Facilities Sentence Examples
Did you open the supply facilities, too?
And I need a micro with all emerops facilities between Tennessee and Colorado marked.
Bathing facilities are good.
Two of which lead towards known emerops facilities about two to three days out.
The camping facilities were secondary to the main park functions, multiple ball fields, tennis courts and twenty-four horse shoe pits, for the serious pitcher.
I've positioned enough Others around the underground facilities we found to wipe out his vamps overnight.
He rightly insisted on the facilities of communication created by the Roman empire, but did not emphasize the diffusion of Judaism.
Three facilities were in nearby Swanzy; a town where we'd considered buying a home what seemed like years, not months, ago.
Here, easy accessibility, great ice in a deep, narrow gorge, facilities close by and a park run by people who understood the sport and emphasized safety, made for an ideal package.
The emerops facilities were placed strategically, with one never more than two days from the next closest depot.
AdvertisementA few of more of the feds' secret supply facilities were found today.
The prosperity of the city depends on that of the rich mining country about it, on a very extensive wholesale trade, for which its situation and railway facilities admirably fit it, and on its large manufacturing and farming interests.
She had no authority to access anything and no ability to see the emerops facilities or fed facilities.
Delaware has good facilities for transportation.
They bring all the stiffs in here 'cause we've got the best facilities on the Lower Chesapeake.
AdvertisementIts remoteness from the control of the authority of the German and French kings, together with its inaccessibility, gave special facilities in Lower Lorraine to the growth of a number of practically independent feudal states forming a group or system apart.
A third difficulty is the comparatively small tonnage and volume of Italian exports relatively to the imports, the former in 1907 being about one-fourth of the latter, and greatl out of proportion to the relative value; while a fourth is the lac of facilities for handling goods, especially in the smaller ports.
Additional facilities were granted by the act passed in 1848 for disentailing estates, and for burdening such as are entailed with the share of the cost of certain specified improvements.
It was the concepts derived from the experimental methods of Harvey, Lavoisier, Liebig, Claude Bernard, Helmholtz, Darwin, Pasteur, Lister and others which, directly or indirectly, trained the eyes of clinicians to observe more closely and accurately; and not of clinicians only, but also of pathologists, such as Matthew Baillie, Cruveilhier, Rokitansky, Bright, Virchowto name but a few of those who, with (as must be admitted) new facilities for necropsies, began to pile upon us discoveries in morbid anatomy and histology.
The basis of this is necessarily facilities for transportation.
AdvertisementFor higher education there are also abundant facilities.
Its proximity to the coal fields of Pennsylvania and to the great markets of New York and Philadelphia, and its excellent transportation facilities by rail and by water, have promoted the development of its manufactures.
We have a grand piano, recital and practice facilities, as well as the use of the Theater.
Transport facilities are inadequate.
In 1839 St Petersburg became the headquarters of an agency of the British and Foreign Bible Society, which enjoys special facilities in Russia, and now annually circulates about 600,000 copies of the Scriptures, in fifty different languages, within the Russian empire.
AdvertisementThe Martha's Vineyard railway (from Oak Bluffs to the south-east extremity of the island, by way of Edgartown), opened in 1874, was not a financial success, and had been practically abandoned in 1909, but an electric line from Oak Bluffs to Vineyard Haven provides transit facilities for that part of the island.
The inland navigation system suffers from a want of uniformity in the size of locks, depth of water, width of channels and other arrangements, so that direct intercommunication between one canal and another is often impossible in consequence; moreover, although the canals, like railways, are owned by many separate bodies, hardly any provision has been made, as it has in the case of railways, for such facilities as the working of through traffic over various systems at an inclusive charge.
The relative backwardness of telegraphy in Great Britain was attributed to high charges made by the companies and to restricted facilities.
The tendency is therefore clearly toward an ultimate higher literacy for females; a natural result where the two sexes enjoy equal facilities of schooling, and the females greater leisure.
The larger banks are chartered by the federal government; in the smaller towns a number of private banks remain, but their importance is small, owing to the great facilities given to the chartered banks by the branch system.
Despite the increase in railway facilities, the waterways remain important factors in the transportation of the country.
They also undertook not to acquire within that area any privileges or commercial facilities not extended to both of them.
These facilities ensure appropriate assessment for all emergency inpatients.
The College has facilities to offer careers advice and arrange student internships with employers.
Jacoby's advertises live music nights and facilities for private parties.
She was a fed, and a powerful one if she held the keys to the government's secret emerops facilities.
She said nothing more, and they strode up the winding road to the medical facilities.
I'll give you the coords for the emerops facilities.
We've mapped about twenty possible routes to the three facilities.
Market gardening is carried on both near towns and villages, where products find ready sale, and along the great railways, on account of transport facilities.
In its industrial development Nevada has always been hampered by lack of transportation facilities.
In April 1802 he procured the passing of a senatus consultum granting increased facilities for the return of the emigres; with few exceptions they were allowed to return, provided that it was before the 23rd of September 1802, and, after swearing to obey the new constitution, they entered into possession of their lands which had not been alienated; but barriers were raised against the recovery of their confiscated lands.
He used his facilities carefully and judiciously; and the result is a work on the whole accurate and unprejudiced, and quite indispensable to the student either of the history of the early colonies, or of the institutions and customs of the aboriginal American peoples.
By the end of 1914, the entrances of Scapa Flow had been adequately protected, facilities for carrying out all but the most serious repairs were installed, and Scapa Flow gradually assumed the aspect of a great naval station, which it retained to the end of the war.
Propagation facilities are being greatly improved, and there are stringent laws for the protection of immature fish.
The outgoing must leave for the incoming tenant convenient housing and other facilities for the labours of the year following; the incoming must procure for the outgoing tenant conveniences for the consumption of his fodder and for the harvests remaining to be got in.
