Factor-in Sentence Examples
Its ready accessibility from the metropolis is the chief factor in its popularity.
The San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake railway, also an important factor in east and west transcontinental traffic, opened in May 1905, has been of special value in the development of the southern part of the state.
The export, moreover, of live sheep and of frozen mutton to Europe has become an important factor in the trade of Argentina.
The short period of this evolution is at least one factor in the primitive grade of even the most specialized members of the group. In the advance of their molar teeth from a tritubercular to a grinding type, the author traces a curious parallelism between marsupials and placentals.
The vertical relief of the land above the ocean is a very important factor in determining the climate as well as the distribution of the fauna and flora of a continent.
Past experience constituted another important factor in establishing the interpretation of signs noted.
Copper is not yet universally employed, price being the governing factor in its employment; moreover, the conducting quality of the iron used for telegraphic purposes has of late years been very greatly improved.
The grappling of the cable and raising it to the surface from a depth of 2000 fathoms seldom occupy less than twenty-four hours, and since any extra strain due to the pitching of the vessel must be avoided, it is clear that the state of the sea and weather is the predominating factor in the time necessary for effecting the long series of operations which, in the most favourable circumstances, are required for a repair.
The speed of a cable is given in words per minute, the conventional number of five letters per word being understood, though in actual practice, owing to the extensive use of special codes, the number of letters per word is really between eight and nine; and this forms a considerable factor in lowering the earning capacity of a cable.
Lamarck introduced the conception of the action of an animal on itself as a factor in producing modification.
AdvertisementFew can doubt that, if not the whole cause, it is a very important factor in that operation; and that it must play a great part in the sorting out of varieties into those which are transitory and those which are permanent.
The effect of the phylogenetic factor in homology may be illustrated in the following cases.
In spite of the statement that the nature of the organism is the most important factor in variation, the tendency amongst evolutionists has been to take much more account of the influence of external conditions.
The commercial importance of such free interchange of traffic is the controlling factor in determining the gauge of any new railway that is not isolated by its geographical position.
In Austria, as in Germany, anti-Semitism is a factor in the parliamentary elections.
AdvertisementIt is only with the exhaustion of Greek and Jewish civilization that mysticism becomes a prominent factor in Western thought.
We can now Indianrs - fully appreciate the factor in practical politics which Afghan- that definite but somewhat irregular mountain system, represents which connects the water-divide north of istan Herat with the southern abutment of the Hindu Kush, near Bamian.
Persia has assumed a comprehensible position as a factor in future Eastern politics.
At any rate, he spoke at Guildhall on Lord Mayor's Day in a worthy manner; admitting that the growth of the German navy was a main factor in British construction, and pointing out that no power was better able to bear the strain or less likely to fail than Great Britain.
Its great merit is that it proved the necessity of combining another and hitherto much-neglected factor in any natural arrangement, though vitiated as so many other schemes have been by being based wholly on one class of characters.
AdvertisementDuring the same period we also note the development of certain families, thanks to the accumulation of wealth by trade, and here we get the beginnings of that commercial aristocracy whose evolution was the dominant factor in the constitutional history of the republic.
As a factor in party politics it was both unnecessary and injurious to the state.
The political motives of these three princes, and the interaction of their different policies, was thus a great factor in determining the course and the results of the First Crusade.
Henceforth this alliance was a dominant factor in politics.
But an entirely new and far more important factor in the affairs of the Levant was the extension of the empire of the Mongols during the 13th century.
AdvertisementRobert Key at Saham Tony in 1832 won over a young woman who converted her brother, Robert Eaglen, who, eighteen years later at Colchester, proved so decisive a factor in the life of Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
Under the name of "Anti-Masons" able leaders united those who were discontented with existing political conditions, and the fact that William Wirt, their choice for the presidency in 1832, was not only a Mason but even defended the Order in a speech before the convention that nominated him, indicates that simple opposition to Masonry soon became a minor factor in holding together the various elements of which the party was composed.
Orientation of Substituent Groups.-The determination of the relative positions of the substituents in a benzene derivative constitutes an important factor in the general investigation of such compounds.
In 18 To, owing to the growth of Methodism and the lack of ordained ministers, he led the Connexion in the movement for connexionally ordained ministers, and his influence was the chief factor in the success of that important step. From 1811 to 1814 his energy was mainly devoted to establishing auxiliary Bible Societies.
Since about 1880 there have been central factories, and their increase has been a very prominent factor in the development of the industry, as it has been in Cuba.
The religious element has always been a dominating factor in the life of the city.
This concession, given under strong pressure from Russia, aroused the deepest resentment of the Greeks, and was the principal factor in the awakening of the Bulgarian national spirit which subsequent events have done so much to develop. Russian influence at Constantinople had been gradually increasing, and towards the end of 1870 the tsar took advantage of the temporary disabling of France to declare himself no longer bound by those clauses of the Treaty of Paris which restricted Russia's liberty of possessing warships on the Black Sea.
This decline in its prosperity was checked, and the modern development of the port began, when a railway was built from Callao into the heart of the Andes, and Callao is now an important factor in the development of copper-mining.
This can be seen at once because the factor in question being once repeated in both differentials, the resultant of the latter must vanish.
