Extremism Sentence Examples
The way to counter religious extremism is not to give religion more influence.
For more information, please see Preventing extremism Together.
Systems that are characterized by an absence of political choice, transparent governance, economic opportunities and personal freedoms can create incubators for extremism.
The Home Office-sponsored 'Preventing extremism Together ' Working Groups identified engagement of young people as crucial.
We are not aware of any suggestion of any of these being used to foment violent extremism.
And the raft of measures was completely counter to reducing alienation and extremism.
Clair Price as his wife, Agnes, provides the perfect counterfoil to the cold extremism of the emotionally scarred Brand.
It contains several clauses that aim to crack down on the serious threat to UK medical research posed by animal rights extremism.
A Home Office press release says there will be a consultation paper on places of worship " being used to foment extremism " .
Saudi Arabia has been a problematic ally in combating Islamic extremism.
AdvertisementMay we have an opportunity to examine where Ministers have gone wrong in tackling extremism?
And we reject the extremism of UKIP and the dispossessed and increasingly desperate, Mr Kilroy-Silk.
They also spoke about engaging in crime to raise money for Islamic extremism.
The tenor of the letters, I feel, tends toward right-wing extremism.
First, Blair condemns religious extremism, then he says " God " told me to invade Iraq.
AdvertisementThe key area where there are relevant, missing documents relates to relevant issue 2 - Mr Irving's ideological extremism.
European intelligence and security forces are well aware of the threat posed by Islamist extremism and generally do an effective job of monitoring extremists.
You could say he is a professional in the fight against right wing extremism.
The ABPI has been lobbying for coherent action on animal rights extremism for the past three years.
However, he is getting a first hand view of the depth to which animal rights extremism has pervaded Australian society.
AdvertisementIslamist extremism and generally do an effective job of monitoring extremists.
Ironically, the '80s years also saw a mix of fashions that were very different from one another - but extremism still played a major part in this aspect.