatched her purse, rummaging through it before he dropped it on the couch.
Surprisingly, Darcie was good company, which helped the trip go by faster.
He forced his blood out faster and faster.
AdvertisementThey sprinted, only to find the interloper faster.
They obeyed faster than they ever would a command from the Black God, who still struggled to control his vamps.
I suppose the rain this week has it flowing faster.
Every time I get close to you, my heart beats faster.
Flying cars, faster cars, more features in cars, we all get that.
If she's yours, I'll kill her faster.
He watched as she tossed more clothing into her suitcase, certain what he wanted to say would only make her pack faster.
They were going fast, much faster than he expected.
Darian, I swear you've gotten even faster.
Ed continued down the trail, walking faster.
It is notable that that of the South Atlantic group has grown faster since 1860 than ever before, despite the Civil War and the conditions of an.
Xander's reflexes were faster than hers.
He lowered his head to the side of her neck away from the camera and nuzzled her neck in a way that made her heart race faster.
On the right, towards which the faster ion travels, five molecules of salt are left, being a loss of two from the original seven.
The ions will therefore diffuse independently, and the faster ion will travel quicker into pure water in contact with a solution.
The ions carry their charges with them, and, as a matter of fact, it is found that water in contact with a solution takes with respect to it a positive or negative potential, according as the positive or negative ion travels the faster.
We can therefore calculate the rate at which the salt as a whole will diffuse by examining the conditions for a steady transfer, in which the ions diffuse at an equal rate, the faster one being restrained and the slower one urged forward by the electric forces.
Immediately before arrest the heart may beat much faster than normally, though with extreme irregularity, and in the lower animals the auricles may be observed occasionally to miss a beat, as in poisoning by veratrine and colchicum.
The total population in the Lebanon proper is about 400,000, and is increasing faster than the development of the province will admit.
It has been found that the reaction proceeds faster when the solution is heated.
Everywhere the city population is increasing faster than the rural.
They are increasing somewhat faster than the Germans, and the efforts of the colonization commission have done little to promote the immigration of German farmers.
The consequence is that the compression travels rather faster, and the extension rather slower, than at the speed found above.
And in pursuing this thought he found that those consonances which beat faster than six times in a second are the very same that musicians treat as concords; and that others which beat slower are the discords; and he adds that when a consonance is a discord at a low pitch and a concord at a high one, it beats sensibly at the former pitch but not at the latter."
The united fleet was formidable rather in number than in quality; the battleships were of very unequal value, and the faster vessels were tied to the movements of many " lame ducks."
The huge warships "Italia" and "Dandolo" were his work, though he afterwards abandoned their type in favour of smaller and faster vessels of the "Varese" and the "Garibaldi" class.
Its highly nutritious leaves and stems are usually consumed by folding the sheep upon it where it grows, there is no green food upon which they fatten faster.
It one regards the larger units, they held naturally a little more of the total population of the countryjust a third (33.1%; ten times their proportion of the countrys total in 1790); and they grew a little faster.
Hounds hunt as well as ever they did, are probably faster on the whole, and in the principal hunts more thoroughbred horses are employed.
Road bikes are pure delight on a decent road surface, much faster than either hybrids or mountain bikes.
As a consequence you will become a faster marathoner.
Mice colonies also grow faster than rats thanks to their ability to reach sexual maturity quicker.
And this is the reason why some people tan faster than others - we form melanin at differing rates.
Each load takes about 1 microsecond, faster than the CPU can write the 8-bit value.
The kernel level Midi input means that from midi trigger to audio output will be even faster than before.
On average, an adult spider molts once a year whilst younger spiders may molts once a year whilst younger spiders may molt more regularly due to their bodies growing faster.
Types of bike moped A moped A moped has an engine no larger than 50cc, weighs less than 250kg and goes no faster than 50kmph.
Mr Galloway reported that these only worked where the scheme was much cheaper and faster than using a private motor vehicle.
The Ramones merely played rock music, only faster!
Many swimmers shave their legs to reduce friction against the water so that they are able to swim faster.
Uncontested divorces move faster than other types of divorces.
Invest in a faster oven, additional frosting stations, or even a better pair of shoes to let Jill move faster.
But in all other parts of the country the increase is faster than in the South; since aside from agriculture, which has long been in a relatively stable condition, there is not by any means so strong a movement of women into professional services in city districts.
By the Constitution the tax rate is limited to $5 on the thousand, and, as the rate of taxation has increased faster than the taxable property, the state has been forced to contract several temporary loans since 1901, none of which has exceeded $200,000, the limit for each year set by the Constitution.
Plantations have been made in America with an economic view, the tree growing much faster, and producing good timber at an earlier age than the native hackmatack (or tamarack), while the wood is less ponderous, and therefore more generally applicable.
Since some ions are more mobile than others, a separation will ensue when water is placed in contact with a solution, the faster moving ion penetrating quicker into the water under the driving force of the osmotic pressure gradient.
The separation also sets up electrostatic forces, which increase until they are strong enough to drag the slower moving ions along faster, and to retard the naturally faster ions till they travel at the same rate.
On the other hand, the cost of iron ore is likely to rise much faster than that of the potential aluminium ores, clay and its derivatives, because of the vast extent and richness of the deposits of this latter class.
In the Bessemer process, and indeed in most high-temperature processes, to operate on a large scale has, in addition to the usual economies which it offers in other industries, a special one, arising from the fact that from a large hot furnace or hot mass in general a very much smaller proportion of its heat dissipates through radiation and like causes than from a smaller body, just as a thin red-hot wire cools in the air much faster than a thick bar equally hot.
The acid process goes on much faster, because in it the heat insulating layer of slag is much thinner.
