Falco Sentence Examples
The same mongoose also refused to eat a kestrel (Cerchneis rupicoloides) and a hobby (Falco subbuteo), although it devoured certain other birds that were given to it.
Of prose writers we have Geoffrey Malaterra, Alexander abbot of Telesia, Romuald archbishop of Salerno, Falco of Benevento, and above all Hugo Falcandus, one of the very foremost of medieval writers.
The avifauna includes the federally endangered southern bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus and peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus which successfully breeds here.
American Kestrel Falco sparverius Recorded on ten dates; daily max 6 birds.
Ode to a Banker is the 12th featuring the sleuth Marcus Didius Falco.
Fox and Falco can do this at either Lylat Cruise or Corneria, Wolf can do this at Lylat Cruise, and Snake can do this at Shadow Moses Island.
Along the way, you'll encounter (and take over the controls of) Slippy Toad, Falco Falcon, and even Star Wolf.
For example, you can play as either Fox or Falco on either the Lylat Cruise or Corneria stages.