Facility Sentence Examples
Be safe, and don't be in the facility when the alarm rearms.
The facility will rearm at four forty-nine exactly.
The facility was clean and elegant with crisp light emanating from glowing orbs on the walls.
This was a communications facility, heavily guarded.
She knew where we wanted her to go, and—assuming she's alive—she has access to every facility on the route.
I spent the day at the medical facility.
He poked his head into the facility but saw nothing aside from scattered supplies.
Do you own that storage facility where they were kept?
The radiation treatments we found in the feds' storage facility worked.
Is there an emerops facility here?
AdvertisementThis fine-dining facility also offers catering and banquet services.
The Newfoundland is simply an enormous spaniel, and shows its origin by the facility with which it takes to water and the readiness with which it mates with spaniels and setters.
Groans and curses rose from the grassy area around the blazing facility.
I'm sending the coords for the nearest facility.
The fed's facility had been armed as well as the hospital, and one of his commo guys intercepted the call for help only an hour before.
AdvertisementWhoever attacked didn't want survivors or to destroy a perfectly functional facility.
She rose and trailed Elise out of the medical facility and into the awaiting helo.
He was a man of considerable intellectual attainments, of prodigious memory, master of both Latin and Greek, and wrote prose and verse with equal facility.
The training takes place during the first year, and the work is learned with extreme facility.
He could drill a regiment, build a frigate, administer a province, and decapitate a rebel with equal facility.
AdvertisementHillebrand wrote with facility and elegance in French, English and Italian, besides his own language.
The fertility of the soil and the facility of communication by land and by water have made this plain the cradle of the Polish nationality.
In addition to viewing application details, you can also submit online comments on planning proposals via our mailbox facility.
Engineering Details The landfill facility is engineered to achieve full containment of landfill gas and leachate.
Particles in the range of 5 to 25 nm diameter will be produced in the IGC facility in both natural and forced convection.
AdvertisementThe new facility will create a handful of skilled jobs downtown employed by a new nonprofit corporation founded by the EDG.
If, as I was convinced, Grasso had gone to Logan, he too probably embarked from that facility.
I closed my eyes and swallowed my sobs on the short trip to the police facility.
He smiled faintly and nodded, striking off down the hall towards his private wing of the underground facility.
According to the brief phone call, the ten-year-old girl's natural mother, another loser like faux foster mother Janet, had been recently discharged to a halfway house after doing hard time in the state's Cañon City facility.
He glanced back at Fred, who had again closed his eyes and was prattling on about the best ways to "case" the storage facility.
Darkyn doesn't have the numbers to set up a facility like this in too many places.
True to his word, he'd removed little from the storage facility.
The world around Brady was eerily quiet after a chaotic battle over the facility.
The air was tinged with the scent of burning wood and melted metals, sulfur, and the facility's damp mustiness.
A long hour later, the team waited at gunpoint in front of a mega-secured facility.
They opened, and he led his team past the layers of security into the facility.
She was sweating from the effort of walking out of the medical facility.
Brady returned from surveying the supplies in the well-stocked medical facility.
He had a four-hour helo and hiking trip ahead of him to their nearest secure comms facility tucked into natural cave a few ranges over.
She followed her friend to a portion of the underground site converted into a massive gym and training facility.
He contemplated the stray thought as he moved around the facility.
It was a grueling two-day walk to the nearest emerops facility.
Precisely at six the next morning, he strode through the medical facility's maximum security barriers.
The emerops facility was across a field and a road then down a few blocks in the ghost town that was the city of Randolph on the eastern shores of the Mississippi.
They jogged to the emerops facility.
The youth had dropped into a dark hole in the floor of the facility.
Lana followed them into the medical facility after a quick look around, not recognizing the flat landscape and distant red rocks surrounding the canyon in which they'd landed.
Xander wanted to blow up the underground facility.
Seeds are carried with more facility when provided with plumes or wings.
For warmth, for dryness, for absence of fog, and for facility of walking after rain, just when the air is at its purest and its best, there is nothing equal to gravel; but when gravel has been rendered foul by infiltration with organic matters it may easily become a very hotbed of disease.
His facility in giving his confidence to unworthy people was now to be visited with dire calamity.
Whether a Japanese art-worker sets himself to copy what he sees before him or to give play to his fancy in combining what he has seen with some ideal in his mind, the result shows perfect facility of execution and easy grace in all the lines.
