Exuberance Sentence Examples
Dean smiled at Fred's exuberance but didn't contradict him.
She looked at them, embarrassed at her own exuberance.
What she possessed in exuberance, she lacked in coordination, though.
The exuberance of the young poet's genius is also to be seen in the many unfinished fragments of this period; at one time we find him occupied with dramas on Caesar and Mahomet, at another with an epic on Der ewige Jude, and again with a tragedy on Prometheus, of which a magnificent fragment has passed into his works.
Tal., on the other hand, is diffuse and freer in its composition, and it is characterized by the exuberance of Halakah, which is usually rather subtle and far-fetched.
His youthful exuberance always manages to keep the family on their toes.
The tragedy of disablement seems never to have smothered her natural exuberance.
By nature it is a sun-steeped southern region, the home of the vine and olive, of the minstrelsy of the Provençal and the exuberance of Tartarin, distinct from the colder and more sober north.
Such an exuberance of animal spirits had he that he sometimes tumbled down and rolled on the ground with laughter at anything which made him think and tickled him.
Immediately, this does not match the exuberance and vitality of French expressionism.
AdvertisementThese pressures have been largely unnoticed due to stock market exuberance.
If you are truly determined to own this breed, wait until your children are at least between the ages of eight and ten to not only keep up with the puppy, but to be able to withstand its natural exuberance.
The south porch is one of the finest Norman examples extant, both the outer and the inner doorways (especially the first) exhibiting the typical ornament of the period in remarkable exuberance.
The park shows the exuberance of the Amazonian forest and all its biodiversity of flora and fauna.
Finally, I love the exuberance in Salman Rushdie's writing.
AdvertisementAlthough Caroline attracted several unfulfilled marriage proposals, she exhibited a natural exuberance and lack of inhibition that troubled her parents.
Godber directs his own script with now trademark physicality and, while effective, it doesn't match the exuberance of earlier productions.
In the FTSE 100 at least, we are some way from being in a wave of irrational exuberance.
The small audience made up for numbers by their sheer exuberance.
Many people lead very passive lives and such exuberance actually scares them.
AdvertisementMany of these make no strict sense and stem from the same kind of linguistic exuberance that brought us cockney rhyming slang.
Immediately to the right on entering the lobby, lies the Bistro which evokes a Parisian fin de siècle exuberance.
Thankfully The Cadets have oodles of get-up-and-go, guitars, a kitbag full of epic indie tunes and youthful exuberance on their side.
Despite their rather pugnacious appearance, the majority of Boxer dogs are playful dogs full of exuberance and joy.
Known as the "Peter Pan" of the dog world, the Boxer seems to maintain its youthful exuberance well into its senior years.
AdvertisementIncreasingly, the British celebrate Halloween with the same exuberance as Americans, so purveyors of fancy dress rental shops are doing better than ever.
On the other hand, You are the most awesome boyfriend in the world! is almost childish in its exuberance, but is bound to make any man feel good.
Whether that means choking up as you pop the question or yelling in exuberance when the answer is yes, showing how you feel will truly show your love.
Most of the lodgers were about their daily activities, with Fred off to the post office, Maria doing her duties with her usual exuberance, and the Deans hovering close by.
No other group since the sixties has captured the exuberance and rawness of the original British beat group sound as well as the Milkshakes.
The mixed planting style of Gertrude Jekyll (b. 1843) had a cottage garden exuberance.
By nature it is a sun-steeped southern region, the home of the vine and olive, of the minstrelsy of the Provençal and the exuberance of Tartarin, distinct from the colder and more sober north.
Merck (1741-1791), an army official in the neighbouring town of Darmstadt, he found a friend and mentor, whose irony and common-sense served as a corrective to his own exuberance of spirits.
Some men bring her gifts while others sing songs for her, but perhaps the most stunning performance by one of the houseguests was the foot massage by one of the men that evolved into him sucking her toes with great exuberance.
The earlier work of " Young Belgium " in poetry was experimental in character, and was marked by extravagances of style and a general exuberance which provoked much hostile criticism.
He makes no claim to the creative exuberance of Plautus, but he is entirely free from his extravagance and mannerisms. The superiority of his style over that of Lucilius, who wrote his satires a generation later, is immeasurable.
Just as the Gathas (the ancient Zoroastrian hymns) omit Gaokerena, and the Hebrew prophets on the whole avoid mythological phrases, so this old Hebrew thinker prunes the primitive exuberance of the traditional myth.
The happiness of the Epicurean was, it might almost seem, a grave and solemn pleasure - a quiet unobtrusive ease of heart, but not exuberance and excitement.
The exuberance of the epoch of Liberation gave place to a dull lethargy in things political, relieved only by the Philhellenism which gave voice to the aspirations of Germany under the disguise of enthusiasm for Greece.
It is well, however, to guard against an over-estimation of this exuberance; it must be borne in mind that the physiographic conditions were peculiarly favourable to the preservation of plant remains, conditions that do not appear to have obtained so completely in any other period.
In no department did activity immediately stop; but the old freshness and creative exuberance was gone.
It was Cynthia who questioned Fred's exuberance over hand-me-downs, if only with a cautious look.