It is considered that with facilities for irrigation Andalusia could produce 150,000 bales annually.
Moveable gins were tried for a time in some places; they were dragged by traction engines from farm to farm, like threshing machines in parts of England, but the plan proved uneconomical because, among other reasons, farmers were not prepared to meet the cost of providing facilities for storing their cotton.
Now, supposing dealing to be confined to experts, what effects upon the course of prices would one expect from the specialism of the cotton market and improved facilities Effect specula= for dealing, on the assumption that dealers were governed wholly in their actions by the course of prices and never tried to manipulate them?
Beside the local trade of a rich surrounding farming country, the railway facilities of St Joseph have enabled it to build up a great jobbing trade (especially in dry goods), and this is still the greatest economic interest of the city.
He also demanded that the king should have due facilities for his defence.
Oxford and Cambridge sadly neglected the erection of convenient laboratories for many years, and consequently we find technical schools and other universities having a far better equipment and offering greater facilities.
Lancaster is the trade centre of a fertile agricultural region, has good transportation facilities, and is near the Hocking Valley and Sunday Creek Valley coal-fields; its commercial and industrial importance increased greatly, after 1900, through the development of the neighbouring natural gas fields and, after 1907-1908, through the discovery of petroleum near the city.
As regards domestic morality, the system offered constant facilities for libertinism, and tended to subvert domestic peace by compromising the dignity and ruining the happiness of the wife.
Certain specified plans must be delivered annually, under penalty of £T5 to £T25, to the Mines Administration, and, under similar penalties, all information and facilities for visiting the mines in detail must be afforded to government inspectors.
The Yalmal peninsula, where they find great facilities for hunting, is especially venerated by the Ob Ostiak Samoyedes, and there they have one of their chief idols, Khese.
It affords facilities for the transport of logs by means of booms above Minneapolis, and is navigable below St Paul; being half a mile broad where it reaches the border of the state at Hastings.
The extraordinary numbers of utilizable water-powers, the unusual transport facilities affording ample means of reaching the great markets, and finally the proximity to the raw materials of manufacture, have made Minnesota of great importance as a manufacturing state.
Seven navigable rivers within or on the borders of the state - the Red River of the north, the Red Lake River, Rainy River, the Minnesota, the Mississippi, the St Croix and the St Louis 1 - give facilities for transport by water that exert an important competing influence on freight charges; and at the " Head of the Lakes " (Duluth-Superior) many lines of steamships on the Great Lakes, providing direct or indirect connexion with the Eastern and Southern states, make that port in respect to tonnage the first in the United States.
Other facilities for outdoor enjoyment are provided in Hesketh Park (presented to the town by the Rev. Charles Hesketh, formerly rector of North Meols, and one of the lords of the manor), the Botanic Gardens, Kew Gardens, South Marine Park, and the Winter Gardens.
C. Jerdon states that the Indian ratel is found throughout the whole of India, from the extreme south to the foot of the Himalaya, chiefly in hilly districts, where it has greater facilities for constructing the holes and dens in which it lives; but also in the north of India in alluvial plains, where the banks of large rivers afford equally suitable localities wherein to make its lair.
Many of the Atlantic coast rivers would afford excellent port facilities if obstructions were removed from their mouths.
The banking facilities of the republic have undergone many changes under the new regime.
Edinburgh has always possessed exceptional educational facilities.
Facilities for boating are limited (excepting on the Forth), but rowing clubs find opportunity for practice and races on the Union Canal, where, however, sailing is scarcely possible.
The principal facilities granted by the state are, exemption of taxation for a determined period of years, reduced railway fares for the goods manufactured, placing of government contracts, the grant of subsidies and loans and the foundation of industrial schools for the training of engineers and of skilled workmen.
The tracing of the exact mode of development, cell by cell, of the diblastula, the coelom, and the various tissues of examples of all classes of animals was in later years pursued with immense activity and increasing instrumental facilities.
Ample facilities were given for the teaching of Dutch, but it was provided that no pupil should be promoted to a higher standard unless he (or she) was making satisfactory progress in the knowledge of English.
In 1908 the educational facilities provided by the republic, not including some private subventioned schools, were two universities and thirtythree national colleges.
Further educational facilities are provided by a national library with about 50,000 volumes, a national museum, with a valuable historical collection, the Cajigal Observatory, devoted to astronomical and meteorological work, and the Venezuelan Academy and National Academy of History - the first devoted to the national language and literature, and the second to its history.
But isolation and lack of transportation facilities have retarded its development.
The large towns through which the river flows have vied with one another in building harbours, providing shipping accommodation, and furnishing other facilities for the efficient navigation of the Elbe.
Agriculture has been developed only to a limited extent in Sonora, because of its aridity, lack of irrigation facilities, lack of railways and roads, and the unsettled state of the country.
The lack of transportation facilities has been partly relieved by the construction of a branch of the Southern Pacific (American) from Nogales southward to Guaymas and the Sinaloa frontier, from which it has been extended to Mazatlan.
The District Messengers Company affords facilities through local offices for the use of special messengers.
The general scope of the polytechnics is to give instruction both in general knowledge and special crafts or trades by means of classes, lectures and laboratories, instructive entertainments and exhibitions, and facilities for bodily and mental exercise (gymnasia, libraries, &c.).
These " change-houses " are provided with washing and bathing facilities, and arrangements for drying wet clothing.
Fareham owed its importance in medieval times to its facilities for commerce.
It also was formerly provided with stations and reservoirs, but owing to the greater facilities of the sea journey from Suez to Jidda it is now little used.
Their highly favoured position in England, contrasting markedly with their refusal of trade facilities to the English in some of the Baltic towns and their evident policy of monopoly in the Baltic trade, incensed the English mercantile classes, and doubtless influenced the increases in customs-duties which were regarded by the Germans as contrary to their treaty rights.
