Faint Sentence Examples
Her heartbeat was faint and slow.
He winked with a faint smile, and she relaxed.
Sasha gave a faint smile.
Dawn lined the horizon in faint yellow.
Everyone was staring at her as if they expected her to faint or something.
He smelled like a heady mix of male musk and something so faint and sweet, it made her want to press her face to the skin of his chest for a better smell.
She smelled something faint, familiar.
Julie looked ready to faint and kept casting glances at Betsy.
And suddenly remembering his intention he grew dizzy and felt so faint that he leaned against the fence to save himself from falling.
Crackling is much better than that faint wheezing.
AdvertisementThe sense of satisfaction was there again, along with the faint smile that made Gabriel furious.
A notebook lay on the table next to a few scrolls, an ancient manuscript and another block of stone with carvings too faint for Gabe to read.
She smelled of woman, a husky, sweet, faint scent.
Here, some light vial the living room picture window provided a faint outline of fixtures and furniture.
A strange energy ran between them, as if she could absorb the faint stream of his magic.
AdvertisementNo one will fault you for taking that one step further and cleaning house, Dr. Wynn said with a faint smile.
A faint floral smell, however, it couldn't be perfume.
His faint smile said otherwise.
I heard the faint sound of a phone ringing downstairs.
His faint smile contained sadness.
AdvertisementShe rolled her eyes at him again, and he offered another faint smile before she left.
In one corner a piano perched silently, and the embers of a fire still cast a faint glow from a massive fireplace.
He'd reached to the main Jeep road from the faint trail to the Lucky Pup when a sound broke the stillness of dusk.
He tilted his head to the side, observing her with a faint smile.
The bandage was taken off his eyes and, by the faint light of the burning spirit, Pierre, as in a dream, saw several men standing before him, wearing aprons like the Rhetor's and holding swords in their hands pointed at his breast.
AdvertisementShe felt faint and stepped back into the main house, near tears.
It was past nine when Alex and Josh paid their bills, and the faint sound of thunder met them at the door.
The kid struggled weakly, voicing a faint cry.
Tim's smile was faint.
His faint smile softened the words.
His lips held a faint smile and his eyes twinkled.
The faint, sweet scent was close.
Her voice was so faint, he thought he'd misheard.
Prince Andrew sat in another room, faint with fear lest the baby should be drowned in the font, and awaited the termination of the ceremony.
She had done nothing but cry, complain and faint since this ordeal had begun.
I'm flattered, he replied with one of his faint smiles.
Even men faint at them.
She froze at the faint voice, unable to determine if it was the demon who spoke.
Pierre hid his face, from which a faint smile forgot to fade though his features now expressed horror and fear.
Beautiful and slender, she offered a faint smile.
If I don't get some food, I'll faint or die or something.
He breathed deeply, more interested in detecting the faint smell of the warlord.
His brows lifted and a faint smile touched the corners of his lips.
He lifted a brow, a faint smile on his lips.
He moved off on a faint trail and she followed.
Was she going to faint?
His faint smile was far from promising.
Her warm body was pressed against his, the faint glow of the crystal emanating from its place tangled in her hair.
Although they are faint meteors, they can be seen with the naked eye and come in large numbers.
May appear milky, like faint lines or streaks, colored or reflective.
Blood left her head so fast that for a moment she thought she would faint.
She met his gaze and held it, her pupils dilating and a faint flush spreading across her features.
The words were faint but firm in the same tone Katie had taken with him in the dreamland.
The faint smell of his cologne was disturbing and she stepped back.
The faint smell of disinfectant soap was washed away by expensive cologne.
His words were choppy and faint.
Dark specks in her eyes gave her a short warning and she glanced up at Alex, feeling the faint coming on.
Her skin was warm still, her breathing faint.
A faint smile crossed his features, before he returned his attention to his sparring partner.
A faint light being thrown on the outside of the silvered plate, there appear bright lines in the field of view.
Their cries are faint squeaks and grunts.
Needless to say this faint hope was not borne out by results.
This group is particularly rich in bright stars, and is full of nebulosity, but there are fewer faint stars than in equal areas of the surrounding sky; the central star is Alcyone (3rd magnitude); PleIone and Atlas are also of the 3rd magnitude.
For the faint of heart, this year there is some cause for trepidation and celebration; in 2009 we have already lived through two Friday the 13ths (both February and March had one).
Japanese symbol tattoos and artwork in general are not for the slightly committed or for the faint of heart.
Do the same if you feel dizzy, faint, or fatigued.
Pulling Alex's pillow from the bed, Carmen caught the faint whiff of his cologne.
Except she was suddenly hungry again, the faint, sweet scent winding through her senses.
She removed the translator and replaced it, satisfied at the faint hum indicating it was working once more.
Only faint outlines can be traced of the condition of Rajputana previous to the invasion of Upper India by the Mahommedans, and these indicate that the country was subject for the most part to two or three powerful tribal dynasties.
