Extents Sentence Examples
The structure is a tree, where the leaf nodes are pieces of bitmap instead of extents.
Extents attached to inquisitions post mortem are in the National Archives, which has an online guide to inquisitions post mortem are in the National Archives, which has an online guide to inquisitions post mortem.
Using extents will help us reduce the amount of disk space required to track free blocks, and will even enhance performance.
The cultivation of the rice-fields, which cover large extents of the plains of Cochin-China, is by far the chief industry of the colony.
Saliva is a mixture of mucus and serous fluids, each produced to various extents in various glands.
Its popularity grew to such extents that it eventually became a part of the regular line and evolved to a collection of body products.
While there is a wide array of techniques used in anger management, all of which work to different extents for different people, the goals of each are the same.
Large extents of land along the coasts are therefore exclusively cultivated as vineyards, or as olive, orange, and lemon groves.