The earliest names associated with the exploration of Bering Strait are those of Russians seeking to extend their trading facilities.
The natural facilities for carriage by water are supplemented by the extensive railway system.
Rhode Island's water powers have been its only natural resources which have aided in the development of its manufactures, and its transportation facilities have always been inadequate, because of shallow water at Providence and scanty railway communication; but the state's manufacturing enterprises are of great importance.
Commercial interests have been almost entirely destroyed, partly because of the abolition of the slave trade and partly because of the embargo and the war of 1812, but mainly because the cities of the state are unfavourably situated to be the termini of interstate railway systems. Providence, owing to its superior water-power facilities, has therefore become one of the leading manufacturing centres of New England, whereas Newport is now known only as a fashionable summer resort.
Owing to the anarchy which prevailed during the 10th, 11th and 12th centuries, facilities of communication disappeared almost entirely, even for men of rank a long journey involved danger of starvation or fatal exposure, and the pains and perils of travel became a household word among the people.
The nation does not seem to have appreciated the deficiencies of the syndicates service, supplemented as it was by a network of waterways which greatly increased the facilities for transport.
In 1869 a rice-famine occurred in the southern island, Kiiishiu, and while the cereal was procurable abundantly in the northern provinces, people in the south perished of hunger owing to lack of transport facilities.
Beyond this city the navigation is conducted by native craft, - the modern facilities for traffic by rail and the increasing shoals in the river having put an end to the previous steamer communication, which plied until about 1860 as high up as Allahabad.
The state central railway from Santiago to Puerto Montt crosses the province from north to south, and the Cautin, or Imperial, and Tolten rivers (the latter forming its southern boundary) cross from east to west, both affording excellent transportation facilities.
Each day of the cycle has a particular name, and as it is a usual practice, in mentioning dates, to give the name of the day along with that of the moon and the year, this arrangement affords great facilities in verifying the epochs of Chinese chronology.
The development of manufacturing in Delaware has not been so extensive as its favourable situation relative to the other states, the facilities for water and railway transportation, and the proximity of the coal and iron fields of Pennsylvania, would seem to warrant.
In the United Kingdom the drawing of coal is generally confined to the day shift of eight hours, with an output of from 100 to 150 tons per hour, according to the depth, capacity of coal tubs, and facilities for landing and changing tubs.
Transportation.-Until the middle of the 19th century transportation facilities remained practically undeveloped in Texas.
Most of this mileage is in the eastern part of the state, the western and southern portions having slight railway facilities.
Transportation facilities by water are afforded by the Mississippi river.
It is largely frequented by foreign students, especially English, attracted by the educational facilities it offers and by the reputed purity of the German spoken.
It is connected by railway with Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Hameln, Cologne, Altenbeken and Cassel, and the facilities of intercourse have, under the fostering care of the Prussian government, enormously developed its trade and manufactures.
It is probable that after the Danish invasions of the 1 rth century the modern Southampton (Hantune, Suhampton) gradually superseded the Saxon Hantune as the latter did the Roman settlement, the site being chosen for its stronger position and greater facilities for trade.
The rise of London as a port, the prohibition of the export of wool, the loss of the Winchester market after the suppression of the monastic institutions, and the withdrawal of the court led to the gradual decline of trade from the 16th century onwards until railway facilities and the opening of new dockyards gave Southampton the position it holds to-day.
An unusual density of urban settlement, furnishing excellent home markets and transportation facilities, are the main props of this new interest.
Historical priority of development, exceptionally extensive and well utilized water-power, and good transportation facilities are largely responsible for the exceptional rank of Massachusetts as a manufacturing state.
When the Civil War and steam navigation put an end to the supremacy of Massachusetts wooden sailing ships, much of the capital which had been employed in navigation was turned into developing railway facilities and coasting steamship lines.
Navigation, which was formerly the distinctive feature of its business prosperity, has under the pressure of laws and circumstances given place to manufactures, and the development of carrying facilities on the land rather than on the sea.
Besides machine shops and shipbuilding facilities, the important industries are the weaving of hats and hammocks, and the preparation of salt fish; and there is a considerable export of rubber and straw hats.
It is built on a picturesque promontory which separates the waters of Green Bay from Little Bay de Noquette, and its delightful summer climate, wild landscape scenery and facilities for boating and trout fishing make it a popular summer resort.
For ten years after the Black Hills were thrown open little gold was mined because of the lack of railway facilities.
Milwaukee is favourably situated commercially, with excellent facilities for shipping both by lake and rail afforded by four trunk lines and a dozen lines of lake steamboats.
Martin (1805-1887) of Green Bay, a lawyer and judge, and a delegate to Congress in1845-1847from Wisconsin territory, explored the harbour facilities in 1833 and made a map of the place which he called "Milwaukie."
Finally, ample scope for the display of tolerance - or intolerance - is found in the mixed marriages between Protestants and Catholics, which, as a result of the modern facilities for intercommunication and the consequent greater mobility of the population, have shown a large increase during the last few decades - in Germany, for instance.
It has facilities for boating and bathing as well as for trips by steamer up and down the river Meuse.
Educational facilities are also furnished by the state through university and school of mines at University, near Grand Forks, normal schools (opened in 1890) at Valley City and Mayville, an agricultural college and experiment station (1890) at Fargo, a normal and industrial school (opened in 1899) at Ellendale, a school for the deaf (1890) at Devils Lake, a scientific school (opened in 1903) at Wahpeton, and a school of forestry at Bottineau.
They have also adopted the policy of selecting favourable town-sites on the uninhabited prairie, erecting grain elevators at such points, and furnishing transportation facilities by means of branch roads tapping the main lines of travel.
