Eyewitness Sentence Examples
Of Greece proper he saw but little; it is by no means certain that he even visited Athens, and though he describes Corinth as an eyewitness, it is clear that he was never at Delphi, and was not aware that the ruins of Mycenae still existed.
He had been an eyewitness of and an actor in the events which he describes, but his testimony must be accepted with caution.
One eyewitness reported it to be "…quite a scene."
After travelling from Lhasa to Peking with a lama mission he returned, again by Lhasa, to India, and was an eyewitness of the sack of Delhi by Nadir Shah in 1737.
The USA edition has an equally tendentious title - Eyewitness to Jesus.
These numbers only show that he, although an eyewitness, has no idea of large numbers; in reality the army of Cyrus may at the very utmost have consisted of 30,000, that of Artaxerxes of 40,000 men.
The minute character of the narrative, the accurate description of the various journeyings, the unimportance of some of the details, especially some of the incidents of the shipwreck, are strong reasons for believing that the narrative is that of an eyewitness.
There are a number of liabilities inherent to eyewitness testimonies.
This book is an unsparing eyewitness account of the failure by humanity to stop the genocide, despite timely warnings.
Eyewitness reports state that Barker and AM were both on fire as they ran from the wreckage.
AdvertisementYou will need to gather proof of infidelity if you really want to know for sure such as an eyewitness, a confession or pictures that someone takes for you (for example, a private investigator).
So far, all cryptozoologists have to go on are eyewitness accounts, videos, drawings and a few DNA samples that so far have proven to be mainly from mange-ridden coyotes.
There are a mass of written eyewitness accounts and affidavits.
One thing that science can't explain is the near death experiencers' eyewitness accounts surrounding the moments after their deaths.
This distance was covered at the fullest extended speed of the horses, and reaching the infantry they swept over them "like hounds over a fence" - in the words of an eyewitness.
AdvertisementJustin Martyr (163-167) certainly uses the Gospel; but his conception of Jesus' life is so strictly Synoptic that he can hardly have accepted it as from an apostolic eyewitness.
Dr James Drummond's Inquiry into the Character and Authorship of the Fourth Gospel (1903) does not, by its valuable survey of the external evidence, succeed in giving credibility to the eyewitness origin of such a book as this is admitted to be.
He saw all the mechanical difficulties that had to be overcome in mining; he learned the nature and succession of rocks, the physical properties of minerals, ores and metals; he got a notion of mineral waters; he was an eyewitness of the accidents which befel the miners, and studied the diseases which attacked them; he had proof that positive knowledge of nature was not to be got in schools and universities, but only by going to nature herself, and to those who were constantly engaged with her.
People sat in the corners, men and women, and just cried and cried, ' said an eyewitness.
And the Koran was written by a genuine eyewitness - Muhammad.
AdvertisementWe then had a toss up between the shark and the volcano eyewitness book, and the volcano won out.
Welles, Mrs Eyewitness to the fatal hit-and-run that saw Karen accused of manslaughter.
The Toronto Star runs a story which recounts the chicken incident from an eyewitness.
Though the two former flames have been seen out together lately, they simply can't be back together due to one eyewitness account of "They didn't make out at all!"
They point to the odd sonar readings taken during numerous expeditions and the credibility of eyewitness accounts.
AdvertisementThere have been eyewitness accounts, grainy photographs end even amateur video footage.
But we will content ourselves with noticing signs that the reminiscences of some eyewitness are recorded.
In 1824 he published a history of Italy from 1789 to 1814 (4 vols.), on which his fame principally rests; he himself had been an eyewitness of many of the events described.
Contemporary observers agree that the disease was introduced from the East; and one eyewitness, Gabriel de Mussis, an Italian lawyer, traced, or indeed accompanied, the march of the plague from the Crimea (whither it was said to have been introduced from Tartary) to Genoa, where with a handful of survivors of a Genoese expedition he landed probably at the end of the year 1347.
But the reasons against the author being John the Zebedean or any other eyewitness of Jesus' earthly life have accumulated to a practical demonstration.
Within a month it was transformed, and presented, says an eyewitness, "a scene where stillness and propriety reigned."