Fails Sentence Examples
Because if it fails, it costs you nothing.
Even a bird is smart enough to push the fledgling out of the nest when it fails to fly on its own.
Madness if it fails.
If it fails, you could be in big trouble.
The third account fails chiefly in being too plausible, but there seems no reason to reject it as an artificial combination of unconnected facts.
It is true that our best authority, Arrian, fails to substantiate the traditional view satisfactorily; on the other hand those who maintain it urge that Arrian's interests were mainly military, and that the other authorities, if inferior in trustworthiness, are completer in range of vision.
He is appointed watchman to warn men when they sin, and is to be held responsible for the consequences if he fails in this duty.
But the Christian bias is sure to make theologians, who borrow a doctrine of the Absolute, interpret it in a Christian sense; hence we may consider it something of an accident that even an Augustine fails exactly to put the argument in form.
Browning reasons as far as he can; if reasoning fails him, he gives a leap of faith.
Further, no theory of calciolous and calcifugous plants can be regarded as satisfactory which fails to account for the fact that both kinds of plants occur among aquatic as well as among terrestrial plants.
AdvertisementIf it fails - there are other channels; character can be known and trusted even when we are baffled by a thing necessarily so full of mystery as the development of a personality.
When that fails me I shall be nothing, and another will succeed me."
This explanation, poor as it is, fails, however, in regard to some species.
He was wanting in mathematical ability, and never displayed in any remarkable degree the still more important power of scientific generalization, which, whether accompanied by mathematical skill or not, never fails to mark the highest genius in physical science.
Its political leaders in the House of Delegates are restive under the control exercised by the Executive Council, but an attempt to hold up necessary appropriations resulted in the passage in July 1909 of an act continuing the appropriations of the previous year, whenever for any cause the lower house fails to pass the necessary financial legislation.
AdvertisementThis never fails to produce Dumoutier.
This method of solution fails when the discriminant R vanishes, for then the Hessian has equal roots, as also the cubic f.
Although the amended theory as worked out by Maxwell is in rough agreement with certain leading phenomena of magnetization, it fails to account for many others, and is in some cases at variance with observed facts.
The method indeed fails for equations of an order above the fourth, because it then involves the solution of an equation of higher dimensions than they proposed.
The analogy between the two fails to hold good in another respect also.
AdvertisementAgain, a fractured bone in a paralysed limb often fails to unite, while another in the opposite sound limb unites readily, and an ulcerated surface on a paralysed limb shows little healing reaction.
As the cell fails and shrinks, so does it become more and more unable to make good the waste due to metabolism.
In metal mines, however, artificial ventilation is rarely attempted, and natural ventilation often fails to furnish a sufficient quantity of air.
It lacks for the moment the interest of freshness; it is like a wonderful picture seen so constantly that it fails any longer to concentrate attention.
In the last resort, therefore, Spencer fails to deduce philosophically not only the necessity of progress, but also its compatibility with the evolution-dissolution oscillation, and even the general possibility of conceiving the world as a process.
AdvertisementBut when the scryers see details of various sorts, which are unknown to the inquirer, but are verified on inquiry, then telepathy perhaps fails to provide an explanation.
As a rule, if a person has the faculty he "sees" at the first attempt; if he fails in.
This method of reckoning time is more convenient than those which employ cycles or periods of any length whatever; but it still fails to satisfy in the simplest manner possible all the conditions that are necessary for registering the succession of events.
Somewhere, in actual life, the stress of craft and courage acting on the springs of human vice and weakness fails, unless the hero of the comedy or tragedy, Callimaco or Cesare, allows for the revolt of healthier instincts.
Such a theory as that just mentioned hopelessly fails to account for the linguistic unity of the book.
A weight is moved along the arm of one of the beams until it just keeps the brake steady midway between the stops which must be provided to hold it when the weight fails to do so.
Under section 6, where a reference is to two arbitrators, one to be appointed by each party, and either the appointed arbitrator refuses to act, or becomes incapable of acting, and the party appointing him fails, after seven clear days' notice, to supply the vacancy, or such party fails, after similar notice, to make an original appointment, a binding appointment (subject to the power of the court to set it aside) may be made by the other party to the reference.
But this doctrine of relativity really involves a condemnation of our knowledge (and of all knowledge), because it fails to realize an impossible and self-contradictory ideal.
However often the tree may be cut down it never fails to grow again.
A second objection urged, perhaps with less justice, against the theory is that it fails to account for the made his tour in 1773, whilst Hume's death did not take place till 1776.
If suitable values are chosen for these constants, the formula can be made to represent the dispersion of ordinary transparent media within the visible spectrum very well, but when extended to the infra-red region it often departs considerably from the truth, and it fails altogether in cases of anomalous dispersion.
