Fact Sentence Examples
In fact, now she felt nothing.
It is hard to tell fact from fiction!
In fact, everything about him was masculine.
In fact, he had given her strict orders not to lift anything.
In fact, that was a good way to make sure he didn't.
I have noticed also that she eats much less, a fact which troubles her father so much that he is anxious to get her home.
Rather, it is intended to reflect the fact that judgment is required when assessing whether land is MMHD or ISIG.
Once again the real threat of fraud on the Internet has highlighted the fact that consumers fear going on line.
Another fact is of great significance in this connection.
We won't mention the fact that I was 1 1/2 hours late for my last outing.
AdvertisementThe use of historical fact as a springboard for fiction is not a new one.
In fact, he must be struggling to float on the ocean of problems this family represented.
It was pure fact.
In fact, it was ludicrous - but it still hurt.
He was expounding over the fact that his father had approached the inheritance issue again.
AdvertisementIn fact, he was the one who was acting selfish!
As a matter of fact, I'm eating rainbow grass.
As a matter of fact, most of the advice she has received and heeded has led to excisions rather than to additions.
Princess Mary saw Dessalles' embarrassed and astonished look fixed on her father, noticed his silence, and was struck by the fact that her father had forgotten his son's letter on the drawing-room table; but she was not only afraid to speak of it and ask Dessalles the reason of his confusion and silence, but was afraid even to think about it.
She said her only consolation was the fact that the princess allowed her to share her sorrow, that all the old misunderstandings should sink into nothing but this great grief; that she felt herself blameless in regard to everyone, and that he, from above, saw her affection and gratitude.
AdvertisementWhat did she know about this man... other than the fact that he had a volatile temperament?
In spite of the fact that she was anxious to tell him, she waited for the exact moment.
In fact, no one slapped a warrior full grown, not even his father.
In fact, the sheet music was unnecessary.
In fact, he had always been there for them.
AdvertisementHer clothes underlined the fact that she was pregnant.
The fact that he stood before her now was proof.
The doctor said this restlessness did not mean anything and was due to physical causes; but Princess Mary thought he wished to tell her something, and the fact that her presence always increased his restlessness confirmed her opinion.
Carmen couldn't deny that fact.
The fact it's clandestine is vital.
It didn't, for a fact.
In fact, he seemed lost in a sea of uncertainty.
She might as well get used to the fact that she was on her own.
Still, even all the bias can't hide the fact that the Tories are heading for another very heavy defeat.
I find it hard to realize that Christmas is almost here, in spite of the fact that Helen talks about nothing else.
In fact, I quietly declare war with the State, after my fashion, though I will still make what use and get what advantage of her I can, as is usual in such cases.
What was clear was the fact that he was struggling over something.
The antidepressants didn't help that much, but maybe they were responsible for the fact that she had not lost control yet.
Surely she must feel bitter about that fact, and yet neither her voice nor her expression gave any indication that she felt animosity.
Is that a fact?
In fact, he seemed pleased.
In fact, now I'm even more convinced I was right.
In fact, she was so keyed up when she reached her apartment that she decided to call her best friend with the news.
He made an excellent companion, a fact that hadn't occurred to her before that moment.
A fact he had made abundantly clear.
I'm counting on the fact that you're a nice guy.
In fact, you did – and do – refuse to claim your mate.
In fact, she seemed to enjoy that form of attention.
He had warned her not to lift anything — ordered her not to, in fact.
In fact, he seemed disappointed that she had asked.
Hopefully that wasn't intentional, but the fact that Lori called Alex indicated that it might have been going on for a while.
In fact, he rarely looked her in the eye, as if she was a reminder of something he didn't want to recall.
I have too much respect for you not to be direct about the fact I'm interested in you.
She had been protected from outside influence – partly by having no television and partly by the fact that neither of her parents worked away from the home.
And that idea is reinforced by the fact that three of the known MCPH proteins are found in the centrosome during cell division.
The fact of the matter is that this witness had no idea what they were talking about.
In fact, let's say his own mother considered donating the portrait he painted of her to Goodwill but decided not to because "the poor have enough problems already."
But the fact remains that Miss Canby's story was read to me once, and that long after I had forgotten it, it came back to me so naturally that I never suspected that it was the child of another mind.
What makes this duty the more urgent is the fact that the country so overrun is not our own, but ours is the invading army.
