Eyebrows Sentence Examples
She raised her eyebrows at his challenge.
His eyebrows jerked up in surprise.
Elisabeth raised both eyebrows and laughed.
In person he was small, with large head, projecting brow, prominent nose, and eyes wide apart, with black hair coming down almost to his eyebrows.
About the time of setting out on his Indian expedition he was described as a most comely man, upwards of 6 ft., tall, well-proportioned, of robust make and constitution; inclined to be fat, but prevented by the fatigue he underwent; with fine, large black eyes and eyebrows; of sanguine complexion, made more manly by the influence of sun and weather; a loud, strong voice; a moderate wine-drinker; fond of simple diet, such as pilaos and plain dishes, but often neglectful of meals altogether, and satisfied, if occasion required, with parched peas and water, always to be procured.i During the reign of Nadir an attempt was made to establish a British Caspian trade with Persia.
As if he sensed her irritation at the early hour, a look of amusement crossed his face, visible in the shift of his eyebrows.
Dean raised his eyebrows.
His eyes were observant and restless, his eyebrows thick and low, and his features hard.
My eyebrows are too thick & close together, my legs too thin.
Dean couldn't help raising his eyebrows at the obvious lie but when he looked at her tear-stained face, he felt compassion.
AdvertisementThe two men raised their eyebrows in unison.
Jackson raised his eyebrows.
He leered at Elisabeth, arched his eyebrows with a lascivious grin, then stretched with great exaggeration.
His features were chiseled, masculine and firm, his brow low and slashed with two dark eyebrows.
Randy raised his eyebrows.
AdvertisementI wish I could see the raising eyebrows of some of you now.
A few skeptical eyebrows were raised when Sven revealed his squad strangely written on the backs of children.
McGinty, who had been watching him narrowly, raised his thick black eyebrows.
The results are likely to raise a few eyebrows.
He was also completely bald and had no eyelashes or eyebrows.
AdvertisementThis product must not be used for dyeing eyelashes or eyebrows.
Now we only survive by the sweat of our perfectly groomed eyebrows!
In 1995, Boehner raised eyebrows by distributing campaign checks from tobacco lobbyists on the House floor.
He raised his eyebrows, then blew out a jet of air between flared nostrils.
Paper Monitor would sooner pluck out its own eyebrows than read a match report, yet manages to find a few nuggets.
AdvertisementComb your eyebrows before applying eyebrow pencil and then, ever so lightly, comb them again when you have finished.
Luke was too busy getting his eyebrows plucked to join in.
His usually pale face was purple with rage, and his bushy eyebrows knotted over his slightly rubbery nose.
The face has long, thin eye slits surmounted by three horizontal arches of blue beads indicating eyebrows.
Now I use tweezers, like women plucking eyebrows, for removing unwanted nasal hairs.
I don't like him, she added in a tone admitting of no rejoinder and raising her eyebrows.
Their eyebrows are sparse, or they have no brows at all.
If you want to get really creative, include your eyebrows in the styling process.
Bushy eyebrows with stray hairs can also age the face.
Eyebrows are perhaps one of the most neglected features on many women.
A brow lift can return the eyebrows to a firmer, more youthful appearance.
His gaze came to rest on her and his eyebrows lifted.
He looked towards the sound and raised his eyebrows.
His dark eyebrows were singularly flexible, and they perpetually expanded and contracted in harmony with what he was saying.
The word "alcohol" is of Arabic origin, being derived from the particle al and the word kohl, an impalpable powder used in the East for painting the eyebrows.
The people of Amar are represented on the Egyptian monuments with yellow skin, blue eyes, red eyebrows and beard, whence it has been conjectured that they were akin to the Libyans (Sayce, Expositor, July 1888).
A prodigiously long tail, beetling eyebrows with long black hairs, black ears, face, feet and hands, and a general greyish-brown colour of the fur are the distinctive characteristics of the langur.
They have light olive complexions, a fine aquiline nose, bright black eyes, a well-turned chin, heavy arched eyebrows, thick sensual lips, and usually wear a light curling moustache.
The women are delicate in frame, with small hands and feet, fair complexions, beautiful black eyes, finely arched eyebrows, and a profusion of long black hair, which they dress to perfection, and ornament with pearls and gems. The Parsees are much more liberal in their treatment of women than any other Asiatic race; they allow them to appear freely in public, and leave them the entire management of household affairs.
