Facing Sentence Examples
She watched him go before facing Jule.
Facing him again was an unbearable thought.
Speck's sector headquarters was abuzz with activity; the only private place to talk was the back porch overlooking a field of knee-high winter wheat facing a sun setting too early.
Without ever facing him, she turned and left.
She roused herself and lay on her side, facing him.
But cogent thoughts were few and he began to feel like an empty-nested squirrel facing a long, tough winter.
Winston, still smiling, pulled up a chair and sat in it backwards facing Dean.
It wasn't the way she had envisioned facing him.
In her present frame of mind, facing her father would be easy.
Jude remained incarcerated but Owen, facing a lesser charge, was released on bail.
AdvertisementRhyn enjoyed the feel of a weapon in his hand and facing a decent opponent.
The guys we're facing don't fit the bill.
Katie heard Deidre's footsteps stop abruptly and turned around. The woman was facing the opposite direction.
Jonny asked, facing her again.
At the card table he happened to be directly facing Natasha, and was struck by a curious change that had come over her since the ball.
AdvertisementShe peeled off the thick coat and draped it over one bench before seating herself facing the door, as her father had taught her.
She cleared her throat and lay down again, facing away from him.
He patted the seat beside him on the couch facing Dustin and Jule.
Darian's disapproving gaze mirrored Damian's, and Sofia hid her face against Damian's chest as the three men facing her gave her similar looks.
Maybe I should say, my mate, facing reality.
AdvertisementFacing it wasn't nearly as bad as she thought it would be, and having Alex at her side was the biggest reason it wasn't.
He sighed and flopped onto his stomach, facing away from them.
He wiped his face and sat facing her on the edge of the balcony's railing, arms folded across his chest and legs crossed at the ankle.
I'm so sick of this whole better-than-thou attitude you all have! she snapped, facing him with her hands on her hips.
Rhyn gave a nod, hands clenching at the thought of facing off against some demons.
AdvertisementShe didn.t want to remember she was utterly alone in facing him.
Gabriel had whispered the words from her dream before facing off against Rhyn.
When he did not continue, she sat down impatiently, facing him.
It was packed with warriors facing a screen with A'Ran's calm, hard image displayed.
Jetr motioned her to the side, and the men gathered in the center of the room, facing the largest viewer.
Storefronts facing south were opening their doors to the summer-warm sun in spite of the temperature still hovering in the twenties.
They carried their glasses to the overstuffed sofa and sat facing each other.
Hey, what would you think about turning one of the south facing bedrooms into a studio for Elisabeth.
He reminded her of a Banty rooster facing it off with a big Leghorn.
He looked like he was on vacation rather than facing the end of the world.
The portal closed behind his half-brother, and Kiki lowered the knife in his hand, facing Kris.
A stack of file folders was neatly arranged on one side, while a half-dozen pens, all facing in the same direction, were perfectly centered on the desk blotter.
Shakey Jake, named for a nervous tic, looked less nervous than he should have for someone facing heavy time.
He'd be walking a thin line facing disbarment if he related any privileged information.
Dean felt her wiggle out of her bike shorts and then turn to her side, facing him.
The next morning she woke facing his back.
Jenn closed the door firmly and drew a deep breath before facing her awaiting surveillance team.
She'd be lucky to get any sleep with the vamps hovering over her and before facing one god no longer under her influence and another with a wild streak that might get them all killed.
When a strip of yellow lit the edge of the night sky, Taran returned to his perch in a large window facing the sunrise.
He reached Rissa and threw himself from his horse, keeping a hold of the reins as he smashed blows into one of the three facing her.
She remained facing the door, shoulders hunched.
She wanted nothing more than a hot bath and a good night's rest before facing Sirian the next morning.
He remained facing the ocean, resolved to deal with her on his terms.
Vara asked, facing him.
Pulling her rifle from the box under the seat, he left Jonathan with the younger children and walked Carmen to a spot facing the target.
Xander felt her gaze and sat on a bench facing her.
The entire wall facing the ocean was lowered, and people spilled from the mansion onto the extensive balcony.
They leaned against the railing, Gerry facing the crowd and Jessi facing the sky and sea.
Facing the ocean, Charles waved them over.
Apprehension filled her at the thought of facing Jonny or Others.
The eyepiece ab consists of two plano-convex lenses a, b, of nearly the same focal length, and with the two convex sides facing each other.
The brick and opus reticulatum facing of the walls is especially fine.
Instead of facing the difficulties, the president preferred to put off the day of reckoning by flooding the country with inconvertible notes, with the result that the financial crisis became more and more aggravated.
That according to which they were set up at Munich was in the main suggested by Cockerell; in the middle of each pediment was a figure of Athena, set well back, and a fallen warrior at her feet; on each side were standing spearmen, kneeling spearmen and bowmen, all facing towards the centre of the composition; the corners were filled with fallen warriors.
The former Royal Dockyard was made over to the War Office in 1872 and converted into stores, wharves for the loading of troopships, &c. The Royal Artillery Barracks, facing Woolwich Common, originally erected in 1775, has been greatly extended at different times, and consists of six ranges of Brick building, including a church in the Italian Gothic style erected in 1863, a theatre, and a library in connexion with the officers' mess-room.
It stands in the parade ground of the Brompton barracks, facing the Crimean arch.
At each signalling station was erected an insulated metallic surface facing and near to the ordinary telegraph wires.
The district is by no means devoid of fertility, the steep slopes facing the south enjoying so fine a climate as to render them very favorable for the growth of fruit trees, especially the olive, which is cultivated in terraces to a considerable height up the face of the mountains, while the openings of the valleys are generally occupied by towns or villages, some of which have become favorite winter resorts.
