Factor Sentence Examples
The other factor was that he was doing what he had always dreamed of doing.
Another factor was caffeine.
This equation does not give us the value of the unknown factor but gives us a ratio between two unknowns.
She didn't factor her transition into a human, either.
Persia has assumed a comprehensible position as a factor in future Eastern politics.
Pete was going to be the deciding factor, and all eyes turned to him.
Only then, expressing known historic facts by equations and comparing the relative significance of this factor, can we hope to define the unknown.
Turning to the non-material external agents, probably no factor, are more responsible for ill-health in plants than temperature anc light.
The speed at which the journey has to be completed is obviously another important factor, though the increased power of modern locomotives permits trains to be heavier and at the same time to run as fast, and often faster, than was formerly possible, and in consequence the general tendency is towards increased weight as well as increased speed.
In practice, the load factor for electric crane motors varies from 3 to s.
AdvertisementA new factor now became apparent in Cretan politics.
But in the prodigious number of supporting discoveries that have been made no single negative factor has appeared, and the evolution from their predecessors of the forms of life existing now or at any other period must be taken as proved.
A major factor is my mood at the time of watching such images.
Its ready accessibility from the metropolis is the chief factor in its popularity.
The result of his discovery was an entire revolution in the knowledge of diseases of the chest; but it would be a mistake to forget that an essential factor in this revolution was the simultaneous study of the condition of the diseased organs as seen after death.
AdvertisementA new Islam is also a factor of the situation.
Casimir was to be a leading factor in this combination, and he took advantage of it to procure the election of his son Wladislaus as king of Bohemia.
However, the large increase in their equity is often the biggest determining factor.
The wow factor produced by Osborne's lighting was incredible.
His influence was an undoubted factor in the Kruger policy of that time.
AdvertisementThe disassociation from his local origin involved in this doctrine of the triad gave to Bel a rank independent of political changes, and we, accordingly, find Bel as a factor in the religion of Babylonia and Assyria to the latest days.
It is, however, probable that conduction is to some extent a factor in the process.
If a number is a factor of another number, it is a factor of any multiple of that number.
The main factor involved in causing the encephalopathy is an increase in ammonia levels in the brain.
At term, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy remains the most common underlying factor.
AdvertisementLaughter releases endorphins, the chemical in our brains that gives us the ' feel good factor ' .
Getting everyone to realize that every single data error potentially sends people on a fools errand is a critical success factor.
The first of these is difficult to judge and must be left as a possible confounding factor.
Nitrogen oxides are therefore a contributory factor in the production of acid rain.
Of course the most important factor for many of us is the cost.
A key factor in the process is the needs of the end user, in this case the food company.
The cost of energy of marine renewables is a critical factor to their success.
It is thought that the growth factor speeds up the movement of cells into the wounds.
The interior noise level is another major factor toward inducing fatigue.
Increasing levels of leisure activity were inversely associated with D-dimer, von Willebrand factor, nephelometric fibrinogen, and viscosity.
My group has recently identified IL-6, which is produced by synovial fibroblasts, as a major anti-apoptotic factor in the rheumatoid joint.
Collaborators We are specifically interested in the role of Gli3 zinc finger transcription factor during patterning of the cerebral cortex.
One factor in easyMobile's favor is the Group's well-known, well-respected and very distinct brand, pioneered by charismatic founder Stelios Haji-Ioannou.
Chocolate Falls UK Based in East Lothian Area Served Scotland Our chocolate fondue fountain will always provide the wow factor at any event.
One major factor scientists have clearly overlooked in this Bristol-based foursome 's case is the ability to harness the power of the riff.
Descriptive analyzes to examine the frequency distribution, chi-square test and factor analysis were applied using SPSS.
For wings with full-span leading-edge devices a factor, dependent on planform geometry, is applied to allow for three-dimensional effects.
A dock-side crane unloading cargo with high lifts following one another in rapid succession will require a higher load factor than a workshop traveller with a very short lift and only a very occasional maximum load; and a traveller with a very long longitudinal travel will require a higher load factor for the travelling motor than for the lifting motor.
It has been shown that unsuitable footwear is often a factor in falls.
Chemical action has frequently been suggested as being a necessary factor in the luminosity of flame, not only in the sense that it causes a sufficient rise of temperature but as furnishing some special and peculiar though undefined stimulus.
The facts, as quoted, point to the closeness of the packing of molecules as the factor which always accompanies and perhaps causes the widening of lines.
We have now reduced the law for the bands to a form which we have found applicable to a series of lines, but with this important difference that while a in the case of line spectra is a small corrective term, it now forms the constant on which an essential factor in the appearance of the band depends.
Of course, such travellers are not peculiar to the cotton trade, but cotton goods in various forms are an important factor in the home trade.
The decisive factor in the separation of Silesia from Poland was furnished by a partition of the Polish crown's territories in 1138.
For most experimental purposes the small terms involving the factor (- p') may be neglected, and we have, approximately, PoV'=Rt log (ply).
The security of the Zuider Zee for trade and fishing purposes was the first factor in the commercial development of North Holland, and the cities of Medemblik, Enkhuizen, Hoorn, Edam and Monnikendam, though now little more than market centres for the surrounding district, possessed a large foreign commerce in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Colour, therefore, must be correlated with some determinant (determining factor) for pattern, and it cannot, therefore, exist alone in an animal's coat.
His sympathy with men of other ways and thought, and with the truth in other ecclesiastical systems gained for him the confidence and affection of men of varied habits of mind and religious traditions, and was thus a great factor in gaining increasing support for the Episcopal Church.
Their natural devotion and their susceptibility to pomp and ritual was a factor skilfully used by the priests, but hardly anything was done to strengthen their moral power.
In connexion with this he emphasizes a too generally neglected factor in economic phenomena, " the constant and insatiable desire of the mind for exercise and employment."
The total power developed is 600 H.P., and though the load factor varies very greatly in this case, the differential type of governor used secures perfect control of the running of the wheels.
He held a unique position among foreign residents in Japan, alike as a profound student of its history and art, and as a powerful factor in international politics.
In all these lesser orders may be discerned the tendency of a return to the elements of Eastern monasticism discarded by St Benedict - to the eremitical life; to the purely contemplative life with little or no factor of work; to the undertaking of rigorous bodily austerities and penances - it was at this time that the practice of self-inflicted scourgings as a penitential exercise was introduced.
It is the law of diminishing returns from land, involving as it does - though only hypothetically - the prospect of a continuously increasing difficulty in obtaining the necessary sustenance for all the members of a society, that gives the principal importance to population as an economic factor.
One important factor in keeping down the amount per person is the substitution in use, which for a generation has been in progress, of the stronger teas of India and Ceylon for the old-fashioned weaker produce of China.
Lowness of price has not been the only factor in increasing the rate of consumption.
The imperial budget, like that of most European nations, is divided into two portions, the ordinary and the extraordinary; and the increase under both heads (especially for army and navy) became a recurrent factor.
The old pagan faith was not yet entirely destroyed, and traces of its influence may still be detected in popular beliefs and customs. But still Christianity was dominant, and soon became an important factor in the process of civilization, while the close alliance of the German church with the papacy was followed by results of the utmost consequence for Germany.