Kolliker (Development of Cephalopods, 1844), Remak (Development of the Frog, 1850), and others had laid the foundations of this knowledge in isolated examples; but it was Kovalevsky, by his accounts of the development of Ascidians and of Amphioxus (1866), who really made zoologists see that a strict and complete cellular embryology of animals was as necessary and feasible a factor in the comprehension of their relationships as at the beginning of the century the coarse anatomy had been shown to be by Cuvier.
Another important factor in the present condition of zoological knowledge as represented by classification is the doctrine of degeneration propounded by Anton Dohrn.
It amounts toa new and unprecedented factor in organic development, external to the organism and yet produced by the activity of the organism upon which it permanently reacts.
The occurrence of sin 4 as a factor in (6) shows that the relative intensities of the primary light and of that diffracted in the direction B depend upon the condition of the former as regards polarization.
His influence was an undoubted factor in the Kruger policy of that time.
The abuse of alcohol may also be mentioned here as a factor in the poduction of disease.
Any of the abnormal conditions that bring about general or local defective nutrition is an important factor in producing fatty degeneration.
The disassociation from his local origin involved in this doctrine of the triad gave to Bel a rank independent of political changes, and we, accordingly, find Bel as a factor in the religion of Babylonia and Assyria to the latest days.
The result of his discovery was an entire revolution in the knowledge of diseases of the chest; but it would be a mistake to forget that an essential factor in this revolution was the simultaneous study of the condition of the diseased organs as seen after death.
The government had now no choice but to secure if possible the person of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, whose social position more than his abilities made him the most important factor in the conspiracy.
The growth of popularity of the cycle, and later of the motor-car, has been a principal factor in the wide development of a tendency to leave London during the ” week-end,” that is to say, as a rule, for Saturday afternoon and Sunday.
In this respect it was an important factor in the rise of that middle-class literature which found its most virile expression in the period of the Reformation.
The decisive factor in determining membership in the League was the historical right of the citizens of a town to participate in Hanseatic privileges abroad.
The last wars of the League with the Scandinavian powers in the 16th century, which left it shorn of many of its privileges and of any pretension to control of the Baltic basin eliminated it as a factor in the later struggle of the Thirty Years' War for that control.
Hence the end of the Social war, and of the Civil war, which arose out of it, is most clearly a determining factor in Roman literature, and to.
He was educated at Aurich, where one of his teachers was the philosopher Wilhelm Reuter, whose influence was the dominating factor in the development of his thought.
The discovery of alluvial gold in 1851 brought many immigrants to the district; but the opening up of the quartz reefs in 1872 was the principal factor in the importance of Bendigo.
So certain is the ore-bearing formation that engineers in estimating its auriferous contents feel justified in assuming, as a factor in their calculations, a vertical extension limited only by the lowest depths at which mining is feasible.
He was ordained in 1834, and after a short curacy at Bubbenhall in Warwickshire was appointed chaplain of Guy's Hospital, and became thenceforward a sensible factor in the intellectual and social life of London.
There is hardly any increase in the intestinal secretion, the drug being emphatically not a hydragogue cathartic. There is no doubt that its habitual use may be a factor in the formation of haemorrhoids; as in the case of all drugs that act powerfully on the lower part of the intestine, without simultaneously lowering the venous pressure by causing increase of secretion from the bowel.
Mill has shown that in the North Sea off the Firth of Forth the average depth of visibility of a disk in the winter half-year was 4; fathoms and in the summer half-year 62 fathoms, and, although the greater frequency of rough weather in winter might tend to obscure the effect, individual observations made it plain that the angle of the sun was the main factor in increasing the depth to which the disk remained visible.
He at once became a dominant factor in New York politics, and for the next quarter of a century he played a leading role in the history of the commonwealth.
True, before differences can be united they must have been separated, but this merely proves that differentiation or analysis is only one factor in a single process.
As contrasted with the first it stood for the necessity of recognizing a universal or ideal element as a constitutive factor in all experience whether cognitive or volitional; as contrasted with the latter for the ultimate unity of subject and object, knowledge and reality, and therefore for the denial of the existence of any thing-in-itself for ever outside the range of experience.
Whatever is to be said of ancient Idealism, the modern doctrine may be said notably in Kant to have been in the main a vindication of the subjective factor in knowledge.
Under the kings of Athens it must have closely resembled the Boule of elders described by Homer; and there can be no doubt that it was the chief factor in the work of transforming the kingship into an aristocracy, in which it was to be supreme.
Say is considered to have brought out the importance of capital as a factor in production more distinctly than the English economists, who unduly emphasized labour.
There is a growing tendency to mixed marriages, which are an important factor in religious changes.
Immediately dependent upon the prince, from whom they obtained their privileges, the most important of which were self-government and freedom from taxation, these traders soon became an important factor in the state, counterpoising, to some extent, the influence of the gentry, enriching the land by developing its resources, and promoting civilization by raising the standard of comfort.
Had that dynasty been prolonged for another century, there is every reason to suppose that it would also have dealt satisfactorily with Poland's still more dangerous internal difficulties, and arrested the development of that anarchical constitution which was the ruling factor in the ruin of the Republic. Simultaneously with the transformation into a great power of the petty principalities which composed ancient Poland, another and equally momentous political transformation was proceeding within the country itself.