At the other end of the great hall is a similar portico facing outwards; and between this and the doors the hall is divided into three aisles by rows of Ionic columns.
The second stage was for the sub-deacon who read the epistle (facing the altar); and the third for the subordinate clergy who read other parts of scripture.
The city proper is almost entirely enclosed by the remains of a great granite wall (built in 1673, when the new city was established), on the top of which on the side facing the sea is Las Bovedas promenade.
The points over which a train travels when directed from the main to a branch line are called " facing points " (F P), while those which it passes when running from a branch to a main line are " trailing points " (TP).
In Great Britain the Board of Trade requires facing points to be avoided as far as possible; but, of course, they are a necessity at junctions where running lines diverge and at the crossing places which must be provided to enable trains to pass each other on single-track lines.
The seats, holding two persons, are placed transversely on each side of the central passage, and have reversible backs, so that passengers can always sit facing the direction in which the train is travelling.
Facing the main entrance is a small open shrine, consisting of a cornice and dome upheld by four pillars.
In the eastern portion of the island were Praesus in the interior, and Itanus on the coast, facing the east, while Hierapytna on the south coast was the only place of importance on the side facing Africa, and on this account rose under the Romans to be one of the principal cities of the island.
This great divide is not always marked by well-defined ranges facing steeply either to the north or south.
The heaviest falls of rain occur along lines of mountain of some extent directly facing the vapour-bearing winds, as on the Western Ghats of India and the west coast of the Malay peninsula.
Facing the castle, on the western side of the pill, stand the considerable remains of Monkton Priory, a Benediction house founded by Earl William Marshal as a cell to the abbey of Seez or Sayes in Normandy, but under Henry VI.
Nymphs had planted elm-trees, facing towards Troy, which withered away as soon as they had grown high enough to see the captured city.
Thus mind and matter are to Geulincx only the "occasional" causes of each other's changes, while Malebranche, facing further the epistemological problem, maintains that mind cannot even know matter, which is merely the "occasion" of knowledge.
From the inner exit of the Propylaea a passage led towards the east along the north side of the Parthenon; almost directly facing the entrance was the colossal bronze statue of Athena (afterwards called Athena Promachos) by Pheidias, probably set up by Cimon in commemoration of the Persian defeat.
Hardee's corps, the largest of his army, to the south of Atlanta, facing the left flank of McPherson's army.
Immediately facing the town is the lofty island of FrOs, with which it is connected by a bridge 1148 ft.
On the 6th of September, however, he left Ford and took up a strong position facing south, on Flodden Edge.
On his appearance the Scots hastily changed front and took post on Branxton Hill, facing north.
Thence the mountains sweep round to the north, with their precipitous outer slopes facing east.
To this point we have only considered rays passing through a principal section of the drop; in nature, however, the rays impinge at every point of the surface facing the sun.
Facing the city is the low barren island of Serrano, or Iquique, which is connected with the mainland by a stone causeway 1500 ft.
Their artillery driven back off the ridges formed a long line from Stosser to Plotist facing the enemy, and under cover of its fire the infantry at length succeeded in withdrawing, for the Prussian reserve cavalry arrived late on the ground, and the local disconnected efforts of the divisional cavalry were checked by the still intact Austrian squadrons.
Marcellus, after an unsuccessful attempt to negotiate, began the siege in regular form (214 B.C.) by both land and sea, establishing a camp on Polichne, where stood the old temple of Olympian Zeus; but he made his chief assault on the northern side and on the defences of Tyche, particularly at the Hexapylum, the entrance facing Megara and Leontini.
The Royal Courts of Justice or Law Courts stand adjacent to the Inns of Court, facing the Strand at the point where a memorial marks the site of Old Temple Bar (1672), at the entrance to the City, removed in 1878 and later re-erected at Theobald's Park, near Cheshunt, Hertfordshire.
Westminster, facing the Abbey.
Hotels and villas were built in the new part of the town that sprang up outside the picturesque walled fortress, and there is quite a contrast between the part inside the heavy, half-ruined ramparts, with its narrow, steep streets and curious gable-roofed houses, its fine old church and castle and its massive town hall, and the new suburbs and fishermen's quarter facing the estuary of the Bidassoa.
When freed from excess of water it is laid on a sheet of thick white blotting-paper, and a piece of smooth washed calico is placed upon it (unwashed calico, on account of its "facing," adheres to the sea-weed).
That facing the entrance was the place of greatest honour, where in many instances the remains of a martyr were deposited, whose tomb, according to primitive usage, served as an altar for the celebration of the eucharist.
They often rise tier above tier, and are sometimes all on the same level " facing each other as in streets, and branching off laterally into smaller lanes or alleys "; and FIG.
The Budget is now published in full detail and that for the year 1326 (1910-1911), with the explanatory memorandum which prefaces it, is an admirable work, mercilessly exposing the financial shortcomings and sins of the previous system, or rather want of system, while unshrinkingly facing the difficulties which the present government has inherited.
Davout, however, had left a garrison of 1800 men in Regensburg, who delayed the junction of the Austrian wings until the 10th inst., and on the same day the emperor, having now reunited his whole right wing and centre, overwhelmed the covering detachments facing him in a long series of disconnected engagements lasting forty-eight hours, and the archduke now found himself in danger of being forced back into the Danube.
The streets are unpaved and in many places so narrow that two horsemen can scarcely pass each other; as it is seldom that the houses have windows facing the thoroughfares, and the doors are small and mean, they present on both sides the gloomy appearance of dead walls.
Towards the Dahra district at the north-east end the fall is gradual and continuous, but at the opposite extremity facing the Atlantic between Agadir and Mogador it is precipitous.