The Tromholt-Schroeter data for Scandinavia as a whole commenced with 1761; the figures for earlier years were obtained by multiplying the data for Sweden by 1.356, the factor being derived by comparing the figures for Sweden alone and for the whole of Scandinavia from July 1761 to June 1783.
War, this war was fought almost exclusively in the Aegean Sea, the enemy was primarily Sparta, and the deciding factor was Persian gold.
The most striking meteorological factor in Egypt is the persistence of the north wind throughout the year, without which the climate would be very trying.
But the main factor in evolutionary process was undoubtedly the formation of hs, which brought gods of independent origin into relation ii one another, and thus imbued them with human passions virtues.
The second factor inducing the assimilative change is the withdrawal of the nervous system from sensual, stimulation.
But a potent - according to some, the most potent - factor in hypnotism, namely, suggestion, is unrepresented in the production of so-called animal hypnotism.
Later, in keeping with his position, he opposed all concessions to the Protestants; but still showed himself so vacillating that the papacy ceased to be regarded as a serious political factor, and was entirely ignored in the final settlement of Westphalia, 1648.
The fundamental factor in these dissensions was the rivalry between the princes of Spoleto and the Carolingian house, represented by the king of Germany.
Wallace, however, brought into his scheme a factor excluded by Darwin.
An association of sugar planters is a very important factor in the economic development of the island.
The destruction of the U.S. battleship "Maine" in the harbour of Havana on the 15th of February 1898 was an influential factor in causing the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, and during the war the city was blockaded by a United States fleet.
He found that pressure increases luminosity, so that hydrogen, for example, the flame of which in normal circumstances gives no light, burns with a luminous flame under a pressure of ten or twenty atmospheres, and the inference he drew was that the presence of solid particles is not the only factor that determines the light-giving power of a flame.
Caste has, in fact, come to be the chief dominating factor in the life of the ordinary native of India.
An important factor which thus served to maintain the rites in a more or less stable condition was the predominance of what may be called the astral theology as the theoretical substratum of the Babylonian religion, and which is equally pronounced in the religious system of Assyria.
The popular factor is the belief in the influence exerted by the movements of the heavenly bodies on occurrences on earth - a belief naturally suggested by the dependence of life, vegetation and guidance upon the two great luminaries.
The ritual alone which accompanied divination practices and incantation formulae and was a chief factor in the celebration of festival days and of days set aside for one reason or the other to the worship of some god or goddess or group of deities, is free from traces of the astral theology.
Though, in accounting for the anger of the gods, no sharp distinction is made between moral offences and a ritualistic oversight or neglect, yet the stress laid in the hymns and prayers, as well as in the elaborate atonement ritual prescribed in order to appease the anger of the gods, on the need of being clean and pure in the sight of the higher powers, the inculcation of a proper aspect of humility, and above all the need of confessing one's guilt and sins without any reserve - all this bears testimony to the strength which the ethical factor acquired in the domain of the religion.
This factor appears to less advantage in the unfolding of the views concerning life after death.
Religion or revelation is one element or factor in the divine process, a stage or phase of the ultimate rational life.
Thought as form would thus be a factor or an element in a composite unit.
From the purely geometrical point of view, a quaternion may be regarded as the quotient of two directed lines in space - or, what comes to the same thing, as the factor, or operator, which changes one directed line into another.
He saw that he could get a hint from the simpler case, already thoroughly discussed, provided the two factor lines were in one plane through the real unit line.
But the numerical factor appears to be yz'+zy', while it is the quantity yz' - zy' which really vanishes.
In other words, if the system (considered as rigid) be made to turn about till the first factor coincides with i and the second with j, the product will coincide with k.
Also let us assume (a) space to have the same properties in all directions, and make the convention (b) that to change the sign of any one factor changes the sign of a product.
If it be perpendicular to the factor lines, (a) shows that it must have simultaneously every such direction.
For the reversal of either factor must, by (b), change its sign.
But there is nothing to prevent its being represented by a directed line if, as further applications of (a) and (b) show we must do, we take it perpendicular to each of the factor lines.
It was first employed in the case of steam by Peabody as a means of estimating the wetness of saturated steam, which is an important factor in testing the performance of an engine.
An important factor in the victory of the Romans was their use of Greek fire.
His speeches breathe the very spirit of the storm, and they were perhaps the greatest single factor in the development of the events of the time.
Another weather factor is the winds, which are extremely regular in their movements.
The question of the economic development of the state, and of trade to the Orient, the views of the mercenary labour-contractor and of the philanthropist, the factor of " upper-race " repugnance, the " economic-leech" argument, the " rat-rice-filth-and-opium " argument, have all entered into the problem.
Another factor gives it still greater interest for the student of religion, - in it the progress of religious thought can be traced, and the varying elements of the religious life seen in harmony and in conflict.
Nevertheless the latter continues because of its presence in the primary sources, but it is no longer a determining factor, since its presupposition - the Messianic kingdom on earth - has been obscured.
The Holy Spirit, the determining factor in the religious life, uses the Bible as his means, and calls the intelligence into action.
The establishment of Dutch trading-posts on the west coast of Borneo dates from 1604, nine years after the first Dutch fleet, under Houtman, sailed from the Texel to dispute with the Portuguese the possession of the Eastern trade, and in 1608 Samuel Blommaert was appointed Dutch resident, or head factor, in Landak and Sukedana.
The factor (P+P) cos 0h sin 0 is called the vIrtual coefficient of the two screws which define the types of the wrench and twist, respectively.
For a complete solution of (34) we must of course superpose the free vibration (30); but owing to the factor ehlt the influence of the initial conditions gradually disappears.
The n formulae of this type represent a normal mode of free vibration; the individual particles revolve as a rule in elliptic orbits which gradually contract according to the law indicated by the exponential factor.
The ratio in which the utmost stress before breaking exceeds the safe working stress is called the factor of safety, and is determined empirically.
Then, if possible, B and, C themselves are to be resolved each into rnI factors (counting 1 as a factor), which factors, or multiples of them, shall be not less than t nor greater than 6t; or if B and C contain inconveniently large prime factors, an approximate velocity ratio, found by the method of continued fractions, is to be substituted for B/C as before.
Whilst community of occupation was an important factor in the original formation of non-tribal castes, the practical exigencies of life have led to considerable laxity in this respect - not least so in the case of Brahmans who have often had to take to callings which would seem altogether incompatible with the proper spiritual functions of their caste.
The Saktas, as we have seen, are worshippers of the sakti, or the female principle as a primary factor in the creation and reproduction of the universe.
In regard to the necessity of taking into consideration the factor of age in the return of marriage-rates, an example may be here given from the data for England.
Next to the proportion of the married to the total marriageable the most important factor connected with the natural increase of the population is the age at which marriage takes place.
In the above countries, therefore, abstinence from matrimony may be said to have been a factor of some importance in the decline.
Age is a factor still more important than sex in a return intended to serve as an index of mortality.
The great difference between the serial rank occupied in the respective lists by Russia, Servia and Galicia, with remarkably high rates of natural growth, as well as that found in the case of most of the other countries in question, shows that this factor is by no means a trustworthy guide in the estimate of hygienic balance.
The Revival of Learning will be treated as a decisive factor in this process of evolution on a new plan.