At this instant the outer layers, because of their contact with the cold mould, are cooling much faster than the inner ones, and hence tend to contract faster.
For much the same reason rolling proceeds much faster than drawing, and on both these accounts it is incomparably the cheaper of the two.
His father shared the theories on that subject of Condorcet and Godwin; and his son combated them on the ground that the realization of a happy society will always be hindered by the miseries consequent on the tendency of population to increase faster than the means of subsistence.
For pace and endurance no hunter approaches the English thoroughbred; and for a bold man who "means going," a steeplechase horse is often the best animal that could be obtained, for when he has become too slow to win races "between the flags," he can always gallop much faster, and usually lasts much longer, than animals who have not his advantage of blood.
It appears that the Mahommedans generally tend to increase at a faster rate than the Hindus.
The only hope of rescuing the industry from total disappearance lies in the fact that the natural indigo gives a faster dye than the manufactured product, while an effort has also been made to introduce the Java-Natal seed into India, which gives a much heavier yield, and so may be better able to compete in price with synthetic indigo.
It is naturally fairly close to the apex of the faster drift, but is displaced from it in the direction of the apex of the other drift.
A faster writes down his visions and revelations for a whole season.
The significance of a common name and a common blood is immensely enhanced by its association with mystic rights and duties, and the pulse of brotherhood beats faster.
The back, accordingly, moves faster than the front, and the whole is packed together; as when an ice-floe drives against the shore, the ice breaks and the outer fragments ride over those within.
The wine, however, contains alcohol and water, both of which evaporate, but the alcohol faster than the water, so that the superficial layer becomes more watery.
Of these gravity has no effect on the form of the stream except in drawing asunder its parts in a vertical direction, because the lower parts are moving faster than the upper parts.
The waves produced by the body will travel forwards faster than the body till they reach a distance from it at which the relative velocity of the body and the fluid is equal to the velocity of propagation corresponding to the wave-length.
Images came crowding on his mind faster than he could put them into words, quagmires and pits, steep hills, dark and horrible glens, soft vales, sunny pastures, a gloomy castle, of which the courtyard was strewn with the skulls and bones of murdered prisoners, a town all bustle and splendour, like London on the Lord Mayor's Day, and the narrow path, straight as a rule could make it, running on up hill and down hill, through city and through wilderness, to the Black River and the Shining Gate.
Pending more conclusive evidence from the spectroscope, the interpretation of the peculiar surface rotation of the sun appears to be that the central parts of the body are rotating faster than those outside them; for if such were the case the observed phenomenon would arise.
The dimensions of the pulleys are generally so arranged that the return motion of the lathe spindle is faster than the forward motion.
Since the theory of geological cataclysms was abandoned, and that of slow modifications of the crust of the earth accepted, new data have been obtained in the Aral-Caspian region to show that the rate of modification after the close of the Glacial period, although still very slow, was faster than had been supposed from the evidence of similar changes now going on in Europe and America.
Later than they, but proceeding faster, came the Zulu-Xosa (" Kaffir ") peoples, who followed a line nearer the coast and outflanked them, surrounding them on the south.
The Sudanese camel is lighter, faster and better bred than the camel of Egypt.
Whether the race-horse of to-day is as good as the stock to which he traces back has often been disputed, chiefly no doubt because he is brought to more early maturity, commencing to win races at two years instead of at five years of age, as in the days of Childers and Eclipse; but the highest authorities, and none more emphatically than the late Admiral Rous, have insisted that he can not only stay quite as long as his ancestors, but also go a good deal faster.
The process is analogous to the optical experiment of looking at a quickly rotating wheel or engine through slits in a disk, rotating slightly faster or slower than the object observed.
Nothing made the hours pass faster than a lively discussion, and Fritz was always fair game.
Talon didn't even bother to beckon for her to move faster but instead turned back around.
Her movements were faster than any Guardian's.
Past-Death was visibly torn, her eyes changing colors faster and faster as she thought.
Happiness and pleasure caused it to grow faster.
The doctor said that he thought it might be psychological and Carmen asked if it was possible that he would recover faster at home.
I regenerate blood faster than it can be drained.
Wow, werewolves heal even faster than vampires.
Since learning that Elisabeth regenerated blood faster than it could be drained, he didn't buy the protection theory anymore, and was convinced this was some kind of well-deserved penance.
Her hopes rose as he started forward at a faster pace, until she realized he hadn't yet abandoned his pursuit of concentric circles. By the time dawn came, she was breathless from keeping up with him, and the jungle looked as if it'd never end.
His lips brushed hers again, the light pressure nonetheless making her pulse fly faster.
The silver of her eyes grew brighter and swirled faster, mesmerizing Jessi.
He showed exemplary track manners, almost coming to a halt on occasion to let faster cars past.
I bought a new Ethernet adapter for my new PC, on the basis that my browser would load things faster.
Some systems using ISDN2 provide the facility for using additional B channels to allow faster data transfer rates.
It seems Jones was willing to risk the inevitable backlash to go faster.
Now Issac started thinking about a cannons, now he knew that the faster you fired the cannon ball the further it went.
In these sections where the water runs faster and is quite weedy in the summer months, lie the haunts of very large barbel.
As well as tiny exfoliating beads, it also contains vitamins A and E to encourage faster cell regeneration.
A bumble bee is faster than a John Deere tractor.
Down the faster runs and chutes, artfully wedged pine boles clog the current with trouty habitat.
It should be noted that CloseView feature is redundant since most SuperMac cards already have a faster zooming feature built-in.
Going on Holiday and want to get a message back home faster than a speeding bullet!
The Player provides faster access to top activities, such as ripping, burning, and syncing.
During long easy runs, you could include some faster cadence every now and then.