In countries of uniform surface or faint relief, roads and railways may be constructed in any direction without regard to the configuration.
We see indeed faint traces of distinction among the patricians themselves, which may lead us to guess that the equality of all patricians may have been won by struggles of unrecorded days, not unlike those which in recorded days brought about the equality of patrician and plebeian.
But these grants and sales led to distinctions within the ranks of the noble order, like those of which we get faint glimpses among the Roman patricians.
Apollinare Nuovo gives some faint idea of the palace.
He arranges a selection from his observations on the nebulae in such a way as to give great plausibility to his view of the gradual transmutation of nebulae into stars Herschel begins by showing us that there are regions in the heavens where a faint diffused nebulosity is all that can be detected by the telescope.
In the first group, we have to notice the titration of a cyanide with silver nitrate, when a milkiness shows how far the reaction has gone; the titration of iron with permanganate, when the faint pink colour shows that all the iron is oxidized.
There was some faint excuse for Frederick's wrath.
Its aqueous solution has a faint sweet taste, and is dextro-rotatory, the rotation of a fresh solution being about twice that of an old one.
Spencer recognizes successively likenesses and unlikenesses among phenomena (the effects of the Unknowable), which are segregated into manifestations, vivid (object, nonego) or faint (subject, ego), and then into space and time, matter and motion and force, of which the last is symbolized for us by the experience of resistance, and is that out of which our ideas of matter and motion are built.
They are - normally hard and remain so, even at a faint red heat; much deeper cuts can therefore be taken at a high speed without blunting the tool.
The two waves, therefore, being in opposite phases, neutralize one another, and the result is a faint sound.
Distinct in time of war, the power of the chief may be fluctuating and faint in time of peace; even in time of war it may be subject to the authority of a council.
A faint smell of acetylene may be perceived during the oxidation in moist air; this is probably due to traces of calcium carbide.
Detection and Estimation.-Most calcium compounds, especially when moistened with hydrochloric acid, impart an orange-red colour to a Bunsen flame, which when viewed through green glass appears to be finch-green; this distinguishes it in the presence of strontium, whose crimson coloration is apt to mask the orange-red calcium flame (when viewed through green glass the strontium flame appears to be a very faint yellow).
It is a colourless gas, possessing a faint pungent smell and a slightly acid taste.
The New Testament joins on not to the post-exile prophets, who are only faint echoes of earlier seers, but to Jeremiah's great idea of the new covenant in which God's law is written on the individual heart, and the community of faith is the fellowship of all to whom He has thus spoken.
The amount of hydrocyanic acid in a solution may be determined by adding excess of caustic potash and a small quantity of an alkaline chloride, and running into the dilute solution standard silver nitrate until a faint permanent turbidity (of silver chloride) is produced, that is, until the reaction, 2KNC+AgNO 3 = KAg(NC) 2 - -KNO 3, is completed.
Here and there faint depressions occur, occupied by marshy sloughs, or floored with a rich black soil of pestglacial origin.
The individual becomes faint, and the faintness keeps on increasing; and there are pain and tenderness in the liver-region.
The largest and southernmost, a broad belt extending from the " fall-line " to a line passing through Clarkesville, Habersham county, Cartersville, Bartow county and Buchanan, Haralson county (approximately), is known as the Piedmont Belt or Plateau, being a region of faint relief eroded on highly complicated crystalline rocks.
It contains, in addition to tannin, a peculiar principle called larixin, which may be obtained in a pure state by distillation from a concentrated infusion of the bark; it is a colourless substance in long crystals, with a bitter and astringent taste, and a faint acid reaction; hence some term it larixinic acid.
He divides phenomena into impressions and ideas, vivid and faint, object and subject, non-ego and ego, outer and inner, physical and psychical, matter and spirit; all of which are expressions of the same antithesis among phenomena.
The salts have a faint pink colour, and show a faint absorption spectrum; the spark spectrum is brilliant and well characterized.
Harassed by severe bodily ailments, encompassed by a raging tumult of religious conflict and persecution, and aware that the faint hopes of better times which seemed to gild the horizon of the future might be utterly darkened by a failure either in the constancy of his courage or in his discernment and discretion, he exerted his eloquence with unabating energy in the furtherance of the cause he had at heart.
The Lun-Yii, or Analects, " Discourses and Dialogues," is a compilation in which many of his disciples must have taken part, and has great value as a record of his ways and utterances; but its chapters are mostly disjecta membra, affording faint traces of any guiding method or mind.
I was as much affected by the faint hum of a mosquito making its invisible and unimaginable tour through my apartment at earliest dawn, when I was sitting with door and windows open, as I could be by any trumpet that ever sang of fame.
For the rest of the long afternoon, perhaps, my meditations are interrupted only by the faint rattle of a carriage or team along the distant highway.
Sometimes, on Sundays, I heard the bells, the Lincoln, Acton, Bedford, or Concord bell, when the wind was favorable, a faint, sweet, and, as it were, natural melody, worth importing into the wilderness.