As Virgil marks the point of maturest excellence in poetic diction and rhythm, Ovid marks that of the greatest facility.
Calpurnius Siculus, written at the beginning of the reign of Nero, which are not without grace and facility of diction.
They climb with great facility, and are agile and graceful in their movements.
It was perhaps the facility with which a pillar of stone or wood can be turned into an image by painting or sculpturing on it eyes, ears, mouth, marks of sex and so on, which led anthropologists of an earlier generation to postulate such a law of development; but facts do not bear it out.
His style in its simplicity, facility and clearness owed something to De Foe, something to Cotton Mather, something to Plutarch, more to Bunyan and to his early attempts to reproduce the manner of the third volume of the Spectator; and not the least to his own careful study of word usage.
To these he gave every facility for the prosecution of their learned researches.
As a pupil of the sophist Prodicus he acquired facility in public speaking.
The superiority of this arrangement arises from the comparative facility with which the number of revolutions of the cylinder in a given time may be ascertained.
In the case of bridges of large span the cost and difficulty of erection are serious, and in such cases facility of erection becomes a governing consideration in the choice of the type to be adopted.
In confinement the brown bear is readily tamed; and advantage has been taken of the facility with which it can sustain itself on the hind feet to teach it to dance to the sound of music. It measures about 12 ft.
But though painfully conscious how much his reputation as a writer was damaged by this extempore production, he was unable to resist the fatal facility of print.
It had, however, been applied by Gauss as early as 1795, and the method was fully explained, and the law of facility for the first time given by him in 1809.
He was master of the learned languages, spoke and wrote French with facility and correctness, and understood English, Italian and Dutch.
It generally inhabits woody districts, and can climb trees with facility when hunted, but usually lives on or near the ground, among rocks, bushes and roots and low branches of large trees.
Notwithstanding the facility and frequency of amendments, the variations between one constitution and another are less conspicuous than might have been expected.
While in London he published his Dialogues (1713), a more popular exposition of his new theory; for exquisite facility of style these are among the finest philosophical writings in the English language.
Peter attached himself to it as a volunteer sailorman, "Peter Mikhailov," so as to have greater facility for learning ship-building and other technical sciences.
He acquired no inconsiderable facility in the Greek language, from which he made and published some translations.
The varied plumage of the cock - his bright red breast and his grey back, set off by his coal-black head and quills - is naturally attractive; while the facility with which he is tamed, with his engaging disposition in confinement, makes him a popular cage-bird, - to say nothing of the fact (which in the opinion of so many adds to his charms) of his readily learning to "pipe" a tune, or some bars of one.
Besides being easily accessible from the river and connected with the railways, the docks are provided with every facility for coaling and loading or discharging cargoes.
But his own style was an individual one, marked by lightness and facility, sparkling vivacity, grace and elegance, clear and piquant melody - characteristically French.
The motive power is generally a steam engine, but the greater economy and facility of oil engines have led to their fairly wide adoption.
He soon became a famous preacher, and his facility was so great that for fifty years he preached daily, and sometimes twice a day.
Girls, in like manner, marry very young, some at ten years of age, and few remain single beyond the age of sixteen; they are generally very prolific. The bridegroom never sees his future wife before the wedding night, a custom rendered more tolerable than it otherwise might be by the facility of divorce.
Every possible facility and every encouragement are afforded for the Egyptians to advance along the path of moral improvement.
A new epoch in the language began, and the rapidity and matchless facility of the new poetry was the wonder of Steffens himself.
In Characeae no fewer than four methods of vegetative reproduction have been described, and the facility with which buds and branches are in these cases detached has been adduced as an evidence of affinity with Bryophyta, which, as a class, are distinguished by their ready resort to vegetative reproduction.
In these forests every reasonable facility is afforded to the people concerned for the full and easy satisfaction of their needs, which are generally for small timber for building or fuel, fodder and grazing for their cattle, and edible products for themselves; and considerations of forest income are subordinated to those purposes.
This is still true, though the present facility of intercommunication has had its effect in tending to assimilate the appearance of natives.
He also studied the alkaloids and organic acids, introduced a classification of the metals according to the facility with which they or their sulphides are oxidized by steam at high temperatures, and effected a comparison of the chemical composition of atmospheric air from all parts of the world.
Freedom from tremor, ease and delicacy of movement and facility of directing the instrument to any desired object in the heavens are the primary qualifications.