With the exception of the Dra'a, the streams rising on the side of the range facing the Sahara do not reach the sea, but form marshes or lagoons at one season, and at another are lost in the dry soil of the desert.
Along the southern end of the Binnen Alster runs the Jungfernstieg with fine shops, hotels and restaurants facing the water.
Facing the botanical gardens a new central post-office, in the Renaissance style, was built in 1887.
Facing the judiciary building is an heroic statue in bronze of Kamehameha the Great., About 2 m.
Facing the crags on the south-west are the spots familiar to readers of The Heart of Midlothian, where stood Jeanie Deans's cottage, and between the crags and Arthur's Seat lies Hunter's Bog, used as a shooting range.
On the other bank Fort Chaudanne is now the innermost of several forts facing towards the southwest, and the foremost of these works connects the fortifications of the left bank with another chain of detached forts on the right bank.
Thus the Ektagh Altai is a true border-rangethat is, a lofty and steep escarpment facing the Dzungarian depression, with a gentle and relatively short slope towards the plateau.
This Turkish artillery was bearing upon Helles not merely from the uplands facing the Allies' front line, but also from the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles on the Allies' flank.
Facing Chitral, on the right bank of the river, and extending for some 70 m.
West of this line the rocks are chiefly Tertiary and Quaternary; east of it they are mostly Palaeozoic or gneissic. In the western mountain ranges the beds are thrown into a series of folds which form a gentle curve running from south to north with its convexity facing westward.
In the centre facing an open space are the ruins of the tomb of the Mandi and behind is the house in which he lived.
The building is one of three storeys each with ten pointed windows forming the facade facing the square.
The city is characteristically Portuguese in the construction and style of its buildings - low, heavy walls of broken stone and mortar, plastered and coloured outside, with an occasional facing of glazed Lisbon tiles, and covered with red tiles.
He displayed great energy in facing the difficulties of a turbulent situation, but was unsuccessful.
He seems to have been well acquainted with the projection of images of objects through small apertures, and to have been the first to show that the arrival of the image of an object at the concave surface of the common nerve - or the retina - corresponds with the passage of light from an object through an aperture in a darkened place, from which it falls upon a surface facing the aperture.
His forces on the Marchfeld were drawn up in front of the bridges facing north, with their left in the village of Aspern (Gross-Aspern) and their right in Essling (or Esslingen).
In the encrusting type, which is found in a large proportion of the genera, the zooids are usually in a single layer, with their orifices facing away from the substratum; but in certain species the colony becomes multilaminar by the continued superposition of new zooids over the free surfaces of the older ones, whose orifices they naturally occlude.
This paved road is easily recognized as it zigzags up the hill, with treasuries and the bases of various offerings facing it on both sides.
On a stepped pedestal facing the open stood the statues of the gods and the admirals, perhaps in rows above one another.
The general slope of these ridges is towards the N.W., facing Sicily and snow-capped Etna, the source of cool evening breezes.
In addition to the harbours of Valletta, there are in Malta, facing N.W., the bays called Mellieha and St Paul's, the inlets of the Salina, of Madalena, of St Julian and St Thomas; on the S.E.
Nettled by the form in which the order was conveyed to him, Bredow drew his sword and ordered his trumpeter to sound the "trot," the brigade moving off in line of squadron columns at close interval in the direction in which they happened at the moment to be facing.
The leaders of the two Guard brigades, still ignorant of the extent of the French position, rallied their men on the main bodies of their commands (which had not been engaged) and then lay down facing exactly as they had done when brought forward to the attack.
Thus the 1st brigade lay, facing about east-south-east, south of the chaussee and some five hundred yards west of the village.
The and brigade lay south-west of the village about three hundred yards away from it and facing nearly north-east.
Facing the right of the First Army were the German I.
Facing them the German Seventeenth Army held the Hindenburg system with seven divisions in front line.
The German Second Army, facing the Fourth Army, consisted at this time of the LIV., IV.
It once consisted of three parts - the village of East Bourne, a mile inland; South Bourne, lying back from the shore; and Seahouses, facing the beach.
On one of these streams, the Nebel, the French and Bavarians (somewhat superior in numbers) took up their position facing eastward, their right flank resting on the Danube, their left in the underfeatures of the hilly ground, and their front covered by the Nebel, on which were the villages of Oberglau, Unterglau and Blenheim.
Facing the north side of the Parade Ground are the handsome municipal buildings, completed in 1906.
At Muizenberg Cecil Rhodes died, Facing the Atlantic is Hout's Bay, 10 m.
Of these the works facing the east would in war time cover the assembly of troops destined to operate outside the Water Line, while those of the north and south fronts would be surrounded by inundations and serve chiefly to control the sluices.
Facing the sea there are gardens and promenades over 1 m.
The difficulties facing the manufacturing census were of a different character.
Facing the arch, within the Hieron, their rear walls forming one side of the enclosure, are three temples, connected with one another by arches, and forming one design.
For instance, a ticking watch may be put at the focus of a large concave metallic mirror, which sends a parallel " beam " of sound to a second concave mirror facing the first.
On the other side the ist Army was at Feng-hwang-cheng with one brigade detached on the roads on either hand, the left being therefore in front of the Takushan division and facing the Fenshuiling.
On the night of the 30th the first Japanese troops crossed the Taitszeho near Lien-Tao-Wun, and during the 31st three brigades were deployed north of Kwan-tun, facing west.
The manoeuvre began on the 5th of October, and by the evening of the loth, after four days of fairly heavy advanced-guard fighting, chiefly between Bilderling and Nozu, Stakelberg was in his assigned position in the mountainous country, facing west towards LiaoYang, with his left on the Taitseho.
