Farming Sentence Examples
The conversation drifted from farming to the weather.
The farming industry is not, however, on a satisfactory basis.
Those who argue they should not say there is no way for poor countries to compete with mechanized Western farming and the extremely high yields it produces.
The village is situated in a farming country, about 1700 ft.
You can be a subsistence farmer and perhaps produce some excess, but given the prior observation about the fundamental volatility of farming, you will always be at risk of not producing enough.
The plateau portion of West Virginia is largely covered by hardwood forests, but along the Ohio river and its principal tributaries the valuable timber has been removed and considerable areas have been wholly cleared for farming and pasture lands.
Beside the local trade of a rich surrounding farming country, the railway facilities of St Joseph have enabled it to build up a great jobbing trade (especially in dry goods), and this is still the greatest economic interest of the city.
This same technology will allow farming to be much, much more efficient.
When Nicholas first began farming and began to understand its different branches, it was the serf who especially attracted his attention.
The important silk industry, however, began to revive about 18go, and dairy farming is prosperous; but the condition of the vilayet is far less unsettled than that of Macedonia, owing partly to the preponderance of Moslems among the peasantry, and partly to the nearness of Constantinople, with its Western influences.
AdvertisementManual labour in farming operations began to be superseded by the use of drills, hay-makers and horse-rakes, chaff-cutters and root-pulpers.
The chief wheat lands are in Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales; the yield averages about 9 bushels to the acre; this low average is due to the endeavour of settlers on new lands to cultivate larger areas than their resources can effectively deal with; the introduction of scientific farming should almost double the yield.
In the cotton belt of the United States it would be possible to put a still greater acreage under this crop, but the tendency is rather towards what is known as " diversified " or mixed farming than to making cotton the sole important crop. Cotton, however, is in increasing demand, and the problem for the American cotton planter is to obtain a better yield of cotton from the same area, - by " better yield " meaning an increase not only in quantity but also in quality of lint.
Direct collection of taxes by imperial procurators was substituted for the system of farming, and a special official (advocatus fisci) was instituted to look after the interests of the imperial treasury.
It is situated in a good farming and cattle-raising region, irrigated by water from the Rio Grande.
AdvertisementThe mining industry on which the town formerly depended is extinct, but the district is agricultural and dairy farming is carried on, while the town has flour mills, tanneries and iron foundries.
For many years there has been a reaction against the all-cotton farming system.
With the growing of grasses as the chief agricultural product, farming in Nevada is necessarily extensive rather than intensive.
Bee - farming is commonly prosecuted.
The surrounding country is devoted to farming and stock raising.
AdvertisementHe was one of the first to use oil-cake and bone-manure, to distinguish the feeding values of grasses, to appreciate to the full the beneficial effects of stock on light lands and to realize the value of long leases as an incentive to good farming.
In central Alberta coarse grains - oats and barley - and some wheat are grown, in conjunction with mixed farming.
It had worked, on the whole, satisfactorily; and between 1885 and 1895 the number of peasants farming their own land rose from 117,000 to 200,000.
Gracchus ordered that the taxes, direct and indirect, should be increased, and that the farming of them should be put up to auction at Rome.
The borough is built on level ground elevated several feet above the river, and in the midst of an attractive farming country.
AdvertisementThe university stands in its own grounds on the site of Grose Farm, the scene of one of the earliest attempts at government farming.
Moreover while large areas on the high veld are suitable for the raising of crops of a very varied character, in other districts, including a great part of the low veld, arable farming is impossible or unprofitable.
Fruit farming is a thriving industry, the slopes of the plateaus and the river valleys being specially adapted for this culture.
A department of agriculture was established in 1902, and through its efforts great improvements have been made in the methods of farming.
Its habits much resemble those of the rest of the group to which it belongs; and, like the leopard, when it happens to come within reach of an abundant and easy prey, as the sheep or calves of an outlying farming station, it kills far more than it can eat, either for the sake of the blood only or to gratify its propensity for destruction.
The city carries on a considerable jobbing business for the farming region of which it is the centre and produce market.
It is the centre for a farming region, in which there are deposits of coal, iron, lead and shale, and there are various manufactures in the city.
The chief local industry is farming, and an annual fair is held in September for the sale of live stock.
Antigo is the centre of a good farming and lumbering district, and its manufactures consist principally of lumber,chairs,furniture,sashes,doors and blinds, hubs and spokes, and other wood products.
It is a shipping centre for the products of the farming and dairying region in which it lies, but it is most widely known for its educational institutions.
Besides farming and fishing, the inhabitants carry on a coasting trade with various Mediterranean ports.
For the next six years he lived in St Louis, Missouri, earning a scanty subsistence by farming and dealings in real estate.
The city is situated in a rich farming region; is an important shipping point for livestock, grain and other farm products; and is especially known as a centre for the manufacture of wire-fences.
It is in a rich farming and stock and poultry-raising region, has a large poultry-packing house and various manufactures.
It is in a picturesque farming country, and there are good limestone quarries in the valley of the Des Plaines river.
A Dutch periodical called Elpis, algemeen tijdschrift voor Zuid Afrika (1857 -1861) appealed to the farming community.
It is the largest city in eastern Oregon, and is the centre of important mining, lumber, farming and live-stock interests.
Dairy farming is largely practised in the neighbourhood.
The city is in the Kansas-Oklahoma oil and gas field, and is surrounded by a fine farming and dairying region, in which special attention is given to the raising of small fruit; oil, gas, cement rock and brick shale are found in the vicinity.
Vancouver lies in a region of extensive forests and of fruitgrowing and farming lands; among its manufactures are lumber products, barrels, condensed milk, flour, beer and canned f_uit.
Ethically it is the loftiest, and Isaac obtains his wealth simply through his successful farming.
This was, in its day, a colossal undertaking; and its success transformed Holyoke from a farming village into a great manufacturing centre - in 1900 and 1905 the ninth largest of the commonwealth.
In a small outlying mound de Sarzec discovered the archives of the temple, about 30,000 inscribed clay tablets, containing the business records, and revealing with extraordinary minuteness the administration of an ancient Babylonian temple, the character of its property, the method of farming its lands, herding its flocks, and its commercial and industrial dealings and enterprises; for an ancient Babylonian temple was a great industrial, commercial, agricultural and stock-raising establishment.
Columbia is in a fine farming region; is engaged extensively in the mining and shipping of phosphates; has an important trade in live-stock, especially mules; manufactures cotton, lumber, flour, bricks, pumps and woollen goods; and has marble and stone works.
On his retirement he settled in Devonshire as a small landowner, and contemplated a farming life for his son Frederick, giving him a practical training to that end.
The surrounding country is a fine farming region, which also abounds in coal, fire-clay and building stone.
This farming was of the rudest kind.
In the Catskills and in the farming regions the lumber product consists largely of hardwoods (mostly oak, chestnut and hickory), smaller amounts of hemlock and pine, and a very little spruce.
The above sketch indicates the general principles of barley-cultivation, but in practice they are often modified by local custom or farming exigencies.