But a floor, however heavy, suspended by three wire ropes and properly balanced over large, well-mounted pulleys, requires an amount of energy to work it which does not exceed that required to operate a platform of moderate dimensions, and there is a freedom, a safety and a facility of working with a complete floor which no partial platform can give.
But, Quite Apart From This, Electrical Methods Possess The Greatest Value For Calorimetry, On Account Of The Facility And Accuracy Of Regulating And Measuring The Quantity Of Heat Supplied By An Electric Current.
It still remains a monument of fertile invention, exuberant facility and energetic handling of material.
The fibre bleaches with facility, up to a certain point, sufficient to enable it to take brilliant and delicate shades of dye colour, but it is with great difficulty brought to a pure white by bleaching.
They have a decided love of poetry, and exhibit great facility in improvising verses and poems on all occasions, and they sing, everywhere, from morning to night.
Fru Nordenflycht wrote with facility and grace; her collection of lyrics, The Sorrowing Turtledove (1743), in spite of its affectation, enjoyed and merited a great success; it was the expression of a deep and genuine sorrow - the death of her husband after a very brief and happy married life.
As perpetual secretary it fell to him to pronounce historical *loges on deceased members; and for this duty his rapidity and facility of thought, his happy piquancy of style, and his extensive knowledge peculiarly adapted him.
The negative side of deism came to the front, and, communicated with fatal facility, seems ultimately to have constituted the deism that was commonly professed at the clubs of the wits and the tea-tables of polite society.
Every facility was granted by Mehemet Ali, who in 1825 appointed him one of a commission to examine the district of Sennaar; but Brocchi, unfortunately for science, fell a victim to the climate, and died at Khartum on the 25th of September 1826.
His diary reveals a tender and devout private life which has been overlooked by those who have only considered the versatile facility and persuasive expediency that marked the successful public career of the bishop, and earned!
His historical and philosophical works, though showing much reading, fertile thought, abundant facility of expression, and occasionally, where prejudice does not come in, acute judgment, are rather (as not a few of them were in fact) reported lectures than formal treatises.
Steel is generally used for columns in preference to cast iron, because it affords greater facility for securing satisfactory connexions, because its defects of quality or workmanship are more surely detected by careful test and inspection, and because, on account of its superior elasticity and ductility, its fibre is less liable to fracture from slight deformations.
They were thus mere puppets of the Divan, and could be deposed and shifted with the same facility as so many pashas - an object of Turkish policy, as each change was a pretext for a new levy of baksheesh.
But the facility with which money had always been borrowed gave rise to great extravagance.
No story about Corneille is better known than that which tells of the trap between the two houses, and how Pierre, whose facility of versification was much inferior to his brother's, would lift it when hard bestead, and call out "Sans-souci, une rime!"
Thomas Corneille himself, who to his undoubted talents united wonderful facility, untiring industry, and (gift valuable above all others to the playwright) an extraordinary knack of hitting the public fancy, died, notwithstanding his simple tastes, "as poor as Job."
The process is termed washing or scrubbing, and is carried out in various forms of apparatus, the efficiency of which is dependent upon the amount of contact the apparatus allows between the finely divided gas and water in a unit area and the facility with which it may be cleared out.
But in his own days he did excellent service to learning by his untiring activity, and by the facility with which he used his stores of knowledge.
Considered as a part of the universe, our solar system is insignificant in extent, though, for obvious reasons, great in practical importance to us, and in the facility with which we may gain knowledge relating to it.
On the other hand, every facility was given them to Romanize themselves; there was no competing influence of Hellenic or Punic culture and the uncivilized Spaniards accepted Roman ways gladly.
They carry the head and neck low and the hind-quarters high, their action in running being peculiar and not elegant, somewhat resembling the pace of a sheep. Though with no power of sustained speed or extensive leaping, they are remarkable fOr flexibility of body and facility of creeping through tangled underwood.
The fact that the fore-legs are somewhat shorter than those behind enables the ibex to ascend mountain slopes with more facility than it can descend, while its hoofs are as hard as steel, rough underneath and when walking over a flat surface capable of being spread out.
His taste for the greater Latin authors, particularly Lucretius, was never lost, and he acquired at school an unusual facility in Latin composition.
I searched the faces at baggage claim, one of many in the crowded facility, but didn't spot her.
The walls of the underground facility were trembling from a shockwave of power that made her Guardian senses hum with danger.