Nogi and Kaulbars stood fast, facing each other on the west front; after the arrival of the general reserve, Nogi was able to prolong his line to the north and eventually to bend it inwards towards the Russian line of retreat.
The main towers consist of a skeleton of steel, enclosed in a facing of granite and Portland stone, backed with brickwork.
The city occupies a part of the upper island or peninsula facing the northern end of the harbour, and is separated from the mainland on the east by a shallow lagoon-like extension of the bay which is bridged by a causeway passing through the extra-mural suburb of Xiximani on another island.
Poland, as the next neighbour of Hungary, was more seriously affected than any other European power by this catastrophe, but her politicians differed as to the best way of facing it.
Herodotus, who visited Thasos, says that the best mines on the island were those which had been opened by the Phoenicians on the east side of the island facing Samothrace.
Here, facing MaiStreet, stands the city hall, a beautiful example of Colonial architecture, which was designed by Charles Bulfinch, completed in 1796, and until 1879 used as a state capitol; it has subsequently been restored.
Situated on a slightly elevated headland facing Swansea Bay and the Bristol Channel, it has fine sands, rocks and breezy commons, on one of which, near golf links resorted to from all parts of Glamorgan, is "The Rest," a convalescent home for the working classes, completed in 1891, with accommodation for eighty persons.
The exumbral surface is uppermost, the subumbral surface, with the manubrium and mouth, is facing downwards.
The outer curve facing the Pacific is less regular, is deeply broken by the Gulf of California, and has a coast-line of 4574 m., including that of the Gulf.
There are no fisheries of importance except the pearl fisheries on the eastern coast of Lower California, and the tortoise fisheries on the coasts of Campeche, Yucatan, and some of the states facing the Pacific. The pearl fisheries have been worked since the arrival of the Spaniards, and were once very productive notwithstanding the primitive methods employed.
It presents four fronts, that facing the river being of Portland stone, in the Doric order, while the rest are of granite.
The principal villages are Oak Bluffs on the north-east coast, facing Vineyard Sound; Vineyard Haven, in Tisbury township, beautifully situated on the west shore of Vineyard Haven Harbor, and Edgartown on Edgartown Harbor - all summer resorts.
Having taken up the reins, the rider should stand at his horse's near (left) shoulder, facing towards the tail, and in that position hold the stirrup with his right hand for the reception of his left foot.
As far north as the gorge of the Missouri river in Montana, the Front range, facing the Great Plains, is a rather simple uplift, usually formed by upturning the flanking strata, less often by a fracture.
The tilting of the great block resulted in presenting a strong slope to the east, facing the deserts of the Basin Range province and in large measure determining their aridity; and a long moderate slope to the west.
Facing the west are the stables (e), ox-sheds (f), goatstables (g), piggeries (h), sheep-folds (i), together with the servants' and labourers' quarters (h).
It has two facades, one overlooking the Place du Palais and the town, the other, more imposing, facing towards a fine park and the forest, which is chiefly of oak and beech and covers over 36,000 acres.
Near the north-east extremity of the island, and almost facing the entrance of the Gulf of Pagasae, is the promontory of Artemisium, celebrated for the great naval victory gained by the Greeks over the Persians, 480 B.C. Towards the centre, to the N.E.
These grounds are traversed by the broad Nya Alle, a favourite promenade, and beyond them lies the best residential quarter, the first houses facing Vasa Street, Vasa Park and Kungsport Avenue.
The public parks and gardens are numerous and include the Botanical Garden with its famous avenue of royal palms (Oreodoxa regia); the Passeio Publico (dating from 1783), a small garden on the water-front facing the harbour entrance; the Jardim d'Acclamacao, forming part of the Praca da Republica (once known as the Campo de Sant' Anna) with its artistic walks and masses of shrubbery; the Praca Tiradentes (the old Largo do Rocio, afterwards rechristened Praca da Constituicao) with its magnificent equestrian statue of Dom Pedro I.
The old city palace facing upon Praca 15 de Novembro, once the residence of the fugitive Portuguese sovereign Dom Joao VI., is a good example.
Although a metropolitan see, Rio has no cathedral, the old imperial chapel facing the Praca 15 de Novembro being used for that purpose.
The old city palace facing on Praga 15 de Novembro dates from 1743 and was the residence of the royal governors and Dom Joao VI., but is now used by the national telegraph offices.
The largest of these are the Bay of Turyassu, facing which is the island of Sao Joao, and several others of small size, and the contiguous bays of Sao Marcos and Sao Jose, between which is the large island of Maranhao.
The Briihl palace, built in 1737 by Count Briihl, the minister of Augustus II., has been in some measure demolished to make room for the new Standehaus (diet house), with its main facade facing the Hofkirche; before the main entrance there is an equestrian statue (1906) of King Albert.
In that year he bought from Mr Linton, Brantwood, an old cottage and property on Coniston Lake, a lovely spot facing the mountain named the Old Man.
On the 4th of August the Army of France and the Army of Weimar met at Merzhausen, the rearmost troops of the Army of France came in, and the whole was arranged by the major-generals in the plain facing the Loretto ridge.
To left and right, and at the back, dormitories are excavated opening on to this hall, and in the centre of the back, facing the entrance, an image of the Buddha usually stands in a niche.
Facing the plaza is the old Governor's Palace, a low, spreading, adobe structure, erected early in the 17th century, but partially destroyed in the Pueblo revolt of 1680 and later restored.
The clergy, now Roman officials, vested in the robes of the civil dignitaries, took their seats in the apse of the basilica where the magistrates were wont to sit, in front of them the holy table, facing the congregation.
