Falls-over Sentence Examples
Opposite the castle is the Dropping Well, the waters of which are impregnated with lime and have petrifying power, this action causing the curious and beautiful incrustations formed where the water falls over a slight cliff.
Where the tip falls over and covers the orifice.
Or it falls over the nape of the neck and is kept in position with a band; or again as a cloth cap has lappets to protect the ears.
Often during a month, sometimes for several months, no rain falls over the greatest part of Arizona.
Also a game she finds hysterical of standing on her own and then leaning forward until she falls over into my arms!
There were parties on Umbrella falls,over sixties icefall and George but apart from that the other routes looked incomplete.
The water in different mood falls over a rocky ledge, divides round a tiny island, home to a pair of wild mallard.
There 's a dab of ET in the way his extra-terrestrials try fooling around with a bicycle and nervously recoil when it falls over.
For example, women in Gujarat drape their saris similarly to the Nivi style, but the pallu falls over the right shoulder instead of the left, and it is also draped from back to front instead of front to back.