While the success of the new government was the work of many men and many causes, one cannot resist the conviction that the factor of chief importance was the existence, at the head of the executive department, of such a character as Washington.
Peirce for the theories which make chance an objective factor in the process of the Universe.
Theoretically, if both type and press were new, little or no preparation should be necessary, but practical experience proves that this need of preparation has not yet been entirely obviated and still remains an important factor.
Thus Edom formed a prominent centre for traffic from Arabia and its seats of culture to Egypt, the Philistine towns, Palestine and the Syrian states, and it enjoyed a commercial importance which made it a significant factor in Palestinian history.
In other words, the forms of knowledge were the main factor in making objects.
For the last hundred years the peasants had been a leading factor in the political life of the land; and perhaps in no other contemporary European state could so self-reliant The a class of yeomen have been found.
The oligarchy composed of the great landowners have always been an important factor in the political life of the republic; when President Balmaceda found that he was not a persona grata to this circle he determined to endeavour to govern without their support, and to bring into the administration a set of men who had no traditions and with whom his personality would be all-powerful.
Their business was to enforce these rights; from the first they were very unpopular, and their arbitrary behaviour was a factor in bringing about the formation of the Lombard league and the rising against Frederick in 1167.
Oysters are more valuable than any other single product of the fisheries, and in at least twenty-five countries are an important factor in the food-supply.
Consequently, it is at once a product of, and a main factor in civilization; and is thereby sharply differentiated from the Israelite religion, with whose moral precepts it otherwise coincides so frequently.
The decisive factor was of course their military superiority.
He appears at this time to have already formed the belief that important achievements as a thinker were possible to him, and at more than one critical period in his career this belief was the decisive factor in determining his conduct.
In his writings he dwelt upon important contributions of historical Christianity, and maintained especially that, in continuing the work of the Caesars, the Catholic church had been the most potent factor in civilizing the invading barbarians and in organizing the life of the middle ages.
Then, too, an increasingly important factor was the competition of Louren90 Marques for the Rand trade.
The strategical position of Great Britain in Baluchistan is a very important factor in the problem of maintaining order and good administration in the country.
To this result another important factor contributed.
Differentiating equation 9 with respect to s we obtain, after dividing by 27 as a common factor, pyds - T cos a ds + Ty s i n ad s =o...
In observations upon ripples the factor involving h may usually be omitted, and thus in the case of water (p= I) ?3 g ?2 T = 2 2 4, r (3) simply.
An all important factor in this remarkable progress was the introduction by Koch of solid culture media, of the " platemethod," &c., an account of which he published in 1881.
There is, however, another all-important factor concerned, viz.
With regard to the subject of infection the chief factor is susceptibility; with regard to the bacterium virulence is allimportant.
Further, there is the very important factor of acquired susceptibility.
We cannot, however, say that these play an important part in immunity, and even if it were so, the essential factor would be the development of the substances which act in this way.
This, as already pointed out, depends upon the increase of opsonins, though it is also to be noted that in many infective conditions there is another factor present, namely a leucocytosis, that is, an increase of the leucocytes in the blood, and the defensive powers of the body are thereby increased.
Yet while the seed they sowed was taking deep root in France and in Germany, the English deists, the most notable men of their time, were soon forgotten, or at least ceased to be a prominent factor in the intellectual life of the century.
None the less it is unquestionable that in the period preceding the Revolution the bulk of French thinkers were ultimately deists in various degrees, and that deism was a most potent factor not only in speculative but also in social and political development.
The recognition of Germany as a leading factor in the world's counsels had been given, and the people of Berlin could indulge in the task of embellishing the capital in a manner befitting its position.
His uncles, John Breckinridge (1797-1841), professor of pastoral theology in the Princeton Theological Seminary in1836-1838and for many years after secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, and Robert Jefferson Breckinridge (1800-1871), for several years superintendent of public instruction in Kentucky, an important factor in the organization of the public school system of the state, a professor from 18J3 to 1871 in the Danville Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Danville, Kentucky, and the temporary chairman of the national Republican convention of 1864, were both prominent clergymen of the Presbyterian Church.
The large number of hostile Indians was also a factor in making the Territory unattractive.
It has been a powerful factor in the development of several of the churches already spoken of, especially those of Servia and Montenegro, which are usually very much subject to Russian influences (`PcoQV60povE S or `PWVVWc¢tXoc).
It is in this way that weight forms a factor in flight, the wings and the weight of the body reciprocating and mutually assisting and relieving each other.
But his personal popularity suffered not the slightest diminution, while his clear, almost intuitive, outlook and his unconquerable faith in the future of his country made him, during those difficult years, a factor of incalculable importance in the public life of Denmark.
His aunt, Miss Mary Moody Emerson, a brilliant old maid, an eccentric saint, was a potent factor in his education.
The Po is the dominating factor in north Italian geography, north Italy practically consisting of the Po basin, with the surrounding slopes of the Alps and Apennines.
Until greater knowledge of protoplasm and particularly of proteid has been acquired, there is no scientific room for the suggestion that there is a mysterious factor differentiating living matter from other matter and life from other activities.
According to Duhm there are many passages in which metre (see also Amos) may also be a factor in our critical conclusions.
Instead of making the motive to choice a factor within the concrete process of volition, he regards it as a cause antecedent to the exercise of a special mental faculty.
If, on the other hand, "infection of the germ" is impossible, telegony will not count as a factor in variation, and breeders will no longer be either justified in regarding mares and other female animals as liable to be "corrupted" by ill-assorted unions, or benefited by first having offspring to a high-class, or it may be more vigorous, mate.
Rates are even a more important factor in direct taxation than the income tax, and they have given rise to even greater complaints and discussion.
But in the result he became the dominant factor in American railway matters.
It seems possible that n is not a large number, and if we take x equal, say, to 200, we come to the most recent estimate - the astronomical - of the date of the earth's glacial epoch, when the sun's radiation was certainly not much more than it is now, while this factor would differ materially from unity.
Such a rate of change would be quite insensible, and we can affirm that for recent times there is no reason to look for any other factor than contraction; but if we consider the remote past it is a different matter.
The line n shows the factor by which the index of refraction of the transmitted vibration is multiplied, and the curve p the intensity of the absorbed vibration for that wave-length.
Another disturbing factor in connexion with native affairs was the revolt of the Hottentots and Hereros in German SouthWest Africa (q.v.).
In the next place, it is necessary to confine the pressure, at every point of the masonry, to an intensity which will give a sufficient factor of safety against crushing.
It is clear that the material upon which any high masonry dam is founded must also have a large factor of safety against crushing under the greatest load that the dam can impose upon it, and this consideration unfits any site for the construction of a masonry dam where sound rock, or at least a material equal in strength to the strongest shale, cannot be had; even in the case of such a material as shale the foundation must be well below the ground.
Its provisions were a most potent factor in assisting the expansion of England's colonial empire and also in the building up of the country's commercial greatness.
Fortunately for the Americans, however, the company in 1824 sent to the Columbia river as its chief factor and governor west of the Rocky Mountains Dr John McLoughlin (1784-1857), who ruled the region with an iron hand, but with a benevolent purpose, for twenty-two years.