Legionary fortresses were established at Wroxeter (for a time only), Chester and Caerleon, facing the Welsh hills, and at Lincoln in the northeast.
This fact and the peculiar character of the houses must have given to Silchester rather the appearance of a village with scattered cottages, each in its own plot facing its own way, than a town with regular and continuous streets.
The town is still surrounded by the masonry walls of black basalt which give it the name of Kara or Black Amid; they are well built and imposing on the west facing the open country, but almost in ruins where they overlook the river.
A few bays, facing towards the north, break the coast-line, and small rocky islands are dotted here and there just off the shore.
The town is surrounded by an earthen enceinte or rampart with some forts on the hills just above it, and others on the Deveboyun ridge facing east, the whole forming a position of considerable strength.
Facing this inner building on north, east and west were rooms of different sizes, to which doors or colonnades gave access.
The same general character - that of a Doric temple in antis, facing south - is traceable in all the treasure-houses.
To the north of the castle is the Arena, a kind of circus erected by Napoleon in 1805; while facing the castle on the opposite side of the park is the Arco della Pace, begun by Napoleon in 1806 from the designs of Cagnola to mark the beginning of the Simplon Road, but finished by the Austrians in 1833.
The; line which, winding round an axis either to the right or to the left, passes through the points of insertion of all the leaves on the axis is termed the genetic or generating spiral; and that margin of each leaf which is towards the direction from which the spiral proceeds is the kathodic side, the other margin facing the point whither the spiral passes being the anodic side.
But the survivors returned to the spot, and by digging down and tunnelling were able to remove all the objects of value, even the marble facing slabs of the large buildings.
In the days when China green teas were more used than now, the risks to a professional tea-taster were serious, because of the objectionable facing materials so often used.
Below the town and in the cliffs facing it the rock is hollowed into caverns accessible only by boat.
Facing the Plaza de Cespedes (once Plaza de la Reina and then Plaza de Armas) are hotels and clubs, the large municipal building - formerly the governor's palace (1855 seq.) - and the cathedral.
Facing the pier a statue was erected in 1898 of Mary Campbell, Burns's "Highland Mary," who was a native of Dunoon.
Facing the river immediately north of the Great Nile bridge are the large barracks, called Kasr-en-Nil, and the new museum of Egyptian antiquities (opened in 1902).
Hieroglyphic is normally written from right youth to left, the signs facing to the commencement of the line; hieratic and demotic follow the same direction.
Probably the first lorming was done by chipping and hammer-dressing, as in later times; the final facing of the hard stones was doubtless by sieans of emery in block or powder, as emery grinding blocks tre found.
The facing of the cloven surfaces was done by hammer-dressing, using rounded masses of quartzose hornstone, held in the hand without any handle.
In later work we may note that copper scrapers were used for facing the limestone work in the VIth, the XIIth and the XVIIIth Dynasties.
In the earlier part of the prehistoric age there was a soft brown ware with haematite facing, highly burnished.
In the latter part of the XVIIIth and the XIXth Dynasties a thick hard light pottery, with white specks and a polished drab-white facing, was generally used for all fine purposes.
On the 9th the admiral received a report that working parties had been seen in Fort Silsileh parbuckling two smoothbore gunsapparently 32-pounderstowards their respective carriages and slides, which were facing in the direction of the harbour.
The imperial army accepted the challenge and drew up facing south-westward towards Bouvines, the heavy cavalry on the wings, the infantry in one great mass in the centre, supported by the cavalry corps under the emperor himself.
The mountainous regions are mostly massed in the west and lie generally north and south, or approximately facing the rain-bringing winds from the Atlantic. Thus the climates of the west are essentially wet.
The second class is marked by the heraldic type of two animals, usually lions rampant, facing one another, but divided by a pillar .or some other device.
Among its notable public buildings and institutions are the old government palace in Santo Antonio built upon the foundations of the official residence of Prince Maurice of Nassau, with a pretty garden attached; a theatre facing upon the Praga da Republica, dating from the second empire; the palace of the Provincial Assembly in Boa Vista, built in 1860-66, surmounted by a high dome; the municipal palace, or prefecture, on Rua do Imperador, with the public library (Biblioteca Publica) occupying its third floor and containing about 30,000 volumes; the Gymnasium, a large plain building of two floors standing near the legislative palace; the Pedro II.
These summits are remarkable, not only for their great height, but also for their apparent symmetrical arrangement in parallel lines, sometimes in pairs facing each other across this cyclopean passage.
The line of permanent snow is much higher on the plateau side in both ranges, the precipitation being greater on the outer sides - those facing the forested lowlands - and the terrestrial radiation being greater from the barren surfaces of the plateau.
Part of this ridge, called Home Ridge and culminating in a knoll, was occupied by the British, while farther to the south, facing the battleground of Balaklava, a corps under General Bosquet was posted to cover the rear of the besiegers against attacks from the direction of Traktir Bridge.
The Canary Islands resemble a roughly-drawn semicircle, with its convex side facing southwards, and with the island of Hierro detached on the south-west.
The city is situated on gently rising ground facing these bays, and has 29 m.
Facing the cathedral is the Della Rovere palace erected by Cardinal Giulio della Rovere (Julius II.) from the plans of Giuliano da Sangallo as a kind of university, and now occupied by the prefecture, the post-office and law-courts.
The Palace, which served as a residence for the captains-general during the Spanish rule, is the home of the city government and the residence of the president of the republic. It is a large and handsome stone structure (tinted in white and yellow), and stands on the site of the original parish church, facing the Plaza de Armas from the east.
Immediately adjoining end facing the temple, is built upon elaborate supporting walls of good masonry.
