Failing Sentence Examples
I'm failing every one of them.
But Henry's health was failing steadily.
Tender, compassionate, weak, like a human, and failing miserably to take my place.
Under the circumstances, the late hour, the failing light and the lack of information as to events on the left wing, immediate pursuit was out of the question.
Must be some emotional failing.
Other accounts say that he starved himself to death on failing to induce Antigonus to free his native city.
An important part of the dragoman's duties is to attend during any legal proceedings to which a subject of his nationality is a party, as failing his attendance and his concurrence in the judgment delivered such proceedings are null and void.
Failing to appreciate this fully, Wellington omitted to order an immediate concentration on his inner (left) flank as Blucher had done, and the danger of Blucher's position was thus enormously increased.
It was not until the light was failing that Napoleon reached the heights of Rossomme opposite to Wellington's position and, by a masterly reconnaissance in force, compelled the duke to disclose the presence of practically the whole Anglo-Dutch army.
Against the squares the horsemen were powerless, and failing to break a single square, they were finally swept off the plateau by fresh allied horsemen.
AdvertisementAfter failing in 1883, they obtained parliamentary powers for this purpose in 1884, and the first sod of the new dock at Barry was cut in November of that year.
Herzl's health had been failing and he did not long survive the initiation of the somewhat embittered "territorial" controversy.
In 1147 he made a formal claim on this duchy, and in 1151 sought to take possession, but failing to obtain the aid of his uncle Welf, did not effect his purpose.
Failing to find clerical duties at that time (the period of the Terror), he entered civil life, and served in various capacities, until on the appointment of Napoleon Bonaparte to the command of the French "Army of Italy" he became a commissary attached to that army.
Such an act she must regard as failing in sincerity to the crown, and justly to be visited by the exercise of her constitutional right of dismissing that minister.
AdvertisementBut his health was failing and he withdrew from politics, spending his last years as a benevolent and autocratic country magnate.
In the second place, the power of non-sexual reproduction by budding is practically of universal occurrence among the Hydrozoa, and by the buds failing to separate from the parent stock, colonies are produced, more or less complicated in structure and often of great size.
Failing to receive aid from Pozzo di Borgo, his mother's uncle, Louis Blanc studied law in Paris, living in poverty, and became a contributor to various journals.
Failing to find employment in the established church, he joined the Methodists in 1784.
His patron, Lord Oxford, disowned him, and the poet, whose health was failing, retired to Bath.
AdvertisementThe Toth earl's Autobiography of a Seaman (2 vols., 1860-1861), the main source for his Life (1869, by his son and heir), is written with spirit, but it was composed at the end of his career when his memory was failing, and was chiefly executed by others.
From 1785 to 1787 he was governor of Massachusetts, suppressing with much vigour Shays' Rebellion, and failing to be re-elected largely because it was believed that he would punish the insurrectionists with more severity than would his competitor, John Hancock.
Caesar was soon joined by two legions from Gaul and marched rapidly down the Adriatic coast, overtaking Pompey at Brundisium (Brindisi), but failing to prevent him from embarking with his troops for the East, where the prestige of his name was greatest.
Failing, as stated, to achieve any advantage in the north in 1779, Sir Henry Clinton, under instructions from government, himself headed a combined military and naval expedition southward.
Here he continued his activity until he was obliged to retire in 1861, owing to failing health.
AdvertisementThere may be a difficulty in fixing responsibility upon any person, or small group of persons; because cases may arise in which the executive, being unable to act without the concurrence of the legislature, can hardly be blamed for failing to act, while yet it is unable to relieve itself by resigning; while on.
There is, however, one class of cases in which no conclusion may be drawn, documental and intrinsic probability both failing us.
Since 1874 the Democratic party has had constant control of the state administration, the Republicans failing to make nominations for office in 1878 and 1880 and endorsing the ticket ' The enrolment was 104,518 blacks and 61,295 whites.
But he refused to advance farther and to put himself resolutely at the head of his party, although warmly acclaimed by it, and courage failing him, he returned to England, settling first in London, then in Holyrood Palace at Edinburgh and afterwards at Hartwell.
But these measures failing, he proposed to the king the suppression of internal customs, duties and the taxation of the property of nobles and clergy.
John still lived there with his mother, aged 83, infirm, and failing in sight, to whom came as a companion their cousin, Joanna Ruskin Agnew, afterwards Mrs Arthur Severn.
After an education at St Andrews, and acting as tutor to the children of Lord Darcy, the English warden of the North, he became a Dominican, but was soon in trouble as a heretic. In 1536 he made his way to England, but failing to obtain the preferment he desired at Cambridge, he went on to Italy, where the influence of Cardinal Pole, who was himself accused of heresy, secured him the post of master of the novices in the Dominican convent at Bologna.
And, as he saw that the marriage with Anne Boleyn was determined upon, he petitioned the king to be allowed to resign the Great Seal, alleging failing health.
There were no children by the marriage, his own health was failing, and the remainder of his life appears to have been clouded by solitude and dejection.
Failing in his attempt to maintain the religious character of the crusade, he wished to prevent it from ending secularly in its extreme consequence and logical outcome.
When at length he found his memory failing and his mental powers declining, he gave up, without ostentation or complaint, whatever parts of his work he could no longer carry on according to his own standard of efficiency.
They even founded a mission in Lhasa, which, after failing at first, was more firmly established in 1715 and lasted till 1733.
His first plan was a combination against her of Saxony, Denmark and Brandenburg; but, Brandenburg failing him, he was obliged very unwillingly to admit Russia into the partnership. The tsar was to be content with Ingria and Esthonia, while Augustus was to take Livonia, nominally as a fief of Poland, but really as an hereditary possession of the Saxon house.