The eyebrows are widened and painted till they appear to meet, while sham moles or stars are painted on the chin and cheek; even spangles are stuck at times on the chin and forehead.
As he sat on the judgment-seat, ` the deep thought betrayed in his furrowed brow - the large eyebrows, overhanging eyes that seemed to regard more what was taking place within than around him - his calmness, that would have assumed a character of sternness but for its perfect placidity - his dignity, repose and venerable age, tended at once to win confidence and to inspire respect ' (Townsend).
He looks too old for his years, but quite unbroken; the character of a veteran sage has fully imprinted itself on his countenance; the features are grand, clear and deeply lined, the mouth firmly set and almost stern, the eyes strong and intent beneath their bushy eyebrows, the hair flows untrimmed over his shoulders and commingles with a majestic beard.
In size and plumage the two sexes offer a striking contrast, the male weighing about 4 lb, its plumage for the most part of a rich glossy black shot with blue and purple, the lateral tail feathers curved outwards so as to form, when raised, a fan-like crescent, and the eyebrows destitute of feathers and of a bright vermilion red.
Jackson raised his eyebrows as if to say that profession wasn't necessarily a guarantee of anything.
It rang loudly in the hall, a rap song spitting F-bombs that made her eyebrows rise.
The immortal was relatively young, maybe a thousand years old, with Mediterranean features tinted olive and thick black eyebrows.
The innocuous statement caused a couple of raised eyebrows.
The evidence adduced for these timely elevations often raised eyebrows in the Vatican.
Dwight (the American Gareth) looks down-right creepy with glasses that exactly run across the top of his eyebrows and his hair parting.
Earlier this year, the official custodian of the NHS's data raised eyebrows by announcing a special relationship with a commercial firm.
Be taught deportment, have your nails painted and have your eyebrows plucked (if you dare) by an understanding female.
There are also a couple of later houses in the valley Never trust an electrician with no eyebrows!
Look at the powerful, arched eyebrows, which are stern without being severe.
The prince stood still; his lively glittering eyes from under their thick, bushy eyebrows sternly scanned all present and rested on the little princess.
The commander of the regiment was an elderly, choleric, stout, and thick-set general with grizzled eyebrows and whiskers, and wider from chest to back than across the shoulders.
When Telyanin had finished his lunch he took out of his pocket a double purse and, drawing its rings aside with his small, white, turned-up fingers, drew out a gold imperial, and lifting his eyebrows gave it to the waiter.
With shifting eyes but eyebrows still raised, Telyanin handed him the purse.
Now his forehead would pucker into deep folds and his eyebrows were lifted, then his eyebrows would descend and deep wrinkles would crease his cheeks.
The little princess and Mademoiselle Bourienne had already received from Masha, the lady's maid, the necessary report of how handsome the minister's son was, with his rosy cheeks and dark eyebrows, and with what difficulty the father had dragged his legs upstairs while the son had followed him like an eagle, three steps at a time.
And this someone was he--the devil--and he was also this man with the white forehead, black eyebrows, and red lips.
Then all at once he raised his eyebrows, abruptly touched his horse with his left foot, and galloped on.
The newcomer was a short, large-boned, yellow-faced, wrinkled old man, with gray bushy eyebrows overhanging bright eyes of an indefinite grayish color.
An hussar was Natasha, and a Circassian was Sonya with burnt-cork mustache and eyebrows.
Her mustache and eyebrows were extraordinarily becoming.
Zakhar held back his horses and turned his face, which was already covered with hoarfrost to his eyebrows.
The corked eyebrows and mustaches were smeared over the perspiring, flushed, and merry faces.
On the way back Nicholas drove at a steady pace instead of racing and kept peering by that fantastic all-transforming light into Sonya's face and searching beneath the eyebrows and mustache for his former and his present Sonya from whom he had resolved never to be parted again.
Oh, how strange you are with that mustache and those eyebrows!...
He muttered unceasingly, his eyebrows and lips twitching, and it was impossible to tell whether he understood what was going on around him or not.
She vividly recalled the moment when he had his first stroke and was being dragged along by his armpits through the garden at Bald Hills, muttering something with his helpless tongue, twitching his gray eyebrows and looking uneasily and timidly at her.