He had that common sense of a matter-of- fact man which showed him what he ought to do.
On this fact relating to the Emperor personally, it was impossible to pass any judgment.
There was a special reason for this, as he had got married two years before--a fact known only to his most intimate friends.
Other than the fact that she and Howard had already disrupted their lives enough for her, it was comforting to have her there.
She met his regard with equal composer, in spite of the fact that the conversation was beginning to make her feel extremely uncomfortable.
Hopefully the fact that help was on the way would make him reconsider any violent action.
As a matter of fact, I think we're on completely different planets.
The fact that she was uninterested only enticed him further.
In fact, things were going so well that she actually accepted an invitation to a valentine's party at Roxanne's house.
The confusion was partly due to the fact that everything was happening so fast and partly because she had never responded to a man that way before.
He wouldn't look at her, and that fact confirmed her suspicions.
For the first time she thought about the fact that he had no commitment to them at all, yet he had risked his life for them.
No, I can vouch for the fact that it is Indian blood.
In fact, they appeared to be hanging on her every word – waiting impatiently for the answer.
Where Russell Cade was concerned, the only thing they seemed to have against him was the fact that he provided them no new topics.
Apparently he spent a lot of time on the back of a horse, riding his range in all kinds of weather - a fact that prompted more than one comment by townsfolk that he had wasted a good college education.
The fact is, when wolves attack a herd, they always take the weakest animal.
No. As a matter of fact, I think it has character.
In fact, she glowed with health, even if she seemed shy or nervous.
She assumed he was still on a fact finding mission of his own.
In fact, getting to know him better had only increased it.
You were ready to accept that fact already.
And then there was the fact that it might frighten Jonathan.
The only thing that kept her from breaking down was the fact that Jonathan and Destiny needed her.
In fact, he wasn't much of a lover at all.
In fact, getting him aroused wasn't the problem now.
In fact, he no longer made any husbandly demands on her.
If Lori was romantically attracted to him, she probably wasn't the only one — a fact that Alex was probably fully aware of.
Darkness crossed Damian's features, the same darkness Darian felt go through him as he alluded to the fact he was broken beyond repair.
This immortal House had been somewhat lowly on the immortal totem pole, evidenced by the fact it was a third the height of most of the others.
In spite of the fact that she was now 32, she actually looked like a teenager.
Once that fact had gnawed at him, but he had come to terms with it.
In fact, a young single girl might be exactly what they needed to inject more interest in the tour – and Felipa was an excellent rider.
The fact is that I left my little pet in my dressing-room lying asleep upon the table; and you must have stolen in without my knowing it.
The fact that sin exists, and that great misery results from it, dawned gradually upon her mind as she understood more and more clearly the lives and experiences of those around her.
There was the fact that only those came who wished to dance and amuse themselves as girls of thirteen and fourteen do who are wearing long dresses for the first time.
I am telling you the fact, said Natasha indignantly.
In fact, the ambassador, as he himself has declared, was never authorized to make that demand, and as soon as I was informed of it I let him know how much I disapproved of it and ordered him to remain at his post.
It was, in fact, only the commencement of the campaign that prevented Rostov from returning home as he had promised and marrying Sonya.
The wait staff is friendly and manages to keep their cool, despite the fact that the place tends to get amazingly crowded around dinnertime.
In fact, Giddon was actually pleasant and entertaining.
Escape was hampered by the fact that the window wouldn't open.
More likely it stemmed from the fact that she had not gone to the house yet.
In fact, until the death of her family, she rarely ever dreamed – or at least didn't remember them.
That and the fact that Howard had paid no attention to her while she was choking.
In fact, the thing she found most attractive about Brandon was his smile.
Her erotic dreams were proof that he was becoming more than a friend to her, and that thought was troubling - both from the standpoint of her goals, and the fact that she was setting herself up for rejection.
That could be attributed greatly to the fact that she had avoided any relationships.
In fact, she enjoyed it.
In fact, why not give them a little show?
But I know for a fact that the glowing end of a cigarette butt can be seen as far away as an arrow can be shot accurately.
Her groggy mind registered the fact that they would no longer leave a trail like a slug.
Maybe it was the fact that he never smiled, or the loneliness in those green eyes.
Was he going to say something about the fact that she wandered too far from the house?
