Faltering Sentence Examples
Something about his faltering response gave her strength.
He stumbled forward at the impact but showed no other sign of faltering.
They did this by marginalizing the interests of the indigenous poor and dismantling the faltering hegemony of an Anglo-Irish ascendancy.
It's very unlikely that you'll ever see a Taurus and Leo marriage faltering due to lack of effort.
Part of the reason breakups become such a long drawn out process is that what ever should be said, directly and without any faltering, is often difficult to say when your ex-partner is now weeping into her salad plate.
There's no wobbling, no faltering, and every cheerleader seems to hit a move on the exact count as if she's hitting something invisible.
Without faltering, GrandPré has again achieved excellence with her artistry and compliments Rowling's words with charming illustrations to provoke the imagination.
Tears ran down not only the cheeks of women, but those of men; but there was no faltering.
He took an active share in the Oregon controversy, asserting his unalterable determination, in spite of President Polk's faltering from the declaration of his party's platform, not to " yield up one inch " of the territory to Great Britain, and advocating its occupation by a military force; indeed he consistently regarded Great Britain as the natural and foremost rival of the United States, the interests of the two nations, he thought, being always opposed, and few senators fought more vigorously the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty or Great Britain's reassertion of the right of search on the high seas.