Immediately below the second temple at the foot of the elevation on which this temple stands, towards the south, and thus facing the city of Argos, a splendid stoa or colonnade, to which large flights of steps lead, was erected about the time of the building of the second temple.
While it was thus probably chosen as the earliest site for a citadel facing the sea, its second period points towards Tiryns and Midea.
They are the Emodus of Ptolemy (among other names), and extend in the shape of a scimitar, with its edge facing southwards, for a dis tance of 1500 m.
A A and B B are concave mirrors having a common axis and their concavities facing each other.
Facing the South Common were the homes of Rev. Nathaniel Ward (1578-1652), principal author of the Massachusetts "Body of Liberties" (1641); the first code of laws in New England, and author of The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America, Willing to help mend his Native Country, lamentably tattered, both in the upper-Leather and the Sole (1647), published under the pseudonym, "Theodore de la Guard," one of the most curious and interesting books of the colonial period; of Richard Saltonstall (1610-1694), who wrote against the life tenure of magistrates, and although himself an Assistant espoused the more liberal principles of the Deputies; and of Ezekiel Cheever (1614-1708), a famous schoolmaster, who had charge of the grammar school in 1650-1660.
At the lower end of the west water-front, facing the Narrows, are a United States reservation and the harbour defences of Fort Hamilton.
In the east part of the state is the magnificent Sierra Nevada, a great block of the earth's crust, faulted along its eastern side and tilted up so as to have a gentle back slope to the west and a steep fault escarpment facing east, the finest mountain system of the United States.
South Adelaide is bounded by four broad terraces facing north, south, east and west.
On its southern side the plateau is bounded by the high chains of the Taurus and the Anti-Taurus, which form a crescent with its convexity facing southwards.
In the east a well-defined mountain system runs nearly parallel to the Black Sea coast from Batum to Sinope, forming a gentle curve with its convexity facing southwards.
The Kremlin, or old fort, occupies one of these hills facing the Volga.
Facing on Plaza de la Constitucian are the capitol and cathedral.
Two squares north of the Senate officebuilding is the Union Railway Station (1908; 343 by 760 ft.; cost, $4,000,000), designed by Daniel Hudson Burnham, consisting of a main building of white granite (from Bethel, Vermont) and two wings, and facing a beautiful plaza.
Facing the Mall on the south is the home of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, in which the United States paper money and postage stamps are made.
Ci, C1 are the axes of the two parallel shafts; Di, D2 two disks facing each other, fixed on the ends of the two shafts FIG.
In the cup and ball pivot the end of the shaft HJJ and the step present two recesses facing each other, into which are fitted two shallow cups of steel or hard bronze.
But even here Knox was preparing for Scotland, and facing the difficulties of the future, theoretical as well as practical.
Barracks for British troops occupy the end of the line facing the Blue Nile.
Its surface is a succession of great terraces, facing north and north-east, formed by the denudation of the ancient sandstone plateau which once covered this part of the continent; the terraces are seamed by watercourses, and their valleys are broken by hills and ranges of highlands.
Hume readily grants this much, though he hints at a formidable difficulty which the plan of the Analogy prevented Butler from facing, the proof of the existence of God.
Three hundred miles of its mountain walls facing the Indus are south of the railway from the Indus to Quetta, and about 250 north of it.
On the outside edge, facing the Indus plains, is a more strictly regular, but higher and more rugged, ridge of hills which marks the Siwaliks.
The old City Hall (finished in 1898), destroyed in 1906, was a great edifice of composite and original style, built of bricks of stucco facing (cost $6,000,000).
The residential part of the Greek, and practically all the Roman city lay below the Acropolis on ground now mostly occupied by modern Bergama; but west of the river Selinus, on rising ground facing the Acropolis, are to be seen notable remains of a Roman theatre, an amphitheatre and a circus.
The shore of the channel facing Rheneia is lined with docks and warehouses, and behind them, as well as elsewhere in the island, there have been found several private houses of the 2nd or 3rd century B.C. Each of these consists of a single court surrounded by columns and often paved with mosaic; various chambers open out of the court, including usually one of large proportions, the avSpcwv or dining-room for guests.
The Yavor Brigade was temporarily held back facing the Serbo - Bosnian frontier.
Hitherto facing S., they had now to face E., pivoting on the 5th Div.
On April i the attack was repeated but with no better success, and for the next 20 days, until the capitulation, Turks and Montenegrins here lay facing one another half-way up the slope at a distance of 60 to yd.
Further to the north and facing the bay is the university, founded in 1665 by Christian Albert, duke of Schleswig, and named after him "Christian Albertina."
The imperial docks (five in all) and ship-building yards are on the east side facing the town, between Gaarden and Ellerbeck, and comprise basins capable of containing the largest war-ships afloat.
Facing the west portal is the monument to the emperor William I., and before the north gate, opening upon the Lustgarten, are the famous bronze groups, the " horse-tamers " by Clodt, the gift of the emperor Nicholas I.
On the K6nigs-platz between the column of Victory and the Reichstagsgebaude, and immediately facing the western facade of the latter, is the bronze statue of Bismarck, unveiled in 1901, a figure 20 ft.
The buildings of the royal museum are divided into the old and new museums. The former is an imposing edifice situated on the north-east side of the Lustgarten, facing the royal palace.
The strata are thrown into folds which run in the direction of the mountain ridges, forming a curve with the convexity facing the south-east.
The only open spaces are the market-place and two other squares, one of which, facing the citadel, is adorned with a granite column erected (1818) in commemoration of the defeat of Napoleon I.
Facing the Maidan for a couple of miles is the Chowringhee, one of the famous streets of the world, once a row of palatial residences, but now given up almost entirely to hotels, clubs and shops.