Englishmen were permitted to own land in certain defined districts, customs and port dues and land revenues were fixed, and many new trade facilities were granted.
Much of the city's trade had always been with the Southern states, and the urgent need of better facilities for this trade than the river and existing railway lines afforded led to the building of this road by the city.
Its harbour is comparatively safe but lacks landing facilities.
As might be expected, his views are biased by personal considerations and his intimacy with the royal family, which at the same time, however, afforded him unusual facilities for obtaining material.
Tide-water Maryland is afforded rather unusual facilities of water transportation by the Chesapeake Bay, with its deep channel, numerous deep inlets and navigable tributaries, together with the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, which crosses the state of Delaware and connects its waters with those of the Delaware river and bay.
As early as 1783 steps were taken to extend these facilities to the navigable waters of the Ohio, chiefly by improving the navigation of the Potomac above Georgetown.
Tabriz was for a long period the emporium for the trade of Persia on the west, but since the opening of the railway through the Caucasus and greater facilities for transport on the Caspian, much of its trade with Russia has been diverted to Astara and Resht, while the insecurity on the Tabriz-Trebizond route since 1878 has diverted much commerce to the Bagdad road.
Scranton better grades of iron ore and of limestone were procured, and within a decade a rolling mill, a nail factory and a manufactory of steel rails were established, and adequate facilities for railway transportation were provided.
Its enormous railway facilities and its geographical situation as the junction of the great trunk lines running north and south, tapping also the Staffordshire potteries on the one side and the great mineral districts of Wales on the other, constitute Crewe station one of the most important links of railway and postal communication in the kingdom.
The sea-bathing establishment is situated here; a shelving beach of white sand presenting excellent facilities for bathing.
The town owes its popularity to a firm expanse of sand, good bathing facilities, and a temperate climate.
There are considerable numbers of foreign residents, notably English, attracted by the natural beauty of the place and by the educational facilities it affords.
The home trade merchant or merchant-manufacturer works largely through agents and travellers, and though railway facilities continue to improve, some shopkeepers rarely visit their markets.
However until increased facilities of transport brought more desirable stones into competition they were used extensively in Philadelphia and.
De Thou gave him facilities to borrow books from the superb library formed by his father.
The Americans, who had far greater facilities for building than the British, allowed themselves to be forestalled.
Its shipping facilities have raised Rotterdam to the position of the first commercial city of Holland.
This divergence is partly explained by the difference of soil - which in Drente comprises the maximum of waste lands, and in South Holland the minimum - and partly also by the greater facilities which the seaward provinces enjoy of earning a subsistence, and the greater variety of their industries.
Langport (Llongbooth, Langeberga, Langeport) owed its origin to its defensible position on a hill, and its growth to its facilities for trade on the chief river of Somerset.
The mineral resources of the Prussian Rhine province, coupled with its favourable situation and the facilities of transit afforded by its great waterway, have made it the most important manufacturing district in Germany.
Several are navigable, and the facilities for inland water traffic are increased by canals.
It is the most convenient method, in the case of good conductors, on account of the great facilities which it permits for the measurement of the temperature gradient at different points; but it has the disadvantage that the results depend almost entirely on a knowledge of the external heat loss or emissivity, or, in comparative experiments, on the assumption that it is the same in different cases.
Numerous regulating bridges and locks have been built to give absolute control of the water and facilities for navigation; and since 1901 a second weir has been constructed opposite Zilta, across the Damietta branch of the Nile, to improve the irrigation of the Dakhilia province.
Elsewhere in the Bombay presidency, in the Deccan and Gujarat, there are fewer facilities for irrigation than in other parts of India.
Trawlers are extensively employed, and steamers bring the catches directly to the large fish markets at Geestemnde and Altona, whence facilities are afforded by the railways for the rapid transport of fish to Berlin and other centres.
The general condition of the Italian railways has also affected it, and the increased traffic has not always found the necessary facilities in the way of a proper amount of trucks to receive the goods discharged, leading to considerable encumbrance of the port and consequent diversion of a certain amount of trade elsewhere, and besides this to serious temporary deficiencies in the coal supply of northern Italy.
With the increase of transport facilities it is probable that the trade with the Mediterranean coasts will also be diverted to the south, and profitable minor branches of trade would be formed in leather, ostrich feathers, gums, fibres, &c. The imports from Great Britain, which come via Forcados, are mostly cotton goods, provisions and hardware.
The facilities enjoyed by the British and Egyptian governments for securing the material if not the moral development The Anglo- of Egypt were greatly enlarged in 1904, as the result French of the understanding then come to between France under- and Great Britain.
Pouqueville, who spent no less than ten years as French General Consul at Iannina, had special facilities for obtaining firsthand information and although his observations and deductions seemed at times somewhat suspect to the British they were later recognized as being truest to the realities of the epoch.
The commerce of Denmark is mainly based on home production and home consumption, but a certain quantity of goods is imported with a view to re-exportation, for which the free port and bonded warehouses at Copenhagen give facilities.
The large quantities of fruit, cereals and vegetables from the surrounding country, and ample facilities for transportation by rail and by the river, which is navigable from below the rapids to its mouth, make the commerce and trade of Grand Rapids very important.
The fertile low grounds on the east have offered facilities for the invasions of Romans, Norsemen and English, while the mountain fastnesses of the interior and the west have served as secure retreats for the older Celtic population.
The counties in which there was the largest increase in the decennial period-with Linlithgow first, followed by Lanark, Stirling, Renfrew, Dumbarton and thirteen others-principally belonged to the Central Plain, or Lowlands, in which, broadly stated, industries and manufactures, trade, commerce and agriculture and educational facilities have attained their highest development.
