Fall-into Sentence Examples
After today, everything would fall into a pattern.
If I can settle on a few more characters, it should begin to fall into place.
When the suns fall into night, I'll speak to dhjan A'Ran over the communicator.
Did he think she was going to fall into his arms?
How do I fall into it?
She stepped forward, curious and hopeful she did fall into the water and end everything right here.
The chain-of-events had unfolded the way she planned, except that Gabriel didn't fall into her lap, and she had lost all her power in the process.
She watched the crimson drop form, stretch, then fall into the fountain.
Once I figured that out, it all began to fall into place.
When he was twelve years old he was instructed in starcraft by Nectanebus, who was killed by a fall into a pit, into which he had been playfully pushed by Alexander.
AdvertisementFor overhead travellers in workshops, and for most of the cranes which fall into our second class, electricity as a motive power has already displaced nearly every other method.
Zwingli and Calvin on the other hand prefer the positive view of law as instituted by God far back in history in the days of the Old Covenant; but,, when exegesis or controversy puts pressure upon them, they fall into line and reiterate the appeal to a Natural Law.
Sometimes ships that are windbound and have exhausted their provision of water, touch here and apply to the natives for it; in such cases the crews sometimes fall into the hands of the latter and most of them are massacred."
The Spermatophyta fall into two classes, Gymncsperms (q.v.) and Angiosperms; the former are the more primitive group, appearing earlier in geological time and showing more resemblance in the course of their life-history to the Pteridophyta.
Among the Jews the preaching of the prophets had been a constant protest against the grosser forms of sacrifice, and there are indications that when Christianity arose bloody sacrifices were already beginning to fall into disuse; a saying which was attributed by the Ebionites to Christ repeats this protest in a strong form, "I.
AdvertisementThe labours of Golgi, Marchiafava, Celli and others established the nature of the parasite and its behaviour in the blood; they proved the fact, guessed by Rasori so far back as 1846, that the periodical febrile paroxysm corresponds with the development of the organisms; and they showed that the different forms of malarial fever have their distinct parasites, and consequently fall into distinct groups,.
It was later granted to the earls of Salisbury, who seem to have allowed it to fall into disrepair, for in 1315 and in 1319 the abbot of Sherborne was appointed to inquire into its condition.
Despite all this, one must not fall into the easy error of exaggerating the degeneration into which the Jewries of the world fell from the middle of the 17th till the middle of the 18th century.
The sturgeons, which abound in the Black Sea and Caspian, and ascend the rivers that fall into them, are also found in Asiatic Russia, and an allied form extends to southern China.
At the end of the world the devil Ur will swallow up the earth and the other intermediate higher worlds, and thereupon will burst and fall into the abyss of darkness where, along with all the worlds and powers of darkness, he will ultimately cease to be, so that thenceforward the universe will consist of but one everlasting world of light.
AdvertisementIt is probable that many of these Carboniferous insects might be referred to the Isoptera, while others would fall into the existing orders to which they are allied, with some modification of our present diagnoses.
School districts fall into four classes - cities, villages, townships and special districts - each of which has its own board of education elected by popular vote.
This may be brought about by a distillation under pressure, or by allowing the condensed distillate to fall into the highly heated residue in the still.
Partly by contact with the Byzantines, partly by conflict with the Mahommedans, the Franks learned new methods 1 Authors like Heeren (Versuch einer Entwickelung der Folgen der Kreuzziige) and Michaud (in the last volume of his Histoire des croisades) fall into the error of assigning all things to the Crusades.
But the cases of it fall into two classes.
AdvertisementThis is due as much to the inspiriting teachings of Ritter and Humboldt as to the general culture and scientific training combined with technical skill commanded by the men who more especially devote themselves to this branch of geography, which elsewhere is too frequently allowed to fall into the hands of mere mechanics.
This structure stood until the Reformation, when it was unroofed and suffered to fall into ruin.
In the body of the work he displays considerable ingenuity in reducing his problems to simple equations, which admit either of direct solution, or fall into the class known as indeterminate equations.
During the summer America gave a lead to the Allies by accepting the Yugoslav programme, and after Austria's failure on the Piave there was a growing disposition on the part of the western Powers to fall into line with Mr. Lansing's very clear pronouncements.
This sport was allowed to fall into disuse, and was not again prevalent until it was introduced from Holland after the Restoration.
At the time of the British annexation of Burma there were some old irrigation systems in the Kyaukse and Minbu districts, which had been allowed to fall into disrepair, and these have now been renewed and extended.
As regards status, the most elaborate enactments fall into the period preceding the Danish settlements.
Omitting that of Oppert, which to some extent stands in a category by itself, the systems fall into three groups.
The vacuum pan is erected at a height which commands the crystallizers, each of which will, as in days gone by in Cuba, hold the contents of the pan, and these in their turn are set high enough to allow the charge to fall into the feeding-trough of the centrifugals, thus obviating the necessity of any labour to remove the raw sugar from the time it leaves the vacuum pan to the time it falls into the centrifugals.
We may say, however, that they fall into two classes, general and specific. The general included all that might come under the idea of loyalty, seeking the lord's interests, keeping his secrets, betraying the plans of his enemies, protecting his family, &c. The specific services are capable of more definite statement, and they usually received exact definition in custom and sometimes in written documents.
Even after Conrad's capture of Naples Innocent remained inexorable; for he feared that Rome itself might fall into the hands of the German king.
In order to support himself and pay his academic fees many a Japanese has to fall into the ranks of the physical laborer during a part of each day or night.
It was a noble art, but unfortunately the rivalry of the Buddhist and later native styles permitted it to fall into comparative neglect, and it was left for a few of the faithful, the most famous of whom was a priest of the I 4th century named Kawo, to preserve it from inanition till the great Chinese renaissance that lent its stamp to the next period.
The contents of the prophecy fall into a series of clearly marked sections, as in the paragraph division of the Revised Version.
The title of count of Agenais, which the kings of England had allowed to fall into desuetude, was revived by the kings of France, and in 1789 was held by the family of the dukes of Richelieu.
Beside that conception the issue of battles and the fate of kings fall into comparative insignificance.
We must be careful, however, not to fall into the error of supposing that he wrote it with the sole object of meeting an occasional emergency.
A molecule escaping from its original position in a body will usually fall into a new position in which it will be held in equilibrium by the forces from a new set of neighbouring molecules.
The surveys and reports of Captain Moresby in 1874 brought home to Queensland (and Australia generally) the dangers possible to her commerce were the coasts opposite to Torres Strait and the entrance to the splendid waterway inside the Barrier Reef to fall into the possession of a foreign power.
Moreover, Dr Gilly's book (A Visit to the Valleys of Piedmont), chancing to fall into the hands of an officer who had lost his leg at Waterloo, Colonel Beckwith, suggested an object for the energies of one who was 10th at the age of twenty-six to sink into enforced idleness.