So far, all their snooping is fact finding but if they want your talents, they don't take no for an answer.
The fact he didn't dismiss me abruptly was more disturbing than if he had.
He also withheld the identity of Josh, Dawkins Sr.'s mine manager, and the fact that someone fired a gun at the mine.
He made no bones about the fact that my ass is grass and he's a lawn mower.
If in fact those reports were all lies, he may have never even entered the Lucky Pup.
If not for the fact she was lying to him, she would be the perfect mate.
Deidre hadn't tried to dye her hair pink or hide the fact she was different.
The smooth lines of the dress flattered her petite figure, but more important was the fact that Alex liked it.
Alex took pride in that fact.
Other than the situation with Lori and the fact that it was a busy day, nothing was different than any other day.
The smug expression on her face would have been more irritating if her words hadn't revealed the fact that she didn't know the seriousness of the situation.
In fact, it pretty much removes any possibility.
In fact, if she had stayed on the farm, they would have helped her.
It wasn't as nice as hers, and it reminded her of the fact that Alex had picked her car out for her.
Maybe it wasn't the fact that his mother was having an affair.
In fact, I'm expecting him any minute.
Or would the fact that she never gave him an answer to stay or go make him unwilling to give her a second chance?
She hadn't been able to sleep, she told him, wondering what his reaction would be, if in fact she might be pregnant.
Life was good, except for the fact that they needed human blood to survive.
I'm glad you find the fact that I'm going to need stitches amusing...
In fact it will be quite pleasant for you.
As a mater of fact, she was starting to think that her idea of the right man was nothing more than a pipe dream.
He was no dandy, and that was a fact.
In fact, it wasn't any of her business.
As a mater of fact, he can't give me the thing I want most.
In fact, you're the only one who violated a trust.
No reason except the fact that she was losing a lot of sleep.
That's obvious by the fact that she gave it up so easily.
That wasn't too surprising, considering the fact that she insisted she wasn't a social person.
In fact, she'd made sure he was out of the way when she acted against Sirian.
That was fact, not lack of confidence speaking.
In fact, he appeared to be relaxed – in his element.
In fact, he didn't seem to notice that it embarrassed her.
In fact, their conversation was restricted to necessities.
As a matter of fact, he had the idea that I didn't much like him.
In fact, the casual observer might think he was actually courting her.
If it had not been for the fact that he was speaking so distinctly, she probably wouldn't have been able to hear the translation.
In fact, her trust in him had been so complete that she had allowed him to make nearly every important decision in her life - until now.
In fact, I think they'd make a perfect couple.
He refuses to accept that fact.
No, as a mater of fact, he already knew where to find you.
In fact, you cannot hurt me.
In fact, I'll help you.
From this time he was in fact, if not in name, the dictator.
They're all several hours after the fact and come from an unusual viewpoint; not where there would naturally be someone observing.
In fact, I'd confine myself to a bank vault or a guru's mountain top sanctuary.
In fact, he's gone missing, Quinn held a super market tabloid as we shared coffee before starting our day.
Granted, he's been secretive about Julie but the fact he brought her here to meet us shows he's opening up.
I know for a fact they've talked to the tip line people and didn't get very far but who knows if they're tapping the line.
Now I would muddy the waters even more by contacting Daniel Brennan, another fact I planned to withhold from all but my wife.
I told him the year, the Santa Barbara, California location and the fact Annie was abducted and murdered.
It killed me not to use the chance to rub their noses in the fact I beat them to the punch on this!
Knowing the local police included Detective Jackson, I suggested he contact the Simi Valley attorney first to find out if the vehicle I saw was in fact his.
The fact that she shows no terror as she sits before me is most vexing.
Consider it a fact.
In fact, she felt no pain at all, anywhere.
In fact, she didn't crave anything anymore.
There were days when you hated the fact you did love her, and there were days when she almost walked away from you for good, because she hated that she couldn't control how she felt, Deidre continued.
In spite of the fact that you're as nutty as a full course sundae, you're a nice guy.
Darkness moved in quickly now, and he knew he'd soon need help and more light than a simple flashlight to locate a wreck, if in fact a vehicle had plunged to the valley floor, a hundred or more feet below.
In fact, they were probably more an obstacle than the ordeal ahead of him.
In fact, the entire design of the living area was more open and roomy than the new log home where they now lived.