Clinton was a part of Lancaster, now a small farming township (pop. in 1905, 2406), until 1850, when it was set off as an independent township. The earliest settlement goes back to 1645.
It is the trade centre of a rich farming district.
The chief industry is agriculture, including sheep farming and stock raising.
Fruit farming engages attention, about 8000 morgen being devoted to orchards in 1904.
Ostrich farming is growing in favour.
The rainfall is sufficient for good grazing, but except in the Flathead valley cultivation was long considered to be dependent on irrigation; and consequently farming was only incidental to stock raising and mining until after 1870, and as late as 1900 the ratio of improved farm land to the total land area was less than in any other state or territory except New Mexico, Wyoming, Arizona and Hawaii.
In 1906 the farm area was almost equally divided between " dry " farming and farming under irrigation, three-fourths of the wheat produced was grown without irrigation, and the dry farming was very successful with the comparatively new and valuable crops of durum, or macaroni wheat, and Russian barley, which is used in straw for winter feed to sheep and neat cattle.
The counties where dry farming had been carried on on the largest scale were Missoula, Ravalli, Flathead, Cascade, Fergus and Gallatin, where cereal yields, though not nearly so large as from irrigated lands, were high compared with the average for the country.
Many of the Indians are engaged in stock-raising; the Crows have an irrigation system and are extensively engaged in farming.
Nor was the concentration of wealth the only danger of this policy; it led to the destruction of forests, the exhaustion of farming soils and the wasteful mining of coal and minerals, since the desire for quick profits, even when they entail risk to permanency of capital, is always a powerful human motive.
Sheep farming, however, has considerably declined within the last few decades.
In 1890 the total acreage devoted to farming was 11,396,460, which in 1900 had increased to 19,070,616.
A movement was at once begun to break up the great Sioux reservation, partly because it cut off this region from the older settlements east of the Missouri and partly because it contained a large amount of land which was very valuable for farming and grazing purposes.
The city is situated in a dairying and farming region.
He profited largely by the tyranny of Rufus, farming for the king a large proportion of the ecclesiastical preferments which were illegaly kept vacant, and obtaining for himself the wealthy see of Durham (1099).
Pompey was satisfied by the ratification of his acts in Asia, and by the assignment of the Campanian state domains to his veterans, the capitalists (with whose interests Crassus was identified) had their bargain for the farming of the Asiatic revenues cancelled, Ptolemy Auletes received the confirmation of his title to the throne of Egypt (for a consideration amounting to i,50o,000), and a fresh act was passed for preventing extortion by provincial governors.
Monmouth is situated in a good farming region, and cattle, swine and ponies are raised in the vicinity.
It is a business centre for the prosperous farming region by which it is surrounded, and is a shipping point for oysters and fish; among its manufactures are canned fruits and vegetables, flour, hominy, phosphates, underwear and lumber.
The submature or mature dissection of the plateau by its branching insequent streams results in giving it an excess of sloping surface, usually too steep for farming, and hence left for tree growth.
A large part of the Great Plains to the east of the Rockies was taken up as farms in the decade 1880 1890; abandoned afterwards, because of its aridity, to stock grazing; and reconverted from ranches into farms when a system of dry farming had proved its tillage practicable.
But when the town meeting has grown to exceed seven or eight hundred persons, and especially when the farming class of native American stock has been replaced by factory operatives of other nationalities, the institution works far less perfectly.
It is the centre of a prosperous farming and manufacturing district, inhabited chiefly by German immigrants and their descendants.
There is considerable local trade with the rich farming country of the Platte and Elkhorn valleys; and the wholesale grain interests are especially important.
Dry farming has been successfully carried on at an experiment farm, established in 1906, 12 m.
After the war he devoted himself to farming in Stafford county, Virginia, and was conspicuous in his efforts to reconcile the Southerit people to the issue of the war, which he regarded as a final settlement of the questions at issue.
One is situated at Lethbridge, southern Alberta, where problems will be investigated concerning agriculture upon irrigated land and dry farming under conditions of a scanty rainfall.
Farming, Horticulture, &c.The wealth of Egypt lay in its agriculture.
The United States Census of 1900 shows that of the farming area of the state in 1900 (41,662,970 acres, 79'6% of the total area), 60'1% was " improved."
There are several important agricultural colleges for the practical education of young men in farming, foremost amongst them being the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph.
Until the middle of the 19th century the methods of agriculture were of a primitive character, but since then they have been entirely transformed, and Orcadian farming is now not below the average standard of the Scottish lowlands.
Painesville is situated in a farming and fruit-growing country, and also has some manufactures.
The development of mining and manufacturing was accompanied by economic distress among the farming classes, which found expression in the Jeffersonian Democratic party, organized in 1892.
For more than a century it was a sparsely settled farming community, the only article of manufacture being bricks.
Truck farming and the cultivation of orchard and small fruits have long been remunerative occupations; the acreage devoted to peaches doubled between 1890 and 1900.
The city is situated in a prosperous farming region, and has excellent water-power and various manufactures.
San Antonio is the commercial centre of a great live stock and farming region.
Beaver Dam is situated in the midst of a fine farming country; it has a good water-power derived from Beaver Lake, and among its manufactures are woollen and cotton goods, malleable iron, foundry products, gasolene engines, agricultural implements, stoves and beer.
It is a trading and shipping centre of an extensive farming territory devoted to the raising of live-stock and to the growing of cotton, Indian corn, fruit, &c. It has large cotton gins and compresses, a large cotton mill, flour mills, canning and ice factories, railway repair shops, planing mills and carriage works.
The number of farms increased from 127,577 in 1850 to 224,248 in 1900, the increase resulting in part from a reduction of their size but more largely from the appropriation of new lands for farming purposes.
The outlying farming establishments belonging to the monastic foundations were known as villae or granges.
Boone is an important coal centre; bricks and tiles are manufactured from the clay obtained near by; there is a packing plant for the manufacture of beef and pork products; and from the rich farming section by which the city is surrounded come large quantities of grain, some of which is milled here, and live-stock.
There are coal mines and excellent farming lands in the vicinity of Lebanon.
Among the city's manufactures are flour, planing-mill products, malt liquors, soda and farming implements.
The city is a distributing centre for a beautiful farming region, the trade in grain being especially large.
The city has various manufactures and is the trade centre of the surrounding farming country.
Situated in the midst of a rich farming and stock-raising country, Goliad has flour mills, cotton gins and cotton-seed oil mills.
There is good farming land in the vicinity and Alpena has lumber and shingle mills, pulp works, Portland cement manufactories and tanneries; in 1905 the city's factory products were valued at $2,905,263.
There is no middle course of farming in Egypt between irrigation and desert.
In ordinary years the climate is too dry for successful cultivation of the field crops, although under favourable conditions of soil and cultivation there are certain areas where cereals are grown by what is known as " dry farming."
The city is situated in a farming and stockraising region, and among its manufactures are foundry products, bricks and flour.
Poultry farming is a considerable industry, thegeeseof Pomerania and thefowls of Thuringia and Lorraine being in especial favor.