He was assisted by his father-in-law, to whose court he had repaired; but, failing to shake the old king's power either in Normandy or England, made peace in 1174.
In 1257 Adam's health was failing, and he appears to have died in the following year.
When lime is used as a matrix, certain natural earths such as pozzuolana or trass, or, failing these, powdered bricks or tiles, may be used instead of sand with great advantage.
Failing the certificate, the clergyman cannot refuse to bury, but he must forthwith give notice in writing to the registrar.
Failing to obtain currency for his radical'propaganda, he retired to his native province, and there established a school (the Risshi-sha) for teaching the principles of government by the people, thus earning for himself the epithet of "the Rousseau of Japan."
Both the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and the Church Missionary Society were at that time suffering from a general coldness which, in the case of the latter society, had led in that very year to the committee reporting " a failing treasury and a scanty supply of men."
Failing to do this will result in a shoddy and unprofessional looking job.
Electrical upgrades may require a permit, and failing to get one could create problems when you go to sell your home.
Unsurprisingly, he'd lost his job earlier in the year for failing to show up for work.
The game isn't all shoot 'em up belligerence, but when you run out of missions to further the story or get tired of failing miserably at one mission for three hours, there's plenty of belligerence to go around.
It is great when you first start a quest, but if you keep failing, it can get a little tiring.
She asks her co-worker to show them where it's failing and he waves his hand over the whole map.
He, too, was failing.
The combined complaints of the injured parties led Sparta to summon a Peloponnesian congress which decided on war against Athens, failing a concession to Megara and Corinth (autumn 432).
In 1081 the Normans under Robert Guiscard possessed themselves of Durazzo; Guiscard's son Bohemund defeated the Greeks in several battles and again (i 107) laid siege to Durazzo, which had been surrendered to them by treachery; failing to take the city, he retired to Italy in 1109.
Either party, or the minister for Labour, may refer a determination to the court of industrial appeals, and the court, in the event of a special board failing to make a determination, may itself be called upon to frame one.
When the Liberals returned to power in 1880 he was raised to the peerage as Viscount Sherbrooke, but from 1875 till his death at Warlingham, Surrey, on the 27th of July 1892, his health was constantly failing, and by degrees he figured less and less in public life.
By vigorous measures and inspiriting speeches he restored their courage, though his own heart was nearly failing him, and in his distress he abjured the use of wine, to which he had been addicted.
Having settled at Cambridge in 1796, Gregory first acted as sub-editor on the Cambridge Intelligencer, and then opened a bookseller's shop. In 1802 he obtained an appointment as mathematical master at Woolwich through the influence of Charles Hutton, to whose notice he had been brought by a manuscript on the "Use of the Sliding Rule"; and when Hutton resigned in 1807 Gregory succeeded him in the professorship. Failing health obliged him to retire in 1838, and he died at Woolwich on the 2nd of February 1841.
Failing such protection mosquito curtains should be used.
Failing in an attempt to arrange terms, and also in obtaining the help which he solicited from France, O'Neill was utterly routed by the O'Donnells at Letterkenny; and seeking safety in flight, he threw himself on the mercy of his enemies, the MacDonnells.
O'Neill's chief need was supplies for his forces, and failing to obtain them from Monck he turned once more to Ormonde and the Catholic confederates, with whom he prepared to co-operate more earnestly when Cromwell's arrival in Ireland in August 1649 brought the Catholic party face to face with serious danger.
Meanwhile Henderson was failing in health.
Accordingly, David is not to be condemned for failing to subdue the sensuality which is the chief stain on his character, but should rather be judged by his habitual recognition of a generous standard of conduct, by the undoubted purity and lofty justice of an administration which was never stained by selfish considerations or motives of personal rancour, 5 and finally by the calm 3 See Hebrew Religion, Messiah, Prophet.
D, Optical section of a branch of organs are present to the number of a single pair per somite, and are commonly present in the majority of the segments of the body, failing often among the Oligochaeta in a varying number of the anterior segments.
The enthusiasm of the nation he had saved forgot his tardy adhesion to the popular cause, and at the parliament of Ayr on the 25th of April 1315 the succession was settled by a unanimous voice on him, and, failing males of his body, on his brother Edward and his heirs male, or failing them on his daughter Marjorie and her heirs, if she married with his consent.
Failing through his police to lure the comte d'Artois to land in Normandy, Napoleon pounced on a scion of the House of Bourbon who was within his reach.
The aim in all these changes, it will be observed, was to acquire control over the seaboard, or, failing that, the commerce of all European states.
At the head of a band of 300 free lances he offered his services first to the count of Barcelona; then, failing him, to Moktadir, the Arab king of Saragossa, of the race of the Beni Houd.
Failing in his principal enterprise, an attack upon Mopsuestia, he returned, but was again appointed to the command of a province.
Owing to failing health he gave up his lectures in 1904, and in May 1906 resigned his mastership, in which he was succeeded by James Leigh Strachan-Davidson, who had previously for some time, as senior tutor and fellow, borne the chief burden of college administration.
In 1908-1909, however, fighting was renewed, the mullah and the Mijertins failing to agree.
After twice failing in the attempt to gain a professorship in the university, he was invited, during an illness of Dugald Stewart in the session of 1808-1809, to act as his substitute, and during the following session he undertook a great part of Stewart's work.
Failing natural heirs of an intestate freedman, the master, now patron, succeeded to his property at his death; and he could dispose by will of only half his possessions, the patron receiving the other half.
Failing to dislodge them, and surrounded by hostile troops and an infuriated peasantry, Dupont capitulated with over Battle of 20,000 men.