The Peabody Institute, founded in 1859 by George Peabody, who was for some years a resident of Baltimore, is an important factor in the promotion of science, literature and the fine arts.
A number (other than I) which has no factor except itself is called a prime number, or, more briefly, a prime.
Thus 12 has 6 for a factor; but 6 is not a prime, one of its factors being 2; and therefore 2 must also be a factor of 12.
Dividing 12 by 2, we get a submultiple 6, which again has a prime 2 as a factor.
If two numbers have no factor in common (except 1) each is said to be prime to the other.
The process depends on (ii) of § 45, in the extended form that, if x is a factor of a and b, it is a factor of pa-qb, where p and q are any integers.
The conversion of the unit may be represented as multiplication by a factor 4 boy apples, so that the operation is 4 apples X 5 boysboy 4 apples r boy Y 5 X I X I boy = 5 X 4 apples= 20 apples.
Similarly, to convert £153 into shillings we must multiply it by a factor 2 £I ' ' so that we get 2£I.
The converting factor mentioned under (i) therefore represents a rate; and partition, applied to concrete cases, leads to a rate.
In reference to the use of the sign X with the converting factor, it should be observed that " lb X " symbolizes the replacing of so many times 4 lb by the same number of times 7 lb, while " 4 X " symbolizes the replacing of 4 times something by 7 times that something.
The citizens of London welcomed him, but he was not secure of his success till by a swift swoop on Winchester he obtained possession of the royal treasurean all-important factor in a crisis, as Henry I.
The question of election to bishoprics and abbacies went back to the stage which it had reached in the time of Henry I.; the choice was made in canonical form, by the chapters or the monasteries, but the kings recommendation was a primary factor in that choice.
The individual character of the reigning king was still the main factor in political history, Edwa,ilII.
But the English Liberals were already a little weary of allies who were quarrelling among themselves, and whose disputes were introducing a new factor into politics.
Thirdly, for the double tangents; the points of contact of these are obtained as the intersections of the curve by a curve II = o, which has not as yet been geometrically defined, but which is found analytically to be of the order (m-2) (m 2 -9); the number of intersections is thus = m(rn - 2) (m 2 - 9); but if the given curve has a node then there is a diminution =4(m2 - m-6), and if it has a cusp then there is a diminution =6(m2 - m-6), where, however, it is to be noticed that the factor (m2 - m-6) is in the case of a curve having only a node or only a cusp the number of the tangents which can be drawn from the node or cusp to the curve, and is used as denoting the number of these tangents, and ceases to be the correct expression if the number of nodes and cusps is greater than unity.
Exact analysis is difficult and tedious, and consequently the laboratory methods are not employed in technology, where time is an important factor and moderate accuracy is all that is necessary.
Associative tendency, individual or inherited, has since been the favourite constructive factor of human experience in Empirical Philosophy.
And the'tendency; to associate is there presented, not as the fundamental factor of human knowledge, but as a chief cause of human error.
An important factor to be mentioned in this connexion is the change in the distribution of the acreage under wheat, consequent upon falling prices.
Thus we have a new zoological factor in the history of the moral sentiments; which, though in no way opposed to the older psychological theory of their formation through coalescence of more primitive feelings, must yet be conceived as controlling and modifying the effects of the law of association by preventing the formation of sentiments other than those tending to the preservation of human life.
By what precedes it appears that there exists a function of the n 2 elements, linear as regards the terms of each column (or say, for shortness, linear as to each column), and such that only the sign is altered when any two columns are interchanged; these properties completely determine the function, except as to a common factor which may multiply all the terms. If, to get rid of this arbitrary common factor, we assume that the product of the elements in the dexter diagonal has the coefficient + 1, we have a complete definition of the determinant, and it is interesting to show how from these properties, assumed for the definition of the determinant, it at once appears that the determinant is a function serving for the solution of a system of linear equations.
Moreover, representing the remaining three lines by a" b" c" d" e" b /r c a, d N, e"' a " c 'N d"N err" it is further seen that the factor which multiplies the determinant formed with any two columns of the first set is the determinant of the third order formed with the complementary three columns of the second set; and it thus appears that the determinant of the fifth order is a sum of all the products of the form ' a b c" d" e" a, b"c"'dN, ear the sign being in each case such that the sign of the term .c"d"'e" obtained from the diagonal elements of the component determinants may be the actual sign of this term in the determinant of the fifth order; for the product written down the sign is obviously +.
The other factor in Venizelos' defeat was the blind over-confidence of his partizans; many Venizelists in Athens and the larger cities neglected to vote.
The consciousness of being saved in this sense is now transmitted and mediated by the Christian church, but in the case of Jesus, its originator, it was an entirely new and original factor in the process of religious development, and in so far, like every new and higher stage of being, a supernatural revelation.
A very important factor in the movement of the population is the large over-sea emigration, mostly to the United States of America, which has grown very much during the last quarter of the 19th century, and which shows a tendency to become still larger.
The crying abuses of the old rgime, an insignificant factor at the outset, soon combined with the widespread agrarian distress, due to the unjust distribution of land, the disastrous exploitation of the soil, the actions of the government, and the severe winter of 1788.
Bonaparte thus gained the good opinion of peace-loving Frenchmen; he partitioned Venetian territory with Austria, contrary to French interests but conformably with his own in Italy, and henceforward was the decisive factor in French and European policy, like Caesar or Pompey of old.
The enormous water-power of the Falls of St Anthony, yielding about 40,000 h.p., has been the principal factor in making Minneapolis a great manufacturing centre.
And, therefore, finding on reflection any particular concrete factor contingent, we abstract the position from that which occupies it, and so reach the speculative notion of the pure Ego.
Now Fresnel's formulae were obtained by assuming that the incident, reflected and refracted vibrations are in the same or opposite phases at the interface of the media, and since there is no real factor that converts cos T into cos (T+p), he inferred that the occurrence of imaginary expressions for the coefficients of vibration denotes a change of phase other than 7r, this being represented by a change of sign.
If this be so, it is clear that the factor A / - 1 denotes a change of phase of 42, since this twice repeated converts cos T into cos (T+ir) = - cos T, and hence that the factor a+b A l - I represents a change of phase of tan1 (b/a).
There can be no doubt, in spite of the apology for his action published by Guizot in his memoirs, that Louis Philippe made a deliberate attempt to overreach the British government; and, if the attempt issued in disaster to himself, this was due, not to the failure of his statecraft so much as to his neglect of the obvious factor of human nature.
This theory must be taken into consideration as a factor in accounting for the persistent hold which even at the present day astrology still maintains on many minds.
Jigg, or Jig, is a very important factor, as will be seen hereafter.
With it also moisture is a great factor in its productivity.
The spiritual enthusiasm of Lady Conway was a considerable factor in some of More's speculations, none the less that she at length joined the Quakers.
When we apply predicates to the sense-manifold regarded in isolation, we make that which is only a factor in the experience of objects into a separate, independent object, and use our predicates transcendently.
Pete was going to be the deciding factor and all eyes turned to him.
Dean knew Cynthia desperately wanted to photograph the display but both knew time was a factor if they were to visit the mine before the Dawkinses were free of their legal meetings to make the trip themselves.
She didn't factor Gabriel's transition into Death into the equation.