A little flock of these titmice came daily to pick a dinner out of my woodpile, or the crumbs at my door, with faint flitting lisping notes, like the tinkling of icicles in the grass, or else with sprightly day day day, or more rarely, in spring-like days, a wiry summery phe-be from the woodside.
Cupless bras are extremely sexy and not for the faint of heart, but if you are searching for that extra something to shake up your boudoir, this may just be your best bet!
You want to look good, but you don't want to faint.
Latex bodysuits are not for the faint of heart, but then again, few lingerie styles are this daring.
Skimpy on the back and skimpy on the sides, they are not for the faint of heart, and simply will not work with certain articles of clothing.
These boxer briefs are not for the faint of heart.
The lyrics were weird, and sometimes they were downright disturbing, but the beats phenomenal (so phenomenal, in fact, that a lyric-free version of the album was released for the faint of heart).
He is getting sensory flashes, apparently hearing things too faint to be heard, seeing things at a great distance.
Because the swords, including Bilbo's knife, were meant to battle Orcs, they were forged so that they glowed with a faint blue light whenever Orcs were near.
As for Olay's anti-wrinkle properties, the only ones I have really noticed improvement in are the faint ones around my mouth.
Individuals suffering from a severe reaction may feel extremely weak and may event faint.
They manifest themselves as some variation of brown - some spots are very faint and barely light brown, while others are much darker and noticeable.
Although the Bab g (4) g Y lonian religion presents a very gloomy view of the world of the dead, it is not without a few faint glimpses of a hope that a few mortals at least may gain deliverance from the dread doom.
To purify the oxide, it is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid until the acid is neatly neutralized, the solution is cooled, filtered, and baryta water is added until a faint permanent white precipitate of hydrated barium peroxide appears; the solution is now filtered, and a concentrated solution of baryta water is added to the filtrate, when a crystalline precipitate of hydrated barium peroxide, Ba0 2 8 H 2 0, is thrown down.
The prepared leaves have a faint odour and bitter taste; and to preserve their properties they must be kept excluded from light in stoppered bottles.
The ordinary colour of aurora is white, usually with a distinct yellow tint in the brighter forms, but silvery white when the light is faint.
Many of the auroral lines seen in any single aurora are exceedingly faint, so that even their relative positions are difficult to settle with high precision.
The kingdom had no foreign possessions; yet faint survivals of the days of Agathocles and Roger lingered on.
There is, however, considerable variation in the nature of the membrane in different species; thus the cell-wall of Oedogonium, treated with sulphuric acid and iodine, turns a bright blue, while the colour is very faint in the case of Spirogyra, the wall of which is said to consist for the most part of pectose.
The spirit of beauty breathes in every line; a sense of music and of colour is everywhere abundant; the reader moves, as it were, under a canopy of apple-blossom, over a flower-starred turf, to the faint harmony of virginals.
They are sunk in a paganism which seems to embrace some faint reflexion of Greek mythology, Zoroastrian principles and the tenets of Buddhism, originally gathered, no doubt, from the varied elements of their mixed extraction.
But at the same time none but the Herschels have swept the whole sky for the discovery of faint nebulae; and FIG.
At this stage collapse may set in, the patient become faint, the limbs twitch, the radical pulse become imperceptible, and unconsciousness supervene.
Since that time nine novas have appeared, which have attained naked-eye visibility; and in recent years a number of very faint objects of the same class have been detected.
It .consists of four principal stars and two faint companions.
Thus each cluster seems to consist of two kinds of stars, which we may distinguish as bright and faint; the bright stars are all approximately of one standard size, and the faint stars of another standard size and brightness.
As a rule contrasted colours are shown by pairs having a bright and a faint component which are relatively wide apart; brilliant white stars frequently have a blue attendant - this is instanced in the case of Regulus and Rigel.
Thus the faint companion of Sirius is of nearly the same mass.
Recently the proper motions of faint stars have been determined by comparing photographs of the same region of the sky, taken with an interval of a number of years.
Most of the above investigators, besides giving a general result, have determined the apex separately for bright and faint stars, for stars of greater or less proper motion, and in some cases for stars of Sirian and Solar spectra.
Its particular importance consists in the fact that the stars, bright as well as faint, crowd towards this plane.
Plutarch in his Life of Lycurgus (c. 4) repeats this story, with the addition that there was already a faint report of the poems in Greece, and that certain detached fragments were in the possession of a few persons.
Although the greater part may be fairly even, some pages, or portions of pages, would show up too strongly, the impress almost cutting through the paper, while in other portions the impression would be so faint that it could hardly be seen.
Yet there were faint indications of coming fame, and the eagerness with which each new tribute from critic and admirer was welcomed is both touching and amusing.
The titration is complete when the blue colour is so faint that it is almost imperceptible after the flask has been vigorously shaken.