To make it faster, reduce the capacitance to 10% of original value (10 mfd ).
On day three we were making excellent progress but we could have gone faster if Cpl Kayani's legs did n't chafe.
Faster street bike acceleration cheats With any street motorcycle, use weight control and hold back to wheelie.
A study of young chimpanzees living in the wild might explain the biological reason why infant girls tend to learn faster than infant boys.
Can you recommend four times faster are not constitutionally spiced chips grilled chorizo.
Equally media commentators have been quick to demand Thames repair more pipes faster.
Since I raised the compression ratio not only can my P-type go faster but I am also inclined to drive it faster.
This same extended network also supports proton conduction, a flow of positive electricity that occurs much faster than the diffusion of ions.
A direct fiber connection can be over 1000 times faster than Broadband.
Even with faster connections, not many people will hang around long enough to download a huge file.
Few things get your balls boiling faster than watching a scantily-clad cutie slowly strip down to her skin, but strip clubs suck!
Never before has a shifter and rear derailleur been faster, lighter and more precise than the new SRAM X.0 system.
Nothing defeats the devil faster than ignoring what he's trying to stir up.
They are getting used to thinking faster now, and so are becoming more disciplined.
Income in kind from greater ownership of consumer durables implies only slightly faster income growth at the bottom.
He was running in dead earnest now, faster than he had ever run in his life.
Low GI foods eaten before prolonged exercise may improve endurance, whereas high GI foods lead to faster muscle glycogen replenishment after exercise.
Ethernet adapter for my new PC, on the basis that my browser would load things faster.
The June release is significantly faster and has improved memory handling.
Overall, domestic prices are expected to fall at a slightly faster rate over the next four months than the last.
Equipment is now available, however, which will allow much faster processing with digital equipment.
Is trade in services growing faster than trade in goods?
Whether you're into swimming or not, " Swimming slower to swim faster ", an interesting book never the less.
Initiatives and projects DLR extensions The award-winning Docklands Light Railroad has expanded faster than any UK railroad to cope with demand.
The program got faster, easier to use and install and includes some new features.
Q Quickfencer Faster, lighter, easier and safer Lamma show 2004/2005 winner Models available for equestrian fencing.
I think it is much faster and more convenient that creating your own flashcards.
I fell a bit short, placing third, but swam faster than I had as a college freshman 37 years ago.
If one favored a deeper shelter, why not a better gas mask, a more rapid firing machine gun, a faster tank?
The new name is probably the worst-kept secret around and justifies us saying that the deaf community grapevine moves faster than Australian bushfire.
This is because last year he misread an article about faster refresh rates curing headaches.
Some studies show that HIV makes hep C destroy the liver faster than it does in people who have hep C alone.
The call starts out as a loud, slow honk that becomes faster and quieter as the goose runs out of air.
Hormone therapy The male hormone therapy The male hormone called testosterone can make prostate cancer grow faster.
If Andretti had driven a few hundredths of a second faster and got pole he would have been scuppered.
Burning is done in the fire room, the high pressure draft sucks pages into the flaming inferno faster than you can count.
In Spain you have the option of the local Talgo, the faster intercity and the long-distance high-speed AVE.
Version 1.5 is faster and with more features than its predecessor Version 1.0, while maintaining the same easy-to-use interface.
Already, the researchers demonstrated that their technology is 20 to 100 times faster than conventional phase-shifting interferometers.
I started the game contact Irene faster than state.
Differences in frame rates are responsible for old films looking jerky with everyone walking around faster.
Some prefer a gentle social jog, some a faster pace, whilst a few aspire to the marathon.
Start using a walking pace, then progress to a slow jog, then to a faster jog.
We did a 180 degree turn and Paul shouted to keep going as the single kayaks turn much faster than us in a double.
There is a point at which the working muscles are producing lactic acid at a faster rate than the body can remove it.
Choose the wrong agent and your problems can pile up faster than junk mail in a vacant apartment's letterbox.
A world of ever faster change makes lifelong learning a necessity, not a luxury.
These relatively long-lived stars may have been feeding the black hole for longer, allowing it to spin up to faster rates.
Nowhere in the country has been faster to grasp the biotech nettle than Dundee.
Artificial damsel nymphs can be fished with faster pulls than you'd use with smaller nymphs.
Find Out Faster - Library overdue reminders sent by email The Library will shortly be sending overdue reminders sent by email The Library will shortly be sending overdue reminders by e-mail.
Individuals who use the overlay without prompting and continue to do so long-term usually read faster with the chosen overlay.
In soils containing little phosphorus, plants with mycorrhizae have been shown to grow up to 20 times faster than those without.
You will learn how to help reduce or eliminate back pain and get faster and better results than you have ever thought possible.
Do you think that Freya was in the occiput posterior position, which would explain why your labor didn't progress faster?
The main 26,000-year effect is called luni-solar precession; the smaller, faster, periodic terms are called the nutation.
Pentium processors are generally faster and more powerful than Celeron processors.
Faster pull-ups You can do pull-ups a lot faster by doing a drop catch.
You can find the answers to things, and you're very quick-witted, picking up ideas and talking faster than other people.
The faster a data recovery service gets the assignment, the better your chances of getting back in business quickly.
The secondary hydraulic pump supplies the push bar lock and winch, and provides for faster cylinder retraction.
These allowed a faster flow of water which scoured the riverbed, taking huge amounts of silt downstream into the Firth of Clyde.
They can catch fish up to 30 times faster than other seabirds.
In addition, subjects who took selenium cleared the virus from their bodies faster than the placebo subjects.
The new boat will be faster and more manageable, as well as easier for the skipper to work single-handed.
The research experiments have shown that ionization type smoke detectors reacted faster for all research fires than optical type smoke detectors.