The limitations of the compiler's interest in past times appear in the omission, among other particulars, of David's reign in Hebron, of the disorders in family and the revolt of Absalom, of the circumstances of Solomon's accession, and of many details as to the wisdom and splendour of that sovereign, as well as of his fall into idolatry.
After the removal of the capital to Bagdad, in the middle of the following century, Kufa lost its importance and began to fall into decay.
Mannyng wrote in the English tongue not for learned but for "lewd" men, "that talys and ryme wyl blethly here," to occupy the leisure hours during which they might otherwise fall into "vylanye, dedly synne or other folye."
In the past they were often allowed to fall into disrepair, but in 1903 a department of government was formed to control their upkeep, with the result that most of them were soon furnished with new locks, deepened, and made thoroughly serviceable.
He has plenty of legends to tell us, and writes altogether in a poetical style, so that his prose seems to fall into rhythm unconsciously.
Even those who do not fall into the error of making Smith the creator of the science, often separate him too broadly from Quesnay and his followers, and represent the history of modern economics as consisting of the successive rise and reign of three doctrines - the mercantile, the physiocratic and the Smithian.
Of the survivors a few were settled amongst the Aedui; the rest were sent back to Switzerland lest it should fall into German hands.
The territory differs much in character; the Po and other smaller rivers which fall into the Adriatic terminate in a huge and continually advancing delta which extends right along the coast, and is liable to inundation.
But secretly Elizabeth countermined his plans; unlike Walsing ham, she would sooner have seen Philip remain master of the Netherlands than see them fall into the hands of France.
With the rise of a belief in departmental gods comes the age of polytheism; the belief in elemental spirits may still persist, but they fall into the background and receive no cult.
The Church when it had once conquered the world allowed such precepts to lapse and fall into the background, and no one save monks or Manichaean heretics remembered them any more; indeed modern divines affect to believe that marriage rites and family ties were the peculiar concern of the Church from the very first; and few moderns will fail to sympathize with the misgivings of the barbarian chief who, having been converted and being about to receive Christian baptism, paused as he stepped down into the font, and asked the priests if in the heaven to which their rites admitted him he would meet and converse with his pagan ancestors.
Most of tie Archean rocks fall into one or the other of two great series, a schistose series and a granitoid series, the latter being in large part intrusive in the former.
Nevertheless the fortress did not fall into the possession of the French till 1406 after a blockade of eighteen months.
They also were permitted to fall into decay, but the 3rd marquess of Bute undertook the restoration of the Greyfriars' chapel.
The works of Tertullian, on the chronology of which a great deal has been written, and which for the most part do not admit of being dated with perfect certainty, fall into three classes - the apologetic, defending Christianity against paganism and Judaism; the polemical dogmatic, refuting heresies and heretics; and the ascetic or practical, dealing with points of morality and church discipline.
The Lemnian version is due to the prominence of his cult at Lemnos in very early times; and his fall into the sea may have been suggested by volcanic activity in Mediterranean islands, as at Lipara, and Thera.
Instead of the old belief that God made the world for man, philosophers began to fall into the pleasing dream, I am everything, and everything is I - and even I am God.
Fechner was saved from this absurdity, but only to fall into the greater absurdity of his own panpsychism.
The psychology of Aristotle and Aquinas thus became impossible; for, if the form of a body is only a mode of matter, to call one's soul the form of one's body is to reduce it to only a mode of matter, and fall into materialism.
The towns of the province, as we have already implied, fall into two classes.
Of course in this great mart a large variety of types is to be found and the members fall into some kind of rough grouping.
An absolute contrast to his brother, he gave himself up to a life of pleasure and allowed the administration to fall into the hands of six eunuchs.
Numerous torrents pour down from the two boundary ranges, and unite in the plains to form large streams, which fall into the chief streams of the district, which are the Irrawaddy, Hlaing and Bassein, all of them branches of the Irrawaddy.
It has been accepted for some time now that the majority of the fungi proper fall into three main groups, the Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes, the Schizomycetes and Myxomycetes (Mycetozoa) being considered as independent groups not coming under the true fungi.
In the first group zygospores can arise by the union of branches from the same mycelium and so can be produced by the growth from a single spore; this group includes Spordinia grandis, Spinellus fusiger, some species of Mucor, &c. The majority of forms, however, fall into the heterothallic group, in which the association of branches from two mycelia different in I nature is necessary for the 2, formation of zygospores.
The word "species" now signifies a grade or rank in classification assigned by systematists to an assemblage of organic forms which they judge to be more closely interrelated by common descent than they are related to forms judged to be outside the species, and of which the known individuals, if they differ amongst themselves, differ less markedly than they do from those outside the species, or, if differing markedly, are linked by intermediate forms. It is to be noted that the individuals may themselves be judged to fall into groups of minor rank, known as sub-species or local varieties, but such subordinate assemblages are elevated to specific rank, if they appear not to intergrade so as to form a linked.
It only Internal remains to add that, in carrying out this system, Maria reforms Theresa was too wise to fall into the errors afterwards made by her son and successor.
The same is true of xviii., which at first sight seems to fall into several pieces; the history of the seven sleepers, the grotesque narrative about Moses, and that about Alexander " the Horned," are all connected together, and the same rhyme through the whole sura.
Apocrypha; but many more are due perhaps to misconceptions such as only a listener (not the reader of a book) could fall into.
The Koran is never metrical, and only a few exceptionally eloquent portions fall into a sort of spontaneous rhythm.
Under weak emperors, the rest of Egypt was exposed to the inroads of savages, and left to fall into a condition of barbarism.
The former comprise three classes, which are distinguished by the relative position of the stamens and ovary; the eleven classes of the latter are based on the same set of characters and fall into the larger subdivisions Apetalae, Monopetalae and Polypetalae, characterized respectively by absence, union or freedom of the petals, and a subdivision, Diclines Irregulares, a very unnatural group, including one class only.
In his arrangement the last subdivision disappears, and the Dicotyledons fall into two groups, a larger containing those in which both calyx and corolla are present in the flower, and a smaller, Monochlamydeae, representing the Apetalae and Diclines Irregulares of Jussieu.
It is divided into two quarters by the road leading from the landing-place to the railway station, and has numerous public offices, warehouses and other buildings, including a palace of the khedive, used as a hospital during the British military operations in 1882, but subsequently allowed to fall into a dilapidated condition.
By the early emperors it was allowed to fall into decay, but was afterwards restored by Constantine, from whom it took its modern name.
The Galilean Mountains, north of the plain of Esdraelon, fall into two regions, divided by a line joining Acre with the north end of the Sea of Galilee.
The Jew had anticipated just such an event, and had secretly arranged that after his death an inventory of Abdullah's property should fall into the hands of the government - knowing that the latter had claims on the estates of el-Jazzar and Suleiman.
The superior stability of the village system was overlooked, and in the old provinces of Bengal and Madras the village organization has gradually been suffered to fall into decay.