According to the brief phone call, the ten-year-old girl's natural mother, another loser like faux foster mother Janet, had been recently discharged to a halfway house after doing hard time in the state's Cañon City facility.
She nodded and he proceeded to narrate the details of Martha finding the bones, and Fitzgerald coming forth with prop replacements and perhaps sharing ownership of the facility from whence they came.
Thus was created a major climbing facility and, in the process, an additional invitation for winter tourists, earning the small town a reputation as a growing Mecca for this exciting and perilous sport.
While the facility lacked artificial ice, piped in waltz music, a snack bar and a Zamboni, there was no fee charge and it was lighted for nighttime use, making it a very popular spot.
The entrance under the facility was hastily dug but the tunnel running beneath the facility had thick metal walls and concrete floors and was lit by battery-operated lanterns.
They spent monies previously earmarked for the Galashiels facility.
Some systems using ISDN2 provide the facility for using additional B channels to allow faster data transfer rates.
The JPL facility will produce the aerogel for the STARDUST mission and provide well controlled media properties and purity.
The University also has a nursery facility for children aged six months to five years.
The facility now operated by TAG at Farnborough was the first operational airfield in the UK.
In congested airspace or restricted airspace, the controlling facility has a more hands on approach for guidance.
The facility for coronary angiography is temporarily housed on the surgical day unit.
Also a full service and maintenance facility which includes, slipping, antifouling, refinishing, inboard and outboard servicing, repairs and storage.
Either scroll through our news archive or use the search facility to filter for specific news.
The " mark " facility is not enabled by a facility field containing an asterisk.
All recommendations are for skilled attendants working at the primary level of health care, either at the facility or in the community.
Do you have a facility where we can perform an autopsy?
Later monarchs, including Elizabeth I also availed themselves of this facility.
First, it can create disk-to-disk backup files to be sent over DS, NS, LAN, or other facility to another system.
They spin on their heads, bend their legs round their ears, and turn inside out with a dizzying facility which beggars belief.
Virtually every major building, scholarship and facility in the College owes something to a legacy benefaction.
Automated and Customized billing AUTOMATION DBA offers a facility for automated billing which allows bills to be submitted on magnetic tapes or diskettes.
It is an indoor skiing facility that uses real snow it also house a bowling alley, multiplex cinema, climbing walls and restaurants.
We saw some of their latest ideas in their R & D facility which are literally breathtaking.
Our Drafting Services provide a full design cad facility for all FJB Systems projects for the preparation of architectural and engineering drawings.
Keep in mind that if you have more than one child, you'll need to pay an individual expense for each child at a daycare facility, although the facility may offer reduced rates for more than one child.
This facility boasts a separate bar, offering cocktails, wine and a pool table.
The hotel has a banquet facility to host business events as well as parties and weddings, and also offers catering services.
Bolometric methods may be used with facility and advantage in the investigation of the distribution of intensities in continuous or semi-continuous spectra but difficulties are met with in the case of line spectra.
In 1643, on the death of Louis XIII., Gaston became lieutenantgeneral of the kingdom, and fought against Spain on the northern frontiers of France; but during the wars of the Fronde he passed with great facility from one party to the other.
The advantages that led to the very rapid introduction of this system were not only the power of greatly reducing the size of the piers, but the enormous facility afforded for quick construction, the small amount of materials relatively used and the proportionately small load upon the foundations, and the fact that as the walls are supported at each storey directly from the cage, the masonry can be begun at any storey independently of the masonry below it.
The interview excerpts repeatedly refer to girls' "supposedly innate longer attention spans and their natural facility with communication."
There is the facility to save bookmarks, your home, work or navigate to a recent destination.
In addition, the school is awaiting final approval for a 60 m x 40 m third generation rubber crumb floodlit soccer facility.
The commander uses HSS personnel only on perimeter defense of their assigned medical facility.
A customs warehouse facility providing the option of vat deferment.
Adjoining us is a dental health facility staffed by salaried dentists attending NHS patients.
Donate Help us put an end to asylum destitution, by making a donation toward the campaign using our secure on-line donation facility.
The facility will be rapidly tuneable allowing data to be collected from small, weakly diffracting crystals over a wide range of wavelengths.
Will the NHS pension Scheme be introducing a pension drawdown facility?
Sergeant Terras is helping with fundraising and assisting in making a case for the monies previously earmarked for the Galashiels facility.
The country, already embroiled in a bloody war, has invested £ 300m in a top-secret nuclear weapons facility.
