Fastened Sentence Examples
These blocks were fastened to a diaphragm of wood.
One morning she was greatly distressed by finding that one of the dogs had a block fastened to her collar.
The rope was cut at the top, within reach of where it was fastened.
The planks were of wood, often beech, a few inches wide, and were fastened down, end to end, on logs of wood, or " sleepers," placed crosswise at intervals of two or three feet.
Each length was thus fastened to a sleeper at one end, while at the other it was socketed into the end of its fellow.
They had striking, slashing and piercing weapons held in the hand, fastened to a shaft or thong, hurled from the hand, from a sling, from an atlatl or throwing-stick, or shot from a bow.
The searchlights fastened on the vessels.
Turning her mother's head this way and that, she fastened on the cap and, hurriedly kissing her gray hair, ran back to the maids who were turning up the hem of her skirt.
After a few months of life it was blown up, its attendant, annoyed by the sound of the escaping steam, having fastened down the safety-valve.
On their level tops the beams supporting the platforms were laid and fastened by wooden pins, or inserted in mortices cut in the heads of the piles.
AdvertisementIt was a very richly decorated object of coloured threads interwoven with gold, worn outside the luxurious mantle or robe; it was kept in place by a girdle, and by shoulder-pieces (?), to which were attached brooches of onyx (fastened to the robe) and golden rings from which hung the "breastplate" (or rather pouch) containing the sacred lots, Urim and Thummim.
Without answering, Rostov shook the soldier's Cross of St. George fastened to the cording of his uniform and, indicating a bandaged arm, glanced at Berg with a smile.
Embedded galvanized steel pressings provide local reinforcement where interior equipment is fastened.
The necklace is fastened with a sterling silver toggle.
The base is fully paneled and fitted with twin drawers, all fastened with wooden trenails.
AdvertisementIt was curiously wrought with gold and purple, and fastened to the ephod with chains of gold.
A wire or fibre carrying the aluminium siphon cradle is stretched across this bridge piece, and on it is also mounted the small electromagnet, forming part of the " vibrator " arrangement with its hinged armature, to which one end of the stretched wire carrying the siphon is fastened.
Here the Dominicans, doubting the orthodoxy of the new-corners, had them put into prison, where they were chained foot to foot and fastened to a stake set up in the middle of the cell.
On less solemn occasions bishops wear the mandyas (A avHuas), a cope-like garment fastened at the lower corners as well as at the neck, and the kalimaukion (KaXamtainc ov), a tall, brimless hat, with a veil hanging down behind, and, in place of the S &aKOP they carry a short staff with an ivory cross-piece.
The first recorded form of plough is found on the monuments of Egypt, where it consists simply of a wooden wedge tipped with iron and fastened to a handle projecting backwards and a beam, pulled by men or oxen, projecting forwards.
AdvertisementElizabeth fastened her old-fashioned mantle with an ornate pin.
Flat Diapers-These aren't as popular as the prefolded diapers simply because they require a little more work, and they usually must be fastened with diaper pins.
Other hair bows for baby girls include the more traditional bows that can be fastened to baby's hair with elastic bands, barrettes, and even Velcro.
Investing in objects that can be fastened to furniture or displayed on a bookshelf will not only add wonder and whimsy to a nursery, it will also save space as well.
You just purchased the world's most adorable holiday dress for your six month old, but she screamed the moment you fastened the buttons on it.
AdvertisementMost infant seats come with a base that can be fastened into the backseat and left in there for as long as it is needed.
Portability - some space heaters can be fastened to a wall in a similar manner to a normal radiator.
Costume National had a white, thigh-length coat that fastened only with a belt and whose sleeves could be pushed to the elbow.
Ties grew wider in the 1860s and were either tied in a bow or looped and then fastened with a stickpin.
Other bad weather gear was usually in the form of woolen cloaks, little more than blankets fastened over their shoulders.
Zippers have been known to split, leaving a wide open gap in the fly that is still fastened by the zipper's pull at the top.
Keep long hair pulled back and securely fastened.
The Gore-Tex system, invented in 1978, uses a proprietary material that is fastened to the inside of the pants through a lamination method.
After the area is washed and dried, two metal electrodes are attached and fastened with straps.
Your taps will probably come already attached to the shoe, although higher end brands may require you to have them fastened by a professional.
