Fail Sentence Examples
I won't fail again, Dusty, I promise.
You didn't fail me.
Now we are certainly on the fuzzy edges, a place where words, often fuzzy in their meanings, begin to fail us.
With any luck, his Watcher wouldn't fail him.
You could've waited a day for him to fail then cured Selyn.
Isn't that where angels who fail go?
It seems very strange to me that there should be this difference of opinion; I cannot understand how any one interested in our education can fail to appreciate the satisfaction we feel in being able to express our thoughts in living words.
Whether or not further study of the scripts of these writers confirms this hypothesis, it cannot fail to throw light on the nature of the intelligence involved.
If they fail, I will hear before morning.
While, under the control of Europeans, the Tongans have shown some aptitude for administration, they fail when left to themselves.
AdvertisementThe only hope of the Jews lay in the clemency of their victorious suzerain, and it did not fail them.
In English practice the leader is entitled to a second throw if he fail to roll a On Scottish greens the game of points is frequently played, but it is rarely seen on English greens.
He enlarges, as it was his business to do, on the tranquillity and prosperity of the empire in that period, but he does not fail to place his finger on the want of political liberty as a fatal defect.
All might yet have gone well if Turgot could have retained the confidence of the king, but the king could not fail to see that Turgot had not the support of the other ministers.
Children, who play life, discern its true law and relations more clearly than men, who fail to live it worthily, but who think that they are wiser by experience, that is, by failure.
AdvertisementI shall be so disappointed if my little plans fail, because I have wanted for a long time to do something for the poor little ones who are waiting to enter the kindergarten.
You didn't fail me, Alex.
But, coming in by a title which professed to be founded on English law, establishing his followers by grants which professed no less to be founded on English law, he planted a dynasty, and established a dominant order, which could not fail to become English.
What you fail to realize is that --whatever I am --I draw good and evil to me.
Nevertheless, there is a charm of originality about his earlier logical work which no competent reader can fail to appreciate.
AdvertisementThe pulse and respiration steadily fail, death occurring from asphyxia.
Properly applied, the principle could not fail; but, as may readily be proved in the case of sonorous waves, it is not in strictness sufficient to assume the expression for FIG.
Their physiological activities gradually fail owing to the constructive processes having become so exhausted from long use that the destructive ones are able to overtake them.
First of all she could not fail to remark the increasing discontent withaher arbitrary and wasteful ways.
If we fail to add it, we destroy the applicability.
AdvertisementAllie's parents would rather her show integrity and fail a test than cheat and do well.
It is impossible to make any general law which will work with every particular act and not fail in some circumstances.
For working long submarine cables the apparatus ordinarily employed on land lines cannot be used, as the retarding effect of the electrostatic capacity of the cable is so marked that signals fail to be recorded except at a very slow speed of working.
C. Geographical Distribution The study of the extinct organisms of any country leads to a proper appreciation of its existing flora and fauna; while, on the other hand, a due consideration of the plants and animals which may predominate within its bounds cannot fail to throw more or less light on the changes it has in the course of ages undergone.
The grandeur and antiquity of the empire and the vicissitudes through which it passed, their long series of wars and the magnificent monuments erected by their ancient sovereigns, could not fail to leave numerous traces in the memory of so imaginative a people as the Persians.
The influence of the monsoon is greatly moderated before it reaches this region, and the rains sometimes fail altogether.
The rains are neither regular nor certain, however, and sometimes fail for a succession of years, causing destructive seccas (droughts).
Though the individual might perish amid the disorders of this world, he would not fail, apocalyptic taught, to attain through resurrection the recompense that was his due in the Messianic kingdom or in heaven itself.
Allowing for those which fail to germinate (perhaps 25%), loss in transplanting, weak and backward plants, &c., one ounce of seed should yield about 40,000 plants.
The Comtist maintains that even if these five volumes together fail in laying down correctly and finally the lines of the new science, still they are the first solution of a great problem hitherto unattempted.
With the exception of the dog-days and the dead of winter, there is no season when flowers cease to be an object of attention to the Japanese, nor does any class fail to participate in the sentiment.
The fervour of the followers, of Chu-Hi (the orthodox school) could not fail to provoke opposition.
It might be supposed that all possible methods had now been considered, and that a combination of the three methods which have established their validity in relation to the interpretation of the Apocalypse would be adequate to the solution of all the problems of the book, but this is not so; for even when each in turn has vindicated the provinces in the book that rightly belong to it, and brought intelligibility into these areas, there still remain outlying regions which they fail to illumine.
The analyses of modern chemists have now revealed the existence of 32 out of the 80 known elements as existing dissolved in sea-water, and it is scarcely too much to say that the remaining elements also exist in minute traces which the available methods of analysis as yet fail to disclose.
In 1880 his eyesight began to fail, and shortly afterwards he was attacked with paralysis.
About 1689 his health, never very strong, began to fail seriously and he gradually withdrew from his public engagements, ceasing his communications to the Royal Society, and advertising his desire to be excused from receiving guests, "unless upon occasions very extraordinary," on Tuesday and Friday forenoon, and Wednesday and Saturday afternoon.
But the reason why the vast majority of them fail is that the vast majority of them should never have been made at all.
Again, the voter, especially the ignorant one, refrains from scratching his ticket, lest in some way he should fail to comply with the technicalities of the law and his vote be lost.
Cyprus possessed resources of timber and copper which could not fail to tempt the keen-eyed traders across the water, who made Citium (from Kittim, the name of the original non-Semitic inhabitants) their chief settlement, and thence established themselves in Idalium, Tamassus, Lapethus, Larnaka, Qarth-l.iadasht (Karti-hadasti) and other towns.
One cannot fail to be struck with the Ciceronian cadence that guides the movement even of his Italian writings.
And he found that all albinoes do not fail to clot when intravascularly injected with nucleoproteids.
If they fail, then (2) some other relative of the deceased in the same subdistrict (registrar's) as the deceased.