After preaching four years in New York and New Hampshire, he became, in April 1773, pastor of the Second church at Franklin (until 1778 a part of Wrentham, Massachusetts), of which he remained in charge until May 1827, when failing health compelled his relinquishment of active ministerial cares.
Their respective followers, and more especially cultured laymen, lacking the capacity for original work, seeking for a solution in some kind of compromise, and possibly failing to grasp the essentials of the controversy, take refuge in a combination of those elements in the opposing systems which seem to afford a sound practical theory.
The preparation of a new edition of his Mecanique exhausted his already failing powers.
A few years later he incurred the royal disfavour for gross malversation in the administration of public property, and failing to compromise matters with the king, fled to Germany and engaged in political intrigues with the adventurer Wilhelm von Grumbach (1503-1567) for the purpose of dethroning Frederick II.
The question of liability was then referred to commissioners appointed by each state, and, on their failing to agree, to Sir Edward Thornton, British minister at Washington, who by his award, in 1875, found there was due from Mexico to Upper California, or rather to the bishops there as administrators of the fund, an arrear of interest amounting to nearly $100,000, which was directed to be paid in gold.
The succession to the throne is hereditary in the order of primogeniture in the male line of the house of Habsburg-Lorraine; and failing this, in the female line.
So early as March 1908 Mr Hallo had laid a formal proposal before the House that the charter of the AustroHungarian bank, which was to expire on the 31st of December 19 10, should not be renewed; that negotiations should be opened with the Austrian government with a view to a convention between the banks of Austria and Hungary; and that, in the event of these negotiations failing, an entirely separate Hungarian bank should be established.
It was hoped that, in the circumstances, Dr Lukacs, a financier of experience, might be able to come to terms with Mr de Justh, on the basis of dropping the bank question for the time, or, failing that, to patch together out of the rival parties some sort of a working majority.
Failing to take it, he hastened west and at Bath received the submission of Wessex.
Failing in this, he turned to the rising star of Napoleon, believing that he had found in "the truly great man, the mighty genius which governs the fate of the world," the only force strong enough to save Germany from dissolution.
Ortygia, provisions failing, was also soon surrendered.
The first recognition of a disease may be at a necropsy, but then usually by irresponsible pathologists; it is another matter when the physician himself comes under rebuke for failing to seize a way to cure, while the chance remained to him, by section of the abdomen during life.
Panda died in October 1872, but practically the government of Zululand had been in Cetywayo's hands since the victory of 1856, owing both to political circumstances and the failing health of his father.
As it turned out, the actual disembarkations at " S," " X " and " Y " were carried out without any very great difficulty; but the troops detailed for " W " beach only gained a footing after incurring very heavy losses and by a display of indomitable resolution, while at " V " the operation went very near to failing altogether.
Failing analytically to probe its nature, historically we seek relief to our perplexities by tracing its origin..
For a long time the Austrian government, by failing to keep the Danube in a proper state for navigation, let slip the opportunity of making the city the great Danubian metropolis which its geographical position entitles it to be.
While he was abroad, failing health compelled him (1800) to resign the chief-justiceship, and after some months in England he returned to America in 1801.
None the less Richard, whom even the French crusaders accepted as their leader, upheld the failing cause of the Frankish Christians with valour and tenacity.
The crusaders, after failing before it in 1099, captured "Giblet" in 1103, but lost it again to Saladin in 1189.
We are not so unreasonable as to blame him for failing to make his pages picturesque or thrilling; we do not want sunsets and stars and roses and ecstasy; but there is a certain standard for the most serious and abstract subjects.
Gates claimed precedence over Schuyler and, on failing to secure recognition, intrigued to bring about Schuyler's dismissal.
The generals were compelled to support their forces by plunder or out of their private resources, and, frequently failing, diverted their efforts from the pressing needs of the allies to purely Athenian objects.
He undertook the journey in spite of failing health, and seems never to have recovered from its effects.
At Ludwigslust he fell in love with a young girl, and followed her to Weimar; but failing in his suit, he went next to Jena.
Failing this, the next most imposing was " Judas, the brother of James."
Failing in an attack on the capital, he was glad to conclude, on the 8th of May 1360, preliminaries of peace at Bretigny, near Chartres.
It was now about eight o'clock, and the light was rapidly failing.
The " Good Hope " had now opened fire, but in the failing light the splashes could not be seen and her firing was poor and ineffective.
This deficiency must be attributed partly to failing light and an inferior horizon but also to the fact that the ships had had scant opportunity for training and their firecontrol equipment was poor.
American scientific enterprise, mainly in very deep water, though in a few instances he overestimated under the guidance of Professor Alexander Agassiz, has been the depth by failing to detect the moment at which the lead active in the North Atlantic and especially in the Pacific Ocean, touched bottom.
During all these events and the captivity in the Temple Marie Antoinette showed an unvarying courage and dignity, in spite of her failing health and the illness of her son.
In spite, however, of the concerted attacks of William the Bastard (the Conqueror), duke of Normandy, and Henry I., king of France, he was able in 1051 to force Maine to recognize his authority, though failing to revenge himself on William.
Failing assistance from the imam of Muscat, she accepted French protection in 1840, ceding such rights as she possessed on the N.W.
Le Caron was subpoenaed by The Times, and in the witness-box the whole story came out, all the efforts of Sir Charles Russell in cross-examination failing to shake his testimony, or to impair the impression of iron tenacity and absolute truthfulness which his bearing conveyed.
The famous Hansa merchants maintained a failing position here till 1764.
Berryer attempted to turn her from her purpose; and failing in this he set out for Switzerland.
It required all his indomitable perseverance to carry through a purpose which failing health continually menaced with frustration.
