Extensions Sentence Examples
He handled weapons as if they were extensions of his body, never dropping them or misplacing a strike.
In connexion with the Indian triangulation minor extensions carried out on systems involving more or less irregularity have been pushed outwards on all sides.
This was completed in 1854, and subsequent extensions were made.
The Australian flora has extensions at high levels in the tropics; such exists on Kinabalu in Borneo under the equator.
After the reconstruction period of the 1893 panic, however, the tendency for a number of years was to spend larger sums in bettering existing railways rather than in new extensions.
These extensions in the south and east had also, it is easy to see, a commercial motive.
Further extensions of this meaning are to an explanation, comment or addition, added in the margin or at the foot of the page to a passage in a book, &c., or to a communication in writing shorter or less formal than a letter.
The principal trunk lines (the Sao Paulo and Paulista) have a broad gauge, while their extensions and feeders have a narrow gauge.
The area of the city has been enlarged by successive extensions of its municipal boundaries, especially towards the west and south.
There are extensions of the binomial theorem, by means of which approximate calculations can be made of fractions, surds, and powers of fractions and of surds; the main difference being that the number of terms which can be taken into account is unlimited, so that, although we may approach nearer and nearer to the true value, we never attain it exactly.
AdvertisementOrganization and healing have been keenly inquired into, with results which seem to point the lesson that all methods of healing are to be regarded as extensions of the natural phenomena of growth.
Acute inflammation of the ear, with its alarming extensions to the cerebral.
Many widenings and other improvements of existing thoroughfares, and extensions of tramways were proposed, and detailed recommendations were made as regards urban and suburban railways, and the rehousing of the working population on the outskirts of London.
This line, with the extensions to La Marsa and Bardo, is 212 m.
Extensions of the railway system are contemplated to Gabes and, beyond, to the Tripolitan frontier.
AdvertisementYet the exigencies of traffic demand further extensions, and another large station was in 1909 in process of construction at the east end of the city, devised to receive the local traffic of lines running eastward, while a through station for the north to south traffic was projected on a site farther west of the central terminus.
Thomas, who reigned until 1222, was a Ghibelline in politics and greatly increased the importance of Savoy, for he was created Imperial Vicar and acquired important extensions of territory in the Bugey, Vaud and Romont to the west of the Alps, and Carignano, Pinerolo, Moncalieri and Vigone to the east; he also exercised sway over Geneva, Albenga, Savona and Saluzzo.
The former are either the extensions of oceanic depressions, e.g.
Q is supplied by a spring, the extensions of which are recorded on a drum driven proportionally to the angular displacement of the driving pulley; thus a work diagram is obtained.
The various methods will be considered first for the trapezette, the extensions to the briquette being only treated briefly.
AdvertisementIf the figure be photographed as a lantern slide which is mounted so as to turn round, the wave motion is excellently shown on the screen, the compressions and extensions being represented by the crowding in and opening out of the lines.
Whatever the form of a wave, we could always force it to travel on with that form unchanged, and with any velocity we chose, if we could apply any " external " force we liked to each particle, in addition to the " internal " force called into play by the compressions or extensions.
He supposed that in air Boyle's law holds in the extensions and compressions, or that p = kp, whence dp/dp = k = p/p. His value of the velocity in air is therefore U = iJ (p ip.) (Newton's formula).
When the air rushes out from one pipe, it has not to force its way into the open air, but finds a cavity being prepared for it close at hand in the other pipe, and so the extensions and compressions at the ends are more easily reduced.
He often states a rule too broadly or narrowly, and then, as it were, gropes after restrictions and extensions.
AdvertisementThe antennae are short tubular extensions of the body wall, sometimes retractile with a depressed tip from which protrudes a tuft of fine stiff bristles.
In the great extensions which the city has undergone since 1600, the old rectangular arrangement has been followed.
The future has no doubt still other extensions of the principle of neutralization in store for us.
From the sense of that which stands between two things, "mean," or the plural "means," often with a singular construction, takes the further significance of agency, instrument, &c., of which that produces some result, hence resources capable of producing a result, particularly the pecuniary or other resources by which a person is enabled to live, and so used either of employment or of property, wealth, &c. There are many adverbial phrases, such as "by all means," "by no means," &c., which are extensions of "means" in the sense of agency.