In terms of installation, barres should be very securely fastened to the floor, and sometimes fastened to the wall as well.
Ideal for gals with long hair, each package contains six 16" pieces fastened onto wide, easy-to-wear clips.
If the jacket does not zip or buckle properly, adjust the straps until all zippers, buckles, and ties are properly fastened.
A life jacket should be securely fastened around the chest, with the result that in the water, the child's upper body stays comfortably above the surface.
For example, a simple teddy bear or other stuffed animal can easily convey the gentleman's intention when the ring is fastened to a ribbon around its neck.
Besides its fashionable design, this backpack also features a fastened upper compartment and a fastened front compartment.
What really makes the Kona stand out is the detailing on the side of the boot, where there are three faux bone buttons fastened by elastic loops.
She worked hard to keep his eye fastened on her, but Ryan's heart returned time and time again to Gillian Andrassy.
Your navel jewelry will immediately be inserted through the hole and fastened in place.
Much of the elaborate ear adornments worn by Western women in this age were fastened to the ears by clips.
These watch bands are ideal for people with dexterity challenges as the watch straps do not require precise skills to ensure that they are fastened tightly.
The strap is fastened with a buckle keeping it both safe and secure.
When fastened, the clasp is not visible.
Give the garter belt a slight tug on both sides to assure that the hooks are securely fastened.
Try to walk and sit in the dressing room once you've fastened the stockings.
Lingerie makers rose to the challenge with the long-line corset, which fastened around the waist and was boned through the front so that it clung to the body like a merry widow.
Vintage tap pants fastened with buttons, snaps or zippers.
The thick black leather belt was fastened at the waist with a big brass buckle with US on the front.
Hats that can be fastened securely to the head, even when tumbling.
Ensure that the helmet's chin strap is comfortable and secure, without any slack when it is fastened.
Progress Toward Ranks with thong and beads is fastened to the button under the right pocket flap with the flap rebuttoned.
His brown hair was tousled from the ocean breeze, and he was dressed in jeans and a loose shirt fastened across the golden skin of his chest by one button.
The silk cord was fastened to the brass gas lamp that centered the ceiling of the room, the other end tightly knotted about her soft white neck.
The multiplication of thongs for purposes of flogging is found in the old Roman flagellum, a scourge, which had sometimes three thongs with bone or bronze knots fastened to them.
In the following spring he fastened a quarrel upon Potidaea, a town in Chalcidice, which was attached by ancient bonds to Corinth, and in the campaign which followed Athenian and Corinthian troops came to blows.
In match play each space is further marked off from its neighbour by thin string securely fastened flush with the turf.
Sometimes in the south during the cold season they wear a cloak of skin or matting, fastened 'with a skewer, but open on the right-hand side.
It is attached to a brass disk E, which is fastened to the centre of the diaphragm F by means of a rivet, and is capable of moving to and fro like a plunger when the diaphragm vibrates.
The log-line, after being well soaked, stretched and marked with knots, is wound uniformly on the log-reel, to which its inner end is securely fastened.
Flat-bottomed rails are fastened to the sleepers by hookheaded spikes, the heads of which project over the flanges.
The sistrum consists of a metal frame in the shape of an egg, fastened to a handle, frequently surmounted by a grotesque head or by a figure of the sacred lioness Sekhet.
These septa are, however, rather incomplete and are not fastened to the gut; and, as in Acanthobdella, the nephridia are embedded vv FIG.
In return for this negligence the Thebans fastened a religious quarrel upon their neighbours, and secured a penal decree against them from the Amphictyonic synod (356).
This second coil is suspended by a number of silk fibres, and to the coil is also attached a spiral spring the other end of which is fastened to a torsion head.
The majority of plant specimens are most suitably fastened on paper by a mixture of equal parts of gum tragacanth and gum arabic made into a thick paste with water.
Of the Characeae many are so exceedingly brittle that it is best to float them out like sea-weeds, except the prickly species, which may be carefully laid out on bibulous paper, and when dry fastened on sheets of white paper by means of gummed strips.
Their fair or red hair was brought forward from the crown of the head towards the forehead, leaving the nape of the neck uncovered; they shaved the face except the upper lip. They wore fairly close breeches reaching to the knee and a tunic fastened by brooches.
The back and front were then pulled up over the shoulders and fastened together with brooches like safety-pins (irepovat).