When statistics of the lengths of the periods are collected, it is at once noticed that they fall into two fairly well-marked classes.
It was natural enough that the originators of conceptual logic, seeing that judgments can be expressed by propositions, and conceptions by terms, should fall into the error of supposing that, as propositions consist of terms, so judgments consist of conceptions, and that there is a triple mental order - conception, judgment, reasoning - parallel to the triple linguistic order - term, proposition, discourse.
Individuals fall into groups in virtue of the possession of certain predicates.
The conclusion then is really used to establish the major premise, and if we still will infer it therefrom we fall into the circular proof.'
The Katingan or Mendawei, the Sampit, Pembuang or Surian and the Kota Waringin are rivers that fall into the sea farther to the west.
The south Arabian inscriptions to which the terms Himyaritic and Sabaean are applied fall into two groups, the Sabaean proper and the Minaean.
Tobacco was an important crop in the earlier history of the colony, and Virginia continued to be the leading tobacco-producing state of the Union (reporting in 1850 28.4% of the total crop) until after the Civil War, which, with the division of the state, caused it to fall into second place, Kentucky taking the lead; and in 1900 the crop of North Carolina also was larger.
The simplest case is that of a frame of three bars, when the three joints A, B, C fall into a straght line; a small displacement of the joint B at right angles to AC would involve changes in the lengths of AB, BC which are only of the second order of small quantities.
We learn that if the orbital motion of a planet, or a satellite, were arrested, the body would fall into the sun, or into its primary, in the fraction 0.1768 of its actual periodic time.
The inner line formerly maintained along the Lushai border has since 1895 been allowed to fall into desuetude, but Lushais visiting Cachar are required to take out passes from the superintendent of the Lushai hills.
Hence it is that so-called artificial fertilization is possible; that is to say, fertilization will take place when ripe eggs and milt are artificially pressed from the oysters and allowed to fall into a vessel of sea-water.
All mankind fall into two classes - the wise or virtuous, the unwise or wicked - the distinction being absolute.
Physically they fall into two loosely-divided groups, which shade off into each other.
His Italian campaigns fall into two great divisions, that of 402-3, when he was driven back by Stilicho, and that of 408-10, after Stilicho's death.
The Sienese tyrant, however, did not fall into the trap, and although Borgia in 1 502 obliged him to quit Siena, he returned two months later, more powerful than before.
In 1876 Clifford, a man of high-strung and athletic, but not robust, physique, began to fall into ill-health, and after two voyages to the South, died during the third of pulmonary consumption at Madeira, on the 3rd of March 1879, leaving his widow with two daughters.
On the north their drainage forms the Luni and Sakhi rivers, which fall into the Gulf of Cutch.
The main roads laid out as arteries of intercommunication by the Romans, suffered to fall into neglect, and revived in the coaching days of the beginning of the 19th century, fell into a second period of comparative neglect when the railway system was completed; but they have recovered a very large share of their old importance in consequence of the development of motortraffic. Following the Roman roads, the high roads of the Eastern Division very frequently run along the crests of ridges or escarpments; but in the Western Division they are, as a rule, forced by the more commanding relief of the country to keep to the river valleys and cross the rougher districts through the dales and passes.
The counties comprising the greatest proportional amount of woodland fall into two distinct groups - Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex and Kent, with Berkshire and Buckinghamshire; Monmouth, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire.
The treaty of 1783 (Article II.) had defined the north-east boundary of the United States as extending along the middle of the river St Croix " from its mouth in the bay of Fundy to its source " and " due north from the source of St Croix river to the highlands; along the said highlands which divide those rivers that empty themselves into the river St Lawrence from those which fall into the Atlantic Ocean, to the north-westernmost head of Connecticut river; thence down along the middle of that river to the forty-fifth degree of north latitude."
The Gathas proper, arranged according to the metres in which they are written, fall into five subdivisions (28 -34, 43-4 6, 47-5 0, 51, 53).
But we must not fall into the error of supposing that the early progenitor of the whole Simian stock, including man, was identical with, or even closely resembled, any existing ape or monkey."
During the time of the barbarian invasions much of the protective system was allowed to fall into decay; but the latter part of the middle ages saw the works resumed with great energy, so that the main features of the present arrangement were in existence by the close of the 15th century.
If we exclude such questions in the interest of systematic correctness, and seek to determine for ethics a definite subject-matter, the science may be said to fall into two departments.
The influence of the towns was steadily on the increase, and their government began to fall into the hands of the burgher patrician class, who formed the Cod party.
The navigable streams which fall into the Ganges intersect the country in every direction and afford great facilities for internal communication.
The more conservative temper of the Anglican and Lutheran communions, however, suffered the retention of such processions as did not conflict with the reformed doctrines, though even in these Churches they met with opposition and tended after a while to fall into disuse.
Usually they are interpenetration twins with the principal axis as twin-axis; the prism planes of the two individuals coincide, and the faces r and z also fall into the same plane.
In many places they have the monopoly of the wine and spirit shops, and retail trade generally; and as they are always willing to advance money on usury, and are more intelligent and better educated than the ordinary peasant, there is little doubt that in a country where the large landowners are proverbially extravagant, and the peasant proprietors needy, the soil would soon fall into the hands of the Jews were it not for the stringent laws which prevent them from owning land outside the towns.
The charges of coal fall into the hopper with a heavy shock, and in order to save the knife-edges there is a strong pin in each side of the hopper below the knife-edge, which, before the charge of coal is dropped into the hopper, is acted on by a strong horizontal flitch - plate, which heaves the hopper off the knife-edges and relieves them from the shock.
The Constitutions themselves fall into three main divisions.
Besides these there are many minor streams. The Banas and the Saraswati take their rise in the Aravalli hills, and flowing eastward through the native state of Palanpur, fall into the Runn of Cutch.
The Sabarmati and the Mahi rise in the Mahi Kantha hills, and flowing southwards, drain the districts of Northern Gujarat, and fall into the sea near the head of the Gulf of Cambay.
He dwells on the risk run by the sponsors, in case the candidates for whose purity they went bail should fall into sin.
The fathers, however, of the 4th century emphasized already the danger of deferring the rite until men fall into mortal sickness, when they may be unconscious or paralysed or otherwise unable to profess their faith and repentance, or to swallow the viaticum.
The Quest versions again fall into three distinct classes, differentiated by the personality of the hero who is respectively Gawain, Perceval or Galahad.
The few surviving English landholders had to fall into line with the newcomers.
Perth did not finally fall into his hands till 1313; Edinburgh, Roxburgh and Stirling were still holding out in f314.
In 1612 Gustavus Adolphus caused the inhabitants to destroy their town lest it should fall into the hands of the Danes; but it was rebuilt soon after, and in 1620 received special privileges from the king.
About the middle of the 14th century the Turks invaded Europe, and Gallipoli was the first city to fall into their power.
The chief rivers on the west are the Nera (Nar), with its tributaries the Velino (Velinus) and Salto, and the Anio, both of which fall into the Tiber.