Philosophy seeking knowledge for its own sake; morality, manifested in the sense of truth, right, and virtue; and religion, the belief in and communion with superhuman powers ruling and pervading the universe, are human characters, of which it is instructive to trace, if possible, the earliest symptoms in the lower animals, but which can there show at most only faint and rudimentary signs of their wondrous development in mankind.
Lithium is detected by the faint yellow line of wave-length 6104, and the bright red line of wave-length 6708, shown in its flame spectrum.
Moreover, while the faint markings on the foals born after hybrids completely disappeared with the foals' coat, the stripes on the three pure-bred colts persisted.
His nature was essentially poetic, and his life the greatest of his poems. Those who knew only the poems he wrote could form but a faint notion of the harmony, the sweetness, the manliness and the tenderness of that which he lived.
On the other hand, those substances which either are good reflectors or good transmitters, are not so luminous at the same temperature; for instance, melted silver, which reflects well, is not so luminous as carbon at the same temperature, and common salt, which is very transparent for most kinds of radiation, when poured in a fused condition out of a bright red-hot crucible, looks almost like water, showing only a faint red glow for a moment or two.
It is virtually identical with a group known as the " yellow stars," of which the most prominent examples are Capella, Pollux and Arcturus; this is not the most numerous group, however; more than one half of all the stars whose spectra are known belong to a simpler type in which the metallic lines are faint or absent, excepting hydrogen and sometimes helium, which declare themselves with increased prominence.
It would by contracting or dilating become more brisk, or faint, and by the loss of many Rays, in some cases very obscure and dark; but I could never see it changed in specie.
He shows elaborately how the pleasures and pains of " imagination, ambition, self-interest, sympathy, theopathy, and the moral sense " are developed out of the elementary pleasures and pains of sensation; by the coalescence into really complex but apparently single ideas of the " miniatures " or faint feelings which the repetition of sensations contemporaneously or in immediate succession tends to produce in cohering groups.
One is the existence of dark and bright regions, irregular in form, on its surface; the other is the complete illumination of the lunar disk when seen as a crescent, a faint light revealing the dark hemisphere.
The identity of the earliest inhabitants of Gaul is veiled in obscurity, though philologists, anthropologists and archaeologists are using the glimmer of traditions collected by ancient historians to shed a faint twilight upon that remote C past.
The tracheae are minute tubes exhibiting a faint transverse striation which is probably the indication of a spiral fibre.
The only source of doubt as to the validity of the conclusion that this is really the zodiacal light arises from the possibility that, after the close of the ordinarily recognized twilight, there may be a faint illumination arising from the reflection of light by the very rare upper atmosphere, shown by the phenomena of meteors to extend some hundred miles or more above the earth's surface.
Its light is so faint and diffuse that it is impossible to assign dimensions to it, except to say it covers a region of several degrees in extent.
The legendary kings are but faint echoes of the kings of Biainas; the story of Semiramis and Ara is but another form of the myth of Venus and Adonis; and tradition has clothed Tigranes, the reputed friend of Cyrus, with the transient glory of the opponent of Lucullus.
Amongst gamopetalous plants several of our largest living families, including Campanulaceae, Labiatae, Solanaceae and Primulaceae, are still missing; and of Boragineae, Scrophularineae, Gentianeae and Caprifoliaceae there are only faint and doubtful indications.
It is of a dark brownish-green colour, and has a faint peculiar odour and but a slight taste.
Alex said, a faint smile touching the corners of his mouth.
A faint smile was on his lips and in his eyes.
A faint smile twisted his dark features and one brow arched quizzically.
She held a faint resemblance to Tammy.
She sighed and breathed in the scent of his warm skin and the lingering, faint smell of blood.
Maybe it was the faint smell of expensive cologne, or the feel of his warm hand through her blouse, or even the fact that it had been so long since anyone had taken an interest in her work.
Cynthia let out a gasp and wilted like a flower in a furnace; a dead faint.
Now that Denton and Clarissa were openly dating, the friction had been oiled down to a faint squeak.
She refused to give into the sex appeal that made grown women faint in front of him.
Their live performances easily matching their name, often ending in complete anarchy - not a place for the faint hearted.
This appears to me faint sketch of a system of Salvation which does not affront our reason and humanity.
Distant and faint gamma-ray burst afterglows will appear as tiny smudges of light even to the powerful UVOT.
These unusual emissions enabled astronomers to pinpoint these two faint stars among the myriad of other faint stars in the cluster.
At the same time a faint hissing sound became audible.
The faint of heart should be prepared for the brutal, barbaric beatings that Christ endures.
During the outburst event, the normally faint star suddenly brightened, becoming 600,000 times more luminous than our Sun.
Low mass, faint, brown dwarfs have also been found in the Pleiades.
On closer inspection there is some faint irregular calcification in the suprasellar region.
Weak and faint from the assassin's dagger, the emergency came upon the dying caliph unprepared.