If all the above fail, (4) some inmate of the house, or the person causing the body of the deceased to be buried.
Wimshurst constructed numerous very powerful machines of this type, some of them with "multiple plates, which operate i - almost any climate, and rarely fail to charge themselves and deliver a torrent of sparks between the disf El charge balls whenever the winch is turned.
Tombs of saints abound, one or more being found in every town and village; and no traveller up the Nile can fail to remark how every prominent hill has the sepulchre of its patron saint.
For the Deltaic dynasties these sources fail absolutely, the scenes being then either purely religious or conventional imitations of the earlier ones.
The enormous increase of the royal revenue consequent upon the confiscation of the property of the Church could not fail to increase the financial stability of the monarchy.
Our sources fail us, and we are at the mercy of doubtful rumours and more or less unreliable anecdotes.
But this puts an infinitely worse face on the matter, and suggests, beside, that probably not even the other three succeed in saving their souls, but are perchance bankrupt in a worse sense than they who fail honestly.
His opponents had confidently predicted that he would fail utterly in the House of Commons.
This same character is also exhibited by the bottoms of the broad valleys, while the more elevated and hilly portions of the territory, especially on their northern slopes, are covered with larch, cedar, pine and deciduous trees belonging to the Siberian flora; where the forests fail they are marshy or assume the character of Alpine meadows - e.g.
Then we have Beard's " germ-cell " hypothesis, in which he holds that many of the germ-cells in the growing embryo fail to reach their proper position - the generative areas - and settle down and become quiescent in some somatic tissue of the embryo.
Thus endowed, the blood, unless overwhelmed by extraordinary invasions, does not fail in stability and self-purification.
In all mercurial thermometers there is a slight depression of the ice-point after exposure to high temperatures; it is also not uncommon to find that the readings of two thermometers between the iceand boiling-points fail to agree at any intermediate temperature, although the iceand boiling-points of both have been determined together with perfect accuracy, and the intervening spaces have been equally divided.
The Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung went so far as to say that no one who had read a line of Kant's writings could fail to recognize the eminent author of this new work.
The popular opinion of a census, at least in the United States, depends largely upon the degree to which its figures for the population of the country, of states, and especially of cities, meet or fail to meet the expectations of the interested public. Judged by this standard, the census of 1890 was less favourably received than that of 1880.
That the area of a parallelogram is equal to the area of a rectangle on the same base and between the same parallels, or that the volume of a cone is one-third that of a cylinder on the same base and of the same height, may be established by a proof which is admitted to be rigorous, or be accepted in good faith without proof, and yet fail to be a matter of conviction, even though there may be a clear conception of the relative lengths of the diagonal and the side of a square or of the relative contents of two vessels of different shapes.
Only in the Turkish provinces bordering on Trans-Caucasia did massacre and deportation fail.
No explanation is given by the supposition; it is merely a statement which can hardly be accepted unless all other explanations fail.
Section 5 provides that where a reference is to be to a single arbitrator, and all the parties do not concur in appointing one, or an appointed arbitrator refuses to act or becomes incapable of acting, or where the parties or two arbitrators fail, when necessary, to appoint an umpire or third arbitrator, or such umpire or arbitrator when appointed refuses to act, or becomes incapable of acting, and the default is not rectified after seven clear days' notice, the court may supply the vacancy.
Impressive as is their witness to the persistence of the Apostolic teaching in its essential features, amidst all personal and local variations, perhaps the most striking thing about these writings is the degree in which they fail to appreciate certain elements of the Apostolic teaching as embodied in the New Testament, and those its higher and more distinctively Christian elements.'
In the autumn of 1900, however, her health began definitely to fail, and though arrangements were made for another holiday in the South, it was plain that her of the strength was seriously affected.
In religion Rousseau was undoubtedly what he has been called above - a sentimental deist; but no one who reads him with the smallest attention can fail to see that sentimentalism was the essence, deism the accident of his creed.
With a supply pressure of 200 volts a 5 c.p. carbon filament lamp takes only 0.1 ampere; hence unless a meter will begin to register with 1 1 - 6 - ampere it will fail to record the current consumed by a single small incandescent lamp. In a large supply system such failure would mean a serious loss of revenue.
A great general could hardly fail to become the foremost man in the state.
Matters were soon ripe for foreign intervention, and the notorious Cyril of Alexandria, in whom the antagonism between the Alexandrian and Antiochene schools of theology,' as well as the jealousy between the patriarchate of St Mark and that of Constantinople, found a determined and unscrupulous exponent, did not fail to make use of the opportunity.
Such stocks, however, usually fail in time, partly from too close interbreeding, partly from the ordinary chances of mortality, and partly from the cumulative effects of strange conditions.
The translators of Thomas do not fail to quote him as their source, why then has no one quoted the original poet?
The legislatures of Massachusetts and Connecticut approved of these proposed amendments and sent commissioners to Washington to urge their adoption, but before their arrival the war had closed, and not only did the amendments fail to receive the approval of any other state, but the legislatures of nine states expressed their disapproval of the Hartford Convention itself, some charging it with sowing "seeds of dissension and disunion."
The figures are in most, if not in all cases artificial, though the means now fail us of determining upon what principles they were calculated.
These years of shock and conflict could not fail to have marked effect upon the shaping of definite Christian doctrine.
In the result, then, the arguments brought forward in favour of each extreme fail to prove their case, but at the same time prove something against the opposite view.
To know that God is with him is enough though all else fail him.
In such doubtful cases a number of characters have to be resorted to, and, while each of these may fail when taken singly, their combination decides the question.
The rains do not last long, however, and sometimes fail altogether.
Thus the architectural remains, though they fail to solve the problem of the culture of the nations round the Gulf of Mexico, throw much light on it when their evidence is added to that of religion and customs. At any rate two things seem probable - first, that the civilizations of Mexico and Central America were pervaded by a common influence in religion, art, and custom; second, that this common element shows traces of the importation of Asiatic ideas into America.