They threw themselves from natural or artificial elevations, or, facing the wind, they ran or were dragged forwards against it until they got under way and the wind caught hold of their aeroplanes.
The coal-fields on the eastern side, from the Tyne nearly to the Trent, are sharply marked off on the east by the outcrop of Permian dolomite or Magnesian limestone, which forms a low terrace dipping towards the east under more recent rocks, and in many places giving rise to an escarpment facing westward towards the gentle slope of the Pennine dales.
The sheet of Chalk shows its cut edges in the escarpments facing the centre of the Weald, and surrounding it in an oval ring, the eastern end of which is broken by the Strait of Dover, so that its completion must be sought in France.
The town possesses several parks, one, the Victoria Park, facing the Indian Ocean.
The king's army was grouped in front of the village, facing in the direction of Milan, with a small stream separating it from the oncoming Swiss.
The portion of the Admiralty facing Whitehall dates from 1726 and is plain and sombre; but there are handsome new buildings on the Park side.
The great line of public offices along the esplanade and facing Back Bay, which are in the Gothic style mixed with Saracenic, are not individually distinguished for architectural merit, but they have a cumulative effect of great dignity.
Forests are confined to the seaward slopes of the coast ranges facing south.
Immediately beyond these, on the side facing Jebel Abu Kobais, a broad street runs south-east and north-west across the valley.
Thus the chief object of veneration is the black stone, which is fixed in the external angle facing Said.
Next, a pair of mesenteries, marked II,II in the diagram, is developed in the sulcular chamber, its musclebanners facing the same way as those of I, I.
The two armies were facing each other, when Basil galloped forward, seeking a personal combat with the usurper who was riding in front of his lines.
The interior arrangements of the city were largely determined by the configuration of its site, which falls into three great divisions, - the level ground and slopes looking towards the Sea of Marmora, the range of hills forming the midland portion of the promontory, and the slopes and level ground facing the Golden Horn.
There are also batteries and redoubts facing landward and seaward below this fort; but the other defences have been either razed or dismantled.
Gradually there came to be facing each other a great political Christendom, whose rulers were statesmen, with aims and policy of a worldly type, and a religious Christendom, full of the ideas of separation from the world by self-sacrifice and of participation in the benefits of Christ's work by an ascetic imitation.
About the same time began the first formidable uprising against the Revolution, the War of La Vendee, the region lying to the south of the lower Loire and facing the Atlantic. Its inhabitants differed in many ways from the mass Rising of the nation.
Mountains impinge upon the sea almost over the whole length, sometimes, as in Slieve League (county Donegal), immediately facing it with huge cliffs.
To the several faculties also belong various collegiate buildings, notably, to the legal, that of the Collegium beatae Virginis in the Petersstrasse, and -to the philosophical the Rothe Haus on the promenade facing the theatre.
To defend British interests, the West African Frontier Force was raised locally under Lugard's command, and a period of great tension ensued, British and French troops facing one another at several places.
The Inferior Oolite, somewhat narrower than the Lias, extends from the boundary with Rutland due north past Lincoln to the vicinity of the Humber; it forms the Cliff of Lincolnshire with a strong escarpment facing westward.
A larger and more massive and stately building than the city hall is the county court house, facing Cadillac Square, with a lofty tower surmounted by a gilded dome.
On the banks of the Muskingum is a public park, facing which stood the oldest church in the state; this was burned in 1905, but was subsequently rebuilt in the old style.
Of these the most lofty and striking were Mimas and Corycus, in the peninsula which stands out to the west, facing the island of Chios; Sipylus, to the north of Smyrna; Corax, extending to the south-west from the Gulf of Smyrna, and descending to the sea between Lebedus and Teos; and the strongly marked range of Mycale, a continuation of Messogis in the interior, which forms the bold headland of Trogilium or Mycale, opposite Samos.
Outside the latter building, and facing the Brompton Road, there is a marble statue of Newman as cardinal.
Facing the Esplanade and South Sands, about 22 m.
On the left returning wall is a train of priestly attendants headed by the chief priest and priestess (the latter carrying a lituus), clad in the dress of the deities they serve and facing an altar, behind which is an image of a bull on a pedestal (representing the god); then comes an attendant leading a goat and three rams for sacrifice, followed by more priests with litui or musical instruments, after whom comes a bull bearing on his back the sacred cista (?).
There are two harbours, an outer, facing the town, protected by the island of Sirah, but now partially choked with mud; and an inner, called Aden Back-bay, or, by the Arabs, Bandar Tawayih, on the western side of the peninsula, which at all periods of the year admits vessels drawing less than 20 ft.
For hours he stood, or sat on horseback, amid the surging crowd, facing the mutinous soldiers - who had loaded their muskets and formed square - while effort after effort was made to bring them to reason, sometimes at the cost of life - as in the case of Count Miloradovich, military governor of St Petersburg, who was mortally wounded by a;pistol shot while arguing with the mutineers.
Facing him again was an unbearable though.
In fact, if she'd stayed away from the beach this weekend altogether and had dinner with her doctor instead of causing her boyfriend to be eaten by a demon, she wouldn't be facing an Immortal mood beast or teaching Immortal children not to feed humans rocks.
Her conviction wilted as she stepped from her room into the living room to find the black-clad death dealer seated in an armchair, facing the door as if on guard, with a lethal black sword across his lap.
The room she stepped into was triangular shaped, consisting of a wall of angled windows, small tables against the other wall, and round seats facing the windows.
Sarah sat on the sofa, facing him, hugging her knees, careful not to smudge her toes.
Taran closed and barred the door, facing the woman in time to see her enter the bathing chamber and close the door.