From petitions presented to parliament in 1376 it seems that the view of frankpledge was in active operation at this time, but it soon began to fall into disuse, and its complete decay coincides with the new ideas of government introduced by the Tudors.
Like the previous assemblies, it did not fall into well-defined parties.
According to subject they fall into two classes, those relating to the older generation before Christianity and those telling of St Olaf's contemporaries; only two fall into a third generation.
The mountain groups which rise confusedly over almost the whole surface of the land, fall into two main blocks, one on either side of the river Morava.
It surrendered without a struggle to Cyrus, but two sieges in the reign of Darius Hystaspis, and one in the reign of Xerxes, brought about the destruction of the defences, while the monotheistic rule of Persia allowed the temples to fall into decay.
This is exercised by the foreign community as a whole without regard to nationality, and is a share of the power which properly belonged to the Chinese local authorities, but which by convention or usage they have allowed to fall into foreign hands.
He allowed the fleet, which his father had organized, to fall into decay; and the empire was thus less able than ever to resist the exacting demands of the rival powers of Venice and Genoa.
The former fall into the two classes of feelings (subjective) and perceptions (objective); the latter, according as the receptive or the spontaneous element predominates, into cognition and volition.
This singular association of lay and spiritual powers was liable to the abuse of allowing the whole succession to fall into lay hands, as happened to a large extent in later times.
With the exception of the small streams belonging to it which fall into the Adriatic, all its rivers have their mouths in other countries, and its principal river, the Danube, has also its source in another country.
The Vistula and the Oder both fall into the Baltic. The former rises in Moravia, flows first north through Austrian Silesia, then takes an easterly direction along the borders of Prussian Silesia, and afterwards a north-easterly, separating Galicia from Russian Poland, and leaving Austria not far from Sandomir.
Of the streams which have their course entirely within the country, and fall into the Adriatic, the principal is the Isonzo, 75 m.
The Guadiana (510 m.) passes west and south through La Mancha and Andalusia to fall into Cadiz Bay at Ayamonte; and the Guadalquivir (360 m.) takes a similar direction from its headwaters in Jaen to Sanlucar de Barrameda, where it also enters Cadiz Bay farther south.
He disbelieves in Job's integrity, and desires him to be so tried that he may fall into sin.
Unlike Niagara the water does not fall into an open basin but is arrested at a distance of from 80 to 240 ft.
South of it is the stronghold of Masada, built by Jonathan Maccabaeus and fortified by Herod in 42 B.C., where the last stand of the Jews was made against the Romans after the fall of Jerusalem, and where the garrison, when the defences were breached, slew themselves rather than fall into Roman hands.
The Immortals before her seemed more convinced she'd fall into her place as his mate.
Figured it was no coincidence that a mysterious man named after a dead-dead Immortal just happened to fall into the life of a former deity, Gabriel replied.
And yet, Tiyan would not only fall into war, it would lose the bloodline and demon the warlords fought so hard to preserve!
Yet even from the highest peak he'll fall into the deepest abyss from where there's no escape.
Environmentalists, the implication is, are much too well-educated and well-brought-up to fall into such low-class atavisms.
It is easy to fall into the trap of calling the calls when you are yourself just pulling the backstroke.
They fall into the sink basin with metallic clinks.
The minted coins will be ejected onto a rubber conveyor belt rather than being allowed to fall into a trough or skip.
Alternatively, should a relative be given the choice on behalf of their loved one if they fall into an irreversible coma?
I will never leave fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.
Will you be transformed into a genetic changeling, or fall into the clutches of a doomsday cult?
Lucifer and the renegade angels fall into hell, but hell was already inhabited by demons, mutants and aliens.
The dialog does occasionally fall into the trap of being overly descriptive with the worst offender being during Gary Russell's cameo appearance.
Items such as small grab rails, additional banister rails and flashing light doorbells fall into this category and are called minor adaptations.
They flee the error of presuming on God only to fall into the trap of being gripped by an anxious dread of God.
It remains to be seen whether France will fall into line behind the Anglo-American warmongers, or will maintain its new entente with Germany.
A worried Severus consulted fortunetellers who told him that Albinus would fall into his hands neither living nor dead.
Lamp dimmers, speed controllers in food processors and washing machines, and energy saving (high-frequency) lamp dimmers, speed controllers in food processors and washing machines, and energy saving (high-frequency) lamps all fall into this category.
In its way such analyzes fall into a trap Foucault identified with post enlightenment modernism.
Or we fall into the category of trying to maintain too monastic a diet for too long.
The republican murals pictured here thus fall into six categories.
Neolithic tombs fall into two main types.
The parietal peritoneum over the bladder should be removed to allow the small bowel ultimately to fall into the pelvic cavity.
This allowed the drive pinion to fall into the sump causing a large fracture through which the oil escaped.
The self-same tears Will fall into your husband's bosom, lady, With a loud protestation that you love him Above the world.
It is no surprise that we that we so easily fall into activities that create and maintain a subculture.
There you have a terrible temptation to fall into social patriotism!
Every single one of them can fall into the errors which so typify the Pharisees in the day of Jesus.
All along mathematics was regarded by Descartes rather as the envelope than the foundation of his method; and the " universal mathematical science " which he sought after was only the prelude of a universal science of all-embracing character.2 The method of Descartes rests upon the proposition that all the objects of our knowledge fall into series, of which the members are more or less known by means of one another.
A road has been cut through the centre of the building, the mosque turned into barracks, and the hall of audience allowed to fall into ruin.
Newlands in England, that if they are arranged in the order of their atomic weights they fall into groups in which similar chemical and physical properties are repeated at periodic intervals; and in particular he showed that if the atomic weights are plotted as ordinates and the atomic volumes as abscissae, the curve obtained presents a series of maxima and minima, the most electro-positive elements appearing at the peaks of the curve in the order of their atomic weights.
They fall into three main groups, the Western, Central and Eastern Carolines, the central being the most numerous, while the western include the Pelew group. The total land area is about 380 sq.
With this figure of the mothergoddess who descends into the lower world seems to be closely connected the idea of the fallen Sophia, which is so widespread among the Gnostic systems. This Sophia then is certainly no longer the dominating figure of the light-world, she is a lower aeon at the extreme limit of the world of light, who sinks down into matter (Barbelognostics, the anonymous Gnostic of Irenaeus, Bardesanes, Pistis-Sophia), or turns in presumptuous love towards the supreme God (Bu06s), and thus brings the Fall into the world of the aeons (Valentinians).
But whereas Fechner and Paulsen hold that all physical processes are universally accompanied by psychical processes which are the real causes of psychical sensations, Riehl rejects this paradox of universal parallelism in order to fall into the equally paradoxical hypothesis that something or other, which is neither physical not psychical, causes both the physical phenomena of matter moving in space and the psychical phenomena of mind to arise in us as its common effects.