It is evident that any Old English versions which might have survived the ravages of time would now be unintelligible, it was equally natural that as soon as French came to be looked upon as an alien tongue, the French versions hitherto in use would fail to fulfil their purpose, and that attempts should again be made to render the Bible into the only language intelligible to the greater part of the nation - into English.
The results of modern critical methods could not fail to make the incompleteness of the " Received Text," and of the " Authorized Version," which was based on it, obvious.
The Church when it had once conquered the world allowed such precepts to lapse and fall into the background, and no one save monks or Manichaean heretics remembered them any more; indeed modern divines affect to believe that marriage rites and family ties were the peculiar concern of the Church from the very first; and few moderns will fail to sympathize with the misgivings of the barbarian chief who, having been converted and being about to receive Christian baptism, paused as he stepped down into the font, and asked the priests if in the heaven to which their rites admitted him he would meet and converse with his pagan ancestors.
If the hounds jump at the brook, even though they fail to clear it, the rider may take it for granted that at that place the leap is within the capacity of any ordinary hunter in his stride; hence if, when going at three parts speed, a horse's feet come just right to take off, the mere momentum of his body would take him over a place 15 ft.
Along the transition belt between plains and prairies the climate is peculiarly trying as to rainfall; one series of five or ten years may have sufficient rainfall to enable the farmers to gather good crops; but the next series following may be so dry that the crops fail year after year.
For emendation must inevitably fail unless it express the meaning which the proper interpretation of the passage has shown to be required.
Sosigenes Could Scarcely Fail To Know That This Year Was Too Long; For It Had Been Shown Long Before, By The Observations Of Hipparchus, That The Excess Of 3654 Days Above A True Solar Year Would Amount To A Day In 300 Years.
Thou didst choose David as king over Israel, and swarest unto him concerning his seed for ever that his kingship should never fail before Thee.
He killed for reasons of state without form of trial, while his open neglect of his wife, Maria of Portugal, and his ostentatious passion for Leonora de Guzman, who bore him a large family of sons, set Peter an example which he did not fail to better.
We might define temperature in the case of a flame or vacuum tube by the temperature which a small totally reflecting body would tend to take up if placed at the spot, but this definition would fail in the case of a spark discharge.
Howbeit, son Roper, I may tell thee I have no cause to be proud thereof, for if my head would win him a castle in France it should not fail to go."
The magnetical needle, and its suspension on a stick or straw in water, are clearly described in La Bible Guiot, a poem probably of the r3th century, by Guiot de Provins, wherein we are told that through the magnet (la manette or l'amaniere), an ugly brown stone to which iron turns of its own accord, mariners possess an art that cannot fail them.
These changes, which so greatly disturbed the current of all European relations, could not fail to react upon the papal policy in various ways.
Under normal conditions, the situation could not fail to terminate favourably for the Vatican.
Stuart, all of whom became general officers in i Civil War can fail to notice how the influence of Lee dominated the Civil War.
He consulted the older and graver Laurentius Andreae, who told him how "Doctor Martinus had clipped the wings of the pope, the cardinals and the big bishops," which could not fail to be pleasing intelligence to a monarch who was never an admirer of episcopacy, while the rich revenues of the church, accumulated in the course of centuries, were a tempting object to the impecunious ruler of an impoverished people.
This communication began to fail, or close up presumably in the Miocene period; and before the dawn of Pliocene times the Sarmatian Ocean was broken up or divided into sections, one of which was the Aralo-Caspian sea already discussed.
She received the prophet with hospitality, sharing with him her all but exhausted store, in faith of his promise in the name of the God of Israel that the supply would not fail so long as the drought lasted.
The Godaveri, Kistna and Kaveri all take their rise on the Western Ghats, a region where the rainfall is never known to fail in the monsoon season.
They are in the main those who have failed or fail to present themselves, and whose names are retained on the liability lists against the day of their return.
To save himself from the consequences of his double marriage, which had provided him with powerful enemies, Philip in June 1541 came to terms with the emperor, who thus managed to spike the guns of the league of Schmalkalden, although the strength of this confederation did not fail until after the campaign against Henry of Brunswick.
His health was then breaking and began soon after to fail rapidly, and on the 9th of January 1876 he died at Boston.
Opposition there could not fail to be, and in 161 a senatus consultum ordered all Greek philosophers and rhetoricians to leave the city.
We may suddenly remember dimly afterwards that we have done so, and we quite fail to recall the difference between the watch time and the clock time.
The four Eastern patriarchs, and the great majority of the Eastern prelates generally, subscribed, though reluctantly, for it was felt that a dangerous precedent was being set when dead authors were anathematized, and that this new movement could hardly fail to weaken the authority of the council of Chalcedon.
Gametes which fail to conjugate sometimes assume the appearance of zygospores and germinate in due course.
Breeders, he says, who try to build up qualities by the selection of the fluctuating variations that occur soon find that they reach a maximum beyond which their efforts fail, unless they turn to the more rarely occurring but heritable mutations.
If, for instance, the testes fail to develop normally, the secretion which they discharge into the blood is abnormal in character and amount, with the result that the characters of the remotest parts of the body are more or less profoundly affected.
So long as we confine our attention to one or two individuals, we fail to detect any order in the occurrence of variations; but when we examine large numbers we find that it is possible to arrange them in an orderly series, which can be easily and simply described.
In 1847, when his eyesight threatened to fail, which disqualified him for sea service, he was appointed to the ordnance department.
The Kolab and the Surkhab (or Waksh) flow into it in broad muddy streams from the highlands of Karateghin, and the river at once commences to adopt an uncertain channel wherever the outstretched arms of the hills fail to confine it within definite limits.
Cusanus thus laid himself open to the charge of pantheism, which did not fail to be brought against him in his own day.