You're saying a deity must look at the Code as one of many factor instead of the only factor.
Love isn't a factor at your age or really at all, if you stop to think about how it's nothing more than a form of socially acceptable codependence.
And Figure 18 shows that GW, represented by a northern hemisphere temperature anomaly, is an important factor in the high annual CET values since 1988.
Smog was cited as a major factor that contributes to global warming.
This blatancy factor, embedded in UFO waves, alternates with periods in which UFO behavior seems more subtle, even furtive.
It is part of the serendipity factor of seeing files in their "home" location.
Title The factor V Leiden mutation in Japanese couples with recurrent spontaneous abortion.
The important factor that emerged was the need for a middle ground to bring academia and business closer together.
The first and most important factor is past performance accomplishments.
The release of 37 prisoners following an acquittal on grounds of insanity was also a factor.
Only a small admixture of sharing agents was required to create a reasonable quality factor for the entire population.
Advent of the euro was undoubtedly a major factor driving the increase in bond market activity.
The ' siege mentality ' provoked by imperialist aggression was a powerful factor giving rise to wrong policies.
Tumor necrosis factor alpha also plays a pivotal part in inflammation.
Infliximab ties up a special protein in the body called tumor necrosis factor alpha or TNF a, which is involved in inflammation.
Another key factor of modern fiber optic systems that we have not touched on is optical amplifiers.
The physical and mental ability of a particular potential appointee to fulfill a particular role will always be a relevant factor to consider.
Whether you choose business or casual dress, the most important factor is to look approachable to a prospective client.
In a global world, regulatory arbitrage is a real factor.
Oxidative stress appears to be a significant underlying factor in the development of a wide array of diseases, including atherosclerosis and cancer.
The value added measures in the current tables take account of prior attainment, which is the biggest single factor affecting pupil results.
Featuring the films of emerging directors alongside the more established auteurs is a distinguishing factor of the Seagate Foyle Film Festival.
A lesser known factor is that copper itself is an extremely effective legionellae biocide.
In winter wheat, crop density is an important factor in limiting seed production by red dead-nettle through the effect on weed biomass.
For each biotope, the figures show the percentage of core biotope records falling into a given category for a given factor.
The " Junior " factor aside, baby boys are also less apt to be given fanciful names.
Had aspirations of factor is loki's gidley brad sherwood.
And the factor causing a bronchospasm, appearing at this time.
The time after death of the infected cadaver is also an important factor influencing the number infected.
Thus, calcium could be an important factor in the pathogenesis of disseminated candidiasis.
The power factor can be improved by decreasing the tank capacitance.
Background Sugar rich drinks are a recognized risk factor in early childhood caries.
One of my companions' water tube was frozen solid as it was minus 10 with the wind chill factor.
Salinity is therefore a major factor in the density driven global scale thermohaline circulation.
This reduced vibration, the limiting factor with parallel twins and made for an efficient combustion chamber.
A group whose commutator factor group is finite can only have finite nilpotent quotient groups.
I went to the cozy confines of the Ice Factor in Kinlochleven, Big Softee!
Our results indicate that DNA ploidy is an important, prognostic factor of carcinoma of the hepatic duct confluence.
The decisive factor will be the House elections, not the Presidential contest.
The book is a logical continuation of the previous book " The Oil Factor " by the same author.
What our Home Forces, with whom we closely cooperate received, has become a serious factor of defense.
One factor that had a high correlation coefficient was the rate of unemployment.
The quantity cos f cos l is called the Schmid factor.
Age was the only significant factor by multivariate analyzes, with older patients having lower platelet counts at 1 year posttreatment.
Academic research clearly demonstrates that race itself is neither a causal nor a predictive factor in youth criminality.
The coaxial arrangement is of particular interest in this context, as its essentially cylindrical form factor lends itself to packaging into munitions.
Understand the concept of damping and the meaning of damped natural frequency, damping factor and logarithmic decrement.
This blow to the overall prestige of the Riley marque would prove to be a contributory factor in its eventual demise.
Trust is the key factor in any relationship, but one mistake can prove destructive.
Increased plasma atrial natriuretic factor and reduced plasma renin in patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus.
Drought is also thought to be a factor causing dieback in hedgerow trees, which are not included in the UK crown density survey.
Drag factor reduced to 0.27 by a new rear wake diffuser.
The availability of fully digitalized telecommunications is becoming an increasingly relevant factor in the choice of jurisdiction.
Cash flow is a stumbling block for many people with growing small businesses yet they resist going to a factor or invoice discounter.
There are also a number of related bleeding disorders where there are other factor deficiencies that are much rarer than hemophilia.
It is used to find the greatest common divisor, or highest common factor, of two given numbers.
Throughout most of at oahu's turtle the columbia river factor says Donna.
For muon pairs the initialisation time is shorter by a factor of about 3 and the event generation rate is roughly doubled.
This R factor corresponds to the relative motions occurred during molecular dynamics (see more at flexibility ).
The graph above shows the effect of using offset electrodes on the power factor of the system.
Risk Factors All predicative characteristics for acute emesis should be considered a risk factor for delayed.
The ' big ' factor is a part of the obesity epidemic, " she adds.
Another contributing factor are the flat sides of the DS Lite.
Skeletal growth factors (e.g. insulin growth factor 1, IGF1) also play a role.
Loyalty is also a major factor in choice of travel guidebook.
The difference in the shear modulus has been suggested as the main factor in determining the hardness of the multilayer system.
This film has an enjoyable feelgood factor, plus also heartfelt poignancy as well, among the young excitable characters in the community.
The critical factor in relation to habitat recovery or change will be the relative balance of domestic and wild herbivores.
An additional important nuclear ERK substrate is Myc, another transcription factor and oncogenic protein homologue, which will be discussed below.
However, it is also possible to explicitly construct factor groups and their corresponding natural homomorphisms.
Heat is usually the main factor in causing runny honey.
Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) is the anabolic effector hormone of growth hormone.
The spiritual hunger of our time is another factor that needs to be taken into account.
A dangerously elevated IOP, or ocular hypertension (OHT ), is a major risk factor for glaucoma.
In animal studies Esmeron was shown not to be a triggering factor for malignant hyperthermia.
It has the same pH factor as human skin and is naturally hypoallergenic.
A chemical imbalance in the brain might be a factor.
They also analyze proposed legislation, a vital factor in early recognition of a rule that could seriously imperil our right to ride.
They're gritty, they look incredible, and they're just one more factor that will make those spectators remember you.
It has been suggested that the milk sugar lactose is a risk factor for ovarian cancer.
Another factor common between owners of older and newer MGs is the time, effort and money lavished on the cars.
A bind-over cannot of itself prevent someone returning to an otherwise lawful protest but it is an inhibiting factor.
It is a factor that makes people lethargic and mentally confused, with an inability to concentrate and short-term memory loss.
The first factor is how computer literate you consider yourself to be.
Interestingly, using chaining means that a hashtable can have a load factor that exceeds 100% .
The other key factor was that councilors led by a senior ' raving loony ' were in favor.
Apoptosis is an important biological factor in low-grade lymphomas, and NO is able to prevent apoptosis.
The depletion is unaffected by cobra venom factor treatment and thus presumably does not depend on complement lysis (Isaacs et al 1992 ).