Commissioners (now the board of agriculture) are appointed to execute the acts; a rent charge on all lands liable to tithes at the time of the passing of the first act is substituted for those tithes, of which the gross amount is ascertained either by voluntary parochial agreement, or, failing that, by compulsory award confirmed by the commissioners; and the value of the tithes is fixed in the latter case by their average value in the particular parish during the seven years preceding Christmas 1835, without deduction for parochial or county and other rates, charges and assessments falling on tithes, the rent charge being liable to all the charges to which tithes were liable.
Campaigns against the Slavonic tribes,if sometimes failing in their immediate object, taught those peoples to respect the power of the Frankish monarch; and the establishment of a series of marches along the eastern frontier gave a sense of safety to the neighboring districts.
Misphragmuthosis worsted the "Shepherds" and shut them up in Avaris; and his son Thutmosis, failing to capture the stronghold, allowed them to depart; whereupon they went forth, 240,000 in number, established themselves in Judea and built Jerusalem.
In 1863 a hostile legislature sought to deprive him of all control over the militia, and failing in this, adjourned without making the appropriations necessary for carrying on the state government.
The last of the long series of young men who sat at Godwin's feet was Edward Lytton Bulwer, afterwards Lord Lytton, whose early romances were formed after those of Godwin, and who, in Eugene Aram, succeeded to the story as arranged, and the plan to a considerable extent sketched out, by Godwin, whose age and failing health prevented him from completing it.
It is perhaps most probable that he retained notes made contemporarily and worked them up some time after 404, in a few passages failing to correct inconsistencies and dying before bk.
Many remarkable In the articles referring to matters of Egyptology in this edition, Graecized forms of Old Egyptian names, where they exist, are commonly employed; in other cases names are rendered by their actual equivalents in Coptic or by analogous forms. Failing all such means, recourse is had to the usual conventional renderings of hieroglyphic spelling, a more precise transcription of the consonants in the latter being sometimes added.
This failing, he ejected suspected prelates, and occasionally persecuted them, though with far less severity than that applied to the heretics of a deeper dye, such as Montanists or even Arians.
In these cases, however, the potential gametes may, failing conjugation, germinate directly, like the zoospores derived from unilocular sporangia.
His labours, whether artistic or theoretic, had for some time been carried on in the face of failing health.
The sympathy which he expressed for the Agrarians increased his unpopularity among Liberals and industrials; but he pointed out that the state, which for half a century had done everything to help manufactures, might now attempt to support the failing industry of agriculture.
His health was already failing, and he died on the 8th of September of the same year at his house in Frankfort.
Southland was a separate province between 1860 and 1870, but, failing financially as such, rejoined the parent province of Otago.
The Italian government demanded that the lynchers should be punished, entered claims for indemnity in the case of the three Sicilians who had been Italian subjects, and, failing to secure as prompt an answer as it desired, withdrew its ambassador from Washington.
Arran's brother, later archbishop of St Andrews, arrived from France and worked on the wavering regent, while his rival, Lennox, came also from France, and failing to oust Arran, became Henry's pensioner in England.
Fresh attacks were presently made against him for failing, it was alleged, to prevent the Tatar incursions.
Failing to quell the outbreak, Theseus in despair sent his children to Euboea, and after solemnly cursing the Athenians sailed away to the island of Scyrus, where he had ancestral estates.
In some places a widow was taken by the brother of her deceased husband, or, failing the brother, by some other relative of the deceased, as an additional wife.
Berthier, however, not only erased Jomini's name from the list, but put him under arrest and censured him in army orders for failing to supply certain returns that had been called for.
Reginald Grey neglected to summon Owen, as was his duty, for the Scottish expedition of 1400, and then charged him with treason for failing to appear.
In applying a single test in a qualifying examination it would be sufficient to mark candidates as passing or failing.
Failing in his first case he abandoned the legal profession, and resolved to take holy orders.
Failing this a charge of sedition was based on the rough draft of a petition to the queen that had been found among his private papers; the language of which was indeed harsh and offensive, but had been neither presented nor published.
In 1893 loss of health and failing eyesight obliged him to give up the active duties of his chair, and a deputy professor being appointed, he went to live in London, where he died on the 15th of March 1897.
Failing this, one must descend to the time of Nehemiah, which the biblical history itself regards as epoch-making.
And he realized, when the outlook seemed blackest and all his generals were against him, that the impetus of the enemy attack was failing and that he could control the situation.
John refused; he was summoned to Paris before the royal judges, and failing to appear was sentenced at the end of April 1202 to lose all his fiefs.
In spite of failing faculties he continued his duties as confessor to Louis XIV.
But soon a storm arises, and, supplication to the gods failing, the sailors cast lots to discover the guilty man who has brought this great trouble.
Failing to reach either Pim I.
Failing as suitor for the hand of Pauline Bonaparte, one of Napoleon's sisters, he went in 1799 as commissioner to Santo Domingo and died there in 1802.
Failing external testimony, the time and place of the Homeric poems can only be determined (if at all) by internal evidence.
On the 15th of December 51 Nero completed his fourteenth year, and Agrippina, in view of Claudius's failing health, determined to delay no longer his adoption of the toga virilis.
Failing to recover his patrimony, he abandoned Umbria, and at the age of twenty-two established himself at Naples, which continued to be his chief place of residence during a long and prosperous career.
Failing to obtain a demyship at Magdalen he removed to Broadgates Hall, afterwards Pembroke College, and later to Christ Church, where he was supported by his friend, Dr Thomas Thornton, canon of Christ Church.
He had long been in failing health when he died suddenly in London on the 17th of November 1902.
In 1550 he was sent to Rome in the interests of John Hamilton, archbishop of St Andrews, and attracted the notice of the highest authorities, who, when his failing health drove him back to Scotland in 1558, nominated him papal nuncio to inquire into the spread of heresy in that country.
