Fall-behind Sentence Examples
Positive law, at least in progressive societies, is constantly tending to fall behind public opinion, and the expedients adopted for bringing it into harmony therewith are three, viz, legal fictions, equity and statutory legislation.
With the introduction of coolies the Fijians began to fall behind in the development of their country.
This created a great deal of competition and in the eyes of many industry pundits, Microsoft started to fall behind.
In order to ensure successful learning of this fun dance genre, it is important to practice at home and to ask questions as soon as you start to fall behind.
Lenders typically allow homeowners to fall behind three to six months before foreclosure is initiated.
But, after this, the first or less rapidly vibrating note will fall behind the other, and cause a diminution in the joint displacements of the particles, till, after the lapse of onesixth of a second, it will have fallen behind the other by half a vibration.
Moreover, the Iliad expresses an elaborate theology, which does not fall behind the Quran in the slightest iota.
At the same time Muller showed himself, his power of discrimination notwithstanding, to fall behind Nitzsch in one very crucial point, for he refused to the latter's Picariae the rank that had been claimed for them, and imagined that the groups associated under that name formed but a third " tribe" - Picarii - of a great order Insessores, the others being (1) the Oscines or Polymyodi - the singing birds by emphasis, whose inferior larynx was endowed with the full number of five pairs of song-muscles, and (2) the Tracheophones, composed of some South-American families.
Do not ever fall behind in making your monthly payments.
When too many school days are missed, children can easily fall behind and their grades will suffer.
AdvertisementOne of those most obvious homeschooling advantages is that no child will fall behind in a homeschool environment, as there are few or no other students vying for the teacher's attention.
Homeowners in these situations often fall behind on mortgage payments and a lender may begin the foreclosure process.
GoToMeeting.com uses a compressive bandwidth-adaptive technology, ensuring participants with different connections, including dial-ups, don't fall behind the presentation.
They manage to stay ahead of the curve at Harvard as long as they smoke the marijuana grown from Ivory's ashes, but when that is stolen and smoked by another student, they fall behind.
Especially early in the competition, the teams frequently fall behind in dinner service and botch recipes and orders.
AdvertisementRemember that poor time management skills usually effects everyone within the organization, even if there is only one or two employees who constantly fall behind in their work.
Choose the techniques that work best for you and don't stress out if you slip or fall behind in the plan you've created.
Professor Ryuta's concern with these findings is that children that devote most of their day to such video games will fall behind developmentally in these important areas.
Children who have this problem are unable to concentrate on schoolwork and fall behind their classmates.