The cells were collected after the daughter was given granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor for 5 days to boost her white blood cells.
Another factor affecting house prices is the ethnic makeup of an area.
The image matte channel percent transparency is initialized to factor.
Dr. Waring said the child had measles which was the main factor in the case.
Im not sure, but isnt this affordability as a factor of the average wage a bit misguided?
The result will be the converter power rating in Watts for 100% duty factor, often misnamed duty cycle.
Successful treatment of active ankylosing spondylitis with the anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha monoclonal antibody infliximab.
It is the first fully human monoclonal antibody for RA that works by targeting a key inflammatory protein, Tumor Necrosis Factor.
The other factor which may give rise to heterophoria changes is the potential of HMDs to induce transient myopia.
Why US leaders seem incapable of understanding this continuing factor in world politics is utterly mystifying.
The number 7 is also an all-important factor in the lunar mythos, with its twenty-eight days to the month.
Infection of pancreatic necrosis was the main risk factor for death.
There is a particular emphasis on the role of members of the tumor necrosis factor family.
Time in a moving system will be observed by a stationary observed by a stationary observer to be running slower by the following factor.
Time in a moving system will be observed by a stationary observer to be running slower by the following factor.
This paradigm is currently being extended to determine if other transcription factor fusion oncogenes confer similar self-renewal properties.
If anything, many drivers believe that speed as a factor in accidents is grossly overstated.
In the villages, land ownership is a key factor of poverty.
Factor H is the most important RCA to control activation of the alternative complement pathway.
There are numerous permutations to be taken into account, sight being one factor.
Complement factor is released encouraging polymorphonuclear leukocyte release from bone marrow promoting phagocytosis, which produces heat.
Reaching the hotel across slippery logs and rotten planking was reminiscent of the Krypton Factor, particularly carrying all our baggage.
Training is a key factor and practicing planners undoubtedly need an understanding of the technical aspects of minerals and waste management.
We proved the opinion polls wrong by a factor of 50% .
Factor had agreed with Secretary that Estate might be able to provide some hard core for larger potholes.
Another factor which has helped to involve more scientists is the interest by NASA in exploring the planets using robotic probes.
He was especially acknowledged for the discovery of a protective factor, which he called prostacyclin, which helps to keep blood vessels healthy.
The serine protease factor B is central in the alternative pathway of activation.
From a research perspective, one cannot infer causal relationships from the temporal proximity of events captured in a factor structure.
The rationale for using epidermal growth factor receptor targeted therapies is also reviewed.
A synthetically produced recombinant clotting factor is now widely used and avoids the risk of contamination from viruses found in human blood.
Tumor thickness is the most important prognostic factor for local and distant recurrence and overall survival in melanoma.
The EX Factor finalists literally graced the red carpet as they came under the hammer in front of a star gazed audience.
This usually means the measurement of spectral transmittance, spectral reflectance, spectral radiance factor or spectral fluorescence.
The nature of the regulatory regime itself is a factor affecting regionalism.
One factor driving sales in recent years has been the demand for braking resistors.
Autoantibody levels -- especially rheumatoid factor -- appear to correlate with rheumatoid arthritis disease severity.
Rh factor in human blood was named after rhesus monkeys.
Another former royalist was a key factor in Windsor's finall goal.
The feel good factor is absorbing the Abbey Stadium at the moment as the all-important league run-in continues.
Benzene poisoning unlikely to be a factor in causing scrapie.
Due to this factor only semantic networks and an alternative knowledge acquisition approach have been presented in depth.
I think it possible that this last factor was put to use by some ancient shamans.
Quality is an important factor when making big bale silage for both the cattle and the sheep.
Since skewness values are usually fairly small, a multiplying factor may be applied to all the skewness values are usually fairly small, a multiplying factor may be applied to all the skewness values calculated.
Another important factor when determining focusing is whether or not the pictures look softer toward the edges.
An additional factor is the " common ion " effect, this further reduces the solubility of the precipitate.
Rest Interval between sessions The energy source being used during the training session is probably the most important factor to consider.
Our B results cover a range in lattice spacings of more than a factor of two.
During these times the population exhibits evolutionary stasis (ie, no change) with respect to the factor being measured.
The reduction factor for elastic modulus of light gage steel is assumed to be identical to that of carbon steel.
In the remaining cases there is evidence of exposure to some factor which is known to cause damage to bone marrow stem cells.
Somehow the bike seems to feel more stodgy than it used to - the opposite of the fun factor mentioned earlier.
Each reduction rule contributes to the final summation formula by a numerical factor or by an additional summation variable.
Buy a special sunblock from your vet or use unscented waterproof sunblock of at least factor 15.
So to reduce the risk of sunburn and skin cancer use a high factor sunblock, long sleeved shirts or a wide brimmed hat.
Perhaps the deciding factor in this debate should be the insistence on following the Sunna and the safe, healthy option.
Attach shades to the car windows or apply a high factor sunscreen.
Loose fitting clothing will keep you cool high factor sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
I use high protection sunscreen, at least factor 15, usually 20-25 plus.
A good relationship with their immediate superiors is undoubtedly an important factor in inducing workers to stay with the organization.
Material factor defenses Is the defense tainted by discrimination?
I don't know much about archaic combat, but I'm sure as hell that mass telepathy wasn't a factor.
The main risk factor appears to be having an undescended testicle.
A YouGov poll for The Daily Telegraph on Friday showed that the " trust " factor remains a thorn in Blair's side.
Although initial rheumatoid factor titre is of prognostic significance, serial measurements are not useful in assessing progress.
When traveling transatlantic, weight generally isn't the deciding factor.
The disease is more common in women by a factor of approximately twofold - in Europe and America (but not in Australia ).
The main limiting factor in man's ability to stay underwater has always been the ability to keep the diver warm.
You will find that we are able to render certain additional services exceedingly valuable when the time factor is of special importance.
This method of interpreting canonical variates is identical to the manner in which factors are interpreted in factor analysis.
A correction factor for C P in cases where yaw angle is not zero is given by where is the yaw angle is not zero is given by where is the yaw angle.
To obtain the total force which must be supposed to act, the factor T (representing the volume of the particle) must be introduced.
If there be n similar particles per unit volume, the energy emitted from a stratum of thickness dx and of unit area is found from (9) by the introduction of the factor ndx.
Ancestor worship, or reverence for the dead, was a third factor.
This federalization of the capital has proved to be a most important factor in binding together the different parts of the confederation, and in promoting the evolution of an Argentine nation out of a loosely cemented union of a number of semi-independent states.
The cult once introduced would tend to persevere, and the development of astrological science culminating in a calendar and in a system of interpretation of the movements and occurrences in the starry heavens would be an important factor in maintaining the position of Sin in the pantheon.
That there are defects in the logical process as here outlined to account for the curious rite constitutes no valid objection to the theory advanced, for, in the first place, primitive logic in matters of belief is inherently defective and even contradictory, and, secondly, the strong desire to pierce the mysterious future, forming an impelling factor in all religions - even in the most advanced of our own day - would tend to obscure the weakness of any theory developed to explain a rite which represents merely one endeavour among many to divine the intention and plans of the gods, upon the knowledge of which so much of man's happiness and welfare depended.