Failing in an attempt to push westwards again, De Soto's men, under Luis Moscoso de Alvarado, descended the Mississippi to the sea in nineteen days from a point close to the junction of the Arkansas with the great river, and thence coasted along the Gulf of Mexico to Panuco.
He points out that it was after failing to find a route by the north-east to China and Japan that the Dutch turned their eyes to the Cape route.
In March 1855 he was recalled, ostensibly and perhaps really, on account of failing health.
The marriage contract was ostensibly directed in favour of the independence of Brittany, for it declared that Brittany should revert to the second son or to the eldest daughter of the two sovereigns, and, failing issue, to the natural heirs of the duchess.
Failing in a suit in chancery to obtain redress, he returned to England, and nothing further was heard of the claimants to New Albion.
Refusing to recognize Fenwicke's jurisdiction, Governor Andros of New York attempted to secure his peaceful recognition of the duke's authority, and, failing in this, he sent a military force into this district in December 1676 and made Fenwicke a prisoner.
Yet, notwithstanding this parliamentary triumph, there were not a few of his own colleagues and supporters who condemned the spirit in which the foreign relations of the Crown were carried on; and in that same year the queen addressed a minute to the prime minister in which she recorded her dissatisfaction at the manner in which Lord Palmerston evaded the obligation to submit his measures for the royal sanction as failing in sincerity to the Crown.
Failing to rally them to the good cause he determined anyhow to organize the great cultivated middle class into a political party.
Owing to his failing health he visited England and France in 1858, and in April 1864 sailed from New York for California, but died on board ship in San Francisco harbour on the 4th of July 1865.
In the growth of systematic civilization, the art of writing has had an influence so intense, that of all tests to distinguish the barbaric from the civilized state, none is so generally effective as this, whether they have but the failing link with the past which mere memory furnishes, or can have recourse to written records of past history and written constitutions of present order.
Failing all these, the estate goes to the next of kin.
In view of the failing health of the duke of Portland he told his colleague, Spencer Perceval, chancellor of the exchequer, that a new prime minister must be found, that he must be in the House of Commons, that the choice lay between them, adding that he might not be prepared to serve as subordinate.
Xenocrates, however, failing, as it would seem, to grasp the idealism which was the metaphysical foundation of Plato's theory of natural kinds, took for his principles arithmetical unity and plurality, and accordingly identified ideal numbers with arithmetical numbers.
In 1675 he initiated the works for draining the foul tidal swamps; and, failing the consent of the Company to the erection of a regular hospital, he turned the law court into an infirmary.
Othon (1664), Agesilas (1666), Attila (1667), and Tite et Berenice (1670),(1670), were generally considered as proofs of failing powers, - the cruel quatrain of Boileau "Apres l'Age'silas Helas!
Failing health obliged him to return to England; and in 1808, being then a lieutenant, he entered on a distinguished student career in the senior department of the Royal Military College at Sandhurst.
Failing to get redress nearer home, he determined to seek for justice at Warsaw, whither he had been summoned with other Cossack delegates to assist Wladislaus IV.
Failing to attain his object by learning the wisdom of others, and living the simple life of a student, he had devoted himself to that intense meditation and penance which all philosophers then said would raise men above the gods.
He distinguished himself by the vigour with which he upheld the Senate against the encroachments of the chamber, but in 1895 failing health forced him to resign, and he died in Paris on the 26th of October 1896.
After his defeat he suffered from failing health, gradually resulting in almost total paralysis, but though in 1880 he resigned the leadership of the opposition, he retained a seat in parliament till his death at Toronto on the 17th of April 1892.
On account of failing health he did not remain for the signing of the definitive treaty, but returned to Charleston, where he died on the 8th of December 1792.
After holding the office of chief baron for eleven years he was raised to the higher dignity of lord chief justice, which he held till February 1676, when his failing health compelled him to resign.
When health was failing him he placed himself on what he called "short allowance," preaching only once every week-day and thrice on Sunday.
The defiant, polluted and oppressive city is condemned for failing to regard the warnings.
The fatal blow was administered by Philip of Burgundy, who, tired of maintaining a failing cause, consented at last to forget his fathers murder, and to be reconciled to Charles VII.
But his ambition and violence made him deeply unpopular, and the failing health of Edward VI.
Sir John Bowring, who represented Great Britain in China, failing to secure the reparation and apology which he demanded, directed the British admiral to bombard Canton.
Failing to obtain redress, at the end of 1895 certain persons among them made preparations for a revolution.
A few days after parliament met in the next year Lord Derby's failing health compelled 1?8 him to resign, and Mr Disraeli became prime minister.
As earl of Beaconsfield (failing health had compelled him to take refuge in the House of Lords in 1876) Benjamin Disraeli died in his house in Curzon Street on the 19th of April 1881.
After the rush of the threshing is over the farmer studies these books carefully to see what his land is doing, and makes his plans for the next year, so as to rest or strengthen those divisions which are failing.
But his health was failing, his reputation was on the wane, his works did not sell, and he gradually sank a prey to illness and disappointment.
In 1845 his wife's failing health decided Judson to return to America, but she died during the voyage, and was buried at St Helena.
In July 1859 failing health led him to seek rest in a trip to Europe, but he died on the 13th of that month at Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he had been put ashore when it was seen that he probably could not outlive the voyage across the Atlantic. Choate, besides being one of the ablest of American lawyers, was one of the most scholarly of American public men, and his numerous orations and addresses were remarkable for their pure style, their grace and elegance of form, and their wealth of classical allusion.
In 1812, on account of failing health, he exchanged the representation of Yorkshire for that of a constituency which would make less demands on his time, and was returned for Bramber, Sussex.