Its ink dries much faster than fountain pen ink does, so the letters wo n't smudge any more while you're writing.
It has been claimed that ' computer use in qualitative sociology is advancing faster than in quantitative research ' (Hinze 1987 ).
In fact the industry uses fast-growing softwoods, which are being replanted faster than they are being used.
He also worked with the Edinburgh Microfabrication Facility on an ambitious wafer stepper which would make microcircuits much faster.
Since swimming speed is correlated with upper-body strength, it seems that upgrading upper-body strength should help athletes swim faster.
Nothing can ruin your vacation faster than painful sunburn.
These are largely tax-free - which means they should grow much faster.
Over the next century, Earthâs average surface temperature could rise faster than at any time in the last 10,000 years.
Despite the rugged terrain, the pace is varied, with regular faster sections.
For example, male athletics tend to gain muscle faster then female due to the (anabolic) sex hormone testosterone.
With the advent of faster computers, models become tractable which previously were not.
He pushed their empty luggage trolley a little faster.
For example, replacing typewriters on every desk with computer terminals may only result in faster typing.
But the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays reflect off water making you burn faster.
But then the tires would go off, and I'd get understeer which meant I couldn't stay in the faster low line.
A couple of miles further on I passed the young upstart barely going faster than walking pace.
They dry faster, are crease resistant and can withstand frequent washing.
Quick Turning Speed The extra rear line webbing creates a faster turning kite.
I rip across the rope faster than Bruce Lee in an effort not to get any wetter.
Even the slightest sounds now made her heart beat faster - grit scratching under her shoes, someone whispering, her own quiet breathing.
Slim & Aerobics Lose weight faster and help keep it off with the ultimate in cardio-vascular workouts.
More cuts would simply bring the knacker's yard closer, faster.
Unfortunately his extremely zealous brand of police work means that Starsky burns through partners faster than his beloved Gran Torino goes through spark plugs.
Yet, the faster planets form aspects to Pluto on their own journeys round the zodiac, thus pulling longterm issues into shorter-term contexts.
Gases at high pressures fail to conform to Boyle's law, and solu tions at moderate concentrations give osmotic pressures which increase faster than the concentration.
Its wooden legs moved so fast that their twinkling could scarcely be seen, and although so much smaller than the cab-horse it covered the ground much faster.
The pace of innovation and accomplishment is already fast but will grow even faster.
Algorithms get smarter, computers faster.
Since I have abandoned the idea of regular lessons, I find that Helen learns much faster.
In the intervals of the dance the count, breathing deeply, waved and shouted to the musicians to play faster.
Get on! when it was impossible to go any faster.
You can find the answers to things, and you 're very quick-witted, picking up ideas and talking faster than other people.
Intel Corp.âs mobile platforms group is ramping WiMAX faster than originally thought.
Planning policy has allowed more concrete, faster run-off and lower recharge of groundwater.
The list of genetically improved plants also includes potatoes, flax, rice, sugar beet, wheat, chicory and faster ripening tomatoes.
The changed breath in the mouth of the faster is more fragrant to Allah than the scent of musk.
Best of all 101 have vastly improved their Site Searching facility - so you can find what you want faster.
The second verse returns to the faster semiquaver pattern which develops into runs, sometimes chromatic, up and down the keyboard.
A knob of 808 and a shovelful of coal will give you a hot stove faster than anything else I know !
I 've drastically shrunk the amount of code for this page, which should mean it'll load faster.
The faster silicate rocks " weather ", the faster carbon is removed from the atmosphere.
Its ink dries much faster than fountain pen ink does, so the letters wo n't smudge any more while you 're writing.
It has been claimed that ' computer use in qualitative sociology is advancing faster than in quantitative research ' (Hinze 1987).
Some of the benefits measured WILL relate to faster journey times by train and hardship issues, but som eof the costs are incredible.
Twin spark plugs per cylinder also make for faster, more efficient combustion and cut polluting emissions.
Hard drives are bigger, CD writers are faster, graphics cards can turn a lower spec machine into a video editing suite.
Powered by new steam turbines she had a top speed of 21 knots, 3 knots faster than battleships with traditional piston engines.
Goldrush allows you to play faster and to do strafe jumps, immediately after the jump.
Hair Formula 37 is a new way to have faster growing, healthier, hair to start your hair style off right.
Your own kernel lacks superfluous elements and is therefore faster and more stable.
These are best observed by looking at the voltage field around an operating tesla coil with a much faster timebase setting.
Remember - racehorses are taught to go faster when you tighten the reins !
But the sun 's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays reflect off water making you burn faster.
But then the tires would go off, and I 'd get understeer which meant I could n't stay in the faster low line.
That is an upload speed up to eight times faster than ADSL.
The Samurai 2 fly 's faster which has increased its upwind ability.
Stream out allows the graphics card to output the pixel or vertex shader information directly to the memory, allowing faster access time.
The higher the wattage rating the faster the mat will heat up - go for the higher value.
We predict that the number of Hard-core climbers will grow faster than the number of Weekend warriors.
Hard Drives Some hard drives can make quite a loud whining noise with faster ones being even noisier in many cases.
The second experiment was to see whether putting banana skins under cabbage plants made them grow faster as the old wives tale suggests.
Some of these Early Warning Signs might be heart beating faster, butterflies in the tummy, wobbly knees.
It is faster to just do it right the first time so that you don't have to redo it.
Understandably, Emma decided to stay home from school to recover from her illness faster.
By knowing exactly where you are on the path, and what to do at that point in time, your odds of success will increase and you will get to success faster.
The more data you acquire, the faster you'll spot the customer preference trends and be able to morph your product effectively.
Better conversion rates mean that you will gain more margin - which you can either retain, or spend on marketing to grow your business faster.