Aristippus and his followers seized upon this, and made it the prime factor in existence, denying to virtue any intrinsic value.
In a sense it serves also as a national reserve, and has already been an important factor in the preservation of the American bison.
From 1875 onwards Smith contributed to the 9th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica a long series of important articles, which, together with the articles of Cheyne, Wellhausen and others, made that work an important factor in the change which was to pass over English thought in regard to the Bible; in 1878, by his pleadings in the trial for heresy brought against him on the ground of these articles, he turned a personal defeat in the immediate issue into a notable victory for the cause which led to his condemnation; and subsequently (in 1880), in two series of lectures, afterwards published 2 and widely read, he gave a brilliant, and, as it proved, to a rapidly increasing number a convincing exposition of the criticism of the literature, history and religion of Israel, which was already represented in Germany 2 The Old Testament in the Jewish Church (1881); The Prophets of Israel (1882).
It is not as a philosophy, then, nor as a new religion, that Neoplatonism became a decisive factor in history, but, if one may use the expression, as a " mood."
The power of io, which occurs as a factor in the tables of both Napier and Byrgius, was rendered necessary by the fact that the decimal point was not yet in use.
The birds - the largest factor in the fauna - have become very greatly reduced through the introduction of cats, dogs and pigs, as well as by the constant persecution of every sort of animal by the natives.
The Jesuits established themselves in 1572, devoting themselves actively to the education both of whites and of natives, and were a powerful factor in the exploring and civilizing of the northern districts.
One very helpful factor in determining which is the principal carrier of any form is the coincidence of the zone of a particular insect with that of any disease.
In many cases, at any rate, this indicates a difference in sexuality; and it is particularly necessary to bear this factor in mind when considering the avian Trypanosomes, where, perhaps, the extremes of form are to be met with.
They are the chief factor in surviving Irish superstition.
Nevertheless the state is (as will be explained later) a slightly declining factor in the public life of the nation, because public interest tends more and more to centre in the Federal or national government.
Whatever value may attach to the consolidation of the British Empire itself as a factor in spreading the peace which reigns within it, it is also a great contribution to the peace of the world that the British race should have founded practically independent states like the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, the South African Union and the Dominion of New Zealand.
Chemical action has frequently been suggested as being a necessary factor in the luminosity of flame, not only in the sense that it causes a sufficient rise of temperature but as furnishing some special and peculiar though undefined stimulus.
We have now reduced the law for the bands to a form which we have found applicable to a series of lines, but with this important difference that while a in the case of line spectra is a small corrective term, it now forms the constant on which an essential factor in the appearance of the band depends.
When we compare together electric discharges the intensity of which is altered by varying, the capacity, we are unable to form an opinion as to whether the effects observed are due to changes in the density of the luminous material or changes of temperature, but the experiments of Sir William and Lady Huggins 1 with the spectrum of calcium are significant in suggesting that it is really the density which is also the determining factor in cases where different concentrations and different spark discharges produce a change in the relative intensities of different lines.
The determining factor in politics was the conduct of the war.
The Liberal leaders had given public pledges of their adhesion to Lord Lansdowne's foreign policy, and the fear of their being unable to carry it on was no longer a factor in the public mind.
His literary attainments attracted the notice of Charlemagne, and Paulus became a potent factor in the Carolingian renaissance.
There may be room for dispute, as to the extent to which the king's share in the schism was due to the instigation of the revolted cardinals; there can be not the slightest doubt that his attitude was the decisive factor in perpetuating and widening the breach.
Of course, such travellers are not peculiar to the cotton trade, but cotton goods in various forms are an important factor in the home trade.
The decisive factor in the separation of Silesia from Poland was furnished by a partition of the Polish crown's territories in 1138.
The security of the Zuider Zee for trade and fishing purposes was the first factor in the commercial development of North Holland, and the cities of Medemblik, Enkhuizen, Hoorn, Edam and Monnikendam, though now little more than market centres for the surrounding district, possessed a large foreign commerce in the 16th and 17th centuries.
His sympathy with men of other ways and thought, and with the truth in other ecclesiastical systems gained for him the confidence and affection of men of varied habits of mind and religious traditions, and was thus a great factor in gaining increasing support for the Episcopal Church.
It is, however, probable that conduction is to some extent a factor in the process.
In connexion with this he emphasizes a too generally neglected factor in economic phenomena, " the constant and insatiable desire of the mind for exercise and employment."
He held a unique position among foreign residents in Japan, alike as a profound student of its history and art, and as a powerful factor in international politics.
One important factor in keeping down the amount per person is the substitution in use, which for a generation has been in progress, of the stronger teas of India and Ceylon for the old-fashioned weaker produce of China.
Lowness of price has not been the only factor in increasing the rate of consumption.
The old pagan faith was not yet entirely destroyed, and traces of its influence may still be detected in popular beliefs and customs. But still Christianity was dominant, and soon became an important factor in the process of civilization, while the close alliance of the German church with the papacy was followed by results of the utmost consequence for Germany.
The most striking effect of the development of this antagonism was the gradual disappearance as a factor in politics of the Liberals, the chief builders of the Empire.