The head ornaments include the bcabrtµa, a narrow band bound round the hair a little way back from the brow and temples, and fastened in the knot of the hair behind; the ciµ7ry a variety of the diadem; the QTE¢avrt, a crown worn over the forehead, its highest point being in the centre, and narrowing at each side into a thin band which is tied at the back of the head.
Youths, when engaged in horsemanship and other exercises, wore a chlamys round the shoulders, which, however, was semicircular in cut, and was fastened on the breast by buttons and a loop, or tied in a knot, whereas the Greek chlamys was oblong and fastened on the shoulder by a brooch.
It was fastened with brooches (fibulae) anch appears to have been worn by the equites, e.g.
Single tree trunks sent down to the Rhine by the various tributaries are united into small rafts as they reach the main stream; and these again are fastened together to form one large raft about Andernach.
The head of the stopper is fastened in a chuck and the peg is ground to the size of the mouth of the bottle by means of sand and water pressed against the glass by bent strips of thin sheet iron.
The kachh or drawers fastened by a waist-band was more convenient and suitable for warriors than the insecurely tied dhoti of the Hindus or the tamba of the Mahommedans.
It has fastened on the family on account of the cruelties perpetrated by Vlad Drakul (1433-1446) and Vlad Tsepesh (1456-1476), who figure in popular legend as representatives of the most fiendish cruelty.
The scales are at n, n; they are fastened only at the middle, and are kept down by the brass pieces t, t.
Two equal sprocket wheels Q 1, Q 2, are fastened, the one to the spring pulley, the other to the shaft.
The badges were generally worn fastened to the pilgrim's hat or cape.
It is uncertain whether the conventional fleur-de-lis was originally meant to represent the lily or white iris - the flower-de-luce of Shakespeare - or an arrow-head, a spear-head, an amulet fastened on date-palms to ward off the evil eye, &c. In Roman and early Gothic architecture the fleur-de-lis is a frequent sculptured ornament.
His monument found at Zenjirli represents the great king holding Baal of Tyre and Tirhaka of Egypt by cords fastened in their lips; 2 there is no evidence, however, that he actually took either of them prisoner.
In the Matrai system thin wires are used instead of rods, and are securely fastened to rolled steel joists, which form the beams on which the slabs rest; moreover, the wires instead of being stretched tight from side to side of the slab are allowed to sag as much as the thickness of the concrete will allow.
And when everything was prepared the prince or subject who was to knight him came into the hall, and, the candidate's sword and spurs having been presented to him, he delivered the right spur to the " most noble and gentle " knight present, and directed him to fasten it on the candidate's right heel, which he kneeling on one knee and putting the candidate's right foot on his knee accordingly did, signing the candidate's knee with the cross, and in like manner by another " noble and gentle " knight the left spur was fastened to his left heel.
In the following spring a strong shoot will be thrown out, and to prevent its being blown out by the wind, must be fastened to a stake, or to the lower portion of the old stock which has been left for the purpose.
In training greenhouse plants the young branches should be drawn outwards by means of ties fastened to a string or wire FIG.
Then the badger's tail is split, a chain put through it, and fastened to the stake with such ability that the badger can come up to the other end of the place.
According to tradition an abbot of Aberbrothock (Arbroath) had ordered a bell - whence the name of the rock - to be fastened to the reef in such a way that it should respond to the movements of the waves, and thus always ring out a warning to mariners.
For the more equal distribution of the water over the surface of the beds from the conductor and feeders, small masses, such as stones or solid portions of earth or turf fastened with pins, are placed in them, in order to retard the momentum which the water may have acquired.
In the last decade of the 15th and the first decade of the 16th century there were several insurrections in the south-west of Germany, each of which was called a Bundsc/zuh, a shoe fastened upon a pole serving as the standard of revolt.
The apparatus consisted of two small boards, with glass rollers between them, the whole fastened together by indiarubber bands in such a manner that the upper board could slide under lateral pressure to a limited extent over the lower one.
Tice occurrence of such lateral movement was at once indicated by means of an upright haystalk fastened to the apparatus.
They brought with them iron, which they used for their long swords and for their cutting implements; the costume of both sexes was distinct from that of the Pelasgians; they used round shields with a central boss instead of the 8-shaped or rectangular shields of the latter; they fastened their garments with brooches, and burned their dead instead of burying them as did the Pelasgians.