Agility counts, and a smaller developmental team can adjust and iterate faster than a large one.
Breast milk is digested and assimilated faster than formula, so baby will generally be hungrier in less time than a formula fed infant.
There are many small nuances in infant development that can go unnoticed, and an early diagnosis will lead to faster and often more effective treatment.
Breastfeeding can help to shrink a mother's uterus faster.
The swinging speeds range from very slow and soothing to a faster pace that is suitable for entertaining baby when he or she is fully awake.
A dad with a baby in a stroller is a great way to receive offers to cut into lines and get faster to the cashier at a grocery store.
Additionally, some children may be taller or heavier than their peers, graduating them out of some models of car seats faster.
Other people prefer the standard sized bath towels because they are easier to store and they dry faster than bath sheets.
Convection ovens – Convection ovens feature built-in fans which circulate the air inside the appliance, allowing for faster cooking times and more even cooking.
The thinner the plating, the faster it will wear off and begin to look tarnished and worn out.
One of the most important things to know about road racing bikes is the lighter they are, the faster they can go.
Short skis turn much faster than long skis, but long skis are more stable when you're skiing at a very fast speed.
The more memory you have, the faster your computer runs.
It is usually a little faster this way, since many people worry about plates getting lost in the mail or stolen.
By contrast, Windows-based PCs are usually more easily upgraded (more RAM, bigger hard drives, faster optical drives, etc.), have more programs (both free and for purchase), and are usually cheaper.
Lighter rackets allow you to swing faster (and thus harder) and have more powerful shots, but heavier rackets are more stable and are less likely to result in missed shots.
Shorter trucks mated with smaller wheels make kick flips the easiest, but taller trucks allow for bigger wheels, and thus faster speeds.
Faster antivirus programs exist, but they are often more complicated to use or do not offer similar protection.
You can also enter the author's name or ISBN number (if you know it) to help you find what you need faster.
The faster the total bus cycle is, the more memory you will need to handle it.
Memory is very important if you are looking for a faster PC.
They also offer higher cold cranking amperage, faster recharging times and have better resistance to heat and vibration.
Birdwatchers will need a faster focus while someone watching moose foraging in a field won't need much speed.
In cold climate areas, these pools may degrade faster due to exposure to ice and snow.
A boat that is used for commercial operations like tours or fishing charters can potentially require faster charging times than boats used for recreation.
The difference between the two is that the .38 special has a longer shell with more powder behind it so the bullet goes faster.
FireWire is a faster connection and is excellent if you plan on scan a lot of photos or need high quality digital images that will become a large file.
Since long kayaks are faster and can turn quicker, racers will enjoy the speed and better performance in the water.
A laser printer, however, can print much faster than an inkjet printer.
In order to keep up with all of these demands that come with an active lifestyle, many people opt to purchase electronic calendars that are much easier and faster to use.
Gamers also tend to prefer these because they have faster response times.
The more memory your laptop has, the faster and more efficient the system will run.
This is much faster and much more convenient.
However, depending on your budget, desktops will usually have more memory, faster and more efficient processors, substantially more hard drive space and better graphics card right off the bat.
E-readers are another hot ticket item this year with Amazon's Kindle boasting thousands of books priced under five dollars available for download and faster 3G speeds.
The faster it is, the faster the computer runs.
The newer standard, 802.11ac, is meant to be even faster than 802.11n and offers an even wider coverage area.
The 2.4GHz band is typically more effective in getting through walls, but the 5GHz band has an easier time offering faster speeds and theoretically broader coverage.
In the event of trauma, the faster you can get your pet checked, the better your pet's chances of survival.
Why do some cats progress faster than others when it comes to their decline?
Settling the debt can help you to get out of debt faster.
These points are limited to the specific airline offering the card and can't be used for anything other than airfare or discounts with the airline's approve affiliates, but you may earn points faster than with a card offered by a bank.
The more you can afford to pay, the faster it will go.
Consider going with a local business or supplier, because you can get faster service and training for employees.
Many people find this arrangement helps them to pay their debt faster because the debt is less daunting in a psychological sense.
The rewards are also similar, but the points are earned at a faster rate with this card than with the nRewards card.
This will help you get out of debt faster.
They may also be able to pay the account off faster if they make payments that are higher than the required minimum payment each month.
In fact, monitoring accounts online through Internet banking provides a strong security advantage since it can actually help detect potential fraud much faster than waiting for and reviewing paper statements.
Savings on interest paid - Cardholders can pay off highest balances faster.
They can pay off their balance slightly faster now that their payment will not just be applied to the balance with the lowest interest rate.
Some companies claim that individuals are able to pay off their debt faster using these services.
The application time is quick, and even faster for Wells' customers who already have applied for online banking.
You can get loans faster since lenders have all the necessary criteria in front of them to make a fast decision.
The more you spend, the faster you will pay off your outstanding debt.
You will pay off your balance much faster if your total payment is applied to the balance.
Check readers allow the merchant to process paper checks for customers at a faster rate.
Consolidating debts often allows them to be repaid faster or at a lower interest rate.
Some people find that they are less tempted to spend when their wallets only contain plastic, but spend money faster when it's in cash format.
Specialized calculators with the formulas programmed into them can eliminate confusion and do the calculations faster.
You may be better off paying online, since paying by phone is not any faster.
It offers tools to help you to determine how to pay off your debt faster as well.
Transfer points to a frequent flyer program you are a member of to build your balance faster.
This can be a faster way to pay for medical costs than tapping into health savings accounts.
The card can help frequent fliers earn free airline miles faster.
For a faster option, apply for the card at the Ulster Bank website.
By automatically completing the information requested by merchants, as well as providing payment information, you can complete purchases faster.