In 1795 his health began to fail, and he resigned his command, and in the following year returned to Europe with a fortune of £400,000.
He abruptly hurls us into a world where old habits of thought fail us.
Seeing, moreover, that it is, and is maintained in being, by a fixed relation to the Absolute, it cannot fail of immortality.
In Luther's time Erfurt was the intellectual centre of Germany and its students were exposed to a variety of influences which could not fail to stimulate young men of mental ability.
The times were ripe for revolution, and the message which spoke of a religious democracy could not fail to suggest the social democracy also.
Luther was a patriotic German who was for ever bewailing the disintegration of the Fatherland; Zwingli was full of plans for confederations of Swiss cantons with South German cities, which could not fail to weaken the empire.
It is perhaps the very rapidity of the movement that is likely to retard its progress, and to fail to carry with it the wealthy clients and the decorators they employ, or perhaps even to increase the disposition to cling to the reproductions of the styles of the i i th and i 8th centuries.
Fabre has found that in the nests of some species of Osmia the young bee developed in the first-formed cell, if (as often happens) she emerges from her cocoon before the inmates of the later cells, will try to work her way round these or to bite a lateral hole through the bramble shoot; should she fail to do this, she will wait for the emergence of her sisters and not make her escape at the price of injury to them.
They were insatiable in their demands for office and emolument, and when they discovered that the shah, acting by the advice of the British envoy, was levying from among their tribesmen regiments to be directly under his control, they took care that the plan should fail.
The torrents which descend from the Abyssinian plateau usually fail to reach the sea.
After a single session in Glasgow, Dugald Stewart, at the age of nineteen, was summoned by his father, whose health was beginning to fail, to conduct the mathematical classes in the university of Edinburgh.
Some noOlogists suppose a mental power of forming necessary principles of deduction a priori; but fail to show how we can apply principles of mind to things beyond mind.
In scientific method, then, it could but advance, provided physics and mathematics did not again fail of accord.
To the methodologist of science in genesis it appeared altogether to fail to satisfy any practical interest.
It may be concluded, with some confidence, from experience and theory alike, that localities where they do not prevail may fail to keep plague out, but have very little to fear from it, except the disturbance of trade caused by the traditional terrors that still cling to the name.
Contemporary sources fail to bear out this beautiful conception.
A frame of n joints and vi 3 bars may of course fail to be rigid owing to some parts being over-stiff whilst others are deformable; in such a case it will be found that the statical equations, apart from the thre identical relations imposed by the equilibrium of the extraneous forces, are not all independent but are equivalent to less thar 2,13 relations.
It must be admitted that when tried by this test his " lays " generally fail.
Most of these, however, fail to afford any useful points of comparison, either from their utter unlikeness to Homer, or because there is no evidence of the existence of anterior popular songs.
Whilst at times a truly monotheistic fervour manifests itself in the adoration of these two gods, the polytheistic instincts of the people did not fail to extend the pantheon by groups of new deities in connexion with them.
The savage who finds himself encompassed by taboos which he dare not break, lives up to his religion with a faithfulness which many professing Christians fail to reach.
We have a proof of this in the fact that so few, comparatively, of our perfectly hardy garden plants ever run wild; and even the most persevering attempts to naturalize them usually fail.
In the first place, naturalization experiments fail at least as often as they succeed, and often quite inexplicably.
Knox's victory had not come too early, for his physical strength soon began to fail.
Hence the terms Utopia and Utopian are also used to denote any visionary scheme of reform or social theory, especially those which fail to recognize defects inherent in human nature.
Under the sway of the now dominant faction, Sweden, already the vassal, could not fail speedily to become the victim of Russia.
This singular way of electing members for the principal city in the kingdom could not fail further to irritate the parties.
Sometimes the rains fail altogether, and then a drought (secca) ensues, causing famine and pestilence throughout the entire region.
The healthy organism can adapt itself to great varieties both in regard to the quality and quantity of food; but when health begins to fail much care may be required, and many ailments arise from dyspepsia.
A combination of the two kinds of remedy is sometimes useful, and chloral sometimes succeeds when other things fail, because it depresses the circulation as well as lessens the activity of the brain-cells.
Should these means fail, aperients may be used.
If these means fail, exercise, massage and electricity may help a cure.
These, then, were the direct causes of the voluntary expatriation of the majority of the first trekkers, who included some of the best families in the colony, but they fail to explain the profound hostility to Great Britain which thereafter animated many, but not all, of the emigrants, nor do they account for the easy abandonment of their homes by numbers of the trekkers.
Under the sway of the Cap faction, Sweden, already the vassal, could not fail to become the prey of Russia.
The island is ill supplied with fresh water; there are few permanent streams except the Rakli, and springs are apt to fail in dry summers.
From this moment his health began to fail, though he mustered strength enough to write a remarkable Letter to the French Academy in the autumn of 1714.
Young Scott was retained as junior counsel in the case, and though he lost the petition he did not fail to improve the opportunity which it afforded for displaying his talents.
In one he aimed at being brilliant; and becoming merely laboured and pedantic, he was covered with ridicule by Sheridan, from whom he received a lesson which he did not fail to turn to account.
A committee representing both houses adjudicated upon all cases of conflict between Peers and Commons; should it fail to reach a decision, the dispute was referred to the sovereign, whose award was final.
He did not fail, however, to recognize also that the controversies frequently had their root in mere emulation, slander and sophistry.
In the preface to his fifth book he excuses his trenching on the region of political history on the ground of his desire to spare his readers the disgust which perusal of the endless disputes of the bishops could not fail to excite, and in that to his sixth book he prides himself on never having flattered even the orthodox bishops.
But all attempts to shake the prince's convictions fail.
We shall therefore endeavour to apply to this subject the methods used in Thermodynamics, and where these fail us we shall have recourse to the hypotheses of molecular physics.
It is obvious that the effect would fail if the contamination of the surface had proceeded too far previously to the collision.