Scotland was to have forty-five members and sixteen elected peers at Westminster; the holders of Darien stock were compensated; as a balance to equality of taxation a pecuniary equivalent was to be paid, the kirk and Scottish courts of justice were safeguarded (final appeal being to the British House of Lords), and Scots shared English facilities and privileges of trade, in name, for many years passed before Scotland really began to enjoy the benefits.
It possesses a good harbour; docks and extensive coalingwharves, which have been acquired by government from the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, and are undergoing considerable extensions; an admiralty dockyard; and many facilities for shipping.
The fertility of the soil, the mineral wealth and the transportation facilities have given Illinois a vast economic development.
The growth of manufacturing in Illinois during the last half of the 19th century, due largely to the development of her exceptional transportation facilities, was the most rapid and remarkable in the industrial history of the United States.
During this year he published a book When Labour Rules, in which he, speaking, of course, only for himself, depicted the kind of policy which Labour in power would favour - such as the right to work, development of nationalization, better homes, shorter hours, state endowment of motherhood, great extension of university facilities and a national theatre and opera.
The multiplication of art periodicals, lectures, books, photographs, meetings of societies and gilds, museums, schools of arts and crafts, polytechnics, scholarships, facilities for travel, exhibitions, even those of the Royal Academy, to which objects of applied art are now admitted, not only encourages many persons to become workers and designers in the applied arts, but exposes everything to the plagiarist, who travesties the freshest idea before it has well left the hands of its originator.
The amir not only received a large annual subsidy of money from the British government, but he also obtained considerable supplies of war material; and he, moreover, availed himself very freely of facilities that were given him for the importation at his own cost of arms through India.
In 1908 the total length of railways open in India was 30,578, m., which carried 330 million passengers and 64 million tons of goods, and yielded a net profit exceeding 4 Facilities for irrigation (q.v.) vary widely, and irrigation works differ both in extent and in character.
For transportation facilities the town depends upon the railways serving Hoboken and Jersey City.
Copper is scarcely less widely distributed than gold, but the production of it awaits smelters and better facilities for transportation.
With the increased facilities for European travel Filipinos began to visit Europe and return with new and broader notions of life.
Hence the ancient saying which, grouping with these the commercial facilities afforded by the bridge over the Ilmenau, ascribes the prosperity of Luneburg to its mons, fens, pons.
The city has always been a great commercial depot; a wharf nearly two miles long affords ample facilities for vessels able to cross the bar of the Peiho, over which there is a depth of water varying from 9 to 12 ft.
Its settlement and development is seriously impeded by the lack of transportation facilities.
Few facilities existed for carrying out the second stage, but they were speedily improvised.
Crime, with the many facilities offered for rapid locomotion to those who committed it, had ceased to be merely local, and the whole state rather than individual communities ought to be taxed; prison charges should be borne by the public exchequer and not by local rates.
As a matter of fact the diminution in crime was traceable to general causes, such as a general exodus by emigration, the introduction of a poor law and an increase in the facilities for earning an honest livelihood.
Dairy products, for example, for whose production good facilities always existed, were long greatly neglected, and not for two decades at least after 1848 was the state independent in this respect.
The transportation facilities in California increased rapidly after 1870.
Its deep and capacious bay is sheltered from northerly and north-easterly winds, and the construction of modern harbour works has greatly increased the facilities for trade.
There has been relatively little development of transport facilities in Wyoming.
On the west there are narrow coast plains of limited extent, deep gulfs, which offer facilities for trade and commerce, and a fringe of protecting islands.
Even at this higher rate the facilities for trade were greater than in medieval or (until the revolution in transport) modern times.
This cylinder on its return is stationary, in fact it might be called a double or rather an alternative stop-cylinder machine, with the inking facilities arranged somewhat on the same plan as on either a two-feeder or a perfecting machine.
It seems almost as though this branch had reached its limit, and as though any further developments can only be a question of duplication of the existing facilities so as to print from a greater number of cylinders than, say, an octuple machine.
Sedalia is served by the Missouri Pacific and the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway systems, and is a transportation centre with good facilities.
The facilities for the shipment of coal are excellent, and Newcastle is the chief coaling port in the southern hemisphere.
The largest craft can always, enter and navigate the bay, and there are ample facilities of dry and floating docks.
By this instrument Bolivia, besides conceding the 24th parallel as the boundary of Chilean territory, agreed that Chile should have a half share of the customs and full facilities for trading on the coast that lay between the 23rd and 24th parallels, Chile at that time being largely interested in the trade of that region.
And, apart from this, the farming country was long without transport facilities.
After La Guayra the harbour is the principal port of Venezuela, and it is provided with mole, wharves, railway communication with the interior, and other facilities for the handling of merchandise and produce.
The Brahmaputra and its channels, together with three minor streams, the Bangali, Karatoya and Atrai, afford admirable facilities for commerce, and render every part of the district accessible to native cargo boats of large burden.
Cities and villages are permitted - upon authorization by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the electors voting on the question - to own and operate, even outside their corporate limits, public utilities for supplying water, light, heat, power and transportation, and may sell and deliver, outside their corporate limits, water, heat, power and light to an amount not more than one-fourth that furnished by them in each case within their corporate limits; but no city or village of less than 25,000 inhabitants may own or operate' transportation facilities.
We must imagine him devoted to the great task which he had set himself to perform, with a mind free from all disturbing cares, and in the enjoyment of all the facilities for study afforded by the Rome of Augustus, with its liberal encouragement of letters, its newlyf ounded libraries and its brilliant literary circles.
Its comparative cheapness, one dollar's worth being equal to three dollars' worth of opium in the effect produced, its portability and the facilities offered in obtaining it, are all in its favour.
Its present importance, however, rests on the commercial facilities afforded by its connexion with the North Sea and the Baltic through the Kaiser Wilhelm canal, by which transit trade is carried on in grain, timber, Swedish iron and coals.
