Extracting Sentence Examples
Extracting the cell phone from its sheath, she dialed Alex.
The five remaining death-dealers he brought with him were quickly extracting souls.
If in extracting the insect the abdomen be ruptured, serious trouble may ensue from the resulting inflammation.
This is obtained by extracting dried grapes with the must of ordinary grapes.
Carbon bisulphide is used as a solvent for caoutchouc, for extracting essential oils, as a germicide, and as an insecticide.
In the main two types of extracting apparatus are differentiated, viz.
In most cases the doctor will inject a local anesthetic before extracting the object.
When, however, he had succeeded in extracting from the sources a general idea that seemed to him clear and simple, he attached himself to it as if to the truth itself, employing dialectic of the most penetrating, subtle and even paradoxical character in his deduction of the logical consequences.
As early at least as the ith century the art of extracting a blue pigment from lapis lazuli was practised, and from the beginning of the 16th century this pigment began to be imported into Europe from "over the sea," as azurrum ultramarinum.
The salt is obtained from the soil in which it occurs naturally, or from the heaps in which it is formed artificially, by extracting with water, and adding to the solution wood-ashes or potassium carbonate.
AdvertisementOther metals which find application in the metallurgy of gold by virtue of their property of extracting the gold as an alloy are lead, which combines very readily when molten, and which can afterwards be separated by cupellation, and copper, which is separated from the gold by solution in acids or by electrolysis; molten lead also extracts gold from the copper-gold alloys.
In 1909 Fritz Haber found a way of extracting nitrogen, the source of nitrate fertilizers.
The Museum also possesses a flint miner's pick used for extracting flint nodules.
The whole of antiquity seemed precious in the eyes of its discoverers; and even a thinker so acute as Pico di Mirandola dreamed of the possibility of extracting the essence of philosophical truth by indiscriminate collation of the most divergent doctrines.
His tastes were of the simplest; and while scholars like Filelfo were intent on extracting money from their patrons by flattery and threats, he remained so poor that he owed the publication of all his many works to private munificence.
AdvertisementThe power of Naevius was the more genuine Italian gift - the power of satiric criticism - which was employed in making men ridiculous, not, like that of Plautus, in extracting amusement from the humours, follies and eccentricities of life.
Notwithstanding the prolixity of writers and the number of the writings, all attempts at extracting an algebraic analysis from their geometrical theorems and problems have been fruitless, and it is generally conceded that their analysis was geometrical and had little or no affinity to algebra.
The Bolivian tin ore is treated by first extracting the silver by amalgamation, &c., and afterwards concentrating the residues; there are, however, considerable difficulties in the way of treating the poorer of these very complex ores, and several chemical processes for extracting their metallic contents have been worked out.
When the development of a mine has advanced sufficiently the operation of working or extracting the mineral begins.
Anthony a Wood prophesied that he would one day break his neck while running downstairs after a retreating guest, in the hope of extracting a story from him.
AdvertisementIn India at the present day there are thousands of small mills worked by hand, through which extraction the peasant cultivators pass their canes two or three at a time, squeezing them a little, and extracting per haps a fourth of their weight in juice, from which they make a substance resembling a dirty sweetmeat rather than sugar.
The caliche is worked up in loco for crude nitrate by extracting the salts with hot water, allowing the suspended earth to settle, and then transferring the clarified liquor, first to a cistern where it deposits part of its sodium chloride at a high temperature, and then to another where, on cooling, it yields a crop of crystals of purified nitrate.
The blackbird feeds chiefly on fruits, worms, the larvae of insects and snails, extracting the last from their shells by dexterously chipping them on stones; and though it is generally regarded as an enemy of the garden, it is probable that the amount of damage by it to the fruit is largely compensated for by its undoubted services as a vermin-killer.
Strontium chloride, SrC1 2.6H 2 O, is obtained by dissolving the carbonate in hydrochloric acid, or by fusing the carbonate with calcium chloride and extracting the melt with water.
The alloy with mercury-gold amalgam-is so readily formed that mercury is one of the most powerful agents for extracting the precious metal.
AdvertisementSonnstadt 2 detected gold by means of a colour test and roughly estimated the amount as i grain per ton of sea-water, and on this estimate all the projects for extracting gold from sea-water have been based.
In the early process for extracting the oil the livers were allowed to putrefy in wooden tubs, when oils of two qualities, one called "pale oil," and the other "light brown oil," successively rose to the surface and were drawn off.