Using a virtual wallet may allow you to make online purchases faster.
To make the time go by faster, many men find keeping busy helpful.
Court systems all over America suffer from overscheduling, so if you are interested in a faster and cheaper divorce, filing the papers yourself can greatly expedite the process.
Parents are often so busy that they do chores and perform tasks their children could do because it's faster and easier than teaching them how to do the task correctly and nagging the kids to get them to do it each day.
The technique is a faster method of cutting the wood and it leaves long dark lines that show the growth of the wood.
It's more economical, faster than waiting six to eight weeks for a custom solution, and you have thousands instead of a few fabric patterns to choose from.
Lawn chair cushions tend to break down faster than cushions kept indoors, so it's important to take care of them.
Flip the cushions every now and then so that one side doesn't fade or break down faster than the other.
The design of front loaders allows them to spin faster than top loaders, not only cutting down on time spent, which is great for someone who has a lot of laundry to do, but it means that the clothes are that much drier when they come out.
Renewable natural resources are those that can be replenished faster than they can be consumed without any artificial intervention.
Danger exists in managing water as a resource because aquifers may be drained faster than they can be replaced.
Soy Candles burn at a lower burning point, thus causing their fragrance to diffuse faster.
The faster that the wind turns the blades of the turbine the more energy will be produced.
You can fill one, two, three or all four bottles at a time in just seconds - much faster than traditional filtering pitchers.
The faster the wind travels, the more electricity can be generated.
Biodegradable products are available in a number of materials that use different technologies to deconstruct them for faster and easier integration into surrounding ecosystems.
Because your body has been poisoned with toxins that are now building up in your bloodstream much faster than you get rid of them.
Lastly, topical treatments for herpes sores help ease the discomfort and heal them faster through herbal remedies.
Cuts and scrapes heal faster with the application of aloe vera gel either directly from the leaf of a plant or a reputable natural commercial product.
While this means you will still need to diet and exercise to lose weight, using acai may help you lose weight faster.
Many women prefer tinctures because they seem to be absorbed into the body and give relief faster than capsules do.
It's faster, more convenient and a lot less messy.
These colors give you the boost you need to get your work done well and faster than before.
Oil also tends to yellow or fade faster than latex.
Nothing dates a design faster than a color that screams the year it was introduced.
It is a well known fact in real estate that staged homes can sell as much as 50% faster than homes that are not.
This technology allows the stone industry to capitalize on a faster and more precise method of cutting stones.
Mirrors can be used to give the illusion of added space in a room, and nothing detracts from this illusion faster than a heavy mirror frame.
The print design can wear off of the rug much faster when placed in a high traffic area of your home.
Wool actually helps the purity of indoor air because it has the ability to absorb pollutants and gases much faster and easier than nylon.
The laser activation process is designed to trigger a quicker degradation of the peroxide whitener, thus creating a faster and more enhanced whitening result.
Even though Shiseido is known for its non-irritating products, nothing causes a breakout faster than additional layers or touch-ups of makeup being added to oily skin that has taken in the environmental elements of the day.
Marker lip stains such as Urban Decay's Ink Lip Stain provide controlled and precise application, but tend to dry lips at a faster rate.
It is thought that the presence of light helps the compound penetrate the teeth faster and increase the whitening level slightly.
When temperatures begin to reach the smoldering triple digits and humidity wrecks havoc on our hair, regular makeup products begin to melt away faster than the Wicked Witch of the West.
No other product can help your eyes appear brighter or cover up any blemishes you may have faster than concealer can.
Many agree that the internet is a much faster and easier way to manage brokerage accounts than calling a broker on the phone and waiting for him or her to complete transactions.
Created by the Japanese video game manufacturer Sega, Sonic is a hedgehog that can run faster than the speed of sound.
To make the blocks drop faster, use the down arrow key.
If you're in a hurry and don't like the idea of having to visit a website every time you want to know what you're going to watch that evening, you may want to download the TV Guide UK toolbar to make searching faster and easier.
It was created to do nothing more than email and send files through FTP sites at a faster rate than mail.
Scientists could answer questions more quickly and data could be sent at a relatively faster pace.
As the Internet started to flourish, faster computers were needed to keep up with the technology being created.
Disputes initiated this way are usually resolved two weeks faster than those that are mailed in.
Electronic payments take only two days to go through, which is faster than conventional checks from many banks.
Your score improves when you get Scooby out of the graveyard faster and faster, and you earn additional points by avoiding the objects that are in his way.
Today, recording and sharing precious memories is so much faster and easier than it ever was before, thanks to the many online tools and resources that are available.
If you enjoy this calculator and plan on using if often, learn the keyboard hotkeys that make entering in numbers and selecting functions faster.
Test out a digital SLR camera and you'll notice that in any given situation it will focus on a subject faster than a compact digital camera.
The performance is much faster than most of the pack in this price range, and the photo quality is clean.
Adobe Photoshop is a sophisticated image manipulation utility specializing in faster bitmap images.
The higher quality your camera is, the faster all these things will happen.
Even with that minimal heating, however, these types of cookies are often faster and easier to make than more complicated mixes.
You can add images to your scrapbook faster because a scanner is not necessary.
Knowing how much time and cost went into each one of her layouts, I simply asked "Hey, why don't you just do that in Photoshop?" because in my mind, it would have been faster and easier to do and it would cost less to boot.
Even if you're very tech-savvy, it's almost always faster to handwrite the text for a layout.
The straighter your skis, the faster you will go.
The longer the ski, the faster you will go.
While you probably won't want to choose your ski destination based on location alone, the shorter the drive, the faster you can hit the slopes and the more fun you can have.
In order to get ready for this, your heart may start beating faster, your blood pressure may rise and your muscles can become tense.