He was pastor of the Pine Street (Congregational) Church in Boston in 1842-1848, and in 1848-1879 was professor of sacred rhetoric and homiletics at Andover Theological Seminary, of which he was president from 1869 to 1879, when his failing health forced him to resign.
But his powers were now failing, and he had only filled his new office for about a year when he died at Bougival on the 6th of August 1873.
Albert failing to pay his ransom within the stipulated time, the Hansa surrendered Stockholm to Margaret in September 1398, in exchange for very considerable commercial privileges.
While this is being obtained, magnesia, castor oil or olive oil can be given; or failing all these, copious draughts of water.
Although he was on familiar terms with the dauphin (afterwards Louis XI.), when the latter was a refugee at the court of Burgundy, he could not but view with chagrin the repurchase by the king of France of the towns on the Somme, which had been temporarily ceded to Philip the Good by the treaty of Arras; and when his father's failing health enabled him to take into his hands the reins of government (which Philip abandoned to him completely by an act of the 12th of April 1465), he entered upon his lifelong struggle against Louis XI., and became one of the principal leaders of the League of the Public Weal.
Failing to obtain a professorship, he entered the service of the state, and for many years acted as secretary to the state council of the United Provinces.
King Alphonso went down to visit the district, and distributed relief to the distressed inhabitants, despite his visib?y failing health.
Towards the close of his life the presidency of the Royal Society was offered him, but his failing health caused him to decline the honour.
The bee industry prospers greatly in America, where amid the vast stretches of mountain and canyon in California the bee-forage extends for U.S.A. miles without a break, and the climatic conditions are so generally favourable as to reduce to a minimum the chances of the honey crop failing through adverse weather.
Movements in Congress for the creation of a new Territory on the Platte began in 1844, several attempts at organization failing in the succeeding decade.
The manuscript, discovered by Edward Pococke the Orientalist, and preserved in the Bodleian Library, contains a vivid description of a famine caused, during the author's residence in Egypt, by the Nile failing to overflow its banks.
Failing to hear immediately of the declaration of war between the United States and Great Britain, he was cut off from his supplies shipped by Lake Erie.
But the capacity of the tribes for resistance was already failing, and when at the close of the Crimean War Russia was able to employ large forces on the Caucasus, the defenders were gradually subdued, Shamyl himself being captured in 185 9.
Failing a more exact designation, the name of Apostolici has been given to certain groups of Latin heretics of the 12th century.
These measures failing, he decided, in XI.
At last, his health failing, he returned to his family, and died in Rimini on the 7th of October 1468, aged fifty-one years.
After the war with America, and the loss of the colonies in 1899, when Senor Silvela formed a new Conservative party and cabinet, the old marshal accepted the presidency of the senate, though his health was failing fast.
Ricky Gervais has broken his award-winning streak, failing to scoop a top accolade for his radio show.
Repercussions of the war included a further body blow to the failing linen industry and the increased disaffection of Northern Presbyterians.
Regulators will need to consider enforcement action against any operator failing to comply.
They are still failing to come to terms with today's political agenda, never mind thinking ahead to tomorrow's.
Pitt accepted, despite his failing health, possible alcoholism and limited support in the House of Commons.
Anyone failing to swear allegiance would suffer the full penalty of the law.
This Association totally refutes the assertion of HAS that teachers are failing to deliver their part of the McCrone Agreement.
There is very low attrition, with only two people failing to complete the program over the last 25 years.
My Netware server has started failing it's scheduled backups.
Failing to do so, the family were carried off to Al-Kufa, and treated with shocking barbarity.
He couldn't sustain the lead, failing to make a single birdie on the back nine.
Increasing numbers of young people are failing to stay on top of their unsecured borrowings.
In a spectacular finish, Newton led the charge down the final straight, just failing to catch the breakaways.
Failing a reply within 10 working days, contact the citizen's advice bureau or OFT.
Like a caffeine addict failing to resist the lure of a frothy cappuccino, sheâs back for a second hit.
The second study will involve 200 patients whose hearts are failing specifically because of dilated cardiomyopathy - a heart muscle disorder.
So New Labor is failing to tackle two causes of crime, drink and drugs.
The formula in the notes applies to the general case, only failing if points actually become coincident.
Failing to extract a confession of theft, he resorted to occult methods.
The question you must ask is - are you prepared to suffer the consequences of your system failing or malfunctioning?
However, the red Escort was soon to blot it's copybook by failing Ax with no less than three punctures!
This is an important counterweight to some unjustified perceptions that the whole system is failing to function.
Failing that, any plain cookie crumbs will do.
Pensioners say council tax particularly hits them Pensioners groups have angrily denounced Gordon Brown for failing to repeat last year's council tax rebate.
We also deplore the UN World Food Program for failing to first ask the countries whether they would willingly accept GM food.
She said ethnic minority lawyers were concentrated in the lower echelons of the service, with white managers failing to promote them.
Certainly animal tests are failing to curb the current epidemic of drug-induced disease.
My failing eyesight did not spot the extra control left on the map for the Long Course.
Even where the facts are incorrect, failing to act rapidly to counter bad publicity can lead to potentially fateful results.
The fearless Rusby tried to retrive one of them failing to notice the electrified fence until he made contact with it.
Lack of father figure - no male role model - failing boys.
To raise funds, for what was in fact a failing company, the NEB sold the still fledgling Newbrain project to Newbury Laboratories.
They that receive not this, failing in faith To grasp the greater wisdom, reach not Me, Destroyer of thy foes!
The majority of local government funders are failing to pay full costs.
After failing to rally the catholic gentry of the Midlands to join him in a rebellion he reached Holbeach House in Staffordshire.