Crocodiles are caught in various ways, - for instance, with two pointed sticks, which are fastened crosswise within the bait, an animal's entrails, to which is attached a rope.
The Greek chariot had two wheels, and was made to be drawn by two horses; if a third or, more commonly, two reserve horses were added, they were attached on each side of the main pair by a single trace fastened to the front of the chariot, as may be seen on two prize vases in the British Museum from the Panathenaic games at Athens.
The pilgrims made their journey in grey cowls fastened by a broad belt.
The native fishermen know all about them; how the eggs are fastened to the water plants, how soon after the little larvae swarm about in thousands, how fast they grow, until by the month of June they are all grown into big, fat creatures ready for the market; later in the summer the axolotls are said to take to the rushes, in the autumn they become scarce, but none have ever been known to leave the water or to metamorphose, nor are any perfect Amblystomas found in the vicinity of the two lakes."
It was formerly fastened with strings, but now with the ghundi (the old form of button) and tukmah or loop. In southern India, Gujarat and in the United Provinces the arid is much the same as to length and fit as the English shirt; as the traveller goes northward from Delhi to the Afghan border he sees the kurta becoming longer and looser till he finds the Pathan wearing it almost to his ankles, with very full wide sleeves.
The sleeves are everywhere long and are sometimes fastened with one or two buttons at the wrist.
They are fastened round the waist with a scarf or string called kamarband (waistband) or izarband, and are usually of white cotton.
This consists of a loose coat and trousers of silk, wool or other material; the trousers are fastened by a cord round the waist.
They are usually made of calico; they have no buttons but are fastened with string (kamarband).
It is slit at the sides, has perpendicularly cut side-pockets, and is fastened with strings just below the breast.
It is generally white, and is fastened in front by strings.
Memans wear (z) a gold embroidered skull-cap, (2) a long kamis fastened at the neck with 3 or 4 buttons on a gold chain, (3) sadariya, i.e.
Their dress is entirely of dark blue colour, the turban being also blue, high and pointed; on it are fastened three steel quoits.
He fastened especially upon Vergniaud's letter to the king and his support of the appeal to the people as a proof that he was a moderate in its then despised sense.
Then by the genius of their work they fastened their mistaken perspective upon historians and the cultured world at large.
The old form of English cassock was a double-breasted robe fastened at the shoulder and probably girdled.
He shifted his ground in politics with every new moon, and the world fastened on him the nickname, which he himself adopted in his "champagne" speech, of the weathercock.
The platen was screwed on to the under surface of the spindle; the table or bed had slides underneath which moved in, and not on, ribs as in the older form of press, and was run in and out by means of strips of webbing fastened to each end and passed round a drum or wheel.
The sheet is laid to its mark and is conveyed round an entry drum; thence it is carried round the first impression cylinder, and under this, moving at the same speed as the cylinder, is the type bed containing the inner of broad tapes which lie on the laying-on board and are fastened to a small drum underneath it.
The cylinder is first dressed with a fine and thin calico drawn tightly over and fastened securely, which serves as a base on which to fasten sheets.
Next to this is a piece of wood called khetone, which is used for smoothing and regulating the woof; a stick is fastened to the warp to keep the woof straight."
Here the prevalence of mud is one of the chief obstacles, and for this reason the tile-collectors are usually fastened together by wire and suspended to posts (tuiles en bouquets).
Over the shirt and zir-jamah comes the arkhalik, generally of quilted chintz or print, a closely-fitting garment, collarless, with tight sleeves to the elbow, whence, to the wrist, are a number of little metal buttons, fastened in winter, but not in summer.
With the rich it is often of gauze, and much embroidered with gold thread,pearls, &c. The head is usually covered with a char-kadd, or large square of embroidered silk or cotton, folded so as to display the corners, and fastened under the chin by a brooch.
The oracle of Ammon having announced that no relief would be found until the king exposed his daughter Andromeda to the monster, she was fastened to a rock on the shore.
To prevent them from tipping over in the direction of the beams a vertical leg is rigidly fastened to the under side of each pan, the lower end of which is loosely secured by a horizontal stay to a pin in the middle of the frame.
Lastly, from the cappa is probably derived the mozzetta, a short cape with a miniature hood, fastened down the front with buttons.