The most striking meteorological factor in Egypt is the persistence of the north wind throughout the year, without which the climate would be very trying.
But the main factor in evolutionary process was undoubtedly the formation of hs, which brought gods of independent origin into relation ii one another, and thus imbued them with human passions virtues.
But a potent - according to some, the most potent - factor in hypnotism, namely, suggestion, is unrepresented in the production of so-called animal hypnotism.
The fundamental factor in these dissensions was the rivalry between the princes of Spoleto and the Carolingian house, represented by the king of Germany.
He compiled a systematic account of the fiscal system of the canton Bern, but the main factor in his mental growth came from his study of Christianity.
But with the establishment of (relatively) universal peace Palestine ceased to be a factor in general history.
An association of sugar planters is a very important factor in the economic development of the island.
The destruction of the U.S. battleship "Maine" in the harbour of Havana on the 15th of February 1898 was an influential factor in causing the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, and during the war the city was blockaded by a United States fleet.
Caste has, in fact, come to be the chief dominating factor in the life of the ordinary native of India.
The ritual alone which accompanied divination practices and incantation formulae and was a chief factor in the celebration of festival days and of days set aside for one reason or the other to the worship of some god or goddess or group of deities, is free from traces of the astral theology.
Religion or revelation is one element or factor in the divine process, a stage or phase of the ultimate rational life.
It was first employed in the case of steam by Peabody as a means of estimating the wetness of saturated steam, which is an important factor in testing the performance of an engine.
An important factor in the victory of the Romans was their use of Greek fire.
His speeches breathe the very spirit of the storm, and they were perhaps the greatest single factor in the development of the events of the time.
The Holy Spirit, the determining factor in the religious life, uses the Bible as his means, and calls the intelligence into action.
Whilst community of occupation was an important factor in the original formation of non-tribal castes, the practical exigencies of life have led to considerable laxity in this respect - not least so in the case of Brahmans who have often had to take to callings which would seem altogether incompatible with the proper spiritual functions of their caste.
The Saktas, as we have seen, are worshippers of the sakti, or the female principle as a primary factor in the creation and reproduction of the universe.
But a far more potent factor in swelling the numbers of the Catholics has been the immigration of the Irish, which began early in the 19th century, but was enormously stimulated by the famine of 1846.
The Revival of Learning will be treated as a decisive factor in this process of evolution on a new plan.
Peirce for the theories which make chance an objective factor in the process of the Universe.
Thus Edom formed a prominent centre for traffic from Arabia and its seats of culture to Egypt, the Philistine towns, Palestine and the Syrian states, and it enjoyed a commercial importance which made it a significant factor in Palestinian history.
In other words, the forms of knowledge were the main factor in making objects.
For the last hundred years the peasants had been a leading factor in the political life of the land; and perhaps in no other contemporary European state could so self-reliant The a class of yeomen have been found.
The oligarchy composed of the great landowners have always been an important factor in the political life of the republic; when President Balmaceda found that he was not a persona grata to this circle he determined to endeavour to govern without their support, and to bring into the administration a set of men who had no traditions and with whom his personality would be all-powerful.
Their business was to enforce these rights; from the first they were very unpopular, and their arbitrary behaviour was a factor in bringing about the formation of the Lombard league and the rising against Frederick in 1167.
Oysters are more valuable than any other single product of the fisheries, and in at least twenty-five countries are an important factor in the food-supply.
Consequently, it is at once a product of, and a main factor in civilization; and is thereby sharply differentiated from the Israelite religion, with whose moral precepts it otherwise coincides so frequently.
Thus the creed became a powerful factor in the development of an united Iranian nationality, That a.
He appears at this time to have already formed the belief that important achievements as a thinker were possible to him, and at more than one critical period in his career this belief was the decisive factor in determining his conduct.
In his writings he dwelt upon important contributions of historical Christianity, and maintained especially that, in continuing the work of the Caesars, the Catholic church had been the most potent factor in civilizing the invading barbarians and in organizing the life of the middle ages.
The strategical position of Great Britain in Baluchistan is a very important factor in the problem of maintaining order and good administration in the country.
An all important factor in this remarkable progress was the introduction by Koch of solid culture media, of the " platemethod," &c., an account of which he published in 1881.
Yet while the seed they sowed was taking deep root in France and in Germany, the English deists, the most notable men of their time, were soon forgotten, or at least ceased to be a prominent factor in the intellectual life of the century.
The recognition of Germany as a leading factor in the world's counsels had been given, and the people of Berlin could indulge in the task of embellishing the capital in a manner befitting its position.
His uncles, John Breckinridge (1797-1841), professor of pastoral theology in the Princeton Theological Seminary in1836-1838and for many years after secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, and Robert Jefferson Breckinridge (1800-1871), for several years superintendent of public instruction in Kentucky, an important factor in the organization of the public school system of the state, a professor from 18J3 to 1871 in the Danville Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Danville, Kentucky, and the temporary chairman of the national Republican convention of 1864, were both prominent clergymen of the Presbyterian Church.
The large number of hostile Indians was also a factor in making the Territory unattractive.
It has been a powerful factor in the development of several of the churches already spoken of, especially those of Servia and Montenegro, which are usually very much subject to Russian influences (`PcoQV60povE S or `PWVVWc¢tXoc).