When she returned the room was silent again, save for the faint crepitation of his chair and the occasional clink of a bottle.
There was only half a line about it to give a faint clue.
It works on the principle that a healthy cochlea will produce a faint echo when stimulated with sound.
Cassini - Nasa Saturn lies in the faint constellation of Cancer, the Crab, close to the Beehive Cluster.
I feel faint, I go now to take a 3/4 solution of Earl Gray, 2 park drives and hot buttered crumpet.
Figure 7. An isolated dinoflagellate cyst showing some faint surface coccolith molds.
A sudden drop in your blood pressure could cause you to become dizzy, faint, or have a heart attack or stroke.
Radio signals bounce off obstacles like buildings, adding a delayed faint echo to the intended signal.
They may also cause you to feel dizzy or faint or cause facial flushing.
White dwarfs are much too faint to be seen directly with the naked eye.
In our Solar System the remaining dust scatters sunlight to create an extremely faint glow called the zodiacal light.
The corona is very faint relative to the main body of the sun.
Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age all left their mark, however faint, on the area.
They tend to lower the blood pressure, which can make people feel faint.
The image of shades is because these dead souls have grown faint through the absence of God's light in Hell.
A lightly floral nose with an apple and lime palate, there are also faint notes of the tropical.
Look outside the main bow to see a faint secondary fogbow produced by two internal reflections inside the fog droplets.
No; one faint red glimmer cheered us from a window where the lattice was in good repair.
The dwarf remained seeing the faint glow from torches onboard their prey long against the cold backdrop of night.
Holly Acland goes groovy at a.k.a. West End restaurant a.k.a. is not for the faint hearted.
The image, however, also shows a faint circular halo beneath the arc.
By four we could hear the faint hiss of breakers on the shore.
All is silent save for the faint hum of well inflated tires on the dry road.
Corners bumped, a little faint browning, owner's initials (dated 1858) on contents page, good.
Suddenly there was a faint murmur, for at the upper end of the hut a dark form was seen slowly to arise.
Narrow bandpass filters also take out sky glow emission lines which also helps to improve the visual contrast of very faint nebulae.
Sweeping the area with a pair of binoculars brings all manner of objects into view, rich star clusters and some faint nebulosity.
The faint lines, called Brillouin peaks, are caused by light being inelastically scattered by acoustic phonons in the glass.
Or perhaps he's being cleverer than all of us, and trying to motivate Magic Daps by faint praise.
A faint rasp of steel on leather came from Bukama doing the same.
The laser-etched reticle is evenly illuminated by a red LED, with illumination variable from bright to faint.
All that could be heard of his speaking voice was a faint rumble rather like that of a distant fart.
This can appear as faint pale dry areas, sometimes scaly, on the cheeks of children.
A faint tremble, a slight shiver, had seemed to run through the still bones of the ship.
A faint smile played about the corners of his mouth... .
There was a faint smudge of scarlet below the pressure lock.
Near-infrared spectroscopy of very faint galaxies very close to bright QSOs at 1 z 4 can be achieved with Gemini.
The constellation is made of faint stars and has very little to offer the amateur astronomer.
If there was a road, I could not make it out in the faint starlight.
Darwin will be able to separate the bright starlight from the faint planet light by performing a technique called ' nulling interferometry ' .
I have to admit, I too have felt the faint stirrings of patriotic pride.
In a small town on the South Coast of the United Kingdom there are the first faint stirrings of the revolution.
Nodules can be a good source of whole fossils - they are rounded pale gray stones, often with faint horizontal striations in them.
Flew 800-1,000 m.p.h. at 1-2,000 ' altitude, leaving a faint swath.
The deep voice ceased its booming chant and all he could hear was a faint patter followed by dull thuds directly above him.
I could see a faint tinge of color steal back in.
At full strength the nose is subtle but interesting with vanilla, toffee bonbons, peat smoke and faint Parma violets.
Not for the faint hearted this ironing board is rather weighty.
There is not even a faint whiff of fried potatoes.
Oh, for the flimsy pensioners and truculent barrow boys of yesteryear - whither the legions of faint hearted English whimsy?
Three collinear stars ?', c and 3 Orionis constitute the "belt of Orion"; of these E, the central star, is of the ist magnitude, 3 of the 2nd, while Orionis is a fine double star, its components having magnitudes 2 and 6; there is also a faint companion of magnitude io.
This enabled the observer to make exposures of any desired length, and, through the cumulative action of light on extremely sensitive surfaces, to obtain permanent accurate pictures of celestial objects so faint as to be completely invisible to the eye, even when aided by the most powerful telescopes.
The scene in the garden is without the agony of Gethsemane; a faint echo of this historic anguish appears in the scene with the Greeks four days earlier, and even that peaceful appeal to, and answer of, the Father occurs only for His followers' sakes.