She turned around, amazed by the fact that he had spoken while he was awake.
Any gratitude he felt for the fact that she had given them a daughter was overshadowed by the danger she had put them all in.
After sobbing herself to sleep, she was almost too tired to appreciate the fact he was alive.
In fact, he had never seen any warrior speak to her save Ne'Rin.
This girl's code, if it is in fact a code, is mostly one continuous line, with hardly any punctuation.
How would I know he can ski, if in fact he really can?
There's no changing that fact.
That, and given the fact she was in the wrong line when they were passing out brains makes me think we're missing something.
My heart is empty as I have no doubt he'll dismiss me if his mother does, in fact, pass on to her final reward.
But, by all accounts, she was not near the spot where he fell, a fact confirmed by enough people to make it believable.
Dean knew in time, he'd get over the sudden death of Edith Shipton but he also knew the fact he failed to stop her from killing herself would remain with him forever.
Everything about Edith Shipton was strange—her moods—her personality—the fact that she lied so easily.
I can't see why the fact that he used a pen would send you dashing up to the ice park and half kill yourself.
At first I didn't think so, but the fact that he had the old suicide note with him makes me think he at least considered it, if the opportunity presented itself .
This is part guess, part fact, with both parts complicated.
The fact that the other end was also cut must have looked like the natural end of the line.
He prided himself on the fact that he had never killed a human by sucking them dry.
Jackson began to accept his fate and found comfort in the fact that none of his victims remembered his attacks.
Jackson's anger stemmed more from the fact that he wanted to ask about Elisabeth's frame of mind, rather than from Sarah going behind his back.
She had been cool toward him at the funeral, but that may have been due to the fact that she was grieving.
I don't know anything about your brother - except the fact that he got you through school.
There was little point in denying the fact that she was watching Alex - and enjoying what she was seeing.
In fact, he must have given the goat a good deal of attention to be able to identify her from the other Toggenburgs.
Did it have anything to do with the fact that she would be twenty-one soon, and gain control of her inheritance?
The only thing she had in common with that girl was the fact that they were both poor.
Alex would never hurt her - for some reason she was certain of that fact.
That would explain the fact that you didn't write either, wouldn't it?
In fact, I think they were looking forward to it.
Nor did she find anything particularly unusual about the fact that Alex stayed all day Sunday and took a plane back to Houston, leaving his truck for Carmen to drive.
The fact that it was the perfect place for a house and provided a spectacular view from the wide porch, was beside the point.
The fact that Alex stopped to see Lori merely gave Carmen time to get cleaned up.
He had long ago accepted the fact that he would have no biological children.
She'd never learned to lie; in fact, she would never dare lie to Mr. Tim, not with his rigid sense of integrity.
In fact, standing in her apartment, she had the surreal sense that life hadn't changed, as if she could open the door and go to work like any other day.
Brady glanced up at Elise's hard tone, sensing she'd not yet absorbed the fact the government she served had splintered.
In fact, Carmen had spent so much time in the Reynolds kitchen growing up that neighbors began to think she belonged there.
Actually, I was referring to the fact that he's so sophisticated and I'm such a hick.
I like the fact that he's not all muscled up like a wrestler.
More important for the child, though, was the fact that Alex actually wanted him to visit the ranch.
Alex was an accomplished horseman – a fact she had discovered when they visited his father's ranch in Texas.
In fact, he had repeatedly encouraged her to browse his financial records.
Once again Carmen was reminded of the fact that Alex wasn't a tall man.
He couldn't carry a tune if she stapled it in a paper bag for him, but he was blissfully unaware of that fact.
He had been quiet all week, obviously resigned to the fact that she was going to run things her way.
Even more surprising was the fact that Gerald didn't seem to mind being left behind.
I appreciate the fact that you were willing to ride up here with me.
One was the fact that Ed had never been afraid of lightning before.
In fact, they were probably already searching.
In fact, it lay somewhere between concerned and annoyed.
The reason all revolved around the fact that she felt uncomfortable around Rob – and the fact that Alex had said she was encouraging him.
In fact, it didn't even need to be a man.
Another first would be the fact that the children wouldn't be with them.
Aaron and Felipa were inseparable throughout the evening – a fact that didn't escape Alex.
In fact, he was spending more and more time in his office, working on his computer.