It is in this way that weight forms a factor in flight, the wings and the weight of the body reciprocating and mutually assisting and relieving each other.
Casimir was to be a leading factor in this combination, and he took advantage of it to procure the election of his son Wladislaus as king of Bohemia.
His aunt, Miss Mary Moody Emerson, a brilliant old maid, an eccentric saint, was a potent factor in his education.
The Po is the dominating factor in north Italian geography, north Italy practically consisting of the Po basin, with the surrounding slopes of the Alps and Apennines.
According to Duhm there are many passages in which metre (see also Amos) may also be a factor in our critical conclusions.
If, on the other hand, "infection of the germ" is impossible, telegony will not count as a factor in variation, and breeders will no longer be either justified in regarding mares and other female animals as liable to be "corrupted" by ill-assorted unions, or benefited by first having offspring to a high-class, or it may be more vigorous, mate.
Rates are even a more important factor in direct taxation than the income tax, and they have given rise to even greater complaints and discussion.
But in the result he became the dominant factor in American railway matters.
Another disturbing factor in connexion with native affairs was the revolt of the Hottentots and Hereros in German SouthWest Africa (q.v.).
Its provisions were a most potent factor in assisting the expansion of England's colonial empire and also in the building up of the country's commercial greatness.
The Peabody Institute, founded in 1859 by George Peabody, who was for some years a resident of Baltimore, is an important factor in the promotion of science, literature and the fine arts.
If two numbers have no factor in common (except 1) each is said to be prime to the other.
The citizens of London welcomed him, but he was not secure of his success till by a swift swoop on Winchester he obtained possession of the royal treasurean all-important factor in a crisis, as Henry I.
The question of election to bishoprics and abbacies went back to the stage which it had reached in the time of Henry I.; the choice was made in canonical form, by the chapters or the monasteries, but the kings recommendation was a primary factor in that choice.
The individual character of the reigning king was still the main factor in political history, Edwa,ilII.
Thus we have a new zoological factor in the history of the moral sentiments; which, though in no way opposed to the older psychological theory of their formation through coalescence of more primitive feelings, must yet be conceived as controlling and modifying the effects of the law of association by preventing the formation of sentiments other than those tending to the preservation of human life.
The other factor in Venizelos' defeat was the blind over-confidence of his partizans; many Venizelists in Athens and the larger cities neglected to vote.
The consciousness of being saved in this sense is now transmitted and mediated by the Christian church, but in the case of Jesus, its originator, it was an entirely new and original factor in the process of religious development, and in so far, like every new and higher stage of being, a supernatural revelation.
A very important factor in the movement of the population is the large over-sea emigration, mostly to the United States of America, which has grown very much during the last quarter of the 19th century, and which shows a tendency to become still larger.
Bonaparte thus gained the good opinion of peace-loving Frenchmen; he partitioned Venetian territory with Austria, contrary to French interests but conformably with his own in Italy, and henceforward was the decisive factor in French and European policy, like Caesar or Pompey of old.
The enormous water-power of the Falls of St Anthony, yielding about 40,000 h.p., has been the principal factor in making Minneapolis a great manufacturing centre.
This theory must be taken into consideration as a factor in accounting for the persistent hold which even at the present day astrology still maintains on many minds.
With it also moisture is a great factor in its productivity.
The spiritual enthusiasm of Lady Conway was a considerable factor in some of More's speculations, none the less that she at length joined the Quakers.
On the other hand, a study of the plant-life of past ages tends to the conviction that too much stress may be laid on the imperfection of the geological record as a factor in the interpretation of palaeontological data.
When we apply predicates to the sense-manifold regarded in isolation, we make that which is only a factor in the experience of objects into a separate, independent object, and use our predicates transcendently.
And Figure 18 shows that GW, represented by a northern hemisphere temperature anomaly, is an important factor in the high annual CET values since 1988.
Oxidative stress appears to be a significant underlying factor in the development of a wide array of diseases, including atherosclerosis and cancer.
In winter wheat, crop density is an important factor in limiting seed production by red dead-nettle through the effect on weed biomass.
Thus, calcium could be an important factor in the pathogenesis of disseminated candidiasis.
Background Sugar rich drinks are a recognized risk factor in early childhood caries.
Salinity is therefore a major factor in the density driven global scale thermohaline circulation.
I went to the cozy confines of the Ice Factor in Kinlochleven, Big Softee!
Academic research clearly demonstrates that race itself is neither a causal nor a predictive factor in youth criminality.
This blow to the overall prestige of the Riley marque would prove to be a contributory factor in its eventual demise.
Trust is the key factor in any relationship, but one mistake can prove destructive.
The availability of fully digitalized telecommunications is becoming an increasingly relevant factor in the choice of jurisdiction.
Nitrogen oxides are therefore a contributory factor in the production of acid rain.
A key factor in the process is the needs of the end user, in this case the food company.
My group has recently identified IL-6, which is produced by synovial fibroblasts, as a major anti-apoptotic factor in the rheumatoid joint.
It has been shown that unsuitable footwear is often a factor in falls.
One factor in easyMobile's favor is the Group's well-known, well-respected and very distinct brand, pioneered by charismatic founder Stelios Haji-Ioannou.