The great improvement in trade during 1905 and 1906 checked this tendency, and probably the manufacturing extensions owed something to the capital set free by the reductions of stocks.
In the following year plans for enlargement were submitted to the shareholders, and various extensions followed, particularly in 1830 and 1847.
By moving the lens G up and down the image can be formed in the correct position for the eyepiece at all extensions of the mast.
It continued to increase in size, various extensions of its boundaries being made, and its trading importance is to a large extent the result of its commercial intercourse with England.
With the earliest extensions of the Roman territory coincided the first beginnings of the Roman road system.
The city consists of four quarters, - the old town (Altstadt) and its suburban extensions (Vorstadt) being on the right bank of the river, and the new town (Neustadt) with its southern suburb (Siidervorstadt) on the left bank.
These extensions, and the alteration of gauge to that of the Argentine North-Eastern, were carried out mainly at the cost of the Argentine government, which acquired a controlling interest in the Paraguay Central.
The name is applied in the Antonine Itinerary to these extensions, and even to the prolongation to Arles.
Its haffs fronting the mouths of the large rivers must be regarded as lagoons or extensions of the river beds, not as bays.
Extensions of pragmatism in a variety of directions readily suggest themselves, and indeed only the doctrine of truth in the above sketch can be treated as strictly indispensable.
It possesses a good harbour; docks and extensive coalingwharves, which have been acquired by government from the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, and are undergoing considerable extensions; an admiralty dockyard; and many facilities for shipping.
The most awkward shapes, involving excessive extensions of metal, are produced by drawing processes between dies of iron and steel in power presses.
So far as the Aristotelian framework is accepted we meet only minor corrections and extensions of a formal kind.
The most interesting extensions of plague in 1900 were those in Australia and Glasgow.
The whole subject rests ultimately on the Newtonian law of motion and on some natural extensions of them.
The other most important wines produced in the Rheingau and its extensions are those of Marcobrunn, Geisenheim, Redesheim and Hochheim.
Confirmations and extensions of Henry III.'s charter were granted by Edward II.
These extensions of his dominions involved Pfemysl Ottakar II.
There are also new middle-class quarters at Santa Lucia, Vomero Nuovo and Sant' Efremo, and better houses in the Via Sirignano, on the Riviera di Chiaja, Via Elena and Via Caracciolo at Mergellina, Via Partenope near the Chiatamone, and an aristocratic quarter in the large extensions made in the Rione Amedeo.
This fan-like plan of the older city has, however, been abandoned in the more modern extensions.
In this development of brachial extensions of the theca the genital organs were involved, and their ripe products formed at the ends of the brachia or in the branches therefrom.
The generative organs arid coelom probably did not send extensions along the rays into the brachioles; but apparently nerves from the aboral centre, after passing through the thecal plates, met in a circumoral ring, from which branches passed into the plate under each main food-groove, and thence supplied the brachioles.
Pelmatozoa in which epithecal extensions of the food-grooves, ambulacrals, superficial oral nervous system, blood-vascular and water-vascular systems, coelom and genital system are continued exothecally upon jointed outgrowths of the abactinal thecal plates (brachia), carrying with them extensions of the abactinal nerve-system.
In some forms at least, pores between (not through) the ambulacral elements, or between them and the thecal plates, seem to have permitted the passage of extensions from the perradial water-vessels.
This argument, which the effect of progressive extensions of the franchise on the intellectual level of parliament has certainly not tended to weaken, was however far outweighedas Canning himself would have come to seeby the advantage of reconciling with the old constitution the new forces which were destined during the century to transform the social organization of the country.
But it was proposed that these extensions should be accompanied by an educational franchise, and a franchise conferred on persons who had paid twenty shillings in assessed taxes or income tax; the tax-payers who had gained a vote in this way being given a second vote in respect of the property which they occupied.
There is no doubt that at this epoch various movements of elevation and subsidence affected the north-west of Europe, and modern Ireland may have had extensions into warmer regions on the west and south, while the area now left to us was almost buried under ice.