On the other hand, if the landowner fails within twenty-one days after receipt of the notice to treat to give the particulars which it requires, the promoters may proceed to exercise their compulsory powers and to obtain assessment of the compensation to be paid.
If a money-lender fails to register himself, or if he carries on a money-lending business otherwise than in his registered name, or in more names than one, or elsewhere than at his registered address, he is liable on summary conviction to a fine, not exceeding one hundred pounds.
The fundamental objection to empiricism is that it fails to give an accurate explanation of experience; individual impressions as such are momentary, and their connexion into a body of coherent knowledge presupposes mental action distinct from mere receptivity.
But he fails to show that a substance is one and many in the same respect, and that motion requires a body to be in two places at the same moment of one time.
But here he fails exactly as Darwin himself failed.
Balfour says, given that men believe in Nature, they will survive; but he fails to show how they come to believe in it.
The latter part of this theory fails to explain why the Pauline origin was not made more obvious, e.g.
The Australian or " Massachusetts " ballot, adopted in 1891 under a law which fails to require personal registration, by a provision like that in Nebraska makes it easy to vote a straight ticket; party names are arranged on the ballot according to the number of votes secured by each party at the last preceding election.
If the supply of ice fails first the temperature will rise, and, since solid salt remains, we pass along a curve OA giving the relation between temperature and the vapour pressure of the saturated solution.
If, on the other hand, the salt of the cryohydrate fails before the ice the water given by the continued fusion dilutes the solution, and we pass along the curve OB which shows the freezing points of a series of solutions of constantly increasing dilution.
At all times and in all lands, if he reflects upon death at all, he fails to understand it as a natural phenomenon;.
The genuine evidence at our command altogether fails to support this view.
Private charities have always occupied a distinguished position in the Netherlands, and the principle of the law of 1854 concerning the relief of the poor is, that the state shall only interfere when private charity fails.
It is almost superfluous to remark, first, that Hume here deliberately gives up his fundamental principle that ideas are but the fainter copies of impressions, for it can never be maintained that order of disposition is an impression, and, secondly, that he fails to offer any explanation of the mode in which coexistence and succession are possible elements, of cognition in a conscious experience made up of isolated presentations and representations.
If the proper patron fails to exercise his right within six calendar months from the vacancy, the right devolves or lapses to the next superior patron, e.g.
Further, Irenaeus himself in one passage fails to distinguish between Cerinthian and Valentinian doctrines.
The evidence, However, afforded (a) by the parallel version of Deuteronomy and (b) by the literary analysis of J and E not only fails to support this tradition, but excites the gravest suspicions as to the originality both of the form and of the position in which the Decalogue now appears.
In the European mink the upper lip is also white, but, as this occasionally occurs in American specimens, it fails as an absolutely distinguishing character.
It is known that zoogametes, which usually conjugate, may, when conjugation fails, germinate directly (Sphaerella).
The picture, painted for the elector Frederick of Saxony, is now in the Imperial Gallery at Vienna; the overcrowded canvas (into which Darer has again introduced his own portrait as a spectator alongside of the elector) is full of striking and animated detail, but fails to make any great impression on the whole, and does not do justice to the improved sense of breadth and balance in design, of clearness and dignity in composition, which the master had undoubtedly brought back with him from his second visit to Italy.
This excess does no harm, for that part which fails to unite with the lime serves as a diluent, much as does sand in mortar.
Brinton's theory, that they form a branch of the Malays, fails.
For the preservation of order this force is by no means inefficient, but it fails as a detective agency and also in the prosecution of crime, being distrusted by the people generally.
Such a sage agrees in his thought with God; he no longer blames either God or man; he fails of nothing which he purposes and falls in with no misfortune unprepared; he indulges in neither anger nor envy nor jealousy; he is leaving manhood for godhead, and in his dead body his thoughts are concerned about his fellowship with God.
The subject-predicate relation fails really to arise.
Locke, however, fails to " deduce " his categories.
Equally, too, the deductive character, apparently in intention as well as in actual fact, of Mill's experimental methods fails to recall the point of theory that the process is essentially one from particular to particular.
It is inferred then that Hegel complements from the stuff of experience, and fails to make good the pretension of his method to be by itself and of itself the means of advance to higher and still higher concepts till it can rest in the Absolute.
Inoculation protects against attack, and greatly modifies the illness when it fails to protect.
Consequently, he fails to understand the essential magnitude of the task, or to appreciate the vital vigour of the forces contending in Europe for mastery.