Chubby little Dokhturov was listening attentively with eyebrows raised and arms folded on his stomach.
That very young woman seemed to Pierre the perfection of Oriental beauty, with her sharply outlined, arched, black eyebrows and the extraordinarily soft, bright color of her long, beautiful, expressionless face.
The boy held on to the hussar with cold, red hands, and raising his eyebrows gazed about him with surprise.
The boy, thrusting his cold hands into his pockets and lifting his eyebrows, looked at Denisov in affright, but in spite of an evident desire to say all he knew gave confused answers, merely assenting to everything Denisov asked him.
Her rags to riches story have raised eyebrows among the upper class member of the society.
You can specify what you want and you'll wind up with some great creative pieces minus the singed eyebrows.
Over a hundred years later it still has the power to raise eyebrows and unsettle some tender minds.
Most people have waxing treatments done to remove hair from their back, legs, bikini zone and eyebrows.
While the statement that 50% of marriages end in divorce may raise many eyebrows, it does not indicate the eventual demise of all marriages.
The reason for this is that it's the room where people most frequently put on makeup, apply ointments and bandages, tweeze eyebrows, and do all sorts of other things that require adequate light.
Drawn on eyebrows can look artificial and unattractive.
Use a black eyebrow pencil to give your eyebrows a thin arched appearance and line the entire eye with liquid liner adding a line extension going up at the outer edge and going down at the inner edge of you add.
During this period while the glue is being set, you can also lightly hold the false eyelashes upright toward the eyebrows to encourage them to open up the eyes.
My eyebrows are too thin, not wide enough and shaped weird (straight line across).
I literally have no eyebrows; how should I shape them?
Eyebrows are also an important part of the ebony beauty routine.
In darker skins, much like other skintones, eyebrows can be either - bushy and dark along, or sparse and lost on the face.
For those extra strong eyebrows, Eyebrow Shaping can be an important beauty enhancement.
In turn, sparse eyebrows on an ebony beauty can be almost completely invisible.
By simply filling in your eyebrows, you can provide a wonderful lift to your whole eye area.
They believe that if they look a certain way they will always be recognized, for example, Brooke Shields and Elizabeth Taylor and their full eyebrows.
It is not as creative as being a make-up artist except that I love to design eyebrows or give personal make-up lessons on simple day to evening make-up.
Yes. Keep the eyebrows as full as possible especially at the beginning of the brow (sometimes they just need to be trimmed).
But here's the problem, if a teen screws up her eyebrows she will unknowingly hide it with lots of make-up.
Take a few mintues to also read her guest article at LoveToKnow, Eyebrows.
Plucked eyebrows are the beginning of the gothic eye design.
It is easier to pluck your eyebrows enough to clear the way for shadow and liner, then leave the rest up to Mother Nature.
Nicely shaped eyebrows, lined lips, and combed lashes are the important formal details to secure.
For your eyebrows, I would try a shade that is not too dark or too greenish, staying with warmer tones there.
Permanent eye makeup is a method of transferring color to the eyebrows and eyelids.
The areas most commonly worked on are the eyebrows, lash line and lips.
Those with sparse or no eyebrows will appreciate the visible difference permanent cosmetics can make.
People with graying eyebrows may even consider having the gray replaced with a color matching their natural brow shade.
Use it to magnify your face as you apply makeup or pluck your eyebrows.
If your eyebrows need some cleaning up, consider getting them done professionally.
The difference between unkempt eyebrows and well-groomed ones is dramatic.
To make your eyebrows disappear, as in vampire makeup (you'll want highly arched black brows for that), you can cover your own with spirit gum and then draw on more with waterproof black liner.
Trying to obtain matching eyebrows when plucking can be tricky!
Always frame your face with groomed and enhanced eyebrows.
A third shade of eye shadow may be added, but this should be a slightly shimmery shade (a highlighter) that is then applied just under the eyebrows.
You can also use the product on eyebrows to increase fullness of thinning brows.
If eyebrows are left bushy and overgrown, the entire eye area begins to shrink.
In addition to avoid dark hues, make sure you veer away from dark painted on eyebrows.
Finally, arch eyebrows and keep them tweezed.
Once the eyebrows are groomed, use a tiny amount of light shadow color just below the brows to for brighter eyes.
