Fascism Sentence Examples
Fascism began to spring up in several European states after the struggles of World War I.
Since fascism was the main principle followed in the government, all of the control was in the hands of the dictator.
It was Mussolini who created the term fascism to describe his particular brand of authoritarianism, nationalism and socialism.
Advent of fascism, which arose in Italy in the 1890's.
Millions of people shed their blood to defeat fascism in the Second World War.
The relation between nudism and eugenics was complex, and use of an aesthetic discourse is no simple marker of eugenic thought or of fascism.
This provides the opportunity to examine alternative political ideas including anarchism, fascism and feminism.
It was to be suggested that the Trials themselves weakened Soviet Russia, considered the main bulwark against fascism.
Neither fascism nor mass unemployment could be used to impose discipline over labor.
The Church knew as well as we do that in our era the alternative to Fascism is revolutionary Communism, and not bourgeois democracy.
AdvertisementAll those who hated fascism would have their chance to fight back.
For fascism is the reorganization of society by undemocratic means to maintain the capitalist system.
If the revolutionary proletariat does not take power, Fascism will inevitably take it !
At the heart of fascism is the idea of the superiority of one race or one nation over others.
The company was controlled by the government due to fascism.
AdvertisementIt is Vivan's juvenile friends whom we hear in jingoist defense of the Gujarat carnage or other flagrant displays of communal fascism.
In recent years our press has often said that we have entered the epoch of Fascism.
They don't want to fight fascism at all.
Some trades councils that were virtually moribund have been revived by their new-found role of taking the lead in combating fascism in their area.
The Working Class Will stop fascism... Not The State!
AdvertisementThe trade union bureaucrats can permit themselves such boastful formulas only because they are not immediately threatened by fascism, or by Communism.
Italian Life Under fascism Virtual exhibition exploring the nature of Italian fascism in the early twentieth century.
The London bombings revealed only to those in denial the extent to which Islamic fascism has taken root.
The case for granting German citizenship to the alien concept " generic fascism " ', Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften, vol.
Fascist government of Franco comes to power in 1936 fascism german fascism takes power in 1933.
AdvertisementThese pages document one man's journey through the abyss of religious fascism.
Since then, huge steps have been made in the fight against " body fascism " .
The attack on civil liberties under the pretext of fighting terrorism draws parallels with the rise of Hitlerite fascism.
Tell that to the victims of 20th century fascism and communism - never mind the almost total absence of such values in previous centuries.
In response to punk's early flirtation with fascism.
This kind of strident and violent language was one of the ingredients which was eventually, to marry Italian futurism with Fascism.
Tho the word has been so overused as to have lost any precise meaning, the essence of fascism is hostility to individual rights.
The rise of Fascism led to an identification of folk studies with deeply reactionary or racist ideology.
Joining fascism and bureaucratic socialism together into a single phenomenon admirably suited the needs of the cold war.
But fascism, Adams warned, would not return wearing swastikas and brown shirts.
The story that Britain went to war against fascism and the holocaust is entirely synonymous with British nationalism.
German imperialism, deprived of colonies, puts on the fearful mask of fascism with its saber teeth protruding.
In the struggle against fascism prior to the 1939 war Helen was Secretary of the anti-fascist organization in Glasgow.
But Fascism with its ideology of power and rule over others is not specific for the nature of a subjugated nation.
In the United States, fascism is not present.