In view of the fact that fresh grape juice contains innumerable bacteria and moulds, in addition to the yeast cells which bring about the alcoholic fermentation, and that the means which are adopted by the brewer and the distiller for checking the action of these undesirable organisms cannot be employed by the wine-maker, it is no doubt remarkable that the natural wine yeast so seldom fails to assert a preponderating action, particularly as the number of yeast cells at the beginning of fermentation is relatively small.
In the first place, the impressions of the sense itself are faulty, for the sense both fails us and deceives us.
It is not surprising that he should detect many flaws, but he never fails co exaggerate an error, and seems sometimes completely to miss the point of what Bacon says.
In medicine copper sulphate was employed as an emetic, but its employment for this purpose is now very rare, as it is exceedingly depressant, and if it fails to act, may seriously damage the gastric mucous membrane.
In this adjustment the lowest stage is taken by 'reflex action and instinct, where Spencer the change of the organs is purely automatic. As the external complexity increases, this automatic regularity fails; there is only an incipient excitation of the nerves.
These forests of pinaster, apart from the production of timber in a once treeless district, have a great economic value as a source of turpentine, which is largely obtained from the trees by a process analogous to that employed in its collection from P. sylvestris; the resin is yielded from May to the end of September, the cuts being renewed as the supply fails, until the tree is exhausted; the trunks are then felled and used in the manufacture of charcoal and lamp black; much tar and pitch is also obtained from these pinaster forests.
It is a useful method, and is often very satisfactory, but it has the disadvantage that it admits of but little progress, and when a trusted empirical remedy fails we do not know precisely in what direction to look for a substitute.
The grains of the bamboo are available for food, and the Chinese have a proverb that it produces seed more abundantly in years when the rice crop fails, which means, probably, that in times of dearth the natives look more after such a source of food.
The non-rational man aims at self-preservation, and the wise man will imitate him deliberately, and when he fails he will suffer with equanimity.
The result of this theory of ethics is of great value as emphasizing the importance of a systematic view of conduct, but it fails to resolve satisfactorily the great Socratic paradox that evil is the result of ignorance.
The method already given for the investigation of the surface-tension of a liquid, all whose dimensions are sensible, fails in the case of a liquid film such as a soap-bubble.
It is not surprising, therefore, to find that he fails altogether to present a clear and coherent picture of the history and working of the Roman constitution, or that his handling of intricate questions of policy is weak and inadequate.
The result is a curious mosaic, in which pieces of all colours and dates are found side by side, and in which even the great artistic skill displayed throughout fails to conceal the lack of internal unity.
Eusebius often fails to appreciate the significance of the events which he records; in many cases he draws unwarranted conclusions from the given premises; he sometimes misinterprets his documents and misunderstands men and movements; but usually he presents us with the material upon which to form our own judgment, and if we differ with him we must at the same time thank him for the data that enable us independently to reach other results.
Any attempt to classify examples by their colours fails, for, while at some periods the particular tints employed in certain chanceries may have been selected with a view to marking the character of the documents so sealed, such practice was not consistently followed.
If any house is without a sufficient supply, and it appears that a supply can be furnished at a reasonable cost, as defined in the Public Health Act and the Public Health Water Act 1878, the owner may be required to provide the supply, and, if he fails, the council may themselves provide the supply and charge the owner with the cost.
The translation which is diffuse and by no means close, fails to reproduce the spirit of the original.
Language thus here fails conspicuously as a test of race and even of national history.
Yet it fails to reach the coast, and after a winding course of about Soo m.
It fails to hypostatize either.
A second objection is that it fails in its purpose, because 20,000,000 years ago it would give a sun quite as much changed as the contraction theory gave.
Hale has pointed out other respects in which the explanation fails to fit facts.
Wet land, if in grass, produces only the coarser grasses, and many subaquatic plants and mosses, which are of little or no value for pasturage; its herbage is late in spring, and fails early in autumn; the animals grazed upon it are unduly liable to disease, and sheep, especially, to foot-rot and liver-rot.
But the scientific accuracy of Tacitus Germania is not beyond dispute, and that light fails centuries before the Anglo-Saxon conquest of Great Britain.
Since the proboscis is a purely larval organ in this genus, it may be supposed that the coelomic space which properly belongs to it fails to develop, but that the praeoral hood itself is none the less the morphological representative of the proboscis.
Under the Benefices Act 1898 the official principal of the archbishop is required to institute a presentee to a benefice if the tribunal constituted under that act decides that there is no valid ground for refusing institution and the bishop of the diocese notwithstanding fails to institute him.
But an infinite distance (which Zeno fails to distinguish from a finite distance infinitely divided) cannot be traversed in a finite time.
