Factual Sentence Examples
His factual response chilled her.
Think of how the computer in the Star Trek universe was a purely factual machine.
If there was any factual evidence...
This final portion of your resume includes the intricate details of your work history, your professional and educational accomplishments, and any other pertinent factual information that relates to your being the right waitress for the job.
It contains only factual information and data from research and planning.
Dennis seeks to shift the focus of the object of evidence law to a point beyond the determination of factual rectitude.
This story does not represent Malefirst.co.uk's opinions nor can we guarantee that BANG reporting is completely factual.
This gradual but sweeping decline in international factual programming on the main TV channels must be arrested.
In life / industry, problem solving skills are more important than factual memory recall alone.
Well done for providing unbiased, factual, intelligent information.
AdvertisementAsk pupils to compare the accounts in terms of factual information, the writer 's viewpoint and the use of descriptive vocabulary.
Fortunately, the digital age means valuable support and factual information lies a few keystrokes away.
This means the information that you read will be factual, friendly and helpful.
While these websites rank high in Internet searches, they also typically appear to contain factual and updated celebrity news and are not overloaded with spam or advertising.
Of the 1,018 products they reviewed, only one was strictly factual in its marketing statements.
AdvertisementEven though the stories are set in history and may include some factual information, they are not intended to be accurate historical accounts.
Health care professionals should provide factual, current, nonjudgmental information in a confidential manner."
Cemetery records can confirm factual dates and may sometimes include additional information such as other relatives or biographical information on family members.
A reference letter contains general factual statements about a person and his or her situation without making a specific recommendation.
Keep these factual; you can use them later on when it's time to buy a gift, or make him happy when he's feeling down by showing up with a poster from his favorite movie.
AdvertisementThis allows the information on LoveToKnow Gluten Free to be factual, friendly and helpful to readers.
Share popular ghost stories, both fictional and factual, and learn what parapsychologists have uncoverd so far.
Rumors by their nature are not necessarily factual.
Reading the stars has been used to predict the future for hundreds of years, although there is no factual data to back it up, only faith.
Prior to submitting it, review it to ensure your report's contents are entirely factual.
AdvertisementSomething new, different, unusual, timely, local, factual, something that other people will be interested in, something people will talk about.
You should be accurate and factual in your statements, but using power words like these helps to show the good qualities of the individual.
These tips will help you to write a factual, unique and powerful letter of recommendation.
The Fourth Gospel is the noblest instance of this kind of literature, of which the truth depends not on the factual accuracy of the symbolizing appearances but on the truth of the ideas and experiences thus symbolized.
Sociology conceives itself as a natural science elucidating a factual sequence.
We coached her to clearly give the detailed factual information Howie had developed but answer no questions.
After the Panel hearing, you may be asked to check the report of what you said for factual accuracy.
Geoffrey Macnab meets the father confessor of factual cinema, who claims to love all people - except George Bush.
F Attainment of intended learning outcomes appreciably deficient in critical respects, lacking secure basis in relevant factual and analytical dimensions.
I believe the judge erred in law by accepting hearsay evidence over factual evidence.
You may correct factual errors in your personal information by sending us a request detailing the error.
Cohesive, single ideas in each paragraph · Write information in descending order of importance · keep information factual.
He then gives us four reasons why the gospels are purely factual.
But for karmic reasons, settling for strictly factual solutions should be seen as a last resort.
It is not easy to stop materials that are essentially factual in nature from becoming a dry repetition of lecture notes.
The following section has been designed to provide factual, accurate information on drugs.
Massive numbers of factual errors suffuse the book, which make it a veritable minefield.
Suarez maintains that, though the humanity of Socrates does not differ from that of Plato, yet they do not constitute realiter one and the same humanity; there are as many "formal unities" (in this case, humanities) as there are individuals, and these individuals do not constitute a factual, but only an essential or ideal unity ("ita ut plura individua, quae dicuntur esse ejusdem naturae, non sint unum quid vera entitate quae sit in rebus, sed solum fundamentaliter vel per intellectum").
The language used is emotive and misleading, and the headline is riddled with factual inaccuracies.
This allows the information on LoveToKnow Herbs to be factual, friendly and helpful to readers.
While there is little factual information available about the upcoming park, speculation is rampant among Harry Potter fans about what the park may offer.
Historic fiction is not intended to be interpreted as factual.
After all, there are probably more myths than factual information being spread by word of mouth.
For the most part, they're accurate, though some I receive are more obviously fans speculating - and sometimes wishing - than factual information.
Winston had made sure there was no factual proof Byrne was alive.
Its purpose is to present factual, useful information about coal in a fun and productive way. ' Hobby Gas Turbines.
While some background information and factual details are necessary for an effective proposal, they should not be the primary focus of the document.
There's not a lick of factual proof and there's a chance there never will be.
The case was largely factual with little law involved.
On the other hand, do write a factual statement, not something that is overly positive or simply false.
Now from Philo to Origen we have a long Hellenistic, Jewish and Christian application of that all-embracing allegorism, where one thing stands for another and where no factual details resist resolution into a symbol of religious ideas and forces.
You may be surprised to learn that there is more misinformation and dangerous fad out there than there is simple, factual information about what a person needs to do to lose weight and keep it off.