All the peculiarities of structure which we encounter consequently support the view with which we started, that the protoplasm of the plant is the dominant factor in vegetable structure, and that there need be but one subject of physiology, which must embrace the behaviour of protoplasm wherever found.
In one sense, the accumulation of humus and peat is a biological factor, as it is related to the work of organisms in the soil; but the occurrence or otherwise of these organisms in the soil is probably related to definite edaphic and climatic conditions.
In some cases the gauge is laid a little wider than the standard, and there are varying amounts of superelevation of the outer rail; but the most formidable factor in the production of resistance is the guard-rail, which is sometimes put in with the object of guiding the wheel which runs on the inner rail of the curve on the inside of the flange.
Her place in his affections was filled by the beautiful Giulia Farnese (Giulia Bella), wife of an Orsini, but his love for his children by Vannozza remained as strong as ever and proved, indeed, the determining factor of his whole career.
He remained, however, in complete ignorance of the degree of preparation attained on the Russian side, and since the seizure of Warsaw together with the control of the resources of Poland in men and material its occupation would afford, was the chief factor in his calculation, he turned at once to the eastward as soon as all further organized resistance in Prussia was ended by the surrender of Prenzlau and Lubeck.
Further, the numerator factor establishes that these are not all algebraically independent,, but are connected by a syzygy of degree order 6, 6.
That the amplitude of the secondary wave should vary as r1 was to be expected from considerations respecting energy; but the occurrence of the factor A1, and the acceleration of phase, have sometimes been regarded as mysterious.
The occurrence of the factor (Xr)- 1, and the necessity of supposing the phase of the secondary wave accelerated by a quarter of an undulation, were first established by Archibald Smith, as the result of a comparison between the primary wave, supposed to pass on without resolution, and the integrated effect of all the secondary waves (§ 2).
Though this factor may be responsible for much, or even the greater part, of primitive " jewelry," yet it does not seem likely that it is the cause of all forms of ornament; much must be attributed to the desire to satisfy an innate aesthetic sense, which is seen in children VII.
Yet, although, as Andral and other French physicians proved, it was extravagant to say that all fevers take their origin from some local inflammation, it was true and most useful to insist, as Broussais vehemently insisted, that "fever" is no substance, but a generalization drawn from symptoms common to many and various diseases springing from many various and often local causes; from causes agreeing perhaps only in the factor of elevation of the temperature of the body.
To this point the segregation of politics from every other factor which goes to constitute humanity had brought him; and this it is which makes us feel his world a wilderness, devoid of atmosphere and vegetation.
From the modest and simple art of the patriotic poets and novelists of the first half of the 19th century, whose work nevertheless was an influential factor in the awakening of a national sentiment among the common people, Czech literature, after a period characterized by the romanticism of Macha and the critical realism of Havlicek, arrived at a school which, while it took its inspiration from the sources of the national spirit, did not shut itself out from foreign influences.
The resistance of the air is reduced considerably in modern projectiles by giving them a greater length and a sharper point, and by the omission of projecting studs, a factor called the coefficient of shape, being introduced to allow for this change.
He does not of course contemplate labour as the only factor in production; but it has been supposed that by emphasizing it at the outset he at once strikes the note of difference between himself on the one hand, and both the mercantilists and the physiocrats on the other.
Omitting this factor in 1 Frisch's Kepleri opera amnia, ii.
It does not seem to lie in peculiarities of temperature or of precipitation; for trees thrive where they are properly planted on the prairies; every town and farm to-day has its avenues and groves of trees; but it should be noted that west of the Mississippi river increasing aridity becomes an important factor, and is the chief cause of the treelessness of the Great Plains (see below).
But His Montcalm Et Levis (1891) And Other Works On The Conquest, Are' All Warped By A Strong Bias Against Both Wolfe And Montcalm, And In Favour Of Vandreuil, The Canadian Born Governor; While They Show An Inadequate Grasp Of Military Problems, And' Practically Ignore The Vast Determining Factor Of Sea Powei Altogether.
Klebs has concluded that transpiration is the important factor in determining the formation of sporangia, while zygotedevelopment depends on totally different conditions; these results have been called in question by Falck.
But very often refreshment is undoubtedly obtained from such narcotic sleep. It may be supposed that in the latter case the effect of the drug has been to ensure occurrence of that second predisposing factor mentioned above, of that withdrawal of sense impulses from the nerve centres that serves to usher in the state of sleep. In certain conditions it may be well worth while by means of narcotic drugs to close the portals of the senses for the sake of thus obtaining stillness in the chambers of the mind; their enforced quietude may induce a period in which natural rest and repair continue long after the initial unnatural arrest of vitality due to the drug itself has passed away.
Hillel is especially noted for the fact that he gave a definite form to the Jewish traditional learning, as it had been developed and made into the ruling and conserving factor of Judaism in the latter days of the second Temple, and particularly in the centuries following the destruction of the Temple.
In the ceaseless strife between the old English kingdoms, therefore, it was the personality of the king which was the main factor in determining the hegemony of one state over another.
If the jubilee was a proof of the closer union of the many sections of the British empire, and of their warm attachment to their sovereign, it also gave expression to the imperialism which was becoming a dominant factor in British politics.
The advent of the Persians, bringing with them a conception of religion of a far higher order than Babylonian-Assyrian polytheism (see Zoroaster), must also have acted as a disintegrating factor in leading to the decline of the old faith in the Euphrates Valley, and we thus have the interesting though not entirely exceptional phenomenon of a great civilization bequeathing as a legacy to posterity a superstition instead of a real achievement.
Crace-Calvert in 1871 showed that the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere was a factor; and in 1888 Crum Brown published the theory - termed the "carbonic acid theory" - that water and carbon dioxide react with iron to form ferrous carbonate and hydrogen, the ferrous carbonate being subsequently oxidized by moist oxygen to ferric hydrate and regenerating carbon dioxide, which again reacts with more iron.
Additionally, I-Tech 's massive damping factor provides a tight punchy bass.
His work was a major factor in the development of vector analysis, in opposition to quaternion methods.
The judicious use of recombinant factor VIIa to control bleeding is also given an airing.
Under a recourse agreement, your company bears the risk of bad debts; with a non-recourse agreement, the factor absorbs any losses.
If the initial capacity is greater than the maximum number of entries divided by the load factor, no rehash operations will ever occur.
Residual tumor was the most strongly predictive factor for recurrence or death.
There is no support group for people with rhesus factor disease.
The rhesus factor protein only becomes important during pregnancy; it has little effect on the body at other times.
Tests for rheumatoid factor are positive on two occasions at least two months apart.
The Rh factor in human blood was named after rhesus monkeys.
Another former Royalist was a key factor in Windsor 's finall goal.
Fresh royal jelly contains an antioxidant factor identified by professors Lukas & Townsend (University of Guelph, Canada).
The criterion of suitability is a significant factor in scarification patterning.
Disease control Diseases are the major limiting factor for improving productivity in scavenging systems.
Mammography screening was reported to be an independent prognostic factor in reducing the chance of disease recurrence.
The emotional dynamics are similar to mystical yearning, except that the self-pity factor is different.
The second factor is that some semblance of parliamentary democracy is returning.