If the aperture of the objective is increased, the diameter of the illuminating surface must also be increased so that the system is quite filled up, from which it follows that this method of illuminating soon fails.
He fails, however, in many cases to recognize the difficulties at issue, and those which cannot be ignored he sets down to the conflicting apocalyptic traditions, on which the author was obliged to draw for his subject-matter.
Since there has been no demonstration of the predictive accuracy of the estimation of time varying parameters, even this argument fails.
The parties are told that if conciliation fails they must be prepared to commence arbitration immediately.
The escape attempt Vera is expecting fails to take place.
But bitter disappointment and rejection awaits her, after she humiliatingly fails a dance audition.
Michael Howard fails to win backing of John Howard.
A classic birding tour which never fails to produce superb birding.
A classic birding tour which never fails to produce superb birding tour which never fails to produce superb birding.
The groups claim the planning blueprint fails to address " the real issues " facing the town.
Unfortunately, it fails to go celestial for no obvious reason.
If the liver function fails this is known as decompensated cirrhosis and without transplantation the outcome is likely to be fatal.
However if this fails and development is approved for this nationally listed site, massive civil disobedience can be expected.
But no company has bigger cojones when a launch fails to go straight into orbit.
Cheese with mushrooms is another classic combo which never fails to please.
But I feel that Mandel fails to understand that the ` final solution ' represented a qualitative leap, not a mere continuation.
They decide to visit a meteor crater, where their car fails to start leaving them stranded in the middle of the Australian outback.
God never fails - he is the almighty creator.
The guidance overall fails to prove that it does not create a massive disincentive for disabled people to take up employment.
When he fails your perception of him, you begin to feel distraught.
What happens is it fails to resolve the domain name in question totaly.
In any event, changing perspectives also fails to treat ennui.
The fancy dress competition never fails to amaze me - the costumes people come up with are just fab.
If all else fails then you can think about taking the firm to court.
If this fails or you are constantly fobbed off ask your local rep for advice on what to do next.
Only Monnie fails to get the point so Lizzie has to explain to her about Toni's husband Sean, a notorious gangster.
However, in a minority of cervical cancer cases, the HPV viral genome fails to integrate into the host genome.
She simply fails to see that motivation is just not germane to the facts or to the truth.
Dan Carter, sporting the haircut I had two years ago, fails to convert.
Where a party fails to attend a hearing then the Committee may either adjourn the hearing or hold it in the party's absence.
Ken hits the lift with his hoop 3 ball, but fails hoop again.
This claim, then, fails to be conversationally implicated.
Holmes is employed, presumably, for providing the relaxed, natural informality the earnest Smith fails to display.
When numbers are high, he says, people's intuition fails them, and they tend to grab at round figures irrationally.
If this also fails a third shock using 360 joules is employed.
Again, hugely judgmental if the book fails the test; but Elucidatory if the book is allowed to dictate its own esthetics.
Otherwise, there'll be memory leaks whenever an image load fails.
If medical treatment fails a cortical mastoidectomy is performed.
Jim fails in his initial attempt to get matey with Paul Reid.
Imipramine helps with anxiety and depression and is used when stimulant medication fails to get a response or it not appropriate to be given.
Then there's a strangely mute taxi driver in New York who fails to rise to even the most outrageous bait.
The real nail-biter is when the pad fails to grip the feeler at all!
Yet the film fails to tackle the real nub of the debate, that of the division over slavery.
Where this approach fails we can serve a notice on the offending party requiring them to abate the nuisance.
There is a condition known a polycystic ovary, which is a hormonal disorder where the cyst fails to produce an egg.
Primate testing often fails to predict dangerous side effects of medications, especially pertaining to the induction of birth defects.
The book fails to engage directly with the major postmodernist philosophers.
Judicial Review If the above fails, a newspaper or broadcaster can initiate proceedings to challenge a court decision.
Big weekend for the Blues Council traveler stance ` unlawful ' Hotel revamp fails to win approval Politicians reject proposal for Lidl.. .
If that fails then the only ultimate recourse would be to Judicial Review in the High Court.
Now many astrologers seem to have a hankering, a hunger even, for scientific respectability that never fails to amaze me.
Big weekend for the Blues Council traveler stance ` unlawful ' hotel revamp fails to win approval Politicians reject proposal for Lidl.. .
If the computer system fails, switch to manual scoreboard and finish the frame before seeking assistance.
The Bill fails on at least three major ways to herald the end to excessive government secrecy.
Alongside his idiot sidekick, Ludicrous, he returns again and again to challenge the hero, and always fails.
Should the patient have a statin if diet fails?
If your child persistently truants or fails to attend school regularly the Local Authority may decide on taking legal action to ensure their attendance.