Nevertheless, as he believes all the time that everything knowable throughout the whole world of evolution is phenomena in the sense of subjective affections of consciousness, and as he applies Hume's distinction of impressions and ideas as a distinction of vivid and faint states of consciousness to the distinction of ego and non-ego, spirit and matter, inner and outer phenomena, his philosophy of the world as knowable remains within the limits of phenomenalism.
His imperfect signature to his confession of this date, consisting only of his Christian name and written in a faint and trembling hand, is probably a ghastly testimony to the severity of the torture ("per grad us ad ima") which James had ordered to be applied if he would not otherwise confess and the "gentler tortures" were unavailing, - a horrible practice unrecognized by the law of England, but usually employed and justified at this time in cases of treason to obtain information.
The princess did not fall down or faint.
At another point there 's a very faint suggestion that he may be repressing a tendency toward men.
He was a small, scrawny man who had no real signs of life except for a faint green glow smoldering behind his eyes.
When thin clouds scud across a bright moon it is often surrounded by a bright disk and faint colored rings, a lunar corona.
The walls burned to the touch, and as he skittered down a turn, a faint sound reached his ears.
A faint smile played about the corners of his mouth....
Darwin will be able to separate the bright starlight from the faint planet light by performing a technique called ' nulling interferometry '.
Take note of fizzing sounds, swishing noise, faint sparks, white particles.
I felt faint and cold when I faced the empty space among the black tangle of bushes.
They give off some faint light, but they are not quite big enough to start shining through thermonuclear fusion.
Autumn tiptoes down the narrow wooden corridor Making the faint squeak echo inside her.
At full strength the nose is subtle but interesting with vanilla, toffee bonbons, peat smoke and faint parma violets.
The wakeful shepherd, tending his flocks, beholds from the mountain 's top the first faint morning beam ere cometh the risen day.
You could even choose to have your company logo as a faint watermark printed behind the text.
I get him with a faint impression of waxed mustache - a sort of foreign person - but I ca n't get more.
Eli snuffed his nose, catching a faint whiff of something rotten.
Though not suitable for everyone, it did offer me a faint bit of color.
A striking blend of plum and berry, the color is tempered slightly by a hint of brown and also has a faint hint of shimmer.
You may start sweating as nausea overcomes you or feel dizzy, lightheaded and even faint.
The mantra should still be treated as a faint, distant thought.
These types of teams are not for people who are faint at heart; you can expect to be blamed if you let a winning touchdown or goal by the opposing team get by you.
Not for the faint of heart, punk prom dresses are a unique choice in formal wear.
The famous "running of the brides" is not for the faint of heart.
Place it on your decorative thick paper or cardstock, trace a faint outline, and cut out the shape.
Content is generally centered around college life and popular culture, and as you've probably figured out, not all of it is appropriate for children or the faint of heart.
This 30-day all-encompassing voyage from Switzerland to Romania via the legendary Rhine, Main and Danube rivers is not for the faint of heart.
Plants are sometimes found in which the flowers have a faint rosy flush.
One of the finest is L. prostratum, a spreading little evergreen having flowers of a lovely blue, with faint reddish-violet stripes, in great profusion when the plant is well grown.
A variegated form is pretty, the foliage being mottled with white or faint pink.
You can still get that amazing shaping without worrying about feeling faint.
This isn't the early 20th century and you shouldn't feel faint in your corset!
Not for the faint of heart, these super short shorts are sure to get you noticed.
Be warned - leather is not for the faint of heart.
Though not for the faint of heart, it has its time and place in the bedroom!
Night vision is an impressive optical technology that is able to take very faint, existing light and electronically magnify it so that you can see the world around you even though it is very dark.
The goggles can "see" the IR light, so the person wearing them sees the faint reflected light as well.
The dawn/dusk color is a dark copper color during light hours but fades to a faint tint in low light.
The Griffon roller coaster is a fabulous ride experience, but like the mythological creature it is named for, it is not for the faint of heart.
The smooth, swooping track includes high overbanked turns, an underground dive, and multiple weaves around supports and structure for a disorienting, adrenaline-inducing path not for the faint of heart.
This ride is definitely not for the faint at heart.
Not for the faint hearted, Kingda Ka will challenge any coaster enthusiast's adrenaline.
This roller coaster is not for the faint of heart.
This is not a game for the faint of heart.
In high-contrast situations, a faint "ghost" image can sometimes be seen on the screen.
Suddenly, you hear a faint electrical whimper and your screen is now pictureless and void.
With selections from artists young, (The Faint, Hot Hot Heat, Ok Go) and old, (Iron Maiden, Def Leppard) there is a song for nearly every gamer.
This baseball game is not for the faint of heart, however, given its elevated level of authenticity and realism.
The juicy, spicy wines are not for the faint of heart, but if you're looking for a full-bodied, deep purple wine to pair with spicy foods, then Zinfandel is a great choice.
The event is not to be missed if you are a fan of Pinot Noir, but it is not for the faint of heart.
On the palate there's an easy transition from the lemon-tangerine tang, to figs, to soft grass and then a pleasant resolution in the finish, with traces of vanilla oak and faint buttery texture.
