Eye-sockets Sentence Examples
Again, in Palaeotragus the horns (present only in the male) are situated immediately over the eye-sockets, in Ocapia they are placed just behind the latter, while in Giraffa they are partly on the parietals.
Hidden partly behind a tree, the merry old elf grasps a disembodied doll's head with fake blood streaming from its eye sockets.
Since the cheeks should be sunken in and the eye sockets should be empty, you'll use black surrounding the eyes (follow your eye sockets in a circular motion for guidance) and underneath the cheekbones, blended downward.
The technology works because most eye sockets are the same shape despite differing facial structures from one person to the next.
Goggles should fit the eye sockets properly as well.
When more severe deformities are present, repeat surgery of the skull and eye sockets may be necessary.
It was a shrunken old man with no hands and empty eye sockets.
The skull's mouth moves when the alarm goes off and a red light will glow in the eye sockets.
Most of the procedural details involved in swordfishing are covered here, including graffing the fish through the eye sockets and gutting them on board.