Agencies failing to observe the rules could be left with a nasty legal hangover once the festivities are over.
The bad guy usually kills his henchman for failing, yet don't seem to run out of loyal henchmen.
However, the council can be accused of poor housekeeping in failing to watch the pennies.
Likewise failing to recognize the interdependence of all living things threatens the delicate web of life which supports us.
He also therefore, becomes a kafir for failing to affirm the truth of the Qur'an.
Failing to specify a descriptive, keyword optimized title will do untold damage to your ranking with the search engines.
Money stolen from weak and failing states is often laundered through western financial institutions.
This blow is often sufficient to dislodge the limpet, failing this the shell is gripped in the bill and prised off.
By the early 1990s, quinine, the other mainstay of malaria treatment worldwide, was failing.
Both New Historicists and cultural materialists are charged with failing to match the ambition of their theory with their critical practice.
Bear in mind that existing drug services may be seeing few cocaine misusers or failing to record those they do see.
Because the kidneys remove myoglobin from the blood, myoglobin levels may be high in persons whose kidneys are failing.
The solicitors were potentially negligent in failing to secure this evidence earlier.
System on a says gene Nelson are failing to.
Groups failing to turn up for sessions, without prior notification, will be charged half the full cost of the session.
Failing to budget for those extra expenses can result in buying a camera just to find out it is not operable without spending more.
Apart from the slightly out-of-the-way location (they'll need to spread to the word ), it's hard to see Georgetown failing.
Unfortunately, failing public sector IT projects are no longer the exception and huge cost overruns can be confidently predicted.
Failing that, Diet Coke (' Un Coca Lite, s'il vous plait ' ).
And I need hardly remind the politicians present of the consequences of failing to listen to those whom they serve.
Modern duty faith preachers are failing in their duty to preach the gospel as Christ preached the gospel.
If your current failing combination includes a protease inhibitor you will have developed some resistance to PIs.
Moreover, the current electoral system has long been criticized for failing to represent mainstream public opinion.
In typically pugnacious style he reprimanded the senators for failing to contact him and inform him of the charges before the report was released.
Welsh education quango slammed The National Audit Office has slammed Wales ' biggest quango for failing in its handling of educational projects.
The manufacturer has not studied the use of emtricitabine in people who are failing their current anti-HIV regimen or who have failed multiple regimens.
The first ground for closure (the Appellant failing to notify the respondents) has been fully made out.
The Independent banking Advisory Service consumer group accused the Government of failing tp protect the public against bank rip-offs.
Due to the tough conditions and failing light, the first round robin could not be completed by close of play on Saturday.
Polar waters are becoming far less saline, meaning that the " heat pump " effect that draws warm water north is failing.
Later admitted failing to visit Victoria's home for fear of catching scabies.
In October 1996 he lambasted Belgium's civic institutions for failing to protect the country's children in the wake of a pedophile scandal.
Carbon dioxide scrubber Page 2 - pupils receive a message that the CO2 scrubber that purifies the air is failing.
The Clansman's main failing is its serious shortage of open deck areas.
A Cardiff trawler skipper later lost his ticket for a number of years for failing to stop and pick up the survivors.
Failing that, you should try a ' fecal softener ' which is a kind of medicine your GP can prescribe.
Also, Prince Henry expresses some sorrow over his father's failing health.
Failing to contain a spillage of fuel oil has landed Scottish Coal Company Limited with a £ 2000 fine.
Shadow planning minister John Hayes accused the Government of failing to prevent urban sprawl.
Like SBS, COM is losing money and failing to attract a suitor willing to take on the whole division.
Then he meets his childhood sweetheart, Harmony, a failing actress working the party scene.
It is often symptomatic of authorities failing to take a long term view.
A few chain stores, a few bargain shops, and a few smaller people trying to establish a toehold and failing.
In Afghanistan, Nato does indeed appear to be failing, judged by the most obvious yardsticks.
It is incumbent on the relatives and friends of a deceased person to provide Christian burial for him; failing relatives and friends, the duty devolves upon the parish.
The decrees of this council defined Roman Catholicism against the Reformation; and, while failing to regenerate morality, they enforced a hypocritical observance of public decency.
In the event of the company failing to comply with the demands of the department, the latter is empowered to refer the case to the Railway and Canal Commissioners, who form a special Court constituted by the Railway and Canal Traffic Act of 2888, for deciding, among other things, questions relating to rates and charges, for protecting traders from undue charges and undue preference, for regulating questions of traffic, and for deciding certain disputes between railway companies and the public. The Commissioners are then empowered to deal with the matter, and if " a railway company fail to comply with any order made by the Railway and Canal Commissioners, or to enforce the provisions of any schedule " approved by them, it is liable to a fine of a hundred pounds for every day during which the default continues.
Failing in this he suggested amendments, the substance of several of which was afterwards embodied in the present Bill of Rights.
Austria and Prussia protested against any coercion of the Porte " to serve revolutionary ends " and, failing to carry their views, withdrew from the conference.
Failing in this, he retired, and on the 2nd of October a royal proclamation, countersigned by his successor, Recssey, placed Hungary under martial law and appointed Jellachich viceroy and commander of all the forces.
But the Coalition represented, in fact, not the mass of the people, but only a small dominant minority,' and for years past this minority had neglected the social and economic needs of the mass of the people in the eager pursuit of party advantage and the effort to impose, by coercion and corruption failing other means, the Magyar language and Magyar culture on the non-Magyar races.
In order to obstruct and embarrass the Republican administration the members of the order held peace meetings to influence public opinion against the continuance of the war; purchased arms to be used in uprisings, which were to place the peace party in control of the Federal government, or failing in that to establish a north-western confederacy; and took measures to set free the Confederate prisoners in the north and bring the war to a forced close.