Boar hunting is not for the faint of heart.
Innocent heart murmurs are usually very faint, intermittent, and occur in a small area of the chest.
Bruising may occur at the puncture site, or the person may feel dizzy or faint.
In a simple BHS the child may faint or briefly lose consciousness.
The child may faint, become limp, or lose consciousness, usually for just a few seconds, due to a lack of oxygen reaching the brain.
Tinnitus-A noise, ranging from faint ringing or thumping to roaring, that originates in the ear not in the environment.
Individuals who appear to be weak, easily tired, often out of breath, and who may feel faint or dizzy on movement may be severely anemic.
However, some people become lightheaded or faint.
The risks associated with drawing blood are minimal but may include bleeding from the puncture site, feeling faint or lightheaded after the blood is drawn, or blood accumulating under the puncture site (hematoma).
During attacks, they turn very blue, have shortness of breath, and can faint.
Some people feel dizzy or faint after blood has been drawn and should be treated accordingly.
Found at birth (congenital) or developing later in life (acquired) anywhere on the body, they range from faint spots to dark swellings covering wide areas.
If the child feels faint or weak during a nosebleed, it may be do to blood loss and the child should see the doctor immediately.
Seeing any amount of blood may cause some children to panic or even faint.
Plucking stray hairs is an effective way of shaping eyebrows, but it is not for the faint of heart.
Certainly not for the faint of heart, the skullet is a modern blend of mullet meets skull.
Not for the faint of heart -- chunky color, vivid shades, and haphazard placement are signature for the emo look.
Homeschooling isn't for the faint at heart, as any teacher-parent will explain.
Many women who purchase early pregnancy tests wonder if a faint second line should still be considered an indicator of pregnancy.
Faint lines can be caused by low test sensitivity, performing the test too early in your pregnancy, or a diluted urine specimen.
However, if you believe that you have followed the test instructions, a faint line should still be read as a positive result.
Even if the line is faint, it still counts as a positive result.
Two pink lines, even if one is a faint line, indicate that the pregnancy hormone hCG was detected and that you are pregnant (see a doctor to confirm).
An evaporation line can show up as a faint line on a pregnancy test.
There are several common reasons why you may be getting just a faint line.
Instead, they're shadowy, faint lines that are simply the result of evaporated urine and don't indicate pregnancy one way or the other.
If you believe that you're pregnant and get a positive result, no matter how faint, you should make an appointment with your doctor.
Some women have bleeding during early pregnancy that looks like a period, so if you get a line (faint or definite) on a pregnancy test but start bleeding, see your physician.
The most common side effects of suction aspiration are cramping, nausea, sweating, and feeling faint.
A positive result is still a positive result even if the line is faint.
However, if the faint line doesn't appear until after the time limit on the test, this is not a positive result.
These bikinis are not for the faint of heart, and being extremely comfortable with both your body and the attention wearing one will garner is of the utmost importance.
If you are in any way inhibited, read no farther because Koala swimwear isn't for the faint of heart.
Be forewarned, men's skimpy swimwear styles are not for the faint of heart, and wearing sheer and mesh speedos is actually illegal in many public areas throughout the United States.
Mens bikini swimsuits are not for the faint of heart.
Mini bikinis aren't for the faint of heart, regardless of your hemisphere of residence!
Not for the faint of heart or for every venue, sheer transparent swimwear is sure to get you noticed if you're brave enough to wear it.
These slingshot bikinis, like their sexy counterparts in mesh, thong and see-through styles, are not for the faint of heart!
Tank tops were the rule of the day, accompanied by athletic style shorts that would have made poor old Queen Victoria faint.
Tiny swimsuits are not for the faint of heart.
If you aren't fond of white, opt for something extremely light, such as sky blue, baby pink or faint yellow.
The intensity is given a description, such as light, dark, faint, normal, and this description is typically placed in front of the color or hue that has also been chosen to describe the diamond.
Unlike diamonds, moissanite is rarely perfectly colorless, and may exhibit faint green, gray, or yellow tints, especially in larger stones.
This characteristic can easily conceal faint color variations.
This is particularly true with lighter colors such as yellow and pink, when a very faint wash of color may be easily mistaken for a poor quality stone rather than a true fancy colored gem.
Fancy diamonds are graded in ascending order as faint, very light, light, fancy, fancy intense, fancy vivid, and fancy deep.
D-grade diamonds exhibit no color at all, while diamonds with color grades of G, H, and I have a faint color that cannot be detected by the naked eye.
The journey is not for the faint of heart, but the struggle is often inspirational.
It also boasts a faint sheen, but is otherwise quite simple in design.
The bag is available in vibrant pink, and it's definitely not for the faint of heart - or faint of dollar.
Not for the faint of heart, Gemini requires an intelligent, adaptable, and tolerant mate.
The last thing you ever want to do is bore Gemini because once that happens, she'll be little more than a faint memory.