Press the button and small foundation particles are released and drawn to your moisturized skin but not your hair, eyebrows or clothes!
If you haven't had a professional shaping service, book an appointment several days before your wedding to get eyebrows groomed and shaped to better flatter your facial shape.
Brush the eyebrows upwards and outwards using an eyebrow brush.
You can also visit a salon to have your eyebrows tweezed, waxed, sugared or threaded away, but goths and high, skinny eyebrows are a match made in heaven.
Big eyes, nice lips and full eyebrows can all be defined with the help of tattoo cosmetics.
If you've gone crazy with the tweezers only to be left with a thin and sparse brow shape, a permanent cosmetic artist can help you recreate the eyebrows you desire.
Lithe and with very expressive eyebrows, Shepherd has been highlighted as a brand new star on the modeling scene.
Another gorgeous set of expressive eyebrows, but not just any angular model; Carolina also brings highly coveted posing skills to the modeling world.
If you're planning a cake that's out of the ordinary, you should expect a few raised eyebrows or even direct challenges to your vision.
While the claim was that the photos will not display full frontal nudity, his appearance in the publication has raised eyebrows from the Palin camp.
Her eyebrows are much higher up on her forehead than they should be.
Traditionally, the "creative fields" allow for more freedom; you won't raise too many eyebrows if you are not wearing a tie.
If you keep up with fashion industry news, you may have heard about V magazine's plus size models, whose provocative photo spread raised more than a few eyebrows.
However, the game tickled funnybones and raised eyebrows with its hick jokes and bathroom humor.
To make a Mii version of Muhammad Ali, choose a darker skin tone, the flat-top style haircut in black, thick eyebrows moved lower on the face, and smaller squinty eyes.
In the case of Pochacco, the dog ears are actually the eyebrows raised and moved outward.
For example, you can move a set of eyebrows all the way down to the chin or move the eyes so they are on either side of the nose.
To gain access to the guy with the fuzzy eyebrows, you must complete story mode without continuing.
Choose from different faces (and features), eyebrows, clothes (including shoes, robes, headwear), classes (barbarian, etc) which determine your fighting moves, and even which voice you want.
You can customized hairstyle, eyebrows, skin tone, and so on to achieve a particular look.
This condition may affect scalp hair, the eyebrows, eyelashes, genital area, and occasionally the underarms.
Trichotillomania is generally considered to be a nervous habit and may include the pulling of eyebrows and eyelashes.
If children are observed pulling out their hair, eyelashes, or eyebrows, parents should consult a physician in order to determine the underlying cause of the habit.
The patient is asked to raise eyebrows, wrinkle forehead, close eyes, frown, smile, puff cheeks, purse lips, whistle, and contract chin muscles.
Features such as finger and toenails, eyebrows, and eyelashes appear.
It can affect the scalp, eyebrows, forehead, face, folds around the nose and ears, the chest, armpits, and groin.
In young children pubic lice usually are seen on the eyebrows or eyelashes.
Infested eyebrows should be treated with petroleum jelly for several days and the nits should be plucked off with tweezers or fingernails.
The individual with trichotillomania will have bald spots on the head or missing eyelashes or eyebrows.
The eyelashes and eyebrows may be plucked off, and hair loss may be noted on the arms, legs, and body.
If you dread the thought of having your eyebrows waxed or plucked, it may be time to give eyebrow threading a try.
More common methods of shaping or thinning eyebrows include hot wax and tweezers.
However, as people are discovering that this is a proven, effective, cost-effective and quick way to shape and thin their eyebrows, threading is sure to become a more common practice across North America.
The most common place to tweeze is on the face, either to remove stray hairs from the chin or upper lip or to shape eyebrows.
Because of the chemicals used in shaving cream and how its volume drastically expands, it is not recommended for use on eyebrows or other extremely sensitive areas.
Eyebrow waxing is a fool-proof way of making sure a person's eyebrows look clean, shaped, and not overgrown.
Be sure to compare them to your face shape and hair color as well, since eyebrows are part of the entire face and need to work in concert with other features, including the nose, lips, cheekbones, and hairline.
There are several ways to create new eyebrow shapes along with different products designed to help women groom their own eyebrows.
Eyebrows can be damaged easily, and eventually, shaping may no longer be necessary as continually plucked and stressed follicles cease growing hair (even after a first treatment, it may take up to two months for the hair to regrow).