This charter was confirmed with various alterations and extensions by most of the succeeding monarchs.
A strong point in favour of some of the British companies has been that their undertakings have been practically extensions of existing British colonies rather than entirely isolated ventures.
In the extensions to the east and west it has been decided to have no streets less than 50 ft.
Their special interest may be lost through unsympathetic extensions which would necessitate permanent alterations to the fabric of the building inappropriate to its character.
There are 17 8ft. diapasons, including duplexes and extensions.
The period of cover is usually twelve months with optional extensions offered for up to three years.
This file sets the default list of mappings from filename extensions to content types; changing this file is not recommended.
FrontPage extensions Users can enable or disable Microsoft FrontPage Extensions at any time with the click of a button.
This now extends to even installing a new master socket faceplate to isolate the ADSL from your houses internal telephone extensions.
Major services include, nail extensions, manicures, pedicures, waxing, facials, massage, spray tanning, aqua detox.
Initiatives and projects DLR extensions The award-winning Docklands Light Railroad has expanded faster than any UK railroad to cope with demand.
Open firebird, Ctrl+K for the Google search bar, " firebird extensions " Wow, many more extensions than when I last looked.
One response to climate change has been the retreat of five ice shelves, floating extensions of the grounded ice sheet.
Extensions were granted at least once in 24% of all bail indictments compared with just 6% in 1995.
In 1995, extensions were more likely to be granted in custody indictments.
The default installation causes the Pippin to hang as the Finder tries to start up so judicious use of the Extensions Manager is required.
Mr. Hughes converted the mill for use as holiday lets and added the single story extensions.
Here you can for these journeys optional extensions in seals orca whales.
Nocona is Intel's first x86 processor to support Intel's EM64T (formally CT & Yamhill) 64-bit extensions.
Further extensions to the interceptor sewer scheme are also planned.
All new roof build (new houses and extensions) to incorporate solar panels for planning permission.
Extensions Why not extend your holiday with 4 nights at the medium class Chateau Miramar hotel overlooking the straits of Florida.
After adding the tilde to both extensions, restart the Macintosh.
Manchester hopes that Mr Darling will unblock funding for extensions to its tram network in return for its cooperation in testing congestion charging.
Are these just extensions of things we have already been doing, or are we entering largely uncharted waters?
Some various length extensions for the socket wrench are a godsend here.
The eastern ranges parallel to the Andes are here broken into detached extensions and spurs, which soon disappear in the elevated western pampas, and the Andes contract south of Aconcagua to a single range, which descends gradually to the great plains of La Pampa and Neuquen.
Telegraphic money orders were established in 1850; a cable was laid between Dover and Calais, and in November 1851 the stock exchanges of London and Paris were able for the first time to compare prices during business hours of the same day; numerous companies were formed, some of which were independent of the railways, and keen competition led to considerable extensions of wires and reduction of tariffs, with the result that a large increase in the volume of business took place.
Since 1873 the capital account has been closed with a total expenditure of £10,867,644, and all subsequent expenditure for extensions, purchase of sites and erection of buildings has been charged against revenue.
The name "Illyrian" (see Illyria) was applied to all the tribes of this stock who dwelt west of the northern extensions of the Pindus range and in what was termed Upper Macedonia in later times, and who extended right up to the head of the Adriatic. In Homer the name Macedonia is not yet known, and the term Thracian is applied to all the tribes dwelling from Pieria to the Euxine.
Considering only systems starting in the p abnormal ranges, it is clear, from the fact that the extensions of the ranges do not change with the motion, that after a sufficient time most of these systems must have passed into the P normal ranges.
With progressive territorial extensions during the ensuing fifty years, and embracing the grand-duchy of Luxemburg, it had in 1871, when the German empire was founded, an area of about 209,281 sq.
It would apply only if the spectrum had no infra-red and ultraviolet extensions.
Extensions to the EXPRESS language are required for this purpose.
I see them leaping from the stage, all hair extensions and spandex suits, off to do battle with demons.