Even if one of the generating stations fails, the system copes and is virtually unaffected.
It is an uncaring adult who fails to respond appropriately and society should be wary of making children untouchable.
This can enable a line that fails the line test, to become useable.
Although it uses technology similar to Sony's X-black to reduce reflection and keep colors vibrant, it fails on both counts.
If the corporation fails to pay state taxes or otherwise violates state tax law.
If, however, we apply this process to (3), we find that it fails to lead us to (12), though it furnishes another result of interest.
Even this idea, however, is incomplete, for Leibnitz fails to explain the physical aspect of development.
We may agree with Schimper that such a point of view is obsolete without rejecting as valueless the admirable accumulation of data of which it admittedly fails to give any rational explanation.
Hence, if, after assuming a body and sojourning upon earth, it becomes polluted by sin and fails to acquire the experience for which it descends from heaven, it must three times reinhabit a body, till it is able to ascend in a purified state through repeated trials.
Ignorance of a matter of fact may in general be alleged in avoidance of the consequences of acts and agreements, but such ignorance cannot be pleaded where it is the duty of a person to know, or where, having the means of knowledge at his disposal, he wilfully or negligently fails to avail himself of it (see Contract).
The only qualification admitted under the new convention is that it shall not apply when the debtor-state refuses or leaves unanswered an offer of arbitration, or in case of acceptance renders the settlement of the terms of arbitration impossible, or, after arbitration, fails to comply with the award.
If, therefore, a logic fails to employ the pragmatic test, it is doomed to remain purely formal, and the possibility of applying its doctrines to actual knowing, and their real validity, remain in doubt.
If the magnitude and increasing complexity of these creations fails to impress you, the sheer quantity should suffice.
Miss Keller is distinctly not a singular proof of occult and mysterious theories, and any attempt to explain her in that way fails to reckon with her normality.
Goodness is the only investment that never fails.
Chance forms the characters of the rulers of France, who submit to him; chance forms the character of Paul I of Russia who recognizes his government; chance contrives a plot against him which not only fails to harm him but confirms his power.
The Act will apply where the trust Instrument fails to make suitable provision for the remuneration of trustees.
Renovation is required when the old green fails to support both the quality and quantity of play demanded by the golfers.
It 's brevity adds to its feeling of rightness for a prayer as the light fails for another day.
Obviously that practice fails the " always have a backup " test, when I fall off the rungs of best-practice !
If the strong-willed man fails frequently, what of the man who makes up his mind seldom or half-heartedly?
No candidate who fails to pass the qualifying test will be permitted to supplicate for the degree.
Furthermore, his groupings of surname variants show name associations that the IGI often fails to recognize.
He fails completely to pick up on Ruth 's tight-lipped response.
The trig pillar is reached only 250m from the road - sadly, the map fails to give the spot height.
Default logic also fails to represent Pollock 's undercutting defeaters.
This unidimensional approach fails to adequately explore creativity, one of the most vital aspects of intelligence.
Although it uses technology similar to Sony 's X-black to reduce reflection and keep colors vibrant, it fails on both counts.
If all else fails, we will abduct Cassie from her work so that we can spend some time with her.
Of course, if all else fails, you can simply ignore these nosy neighbors!
If all else fails, you can always order them!
When all else fails, let tradition lead the way.
Remember, when all else fails, there are always gift certificates.
If all else fails you can always order a sink from the Internet.
Choose retailers with liberal return policies in case your purchase fails to please once you get home.
If anything on the contract is incorrect or fails to meet your approval, call the manager, agent, or owner to discuss the problem.
These usually wrap around the bag and snap in the front, ensuring the bag doesn't burst open if the zipper fails.
If this fails, you can try keeping a water bottle handy so you can give Kitty a quick squirt when the symphony begins.
If all that fails, you may need to consider confining your male cat to a limited area to prevent soiling at large.
If all else fails, it's time to call in an expert - find your own Ace Ventura.
If that fails, you may have to give him a bath every week or so.
When traditional medicine fails, many cat owners turn to holistic and natural remedies to help ease their cat's symptoms.
The future of humanity depends on whether the group succeeds or fails.
In addition, if your dispute fails, or the information on your report is not complete, it is possible to provide a borrower statement on your report.
If this fails, or continues for longer than the lender is comfortable with, they will often turn your account over to a collection agency.
In other words, if the teenager fails to make a payment the responsibility legally falls onto the parents, even though they did not make purchases on the cards.
If the lender fails to take steps to fix the problem, contact an attorney or the Federal Trade Commission directly.
A cosigner becomes financially responsible for the debt if the student fails to pay on it as agreed.