Fake eyebrows are another option to consider, particularly if the damage is severe.
Plucking stray hairs is an effective way of shaping eyebrows, but it is not for the faint of heart.
Tweezing individual hairs is not suitable for everyone, and opting to pluck in less than ideal circumstances can lead to uneven eyebrows, excessive pain, or even eye injury.
If your eyebrows are very fine and light, making individual hairs difficult to see.
If your eyebrows are especially overgrown or bushy and need more drastic action than removing a few hairs.
If plucking is not for you, there are a number of alternatives available to still obtain shapely, luxurious eyebrows.
In addition to eyebrows, many women choose to tweeze other hairs as well.
Plucking may initially be painful, but by using the proper equipment and a consistent technique, it is possible to achieve superior hair removal results for perfectly shaped eyebrows.
Applying architectural tactics when studying the face, Anastasia came up with a unique strategy for shaping eyebrows to create the appearance of an altered facial structure.
However, if you have extremely light blonde eyebrows, one shade darker is recommended to provide the brows with definition.
Instead, it is suggested that the area between the eyebrows and under the brow bone be the places of focus.
Each of these items has a specific purpose for shaping and accentuating your eyebrows.
It features exaggerated, wide bangs that graze the eyebrows and smooth, swingy hair that shines in the light.
Don't expect much variety here, but do expect heads to turn if you sport this minimal, no-nonsense style consisting of ear-length hair and very straight bangs that just graze or cover the eyebrows.
The classic Louise Brooks bob, with bangs cut thick and just above the eyebrows and the hair shiny and straight against the head was a strong, sophisticated look.
All styles of bangs, from low blunt bangs that brush the eyebrows to side swept bangs that curve across the forehead to a thin, long fringe that covers one eye are popular and can be worn beautifully with different short hair cuts.
A cute head bow and a wide hat look are two of the most familiar, and each one has raised eyebrows in the styling world.
Long, blunt bangs are a popular Lady Gaga style - the bangs should cover the eyebrows and be cut perfectly straight in a thick fringe, and they work best with straight, simple hair styles.
One of her most flattering bobs falls at the jaw with perfectly straight, blunt bangs cut just above her eyebrows with subtle layers throughout.
For variety, some teens are cutting bangs into their long hair, wearing them in a blunt line above the eyebrows or swept across the forehead to softly frame the face.
By the end of the 26th week, your baby has will head hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows.
By the end of this trimester, your baby has fingerprints, footprints, eyebrows, eyelashes, and pinkish skin.
Some middle children follow in the footsteps of a sibling, while others choose the career that's most likely to raise a few eyebrows.
The range of messages have a broad spectrum, offering options ranging from sentimental to funny as well as ones that may raise a few eyebrows.
Even so, try to understand that a microkini may cause some eyebrows to raise (at least in more conservative regions), so wear with care.
That said, it's easy to see why wearing this style might raise a few eyebrows in your neck of the woods.
Standing 11½ inches tall, she had a sophisticated look, with dark red lips, arched eyebrows and a coy sideways glance.
Mattel first softened Barbie's look in 1960, toning down her eye makeup and eyebrows.
He will raise his eyebrows when he sees you, or while he's talking to you.
They will also raise their eyebrows more often and smile.
Regulators control another person's speech (e.g., knitting eyebrows as if to say, "Time to shut up, dear.").
Accentuate your female features by plucking the eyebrows, which will make them appear higher and/or thinner.
He might wink at your or raise his eyebrows during conversation.
He might also continue to raise his eyebrows as you talk, with a slightly surprised expression.
One tell-tale sign is heavy eyebrows that meet at the bridge of the nose, along with curved fingernails and low-set ears.
They're strutting their stuff down a runway and raising eyebrows all the way.
Depending on the length and the thickness, barbells can be used in facial piercings (eyebrows and ears), belly button piercings, male and female genital piercings, and tongue piercings.
Rings are used just about everywhere in body piercings, including ears, eyebrows, lips, nipples, belly button, and male and female genital piercings.
They are used for most types of piercings, from ears, nipples, eyebrows, nostrils, and any other place you can think of.
You'll find pictures of pierced lips, tongues, noses, and eyebrows.