Standardizing these entity class names will give a common starting point for the vendor specific extensions to the basic model.
I have seen several broken tiller extensions this year - all caused by failure of the rubber flexible joint.
For certain extra drama to your evening look, try eyelash extensions for instant.
Natural Eyelash growth can be difficult to enhance, but extensions can give you the lush lashes that mother nature didn't.
These are pre-made eyelash extensions in an attached strip.
The following is a detailed step-by-step process of application for eyelash extensions.
Looking straight at the mirror, you will want to begin placing the eyelash extensions along the base of your lashes corresponding to the place in your eye where the color starts.
When removing your eyelash extensions, always be gentle.
As they can be reused, it is important that eyelash extensions receive a thorough cleaning and are stored in a secure case.
Using extensions of the old perfumery process, they created a rich and sweet floral fragrance with aromas of fruits, herbs, leaves and woods - finishing off with a strong drift of vanilla.
This will certainly be the time to leave the extras like eyelash extensions and fancy colors at home.
To tone it down, only add extensions to the ends of natural lashes, or ramp up the look by attaching the entire extension.
L'Oreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes mascara is a dual-ended tube that promises to replicate the look of professional lash extensions.
To add more pages, you can purchase post extensions.
Whether it's the location of a tool or where the palette extensions are found, when you get lost you're simply lost.
Realizing that transport was going to be a challenge, they came up with a clever idea that involved attaching wood, oblong extensions to their snow boots.
Grow your hair out or use extensions and cover your head in loose, spiral curls.
She also backs footwear, purses, and hair extensions under her famous name.
The sheer volume of work requires a considerable time investment without extensions for real life incidents and issues.
Luxurious cruise ships ply the Nile River, offering itineraries that include Cairo, the Sphinx and the Pyramids, or extensions to Abu Simbel.
Surround panel extensions - Most every fireplace insert comes with a surround panel, but if the front of your existing fireplace is relatively large, you may need to purchase a surround extension.
These will cost you at least an extra $200, depending on the dimensions of the surround panel extensions.
The Greg Norman Waterproof Rain Pants have sealed seams and leg opening extensions for water run-off.
The punk inspired styles include colored hair extensions, chain and grommet pants, skull tights and lace up boots.
Leg extensions will target the muscles of the front of your thigh.
Leg extensions work the quadriceps as the exerciser lifts weight using the muscles in the thighs.
This 8 foot 2 inch, 550 pound beast did not have a fatality in the original Mortal Kombat, and with the exception of a fireball, his signature moves were merely extensions of his agility, speed, and incredible strength.
Nintendo has hinted at the possibility of downloadable demos, game updates, extensions, expansion packs, and much more in the future.
Nerve cells have specialized extensions called dendrites and axons.
Although American black children are much less likely to have head lice than white or Hispanic children, the incidence is increasing, particularly in black children with thick hair, hair extensions, or wraps.
Use the same ruler to extend the right vertical line and connect the two extensions with a horizontal line.
Weaves, extensions and toupees can be worn to cover loss.
Hair extensions used to be something no one talked about, but now celebrities such as Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie all use them.
Extensions can be a fun look for women who want long hair without having to wait to grow it.
Before getting extensions, however, you should investigate the different types available and how to properly care for them.
Synthetic extensions do not look like real hair.
While they may be cheaper than human hair extensions, if you want realistic-looking extensions do not get synthetic hair.
A benefit to synthetic extensions, however, is that if you want to try dreadlocks or another wacky style without spending as much money, this is a great way to get them.
For the most realistic extensions, you should get human hair.
When human hair is made for extensions its color is stripped and then re-colored to various shades so you can choose the shade you want.
The disadvantage to this is that you can't change the color of your hair extensions - they will fall apart due to the all of the processing that's already been done.
Individual strand extensions only last for a few months and then have to be redone.
Clip-in or clip-on extensions are temporary pieces easily added to the hair with a clip, snap, barette, or other fixture.
However, other experts say that removing the hair extensions and redoing them does not cause any damage to the real hair.
It's important to care well for your extensions so they last for as long as possible and continue to look good.