Whether he was referring to the fact that they were leaving or that Alex had left her was unclear.
The fact that he didn't think of those things was indication enough that he took her forgiveness for granted.
In fact, it was Felipa who made the announcement – that she was taking an early flight back home.
The trip back to Arkansas was uneventful with the exception of the fact that Alex was more gallant than usual.
In the summer months, it would be nice to have her here as well, but I have to face the fact that eventually she'll be getting a job and moving away.
I don't care if people smoke, but I wish they'd respect the fact that I don't want to smoke.
It was a well-known fact that Mrs. O'Hara would never surrender her kitchen to a maid, so the alibi passed as genuine.
As a matter of fact, I think I saw one of your listings in the newspaper tonight.
In fact, it kills poisonous snakes.
Of course, Clara would hardly miss the fact that her skin was lighter where Denton's ring had been.
Actually, the silence was beginning to get on her nerves, but she didn't want him reporting that fact to her father or Denton.
In fact, he reached out and plucked the stick from the water.
As a matter of fact, right now she was glad Dad had sent him.
At the cabin, she washed a dress in the sink and hung it on the line to dry, taking pride in the fact that she was making do with what was available.
His tone indicated that it merely was a statement of fact.
He had no loyalties to any of the Gods, a fact that rendered him useful to all three of them when they were in pissing contests.
Jessi froze, not completely connecting with the fact she stood in a place unlike the coastal southern California area.
Because apparently, to humans, explosions were more interesting than the fact they were watching him – a creature that hunted humans – cook their food.
It wasn't just because of her jealousy over the fact he slept with everyone, it was also her insecurity.
Neither sect was supposed to interfere in mortal affairs, a fact they selectively ignored.
If Eden succeeded, Xander died, a fact he didn't learn for many years after she left him writhing in agony on the roof of a tavern.
The fact he bit me? she demanded.
He still didn't understand the question Sofi wanted him to know, but the fact the woman capable of operating on stealth-mode was the answer did not set well with him.
Jessi didn't want to guess why he sounded pissed by the fact she made three trips instead of one.
It was hard not to be affected by the strength and heat of his body or the fact she was way too close to him.
Maybe it was her gaze, too direct to be friendly, or the fact Jessi didn't hear the newcomer enter.
From what Jule said and the fact your girl knows Jonny, I'd say the Black God is using her to get to you.
He had suffered extreme pain for years before his death, and in fact broke down altogether under disease contracted in the discharge of his duty.
In fact, so far as the direct evidence of our senses tells us, matter appears to be indefinitely divisible.
The fact that the two components can be recovered from the compound by destroying it does not decide the question.
In fact, he did so much to make the atomic theory of matter probable that he is popularly regarded as its originator.
He maintained that, under varying conditions, two substances could combine in an indefinitely large number of different ratios, that there could in fact be a continuous variation in the combining ratio.
One section of the law expresses the fact that the weights of two substances, not necessarily elements, that are equivalent in one reaction, are often found to be equivalent in a number of other reactions.
The fact that he embellished with his own great literary ability the speeches of the Liberals and Reformers only added to the influence of his news-letters.
He was in fact a typical representative of the unscrupulous selfseeking Polish magnates of the 17th century who were always ready to sacrifice everything, their country included, to their own private ambition.
Peter Bayle is severe on certain historical inaccuracies of Davila, and it is true that Davila must be read with due remembrance of the fact that he was not only a Catholic but the especial protege of Catherine de' Medici, but it is not to be forgotten that Bayle was as strongly Protestant.
The chroniclers emphasize the fact that this king was not of royal descent.
As a matter of fact, the parliament at Leicester, in which the speeches were supposed to have been made, began on the 30th of April 1414 before Chicheley was archbishop. The rolls of parliament show that he was not present in the parliament at all.
That the charges against Garfield were not generally credited, however, is shown by the fact that he received 214 electoral votes to his opponent's 155.
It should be evident that what we have first to explain is the fact that we receive any light from the sky at all.
Leland in his Itinerary (1558) recorded the fact that Bolton made cottons, which were in reality woollen goods.
He was so consummate a liar that, when taken in the fact, he could brazenly deny it.
In fact, the strongest and most conclusive arguments in favour of evolution are those which are based upon the facts of geographical, taken in conjunction with those of geological, distribution.