And then followed the challenge which, when O'Connell declined it, was fastened on his son Morgan, and the interruption of the duel by seizure of Mr Disraeli in his bed, and his famous appearance in the Marylebone police court.
Notwithstanding the repression, Lollardy fastened in new parts.
Green and his idealistic followers fastened.
The feet were either entirely naked or encased in shoes of raw hide fastened with thongs.
This stunning basque in sheer mesh with delicate floral embroidery is fastened with a zip at the front.
He then lay down on the plaid and fastened the belt around his waist.
It could be fastened at the neck with a penannular brooch.
For obvious reasons, the tube should be securely fastened to the pump, e.g. with a hose clamp.
This wire can be buried in the ground or can be fastened to exterior walls using cleats.
Duffle coat - made of thick wool, fastened with toggles.
Its gray face was apparent even before I fastened my binoculars on this solitary corvid.
It is fastened by a single drawstring and toggle at the top.
An important point to ensure is that the cage can be securely fastened to prevent escapees.
I ordered some cotton diapers which you fold and put in a Velcro fastened waterproof cover with optional flushable liners.
Floating - With the floating installation method the floor is not mechanically fastened to any part of the subfloor.
A Gorton woman named THOMAS was found dead on the stairs with a piece of window cord tightly fastened round her neck.
Sighting along the line allowed the mast band to be lined up and temporarily fastened with a self-tapping screw into the mast button.
Whichever type of helmet you choose, you should make sure that it fits properly and that it is correctly fastened.
The filth of the world that fastened itself to all of us, a filth of the world that fastened itself to all of us, a filth that soiled our very souls, has been removed.
Full length zip with hook and loop fastened double storm flap.
The hames fit tightly round the collar and are fastened at the top and bottom by hame straps.
All riders are requested to wear an approved hard hat with the chin strap fastened at all times while mounted.
He fastened a lapis-lazuli beard to the high plain, and made it wear a lapis-lazuli headdress.
Tony comments that, " although the structure was fastened, as the viewer moved around the form it became kinetic.
The horse is depicted with a thick mane, its saddle being fastened with belts.
All vessels were built in the clinker style, using overlapping planks fastened together with iron nails.
In the latter they accumulate, being held together and fastened to the gills by a white viscid secretion.
Over the left shoulder and fastened with a brooch hung the loose cloak (brat), to which the Scottish plaid corresponds.
They fastened each of these wheels to the end of an iron rod which they passed through the boat from side to side.
I never fastened my door night or day, though I was to be absent several days; not even when the next fall I spent a fortnight in the woods of Maine.
Officious hands, Russian and French, immediately seized the cross and fastened it to the uniform.
Erasmus Darwin invented a device to copy drawings or writing in which two quill pens were fastened together.
The new tunic was scarlet with collar, cuffs and edging in the regimental color, fastened down the front by eight buttons.
Top buttons should be fastened, except during shirt-sleeve order (see below).
Dismantling Ironwork is often fastened together with riveted, or tenoned joints.
Exhibits should not be placed in lever arch files but should be fastened securely, for example by treasury tags.
It is fastened to a rooftop and has virtually no vibration.
In these cases, the café curtain rod can be fastened across the middle of the window, with a second curtain rod hung across the top.
Take care when assembling the favors so the wrappers stay securely fastened and look attractive.
The Brownies started out with a brown cap that was elfin in shape, and bells were fastened onto the tip of the cap as particular tests were completed and passed.
You should be able to fit at least one or two fingers comfortably between your pet's neck and the fastened collar, although this really depends upon the size of your dog.
The sheath can be shaped to cover and adhere to the penis; it can be attached directly to the glans; or it can be fastened to the end of the foreskin.
Panels are installed and fastened together using manufacturer provided fasteners.
While you're at it, make sure that the box is securely fastened to the overhead joist or beam.
The screen itself is laid over the gutter and the clips fastened on every few feet.
Some branches allow the earrings to be looped over them, others have small holes so the earrings can be poked through and fastened.
Bracelets are formed from individual charms that are fastened onto the bracelet in a variety of ways.
These can be set into gold, silver or other metals and fastened so that they hang from a chain around the neck.
First, never ever wear the suit with all four buttons fastened.