On the whole, despite the prosperous condition of the German live-stock farming, the consumption of meat exceeds the amount rendered available by home production, and prices can only be kept down by a steady increase in the imports from abroad.
The chief industries are agriculture - high farming flourishes owing to the great fertility of the peninsula - sandstone-quarrying and fisheries (mainly from Avoch).
While all the larger cities and most of the manufacturing and farming districts of the province belong to old Ontario, there is now in process of development a "New Ontario," stretching for hundreds of miles to the north and north-west of the region just described and covering a far larger area, chiefly made up of Laurentian and Huronian rocks of the Archaean protaxis.
The farming population in the older parts of the province tends to decline in numbers, owing to emigration, partly to the towns, but especially to the newer lands of Manitoba and the west.
Mixed farming and the raising of live stock is becoming more and more the rule, so that the failure of any one crop becomes of less vital importance.
Wheat, barley, oats, peas, potatoes and other roots are staple crops, the average yield of wheat being about 20 bushels an acre; cattle are increasing in number and improving in quality, and all branches of dairy farming prosper.
The city is a trading centre for a prosperous farming region, and coal is mined in the vicinity.
The Abbasid period was marked at its commencement by the erection of a new capital to the north of Fostat, bearing the name Askar or camp. Apparently at this time the practice of farming the taxes began, which naturally led to even greater extortion than before; and a fresh rising of the Copts is recorded for the fourth year of Abbasid rule.
The farming is, however, chiefly pastoral, nearly one-third of the county is common or waste land, and its number of sheep (mainly of the Radnor Forest breed) far exceeds that of any other county in Wales.
It is the centre of the large grazing and farming district of Southland; and has a number of factories, including breweries, foundries, woollen mills and timber-works.
In 1851 the first railway in the state was com - pleted between Milwaukee and Waukesha, but the village re - mained only a farming community until the exploitation of the mineral springs was begun about 1868.
In the immediate vicinity of the city, on the Red river, cotton, sugar, alfalfa and garden vegetables are cultivated; south of the Red river is a peculiarly rich farming country watered by Bayou Rapides and Bayou Boeuf.
John, whom he was still helping, was trying unsuccessfully to set up as a doctor in London; and Alexander's farming failed.
Afterwards, owing to the increased attention given to stock-fattening and dairying, and to a rise in prices, farming reached a condition of equilibrium, and the most noticeable residuum of the period of depression was the large intrusion of the butcher and grazier class into the farmer class proper.
Valdosta is in a rich farming and forest country; among its manufactures are cotton products, lumber, &c. The city owns and operates the water works.
The construction of roads, the abolition of direct taxes and of the system of farming the church lands, the securing of impartial administration of justice, and the establishment of educational institutions are among the services ascribed to his efforts.
He engaged in farming, trading, and stock-raising in Sonora.
It is favourably situated for growing fruit, and mixed farming is carried on to a considerable extent.
If the Hindu village system may be praised for its justice, the Mogul farming system had at least the merit of efficiency.
In the intermediate and secondary departments there is a choice of six courses; general, teaching, farming, toolwork, housekeeping and household arts and business.
The city is in a rich farming country, which produces Indian corn, oats and wheat; and is in the Indiana natural gas region, to which fact it owes its rapid growth as a manufacturing centre.
The principal occupation of the members is farming, although they also have woollen mills (their woollens being of superior quality), a cotton print factory, flour mills, saw mills and dye shops.
Exceedingly burdensome services were required in the seasons when farming processes are, as it were, at their height - in the seasons of mowing and reaping, when every day is of special value and the working power of the farm hands is strained to the utmost.
Instead of managing the land by the constant repetition of the same processes, by a customary immobility of tenure and service, by communalistic restrictions on private enterprise and will, local society began to try improvements, to escape from the bounds of champion farming.
Montpelier, like Jefferson's Monticello and Monroe's Oak-Hill, was an expensive bit of "gentleman farming," which with his generous Virginia hospitality nearly ruined its owner financially.
Magnificent red bulls are bred by the farmers for ploughing and other farming operations, and for the transport of goods.
Regulations were framed for the purpose of establishing adequate supervision over the revenue and expenditure for the abolition of irregular taxation and extortions, as well as the practice of farming out the collection of the revenue to individuals, and, generally, to adapt the whole collection and expenditure of the national revenue to modern ideas of public finance.
Corry is situated in the midst of a fine farming region, which is rich in petroleum and natural gas, and is widely known for its mineral springs.
Much land is too rough, too elevated or too arid ever to be made agriculturally available; but irrigation, and the work of the state and national agricultural bureaus in introducing new plants and promoting scientific farming, have accomplished much that once seemed impossible.
The most remunerative and most characteristic farming to-day is diversified and intensive and on small holdings.
The total filling up to that time on the streams in this vicinity had been from loo to 250 ft., and many thousand acres of fine farming land were buried under gravel, some 16,000 on the lower Yuba alone.
Thousands of acres even of orchard, vineyard and farming land have been thus treated in recent years.
He is found to-day in the mines and fisheries, in various lines of manufacture, in small farming, and in all branches of domestic service.
Immediately surrounding it is the rich farming land of the Monocacy valley, but from a distance it appears to be completely shut in by picturesque hills and mountains; to the E., the Linga ore Hills; to the W., Catoctin Mountain; and to the S., Sugar Loaf Mountain.
Marion lies in a good farming country and in the centre of the state's natural gas region.
The industries include flour-milling, silk-throwing and spinning, and the manufacture of hats, lime, farming implements, preserved foods and nougat.
McKinney is in a fine farming region; there are also manufactures.
Great attention is paid to poultry farming and beekeeping, and the exports from these sources are considerable.
Madison is a trading centre of the surrounding farming region, whose principal products are burley tobacco, grain and fruits (peaches, apples, pears, plums and small fruits).
Ithaca is also a farming centre and coal market, and much fruit is grown in the vicinity.
One of the finest farming regions is the lowland valley of the Arkansas.
The part played by money economy was small, and it is noticeable that the revenues were collected by the monarch's servants, the farming out of taxes being completely unknown.
The corrupt and uneconomical method of farming out the collection of the revenue was, to a great extent, replaced by collection through the officials of the imperial household.
Dry farming has proved a great success in New Mexico, as elsewhere in the SouthWest, especially since 1900; and in 1907 it was estimated that 2,000,000 acres were cultivated without irrigation.
Louis & San Francisco railway systems. The city has two public parks, and is a trading centre for the surrounding fertile farming country.
The great bulk of the farming and labouring members of the Church now definitely abandoned their " Ancient Mother," to whom, however, the Welsh gentry still adhered.
The surrounding country is a magnificent livestock and farming region, and in the immediate vicinity are valuable deposits of coal, of limestone, of shale suitable for sewer pipe and of fire clays.
Troy is situated in a good general farming region, of which tobacco is an important crop; and there are various manufactures.
There are valuable coal mines in and near the city, and the city is situated in a fine farming region.