Talk to your stylist, they will have recommendations about the kind of extensions you have.
Avoid getting chlorine or salt water in your extensions.
Basic information about hair, from types of hair products to generalhair careto informational pieces about hair extensions, highlights, and beauty salons.
It allows the hair to grow longer since it is undamaged and can also be combined with hair extensions.
Extensions are popular hair choices for many African American women, mainly because growing out black hair can be very difficult due to its naturally dry and brittle nature.
Extensions can be added to black hair in a number of ways.
Micro braiding is a very popular method of adding extensions to black hair.
In this process, natural hair is partially micro braided and then extensions are added to the braid.
Extensions can be left unbraided, or be completely braided, depending on the preference of the individual.
Fusion hair extensions are less popular with African American hair, but this method can be used on black hair if necessary.
With this method, hair extensions are fused to natural hair with protein bonds.
The extensions are then sewn onto the tracks.
Then the real hair covers the track where the extensions are sewn in.
Even colorful extensions can be cut and shaped to fit in with your bob.
Human hair extensions come in a variety of application methods as well as hair types.
There are many advantages to selecting human hair extensions over the synthetic variety, but for all their merits, these extensions cost considerably more than their synthetic counterparts.
Hair extensions made from actual human hair differ in application techniques and hair quality.
Some types of hair extensions are ideal for tracking techniques which weave the hair into the scalp in rows of tight braids.
Other extensions are bundled and applied by hot or cold fusion methods.
Fusion techniques bind the extensions to groupings of the hair using a protein adhesive.
Cold fusion therapy extensions are one of the best methods for individuals with thinning hair.
Clip-in or clip-on extensions are a good choice for individuals seeking a more temporary look.
It does take a mild level of training to learn how to apply clip-in extensions on your own hair, but these extensions can be removed at the end of the day and rarely require salon maintenance.
Extensions crafted from human hair are a step up on the quality ladder from synthetic extensions.
Aside from the considerable expense that can be incurred through the use of hair extensions, these extensions are the preferred for a natural and versatile look.
However, even within the realm of human hair extensions there are differences in quality.
Most extensions that utilize human hair are made from processed hair.
Although this type of hair can look very natural, especially on users who process their own hair, these extensions will not last as long as virgin hair extensions.
This makes the hair far more resilient during styling and increases the overall longevity of the extensions.
Most of the hair for wigs and extensions is collected from India as the result of temple rituals.
For extensions, Indian hair is preferable to Chinese or Japanese hair because it is thicker and can be more difficult to style.
European hair, primarily collected from countries such as Russia, is of an even finer texture and is the most expensive type of hair for extensions.
Upscale salons that apply extensions are the ultimate source for the finest human hair extensions.
These extensions can also be purchased by consumers at select retailers.
Though many people are quite skilled in the area of hair styling, the process of bonding is tricky and there is much to learn in the way of proper application so that your extensions last as long as possible.
Though reactions are rare, it's nearly impossible to predict whether or not you will be one of the unfortunate few who respond poorly to hair extensions.
Adding hair extensions is another option to help layers grow out - the extensions will disguise the different lengths in the style while they have a chance to even out.
Consider hair extensions if you're interested in a longer look than you have now, or work with different fall-themed accessories to create a new style with minimal change.
Hair extensions are one of the hottest style trends, and finding the best hair extension salons can help you achieve this luxurious and amazing look while minimizing potential problems.
Not every salon is equipped to put in hair extensions, and even among salons that do offer the service, not every technique is the same.
The best way to find a reputable salon is through word-of-mouth referrals; if you know someone who has gorgeous extensions, ask where they were done.
Because hair extensions are one of the most expensive hair treatments, it is important to choose a salon you feel comfortable with.
A selection of products suitable for extensions that clients can purchase.
They should ask about your hobbies, activities, and lifestyle to determine which type of extensions will work for you as well as which application technique would be best to suit your needs.
Many hair salons offer a range of different services, and extensions may be only one of them.
Yet extensions do require additional care and maintenance, and the best salons will advise clients about follow-up appointments to tighten extensions (they loosen naturally as hair grows), change styles, and remove the hairpieces.