In fact, organic molecules can be divided into two classes according as they give rise to anti-substances or fail to do so.
If either of these is wanting or interfered with, phagocytosis will necessarily fail as a means of defence.
When at length in October 1768 he tendered his resignation on the ground of shattered health, he did not fail to mention the dismissal of Amherst and Shelburne as a personal grievance.
At any rate, in passing from Rutilius to Sidonius no reader can fail to feel that he has left the region of Latin poetry for the region of Latin verse.
However weakened by losses, they could hardly fail to maintain so short and strong a line as this.
Between Henry's Fork and Malade (or Big Wood) river, a distance of 200 m., the river apparently has no northern tributaries; but several streams, as the Camas, Medicine Lodge and Birch creeks, and Big and Little Lost rivers, which fail to penetrate the plain of the Snake after reaching its border, are believed to join it through subterranean channels.
But apomorphine is not always to be obtained, and even if it be administered it may fail, since the gastric wall is often paralysed in opium poisoning, so that no emetic can act.
The only certain criterion of a medusa-individual is the presence of definite sense-organs, but in cases where the organism is much reduced, this criterion may fail us, as it does in the genus Lucernaria.
If any one watches a bird rising from the ground or the water, he cannot fail to perceive that the head and body are slightly tilted upwards, and that the wings are made to descend with great vigour in a downward and forward direction.
The historic castles, the sites of ancient battles, and the innumerable mansions of the wealthy, combine to give to central England a certain aesthetic interest which the more purely manufacturing districts of the west and north fail to inspire.
In reply to an influential deputation which waited upon him on the 10th of November, Sir Edward Grey, speaking as the representative of the British government in his capacity as secretary of state for foreign affairs, expressed the desire" that Belgium should feel that her freedom of action is unfettered and unimpaired and her choice unembarrassed by anything which we have done or are likely to do "; but he added that if Belgium should fail to take action" it will be impossible for us to continue to recognize indefinitely the present state of things without a very close examination of our treaty rights and the treaty obligations of the Congo State."The debate in the Belgian chamber opened on the 28th of November and was not concluded till the 14th of December.
The two extracts just given, however, significant in themselves, fail to render an account of the view of the human constitution which would probably, among the theological and scholastic leaders of public opinion, count the largest weight of adherence.
A priest is summoned, and, if his prayers and curses fail, a small boy is drugged, and "whatever person he dreams of is fixed on as the criminal..
A non-official preparation of quinine - Warburg's Tincture - occasionally succeeds where the ordinary preparations fail.
Ideal metaphysics, though they fail of the inner truth of things, have a value as the embodiment of high aspirations, in the same way as poetry and religion.
With every effort after equality he must fail to satisfy all, but friction may be diminished and the ` work of carrying on government quietly and steadily facilitated.
The example thus set could not fail to react upon the Rumanians in Walachia, with whom the Transylvanians stood in close commercial and political connexion.
Assuming also that it is incapable of crushing under its own weight and the pressure of the water, it must, in order to fail entirely, turn over on its outer toe, or upon the outer face at some higher level.
This course can scarcely fail to introduce into the sand many bacteria, which may be washed through when the full working of the filters is begun; and it should not, therefore, be adopted when the source of the supply is known to be subject to human pollution.
Here Demosthenes took sanctuary with "gracious Poseidon," and, when this threatened to fail him, sought death.
Two parties were contending in the state, and their obstinacy could not fail to produce a most direful collision.
Brit., 9th ed., who points out that " in the scheme of Isaiah it is made clear that the fall of the power that shatters the nations cannot fail to be recognized as Yahweh's work."
Slaveholders were not footloose; they had all to lose if they should carry their blacks into Kansas and should nevertheless fail to make it a slave-state.
His first speech on his return to England was a warning (March 17, 1773) that the props of good government were beginning to fail under the systematic attacks of unbelievers, and that principles were being propagated that would not leave to civil society any stability.
Some of De Morgan's most interesting and useful minor writings are to be found in the Companions to the British Almanack, to which he contributed without fail one article each year from 1831 up to 1857 inclusive.
Turkestan has been the theatre of so many migrations and conquests that its present population could not fail to be very mixed.
Every variety of philosophical and theological opinion was represented there; most of my colleagues were -ists of one sort or another; and I, the man without a rag of a belief to cover himself with, could not fail to have some of the uneasy feelings which must have beset the historical fox when, after leaving the trap in which his tail remained, he presented himself to his normally elongated companions.
We fail when we try either positively to phenomenalize substance or to dispense with the superphenomenal abstraction.
But when such criticism passes into the attempt to find a universal criterion of morality - such an attempt being in effect an effort to make morality scientific - and especially when the attempt is seen, as it must in the end be seen, to fail (the moral consciousness being superior to all standards of morality and realizing itself wholly in particular judgments), then ethics as a process of reflection upon the nature of the moral consciousness may be said to begin.
Plato, we saw, held that there is one supreme science or wisdom, of which the ultimate object is absolute good; in the knowledge of this, the knowledge of all particular goods - that is, of all that we rationally desire to know - is implicitly contained; and also all practical virtue, as no one who truly knows what is good can fail to realize it.
Thus, after a fashion, he is able to reconcile the conflicting claims of egoism and altruism and succeed where most apostles of evolution fail.
Demosthenes urges that such an enterprise would at present be useless; that it would fail to unite Greece; that the energies of the city should be reserved for a real emergency; but that, before the city can successfully cope with any war, there must be a better organization of resources, and, first of all, a reform of the navy, which he outlines with characteristic lucidity and precision.
Staples answered that preaching was his duty, and that he would not fail; but he feared for his life.
Sixty-nine Fail of departmental governments protested against the Gironde.