The FFE was changed back to default to using that native facility, leaving emulation as an option.
Scott's Discovery Hut is now encircled by an American research facility, McMurdo Station.
The convention facility princess and passenger owner gerry herrod the ship's entire.
We have a national facility within the condensed matter group for the production of thin magnetic films by molecular beam epitaxy.
This makes DaRT networks fully extensible with no wiring or central switching facility.
They have a 5 " silicon wafer fabrication facility dedicated to CCD manufacture.
We offer a powerful search facility allowing you to find exact matches for your needs.
It is a modern facility boasting a 25 meter swimming pool.
Each page has a handy search facility on the right hand side.
The 2 line facility gives an alternate forehand / backhand pattern (as well as the random pattern ).
The opportunity to rekindle old friendships through the alumni search facility.
Use of the system restore facility also proved fruitless.
By the exercise of tact, discretion and inviolable good faith, the correspondents gradually won the confidence of the army, so that towards the end of the war officers of all ranks were keen to have them with their troops and to give them every facility permitted by official regulations.
She knew where we wanted her to go, and—assuming she's alive—she has access to every facility on the route.
The US Department of commerce web site provides a search facility on its home page.
Quality control At our manufacturing facility near Sacramento, California, skilled craftspeople build our spa gazebos to exacting specifications.
The new search facility has a neat little slider gizmo that lets you filter further still.
The former beam line incorporates a 6 movement goniometer which can be accessed via an air locked sample loading facility.
Establishing a production facility in Chicago means that tinned traditional Scottish haggis, plus a vegetarian version, are now on US shelves.
All catering equipment is stored in our stock holding facility, which holds over 8,000 catering items.
The bar facility is operated by a contracted local hotelier who will provide a professional service to suit the hirer's needs.
The total indebtedness of the union in respect of the various facility agreements we have with Unity Trust Bank is now £ 3.7 million.
Dugway is also the only facility known in recent years to have processed anthrax spores into the powdery form that is most easily inhaled.
In the event of a customer falling into formal insolvency, a bad debt protection facility provides you with peace of mind.
Their area of focus will be the safety of nuclear installations, including all issues that could relate to or impact on facility safety.
A facility to allow the punching of both transformed integrals and CI coefficients from the full CI code has been introduced.
Students will be selected for paid internships at either the New York headquarters or the Raleigh facility.
The Observatory is the premier scientific facility in the world for studying the equatorial ionosphere.
Boeing's Wichita, Kansas facility produces part of every Boeing commercial jetliner except the 717.
The stuarts could they wanted to facility jump-starts for some services charge.
At the end of the bowstring jetty was a facility for loading liquid latex straight into road tankers.
For bowl turning the lathe will ideally have an outboard turning facility or a swing head.
The company also negotiated a lease on the Hoverport facility.
We will provide a playback facility enabling linguists to listen to the original recordings.
Structures are fabricated by making use of our new nanofabrication facility based around focused ion-beam and electron-beam lithography.
If all this sounds perfectly logical, it's worth remembering that until lately such a facility simply wasn't available anywhere.
The Wilhelm Institute, an independent testing facility currently uses 35000 lux.
Facilities The main facility is a specific engineering maths computer room.
The proposed US facility would be capable of destroying 800 metric tons of weaponized agents each year.
The staff facility is on a first floor mezzanine, accessed off the corridor to the WCs.
The facility has foot midsection that internal steel fatigue canada's oldest museum.
The mute button relates to a ' City mute button relates to a ' City Mute ' facility.
For shoppers the facility is probably a total non-starter too, unless they are going into town to buy a pencil sharpener!
Those held in this type of facility are usually compliant and not obstructive to the way the regime operates.
Duty free import facility of capital machinery has also been extended to the 100% export oriented industies out side the EPZ.
Override Facility Quickly and easily override Facility Quickly and easily override the programmed switching time without the need to re-program the entire system.
Friends Reunited Dating Dating and picture personals for UK residents with postcode search facility.
These include the laboratory processing facility and the transplant physician.
Harthill Royal currently has 5 aside astro turf pitch, which incurs a charge to use the facility.
Firstly, there is currently no facility for measuring circular polarization.
Yes, there is a facility to do prefix matching, by specifying a prefix followed by the * character.
Many pupils benefit from the facility at Hammond for supervised prep at the end of each weekday.
The facility audit is intended to promote a review of policies and procedures for continence promotion in the ward, practice or residential/nursing home.