Loyalty is also a major factor in choice of travel guidebook.
The difference in the shear modulus has been suggested as the main factor in determining the hardness of the multilayer system.
The critical factor in relation to habitat recovery or change will be the relative balance of domestic and wild herbivores.
Heat is usually the main factor in causing runny honey.
They also analyze proposed legislation, a vital factor in early recognition of a rule that could seriously imperil our right to ride.
Apoptosis is an important biological factor in low-grade lymphomas, and NO is able to prevent apoptosis.
Dr. Waring said the child had measles which was the main factor in the case.
Why US leaders seem incapable of understanding this continuing factor in world politics is utterly mystifying.
The number 7 is also an all-important factor in the lunar mythos, with its twenty-eight days to the month.
If anything, many drivers believe that speed as a factor in accidents is grossly overstated.
Rh factor in human blood was named after rhesus monkeys.
Another former royalist was a key factor in Windsor's finall goal.
Benzene poisoning unlikely to be a factor in causing scrapie.
Perhaps the deciding factor in this debate should be the insistence on following the Sunna and the safe, healthy option.
A good relationship with their immediate superiors is undoubtedly an important factor in inducing workers to stay with the organization.
The main limiting factor in man's ability to stay underwater has always been the ability to keep the diver warm.
This federalization of the capital has proved to be a most important factor in binding together the different parts of the confederation, and in promoting the evolution of an Argentine nation out of a loosely cemented union of a number of semi-independent states.
The cult once introduced would tend to persevere, and the development of astrological science culminating in a calendar and in a system of interpretation of the movements and occurrences in the starry heavens would be an important factor in maintaining the position of Sin in the pantheon.
That there are defects in the logical process as here outlined to account for the curious rite constitutes no valid objection to the theory advanced, for, in the first place, primitive logic in matters of belief is inherently defective and even contradictory, and, secondly, the strong desire to pierce the mysterious future, forming an impelling factor in all religions - even in the most advanced of our own day - would tend to obscure the weakness of any theory developed to explain a rite which represents merely one endeavour among many to divine the intention and plans of the gods, upon the knowledge of which so much of man's happiness and welfare depended.
All the peculiarities of structure which we encounter consequently support the view with which we started, that the protoplasm of the plant is the dominant factor in vegetable structure, and that there need be but one subject of physiology, which must embrace the behaviour of protoplasm wherever found.
In some cases the gauge is laid a little wider than the standard, and there are varying amounts of superelevation of the outer rail; but the most formidable factor in the production of resistance is the guard-rail, which is sometimes put in with the object of guiding the wheel which runs on the inner rail of the curve on the inside of the flange.
He remained, however, in complete ignorance of the degree of preparation attained on the Russian side, and since the seizure of Warsaw together with the control of the resources of Poland in men and material its occupation would afford, was the chief factor in his calculation, he turned at once to the eastward as soon as all further organized resistance in Prussia was ended by the surrender of Prenzlau and Lubeck.
From the modest and simple art of the patriotic poets and novelists of the first half of the 19th century, whose work nevertheless was an influential factor in the awakening of a national sentiment among the common people, Czech literature, after a period characterized by the romanticism of Macha and the critical realism of Havlicek, arrived at a school which, while it took its inspiration from the sources of the national spirit, did not shut itself out from foreign influences.
He does not of course contemplate labour as the only factor in production; but it has been supposed that by emphasizing it at the outset he at once strikes the note of difference between himself on the one hand, and both the mercantilists and the physiocrats on the other.
Omitting this factor in 1 Frisch's Kepleri opera amnia, ii.
Klebs has concluded that transpiration is the important factor in determining the formation of sporangia, while zygotedevelopment depends on totally different conditions; these results have been called in question by Falck.
In the ceaseless strife between the old English kingdoms, therefore, it was the personality of the king which was the main factor in determining the hegemony of one state over another.
If the jubilee was a proof of the closer union of the many sections of the British empire, and of their warm attachment to their sovereign, it also gave expression to the imperialism which was becoming a dominant factor in British politics.
The advent of the Persians, bringing with them a conception of religion of a far higher order than Babylonian-Assyrian polytheism (see Zoroaster), must also have acted as a disintegrating factor in leading to the decline of the old faith in the Euphrates Valley, and we thus have the interesting though not entirely exceptional phenomenon of a great civilization bequeathing as a legacy to posterity a superstition instead of a real achievement.
Poverty in sub-Saharan Africa is a contributing factor in any number of conflicts there.
His work was a major factor in the development of vector analysis, in opposition to quaternion methods.
The Rh factor in human blood was named after rhesus monkeys.
Another former Royalist was a key factor in Windsor 's finall goal.
The criterion of suitability is a significant factor in scarification patterning.
Mammography screening was reported to be an independent prognostic factor in reducing the chance of disease recurrence.
It seems that malformed uterus and especially septate uterus is not an infertility factor in itself.
Driver sleepiness was estimated to be a factor in up to 20,000 accidents on UK roads last year, according to Government figures.
Lipid solubility of the barbiturates is the dominant factor in their distribution within the body.
Perhaps the deciding factor in this debate should be the insistence on following the sunna and the safe, healthy option.