Extension-specific hair products should also be available, such as soft-bristle brushes and mild conditioners suitable for use on extensions.Some hair salons offer an even wider range of services for clients interested in hair extensions.
Many salons also offer supplemental training and workshops for their stylists to learn the latest techniques for applying extensions.
When you visit hair extension salons, you should feel immediately at ease and confident in the stylists' ability to provide superior extensions.
They should be willing to explain every step of the intricate and time-consuming process, and when your extensions are finished, they should provide care and maintenance tips to keep your new style looking great as long as possible.
If you choose to add color to your extensions, either initially or at a later date, be sure to work with the same stylist - they know the precise method they used on your extensions and can offer the best result with other styling services.
Getting hair extensions is a time-consuming, expensive process, and many people feel more comfortable visiting exclusive hair extension salons for the specialized service.
At the same time, many regular salons offer extensions, and as long as you find a reputable stylist willing to work with you to create the best style possible, you are sure to have a positive experience and enjoy your new longer locks.
Some intensive treatments, such as lavish extensions, may be significantly more expensive and price quotes are only given after a thorough consultation with an experienced stylist.
After a bad experience with hair extensions, Aniston's hair was left in poor shape, breaking off halfway.
This sort of damage is not uncommon to actresses, some of whom experience a lifetime of coloring, styling, and extensions.
Individuals with short hair styles, however, can emphasize the color or contrast of their hair, or investigate clip on hair extensions for temporarily longer locks.
If a short hair style isn't right, however, hair extensions can always help create longer locks.
Temporary hair color may be a quick type of dye or spray to add a new color to your look, or you could choose clip on hair extensions or costume wigs in a vibrant hue.
Recent years have seen hair extensions grow in popularity, and extremely short styles are suddenly more funky and fun than ever before.
The popularity of hair extensions is another strong example of the influence celebrities hold on the public's style choices.
A long to short hair makeover or hair extensions can drastically change your look, or you could opt for a new hair color to add unique flair to your style.
If chemical hair straightening, hair dye, or hair extensions will be needed, take care of those treatments several days prior to updo styling to give the hair a chance to rest and recover from the harsh treatment.
Even if you have short hair, keep reading because we may have some tips for you regarding extensions.
In reality, anyone with enough hair for extensions can wear ponytails.
They're perfect for a girl on the go as long as she doesn't need extensions (those take a bit longer!).
Hairstylist Johnny Lavoy of Ford Models on YouTube has a fantastic tutorial on how to take short to medium hair and turn it into a long, gorgeous side ponytail with the use of extensions.
Gone is the startling preference for the über-long extensions and tumbling waves cascading for miles down lithe backs.
Of course, if you have short hair and want a fun updo for a special occasion, you can always get hair extensions.
This is not only better for your hair, but the extensions will look better and last longer.
Perhaps you just need a few clip on hair extensions to add more body and fullness.
Many Gothic hairstyles actually demand long hair, to the point where a lot of Goths get hair extensions.
Long hair can be styled in more ways than short hair, letting you experiment with different long hair prom styles that you wouldn't be able to wear without the extensions.
While inexpensive extensions may not last long, they can give you an idea of how a new style will look and feel before you make it your permanent hair style.
At the same time, however, medium length hair will not have enough length for an elaborate prom hair updo with dangling curls, unless you choose to get hair extensions for added length or volume.
Choose brightly colored clip on hair extensions for instant color and a new style to show it off.
Another option is to choose clip in extensions that can be taken out when the color isn't appropriate.
Extensions for braids, human or synthetic, are purchased in beauty supply stores where products for women of color are sold.
You also do not have the versatility of putting your hair up into a ponytail or an updo without extensions.
So, if you are feeling bold and funky one week, and would like to quickly opt for a long, flowing glamorous style the next, you will be out of luck unless you plan on adding a weave or extensions.
Mist with a shine spray and consider adding colorful faux extensions for an artsy yet bohemian look.
From clip on pieces to hair extensions and even jewelry, the options are limitless.
Hair extensions can be put in semi-permanently at a hair salon, or you can buy clip on hair extensions that can be taken in and out daily.