Foremost among these elements is carbon, which iron inevitably absorbs from the fuel used in extracting it from its ores.
A conscientious desire to unearth the facts, and the effort of extracting from the dullest records the materials for graphic pictures, made the process of production excessively painful.
The ancient workings, consisting of shafts and galleries for excavating the ore, and pans and other arrangements for extracting the metal, may still be seen.
Both this nuisance and the loss of the sulphur (whose cost sometimes amounted to more than half of the total cost of the soda-ash) led to many attempts at extracting the sulphur from the alkali-waste.
They also give out that they render snakes harmless by the use of charms or music, - in reality it is by extracting the venomous fangs.
At first, they were more sanguine of extracting from these unpromising beginnings some knowledge of things beyond ideas.
Tungsten may be prepared from wolfram by heating the powdered ore with sodium carbonate, extracting the sodium carbonate with water, filtering and adding an acid to precipitate tungstic acid, H 2 W0 4.
In the form of a powder, it is obtained by reducing the oxide with zinc and extracting with soda, or by dissolving out the manganese from its alloys with tungsten.
As there is no preliminary crushing, the presses used for extracting the juice have to be of a powerful character.
The conversion of the mixture obtained by extracting coca-leaves into cocaine is effected by saponifying the esters into ecgonine and the respective acids, and then benzoylating and methylating the ecgonine.
Being bound to pay a stated sum to the public authorities these publicani naturally aimed at extracting the largest possible amount from the unfortunate provincials, and, as they belonged to the Roman capitalist class, they were able to influence the provincial governors.
It may be obtained by extracting powdered gall-nuts with a mixture of ether and alcohol, whereupon the tannin is taken up in the lower layer, which on separation and evaporation yields the acid.
The young soon after they are hatched become a perfect mass of fat, and while yet in the nest are sought by the Indians, who at Caripe, and perhaps elsewhere, make a special business of taking them and extracting the oil they contain.
Mannite is obtained by extracting manna with alcohol and crystallizing the solution.
Mention may be made of the Ziervogel process, introduced at Hettstadt in 1841 for the purpose of extracting silver from copper mattes.
He acquiesced in the republic and gave his adhesion to General Cavaignac. He became the chief of Louis Napoleon's first ministry in the hope of extracting Liberal measures, but was dismissed in 1849 as soon as he had served the president's purpose of avoiding open conflict.
Various causes have contributed to the development of the modern hive, the most important of which are the improvements in methods of extracting honey from combs, and in the manufacture of combfoundation.
It enabled the honey producer to increase his output considerably by extracting honey from the cells in most cleanly fashion without damaging the combs, and in a fraction of the time previously occupied in the draining, heating and squeezing process.
A simple form of machine for extracting honey by centrifugal force was brought to notice in England in 1875, and was soon improved upon, as will be seen in fig.
With the improvement in the manufacture of carbon bisulphide, these drawbacks have been surmounted to a large extent, and the process of extracting with carbon bisulphide has specially gained much extension in the extraction of expressed olive mare in the south of France, in Italy and in Spain.
The extracting process in the hot is carried out in apparatus, the principle of which is exemplified by the well-known Soxhlet extractor.
Less tender plants can be treated by the analogous method of maceration, which consists in extracting the odoriferous substances by macerating the flowers in hot oil or molten fat.
It is one of the most useful solvents for extracting alkaloids, the active ingredients in many plant medicines.
The scientific establishment is not mentioning the embryos created, only to be destroyed in the process of extracting embryonic stem cells.
By extracting the partially combusted coal, thermally activated sorbent is produced.
Extracting relationships from data, manipulation, solving simple equations, rearranging formulae.
An introduction to plant parasitic nematodes will include the students extracting cyst nematodes from infected soil.
Researchers have already devised relatively noninvasive means of extracting such brain cells from patients.
Fixed in formalin, as pathologists prefer, tissue is useless for extracting nucleic acids and proteins.
He didn't just kill them, he mutilated them, extracting certain organs with surgical precision.
The analysis can even be extended to remotely identify the physical machine being used, through extracting clock skew.
They have got up to everything from making nettle twine to extracting honey from our beehives at previous sessions.
As indicated in the accompanying illustration, the long-snouted phalanger is arboreal in habits, extracting honey and probably small insects from long-tubed flowers by means of its extensile tongue.