If a non-custodial parent fails to pay his/her child support, he/she is still legally entitled to standard visitation with the children.
Only if that fails will the court issue a property award.
If all else fails, book a flight to another country.
This kind of form is useful when one parent or the other fails to comply with a custody agreement.
If all else fails, it might be time to purchase a new couch, or at least one that is new to you.
In addition to the kits, you can also buy individual parts in case any part of your rainwater collection system fails or eventually needs replacing.
If all else fails, use some Vaseline to clean up and then just reapply.
Maybelline, my faithful companion, repeatedly fails this test.
When all else fails, a thorough search of the Internet may be necessary.
The makeup models wear, whether on the runway or for a print photo shoot, never fails to turn heads.
If all else fails and you're still feeling unsure, cut into your meat and check the color…pink is rare and brown is well done.
If all else fails there is always Tofurkey, a popular vegetarian Thanksgiving dish that is super easy to prepare and serve.
When all else fails and you can't find exactly the right poem, write your own or ask your child to help you.
For example, in a twisting fall, a ski that fails to release is putting added pressure on the knee.
When Mother Nature fails to cooperate, the resort management gives her a hand with their 98 percent snow-making capacity.
This is the ultimate page turner, as Johnny fails to raise concern among his uncles over the disappearance of his grandfather.
If all else fails, ACT like you're confident, stop putting yourself down, and before you know it you'll be beating them off with a stick.
He tries his best even when he fails; he has a good soul and helps people whenever he can.
If all else fails, try wearing a pretty wrap or shrug with a sleeveless gown.
When all else fails, cash is always welcome.
If all else fails, you don't have to do something immediately after prom.
However, this assumption fails to take into account that there are many successful creative individuals who don't abuse drugs or alcohol.
But when all else fails, there is absolutely no shortage of wild and weird shower curtains to be found online.
Still, fans flock to the Internet for photos and news of the latest celebrity wardrobe fails.
The team who fails or loses the task must meet Trump back in his boardroom, where someone (maybe two or three) will be fired.
If all else fails, have her look at what you think is precious.
While the AKC data is quite interesting, the Top Ten Dog Breeds in America in 2004 fails to really capture the true popularity of all Dog Breeds since all dogs are not registered with the AKC.
Yelling or screaming "No" can startle your pet so much that he fails to connect it directly to his offense.
If all else fails, try to have a backup friend or spouse come to your rescue.
The problem is when the puppy fails to realize when he's biting a little too hard.
The plan may be worth trying in certain soils with G. acaulis, where it fails to flower in borders.
The glossy leaves are always attractive and seldom attacked by insects, and, when safe from frost, the shoots will cover a wall where even Ivy fails.
They are difficult to increase by division on account of the long roots they make, but they ripen seed freely, which if sown at once rarely fails.
The roots are succulent, and can retain life a long time even when dry, and as the plant sometimes fails to develop leaves annually, it is wrongly supposed to be dead.
Where Rhododendrons do well the Sciadopitys also flourishes, but it fails completely on wet heavy soils and on those that are poor and dry, and until established is much tried by cold winds.
Roofs take a beating during a hurricane, and when the roof fails the home is compromised.
If all else fails, you can sometimes correct the problem with a fan balancing kit.
Even the best photograph fails to do justice to a beautiful pearl necklace.
If all else fails, you can always take her shopping to choose her own jewelry as a special treat.
If all else fails, and if you are vigilant about looking for slugs in the garden, you can physically remove them from your garden when you see them.
Critics have also stated that MySpace fails to adequately protect adult users against the risk of identity theft and cyberstalking.
Central sleep apnea is a condition in which the brain fails to tell the muscles in the air passageways to open and allow the passage of air.
Central sleep apnea is a neurological problem where the brain fails to send the correct signals to continue breathing while sleeping.
This procedure is sometimes used by physicians after a UPPP fails to resolve OSA symptoms.
Hypothyroidism - When the thyroid fails to produce certain hormones, and when the hormones are out of balance, they can cause muscle cramps.
If all else fails, set up an extra bedroom that can be used as a quiet place to get a break from listening to the snoring.
If all else fails, you can enlist the services of a local optometrist, who can refer you to a reputable repair center which specializes in high-end, delicate eyewear.
If all else fails, you can contact the Walt Disney Travel Company for information and advice at (407) 939-6244.
The crashing fails on an even higher level than the racing does.
Their strong European publisher tries to use its weaker American branches to move the game, and fails.
Hard turns and climbs can result in a strange stall experience where the copter "slides off" its cushion of air, and fails to deliver enough thrust downwards to stay aloft.
Killzone is a below average shooter that had lots of potential, but fails on many fronts.
