Fantasize Sentence Examples
What does he fantasize doing with you?
She was in his world now, offering him something he'd allowed himself to fantasize about more than once.
Children who fantasize a lot have unusually good inner resources for amusing themselves.
To a degree that his heirs can only fantasize about today, a lawyer in Rome might become a superstar.
Take a drive on the 17-Mile Drive and fantasize what it takes to get an address on the road.
Many people fantasize about dates with their favorite characters, especially anime fans.
It was useless for her to fantasize about Xander, not when a couple dozen women who belonged on the covers of magazines were gathered around.
I wanted to do a record since I was 16, and I do n't fantasize about it.
If your first date goes well, resist the urge to fantasize about picking out china patterns for your wedding registry.
I've told my friends that still go to his school that I'm over him... but I feel like I'm only half over him... because I'll still fantasize and dream about him.
AdvertisementStill, should he fantasize about a future in football, this sweater vest may banish him to lonely lunchtimes in the school cafeteria and even a passing period trapped in a hall locker.
Married women who cheat on their spouses are typically not getting the emotional intimacy that they need and may fantasize that the answer lies outside their marriage.
Men imagine and fantasize about all the things they have done or could do with their current partner.
Women are just as likely to fantasize about sex with their current partner, as they are to fantasize about sex with a stranger.
Women are also more likely to fantasize about things they've heard about, but never tried including ménage, group sexual experiences, voyeurism and bondage.
AdvertisementThey'd rather fantasize about all the possibilities for a while before they decide to actually ask you out.
Many men fantasize about seeing "their women" in revealing panties.