The phenomena of convergence are to some extent other instances of the same kind and supply evidence that organisms, so to say, fall into grooves, that their possibilities of change are defined and limited by their past history.
Famished persons are liable to morbid excite ment, and fall into imaginative ecstasies, in the course of which they see visions and spectres, converse with gods and angels, and are the recipients of supernatural revelations.
The Negroid peoples, which inhabit the vast tracts of forest and savanna between the areas held by Bushmen to the south and the Hamites, Semites and Libyans to the north, fall into two groups divided by a line running from the Cameroon (Rio del Rey) crossing the Ubangi river below the bend and passing between the Ituri and the Semliki rivers, to Lake Albert and thence with a slight southerly trend to the coast.
Folks don't fall into the middle of the earth and then get back again to tell of their adventures--not in real life.
They let you fall into the water, and you would have been drowned, if it hadn't been for me.
It is remarkable how easily and insensibly we fall into a particular route, and make a beaten track for ourselves.
Because, you will agree, chere Marie, to fall into the hands of the soldiers or of riotous peasants would be terrible.
Please impress upon Leppich to be very careful where he descends for the first time, that he may not make a mistake and fall into the enemy's hands.
To the infantry! added another with loud laughter, seeing the shell fly past and fall into the ranks of the supports.
He pretends to fall into a swoon and says senseless things that should have ruined him.
Rather than let the Cormoran fall into American hands, they scuttled the ship.
Or fall into a slough of despondency from which I ca n't reach the keyboard.
There you have a terrible temptation to fall into social patriotism !
Users may even fall into a deep trance state.
The electrons have an orbit of minimum energy from which they cannot fall into the nucleus without violating the uncertainty principle.
Your child could fall into the commode and accidentally drown.
Even if you fall into the second category, however, you can find the perfect baby girl gift to give.
Amazingly, often is the case that baby will naturally fall into a pattern of hunger that for many parents falls around the same times over a twenty-four hour clock.
Decorate it with love first and foremost, and you'll find the details easily fall into place.
While "playing dolls" is a natural year-round hobby to fall into when a new baby is brought into the family folds, the extra novelty of holiday apparel makes it all the more tempting.
Cake types generally fall into categories such as theme cakes (ex. cartoon characters), gift packages of related items, multiple unrelated gifts.
Gerbils fall into a similar category as hamsters, but are generally "jumpier" than their cousins.
Ranging from $20 to $120, webcams can fall into the good, better, and best categories.
Most people fall into the first category.
That's not to say that those who still have disposable income won't buy frivolities, but the majority of consumers don't fall into that category.
Buying a computer monitor can appear daunting at first, but once you decide on a range of sizes you can use as well as your budget, the rest will fall into place.
He looks pure-bred, but what breed does he fall into?
If he or she loves books with a friendship theme or books about animals, ask a librarian for level-based recommendations that fall into those categories.
Consider the cash rewards as a mere bonus for using the card, but do not fall into the habit of using the card in a concerted effort to earn more cash back.
Many people fall into debt simply because they don't understand how to create a budget.
If you fall into this category, your first step should be to transition into making daily purchases using a debit card or cash.
If you fall into this category, do not think you should save yourself money by "doing it yourself."
Instead, it's left up to the discretion of the Court by considering if the divorcees fall into a certain criteria.
While you may fall into the criteria for spousal support, you will benefit from providing evidence of your financial need.
Don't fall into the trap of buying your retro-styled lawn furniture from a purveyor who will force you to pay more than what the furniture is worth.
While some craftsman will build to order, many available pieces fall into one of the following categories.
Most of the items in the Horchow home décor catalog fall into the category of French Country style, English Country style, and Old World style, but there are pieces in the catalog to satisfy most tastes.
The rest will naturally fall into place.
Most dark skins fall into the middle category with a medium color tone.
Colored skins that fall into the light category are mostly yellow and olive shades.
If you know the receiver's favorite perfumes, you can easily look for common notes and the category they fall into.
One of the more interesting versions of Tetris on this site incorporates real-world physics, meaning the blocks don't behave nicely and fall into neat rows.
If you fall into this criteria, your virtual pet might be a great resource in helping you figure out if you'd like a real pet.
If you fall into the trap of focusing on training to the exclusion of taking care of your overall heath and well being, you won't be able to perform at peak capacity.
Also, don't expect to fall into a deep meditative state during the first few attempts, like any discipline, meditation requires practice.
If you fall into the stressed out category, knowing the signs of holiday stress can help you relax and enjoy the festive season.
As required activities begin to fall into place, there is more time for enjoyable activities and less time spent worrying about everything that needs to be done.
Unfortunately, many people fall into a chaotic and frenzied state because they are not managing their time correctly.
Many of the items that fall into quadrant three are really things that can be put off or avoided altogether, though we often fool ourselves into thinking that they are important simply because they seem to have a sense of urgency.
They believe in the simple ease in which many can come to accept Christ as their Savior and that through Him, and His teachings, the rest will just naturally fall into place and grow within a person over time.
Choose something that you want to learn about and the project will fall into place.
If you buy out of season to get a deal, you may never see her or him wear the clothes because it may fall into the black hole of the closet.
Does it fall into a niche or collection the teen loves?
Plenty of sites other than magazines fall into the category of cool teenager websites.
It's easy for some veggies to slide through the grill cracks and fall into the coals, but you can prevent that from happening by skewering veggie slices and pieces together on kabobs before you place them on the grill.
Guests who fall into an outer circle can often let the card speak for them.
Celebrate being with the right person, and everything else will fall into place no matter what state you're in!
Persons who are prescribed medications which fall into three drug categories are most at risk for prescription drug addiction.
The signs fall into different behavior categories for the sake of clarity.
Once you know when you are likely to fall into habitual lying, you can consciously begin to make changes.
Clonazepam, and other medications that fall into the same category of benzodiazepines, alter the way the brain processes certain chemicals.
Still, the majority of girl themes fall into traditional ones.
She needed to regroup, "not fall into the arms of the closest available man -- even if he is an adorable teddy bear."
These most recent pictures of Cyrus are just a little bit naughty, but don't fall into the "racy" category.
Take a look at some of the celebs whose birth dates fall into the sign of Aquarius, and see if you think they fit this description!
While some of these kids fall into a variety of scandals, others grow up to lead surprisingly normal lives.
These films often fall into genres like horror, Western and film noir.
Shimmery, sleek dresses or full taffeta hoop skirts would certainly fall into a fancy dress category, but there are other reasons for choosing a fancy dress.
They need not be elegant or particularly chic, but instead, dresses that are comically ornate and feature a tremendous amount of "poof!" fall into the almost stereotypical category of infant birthday party attire.
Most dog cages fall into two categories, wire, and high density plastic.
As old fashioned light bulbs begin to fall into disfavor, other types of light bulbs are beginning to come into popular use, including halogen light bulbs.
All recessed lights fall into one of these two categories.