During the 19th century the percentage under wheat showed a general tendency to increase; that under oats increased much in the later decades as livestock farming became common, rye maintained a steady proportion, but barley, formerly the principal grain-crop, decreased greatly.
It is the chief centre of the farming country of the lower Fraser and has a small export lumber trade.
Lichtenstein long ago remarked' that if it 1 A good summary of the present distribution is contained in the Ostriches and Ostrich Farming of De Mosenthal and Harting, from which the accompanying figure is, with permission, taken.
Douglass, Ostrich Farming in South Africa (London, 1881); modern anatomical work on the group is referred to in the article BIRDS.
P. Taeda, the " loblolly pine " of the backwoodsman, a tall tree with straight trunk and spreading top, covers great tracts of the " pine-barrens " of the southern states, but also frequently spreads over deserted arable lands that have been impoverished by long and bad farming; hence the woodsmen call it the " old-field " pine, while, from the fragrance of its abundant resin, it is also known as the frankincense pine.
The continual feuds with the Kaffirs, and also the continual desire to trek into new countries, all tended to keep back farming, and the country in the years 1867 to 1870 was in a generally very depressed condition.
Lawrence is surrounded by a good farming region, and is itself a thriving educational and commercial centre.
In 1907 the school had 813 students, of whom 313 were girls; it has an academic department, a business school and courses in domestic science, in farming, dairying and gardening, and in masonry, carpentry, painting, blacksmithing, waggonmaking, shoemaking, steam-fitting, printing and other trades.
And, apart from this, the farming country was long without transport facilities.
It is engaged in farming, fishing, the manufacture of brick, tile, cotton fabrics and furniture, and the building of boats.
The same causes made him unpopular with the Roman capitalists, whose sole object was the accumulation of enormous fortunes by farming the revenue of the provinces.
The industries are fishing and farming.
Taken as a whole, the Western Division depends for its prosperity on mineral products and manufactures rather than on farming; and the staple of the farmers is live-stock rather than agriculture.
Nevertheless, as indicated by the unusually large proportion of farmers who either own their farms or pay cash rent for them, farming usually is profitable.
The cultivation of cereals, for example, has given way to a marked extent in nearly all the farming districts except in Aroostook county to market gardening, dairying, and egg and poultry production.
A considerable amount of personal property, including apparel, household furniture not exceeding $ioo in value, a library not exceeding $150 in value, interest in a pew in a meeting-house, and a specified amount of fuel, provisions, tools or farming implements, and domestic animals, and one fishing boat, is also exempt from attachment.
Convicts in the prison are usually employed in the manufacture of articles that are not extensively made elsewhere in the state, such as carriages, harness, furniture and brooms. The inmates of the state school for boys receive instruction in farming, carpentry, tailoring, laundry work, and various other trades and occupations; and the girls in the state industrial school are trained in housework, laundering, dressmaking, &c. Paupers are cared for chiefly by the towns and cities, those wholly dependent being placed in almshouses and those only partially dependent receiving aid at their homes.
Nevada is a trading centre for the surrounding country, and a fine farming and stock-raising region, in which Indian corn, oats, wheat, clover, timothy and blue-grass are grown; coal is mined in the vicinity.
Lumbering and farming are also important industries.
Oklahoma City's prosperity is due chiefly to its jobbing trade, with an extensive farming and stock-raising region, but it has also cotton compresses and cotton gins, and various manufactures.
He married in 1602 a lady of some property, Elisabeth von Valkenburg, and thenceforward lived at Grypskerke in Zeeland, where he devoted himself to farming and poetry.
Union is in a rich cotton-growing, farming and fruit-growing region, and deposits of gold, magnetic iron ore, marble and granite are found.
From the 13th to the 15th century sheep farming flourished, Bedfordshire wool being in request and plentiful.
As a result of these measures the majority of Rumans are peasant proprietors; but the smallness of the holdings renders scientific farming difficult except by cooperation, and many proprietors can only live by working for the owners of large estates.
The voivode Alexander, who succeeded in 1591, and like his predecessors had bought his post of the Divan, carried the oppression still further by introducing a janissary guard and farming out his possessions to his Turkish supporters.
As the god of agriculture and vegetation he is naturally connected with the course of the year and the arrangement of the seasons, so important in farming operations, and becomes the orderer of time (Horomedon, " ruler of the seasons"), and frequently appears on monuments in company with the Horae.
The city is a trading centre for the surrounding farming region.
The dairy business is a promising industry in the farming regions, especially in the Willamette Valley.
Most of the Indians are engaged in farming and stock-raising, but a few still derive their maintenance mainly from fishing and hunting.
Immediately surrounding Fort Dodge is a rich farming country.
A creditor was not at liberty to seize household goods, farming utensils, or any goods the loss of which would prevent the debtor recovering from embarrassment, so long as there was other property which could be seized.
Its great ranges, whose insufficient rainfall makes impossible the certain, and therefore the profitable, cultivation of cereals, or other settled agriculture, lend themselves with profit to stock and dairy farming.
He took away from London some of the exceptional privileges which his grandfather had granted, such as the free election of sheriffs of Middlesex, and the right of farming the shire at a fixed rent.
Nevertheless the struggle turned gradually to the advantage of the laborer, and ended in the creation of the sturdy and prosperous farming yeomanry who were the strength of the realm for several centuries to come.
The great families put their members into orders, and so continued to enjoy the profits of the land which they had given to the church; the priests married and otherwise behaved like the franklins around them in everyday matters, farming, trading, going to law like laymen.
Servian methods of farming remain in many respects primitive.
Small holdings were in themselves a hindrance to Servian agricultural progress, inasmuch as small farmers cannot afford the cost of scientific farming; hence the great success of co-operation.
The site of the city (formerly farming land) was purchased in 1849 by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and was laid out as a town.
The city is in a rich farming, truckgardening and lumbering country.
It is situated in a rich farming region.
The surrounding country is devoted to farming, dairying and coal and iron mining.
Only 8.3 of the population was, in 1900, engaged in industries other than farming, which occupied 85.2%.
Other industries undertaken or developed by Europeans are silk and cotton weaving and raphia-fibre preparation, and ostrich farming.
The Company of the Indies became the grantee for the farming of.tobacco, the coinage of metals, and farming in general; and in order to procure funds it multiplied the output of shares, which were adroitly launched and became more and more sought for on the exchange in the rue Quincampoix.
Farming and fruit-growing are carried on in the surrounding country, and Aurora is the place from which the products are shipped.
Heavy taxation, aggravated by unequal distribution of the burden, owing to insufficient survey of the assessable property, has also contributed to the decline of this and other branches of Spanish farming.
Besides the cattle reared for field-labor and (in the northern provinces) for regular dairy farming, bulls for bull-fighting are specially reared in many parts of the country, particularly in the forests of Navarre, the mountains separating the two Castiles, the Sierra Morena, and the Serrania de Ronda in Granada, and also in separate enclosures on the islands of the Guadalquivir.