And that fact is driven home by its generally low price in most locations.
In the Internet age, everyone fact checks everyone else.
The explanation of the fact was unimportant compared to the fact itself and the need of hurrying on.
And the fact remains that she was taught by a method of teaching language to the deaf the essential principles of which are clearly expressed in Miss Sullivan's letters, written while she was discovering the method and putting it successfully into practice.
It was not what he had read that vexed him, but the fact that the life out there in which he had now no part could perturb him.
He referred to the fact that the Emperor Napoleon had resented the demand that he should withdraw his troops from Prussia, especially when that demand became generally known and the dignity of France was thereby offended.
This fact impressed Alpatych, but in thinking about his own business he soon forgot it.
The fact that he did not, as she had feared, order her to be carried away by force but only told her not to let him see her cheered Princess Mary.
He was told by his fellow officers that the screams of the crowd and the shrieks of the woman were due to the fact that General Ermolov, coming up to the crowd and learning that soldiers were dispersing among the shops while crowds of civilians blocked the bridge, had ordered two guns to be unlimbered and made a show of firing at the bridge.
And in fact his health was poor.
But not to speak of the intrinsic quality of histories of this kind (which may possibly even be of use to someone for something) the histories of culture, to which all general histories tend more and more to approximate, are significant from the fact that after seriously and minutely examining various religious, philosophic, and political doctrines as causes of events, as soon as they have to describe an actual historic event such as the campaign of 1812 for instance, they involuntarily describe it as resulting from an exercise of power--and say plainly that that was the result of Napoleon's will.
Some diners resent the fact that the tip is included in the bill.
They're after the fact.
I was candid, omitting only the fact Julie had sent an entry to the newspaper contest.
I felt if Quinn learned that fact he would want to scrub the entire operation.
In fact, I can't find any tips lately.
In fact, you'll thank me!
And the fact the Black God wanted her.
The fact that you didn't close the door and walk away the moment you saw me.
In fact, it sat calmly on the couch across the room from him.
In fact, his sleeping body welcomed her energy.
The fact the mysterious creatures could find him whenever they wanted made him cautious about outright opposing them.
In fact, why didn't you tell me?
In fact, she did see him in those positions, and in many more.
She gritted her teeth, hating the fact he had open access to her thoughts and worse—he could respond to them!
In fact, if you refuse me now, I'll kill him before I hang up the phone.
He repeated his intentions to continue his education in the off season, skirting the fact he'd be kissing off the final year of his scholarship.
In the eyes of the Deans, it was looking more and more as if person or persons unknown did in fact take the original bones and switch them for the theatrical imitations Fitzgerald dragged out of The Lucky Pup mine.
But the fact that some present-day person was trying to stop them from finding any answers somehow made the mystery more intriguing.
Even the fact that she was born in a town where he owned land is coincidence enough.
Making judgment after the fact is far easier than before.
But Fitzgerald had to be older than forty—he certainly looked it—a fact easily checked on his election application.
He didn't think he could do much worse, but the fact the Dark One held the key to something he might need to know was not promising.
The fact that Lori said she didn't want Destiny when she was born didn't mean that she wasn't feeling bad about it now.
Señor Medena obviously delighted in that fact and even Alex didn't appear to mind.
Whether it was the personality or the fact that she was entering another stage was hard to tell.
She moved to face him, distracted by the fact he shifted his body to keep from breaking their physical contact.
Deidre took some solace from the fact he didn't laugh or throw her out.
In fact, it was empty, except for the nun who brought her breakfast.
Mind on Deidre and the fact he still didn't know how to undo what Wynn had done, Gabe went onto the next death-dealer at the lake then the next.
In fact, she wasn't anywhere.
In fact, Sasha was happy!
He seemed at once disgusted by the fact she was a difficult mortal blood monkey and yet primitively protective, holding her as she quaked after her run-in with a man who wanted to kill her.
Now… He stopped, not sure how to explain the fact he now wanted something he shouldn't.
She faced him, suddenly overly aware of how small the room was and the fact that he leaned against the only way out.
In fact, the normal world --while comforting --seemed a bit boring after her trauma.
Reluctantly, he accepted the fact that he needed the protection of the Immortals to keep Katie safe.
In fact, I say we vote you out.
This fact did little to assuage Jade.s guilt when he saw the slaughter around the place he.d once called home.