When you are under anxiety, your immune system goes down, your heart beats faster, and your blood pressure rises.
Knowing the techniques and methods for stress headache relief helps you become pain free faster with or without traditional medications.
Usually, this is the first sign you are having an anxiety attack - the heart begins to beat faster.
It will help you think better, run faster, and overcome challenges seamlessly.
The faster you complete the tasks, the more points or virtual money you earn, promoting mental focus and quick action.
When something stresses you out, your heart beats faster, your muscles tense and your blood pressure may rise.
Today's youth are fashion conscious, technologically savvy, and growing up faster than ever.
I hope you are not smoking any more because it's a stupid waste of money, an overrated prop, it makes your breath stink, ages you faster than just about anything, and causes major health problems.
Ask the manager if she'd like someone -- like you -- to keep stock in order so customers can find and BUY what they're looking for faster.
You will either risk the chance of not receiving what you need or need to pay a lot of money for faster processing and shipping.
His hands and feet may grow at a faster rate than the rest of his body, which may lead to a clumsy phase.
Make sure sprouts are dry before you place them in the fridge or they may decompose faster.
But this cab leapt small buildings in a single bound and drove faster then any locomotive.
Thermography is substantially faster than other techniques used to achieve raised lettering such as engraving or lithography.
If you've had your eye on a new car or been saving for a down payment on your first home, quitting smoking will help you reach your goals much faster.
Since it goes directly into the lungs, the effects are felt faster and more intensely than other forms of cocaine use.
They may speak faster than usual and slur their words.
Immediately following a hit of crack cocaine, many people have dilated pupils and breath faster than normal.
Heat from the dryer can damage fibers and microfiber towels dry faster than standard towels.
When the dreaded bedtime finally arrives, it's highly possible that fun bedding will draw them in a little faster and with a bit more enthusiasm than they might otherwise have, at least for a while.
A pleasant, neutral color is almost always favorable to something dark and dramatic, since it sets a calm mood that may even help lull you to sleep faster.
Avoid towels that contain synthetic fibers in their construction; these fibers tend to hinder the absorbency potential of the towel and can even disintegrate faster over time.
Like many things celebrity, celebrity cars are often flashier, faster and way cooler than your wheels.
With the Internet connecting people faster than ever, it's easy to share the measurements of the stars and compare them to others.
For this reason, ordering online, despite shipping times, is often faster than visiting a bridal shop.
Children have a habit of growing faster than weeds and, in a tough economy especially, few people want to spend a lot of money on a dress that their child will only wear one time.
Articles also include tips on choosing quality garments and finding affordable children's clothing, an important aspect of purchasing clothes for children who seem to outgrow their outfits faster than you can purchase them.
An alternative to an associate's, bachelor's or master's degree in paralegal studies, a paralegal certificate is generally faster to obtain, making it an excellent choice for those who are looking to begin their careers as soon as possible.
In fact, the Bureau predicts that jobs in the field will grow much faster than the national average for other occupations.
Experience the whistling wind and the Pacific waves keeping you company on an expedition which transports sailors into another land, faster and grander than all other sailboats in Los Cabos.
A ship built for speed like the Queen Elizabeth 2, which traveled at 32.5 knots, will burn fuel faster than most cruise ships, which tend to travel at a clip of 21 to 24 knots.
Clearly, a ship this size will burn fuel faster, thus impacting any possible routes.
Holiday cruises tend to fill up faster than traditional ones.
Since Greyhounds are sight hounds as opposed to scent hounds, the toy inspires them to run faster.
The faster racers, which in some cases have a high prey drive, may not be cat safe.
It will help both you and your dog burn calories and help digest your food that much faster.
They cost a little more, but at least they break down faster than regular plastic.
The heart cannot keep up with the demands of the body, and the heart begins to beat faster.
The earlier the pup is introduced to obedience training and socialization, the faster and more effective the results will be.
The faster you housebreak your puppy, the easier life will be.
The reason for this is because in cold weather, a smaller house will warm up faster and conserve the heat better.
If you shred materials before adding them to the pile, they will break down faster.
You may be able to plant earlier in the spring because the soil in raised beds warms faster.
The most important thing to remember in raised bed gardening is that raised beds drain a lot faster than conventional gardens.
The grass will grow faster and have less competition from weeds.
Other vegetables like tomatoes can be fussy when started from seed, and buying healthy, well tended plants gets you to delicious tomatoes faster.
While you can always use recycled lumber from old barns or pallets, you'll have to replace it faster since the wood is already weathered.
This route is faster and simpler, and better for those without experience in this area.
By warming the soil faster and keeping it warmer longer, the gardening season is extended.
Busy individuals can take the lessons at their own pace, and those who are able to progress quicker can double up on lessons and move forward faster.
That's not to say that electric guitar doesn't require skill or practice, but it is easier for a beginner to pick up and knock out something resembling a song much faster than on an acoustic.
You might also find that you learn to play tabs faster than you ever did before.
Practicing them at length will allow you to switch chords more easily and learn the song faster.
Real estate agents say that houses with wood floors sell faster and at a higher price than homes with carpet.
This will give both of you your own space, make your morning a little smoother, and get you on your way to work a little faster.
Others consider taping to be one of the best time-saving interior painting tips to know, as it makes the actual paint application process faster.
The different types of accessories available for the sink can help to make the time spent using it easier and faster.
Once I knew what to do the job went much faster.
Less expensive varieties may use inferior materials and practices that can cause them to fade and wear faster than their more expensive counterparts.
Clear treatments do need to be applied more frequently than those containing pigments, because they break down faster, but they will preserve the look of your wood with little to no change in appearance.