Atchison's situation and transportation facilities make it an important supply-centre, its trade in grains and live-stock being particularly large; it has large railway machine shops, and its principal manufactures are flour, furniture, lumber, hardware and drugs.
The river is important for the transport facilities it affords to the rich agricultural districts of Westphalia.
Leavenworth was, in Territorial days and until after 1880, the largest and most thriving commercial city of the state, and rivalled Kansas City, Missouri, which, however, finally got the better of it in the struggle for railway facilities.
A comparatively mild climate and good market facilities increase the potential value of the whole woodland area.
This rapid development is due to the excellent transportation facilities, and to the proximity of!
Its importance is largely due to these transportation facilities and to the resources of the surrounding country, which produces timber, lime, cotton, Indian corn, sugar-cane, wheat, oats, fruit, melons, hay and vegetables.
Forests cover nearly half the total area of the state, which is believed to be rich in minerals, but lack of transport facilities has hindered the development of its resources.
The coast of Alaska offers exceptional facilities for smuggling, and liquor has always been very plentiful; juries have steadily refused to convict offenders, and treasury officials have regularly collected revenue from saloons existing in defiance of law.
Nor does the new relation make any change as to the nationality of the subjects of the two states, though in some countries facilities are afforded to the subjects of the Unterstaat to transfer their allegiance; and they owe a certain ill-defined degree of obedience to the protecting state.
Mining.-The mineral resources of Utah are varied and valuable, but their development was retarded for many years by the policy of the Mormon Church, which practically forbade its members to do any mining; more recently the development has been slow because of inadequate transportation facilities, and the inaccessibility of some of the deposits.
The shales of Utah, Sanpete, Juab and San Juan counties may furnish a valuable supply of petroleum if transportation facilities are improved; and there are rich supplies of asphalt-19,033 tons (valued at $100,324) was the output for 1908.
The woollen manufacture is said to have been introduced into Leeds in the 14th century, and owing to the facilities for trade afforded by its position on the river Aire soon became an important industry.
Little use has been made of any of the rivers for irrigation, though in many places they offer great facilities for the purpose.
The navigable streams which fall into the Ganges intersect the country in every direction and afford great facilities for internal communication.
Although the Saxon invaders were naturally attracted to Bedfordshire by its abundant water supply and facilities for agriculture, the remains of their settlements are few and scattered.
Fruit culture has become an important industry with the facilities afforded by rapid steamers for the sale of produce in Europe.
It must have been with peculiar gratification that he announced to the House of Commons in April 1917 that the Imperial War Cabinet had accepted the principle of Imperial Preference; and that it was hoped that each part of the Empire, having due regard to the interests of the Allies, would give specially favourable treatment and facilities to the produce and manufactures of other parts of the Empire - a hope which, as regards the mother country, was translated into action in the budgets introduced under Mr. Law's leadership after the war.
The question of the distribution of water, rightly considered, resolves itself into a question of delivering water to the water tenant, without leakage on the way, and of securing that the fittings employed by the water tenant shall be such as to afford an ample and ready supply at all times of the day and night without leakage and without any unnecessary facilities for waste.
Finally, the Land Improvement Act 1864, amended and extended by the act of 1899, gave facilities for borrowing money by charging the cost of draining, &c., as a rent-charge upon the inheritance of the land.
The proximity of coal-mines, the abundance and variety of food supplies furnished by the state, the great quantity and variety of the city's manufactured goods, the excellent shipping facilities, and the consequent low cost of living, are prominent features of the physical life of the city.
The facilities given for shipping wool direct to England from this port have caused a very extensive wool-broking trade to grow up in the town.
Salt Lake City is the great business centre of Utah and one of the main shipping points of the West for agricultural products, live stock (especially sheep), precious metals and coal; and the excellent railway facilities contribute greatly to the commercial importance of the city.
On the meeting of the new parliament Lord Salisburys government was defeated on an amendment to the address, demanding facilities for agricultural laborers to obtain small holdings for gardens and pasturethe policy, in short, which was described as three acres and a cow.
The treaty of the United States in 1846 with New Granada, granting transportation facilities on the Isthmus to the United States, then preparing for war with Mexico, and guaranteeing on the part of the United States the sovereignty of New Granada in the Isthmus, has been considered the first step toward the establishment of an American protectorate over the Isthmus.
The richness of the surrounding country in agricultural produce, timber, coal and iron, and its transport facilities have made Louisville a large commercial and manufacturing centre.
As the incandescent bodies of the universe are visible by their own light, the problem of ascertaining their existence and position is mainly one of seeing, and our facilities for attacking it have constantly increased with the improvement of our optical appliances.
The famous " eclipse of Thales " in 585 B.C. has not, it is true, been authenticated by modern research 8; yet the story told by Herodotus appears to intimate that a knowledge of the Saros, and of the forecasting facilities connected with it, was possessed by the Ionian sage.
Although the acts of 1870 and 1881 provided facilities for the purchase of holdings by the tenants, it was only after the passing of the Ashbourne Act in 1885 that the transfer of ownership to the occupying tenants began on an extended scale.
The act provides facilities for the conversion into urban districts of (1) towns having town commissioners who are not sanitary authorities and (2) non-municipal towns with populations of over i 50o and entitled to petition for town commissioners.
Forbidden to export it, or to work it up profitably at home, they took to smuggling, for which the indented coast gave great facilities.
Treaties had been concluded with Great Britain, Germany and America, giving improved facilities for trade with Madagascar, but before the return of the envoys matters had come to a crisis in the island.
Since then, owing to the greater facilities of communication, the transactions at the fairs have diminished in relative, though they have increased in actual, value.
Before the time of Tait's researches such data were of little interest or value, on account of insufficient care in securing the purity of the materials tested; but increased facilities in this respect, combined with great improvements in electrical measurements, have put the question on a different footing.