In 1856 the company added the manufacture of farming tools, in 1870 sewing-machines, and in 1874 typewriters.
No farming country is richer in quiet and diversified scenic charm than the prairies of the eastern half of the state.
That its storage has very greatly increased as cultivation has been extended (the prairie sod sheds water like a roof) is true; moreover, the spread of scientific principles of farming has increased the advantage derived from the ground-water stored.
Goshen is situated in a good farming region and is an important lumber market.
Temple is situated in a rich farming country; cotton is ginned and baled here, and there are various manufactures.
There is some ostrich farming.
From 1763 to 1766 he devoted himself to farming on his mother's property.
Nor is factory farming a venerable tradition going back centuries, it's a modern abomination created by greed.
Subject areas include agribusiness, farming systems, aquaculture, field crops, food sciences, meteorology and viticulture.
Mr Garrett was one of the leading agriculturists in the district, farming extensively in Cavendish and the neighborhood for 40 years.
Farming in these extremely arid conditions is made possible only with forced irrigation.
These figures do not auger well for the future of British farming.
Organic farming is seen as equating to good aw.
Moon bears - Jean has been campaigning against the horrific practice of bear bile farming for some time now.
Plenty more fish in the sea Increase in fish farming relieves burden on the ocean's resources The aquaculture industry is expanding.
For anyone who likes the outdoor life fish farming can offer a rewarding career.
Part of the project involves fish farming to make caviar.
And poems by you growing up farming community in.
From these, FAO conclude, " it cannot be concluded organic farming leads to an increased risk of mycotoxin contamination " .
The site also looks at farming legislation and farmers ' cooperatives.
Bad for business AS the foot-and-mouth crisis drags on, a company at the heart of the farming industry is seeing its problems escalate.
Weaving, farming and fishing were the main occupations, and many also had a small croft.
The solution to soil degradation was mixed farming moving away from highly intensive arable.
You could have digesters producing electricity and heat - the heat going for fish farming or horticulture.
In addition, situational factors of urban/rural residency and degree of involvement with farming are also strong discriminators.
In jeans and a short sleeved shirt, he is now the rural farming gentleman, his white djellaba hung on a peg somewhere.
Their original idea was apparently for a clip to hold up baggy farming dungarees.
Their daughter has married and their grandchild looks set to help create a regular farming dynasty!
Quite simply, it is because we are continuing to adhere to some woefully errant farming policy instituted nearly 50 years ago.
We are also witnessing the biggest exodus from farming in living memory.
I would urge every farming family to take advantage of these courses.
At the time it seemed that only industrialized farming could bridge the gap.
There has been some loss of features as a result of mechanized farming.
Support organic farming by buying its produce whenever you can.
The station is in a rural area with some arable farming in the immediate surrounding area.
The guiding motto of intensive farming is ' waste nothing, productivity is everything ' .
Projects could include income generation activities such as small-scale farming, arts and craft, and small scale trading.
The trend away from mixed farming toward specialization reduced farmland biodiversity.
The tax should be used to support sustainable farming.
At present 75 per cent of the population is involved in subsistence farming.
The parts east and west of the central Rift were inhabited by peasants who practiced mixed crop and livestock farming.
By far the biggest impact of this would affect salmon farming.
Most of the book is devoted to sheep farming.
In the Philippines, Oxfam is working with fishing communities whose livelihoods have been destroyed by intensive shrimp farming.
Organic farming could play a significant role in increasing wildlife across lowland farmland in Europe.
Most of it consists of fertile flatlands that are perfect for farming, with Ridges and gentle hills forming much of its landscape.
Spread before you are rolling foothills dotted with isolated farming communities and crowned by an array of snow peaks that will leave you breathless.
Compared with the rather fragmentary evidence for their arable farming, the pastoral aspect of things is fully recorded.
Back in 1989 the Farm Animal Welfare Council examined mink and fox fur farming.
Despite the new figures, Soil Association policy director Peter Melchett insisted that the situation for organic farming was not glum.
Monks established medieval granges on the limestone uplands of the Peak where they carried out large-scale sheep farming.
That is giving a genuine degree of hope to the very hard-pressed farming community in our country.
The browse subject headings of agribusiness and farming systems are particularly relevant.
A major project in the basin is aiming to irrigate 25,000 hectares of land for smallholder farming.
Under the same farming system a clay soil will have more humus than a sandy soil.
Its coast is lined by small hamlets of mud huts with indigenous women in bowler hats farming their land.
While the benefits of GM crops remain illusory, the success and benefits of ecological, natural farming systems are well documented.
Unless things change Labor's vision appears to be one of farming on an increasingly impersonal scale.
Last week's court ruling has far-reaching implications for farming communities around the world.
By contrast, the labor power of millions of German men and women was squandered in grossly inefficient peasant farming.
La Boheme ran itself into the ground because of bitter infighting among beneficiaries and a lack of knowledge and expertise about farming.
The almost insatiable worldwide appetite for prawns has resulted in a booming of the prawn farming industry in several tropical regions.
He feels utterly insignificant in the face of their farming ignorance.
I could have coped with getting into work at 7.00AM, had it not involved being woken up by Farming Today.
We would also make the point that when forestry is planted land becomes irretrievable to farming except in the long term.
Some people see the way out of this situation in a return to kulak farming, in the development and extension of kulak farming.
Farming is the predominant industry among the estimated 32,000 inhabitants of the DCU, which has a total landmass of 235 square miles.
Like all animals living in the Amazon rainforest, the silvery marmosets are threatened by deforestation caused by logging and farming.
The monks drained much of the nearby marshes, which became a fertile farming area.
Before long, we were down among the flowery meadows, streams and hamlets that made up these Auvergne farming communities.
Modern farming methods mean that the supply of natural food has dwindled in many parts of the country.
Later farming communities also employed fire to clear vegetation and the spread of heather moor in the upland probably accelerated from late prehistory onwards.
The excision of detailed farming matters from early years is also notable.
Sprouts are notoriously difficult to grow organically in conventional farming they are perpetually sprayed from all sides and must be very noxious.
The increasing prices for organically grown paddy and the increased paddy yield serve as incentives for taking to organic farming.
The lowland English farming landscape is a rich palimpsest of settlement and exploitation.
Indications are that farming practice was essentially pastoral except during climatic optima.
The old methods of subsistence farming disappeared with the rural peasantry.
Pictish farming settlements going back over 2000 years.
They are under pressure from a variety of sources, from intensive farming practices to physical contamination and development.
It certainly predates the beginning of salmon farming in Scotland.
From the tragic increase in farming suicides to those with drug induced psychosis.
San Pedro is an ancient farming community and still offers and unspoiled pueblo.
The region is basically a farming area, mostly cattle on a grand scale probably like the small American ranches.
As an added bonus the farming communities of Germany & France are very happy indeed growing rapeseed and sunflower energy crops for biodiesel production!
We went from spending 2.4 billion reais on family farming to 9 billion.
The farmer decides which traits are most desirable for his or her farming purposes and buys in the appropriate bull's semen.