While both forms of floor heat are effective, electrical floor heat is easier to control and produces faster heat-up results.
If your home is less than adequately insulated, take the time to insulate it right; it will pay off big dividends faster than you can imagine.
With its Optimus dual tip technology, the company claims that their latest model produces faster and better results with less drips and tighter control.
A few tips on how to install carpet tiles can make the job easier and faster.
Of course, with a kit, there's no worrying about exceeding wattage limitations and there's less to concern yourself with so it's a much easier and usually faster installation.
Nothing halts a job faster than running out of materials mid-way through.
Nothing dates a home renovation faster than following a fad.
The sale price will allow the item to shift much faster than it would at its retail value.
It breathes better than any other fiber, allowing the body to get to a comfortable sleeping temperature faster and maintain that level of comfort longer.
If you cut the grass short, the weeds will grow faster and your grass will be shaded by the weeds, which isn't the way to grow strong grass.
Not only will this add harmful chemicals to the watershed, it will also make plants grow faster than they need to grow.
This apple cider vinegar recipe makes a great side dish, especially if you're a gardener and the summer squash is coming in faster than you know what to do with it.
Harsh chemical cleaners may remove the dirt faster but choosing to use an organic mixture is a better choice.
Clay pots will need to be watered more often because the dry out faster.
During the mid-20th century, the beef industry switched to grains and feedlot finishing because it was faster.
Additionally, oils can also deep condition and help hair to grow longer and faster.
If farmers were able to produce crops faster and at a lower cost than ever before, it would be possible to feed many more people and with foods that may have been souped up with nutrients typically unavailable in certain populations.
Because meat producers would be able to produce faster, the costs of certain meats could potentially fall, making it cheaper for customers.
Whether cattle are raised organically or not, they will grow significantly faster on grain than on grass.
This is due to its unique micro-structure which allows bamboo apparel to absorb and evaporate perspiration faster than other fabric.
Nothing deflates your motivation faster than feeling like you look frumpy.
You can shop specifically for your occasion, age and desired style, making browsing faster and more fun.
Clothing that is line dried typically lasts longer than garments that are machine dried because the heat of the dryer weakens the fiber and causes it to wear out faster.
Hang items like bras and other stretchy garments on a line to dry, as the heat of the dryer causes the elastic to degrade and wear out faster, and the item needs to be replaced more frequently.
Sometimes roadways appear to be safe for faster driving than what is allowed, but lower speed limits are established for the safety of children who may be playing in the area.
In an emergency snaps are faster to open than buttons.
They make the job of clearing snow much faster and easier, but these are powerful machines that can cause injuries to the operator and bystanders alike.
Faster maintenance - Sometimes we don't want a new style as much as we want to find a way to spend less time to keep the style we have.
Recovery is faster than ever and the procedure known as phaecoemulsification can now be done has outpatient surgery and comes with more than one option.
The earlier that treatment is started, the better and faster the results.
You should feel your heart beating a little bit faster and you might start sweating a little bit as well.
Once you have the dye in your hair, clip your hair up and cover it with a plastic cap to make the color develop faster.
Taking them regularly can cause tolerance to happen faster.
Replacing your old routine with relaxing activity may help you fall asleep faster and experience sufficient sleep.
In a Consumer Research study on the effects of sound machines, the organization found that survey respondents did get to sleep faster with the use of these devices.
The goal was to find out of the machines were successful at blocking out most intruding noises and as a result helped the individuals to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
White noise machines can mimic sounds like the ocean or other soothing melodies, which can cause you to fall asleep faster.
There's nothing that will end your fun faster than getting paint or debris in your eyes.
Polarized lenses are the best for cutting glare, which gives you a faster response time if something gets in your way.
New technology makes them change faster than they used to, quickly adjusting to both indoor and outdoor lighting.
As the park opened taller, faster, and more intense rides, Python's ridership slowed while its maintenance costs rose.
Without the success of Python, the taller, faster, and more intense rides may never have been welcome at the park.
For example, when playing miniature golf, allow faster players to play through and avoid crowding other guests.
Inflatable body boards make the slips and slides even faster on both surfaces.
These types of roller coasters were very popular in the 1930s, but as coaster designs became more sophisticated and riders demanded higher, faster rides with sharper drops, faster turns, and inversions, the style gradually faded away.
Dozens of steel coasters have top speeds greater than 60 miles per hour, and a select few can go faster than 100 miles per hour.
Space is at a premium in many parks, and while launched coasters can go faster in less space, they too have extensive requirements.
Faster coasters will need to be carefully engineered to be safe for riders.
The original photographs should then be stored in acid-free sleeves away from the light so they do not fade or blur faster than necessary.
These carousel horses are too old to go up and down (they were born in 1905), but this gives the carousel the proper aerodynamics to go faster than other versions.
With different types of coupons available and many ways to get them, the savings can add up faster than a roller coaster.
Some parks, such as Cedar Point, also offer specialized passes that include admission to other parks in the same chain, which can make the savings add up even faster.
The future is an unclear one for Son of Beast, and as of the end of the 2009 season the coaster remains standing but not operating, a gloomy reminder that taller, faster, and more innovative coasters aren't always successful.
This ensures the coaster will continue to operate and offer thrills to new generations of coaster lovers, even as bigger, faster, and more powerful inverted coasters are constructed around the world.
This is when you use repeated drifts throughout the race to get even faster speeds.
Burnout Revenge is probably the fast game out there because you already go fast under your own power, but you can also go even faster by getting those boosts.
The shields will come down faster than any other weapon you might use.
What this means to you is that games can be created, developed, and published faster for the Wii system, giving you quicker options for your favorite games instead of waiting for it to come out on the PS3.
The faster you serve customers, the happier they'll be and the better tip they'll leave.