These are designed to sit around the neck and are either solid, which means that they are inflexible and make a striking piece of jewelry, or they are flexible meaning that they fall into the wearers natural curves.
Slugs are attracted to the smell and will fall into the cup and drown.
If you are looking to only eat snacks that fall into the category of organic, you will have to read labels carefully to make sure that you're getting what you want.
Before you purchase any organic sheets that you believe fall into the fair trade criteria, you should check to see if they have a fair trade label.
Housedresses and beach coverups fall into this category.
It's as unhealthy to be severely underweight as it is to be very overweight, but many plus size women and men fall into a category of good health.
Gifts generally fall into one of several categories based on their design and intention.
While not all gifts easily fall into categories, knowing the different types of gifts can help individuals shop with an idea already in mind.
Since many of these health insurance companies do not pay all prescription medication costs and you may fall into the Medigap, which means you will have to pay for your medication in full.
Zippers, snaps, big buttons or clothes that simply pull on and off fall into the category of easy access clothing that's easier for some seniors to manage.
The senior's income must fall into the federal guidelines of being 50 percent or less of the specific area's medium income.
Snoring becomes a problem when sleep is disturbed, which might cause a person to wake up often in the night, or not be able to fall into a deep sleep.
Keeping them in a case makes them easier to find and it also makes it harder for them to fall into a crevice.
If you fall into the category that prefers contacts, rest assured that there are ways to conquer discomfort associated with wearing contact lenses.
There's a selection of nearly invisible eyewear as well as the more pronounced styles, which fall into the company's Studio Collection.
All in all, four major GameCube games fall into the Zelda franchise.
Because it has many RPG elements, however, it can fall into the category of action role playing video games.
Adventure games fall into many categories, a few of which are explained below.
Doing so scores a base amount of points, removes the connected stones, and causes more stones to fall into the grid from above.
Say what you like, though, EA is certainly consistent, and they know how to pick developmental talent so their key franchises never fall into disrepair.
Be careful not to let them run into nightmares or fall into deadly dark and dangerous pits.
Although the legal ramifications of their use fall into quite the gray area, video game emulators are incredibly popular not necessarily for piracy purposes but rather to enjoy classic and arcade games that may not otherwise be available.
Many role playing games involve too much of a time commitment to really fall into the "games to play when bored" categorization.
If you fall into a pit, press Y repeatedly and keep switching weapons.
It crumbles into lava and if you fall into the lava before you get to the door, you are returned to the start but you do not lose your studs.
Those who fall into the former camp will enjoy this game, while those entrenched in the latter one will once again shake their collective heads and wonder what the big deal is.
Tell the bird that you want to play the balloon game again, but fall into the water during the air ride.
Touch screen interaction lets you fall into the game, while voice interaction makes you feel like you have a real dog.
Oops, did you just fall into a pit of thorns?
With the highly anticipated Sony PlayStation 3 on the horizon, it is inevitable that the over 100 million PlayStation 2s sold will soon begin to collect dust and fall into obscurity.
Sports games, fighting games, and other titles with heavy multiplayer aspects fall into this category.
However, the legalities of such a procedure easily fall into a very grey area, so we would advise against that unless you own the original video game.
There are other very important roles, such as operations, project management, audio, and marketing, but the bulk of a game studio's employees fall into these three categories.
Of course, while many games fall into clearly defined categories, others cross genres or even define new ones.
The vast majority of games fall into this category.
Once the first one is found, more people and items usually fall into place.
Novels that address the question of what would have happened if major historical events had different outcomes fall into the genre of alternate history rather than historical fiction.
Antique tools used for woodworking fall into two categories, antique woodworking hand tools and vintage woodworking machines.
Still, you can find some trailers that offer more options and continue to fall into the lightweight category, and if you come across a used trailer, you may be able to score a cheaper price, too.
There are a variety of different Motorola flip cell phone covers that you can consider, but they all typically fall into one of two categories.
Before we proceed, it is important to note that video game emulators fall into a legal gray area.
Some of them may fall into a legal gray area, but most simply go against some of the terms and conditions that are laid out for the App Store.
While individual wireless providers, like TracFone, may offer different plans or some slightly different deals, most prepaid cell phones will fall into one of two categories in regards to the payment plan.
When trying to find ways to help these children, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking about what they do that bothers others.
Parents should make sure that their children who fall into any of the risk categories should be vaccinated against the flu.
Children can easily fall into the toilet and may drown in as little as 1 in (2.5 cm) of water.
Simply listening to the music, picturing the dancers in the space, and letting all of this planning percolate will almost certainly begin to inspire movement phrases and eventually the entire dance routine will fall into place.
Some ballroom dance methods actually have the dancers start on the third "cha" step just so that everything else will fall into place starting on the "one" count.
Line dances (including all official forms of social dance), fall into four different categories, namely the one step, two step, cha cha and waltz.
The dances tend to fall into two categories, hard shoe and soft shoe.
If all these factors fall into place for you, a college team experience can be lots of fun as well as a rewarding dance experience.
While this may sound inordinately difficult, when you are dancing in a group that is using this variation, you will automatically fall into the step by virtue of the circle carrying you around.
Be sure to drink plenty of water if you are dancing a lot so that you do not fall into the habit of drinking alcoholic drinks to quench your thirst.
Once the news of death really begins to sink in, the affected person may fall into a pit of depression.
You don't need to create a bedroom that makes you instantly fall into a meditative state the moment you enter it.
The 64 hexagrams fall into eight houses that reflect the essential elements of nature.
In fact, the more measurements of the face that fall into the Golden Proportion, the more beautiful the person is perceived to be.
If you fall into one of these "difficult" categories, the best thing you can do is speak directly with a doctor or consultant experienced with different laser techniques.
This style is ideal for women with lightweight (or medium) hair, since the hair will easily fall into place and essentially style itself.
You can twist it all the way to the back of your head and have the sections meet, or just partially and let the ends fall into your loose hair.
What you want is hair that is silky and smooth from the crown to the neck with some light waves, which gradually fall into bouncy, romantic curls.
If you fall into the spring category, there is a very good chance that you look particularly good in bright, sunny colors like salmon, turquoise, and watermelon.
Help your layers fall into place with ease by shaking hair as needed.
Since achievement tests are designed to measure the 'norm', any result is skewed if the child taking the test doesn't normally fall into the 'norm' as defined by a bell curve.
While co-ops provide many wonderful opportunities for parents and students alike, you can fall into the co-op trap.
When you're looking for a job overseas, it's easier to fall into the trap of giving information out to people who don't actually need or deserve it (scammers).
Today, the Administration continues to help people who fall into the low or middle income level categories.
To make sure you don't fall into a money trap, you should take time to learn as much as you can about different rates and how they work.
The home you are selling must fall into that category, and it is a little perplexing that your closing company has never heard of a tie-down inspection.
These aren't the only regulations with regards to shared wells, so your best bet is to contact an FHA representative to discuss your particular situation and find out of you fall into the category which makes it acceptable.