The Welsh dragon on the left carries a sickle to represent farming interests.
Alternatives to Farming In the face of falling incomes and greater pressure on resources, many smallholders are looking for other sources of income.
Firstly, it would force rationalization of the farming industry, thereby strengthening demands to reform the unwieldy European Union Common Agricultural Policy.
Like the other tamarin species, emperor tamarins are under threat from the destruction of its forest habitat for farming and housing.
Lush greenery and bamboo thickets are typical farming village scenes in Taiwan.
Certainly in the 16th century Eilean Mor provided shelter to the houses and barns of a farming township.
The problems are not confined to land; there are also concerns about algal toxins in fish and the chemicals used in fish farming.
Medieval monasteries grew wealthy through sheep farming on our limestone uplands.
Having had first-hand experience of using traditional farming techniques he is particularly well-informed on agricultural matters.
A countryside able to support viable farming businesses and producing wholesome, affordable food and teaming with wildlife.
Catford Originally a farming area, Catford got its name from the local wildcats which used to cross the river at this site.
Doubtless Flanders may claim to be the pioneer of " high farming " in medieval times, other countries following her lead in many respects.
But there is reason to believe that the influence of the example of its numerous members did not extend to the common tenantry, who not unnaturally were reluctant to adopt the practices of those by whom farming was perhaps regarded as primarily a source of pleasure rather than of profit.
For sugar, tea and wattle growing, farming, coalmining and other industries indentured Indian labour appeared to be essential.
Generally several villages have grown up in the same " town," and some of the more populous " towns," usually those in which manufacturing has become more important than farming, have been incorporated as " cities "; thus either a town or a city may now include a farming country and various small villages.
The milk of the cow, which may be taken as typical of all others, and is indeed by far the most important and valuable of all (see Dairy And Dairy Farming), is, when newly drawn, an opaque white fluid, with a yellowish tinge, soft, bland and sweetish to the taste, and possessed of a faintly animal odour.
See also the articles Adulteration; Dairy And Dairy Farming; Infancy; Dietetics; Food and Food PRESERVATION; in the last of which the preparation of condensed milk is described.
It was not until the settlers learned to adapt themselves to the methods of wide-range cattle raising and of farming by irrigation that the greater value of the far western interior was recognized as a permanent home for an agricultural population.
The farming of exorbitant taxes, coupled as it was too often with dishonest concessions to the tax farmer, made the over-burdened peasantry drink the doubly bitter cup of exploitation and injustice.
Farming is very intensive, and crop follows crop in swift succession; in 1905 the yield of barley per acre, 44 bushels, was greater than in any other state or territory, as was the farm price per bushel on the 1st of December, 81 cents; the average yield per acre of hay was the highest in the Union in 1903, 3.46 tons, the general average being 1 54 tons,was fourth in 1904, 2 71 tons (Utah 3.54, Idaho 3 07, Nevada 3.04), the general average being I 52 tons, and was highest in 1905, 3.75 tons, the general average for the country being 1 54 tons; and in the same three years the average value per acre of hay was greater in Arizona than in any other state of the Union, being $35.78 in 1 The San Francisco yellow pine forest, with an area of some 4700 sq.
Saginaw is situated in a good farming region with a fertile soil, especially adapted to the culture of sugar beets; other important crops are beans, cabbages, tomatoes, cucumbers, hay, apples and grains.
Harting, in his and De Mosenthal's Ostriches and Ostrich Farming, from which the woodcut here introduced is by permission copied, gives (pp. 67-72) some portentous statistics of the destruction of rheas for the sake of their feathers, which, he says, are known in the trade as "Vautour" to distinguish them from those of the African bird.
And so at an early age, you took a wife, started having children, and supported yourself by farming.
Indigenous animals are not well-suited to be domesticated and assist in farming.
It will come about through sensors, genetic engineering, better information, better communication, and precision farming.
It only wuined our farming!
As an added bonus the farming communities of Germany & France are very happy indeed growing rapeseed and sunflower energy crops for biodiesel production !
In very rapid succession the family moved into several different villages and the father tried his hand at farming.
Cllr McGill responded that the rural areas deal mainly in farming and wondered how this could be reconciled with interest in the urban area.
Not far away giant funeral pyres send the last hopes of much of the farming industry reeking up to heaven.
Land available for small-scale farming has shrunk, creating land scarcity among the farming population.
The farmer decides which traits are most desirable for his or her farming purposes and buys in the appropriate bull 's semen.
Above the mural crown is a garb or sheaf of wheat or corn used to represent farming.
More than 70 per cent of shrimp farming is now in Asia.
Organic farming provides a great model of how we can really use skilled labor to add value to our products.
This studied noted that organic farming reverses most of the agricultural trends that appear to have caused the decline in skylark numbers.
Most smallholding farms went long ago; all that is left is the large fields designed for industrial farming and GPS enabled tractors.
Instead they choose to scaremonger by blaming all bird declines on farming practices, ignoring varying reasons for songbird declines.
Luton was just another small farming town until the early 19th century, when it became the center of the straw-hat industry.
Today our national fauna has been decimated by modern farming practices and the huge loss of unimproved habitats to the plow.
For too long the farming lobby has had a vise like grip on policy, its time we ended their dependency culture.
Redbourn has a tradition of farming and for a time had a successful watercress business.
Economic problems The war in DR. Congo disrupted trade and farming, adding to economic woes caused by decades of dictatorship.
Farmed - Fish farming is a growing industry providing about 30% of all seafood and fish.
A farmer gift guide can be an invaluable resource for choosing appropriate and thoughtful gifts for anyone with a farming lifestyle, whether their family has been farming large acreage for generations or they're a casual small farm owner.
Farmhouse country furniture might even contain elements from farming equipment such as bar stools with tractor seats.
They also use horse drawn plows to cultivate their fields for farming.
Is widely used as an alternative fuel for farming.
Industrialized farming is one prominent cause of soil contamination, with the heavy use of fertilizers and pesticides leaving soil contaminated by chemicals, and large populations of livestock the source of heavy organic contamination.
Since there's nothing more local than your own backyard, it makes perfect sense to invest in urban farming.
Base Ingredients - Many of the elements of biofuels are considered "waste" products, such as corn stalks and other byproducts of agricultural farming.
Jobs ranging from farming to production to transportation would be created with the development of biofuels.
As interest in wind power and wind farming continue to grow, people are looking for not only workable designs, but those that are aesthetically pleasing as well.
Nitrogen oxides trap 300 times more heat per volume than carbon dioxide, making fertilizer use in farming one of the leading causes of global warming.
Wind turbines harness wind energy for use in farming and electricity generation.
These are far reaching and include farming, energy production, waste management and more.
Many manufacturing processes involve the burning of such chemicals, as does farming, and of course, driving cars.
Planting vegetative covers, strict erosion management and implementing beneficial farming methods are just a few of the many possible approaches to soil conservation.
Support organic farming, which doesn't use pesticides or herbicides on crops.
As the world's need for food has increased more chemicals are being used to increase yields in farming.