He claims to have shown that the dogmas of the eternity of matter and the permanence of the world are false; that their description of the Deity as the demiurgos is unspiritual; that they fail to prove the existence, the unity, the simplicity, the incorporeality or the knowledge (both of species and accidents) of God; that their ascription of souls to the celestial spheres is unproved; that their theory of causation, which attributes effects to the very natures of the causes, is false, for that all actions and events are to be ascribed to the Deity; and, finally, that they cannot establish the spirituality of the soul, nor prove its mortality.
In December he repaired personally to Rome, full of confidence that the weight of his arguments and the vivacity of his eloquence could not fail to convert the entire pontifical court to his views.
The theological censures which the book did not fail to incur were not slow in making themselves felt.
For no other reason did the minister for the colonies, Seor Maura, in 1894 fail to convince the Cortes, and even the Liberal party, that his very moderate Cuban Home Rule Bill was an indispensable and wise, though tardy, attempt to avert a conflict which many plain symptoms showed to be imminent in the West Indies.
Among her many educational endowments may be specified the St Stephen's Institute in Vincent Square, Westminster (1846); she started sewing schools in Spitalfields when the silk trade began to fail; helped to found the shoe-black brigade; and placed hundreds of destitute boys in training-ships for the navy and merchant service.
These companies succeed or fail for reasons different from those which affected the chartered companies of former days, though there are points in common.
So early as 1783 Johannes von Muller of Gottingen had called attention to the historical figures appearing in the Nibelungenlied, identifying Etzel as Attila, Dietrich of Bern as Theodoric of Verona, and the Burgundian kings Gunther, Giselher and Gernot as the Gundaharius, Gislaharius and Godomar of the Lex Burgundiorum; in 1820 Julius Leichtlen (Neuaufgefundenes Bruchstick des Nibelungenliedes, Freiburg-im-Breisgau) roundly declared that "the Nibelungenlied rests entirely on a historical foundation, and that any other attempt to explain it must fail."
His memory began to fail, and a large work at which he wrought night and day, on the connexion between physics and metaphysics, was found to be only a repetition of his already published doctrines.
Critics who limit their view to the Kritik of Pure Reason, and there, in all probability, to the first or constructive portion of the work, must necessarily fail to interpret the doctrines of the Kantian system, which do not become clear or definite till the system has been developed.
Binocular instruments should aid the natural spatial or stereoscopic vision, or make it possible if the eyes fail.
You will not fail them, even if you face Czerno himself.
If you fail, I get a shitty quality of life my last few months.
You are still my top assassin, assuming you don.t fail in your executions.
Sure, they were fallible people, but … when did they fail?
Every day you fail to execute the task, the penalty for failure worsens.
You've probably heard the old adage "To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail."
They can only detect or fail to detect anomaly.
Antecedent strengthening seems to fail.
Many projects fail due to organizations' inability to administer the wide range of funds available.
His ox mates without fail; his cow calves and does not abort.
The groups of pituitary adenomas which fail to produce one or more hormones are called non-functioning pituitary adenomas.
The air defenses fail to destroy a single enemy aircraft.
Award powers research into prosthesis success Most older vascular amputees fail to cope with their prostheses.
Occasional treatments with an oral anthelmintic may be used only where these methods fail to control the problem.
Why did appeasement fail to prevent the outbreak of war in 1939?
But mortality in home aquaria is quite high because many aquarists fail to ensure that they get enough to eat.
Queen Elizabeth Spartacus Notes why did the spanish armada fail?
Please note that this can fail in case the IP address changes due to dynamically assigned IP addresses or proxy servers.
We had a rear axle fail near Bristol, early on in the ride.
Some teachers also expressed the belief that the authorities fail to take the situation seriously.
I fail to see the blasphemy in using cola and burgers.
Head gaskets fail on the 1.4 gasoline engine; check the underside of the oil filler cap for white emulsion.
They die if they fail to eat the next turn and become carrion.
Market's gallic charms Channel isle airport plans fail to.. .
All too often we bulldoze what we do not cherish and fail to cherish what we do not understand.
Meiosis II - One set of homologous chromatids fail to separate.
If the light itself were to fail, the power surge would trip the main circuit breaker and the whole tower would shut down.
In addition, the rugged Irish coastline seen from every window cannot fail to inspire.
In documenting the euphoria of the Ecstasy experience, he does not fail to acknowledge the inevitable comedown.
These courses we went thro with so much constancy that with moderate application we could scarce fail of acquiring a good knowledg therein.
But, anything shorter than 400mm will fail to show the corona and other phenomena.
Relay Race by David Yehudah, Bellflower, CA, USA These little hairy varmint critters never fail to amaze me.
Lambs seriously deficient in copper, selenium or cobalt will fail to thrive.
The report asserts that research carried out into other ways of treating depression may well fail to reach GPs.
After some time his output of talk became more desultory as he continued to fail to make progress.
If the price of pounds is higher than the market can bear, central bank intervention will eventually fail to prevent a devaluation.
This issue seems more devoted to questions posed, but where the answers fail to arrive.
Such selfless devotion to public service can't fail to please in a society almost completely cured of the idea of organized labor.
Those who fail such tests could face instant dismissal.
I evaluate three available readings of the say-show distinction which fail to meet this challenge.
If you're breaking all the rules and going to fail you're in deep doo-doo.
A slow start led to fears the area would fail to attract tenants, with most office space lying empty.
If you fail an exam it may seem like the end of the world.
Gordon and Sylvia Hallam many new fanciers fail to give themselves a real chance of success.
I fail to see what reason God could have for making over 300 people ill with serious food poisoning.
Did she not handle the dirt, fail to stay the 6 furlongs or did she run her race in that last workout?
Another craft, and brighter, may stem the raging gale, Thy plea of sixty winters, old friend, can never fail.
If the gid specified does not refer to one within the winbind gid range then the operation will fail.
I fail to believe that a badger called lizard (the greatest) could beat my rabbit flash Gordon!
To fail to bow to the current pressure to improve corporate governance is a false economy however.