Yards can remain unkempt as the house sits empty and begins to fall into disrepair.
Mortgage lenders are very aware of this situation and an alarming forty percent of reverse mortgage applications submitted fall into this category according to Nelson Locke, CEO of Value Financial in Miami, Florida.
Fatigue can be due to many causes and can also be related to missing your period; headaches also fall into this same category.
Lower scoops generally fall into the low-rise category.
If you fall into the big and tall category, you would do better to stay away from both vertical and horizontal stripes since they will only accentuate your proportions.
If you happen to be a littler shorter and heavier than average, you'll likely fall into the stout category.
Parental supervision is a must when children are around water, but providing swim lessons can add an additional safety barrier should a child accidentally fall into a pool or lake.
At the very least, it's helpful for kids to know how to perform basic movements should they fall into a body of water.
Some lessons are merely meant to help participants learn the basics of swimming by mastering useful skills that will help anyone enjoy the water or save themselves should they fall into a body of water unexpectedly.
However, some of these suits fall into the extremely sexy category, and they are so sheer that the entire body receives maximum exposure.
If you've never heard of slingshot bikinis before, know that slingshot styles don't really fall into any specific swimwear category.
Whether you enjoy taking vacations near the water, or plan to attend summer pool parties and barbeques, the ability to swim could save your life should you accidentally fall into the water.
This means that if you fall into this size range you'll have a wider choice of trunk styles to choose from.
These stores will provide a wide range of sizes and styles that fall into the tween swimsuit category, while also staying away from some of the more vulgar logos.
However, it does exist in certain individuals with specific medical conditions or those that fall into certain subgroups of the population.
Formal dresses can easily fall into both of these categories.
On most handkerchief halters, the top "floats" from the bust downward to fall into a handkerchief-style hem, either asymmetrically or pointing straight downward.
Remember that videos can be quite inspirational, but it's important not to fall into the trap of spending more on trends than is practical.
Choose necklaces that mirror the neckline of the cardigan and don't fall into your camisole, tank, or t-shirt underneath.
Luckily for you, black cocktail dresses that don't fall into the general category are readily available and look great in nearly any situation, so you'll be covered for anything from cruise ship to after-dinner drinks event.
Many card players are surprised to find out that there are quite a few multi player card games that fall into the category of solo games.
Be bold and innovative in your fundraising plans, and all should fall into place.
When the day comes, if you have organized well, everything should fall into place and your guests will see how solid your fundraiser is, which will make them more eager to learn more about your fundraiser.
If you fall into that category, you do not have to look further than your community to find an excellent collection of holiday musical offerings.
Women who fall into this category are usually logical and down-to-earth.
Unless you are looking for fantasy costumes, Christmas costumes for adults fall into a few categories.
Don't fall into a rut like movies on Friday or dinners on Tuesday.
If you fall into this category, mature dating techniques are critical during this transition.
If you fall into the group of people who are still unsure, you may want to approach your boyfriend with your concerns.
Be careful about sending racy photos of yourself because the package may fall into the wrong hands.
In Japan, Renai means romantic game and most virtual dating games fall into the Renai category.
A younger woman may be tempted to fall into the "child" role instead of continuing to grow and learn who she really is.
Even if you want to date an older man for financial stability and security, acting mature, responsible, and continuing to grow as a person is a must--don't let yourself fall into the role of someone who just wants to be taken care of.
Emerald-cut diamonds have been popular for decades, so it's relatively easy to find estate rings that fall into both categories.
If she removed the ring while he was gone, it would fall into its separate bands, proving she had been unfaithful to him.
The Internet makes plagiarism an easy trap to fall into.
Despite the many variations and styles today, most pocketbooks still fall into certain categories, such as day, evening, or weekend bags.
Purses that fall into the weekend purse are typically more casual bags.
As an air sign, Gemini tends to fall into conflict with Sagittarius (opposite signs also tend to share intense attraction).
Never expect Aries to follow your lead or fall into any situation where he's taking orders.
If your Venus, moon, Mars, and Mercury fall into a water element, not only will your personality exhibit some conflicts, but your ideal partner will need to possess and energy that can match the large ratio of water in your chart.
Once you have made this crucial decision, all other aspects seem to fall into place.
It is easy to fall into the trap of eating fast food on a regular basis.
Autistic children get firmly attached to schedules and fall into violent tantrums when the schedule is interrupted.
A parenting quiz can help you understand more about which category you fall into as a parent; however, results can differ depending upon which website you visit.
While western movies may be popular for showing a life no longer known, their greatest memory is the categorization that they fall into.
Ghost videos typically fall into three categories, with a wide range of images within each category.
Compare the cards that fall into each category before making a decision.
In your experience, what is the largest hole that people fall into financially, and how can they take steps to get out of it in a frugal manner?
After experiencing how easy it is to fall into a financial crisis and how hard it can be to dig out of debt, Hunt decided she wanted to help others who were experiencing similar problems.
Look through your receipts and old bank statements or try tracking your spending for one week to get a better idea of expenses that fall into this area.
They offer categories like Rodeo, Retro, The Gym, The Strip, and After Hours on the front page with pictures of a few shoes that fall into each category.
Birkenstock sandals often fall into the $100 range, though some are listed in the $40-60 range.
While Guess jeans would probably fall into the category of "casual wear," their shoes are sexy, stylish, and elegant.
Most of the shoes for women fall into the dressy category.
Children's dance shoes fall into several categories.
With so many adorable bowling shoe styles available, it may be tempting to choose fashion over fit, so be careful not to fall into that trap.
With the exception of Liberty, all styles are low-tops, a design favored by skaters.The shoes are priced at a slight discount over MSRP and fall into the typical range of brand name athletic shoes.
If your feet fall into one of these camps, you may discover that waiting for sales finds you without your size.
For example, when Zach and Greenlee were lost on a crashed plane, spoilers everywhere claimed they would fall into each other's arms and Greenlee would end up pregnant with his child.
Because performers under 25 fall into the Younger Actor and Actress awards category, there was some confusion over those who turn 25 during the calendar year.
Hikarimoyo-Mono - These koi are also metallic, but they have more than one color and do not fall into the Utsurimono and Showa patterns.
For example, dragon tattoos are extremely popular, even among people who do not fall into this birth year according to the Chinese zodiac.
These watches fall into the All-Sport range and include several quality features which make them suitable for many sports and other physical activities.
I have a big interest in electronic gadgets, especially communication and information devices, so many of my designs fall into that category.
Many of the watches fall into Amazon's free delivery conditions and this makes the total price even more competitive.
Watches for nurses typically fall into two groups.
As a parent, it can be easy to fall into a state of denial since the transition from normal baby to oddly-behaving toddler is so gradual.
The range of signs, both mild and severe, that signal an autism spectrum disorder typically fall into some or all of the three categories below.
Eventually all support will end for Windows 2000 and eventually XP will fall into the same unsupported pit that all previous OS have.