The Italian pulsar group is looking forward to use this facility to observe radio pulsars.
This included changes to the navigation and putting in a discussion facility so that dealers could negotiate purchases directly with the manufacturer.
It is a multi purpose facility that includes a sports hall, fitness suite, public library and an IT suite.
If surveillance radar approach facility is also required, an additional charge of £ 77 + VAT per hour is payable.
Track Record EISCAT is the worlds leading incoherent scatter radar facility, in terms of capability.
It can be carried out anywhere where there is the facility to perform a standard radiograph of the hand.
As counsel to the issuer, an $ 8.8 billion warehouse funding facility backed by real estate related assets.
The WHOIS search facility will enable you to identify the current registrant.
Off-Site Storage - The process of storing vital records in a facility that is physically remote from the normal site.
The standing lending facility is for overnight reverse repo against eligible collateral.
Thornhill Park & Ride is shortly to see more services rerouted to use this facility with the Oxford Tube shortly to use this point.
Now, like the rest of the facility, the elephant's foot is under the thick concrete sarcophagus.
The CD-ROM includes a research facility which enables users to assemble their own multimedia scrapbook.
Familiar the phrases who started the facility houses a multi-media sculptor robert.
The communities remain largely self-contained, the only shared facility being the railroad station.
Indeed there is an upgrade facility from NT server to 2000 server.
NaREC is already operating a Marine Testing Facility using three modified dry docks on the former shipyard at Blyth Harbor.
Advantage of using a dealer showroom finance facility Very quick and simple to organize usually while you wait.
Of these sites only Barton has been completed, a very small-scale facility which cost approx 10,000.
Onshore The Rough facility is on 24 hour standby and can feed gas into the network within approximately two hours.
He also worked with the Edinburgh Microfabrication Facility on an ambitious wafer stepper which would make microcircuits much faster.
Test Facility This fires the strobe at the flick of a switch and does not require the strobe to be attached to a camera.
As an integrated subsystem to any OTEC facility cold sea water air conditioning significantly increases the economic viability of development.
There is also the facility to purchase fresh farm eggs and bacon on site and various other sundries.
Where a property or land is declared surplus the Council will require evidence that it is no longer an essential local facility.
The Lounge is the rather swanky research viewing facility owned by Flamingo International in the heart of sunny Hammersmith.
Main business activity Scientific research facility operating a third-generation synchrotron source.
The learning environment contains devices such as an annotations facility to enable course teachers to integrate courseware into their existing teaching.
Moreover, as tenor trombonists developed greater facility in the higher tessitura, the alto was increasingly dismissed as an outmoded upper-register tool.
Probably the most useful was the idea to incorporate an inactivity timeout into the " auto launch " facility.
University Library Service With over one million books and 5,500 periodical titles, our award-winning library is a first-class facility.
The railroad and station buildings boosted tourist trade into Richmond, also gave the ordinary townsfolk better facility to travel.
The National Laser Radiometry Facility represents a £ 2 million investment in a unique suite of continuously tunable CW lasers.
Councilor McBride concurred with Councilor Emery in condemning the vandalism of the play facility at Plumbridge which deprived the young people of the area.
The range of the macro facility, which extends down to 1cm, also makes the camera very versatile.
They are a wonderfully versatile pair adapting themselves to a kicking or running game with equal facility.
In 1998 the partnership decided to design its own materials recycling facility to cope with the increased volume of textile materials donated.
We are south wales Premier Award Winning watersports facility.
All orders are shipped from our state of the art 76,000 sq ft warehouse facility in Greenock.
Maths - a full suite of rooms including an ICT facility and staff workroom.
It is operated on behalf of PPARC by the University of Manchester and is the only world-class astronomical facility based entirely within the UK.
There was much true poetry in the verse, and much sound sense and keen observation in the prose of these works; but the poetical feeling and lyrical facility of the one, and the more solid qualities of the other, seemed best employed when they were subservient to his rapid wit, and to the ingenious coruscations of his fancy.
He was, however, pardoned, and the facility with which Bristol subsequently capitulated to the parliamentary army induced Cromwell and the generals to exonerate him completely.
It does not aspire to any higher character, and although it cannot be looked upon as a scientific and natural arrangement, still it has a certain facility of application which at once commended it.
They are industrious, frugal and intelligent; the richer among them are excellent men of business and are peculiarly equitable in their dealings; the majority of all classes can read and write their own script, and the second generation acquires an education of an European type with great facility.