He now began to be regarded as the chief upholder of Protestantism in the ministry; he lost favour with Charles, and on Sunday, the 9th of September 1673, was dismissed from the chancellorship. Among the reasons for this dismissal is probably the fact that he opposed grants to the king's mistresses.
Macaulay in especial exerted all his art, though in contradiction of probability and fact, to deepen still further the shade which rests upon his reputation.
Callander owes much of its prosperity to the fact that it is the centre from which the Trossachs is usually visited, the route being that described in Scott's Lady of the Lake.
He may, in fact, be called the father of modern pathology, for his view, that every animal is constituted by a sum of vital units, each of which manifests the characteristics of life, has almost uniformly dominated the theory of disease.since the middle of the 59th century, when it was enunciated.
The fact that in tabby Persians the body-markings are never so strong as in the short-haired breeds is in some degree confirmatory of this, as suggesting descent from a nearly wholecoloured type.
He was, according to his enemies, the son of an apothecary, his father being in fact a doctor of medicine of respectable family, who kept a small drug store as part of the necessary outfit of a country practitioner.
But when we have done our worst in unsettling them, we come to an ultimate point in the fact that it is we who are doubting, we who are thinking.
No theologian save Augustine has had an equal influence on the theological thought and language of the Western Church, a fact which was strongly emphasized by Leo XIII.
His chief philosophical importance consists in the fact that he was a leader in the attempt to revivify French philosophy by the new thought of Germany, to which he had been introduced by Cousin, but of which he never had more than a second-hand knowledge.
The origin of such unendowed curacies is traceable to the fact that benefices were sometimes granted to religious houses pleno jure, and with liberty for them to provide for the cure; and when such appropriations were transferred to lay persons, being unable to serve themselves, the impropriators were required to nominate a clerk in full orders to the.
Perhaps the most interesting proof that bowls is a true Volksspiel is to be found in the fact that it has become municipalized.
The third player, who does any measuring that may be necessary to determine which bowl or bowls may be nearest the jack, holds almost as responsible a position as the captain, whose place, in fact, he takes whenever the skip is temporarily absent.
The life of trust in God is a fact, not so much to be explained as to explain everything else.
In point of fact, they are gradually going higher, and the brass bands, which are so important in the North of England and in Wales, are not behind them.
The bitter invectives against Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia, Tyre, Sidon and Egypt, put into Yahweh's mouth, are based wholly on the fact that these peoples are regarded as hostile and hurtful to Israel; Babylonia, though nowise superior to Egypt morally, is favoured and applauded because it is believed to be the instrument for securing ultimately the prosperity of Yahweh's people.
Despite the fact that with the exception of the period of the "Great Awakening" (1740-1742), when he preached as an itinerant in several neighbouring colonies, his active labours were confined to his own parish, his influence on the religious thought of his time in America was probably surpassed only by that of his old friend and teacher Jonathan Edwards.
The fact that the kings were often absent from England, and that the justiciarship was held by great nobles or churchmen, made this office of an importance which at times threatened to overshadow that of the Crown.
The geometry of the rectangular hyperbola is simplified by the fact that its principal axes are equal.
A drawback to the use of steam is the fact that the high temperature of the pipes and radiators attracts and spreads a great deal of dust.
The extent to which the employment of the local preacher is characteristic of Methodism may be seen from the fact that in the United Kingdom while there are only about 5000 Methodist ministers, there are more than 18,000 congregations; some 13,000 congregations, chiefly in the villages, are dependent on local preachers.
Although there is no direct evidence of the fact, there can be no doubt that he left St Andrews to complete his education abroad, and that he probably studied at the university of Paris, and visited Italy and Germany.
As the deed was not destroyed, but is in existence now, it is to be presumed that the terms of it were, riot fulfilled; but the fact that such a contract should have been drawn up by Napier himself affords a singular illustration of the state of society and the kind of events in the midst of which logarithms had their birth.
This has led in some quarters to a desire that the moderator should be clothed with greater responsibility and have his period of office prolonged; should be made, in fact, more of a bishop in the Anglican sense of the word.
The Presbyterianism now visible in England is of Scottish origin and Scottish type, and beyond the fact of embracing a few congregations which date from, or before, the Act of Uniformity and the Five Mile Act, has little in common with the Presbyterianism which was for a brief period by law established.