Much like organic food, organic home textiles are produced using materials that have been grown free of pesticides using sustainable farming and harvesting processes.
To consumers worldwide that are worried about the environment organic farming fit's the bill; it allows them to share in the ecological upkeep of the planet.
The agriculture department has put into place the National Organic Program, which gives the basis for organic farming techniques.
Organic farming is a small industry and is not subsidized like conventional farming.
Remembering that one of the primary goals is to seek a balance between what is eaten and how it is produced, farming and transportation issues are significant.
Sustainable farming methods are nature-based in that they are focused on maintaining the long-term health of the land and the integrity of its crop.
From farming practices and transportation to processing and preparing, every decision impacts the next.
During the late 1700s, the company expanded to include both iron and copper metal works and specialized in tools for farming.
If you're a guy looking for a guy-centered game, you may have to look a little harder, but there are farming, camping and safari options.
You may find it easier to get a summer job, especially if you live in a tourist area or farming community.
Because of its support of organic farming methods, alternative power sources such as solar and wind, and healthy diets, Silk is considered to be a leading natural-foods company among many of its customers.
Children whose parents had certain financial means had different clothing in 1820 than they did in 1880; for farming and other low-income families, children's clothing did not change that much during the 19th century in America.
Pole barns are popular in mid-west states, as well as in rural farming communities throughout the country.
Organic farming practices preserve the soil while conventional farming has contributed to uncontrolled soil erosion.
Many of those that remain have turned to organic farming as a last effort to save their family farms.
It is beautiful as well as protective of the planet, because the cotton is grown using organic farming methods.
For more information on finding an organic seed company and the benefits of organic farming, visit the Organic Seed Alliance.
More people are aware of the many circumstances involving animal cruelty, including factory farming and product testing.
Sustainable farming methods help reduce the reliance on pesticides and encourage better yields.
Another big problem with conventional coffee farming is that it encourages deforestation.
Choosing organic Peruvian coffee, or organic coffee from anywhere else in the world, means you're supporting sustainable agriculture and farming methods that support and replenish the soil rather than poisoning it.
The concept of Fair Trade certification deals with a combination of business practices and farming techniques.
The idea behind Fair Trade certification attempts to make it viable for farm owners and workers to earn a living and rewards them for following responsible and sustainable farming practices.
Additionally, they emphasize sustainable farming practices, avoiding the use of dangerous chemicals and growth hormones.
By purchasing organic coffee and other products that have earned Fair Trade certification, consumers are able to use their spending power to support the continued operation of small farms that adhere to the principles of Fair Trade farming.
In addition to providing your child with healthy, all-natural nourishment, you're also providing important support for the organic farming movement when you opt to feed your baby an organic formula.
Your support contributes to the overall good of the environment, and provides you with a way to vote for environmentally responsible farming practices with your shopping dollars.
Organic coffee farming includes plenty of regulations regarding the ways the soil is treated as well as what elements might be included within the eventual product.
Organic farming is also oftentimes more time-consuming and expensive than traditional farming methods.
Organic cotton school clothing, made in USA, is a great way to teach children about important environmental issues like sustainable farming and the effects of transportation on the environment.
Globally, 10 percent of the pesticides used in farming are used to treat cotton crops.
Organic farming is typically a more expensive option for farmers because the limited use of pesticides causes higher losses due to greater insect and microbial activity.
Organic methods may yield up to 25 percent less produce than conventional farming methods.
Even though the economics seem to favor conventional farming practices, the popularity of organic foods is fueling growth in the organic movement.
Some studies show that foods grown through the use of standard chemical-based farming practices have fewer vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, iron, and magnesium.
Organic farming requires a little more care and time, but the results are more than worth it.
Another benefit of supporting U.S. organic farmers is that natural eco-friendly farming practices have less of an impact on the surrounding environment.
Cancer causing chemicals like cyanide, propargite and dicofol have been used in conventional farming, contaminating local wildlife, water and soil.
Conventional farming uses chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides in large amounts.
A decrease and eventual end to agricultural and factory farming practices that are deemed dangerous and harmful to the environment.
Organic farming is very labor intensive and therefore the produce is more expensive than what is grown on giant farms.
At one time or another, a number of chemical agents used in conventional farming have been linked to cancer in humans, like dicofol, cyanide and propargite.
Standard farming practices are a major contributor to water pollution.
Organically produced products are usually a little more expensive because natural, earth friendly farming practices often result in smaller crop yields.
For large agricultural operations, organic farming techniques can be more expensive than conventional farming.
The primary difference between organic farming and gardening and conventional practices is perspective.
In 1942, he began Organic Farming and Gardening, a magazine created to help people grow successful Victory Gardens organically.
Farming without the use of toxins keeps all aspects of the environment healthy.
Intensive farming methods, the type that most commercial and conventional farms use today, cause erosion of soil and destroy the natural habitat of many different species of animals.
In addition, conventional farming practices are often cruel to the livestock.
Since conventional farming uses a lot of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and other toxins, the soil becomes polluted.
Ground water can also become infused with toxins used in farming and the drinking water supply is compromised.
This is thought to be because of depletion of quality soil caused by conventional, intensive farming.
A discussion of organic farming methods should begin with the definition of just what organic farming is.
The environment in which farming occurs is just as important as what is being produced.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) further defines organic farming as agriculture without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
Organic farming differs in that it uses natural means to improve soil properties.
Farmers may use a variety of other methods including buffer strips, no-till farming, or release of beneficial organisms.
Another concern with any type of farming is pests.
The advantage of these organic farming methods is that they represent no threat to the environment or humans.
This is a key concept of organic farming and gardening.
The Organic Food Production Act of 1990 established the federal standards for organic farming and certification of farms.
Organic farming is likely to experience continued growth due it lucrative nature.
The increase and use of organic farming methods are good for the environment and human health.
If for this reason alone, organic farming is the optimal direction for agriculture.
The benefits of organic farming and gardening make it a viable compromise between agriculture and the environment.
The premise is to minimize the environmental impact of land disturbance through farming.
In many ways, organic farming addresses the most serious concerns regarding this industry.
As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) explains, organic farming uses no synthetic pesticides.
Organic farming recognizes the environmental risk this action imposes and seeks ways to minimize the impact.
One of the benefits of organic farming is to minimize pesticide use.
Other benefits of organic farming address concerns over fertilizer use.
One of the principles of organic farming is to minimize pesticide use.
Organic farming also offers benefits to the consumer.
If you are concerned about the quality of your produce, organic farming may offer you a safer alternative.
The reach of organic farming has spread.
You can find not only organic produce but meat products, organic clothing, and even furniture and bedding produced using organic farming methods.
Organic farming offers a feasible solution to the environmental impacts of farming.
When considering the advantages and disadvantages of organic farming, it is important to realize that any land disturbance can potentially have negative environmental impacts.
In many respects, this awareness makes organic farming a viable option.
The essence of organic farming recognizes that agriculture causes pollution and can affect the integrity of the soil.
These principles form the basis for benefits of organic farming.