When we fail to use our God-given gifts and circumstances well, we incur guilt.
She spends the week dropping subtle hints, which I totally fail to notice.
The wardens ' attempts to rescue the baby hippo fail.
By rolling the clove hitch up every few moves you will have a back-up should the waist prussic fail.
But the other extreme is to be so hypercritical that Paul himself would fail the test.
It is considered extremely ill-advised to fail to deliver the goods.
We fail to overcome the scientific illiteracy in the media.
Almost without fail, they have expressed incredulity at our prime minister's position.
Vicar If I might just interject Pressing I fail to see what argument you will use.
They then fail to use blood glucose properly and glucose intolerance develops.
Unfortunately, I fail to have any intuitions about " say " !
A man came to the door, took my letter, and said madam should have it without fail.
Women treated with single dose methotrexate were more likely to fail medical management of ectopic pregnancy than those treated with multiple doses.
These cause local optimization methods to ` ` get stuck ' ' and hence to fail to find the desired the global minimum.
If you fail to repay the mortgage on the terms you agreed to, the bank o. .
Either way it would not fail the mot for a small oil leak.
Further RL1 null mutants have the capacity to replicate an actively dividing cells or fail to replicate in growth arrested or terminally differentiated cells.
Pass and fail performances are filmed with accompanying narration to explain potential pitfalls.
It will return either fail or a new list [num, den] of canceled numerator and denominator.
If these measures fail, there are surgical operations which can be tried - but alas the results are variable.
If you fail to pay the remainder of agreed installments, Career In Travel will require you to pay the full amount outstanding.
Deaf students fail in Britain's grossly overcrowded public sector classrooms.
It will mean that many part-timers ' pension claims will now fail.
They fail to realize to what extent they are mere pawns in the game.
Who could not fail to be amazed at the imposing beauty of Angkor Wat, rising phoenix like from its jungle setting.
International agreements will fail to deliver unless they embrace pluralism.
Its offense was to fail to ensure, so far as reasonably practical, that people were safe.
Even the most cynical could not fail to be impressed by the quality of the presentations this year.
The operation may fail due to an error in the configu- ration may fail due to an error in the configu- ration file or the current memory load.
If these students fail on a task, they usually reduce the difficulty of their next task slightly and soon recapture their positive cycle.
Patients who fail the second-line regimen will be offered the best combination available from the first and second line drugs.
But there is now a new will to act and you are genuinely repentant when you fail.
How do certain types and works of music enter the canonic repertory, but others fail?
Moreover, we cannot fail to be struck by the obvious resemblance of living organs to the carefully planned designs of human engineers.
This process appears to fail in insulin resistance accompanying several forms of diabetes.
If you still fail you can normally either retake the modules you need as a part-time student, or resit again the following year.
Even the pianist cannot fail to make some notes more prominent than others, and quite naturally introduces some rubato into almost everything played.
Countries that fail to exercise appropriate self-restraint should be restrained by the world community.
Should a fax server participant fail during the transaction cycle, a full recovery will be made once the fax server operation is restored.
Further information The injection of PG 600 into a pregnant sow or gilt will fail to produce heat and will not cause abortion.
He was successful in the entrance exam, only to fail the medical on account of his diminutive stature.
Girls who fail the test are often stigmatized by their families and the community for months or years, and their marital value falls.
Chains rarely fail because they do not have sufficient tensile strength.
Failed states fail at all levels and are often suffused with crime.
It follows that B -properties fail to strongly supervene on A -properties.
Two encoders were ' prime ' and the other two were running as hot swaps should the primary feed fail.
At the finish we felt emotions words fail describe, anyone who has completed 10 tors will know what I mean.
The Commission must ensure even transposition across the EU and consistently take measures against member states that fail to comply with their obligations.
Where candidates fail to achieve the stipulated results, an offer may still be made unconditional.
Leaving sleeves rolled up or zips undone will fail to protect workers from being contaminated with pesticides or biocides.
None of those which fail to survive go unused.
A low key approach may fail to rouse the interest of a potential Vandal.
If it returns fail the new vertex or edge is not generated!
You can't fail to be impressed by the musical vibrancy of contemporary London.
These people fail to pause, to consider the situation, options and consequences before exercising volition.
The presumption is either that d 2 V/dh 2 near the ground is much larger numerically than Gerdien supposes, or else that the ordinary instruments for measuring ionization fail to catch some species of Ion Whose Charge Is Preponderatingly Negative.
A community whose mission it is to teach religious truth, which involves on the part of its members the obligation of belief in this truth, must, if it is not to fail of its object, possess an authority capable of maintaining the faith in its purity, and consequently capable of keeping it free from and condemning errors.
He is informed that the people to whom he is sent are rebellious and stiff-necked (this indicates his opinion of the people, and gives the keynote of the following discourses); he is appointed watchman to warn men when they sin, and is to be held responsible for the consequences if he fail in this duty.
Bach himself is known to have executed it in a very polyphonic style, and this for the excellent reason that plain chords would have contrasted so strongly with the real instrumental parts that they could not fail to attract attention even in the softest tones of the harpsichord or the organ, while light polyphony in these tones would elude the ear and at the same time perfectly bridge over the gap in the harmony.
Should the rotating arms fail to pass over these correcting segments at their synchronous positions, correcting currents pass to a relay which cuts off momentarily the current actuating the tuning-fork, thereby altering the rate of vibration of the latter until the arms once more run together uniformly.
A rapprochement with France and a continuance of the Irredentist movement could not fail to arouse Austro-German hostility; but, on the other hand, to draw near to the central powers would inevitably accentuate the diffidence of France.
The " judge " under the act is to be a barrister of ten years' standing, or an ex-judge of a superior secular court, - appointed by the archbishops of Canterbury and York, with the approval of the crown, or, if they fail to appoint, by the crown.