The rapid tempo of operations becomes the key factor in the analysis of time.
Changes in the pattern of distribution of von Willebrand factor in rat aortic endothelial cells following thrombin generation in vivo.
The main limiting factor in man 's ability to stay underwater has always been the ability to keep the diver warm.
Emotional catharsis is an important factor in a person's well-being.
Smoking is a caus. factor in many serious diseases, including lung cancer.
Be sure you factor in shipping charges before you price the item, however.
You'll have to factor in the extra laundry that you'll do if you use cloth diapers, but in the long run, you should save money.
Don't forget to factor in the shipping costs before you bid!
Although you may have to factor in laundry detergent and more laundry use, any way you look at it, reusable diapers are cheaper, and they'll save you money.
Finances. Sometimes, the swaying factor in your argument for adoption boils down to money.
Be sure you factor in the cost of shipping before you place your bid.
Remember, the proper installation, operation and maintenance of all of fuel-burning appliances is the most important factor in reducing the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
However, such infections are hardly a causative death factor in infants not affected by death.
Your baby's sleeping position is the number one important factor in SIDS prevention.
The size of your house is probably the most significant factor in your choice of monitor models.
If you're not a member, be sure and factor in how much a yearly membership will cost and consider purchasing other items in bulk as well to add to your savings.
Pearl size is the biggest factor in determining the price of your pearls.
Your budget will be a major factor in your final decision.
When budgeting for baby clothes, try and factor in how long you think the clothes will fit your baby.
They are also a factor in environmental problems, though you can now buy disposable diapers made from sustainable materials and with a minimum of chemical processing and components.
Generally, the larger the unit, the heavier it becomes, so weight becomes a factor in your selection.
The biggest factor in determining the price of a used book is condition.
One way to determine the best service for you if you regularly ship similarly-weighted packages or parcels is do rate comparisons and factor in convenience of local shipping centers or pickup services.
All of these rack up the cost even before you factor in club or green fees.
Price will be an important factor in deciding which encyclopedia to buy.
This may seem exorbitant, but consumers also need to factor in the cost of ornaments, lights, and other necessities to turn a pine tree into the perfect Christmas tree.
It is important to factor in other costs that might arise.
The critical factor in choosing a safe chainsaw is making sure to balance power needs against weight limitations.
What looks like a great deal initially when you start pricing carpets may end up being a not so good deal when you factor in labor costs.
The economy is the biggest factor in consumer buying trends.
The major factor in determining silver price is supply and demand for this precious metal.
How you use your computer and what you need it to be able to do is the ultimate factor in what kind of computer you should purchase.
The most important factor in saving a cat that has contracted the disease is prompt medical attention when feline distemper symptoms are suspected.
The number of cats you have is an important factor in the size you will need to build.
Purring also seems to be a factor in feline bonding.
The overriding factor in choosing a cat food is the fact that cats are carnivores.
The overwhelming factor in favor of dry foods is the convenience of feeding your pet.
Understanding this process from the beginning and what it means in the run long is an important factor in determining which debt solutions are right for you.
To make these types of calculations yourself, you will need to factor in compound interest, or interest that is applied to the balance of an account on a month-by-month basis.
Some of the payoff calculators that are available allow you to make some decisions and factor in the changes for you.
The spouse considering a request for alimony will need to factor in their present and future financial needs in order to make a decision about whether to proceed.
The man's conduct was not a factor in determining where the children would live.
Children are another important factor in divorce rates.
Environment is a big factor in color retention.
Even if you find a similar patio furniture set on another website for less money, make sure you factor in shipping charges.
Many builders will factor in flooring requirements into their green home plans and this helps with budgeting and planning.
This doesn't even factor in the saving of trees and reduction in air pollution, both of which are impressive.
You may also want to factor in local edible plants and a garden.
When you factor in the refund, the total cost of purchasing the hybrid is lower than the cost of purchasing a comparable model.
One key factor in building your own greenhouse is that you can use recycled materials.
This can be a factor in off-setting your initial investment.
Interior design is an important factor in commercial and residential construction.
The bed is the most important factor in designing a bedroom.
It can also be a factor in deciding whether you want to hire a professional or explore the options for installing your own kitchen cabinets.
Not only are finances often an issue, but you also have to factor in little ones while making design choices.
Selecting the best dentist is a major factor in your success.
Color can be a factor, but eye shape and where you put that color is the biggest factor in my experience.
This information can generally be found somewhere on the label and is important because it is a factor in how well the product will blend into your skin.
Although there are many colored lip glosses available on the market, the original formula created by Max Factor in 1932 was colorless and intended to mimic the sexiness of a wet and shiny pout.
Along with the name "True Colors" these various lines of cosmetics have one other factor in common.
The foolproof formula provides the precision of a liquid eyeliner, minus the smudge factor in a versatile dark chocolate shade.
Equipment is an important factor in taking awe-inspiring underwater pictures.
Although this camera was the revolutionizing factor in digital imaging of the future, its technology was not digital in nature.
Of course, cost may be a factor in your digital camera choice.
Presentation can also go a great distance to promote the gross factor in your food this Halloween season.
If you decide to do this as a convenience for your clients, however, remember to factor in the amount of time you spend on the process into your final bill.