It fails to meet standards in story, gameplay, and weirdly enough, actual racing.
Trade-ins - If all else fails, trade your used games in at a local retailer or online source.
The game completely fails to properly set any of this up, and us that are new to the Viewtiful Joe universe are forced to guess what's going on.
I wouldn't say that this game fails, but it could have been done better.
If the child fails to use the arm after 15 minutes, the elbow should be x rayed to determine if it was fractured.
When this control fails, fertilization of more than one egg is possible.
If treatment with a single medicine fails to effectively treat spasticity, a different medicine may be tried or an additional medicine may be prescribed.
Topical treatments followed by Botox if the topical agent fails is recommended for treating axillary and facial hyperhidrosis.
The MEFV gene involved in FMF produces an unstable form of pyrin that fails to adequately control the inflammatory response.
In hypoplastic left heart syndrome, the baby seems normal at birth, but as the ductus closes, blood cannot reach the aorta and circulation fails.
After each incident, the child has a flat affect (no emotion) or fails to admit that there was anything wrong with the his or her actions.
Parents should monitor children who complain of numbness or tingling that lasts for more than a few minutes and fails to improve.
Presbyopia-A condition affecting people over the age of 40 where the system of accommodation that allows the eyes to focus on near objects fails to work because of age-related hardening of the lens of the eye.
If this fails, prenatal surgery may be used to destroy the abnormal blood vessel connections in the placenta.
Spina bifida occurs during the first month of fetal development when a small bit of bone and skin fails to fully enclose the nerves of the spinal cord, leaving a hole or lesion.
Diagnostic tests are usually not indicated unless initial treatment fails or an infection with gonorrhea or chlamydia is suspected.
If untreated or if treatment fails and is not corrected, conjunctivitis may cause visual impairment by spreading to other parts of the eye, such as the cornea.
The outside layer of skin normally forms a protective barrier that prevents infection; when the barrier fails, the child may develop a rash in the area covered by the diaper.
In mutism, the child has the ability to converse normally and does so, for example, in the home, but consistently fails to speak in specific situations such as at school or with strangers.
A family doctor should be called whenever a cat scratch or bite fails to heal normally or is followed by a persistent fever or other unusual symptoms such as long-lasting bone or joint pain.
If a child fails to gain weight for three months in a row during the first year of life, physicians normally become concerned.
Bilingual education fails to adequately teach English.
Commonly, the fore-brain fails to divide into lobes or hemispheres (holoprosencephaly), and the entire head is unusually small (microcephaly).
If an infant fails to establish sustained respiration after birth, the infant is diagnosed with asphyxia neonatorum.
If stimulation fails to initiate regular respiration in the newborn, the attending physician attempts resuscitation.
If this procedure fails, the infant can be intubated with a endotracheal tube to which the resuscitator can then be connected.
In 1-5 percent of children, a hernia results when a feature of fetal anatomy in the inguinal area of the groin (processus vaginalis, the space through which the testis or ovaries descend) fails to close normally after birth.
Hyper-IgM syndrome is a primary immunodeficiency disorder in which the child's body fails to produce certain specific types of antibodies.
This occurs inside the body when the diaphragm, the large muscle that separates the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity, fails to develop fully.
Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, develops when the thyroid gland fails to produce or secrete as much thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyonine (T3) as the body needs.
Less often, hypothyroidism develops when the pituitary gland fails and does not release enough thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which stimulates the thyroid to produce and secrete normal amounts of T4 and T3.
Parents should call a doctor if their son fails to develop secondary sexual characteristics at puberty.
If irrigation cannot be used or fails to remove the cerumen, the doctor can remove the wax with a vacuum device or a curette, which is a small scoop-shaped surgical instrument.
One such congenital brain anomaly, anencephaly (literally "without brain") results when the topmost portion of the tube fails to close and the brain does not develop.
A non-reactive NST is one that fails to meet this criterion within an 80 to 90 minute period of time.
Endoscopy often fails to locate the fistula if it is small.
Truancy is different from school phobia, in which a child fails to attend school because of anxiety.
If the initial treatment plan fails to work within 48 to 72 hours, the physician may reconsider the diagnosis of AOM.
If treatment with a single medicine fails to effectively treat the disorder, a different medicine may be tried or an additional medicine may be prescribed.
When both copies are defective, tumor suppression fails and tumors develop.
Aggression constitutes intended harm to another individual, even if the attempt to harm fails (such as a bullet fired from a gun that misses its human target).
When depression fails to respond to treatment or when there is a high risk of suicide, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is sometimes used.
If your office design fails to place you in the command position, then you'll constantly feel as though co-workers and superiors are constantly taking advantage of you.