At a personal level, therefore, I have the utmost sympathy for staff employed by British Waterways facing a reorganization.
They were vulnerable consumers facing the drastic measure of being cut off from their energy supplies.
The engines were mounted back-to-back in pairs, with the forward unit driving a tractor airscrew and the aft facing unit a pusher propeller.
The organ is situated at the east end of the south choir aisle, with the attached console facing east.
She jaunted across the hall to stand facing the android.
I now found myself facing an enormous ape, or at the very least a man wearing an ape suit.
In modulation doping, facing layers of gallium arsenide and aluminum gallium arsenide squeeze electrons into an essentially two-dimensional electron gas, or 2DEG.
A surface facing east has an azimuth of 90 degrees.
Two Case Studies Mr D was facing bankruptcy by the Inland Revenue for a sum of nearly £ 80,000.
Each sandstone cottage has its own little paved patio area facing south above a small beck.
What are the particular challenges facing the biographer and what is the nature of his or her relationship with his/her subject and the reader?
The groups claim the planning blueprint fails to address " the real issues " facing the town.
Both bridges are adorned with steel murals facing the traffic below, depicting either canal boats or steam trains.
This journey was necessary because the homeland was facing cataclysm - sinking, as legend has it.
Many societies facing insecurity have willingly ceded power to a centralized force through a desire for stability.
It was enclosed by a stone perimeter wall with a south facing entrance and contains the remains of 24 hut circles.
The ability to close the clamshell with the screen facing inwards provides some protection for the display and the keyboard.
The screen rotates 270 degrees, from pointing at the ground all the way around (counter clockwise) to facing your subject.
We then set off up the mountain to explore one of the east facing corries.
A new European Directive seeks to enforce intellectual property rights with retailers facing jail for knowingly selling counterfeit or copied goods.
We awakened facing each other across the white counterpane.
Speeding motorists in the North East are facing a tough crackdown as part of a new campaign aimed at driving them off our roads.
An interesting north east facing little overhanging crag situated about two miles north of Alnwick and just west of the A1.
A compact, pleasant north facing sandstone crag with over a dozen routes up to HVS.
South of Loughborough, the new facing crossover is now almost complete.
Nicholas was pressing hard against Jonathon, who was still crouched facing the fire.
Already NHS services across the country are facing crisis cutbacks.
Surface facing auto Canada dealership in insurance away run a mile between them to which has recently.
Through these programs, Reprieve engages in high impact, frontline advocacy on behalf of people facing the death penalty.
The problems facing farmers are in many cases too deep-seated for that.
For some part-time students facing increased professional commitments this proved too demanding, leading to withdrawals from the programs.
They are facing deportation to Germany from where they will be returned to Kosovo.
You are aware of the difficulties facing the integrated casework directorate.
A satellite dish on a chimney, or any part of a building facing a highway.
The poll also suggests that the public are increasingly distrustful of what ministers tell them about the terror threat facing the country.
Those facing the possibility of redundancy or mid life career doldrums will gain in equal measures too.
The Jacobites numbered at most 5,000 men, while the Government army facing them was perhaps 8,000 strong, including 800 mounted dragoons.
At first glance, the Facing Worlds level looks pretty dull.
The cows were facing the wall and a large gutter served to collect both cow dung and bedding straw.
He " affirmed support for Iraq in facing up to the unjust embargo.
The Iraqi soldiers facing the Kurdish enclave in northern Iraq appear to have recent orders to show they still have teeth.
The part of the WEA on the west facing escarpment should not be proposed for development.
Early in 2006, the fellows will begin their battles on behalf of the men and women facing the executioner.
The setting up of an exploratory expedition would face different problems to those facing a sporting expedition.
With a third of species facing extinction over the next fifty years your support has never been more vital.
Related comment - Politics The Red Flag not waving but drowning facing how many directions at once?
With a private heated south facing pool over looking the golf fairway.
The property is south facing and has a tranquil view across undulating farmland.
Bedroom 2 has three cottage windows facing the rear of the house overlooking farmland.
Itâs ambitious, it seemed impossible a year ago, when we were facing financial ruin and our very existence was uncertain.
Military men who never flinched at the roar of rifles now shook at the prospect of facing the press.
The facing foes usually had more in common than they cared to admit.
It also hosts a forum for invited guests to discuss drug policy dilemmas facing policy makers around the world.
In fact, the gravest threat facing the West is that posed by Islamic fundamentalism.
L plan entrance front has coped gable facing to left with end stack.
Imagine facing the gallows, or the firing squad.
Bosnian Serbs face genocide trial Seven Bosnian Serbs go on trial at The Hague, most facing genocide trial Seven Bosnian Serbs go on trial at The Hague, most facing genocide charges over the Srebrenica massacre.
The southern facing façade is floor to ceiling glazing.
At the side of the front entrance, the dining hall has full height glazing set back behind a simple colonnade, facing south.
Judge Moss told Hamilton, a trainee hairdresser, that she would not be facing prison.
The tops or backs of all forward facing seats must be fitted with a rigid handhold.
This is best achieved by vertical handrails on every second row of forward facing seats, staggered on either side of the gangway.
However, the same technology applied to agriculture is facing resistance by some people who think it might be inherently hazardous.
The book begins with an astute assessment of the problems facing historicist practices and proposes a modified critical methodology, " cultural historicism.
The global water crisis is also one of the single biggest threats facing humankind.
Like Janus, facing both ways, the good cop, bad cop front has always been the preferred tactic of western imperialism.
James, who spoke facing the wrong way, was totally inaudible.
Facing entries, no matter how seemingly incongruous, are united by a visual theme to spectacular effect.