Both will play a factor in how much snow accumulates on the runs.
Your weight is another important factor in determining ski length.
The style of skiing is another important factor in determining ski length.
In fact another factor in what generates higher levels of stress in a job is when you are in a career that doesn't match your personality.
One key factor in the treatment of stress is being able to recognize the symptoms.
Most people wish that this phenomenon wasn't a factor in life, but unfortunately, in some cases, it is.
The key factor in understanding autoimmune diseases is that stress turns whatever inherent factor you may have "on".
Don't forget to factor in the shipping and handling price before you bid, however.
Since teens recover and grow at different rates, this is an important factor in any therapeutic relationship.
Another factor in the cost will be the quality of the candy -- if you are purchasing high quality chocolates, like those from Godiva for example, you can expect to pay more.
Cleanliness. How the tide affects the cleanliness of the beach is an important factor in wedding arrangements.
Couples often get caught up in the wedding cake design, overlooking the "wow" factor in getting a special recipe chocolate cake.
You'll need to factor in layout time, as well as the cost of ink cartridges and custom fonts, if desired; and note that a typical word processing program has less flexibility in terms of typesetting than professional design program.
The easy accessibility of prescription medications has also been a factor in the rise of abuse.
In addition, Chantix was cited as a factor in 12 traffic accidents.
If this is important to you, then factor in the threat count into your decision.
However, remember to factor in shipping costs.
Although Bloom and his friends had just left the trendy Hollywood club Green Door just shortly before the smash-up occurred, the LAPD reported that neither alcohol nor drugs were a factor in this accident.
Authorities say that neither drugs nor alcohol was a factor in the cause of the accident.
The police had given Locklear a breathalyzer, which she presumably passed due to the police stating that alcohol wasn't a factor in Locklear's behavior.
As no surprise, some speculate the constant media speculation on their relationship was a factor in the break up as Vince has said on numerous occasions that he likes to "…keep his relationships quiet."
As your children gets older, fit will become a much more important factor in choosing clothing.
Be sure you factor in shipping and handling costs.
If he's still young, you'll probably be most interested in cost and functionality, but as he gets older, his opinion of style will likely become the biggest factor in the decision-making process.
You can readily compare prices and enter specific searches to find exactly what you want at the lowest price - although you do have to factor in shipping.
The expected family contribution is also a factor in the final amount of any subsidized loans.
It should be noted that work experience and the type of undergraduate degree that you possess will play a factor in the amount of time it will take to complete the degree.
For some students, academics is far and away the most important factor in choosing a school.
While some sailings factor in the price of beverages, others require that you pay per drink in addition to the standard cruise fare.
Make sure you're dealing with a reputable seller with a good return policy, and don't forget to factor in the cost of shipping.
When you factor in all the ways that your picks go missing, it begins to make economic sense to buy them in larger quantities than the five or six that come in those little plastic bags that hang on the wall in the music store.
Another factor in choosing the type of sink to install is the number of basins you want.
When you factor in your total cost of the sink installation, you should first decide if this project would be done by a professional or yourself.
Measurements are the most important factor in determining what accordion hurricane shutters fit certain needs.
Where you live will also be a factor in how efficient a furnace you'll require.
If you're doing the work yourself, remember to factor in the time you'll need to get the job done.
Take every measurement twice to ensure that you order enough materials and remember to factor in waste.
The key factor in following a business casual dress code is that the outfit must look business appropriate sans a tie.
Planning is a huge factor in successful dressing.
In addition, the price isn't necessarily that high, especially when you factor in all the benefits.
Their combined market share may have been a precipitating factor in Levi Strauss's decision to discontinue manufacturing their extremely popular Dockers denim shorts.
Be sure to factor in shipping costs before choosing an online jacket over one you can buy straight from a brick and mortar store, however.
When buying powdered milk online it is important to also factor in the cost of delivery.
However, when you factor in the savings in health care, environment and the increase in local prosperity, you will soon see that organics are more economical in the long run.
They add spice and up the romance factor in the bedroom.
This can be challenging for even the most mature individual and when you factor in the relatively low pay for this job, the fact that there is a high turnover for cashiers should come as no surprise.
One appealing factor in many retirement communities is that many landscaping and maintenance issues are the responsibility of the community, or of the owner in situations where you are renting.
Of those who have, nearly half didn't factor in long-term care.
Does weather play a factor in your decision?
The percentage of disability assigned to you by the VA is an important factor in calculating your pay.
It is also a risk factor in developing sleep apnea.
The only time dentists use surgery as a solution is when the anatomy of the individual is the main contributing factor in the upper airway obstruction.
The technique requires a little work and sleep position may be a factor in the tennis ball's effectiveness.
Compliance is a major factor in the effectiveness of any treatment, and designing a comfortable device is an important aspect of a product's success.
You may also need to factor in shipping costs.
Exclusive titles are rarer but often the deciding factor in buying a system.
There are seasonal variations as well, and then you have to factor in travel time between ports.
Social commentary isn't much of a factor in gaming, reflecting the priorities of the companies that make them.
Be aware of the fact that a lot of the time the shipping price is not included in the price listed for the wine basket, so be sure to factor in when totaling your amount.
The cost of the grapes is perhaps the biggest factor in the price of the wine.