The most prominent figure is that of the scholar and linguist Constantin Konaki (1777-1849), who might be termed the Rumanian Longfellow for the facility and felicity of his translations from Western poetry and for his short poems, easily set to music and very popular.
The most cynical man of the world, he says, with whatever " sullen incredulity " he may repudiate virtue as a hollow pretence, cannot really refuse his approbation to " discretion, caution, enterprise, industry, frugality, economy, good sense, prudence, discernment "; nor again, to " temperance, sobriety, patience, perseverance, considerateness, secrecy, order, insinuation, address, presence of mind, quickness of conception, facility of expression."
Half-shade analysers depend upon the facility with which the eye can distinguish slight differences in the intensities of two streams seen in juxtaposition, when the illumination is not too bright.
It will be a massive, completely automated, robotic facility.
The next step is to design a pulse oximeter in which this extra measuring facility is already an integral part.
It also has a dedicated radiochemistry facility for the production of shortlived radiopharmaceuticals.
Accordingly they would, in practice, keep the railhead facility there.
However unknown to them the factory was a an old military facility which was working on reanimating the dead.
They meet twice a week in the recreation room at the facility.
The scratchpad facility enables users to change the number held in the last number redial memory whilst call in progress.
There is no facility for storing PBX access pause in the Last Number redial store.
This facility enables pupils to redraft text set by the teacher, other pupils or their own work without losing the original text.
Cyclists may need to rejoin the carriageway following use of the facility.
Fastreact Light allows rapid scheduling and rescheduling when requirements change; including " what-if " planning with multi-level " undo " facility.
An automatic paper rewind facility ensures that toilet paper can be kept dry in even the wettest environments.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony marked the completion of work on Southmead Hospital 's renal outpatients facility.
The Robins, for a fourth successive match, were forced to operate the rider replacement facility for Charlie Gjedde.
A 100 meter stretch of river frontage at this site is operated by W.G. Readman Limited who plan to further develop the facility.
Now, like the rest of the facility, the elephant 's foot is under the thick concrete sarcophagus.
A keyword search query facility is available on the home page.
Best of all 101 have vastly improved their Site Searching facility - so you can find what you want faster.
Precision Cutting Mechanism High shredding performance and a self-feeding facility are guaranteed thanks to the obtuse precision cutting mechanism, with accurate counter blades.
Cllr Robertson suggested that SBC should be proactive and provide some form of high standard skateboard park facility.
For a significant period the home did not have a washing machine with sluicing facility.
A recycling facility would improve sorbent utilization and disposal of the by-product is the norm.
Use it as a speakerphone for easy calling and playback, or upload MP3 and other files using the memory card facility.
The answerphone is full featured and easy to use, and the speakerphone facility rivals much more expensive counterparts.
Spencers jewelers website has a shopping cart facility with a secure payment area.
The great value of community hospitals as a support and step-down facility is undeniable.
Most high street jewelers sell inexpensive digital watches which have a stopwatch facility (about £ 13).
So I logged on to the Sainsbury website and used the store locator facility to identify its exact location.
The service is normally used in conjunction with a teleconferencing service or a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) facility.
The thesaurus protocols we have examined have no direct facility for semantic expansion operations.
To include facility are pragmatic dishes houses attract first-time tiki lounge music.
The compost facility can except 24,000 tons of green waste only per annum.
Each room is equipped with CCTV and has an adjacent tote facility.
Complementary work is now being conducted in the transonic cascade facility.
Patients treated here will benefit from state of the art surgical equipment in a purpose built facility.
The Raman spectroscopic facility consists of both low and high powered Ar + and Kr + as well as tunable dye lasers.
This is expected to increase, with over twelve per cent offering this facility by 2003.
T E X provides an unrivaled facility for elegant typesetting of mathematics.
Production Facility The AutoSignal Automation facility allows unattended processing of large numbers of data sets.
Development work is currently underway to upgrade the LADS facility to one of the most advanced worldwide in a research environment.
There are modern toilet facilities, including a unisex disabled facility.
The Roco automatic storage facility has a capacity of 3000 pallets and is unmanned during normal operation.
Two lawsuits filed by former workers at the facility allege that the Air Force used the veil of secrecy to cover up environmental crimes.
In May 2003 the contract was confirmed and work commenced on the building of a new £ 30million waste recycling facility in Leicester.
