Extremist Sentence Examples
He was eventually assassinated by a Hindu extremist in 1948.
The dissection of the extremist viewpoints that are so prevalent now?
In his experience, once people were in the process of recruitment into extremist ideology it was near-impossible to reach them.
We in Scotland have already seen how they will shamelessly exploit anything they believe can further their extremist cause.
The Bill will make it an offense to tackle dissemination of radical written material by extremist bookshops.
The once politically centrist, science-based vision of environmentalism has been largely replaced with extremist rhetoric.
Villemain had the great advantage of coming just before the Romantic movement, of having a wide and catholic love of literature without being an extremist.
Always a fiery democrat, Damjanich uncompromisingly supported the extremist views of Kossuth, and was appointed commander of one of the three divisions which, under GOrgei, entered Vacz in April 1849.
Home secretary automatically to consider deporting any foreigner involved in listed extremist bookshops, centers, organizations and websites What?
Britain has joined the long list of nations to be directly targeted by extremist Islamist terror.
AdvertisementThe test was carefully framed so as to include no disavowal of religious principles, and was " universally unscrupled, even by the generality of great professors and ministers too," says Sheilds, an advanced extremist.
This sign is incredibly intense; when a natal chart is heavily dominated by the Scorpio sign, it can produce an individual who is a passionate extremist.
Someone visiting your site may associate you with an extremist and nationalistic attitude, when all you wanted to indicate was that you love your country.
Since when is it sound policy to provide a breeding ground and recruitment call for extremist nutters?
The Government is also now seeking to blame our problems on the behavior of extremist preachers in our midst.
AdvertisementThe Herald became a weekly in September 1914, and reappeared as a daily in March 1919, its policy being extremist and even Bolshevist.
In contrast to the majority of Italian cardinals of his day, Cajetan was a man of austere piety and fervent zeal; and if, from the standpoint of the Dominican idea of the supreme necessity of maintaining ecclesiastical discipline, he defended the extremist claims of the papacy, he also proclaimed that the pope should be "the mirror of God on earth."
In view of the violence of Extremist obstruction, an effort was made to reform the standing orders of the Lower House, but parliamentary feeling ran so high that General Pelloux thought it expedient to appeal to the country.
A frank opponent of the extremist policy of Charles X., he tried to save him in 1830; in company with Antoine d'Argout he visited the Tuileries and persuaded the king to withdraw the ordinances and to summon the Council.