The village, which is beautifully situated, contains several handsome stone villas occupied by families attracted to the town by its educational facilities.
They lie grouped round a pretty park which also furnishes the visitors with facilities for various recreations, such as lawn tennis, croquet, polo and other games.
Though the Ornitholepas australis (Targioni Tozzetti, 1872), found on the tail feathers of a bird, represents only the cypris-larva of a cirripede, it still shows one of the many facilities for dispersion which these creatures enjoy.
At that time there were few facilities for the study of experimental science in Great Britain.
They have made roads, opened facilities for trade, enforced peace, and laid at all events the foundation of settled administration.
The office of the clerk is regulated by an act of 1844, enabling a curate to undertake its duties, and providing facilities for vacating the office in case of misconduct.
The condenser is constructed of coils like the refrigerator, the cooling water being contained in a tank; frequently, however, a series of open coils is employed, the cooling water falling over the coils into a collecting tray below, and this form is perhaps the most convenient for ordinary use as it affords great facilities for inspection and painting.
This rapid industrial growth has been due in no small degree to the great natural resources of the state and its excellent transportation facilities.
Its rapid growth is due to its favourable situation as a commercial port, its transportation facilities, and its nearness to extensive forests whence the material for its chief industries is obtained.
I'd considered driving by the few camping facilities I remembered seeing in the county.
They take on the roles the Ancients and immortals can't, like working with human counterparts, touring the Council's facilities all over the world.
I'll activate the emergency facilities on the moon.
Thus far, none of the emerops facilities had been in a town.
The new room will accommodate approximately 60 students, and provide enhanced lecture and multi-media facilities for the school.
Many of the properties come with leisure facilities, including indoor pool complexes, tennis courts and games room.
Both companies operate considerable tank storage facilities which are fully integrated with the adjacent petrochemical complexes at Billingham and Wilton.
Conventional programming languages only provide facilities for exact matching, a more adaptive approach is required in order to support data aggregation.
All rooms are thoughtfully equipped with color television, tea & coffee making facilities, and radio alarm clock.
As there were no facilities for ice sport, only Alpine and nordic events were held.
The Florida Keys are known for their spectacular coral reefs, excellent marina facilities and quiet restful anchorages.
Facilities will include an indoor riding arena and stables to accommodate the 20 donkeys that will live onsite.
Facilities include bathroom with wheel in shower, electric rise and recline armchair and modified kitchen.
The center provides training facilities for wheelchair athletes from all over the world.
Presenter The key reservation elite athletes have about the place is the awful decline in the standard of facilities.
Yeovil athletics arena The floodlit athletics arena offers some of the most comprehensive facilities in the South West.
Cubase VST Score is for creating, editing and playing MIDI music files, with integrated facilities for recorded audio.
Facilities are now completely automated at the lighthouse on Gull Island.
Refuges are quite basic but they do provide cooking facilities, which we use when we can.
A few bars, restaurants and shops dot the village, with most of the tourist facilities lining the beachfront.
The Arlanda Hotel, Brighton Our newly refurbished bedrooms all have en-suite facilities.
All our bedrooms are en-suite, with either shower or bath, color tv and complimentary beverage making facilities.
Leisure facilities included billiards, indoor bowling and ice-skating.
This is electrically operated by boaters using the BW facilities key.
Moored opposite the facilities where there are now new bollards provided.
Many have facilities for ceremonies, such as chapels or garden bowers with glorious suites or rooms in which to dine in style.
Facilities include a bowling green, tennis courts, a crazy golf course and children's play areas.
Also, the former Commonwealth middleweight boxing champion Michael Watson praised the improvement in sports/leisure facilities for disabled people.
The area became increasingly built-up over time, putting pressure on the hospital to provide more facilities for the surrounding population.
Graduates with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Domestic bursar for further details on facilities.
The new Faculty building is bright and airy with an excellent range of facilities for staff, including a cafeteria.
It's production facilities allow for traditional food canning packing of various dry mixes in composite drums.
The park offers superb self-catering caravans and luxury pine lodges available all year, and touring and camping facilities from March to October.
Crane facilities for discharge of bulk and break bulk cargoes are available.
The focus is on UK street sport and denim fashions and on-site facilities will include Chill-Out bars interactive information stations and virtual catwalks.
The wide range of on-site facilities includes chandlery, technical and engineering services, lift-out, hard standing storage, and approved training courses.
On site child care facilities, staff gym and free chiropody are just some of the local facilities available to employees.
This combined with better transport facilities opened the door for the almost universal use of either combed wheat reed or water reed.
We argue that these are fundamentally different, and potentially complementary, language facilities.
It said it was " gravely concerned " about the absence of basic medical facilities and schools for the Roma.
A ramp was built to allow disabled access to the center, and the new toilet facilities were converted from the old confessionals!
The provision of these facilities requires careful consideration to ensure they do not create environmental problems.
Both have a kitchenette with fridge and 4-ring cooker and have full use of the hotel facilities.
The manufacturing facilities at the site will be modified to suit DuPont's specialty ethylene copolymers.
Children are involved in every aspect of the school - from designing facilities to patrolling corridors.
Boating, Sailing, Fishing Falmouth offers wonderful facilities for boating, with hire boats being easy to arrange to explore local creeks.
Kitchens in Halls have cooking facilities but do not contain crockery, cutlery or cooking utensils.
Facilities include a TV, DVD player, CD radio, video, record player and ample cutlery, crockery and cooking utensils.
Facilities include screen printing, digital video editing suite, a black and white darkroom, a workshop and meeting space.
They have the facilities and expertise to ensure that they are properly decontaminated.
The new versions have facilities that greatly ease the task of updating the virus definitions on a regular basis.