Additionally, the Humber Sea Terminal offers fully bonded contract warehousing and transportation facilities as well as the traditional wharfage facility.
The elderly woman's children wanted to make sure she was placed in a facility that would care for her, not neglect her needs.
While it can be difficult to bring your infant to a baby day care center, finding the right facility for you and your baby can mean heading off to work with a confident feeling each morning.
While some parents are fortunate to have family members care for their children during the day, many more parents must find a reliable, caring day care facility to take care of their child during the working hours.
If they love the day care facility that their children attend, then chances are you will, too.
While it is fine for the facility to have some helpers or aides who are not certified, the main teachers should have some type of early childhood certification or degree.
Your local health department should have given the facility a numbered rating.
Children thrive on routines, so it is important that a daycare facility incorporate routines into their daily activities.
Outside of the set times for snacks, meals, naps, and organized activities, ensure the facility also encourages free play so that children have a chance to use their imaginations and to learn to share and play together.
You may also have to take cost into consideration in choosing a facility.
This is an average; the reality is that childcare costs vary widely depending on the region where you live and the type of facility your child attends.
If you cannot find a baby day care facility that you are comfortable with, you can check into smaller home-based facilities.
If considering starting a childcare center, whether a large facility or home based, it is important to know your specific state's regulations.
Transportation Guidelines - Particularly important for out of school care when the day care facility transports kids to and from school and for programs that take field trips.
Security-What is the security policy of the facility?
Trying to decide between a home childcare environment and a daycare facility really comes down to what you are looking for in a childcare provider.
If your baby attends a childcare facility or is cared for in a group when you return to work and is consistently getting sick, put her on a good multivitamin.
Will you garage it when not in use or put it in a storage facility?
A wine cellar is a good choice, of course, but if you don't have one in your home, consider a climate controlled storage facility.
When they do actually take physical possession of wine on your behalf, they usually have their own storage facility.
This includes a helpful product picker facility and explanation of different features.
Since it costs the carrier more, it costs the carpet company more and therefore, you must pay more.To alleviate some of the shipping cost, try to pick up the carpet yourself from the carriers facility.
You can also pick up your order from the shipping dock, located at the company's Orange Park, FL facility.
There are other stores in the mall, but you'll find the non-clothing stores situated in kiosks throughout the facility.
This was one of the many foods that Nestle made at their Menu Foods processing facility.
Once you have located a breeder, you should visit the facility and ask a lot of questions before you open your heart up to one of these adorable kittens.
Solar panel energy can also be sent to a central point in your home or a remote storage facility owned by the power company.
Every recycling facility has different guidelines for how to recycle paper products, and consumers should investigate how paper must be prepared, sorted, and turned in to be sure they can contribute to the recycling effort effectively.
Before dropping off paper to be recycled, it should be free from contamination, properly sorted, and dry, and it should meet any other established recycling guidelines for each specific facility or collection point.
Yet, also operational today are many single residence or facility use systems.
Do your part by taking your own trash, other wastes and any you see to a nearby disposal facility.
The best way to find out what's recyclable is to contact your town's waste management facility.
This make it easier to carry them to the curb or take to the waste management facility on recycling day.
If there is a Salvation Army or Goodwill near you, they also accept larger items at the facility, or arrange for pick-ups.
There is frequently a disposal fee involved, but the hazards of leaving these items in a waste management facility far outweigh these costs.
The showroom is open to the public, allowing consumers to tour the facility and watch their dreams unfold.Owner and lead designer Jeanne Garland strives to combine form and function, all in an artfully arranged, eye-pleasing setting.
They put together an archive of nearly 40,000 of the original 18th-century printing blocks and opened a fabric manufacturing facility in Tarascon.
In addition to all of these new innovations the Glidden family of products also underwent extensive testing that was conducted by a third-party testing facility.
However, since 1999, Mohawk has been operating the world's largest integrated plastic bottle recycling facility.
The facility is located in Summerville, Georgia and recycles about 215 million pounds of plastic bottles each year.
Not all states require licensing, so you may need to do some homework to find a safe facility and technician.
When looking for a facility and technician, you may want to consider searching for those who are members of the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals.
Finding a qualified Nikon camera repair facility is not as hard as you might think.
Repair specialists receive Nikon factory service training and guidance and each facility is equipped with the latest Nikon factory service equipment.
The facility offers alpine skiing, mountain explorations and snowboarding as well.