Phone Book When all else fails, opening the local phone book will result in several available mortgage brokers to choose from.
If the home fails the inspection then there should be suggestions from the inspector as to what needs to happen to make the home acceptable for purchase.
When a property owner fails to pay federal or state taxes, the government can place a tax lien on the property.
When this fails to happen, the property enters foreclosure.
In these cases, during or soon after conception, the fetus fails to develop properly.
If the vasectomy reversal fails, there are other options.
However, sometimes the test fails to accurately detect this pregnancy hormone.
People wonder if it's possible to get pregnant without having sex, if an orgasm is required, and how often birth control fails.
If all else fails, try using patterns to create your own tall maternity clothing.
Your pregnancy status can also change if you develop not a condition, but show symptoms like ongoing early miscarriage symptoms, a baby fails a stress test, or you're experiencing very early preterm labor symptoms.
However, when the test fails, keep in mind that it is much more common to get a false negative result than a false positive result.
The birth control is 99 percent effective, so few women the incidences in which the intrauterine device fails.
They understand what it is like to have "sex on demand" with your husband, how you become the "angry ovulator," and tell you to have yourself a good cry with your comfort movies after yet another infertility treatment fails.
In some pregnancies, the egg fails to attach to the uterus.
If any one part is compromised, the entire structure fails.
If that fails, keep in mind that most technicians have seen it all before, and once they begin their job, they can be blessedly clinical.
A simple, V-neck suit with shirring at the bust and midriff, full coverage and properly adjusted straps is going to be the best option for almost all women - it's a style that never fails to look great.
When all else fails, you can always reach for a black or white suit; both are universally flattering on all skin tones.
As always, SI Swimsuit Edition 2007 never fails to satisfy the urge to escape from an everyday life.
And if all else fails, there's bound to be another installment of the Spiderman saga just around the corner.
If all else fails, and you're handy with a needle and thread, change the location of your padding pocket to make it fall in the best spot.
When all else fails, give yourself a few more inches of height by putting on shoes.
If all else fails, there are plenty of guides online that will help you to make a roller wheel yourself out of a ring of plastic or fiberboard.
If the appliance fails in the first year, KitchenAid will send a new one to your home free of charge.
If your appliance fails in the first year, you may not need to replace the parts yourself.
If your blender fails in the first year, KitchenAid will send you a replacement blender for free.
Under the warranty, you can replace your item for free within the first year of purchase if the mixer fails.
KitchenAid hand mixers come with a no-hassle, one-year warranty in which the company will replace the unit free of charge if it fails during the first year.
Fails to heat properly - If the toaster oven does not heat foods evenly, or does not heat at all, the problem is probably caused by the heating element inside the oven itself.
If all else fails you can also get a gown made for you.
If the easiest method fails to work, then move on to harder techniques that are more effective.
If everything you try fails, then it may be time to hire a professional.
If all else fails, you could ask her best friends, I am sure they would have some ideas about her likes and dislikes.
However, as the owner of your own writing business, you'll eventually run into someone who doesn't agree with your writing fees or fails to pay an invoice on time.
The old saying, "when all else fails, read the manual," came into existence because manuals are notoriously poorly written.
If you are looking for a more nutritious product, the brand fails to deliver the higher nutritional value of other types of flour such as brown rice or quinoa flours.
Whether or not the bag is beautiful, or even attractive, fails to matter when one is toting around a Fendi.
If all else fails, and you simply can't find the bag you want, consider turning a Jonas Brothers tee shirt or other product into a purse you can make yourself.
If he fails to do so in the future, sit him down politely and inform him that until he speaks to you nicely, you will be spending the night at your mother's/a close friend's/the Four Seasons at his expense.
If Aries fails to put Aquarius first, then this relationship could become combustible and full of passion burst of love and anger.
Remember to diversify so if one stock fails, you do not lose all your money.
Basically, when a child's guardian fails to provide the basic comforts and needs of life, including food, shelter, clothing, and supervision, he or she could be charged with child neglect.
While a guardian may not physically or sexually abuse a child, he is still guilty of neglect if he fails to care for that child in a safe and nurturing environment.
Additionally, if a school fails to make suitable progress, the law allows parents to transfer their children to higher-performing local schools, request free tutoring, or enroll the children in special academic after-school programs.
No Child Left Behind attributes the responsibility for a lack of student achievement to teachers and their curriculum development, but fails to recognize how factors such as class size and damaged buildings contribute to the problem.
If all else fails, talk about the plot points themselves but be sure not to give it away.
If all else fails, you can contact a movie producer by going through larger organizations such as the Screen Actors Guild or through the American Film Institute.