While one decade may be dominated by ruby red lips and pencil thin eyebrows, the next decade may lean toward a softer, more natural look.
Seizures may raise a few eyebrows considering that autism is a brain disorder.
Start with the barbell across your mid-forehead just above your eyebrows, holding the bar an inch or two above the forehead.
That might raise a few eyebrows, unless you get your significant other a tame set of soft flannel pajamas from Victoria's Secret.
Many of the silk gowns you'll find on the market today are often sheer and sensuous, and while its true that they are long, most feature original cut outs that will be sure to raise more than a few eyebrows!
It's not very racy, but you could raise some eyebrows if you wore it around town on a normal weekday.
Spears first raised eyebrows with her personal life when she took up with a background dancer named Kevin Federline in July 2004.
She gave an interview to Matt Lauer to explain her side of the story, but her behavior only raised more eyebrows.
It also raised eyebrows among music critics, who mostly panned the new updated version of the song.
The wives then review the rule guide left by the other wife, which usually results in some raised eyebrows or sighs of disgust from the wives as they read about the rules of the family they are about to join temporarily.
When bride Kristi tells Kleinfeld Bridal that she wants to look like a pirate, a few eyebrows shoot up.
I call it absurd because on a ship that size, he was certainly handling duties that other qualified staffers existed to do, and in a bureaucracy, such signs of favoritism to the son of the doctor would certainly raise eyebrows.
Played by actor Leonard Nimoy, Spock possesses the Vulcan characteristics of pointed ears and upward-pointing eyebrows.
When the series was originally being promoted, 'suits' at NBC thought the character looked too 'Satanic', and early posters and promotional materials show Spock's ears and eyebrows airbrushed to human roundness.
Botox is typically used for wrinkles between the eyebrows, wrinkles in the forehead, and wrinkles around the outside of eyes.
C. Botulnum is officially approved in the U.S. for frown lines between the eyebrows.
One result of the skin changes is that eyebrows begin to sag.
With age, eyebrows may begin to droop and horizontal lines may appear across the forehead.
To see what effect this surgery might have, try placing the palms of your hands above your eyebrows, at the outer edges of your eyes.
You should see a smoothing of forehead wrinkles and a moderate lifting of your eyebrows.
Most products that claim to be a miracle are going to raise some eyebrows.
You can also use the treatment on eyebrows.
For a proper fit, make sure the chin strap fits snug to the chin and that the top of helmet falls between eyebrows and hairline.
The edge of the face opening should rest approximately one inch over the eyebrows.
Connie raised her eyebrows.
She raised her eyebrows.
She raised her eyebrows at him, and he hesitated.
Lacy's eyebrows shot up.
Laney's eyebrows shot up, and he looked at the unconscious, blood-spattered woman.
He raised his eyebrows.
He raised his eyebrows in a hint.
Her intent gaze was inquisitive, her eyebrows raised in a silent question.
Cynthia raised her eyebrows as he asked, "Guess how much they cost me?"
Cynthia raised her eyebrows, but Fred ignored the query.
Her eyebrows shot up.
The nurse raised her eyebrows "Hmmm. Let me check and see if there have been any changes."
He lifted his eyebrows towards the glass in front of her.
Wynn's eyebrows shot up.
Andre's eyebrows both shot up this time.
His brow was low and his eyebrows dark, making his unwavering gaze even more intense.
Evelyn had almost laughed when Lishana's eyebrows shot up in response gave but loved Romas so much more for understanding Kiera well enough to defend her.
The emotion was fleeting, more in a subtle shift of his eyebrows than in a smile or sudden change.
He wiggled his eyebrows and grinned.
He raised both eyebrows with a laconic grin.
Elisabeth arched her eyebrows in a warning to Jackson.
The other three all raised their eyebrows at her.
Dean just raised his eyebrows.
Jessi raised her eyebrows.
Almost beardless, and with thin eyebrows, they had on their heads thick, black, lustrous hair, which neither fell off nor turned grey until extreme old age.
He looked fierce, pushing his gray black eyebrows together over his nose.
Never tweeze the hairs atop the eyebrows.
A combination of eyebrow length and arch, coupled with sturdy pencils and blending shadows, will allow you to achieve stunningly beautiful eyebrows.
Dean raised his eyebrows at the suggestion.
His eyebrows shot up.