One way organic farming accomplishes these goals is by not using synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.
Of the advantages and disadvantages of organic farming, one factor may stand out above the rest-the nutritional value of organic foods.
To review organic farming and gardening objectively, it is also essential to consider the drawbacks of these practices to help you make the best choice for you.
One aspect of organic farming may become obvious right away is the expense of natural fertilizers.
In the final analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of organic farming boil down to how much you are willing to spend to minimize the environment impact of farming.
As the organic farming industry grows, the premium price of these products may drop.
By buying organic, you are helping to ensure that these eco-friendly farming practices.
By proxy, this means that you are supporting the many positive ecological factors, like the elimination of harmful runoff and human treatment of animals and employees, associated with organic farming and manufacturing.
Organic farming and manufacturing produces less harmful runoff and leaves a smaller ecological footprint on nature, animals, and even people, which is an investment into our future that cannot be taken lightly.
There are several niche markets in organic farming not like conventional farming.
Farming whether organic or not, must deal with the same challenges of pests and crop yields.
Organic farming does not use this technology because of the National Standards on Organic Agricultural Production and Handling (NOP rule) of 2000.
Organic farming and gardening uses products which are not synthetic.
Old Pine Farm - As a supporter of the Humane Farming Association, Old Pine Farm produces not only organic, grass-fed beef, but pork, lamb, emu, and chicken.
These standards include prohibited and allowed substances and farming practices in order to meet regulations for the organic food label.
Considering that agriculture contribute almost 60 percent of nitrous oxide in the world, you may find it comforting to support farming practices which are more environmentally friendly.
When a food is labeled "certified organic," it means that the farmer has taken the extra step to have his operation certified by an independent or state organization as meeting the standards of organic farming.
Farming techniques are also governed and limited, which means that many of the means with which commercial farms are able to mass produce is not available to organic farmers.
Organic farming is more labor-intensive in many ways, which ultimately affects production and affects the end cost to customers.
While organic farming had been around since the 1940s, organic food was not a mainstream product line like it is today.
This is the farming basket for the state and its economy.
It's sustainable farming practices years before the term was even coined.
The winery is devoted to the practices of organic farming, and King Estate tries to avoid applying chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides to its grapes.
However, many similar sustainable farming practices are used in its production.
On the farming side of our operation, all our vineyards have been organic certified by California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF).
Organic farming helps promote plant diversity, preserve native species, and maintain the long term health and fertility of the soil.
At each site, Don Munk, our vineyard director, and his viticulture team use small-vine farming to produce low-yield, highly concentrated fruit.
People from cultures in which adult consumption of milk and milk products occurred earliest are less likely to be lactose intolerant than people from areas where dairy farming began more recently.
There is also an increased awareness of the questionable treatment of farm animals in factory farming.
This could be the pantomime of mining, farming, or hiking.
A renewable energy community dedicated to organic farming without animal slaughter is the gem of feng shui living.
You'll find jobs within the state sector (those that report to the crown) to include a cross-section of almost all the jobs in New Zealand, from farming to office jobs.
Given this late start, it's important to realize that many children at that time were from farming families.
In some farming communities, kids simply did not show up for school during the harvest season.
Knott's Berry Farm history has its roots in actual berry farming.
In the 19th century, sheep farming became a major industry in Australia.
An age-old farming family from Yorkshire, the Sugdens have maintained a presence in the show for decades.
Consider the example of a man who opened an optical shop in a farming community.
Farming out a particular function where you lack expertise is a smart move.
People who have become well educated about factory farming practices may feel they cannot support an industry that, by its very existence, is cruel to animals.
Although he was successful in his position, Mecherle believed the company wasn't being fair to the farming industry.
Farm Discounts - If your main occupation is farming or ranching, this discount may apply to any autos used for ranch and farming work.
The name Run-Rig refers to an old Scottish farming technique, the remnants of which can still be seen on the Isle of Skye, where most of the band members are originally from.
Or, if you are hosting a party in honor of the harvest without being involved in a farming operation, invite everyone who is close to you.
Farming is risky - there are small farms closing every day.
In recent years, Smallville has transcended the original premise of Superman's adolescent beginnings in a small farming community to encompass his early adulthood in Metropolis.
In "The Magnificent Warriors", Box and Muffit are allowed to go with a negotiating party from the ship to trade for farming and food supplies.
What this means for organic skin care is that the farms that make a product's raw ingredients must use organic farming practices.
A farmer from Texas can now virtually meet and discuss farming techniques with a farmer from the UK or Germany.
There are many different ways to go about playing this true-to-life farming game, so keep reading for some tips and tricks to get you started.
Farm Town is an exciting Facebook game, especially if you're interested in farming or gardening.
Like most other Facebook games, you have the option to reinvest your earnings into growing the profitability of your farm through expanding it with more room for farming or you can opt to decorate your farm.
At the same time, with technological changes the roles for teens changed, moving beyond just farming to fabric arts, engineering, and many other fields.
Until last night, she had been convinced that he was too sophisticated to be interested in farming.
It is in a rich farming region, of which Indian corn and oats are important products, and has a large trade.
The Nord, which serves the rich mining, industrial and farming districts of Nord, Pas-de-Calais, Aisne and Somme, connecting with the Belgian railways at several points.
In Latium leasehold and farming by landlords prevail, but cases of, nezzadria and of improvement farms exist.
The railway redemption contracts were in fact immediately voted by parliament, with a clause pledging the government to legislate in favor of farming out the railways to private companies.
The city is a trade centre for a rich farming district, has car-shops (of the Pere Marquette railway) and iron foundries, and manufactures wagons, pottery, furniture and clothing.
Land for farming purposes is expensive, and wages are high, leaving small profit, unless it happens that a man, with his family to assist him, works his own land.
At the same time the Senate interpreted the law so as to exclude all but heads of families actually engaged in farming from the vote for the Duma.
The site of Berkeley was a farming region until its selection for the home of the university.
Farming, horsebreeding, linen-weaving and the manufacture of olive-oil are the chief local industries.
The state government, through its Department of Agriculture, takes an active interest in the introduction of modern agricultural methods, and in the promotion of diversified farming; in 1899 it established the Edgecombe and in 1902 the Iredell test farm.
The lease system does not prevail, but the farming out of convict labour is permitted by the constitution; such labour is used chiefly for the building of railways, the convicts so employed being at 'all times cared for and guarded by state officials.
Columbus is situated in a fine farming region, and has extensive tanneries, threshingmachine and traction and automobile engine works, structural iron works, tool and machine shops, canneries and furniture factories.
In such districts sheep farming is chiefly practised, and there is a considerable area of heath pasture.
The introduction of new plants, which made it possible to dispense with the bare fallow, and still later the application to husbandry of scientific discoveries as to soils, plant constituents and manures, brought about a revolution in farming.
The monumental records of Egypt are the source of the earliest information on farming.
The low price of grain, which was imported in huge quantities from Sicily and other Roman provinces, operated to crush the small holder, at the same time as it made arable farming unremunerative.