If you take a look at the business grants available at grants.gov, you'll see that they fall into these categories.
If your business does fall into one of these categories, you'll want to write a grant proposal to apply for the business grant of your choice.
As the economic pressures build, there is a greater tendency for employers to fall into the pitfalls of discrimination, especially towards certain ethnic groups and backgrounds.
Most classic cars fall into four main condition categories, fair being the lowest and show being the highest.
Most classic cars that look to be original and in good shape fall into this category.
A car that has been around for decades has had a long time to fall into disrepair.
If you do decide to use one of the online tools to customize your own dream car, don't fall into the trap many customers find themselves in after they fall in love with a certain vehicle with specific options.
This is probably because of the level of danger implied by the precarious-looking balances, as well as the flying dismounts as the flyers fall into the waiting arms of the spotters.
It's easy to fall into the habit of putting off cleaning until "next time".
Just be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking if you lose ten pounds in one week, you'll lose an additional ten pounds if you stay on it a second week.
If you do not fall into either of these groups, your body should keep ketone production efficient.
Those who fall into the thyroid category usually have trouble spots that tend to accumulate fat.
People who fall into this category need help getting rid of belly fat.
Other foods may fall into more of a gray area.
Women with a 35 inch or larger waist and men measuring 40 inches or larger also fall into the obese category.
A list of every single high carb food in the world would stretch on for miles, but it is possible to make a list of high carb foods by listing categories and citing examples that fall into each category.
These are a few of the many high carbohydrate foods that fall into each of the above categories.
Low carbohydrate foods fall into several rough categories, which are outlined below.
Examples of foods that fall into those lists are included.
Home gyms, cable-pulley machines, selectorized weight machines and items like the Bowflex all fall into this category.
When practicing yoga or Pilates alone at home without a mirror nearby, it's easy to fall into a form that isn't exactly correct.
Occupations in this sector include customer service representatives, wait staff, data entry workers, bank tellers, and basically any occupation that doesn't fall into the manufacturing, retail, government, or agricultural sectors.
This does not necessarily mean that every car which is over fifteen years old is considered a classic, but cars which fall into this age range and continually appreciate in value are regarded as classics.
A rural area does not necessarily need to fall into these categories exactly, and in many instances a geographic region classified as rural may have a bustling community which was simply once considered rural and never reclassified.
You can find coverage for just about any home regardless of circumstances, but you will wind up paying higher premiums if you fall into exclusion categories and still request coverage.
Not all mobile homes are used as permanent dwellings, and mobile homes which are not placed on a foundation and are often moved fall into a different category.
Most health plans fall into five main categories.
Insurance policies for renters also fall into the same category of homeowner insurance.
Situations and eligibility vary, so don't assume that you are automatically eligible or ineligible without first checking to find out what category you actually fall into based on your particular situation.
If your teen drives a vehicle with ample safety features, and which does not fall into the category of a sports car, the monthly car insurance premium may be lower.
Not all insurance companies offer car insurance to people who fall into this age group.
What makes you fall into the category of "high risk" with auto insurers?
Other factors can cause you to fall into the high risk category since each insurer decides what factors influence this categorization.
Comparison shopping is important when it comes to finding the best deal on car insurance, especially when you fall into the high risk category.
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that there are no discounts available just because you are considered high risk.
The company has a large base of policyholders who fall into the category of over 50 years old who perhaps might be considered uninsurable by other life insurance companies.
For example, a policyholder who feels mildly discontent and wants to talk to a therapist will not fall into the same category as one who is incapacitated by chronic anxiety and is unable to work or leave the house.
Renters insurance does not fall into the category of "one size fits all."
When you put on your brassiere, lean forward to let your breasts fall into the cups and try the closure in the middle point.
Ensure that you don't fall into that category by grabbing a measuring tape and measuring just under your arms and above your breast.
Let us assure you that thongs do not fall into that category.
Was it always your dream to have your own boutique, or did you fall into it as so many people tend to do when they discover their ideal career?
Nightshirts for women and printed boxers for men often fall into the novelty pajamas category as well.
For example, if you are 5'5" and weigh 132 lbs, you fall into the Small portion of the chart.
If you're looking for wholesale fantasy lingerie, you may find a wide variety of styles that fall into the creativity category.
Cupless bras, teddies, bustiers, baby dolls, and more all have the potential to fall into the raunchy lingerie territory.
Many retro and vintage styles, though perceived as rather racy when they were new, fall into a tamer category that is more romantic and less erotic.
Many, however, carry a copyright and as such, they fall into a legally gray area.
Rap music lyrics fall into several shades of gray, because while some songs may have questionable content, others are just as safe as any other ditty playing on the radio.
By contrast, Gnutella is less regulated and can fall into a legal gray area.
Being nominated for a Grammy for their first album has caused many a musician to fall into the "sophomore slump", this is not the case for the Foos.
At a beach, excess alcohol consumption can be fatal if people fall into the water or choose to dive or swim after drinking.
Don't fall into the trap of pretending to be someone you aren't.
According to an informal poll conducted by Scientific American, approximately ten percent of television viewers fall into this addicted category.
Reality TV oops fall into many different categories and occur at every imaginable level.
One of the first questions that is always asked in relation to Kate Gosselin and her debt is the question of how she could fall into debt.
Martha Wells' Ile-Rein novels fall into this category.
Newborn babies have especially sensitive skin, and after you fall into a regular bathing routine you will often find plain warm water is adequate.
Musk lovers and non-aficionados alike flock to this scent, so it's possible you will enjoy it no matter which camp you fall into.
Magazines, newspapers, and television programs fall into this category.
However, those types of tips could fall into the realm of an SEO consultant, so it's not realistic to be completely reliant on free reviews to quality-test your site.
Make a simple note on receipts for claims and deductions of which category you believe they fall into that makes them available to you.
There are also specialized awards such as the "Sign of the Rainbow" that also fall into this category of badge.
She had allowed herself to fall into the role of mistress.
He let the child fall into the trunk, slammed it and quickly drove away just as the mother was emerging from the house.
Treat them as you did her, and you.ll find they fall into line.
We must repair the damage to the southern gate and make sure the eastern gate doesn't fall into the hands of Sirian's followers.
The realization helped her push back the trance she'd been about to fall into.
The direct taxes fall into two classes.
From this time forward the new moons, which till then had been at least as important as the Sabbath and were celebrated by sacrificial feasts as occasions of religious gladness, fall into insignificance, except in the conservative temple ritual.
Where the valley is still cultivated, the jerd, a skin raised by oxen, is gradually being substituted for the naoura, no more of the latter being constructed to take the place of those which fall into decay.
The new emperor attacked Tokaj, which was in Turkish possession; the tribute had been allowed again to fall into arrears; and to all this was added that Mahommed Sokolli, the new grand vizier (1565), pressed for new war to wipe out the disgrace of the failure of the Ottoman attack on Malta (May-September 1565).