Body Shop From a minor dent to a full scale repair, we provide the best quality repair in the best facilities.
The solution also included WinScribe's telephone dictation module to provide fee earners with facilities for dictation when working remotely.
Make use of the many on board facilities, before a sumptuous five-course dinner is served in the restaurant.
The Fen folk are afraid of becoming further alienated; having seen their health care facilities systematically dismembered over the past three years.
Factors include disrepair, instability, dampness, bathroom and kitchen facilities, water supply, heating, lighting, ventilation and drainage.
Domain Name Registration Since 1998 we have provided domain name registration services and easy management facilities for customers with 1 to 1000+ domain name Registration Since 1998 we have provided domain name registration services and easy management facilities for customers with 1 to 1000+ domain names.
The port facilities were expanded, including new dry docks and additional warehousing for the handling of grain.
The majority of these sites are maintained by the Council; however, the survey also includes dual-use educational and some privately owned facilities.
Two major disk duplicators serving publishers in Germany and Holland have their own in-plant printing facilities.
A fully instrumented dynamic dynamometer with rapid prototyping facilities is now fully operational and supporting this work.
The center combines the elegance of a period house with the modern facilities of a first class training center.
Benissa holidays are popular with watersports enthusiasts, with excellent facilities and conditions for scuba diving, windsurfing, sailing, diving and fishing.
All the locality bases are accessible and have excellent changing facilities as well as specialist transport.
Behind the elegant facade lies all the modern facilities you would expect from a hotel of this caliber.
Mr Hayman spoke of facilities being put in place to obtain feedback from the public.
Over the past several years, we also finalized plans to consolidate U.S. facilities across the ROK.
The ships have a one spot flight deck with full hangar facilities for a Merlin helicopter.
Facilities Plymouth track has recently been awarded funding from Sport England to improve facilities including floodlights which will enable all year round training.
At the moment there are no facilities in the United Kingdom that are capable of removing such substances from the insulating foam of fridges.
Working with our joint venture company, Autogas Ltd, we're putting autogas refueling facilities on prime retail forecourts operated by Shell Retail.
A first step must be to expedite agreement to create incentives for states to voluntarily forego the development of fuel cycle facilities.
A first step would be to create incentives for countries to voluntarily forgo the development of fuel-cycle facilities.
The school has great improved facilities and resources for sport through tireless fundraising through local trusts and charities.
A brand new funicular surrounded by outdated tows does not amount to modern facilities.
Each villa and the cottage has its own private wooden gazebo with outdoor dining facilities.
Recreational Facilities The games room offers space for meetings or group get-togethers.
And many of them - the American Legion is one example - have gorgeous, well-maintained facilities.
There are facilities for rehearsal and practice, including a grand piano, and there is a good chapel choir.
As with braille displays, it is unlikely that students will have their own facilities for producing tactile graphics.
So ' onboard AGP graphics ', would mean it has built-in AGP graphics facilities.
These facilities will be linked with existing research computing facilities to provide a Campus computational grid for research.
Biking and hiking are among the activities on offer, and there are barbecue grills and picnic facilities.
Many B&B guesthouses offer camping facilities within their own surround grounds or land.
Facilities include heated indoor and outdoor pools, mini gym, .. .
Leisure facilities include a fitness gym, a sauna, a beauty salon and a coffee bar diner.
The strategies available include lectures, handouts, library facilities, surgery hours and feedback on the coursework.
We first visited the fish hatchery where the facilities were excellent with good birding right next to the river.
A dive resort on the island provides good facilities for such a small island hideaway.
If secret postal and transport facilities, secret hide-outs and printing presses are operating where they are needed, this is usually quite coincidental.
Leisure options Here you'll find a lively cluster of resturants, bars, hotels, apartment high-rises and leisure facilities.
All are equipped with basic cooking facilities including a 2-ring hob.
Use of all the park's facilities come free with a Seaview self catering holiday.
A ll attractively furnished bedrooms are fully equipped with en suite facilities, color television and tea/coffee hospitality tray.
Military facilities and Bureau of Veteran Affairs hospitals provide hospitalization, possibly over-flowing into civilian hospitals.
I was asked by the American Red Cross to become a hostess at the Red Cross facilities at Prestwick airport.
Stephens vision is to help hoteliers see, understand and provide inclusive facilities that make it commercially beneficial for all concerned.
The Park has beautiful landscaped gardens and facilities which can only be described as immaculate.
The Bog Standard campaign aims to highlight the importance of access to decent hygiene facilities.
The research will concentrate on electricity supply including both the purchase of green electricity and the on-site installation of CHP and renewable energy facilities.
Advantages of using classification schemes include improved subject browsing facilities, potential multi-lingual access and improved interoperability with other services.
Exeter ' s sports facilities are of a high standard and have benefited from multi-million pound investment with further development program under way.
To provide adequate waste processing facilities, taking into account local views. IV.
Janet connections to Local Authorities, but many already have facilities.
More than 500 000 workers have become jobless due to the total destruction of numerous industrial facilities all around the country.
Whatever your current status we can always arrange offshore facilities for you in whatever offshore jurisdiction you choose.
The buttons marked P and T are used to provide the facilities of 10 telephone number storage and repeat last manually keyed number.
The School occupies five different buildings, which include several new or recently refurbished labs and a number of state-of-the-art research facilities.
Genomic infrastructure All the research at the Sanger Institute is underpinned by world-class core facilities that support large-scale sequencing and analysis.
Facilities for students use include launderette, badminton and table tennis rooms, chapel and on-site bar operated by the Union of Students.
Laundrette A coin operated laundry with ironing facilities is located next to the Village Office.
There is a communal laundry, hairdressing salon, guest rooms, lift, well established gardens and car parking facilities.
What about local schools, training facilities, lifelong learning?