Neither of the heroines has any but the rudiments of a moral sense; but Roxana, both in her original transgression and in her subsequent conduct, is actuated merely by avarice and selfishness - vices which are peculiarly offensive in connexion with her other failing, and which make her thoroughly repulsive.
No surgeon would think of operating on such a case until iodides had been freely administered and, by failing to cure, had proved the disease to be non-syphilitic. Another instance of this deobstruent power - "alterative," it was formerly termed - is seen in the case of chronic lead poisoning.
The Gurkhas, a brave and warlike little nation, failing to extend their conquests in the direction of China, had begun to encroach on territories held or protected by the East India Company; especially they had seized the districts of Batwal and Seoraj, in the northern part of Oudh, and when called upon to relinquish these, they deliberately elected (April 1814) to go to war rather than do so.
The pasha, and through him the sultan, endeavoured on several occasions either to ensnare them or to beguile them into submission; but these efforts failing, Mahommed Khosrev took the field, and a Turkish detachment 7000 strong was despatched against them to Damanhur, whither they had descended from Upper Egypt, and was defeated by a small force under al-Alfi; or, as Mengin says, by 800 men commanded by al-BardIsI, when.
This agitation induced the Romans to deport 1000 prominent Achaeans, and, failing proof of treason against Rome, to detain them seventeen years.
Religious faith, love of adventure, the hope of making advantageous conquests, anticipations of a promised paradise all combined to force this advance upon the Orient, which though failing to rescue the sepulchre of Christ, the ephemeral kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus, the dukedom of Athens, or the Latin empire of Constantinople, yet gained for France that prestige for military glory and religious piety which for centuries constituted her strength in the Levant (see CRUSADES).
Natasha listened with concentrated attention, trying but failing to take in the meaning of his words.
She did not go out into society; everyone knew that her father would not let her go anywhere without him, and his failing health prevented his going out himself, so that she was not invited to dinners and evening parties.
Everyone spoke loudly of the field marshal's great weakness and failing health.
She was the redoubtable wife of a somewhat ineffectual husband, who was a querulous and failing lawyer.
The film 's main failing is inherent of all remakes of classic movies, you know what is coming.
The practical repercussions of the war included a further body blow to the failing linen industry and the increased disaffection of northern Presbyterians.
Stop and re-think an idea if words are failing you - never be afraid to rephrase something.
The first ground for closure (the Appellant failing to notify the Respondents) has been fully made out.
The Independent Banking Advisory Service consumer group accused the Government of failing tp protect the public against bank rip-offs.
He was accused of failing to quell the rowdy behavior of fellow members ' guests.
Later admitted failing to visit Victoria 's home for fear of catching scabies.
In October 1996 he lambasted Belgium 's civic institutions for failing to protect the country 's children in the wake of a pedophile scandal.
The Clansman 's main failing is its serious shortage of open deck areas.
Highlights may include me trying and failing to discreetly slurp some coffee before it 's my turn to speak again.
Millet and sorghum crops can grow well in the dry conditions, succeeding in a good year but failing when the rains are poor.
Also, Prince Henry expresses some sorrow over his father 's failing health.
The steelwork design led to awards for its efficiency but sadly toward the end of the century the cladding was failing.
Most stepladder accidents are caused by human error, not by ladders failing.
Failing this, the development could proceed only in the direction of the triumph of the capitalist counter-revolution on the territories of the USSR.
Despite the recent toughening of the inspection rules, there were 46 percent fewer failing schools in 2003 than in 1997.
The charge of being derivative however is a general failing of the ufo phenomenon.
That is perhaps unlucky loser Eriksson 's greatest failing.
Failing to recognize your best time can actually be wasteful in terms of our productivity.
Failing all else there are some pubs withing walking distance, the nearest one being the Iguana which have live bands.
Birmingham has come near the bottom of a hall of shame for failing to integrate youngsters with disabilities.
Little Tommy's abasement at failing the spelling bee was greater than he had ever experienced.
They must raise money like the dickens; underestimating the amount of funds needed is a common failing.
Since so much of a startup involves failing at things, you need the ability to bounce back.
Failing to store them correctly could mean your investment goes down the tubes.
Whether you are looking for a travel trailer or a used trailer for transporting vehicles or other equipment, heeding some of the advice below will help you save money and reduce the chance of the trailer failing the moment you take it home.
If a store or retailer is failing in both aspects, concentrating on profit is a good strategy because that's the money that pays your bills and employees.
Are you receiving calls from creditors because you're failing to make some or all of your required payments?
Is this growth holding true, or is the market failing in these hard economic times?
Failing to pay child support is a serious offense.
Failing to do so may result in unsightly clumps.
Failing to live up to these unrealistic expectations leads to chronic stress.
Other teens that are failing many courses may see the stigma of needing to take another year to finish high school as unbearable.
He/she engages in reckless behavior, neglects to consider the effects of his/her actions on others and is often accused of failing to learn from past mistakes.
Repeated instances of trying to cut down on computer time and failing to do so.
Within a year she had transformed the show from a failing platform to the most popular morning talk show in Chicago, surpassing even Donahue.
When I see a woman with her talent as a business woman repeatedly failing to live up to her own hype, all I can do is shake my head.
The warrant is for failing to appear before the judge on allegations that Brown is late, by two months and $11,000, on his child support payments to ex-girlfriend Kim Ward.
He dropped out of high school at 17, after failing the ninth grade three times.
Chris Jericho was sent home in the first week, after failing to impress the judges in his duet with country star Lee Ann Womack.
Recently, Houston risked losing her home in New Jersey after failing to make mortgage payments.