There is considerable difficulty in removing mounted specimens of algae from paper, and therefore a small portion preserved on mica should accompany each specimen, enclosed for safety in a small envelope fastened at one corner of the sheet of paper.
The upper part of the body was covered with a tunic fastened over the girdle.
A short jacket fastened at the back and with short sleeves is worn.
The hair is sometimes worn plaited (choti), usually an odd number of thin plaits made into one large one, falling down the back and fastened at the end with ribbons.
This covers the breast and shoulder; it has half sleeves, is very short, and is fastened at the back with strings.
As soon as this first sheet has been levelled up it is fixed on to the cylinder to its exact position, so that it will register or correspond with the type when the press is running, and another trial sheet is struck off, which is treated precisely in the same manner, and is then fastened up on the cylinder on top of the first sheet.
The sight of fetters being forbidden him, his toga was not allowed to be tied in a knot but was fastened by means of clasps, and the only kind of ring permitted to be worn on his finger was a broken one.
In the treatment of stiffened joints, massage under water is very serviceable, and in the so-called Aix douche a nozzle from which water continuously streams is fastened to the wrist of the masseur, so that a current of water is constantly playing upon the joint which he is rubbing.
The purple cloak which Picus wore fastened by a golden clasp is preserved in the plumage of the bird.
The boat and machine had drifted apart, and one of the tugs in its zeal to render assistance had fastened a rope to the frame of the machine in the reverse position from what it should have been attached, and had broken the frame entirely in two.
On the other, posterior, side of the grain is a more or less evident, sometimes punctiform, sometimes elongated or linear mark, the hilum, the place where the ovule was fastened to the wall of the ovary.
One form consists of adjustable diagonals, rods or bars, properly fastened to the columns in the building; these diagonals may run through one floor and be attached to the columns at the floor above.
The linen dresses of women are fastened by a long sash or girdle, wound many times round the waist; the holiday attire being a white gown covered with embroideries, one or more brightly coloured aprons and necklaces of beads or coins.
Before this, Delos - like Rhodes, the centre of the worship of the sun-god Helios, with whom Apollo was wrongly identified in later times - had been a barren, floating rock, but now became stationary, being fastened down by chains to the bottom of the sea.
As we hastened through the long grass toward the hammock, the grasshoppers swarmed about us and fastened themselves on our clothes, and I remember that my teacher insisted upon picking them all off before we sat down, which seemed to me an unnecessary waste of time.
Having straightened his coat and fastened on his hunting knives and horn, he mounted his good, sleek, well-fed, and comfortable horse, Viflyanka, which was turning gray, like himself.
Not that sort of victory which is defined by the capture of pieces of material fastened to sticks, called standards, and of the ground on which the troops had stood and were standing, but a moral victory that convinces the enemy of the moral superiority of his opponent and of his own impotence was gained by the Russians at Borodino.
He had fastened one end of the strap to a wheel of the buggy, and now he let the line dangle over the side of the house.
He took something like an oarlock from his pocket and fastened it to the stern of the boat; then with a paddle which worked in this oarlock one of the boys could guide the boat while the other turned the paddle wheels.
All eyes fastened involuntarily on this French column advancing against them and winding down over the uneven ground.
He was behind Dean and before Dean could realize what was happening, Winston grabbed his right arm and with a quick metallic click Dean was securely fastened to the brass bedpost by a steel handcuff.
The implements found in the relic bed under it were axe-heads of stone, with their haftings of stag's horn and wood; a flint saw, set in a handle of fir wood and fastened with asphalt; flint flakes and arrow-heads; harpoons of stag's horn with barbs; awls, needles, chisels, fish-hooks and other implements of bone; a comb of yew wood 5 in.
His tail was short and scraggly, and his harness had been broken in many places and fastened together again with cords and bits of wire.
He would perhaps have placed alder branches over the narrow holes in the ice, which were four or five rods apart and an equal distance from the shore, and having fastened the end of the line to a stick to prevent its being pulled through, have passed the slack line over a twig of the alder, a foot or more above the ice, and tied a dry oak leaf to it, which, being pulled down, would show when he had a bite.
He sawed a channel in the ice toward the shore, and hauled it over and along and out on to the ice with oxen; but, before he had gone far in his work, he was surprised to find that it was wrong end upward, with the stumps of the branches pointing down, and the small end firmly fastened in the sandy bottom.