Thus an organized individual (tout organise) " is a composite body consisting of the original, or elementary, parts and of the matters which have been associated with them by the aid of nutrition "; so that, if these matters could be extracted from the individual (tout), it would, so to speak, become concentrated in a point, and would thus be restored to its primitive condition of a germ; " just as, by extracting from a bone the calcareous substance which is the source of its hardness, it is reduced to its primitive state of gristle or membrane."2 " Evolution " and " development " are, for Bonnet, synonymous terms; and since by " evolution " he means simply the expansion of that which was invisible into visibility, he was naturally led to the conclusion, at which Leibnitz had arrived by a different line of reasoning, that no such thing as generation, in the proper sense of the word exists in nature.
In 1866 primitive structures were discovered in the island of Therasia by quarrymen extracting pozzolana for the Suez Canal works; and when this discovery was followed up in 1870, on the neighbouring Santorin (Thera), by representatives of the French School at Athens, much pottery of a class now known immedi ately to precede the typical late Aegean ware, and many stone and metal objects, were found and dated by the geologist Fouque, somewhat arbitrarily, to 2000 B.C., by consideration of the superincumbent eruptive stratum.
An impure titanium was made by Wiihler and Sainte-Claire Deville in 1857 by heating to redness fluotitanate of potassium (see below) in the vapour of sodium in an atmosphere of dry hydrogen, and extracting the alkaline fluoride formed by water.
He was imprisoned at first in Topcliffe's house, where he was repeatedly put to the torture in the vain hope of extracting evidence about other priests.
In spite of a general tendency to relinquish the inquisitorial method, it is still prevalent in certain countries, notably in France, where the efforts of the prosecution, especially during the preliminary investigations, are directed to extracting a confession from the accused.
By fusing iron with saltpetre and extracting the melt with water, or by adding a solution of ferric nitrate in nitric acid to strong potash, an amethyst or purple-red solution is obtained which contains potassium ferrate.
Progress continues in developing new techniques to match image curves over arbitrary viewpoints for extracting symmetry axes and recognition.
Solvent extraction 6.35 From the 1950s until the 1970s, the preferred method of extracting the tallow from greaves was solvent extraction.
To ascertain the feasibility of extracting information about deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis from medical records.
As the engineer in the party it fell to me to lie upside down under the transom of the boat extracting the old battery.
The woodpecker 's tongue is extremely long and sticky for extracting insects, such as ants, from their nest chambers and crevices.
Domesticated cats evolved from desert cats where little water is available, so their bodies are adapted to extracting water from prey as their primary source of hydration.
The most common way milk thistle supplements are made is by grinding the seeds of the plant and extracting the silymarin.
Extracting color from a sensual shot helps highlight the subject's bodylines and shapes without having to worry about uneven skin tone and blemishes.
Until you get the hang of cutting them open and extracting the seeds, don't handle them while wearing anything you don't want to turn red.
The challenging thing is extracting meaning from this type of dream before the events happen.
The IGI has free volunteers extracting and posting information in their database from birth, baptism, marriage, and death records, around the clock.
Individuals older than 50 tend to lack certain stomach chemicals responsible for extracting vitamin B12 from food sources.
The Jay Kordich PowerGrind Pro claims to be revolutionary in that it will produce more juice and nutrients by grinding and extracting fruits, vegetables and even nuts.
Extracting is usually done with an extraction tool like the Stainless Steel Blackhead Remover from Revlon.
Removing a blackhead may seem like a simple task but extracting a bump without preparing your skin can be disastrous.
Extracting without cleansing first may lead to dangerous bacterial infections and chronic blemish problems.
He expertly captured the chicken's head and then reached under her, extracting the eggs.
They both thought about it before extracting driver's licenses from their wallets.
Factories for cleaning and baling raw cotton and for extracting cotton oil were set up, and employed a large number of people, mostly in Ferghana.
It is sometimes assumed that this is measured perfectly by the standard deviation,' which is obtained by taking the squares of the differences between the average and the individual prices, summing them and extracting the square root.
But this company, after extracting some 150,000 tons of ore in 1888-1889, went into liquidation in the latter year.
Troost produced crystallized zirconium by fusing the double fluoride with aluminium in a graphite crucible at the temperature of melting iron, and extracting the aluminium from the melt with hydrochloric acid.
Bunsen by boiling iodine with aqua regia and extracting with ether.