Love matches for Gemini aren't for the timid or faint of heart.
When an apparition forms, it's usually extremely faint and blends in well with the background.
For example, you may need to watch a video a few times before you recognize the faint mist in the shape of an apparition standing in the doorway.
But this is the time for those not faint of heart to be buying low and then hopefully in the long run selling high.
These shoes aren't for the faint of heart.
Be warned, The Red Door Store.com is not for the faint of heart, but if its discount stiletto boots you're after, then this is the site for you.
Alexander McQueen is known for edgy fashion that isn't for the faint of heart.
A 4 ½" stiletto heel and strappy features make this sandal not for the faint of heart.
In two simple shades, they're decorated with a very faint floral print and boast the same beneficial characteristics of Merrell's other women's footwear.
Not for the faint of heart, these sparkling shoes are sure to be noticed.
These shoes aren't for the faint of heart, so if you want to call attention to your feet, slip into a pair of neon jelly shoes and enjoy a bit of 80s nostalgia while you wear them.
However, a lower back tribal tat is not for the faint of heart!
This can be anything from a faint dot at the piercing site to a profound dimple or serious wad of scar tissue.
Some of these exotic body piercings are not for the faint of heart, and may even be illegal in certain states.
These are not for the faint of heart and may be considered a surgical procedure as much as a piercing.
These procedures are not for the faint of heart!
If there are any cracks in the old plug wires, you'll see very faint sparks in the dark.
If you find after completing all of these steps that you can still see a coffee ring in your pot, no matter how faint, you may want to try letting vinegar set in the coffee pot for 24 hours.
Don't leave faint writing marks showing for a period of time, as these will convert to stains very quickly if they are not cleaned off.
Does the gym treadmill make you faint from boredom?
In most cases, fibromyalgia sufferers experience a drop in blood pressure and dizziness, which cause them to feel as if they may faint.
A soft breeze carried a faint familiar odor, but it was gone before she could identify it.
Surely she wasn't going to faint.
If Brockville is the Alder's Bridge I saw I'll probably faint.
I thought Martha would faint.
Sofia gave a faint smile and held out her hand, palm up.
It was faint, but sounded like the Watcher's.
A faint pulse of life came from the direction of the gym.
Her phone began to ring again as she slid into a dead faint.
Dusty shook his head, though Damian saw his faint smile.
Instead, a faint memory began to play.
The faint scent was there, pulling her.
Gabriel's attention was caught on a faint green glow on a table in the middle of the stacks of dead bodies.
The forest was cold, the rustle of pine trees against one another faint.
A faint smile escaped despite his dark mood.
Effie put her hand to her chest, as if she might faint.
Edith shut her eyes and Dean thought for a moment she might once again faint.
He found one, but it beat faint and thready.
Too late she realized she was going to faint.
He managed a faint smile before wobbling and sliding to his knees.
The sounds of fighting grew faint and then disappeared. The stream wound through the jungle until it reached a small waterfall that fed into a massive lake whose black surface reflected the stars and moon. Katie slid down the hill beside the waterfall to the lake's edge, uncertain what to do. Gabriel hadn't mentioned the stream ending or the lake.
A faint smile, the first sign of human emotion, crossed its face.
It has nothing to do with living in Andre's shadow your whole life and now having the chance to prove yourself, she said with a faint smile.
Owing to the difficulties inherent in determining the position of so faint an object among a great number of stars, the results have taken about ten years to work out.
It is found (Bourne, 24) that some species of scorpion faint at a temperature of 4 0 0 Cent.
And once again -- after the violets faded -- I noticed the faint smell of puppy diarrhea.
Thus Jupiter appears faint whilst the Moon itself is slightly over exposed.
It is a faint intimation, yet so are the first streaks of morning.
The faint silvery warblings were heard over the partially bare and moist fields from the bluebird, the song sparrow, and the red-wing, as if the last flakes of winter tinkled as they fell!
Only now in the stillness of the night, reading it by the faint light under the green shade, did he grasp its meaning for a moment.
The abandoned campfires were burning themselves out in the faint morning light.
The stems and flowers are also edible, and have a faint garlicky flavor.
Some people pass out or grow faint when faced with a crisis.
Granted, this is not a style for the faint of heart, but if you think you've seen and worn everything when it comes to swimwear, this creation might have you raising an eyebrow or two.
Look for soft rosette embellishments, pearls, faint ruffles or minimal rhinestones.
Power 90X (P90X) - Also known as "The Insanity Workout," P90X is not for the faint of heart; however, it provides great results.
After a few wears, you may notice that your leather camisole appears soiled or has a faint sweaty odor.
It's a carnivore's fantasy of meat toppings, and not for the faint of heart.
I had to feel for the rails with my toe; but I was not afraid, and got on very well, until all at once there came a faint "puff, puff" from the distance.
Winter mountain driving was not for the reckless or faint of heart, but the Deans were neither.