Once sensitized, the main factor that influences the onset of symptoms is the degree of exposure.
It seems that malformed uterus and especially septate uterus is not an infertility factor in itself.
For example, there 's a serendipity factor of seeing files in their ' home ' location.
One provides zero volt switching for single-phase resistive loads or for motors where the power factor is greater than 0.8.
Since skewness values are usually fairly small, a multiplying factor may be applied to all the skewness values calculated.
Driver sleepiness was estimated to be a factor in up to 20,000 accidents on UK roads last year, according to Government figures.
Class snobbery may have been a factor, too.
Lipid solubility of the barbiturates is the dominant factor in their distribution within the body.
Life span You may also want to factor how long your new display device can last.
In this way we obtain a speedup factor of 6 between vector and scalar mode.
A possible factor is shown in the results of UV light intensity in the sputum induction room.
The residues with temperature factor greater than three standard deviations from the average value are listed.
The frequency factor, A You may also find this called the pre-exponential factor or the steric factor.
This means that there is a third factor that determines the importance of the storm surge - namely the morphology of the shingle beach.
The existence of such a successor company is a factor which should be drawn to the attention of any charge - holder.
Perhaps the deciding factor in this debate should be the insistence on following the sunna and the safe, healthy option.
Applying sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 15 or more to all exposed areas of skin.
Loose fitting clothing will keep you cool High factor sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
No other director has as much swoon factor as Pedro Almodóvar.
It is then carried to the liver for the synthesis of prothrombin, a key blood-clotting factor.
A major factor contributing to the national increase has been the Manchester syphilis outbreak (Clark et al, 2001).
Differential tax rates become a factor to bear in mind.
I do n't know much about archaic combat, but I 'm sure as hell that mass telepathy was n't a factor.
A number of studies suggest that telomerase expression is an adverse prognostic factor for lung cancers.
The rapid tempo of operations becomes the key factor in the analysis of time.
Answer 2 The first striking factor about the world of the tenth century is the paradox of what makes man good.
A YouGov poll for The Daily Telegraph on Friday showed that the " trust " factor remains a thorn in Blair 's side.
Changes in the pattern of distribution of von Willebrand factor in rat aortic endothelial cells following thrombin generation in vivo.
When traveling transatlantic, weight generally is n't the deciding factor.
The causes of PTSD vary, but the common factor is usually a traumatizing event.
High levels of triglycerides in the blood are also a risk factor.
Furthermore, in recent years, ENSO has been recognized as a critical climate factor that modulates rainfall and tropical cyclones in the region.
The disease is more common in women by a factor of approximately twofold - in Europe and America (but not in Australia).
However, skipping meals and eating an unbalanced diet may be a factor.
What if there were some unconsidered factor even now, which would prove his theories wrong?
The indicator includes an uprating factor for underreporting of major injuries.
The main limiting factor in man 's ability to stay underwater has always been the ability to keep the diver warm.
Engines would typically also utilize algorithms to determine a relevancy factor.
In all but one patient, ventilatory insufficiency was the limiting factor for exercise.
With ice walls just inches away, seventy mph feels like warp factor nine.
Obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
Little wonder that Britain 's feel-good factor is down in the basement.
When it comes to a quality product where price is not the only factor, it is certainly worthwhile investing in the UK.
Juice gave me back the ' wow factor ' about feeling good about myself.
The best thing about working at the Sports Village is the ' wow ' factor.
A correction factor for C P in cases where yaw angle is not zero is given by where is the yaw angle.
Emotional catharsis is an important factor in a person's well-being.
Smoking is a caus. factor in many serious diseases, including lung cancer.
Be sure you factor in shipping charges before you price the item, however.
You'll have to factor in the extra laundry that you'll do if you use cloth diapers, but in the long run, you should save money.
Don't forget to factor in the shipping costs before you bid!
The age of the child will play a big factor.
Although you may have to factor in laundry detergent and more laundry use, any way you look at it, reusable diapers are cheaper, and they'll save you money.
Just as celebrities influence our choices in fashion, music, and movies, they also lend a "cool" factor to certain baby names.
As more and more women put off having children until their thirties and even forties, the decision about how many children a couple should have is sometimes made based on the time factor and mom's biological ticking clock.
Finances. Sometimes, the swaying factor in your argument for adoption boils down to money.
Cost is a factor for many of these kinds of daycare, as they tend to run into the thousands of dollars a month.
One of the biggest benefits of a round crib is the style factor.
If dairy allergies may be a factor, it's important to know that milk-based infant formulas are made from cow's milk protein along with supplementary carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Another factor to think about is how often the name will be misspelled.
Be sure you factor in the cost of shipping before you place your bid.
Remember, the proper installation, operation and maintenance of all of fuel-burning appliances is the most important factor in reducing the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Also, you will want to check out the warmth factor.
Cerebral palsy in infants is often caused by birth-associated injuries, although brain damage later in life may be a factor.
The one common factor present in all forms of diaper rashes is wet skin.
However, such infections are hardly a causative death factor in infants not affected by death.
Your baby's sleeping position is the number one important factor in SIDS prevention.
Breastfeeding may also aid your infant's fight against SIDS, and some physicians suggest that a healthy diet during pregnancy could possibly be a preventative factor.
So, before you purchase a monitor based on price alone, be sure that the distance factor meets your family's needs.
Battery life is probably the most dispensable factor as many monitors can both plug-in and function independently by battery.
The size of your house is probably the most significant factor in your choice of monitor models.
Choose from sites like Best Canvas and Canvas Print Factor to create a unique gift that parents will love!
If you're not a member, be sure and factor in how much a yearly membership will cost and consider purchasing other items in bulk as well to add to your savings.
Pearl size is the biggest factor in determining the price of your pearls.
Your budget will be a major factor in your final decision.
Another important factor to consider when choosing a decorative shade for a table lamp is the width of the lower brim.
When budgeting for baby clothes, try and factor in how long you think the clothes will fit your baby.
Keep in mind that the purchase price is not the only budget-related factor to consider.
Be sure to factor delivery and installation costs into the equation when making your final purchase decision.
They are also a factor in environmental problems, though you can now buy disposable diapers made from sustainable materials and with a minimum of chemical processing and components.
Another factor to consider is the size of the mattress you will need.
The other comfort factor for your toddler is the material used to make the clothes.
How comfortable a computer keyboard feels to you when you use it is an important factor to consider.
At one time the dot pitch factor was important in purchasing a CRT, but today's models usually have a dot or stripe pitch measure of .28 or lower which will do for most applications.
But viewing angle becomes an important factor when buying.
Walgreens allows makeup lovers to shop online for mascara from such popular cosmetics companies as Almay, Uptown Visions, Max Factor, Milani and Revlon.
The thickness of the socks is another major factor to keep in mind.
Generally, the larger the unit, the heavier it becomes, so weight becomes a factor in your selection.
True portability is also another factor.
The biggest factor in determining the price of a used book is condition.
One way to determine the best service for you if you regularly ship similarly-weighted packages or parcels is do rate comparisons and factor in convenience of local shipping centers or pickup services.
Remember that comfort is the most important factor; you can purchase lingerie and loungewear for their looks, but you should sleep in something that is all about relaxation.