In the event of the company failing to comply with the demands of the department, the latter is empowered to refer the case to the Railway and Canal Commissioners, who form a special Court constituted by the Railway and Canal Traffic Act of 2888, for deciding, among other things, questions relating to rates and charges, for protecting traders from undue charges and undue preference, for regulating questions of traffic, and for deciding certain disputes between railway companies and the public. The Commissioners are then empowered to deal with the matter, and if " a railway company fail to comply with any order made by the Railway and Canal Commissioners, or to enforce the provisions of any schedule " approved by them, it is liable to a fine of a hundred pounds for every day during which the default continues.
The inauguration stone of the Irish kings, the Lia Fail, or Stone of Destiny, fabled to have been the pillow of the patriarch Jacob on the occasion of his dream of the heavenly ladder, was said to have been presented by Murkertagh to the king of Dalriada, by whom it was conveyed to Dunstaffnage Castle in Scotland (see Scone).
The third tractatus of this volume deals with birds - including among them bats, bees and other flying creatures; but as it is the first printed book in which figures of birds are introduced it merits notice, though most of the illustrations, which are rude woodcuts, fail, even in the coloured copies, to give any precise indication of the species intended to be represented.
Many of the local maps, too, were excellent specimens of cartography, but when we follow any cartographer of the period into regions the successful delineation of which depended upon an intelligent interpretation of itineraries, and of information collected by recent travellers, they are generally found to fail utterly.
Its objects embrace (a) admonition to those who fail in the payment of their just debts, or otherwise walk contrary to the standard of Quaker ethics, and the exclusion of obstinate or gross offenders from the body, and, as incident to this, the hearing of appeals from individuals or meetings considering themselves aggrieved; (b) the care and maintenance of the poor and provision for the Christian education of their children, for which purpose the Society has established boarding schools in different parts of the country; (c) the amicable settlement of " all differences about outward things," either by the parties in controversy or by the submission of the dispute to arbitration, and the restraint of all proceedings at law between members except by leave; (d) the " recording " of ministers (see above); (e) the cognizance of all steps preceding marriage according to Quaker forms; (f) the registration of births, deaths and marriages and the admission of members; (g) the issuing of certificates or letters of approval granted to ministers travelling away from their homes, or to members removing from one meeting to another; and (h) the management of the property belonging to the Society.
Their terms, however,could not fail to give rise to some ambiguity, and their validity was especially contested on the ground that the council was not ecumenical, since it represented at that date the obedience of only one of three rival popes.
But when- -ever, from any cause, the degree of pressure which they are naturally intended to withstand is surpassed, they fail to nourish themselves, become granular, die, and, falling to pieces, are absorbed.
Great loss of life and injury occur through the ignorance, carelessness and recklessness of the men themselves, who fail to take the necessary precautions for their own safety, even when warned to do so.
The head must be carefully searched for by the physician, as should it fail to be brought away the parasite continues to grow, and within a few months the segments again begin to appear.
The revival as in the above argument of the idea that the function of thought is the elimination of difference, and that rational connexion must fail where absolute identity is indiscoverable merely shows how imperfectly Kant's lesson has been learned by some of those who prophesy in his name.
All the great prose writers of France could not fail to be influenced by the racy phrase, the quaint and picturesque vocabulary, and the unconstrained constructions of Montaigne.
In the morning it returns to its form, where it finds protection in the close approach which the colour of its fur makes to that of its surroundings; should it thus fail, however, to elude observation it depends for safety on its extra FIG.
Gases at high pressures fail to conform to Boyle's law, and solu tions at moderate concentrations give osmotic pressures which increase faster than the concentration.
It is plain that her intellect had begun to fail just before her death, for she allowed the reigning favourite, Platon Zubov, to persuade her to despatch his brother Valerian, with the rank of field marshal and an army of 20,000 men, on a crack-brained scheme to invade India by way of Persia and Tibet.
This step was well calculated to delight the followers of Ali, but it could not fail to exasperate the Abbasids and their partisans.
But if the view maintained above that formal logic must compromise or mitigate its rigour and so fail to maintain its independence, be correct, the logical consistency of Mansel's logic of consistency does but emphasize its barrenness.
In these degenerate days their supernatural powers consist chiefly in conjuring, sooth-saying, and feats of jugglery, by which they seldom fail in imposing upon a credulous public. (3) Sannyasis, devotees who" renounce "earthly concerns, an order not confined either to the Brahmanical caste or to the Saiva persuasion.
The former was commissioned by Akbar to translate a number of Sanskrit scientific works into Persian; and the latter (see Abul Fail) has left, in the Akbar-Nameh, an enduring record of the emperor's reign.
Whatever opinion may be held as to the orthodoxy of the seven articles of the Anabaptists, the vehemence with which they were opposed, and the epithets of abuse which were heaped upon the unfortunate sect that maintained them, cannot fail to astonish those used to toleration.
This latter complement may not suit the immune body, that is, may not be fixed to the bacterium by means of it, or if the latter event does occur, may fail to bring about the death of the bacteria.
As a minister of the Church he felt his duty and his interest equally concerned in the support of her cause; nor could he fail to discover the inevitable tendency of Whig doctrines, whatever caresses individual Whigs might bestow on individual clergymen, to abase the Establishment as a corporation.
Experiments with cats, rabbits, mice, with sheep and cattle, with fowls and pigeons, like the experiments with horses and dogs, fail to afford any evidence that offspring inherit any of their characters from previous mates of the dam; i.e.
Mara, the great tempter, appears in the sky, and urges Gotama to stop, promising him, in seven days, a universal kingdom over the four great continents if he will but give up his enterprise.2 When his words fail to have any effect, the tempter consoles himself by the confident hope that he will still overcome his enemy, saying, "Sooner or later some lustful or malicious or angry thought must arise in his mind; in that moment I shall be his master"; and from that hour, adds the legend, "as a shadow always follows the body, so he too from that day always followed the Blessed One, striving to throw every obstacle in his way towards the Buddhahood."