If you get hair extensions, expect to pay from $150 to $800 dollars, depending on the length and quality of the extensions.
When purchasing a hair piece or hair extensions, you can usually find them at a hair salon or beauty store, though there are some online stores that carry pin in and clip on hair pieces.
No wigs, no extensions, just her natural locks, which she claimed had been covered for years.
When you peruse the pages of black hair magazines searching for your potential hairstyle, you should note that the long, shiny tresses sported by many black models are the result of weaves, extensions, wigs and even half wigs.
Regardless of your hair's condition or need for extensions, a good hairstylist can have your hair readied in time for prom season.
The good news is that if you prefer her longer hair style, you can purchase hair extensions and try the look at home.
In fact, Jessica Simpson offers some high quality hair extensions that she claims are fairly easy to use.
However, keep in mind that if you want to wear hair extensions for a substantial amount of time, it may be best to let your hair stylist put them in for you.
Though many malls now harbor kiosks that sell hair extensions, you can also find them online at places like Hairextensions.com.
If you're looking to do a lot of heat styling with these extensions, you'll want to purchase the 100 percent human hair variety for strength and durability.
Whether or not you'll be employing extensions for your straight hair style, maintaining your hair health is integral.
When your hair needs a little extra lift or you want to feel what it's like to have long hair just for a day, consider 1 piece clip in hair extensions.
There are a variety of single piece clip in hair extensions on the market, depending on your hairstyle and budget.
If you don't have much experience with hair extensions, try a ponytail extension.
For those on a budget, synthetic hair extensions are a smart choice.
While the thought of synthetic hair may conjure images of waxy-looking Barbie hair, technology has come a long way and many synthetic hair extensions look like real hair.
However, it's important to be gentle with synthetic extensions as they can easily frizz.
Human hair extensions can be dyed, curled, and straightened just as if it was your own hair.
Purchasing hair extensions can be an overwhelming process.
Human hair extensions can be dyed to match, but synthetic extensions cannot.
Practice makes perfect, but one piece hair extensions are relatively easy to attach, even for a beginner.
It's easier to attach extensions into day-old hair rather than freshly washed hair.
Don't sleep in your extensions, as clip in versions can become tangled.
There are a variety of single piece clip in hair extensions that can give your style instant change and add versatility to your style.
By choosing the best extensions for your look, you can easily enjoy the glamour of different styles without needing hours in a stylist's chair.
Transform yourself for a day or for a few months by learning about the different types of hair extensions.
Hair extensions are made of either synthetic hair or real human hair.
Synthetic extensions, while more affordable, don't match the authenticity of real hair.
However, if you are on a budget, it is possible to find quality synthetic extensions that look very realistic.
Human hair extensions outlast synthetic hair extensions by several months if they are cared for properly.
Both types of hair extensions can be washed and cut to blend with your hairstyle.
Hair extensions range dramatically in cost.
Clip on hair extensions are the most affordable type of hair extensions and are available at beauty supply stores.
You can purchase one piece hair extensions that discretely clip to an under layer of your hair, or you may purchase kits with several extensions to add volume and length where you need it.
Clip in extensions are for daily use only as you should not sleep with them in.
One of the oldest methods of attaching hair extensions is by weaving them into your natural hair.
A structure accepts your hair and the extensions and holds them firmly in place.
These extensions should be attached by a professional, who will literally sew them in place.
Another method of attaching extensions is by bonding or sealing them to your hair, which should also be completed by a professional stylist.
Your hair is braided and the extensions are bonded to it with a special resin.
Fused extensions can last several months with gentle care before the bond begins to loosen.
These extensions are held together with metal cylinders, which are slipped around your natural hair and locked together.
They work best to add volume to a specific area of your hair rather than as full-head extensions.
The metal can discolor blonde hair, so cylinder extensions work best on dark brown or black hair.
Now that you understand the basic types of hair extensions, visit your beauty supply store or book an appointment with your stylist to get the hair you've always wanted.
For a very voluminous updo, consider hair extensions.
If you want to create instant sexy locks, why not consider Jessica Simpson hair extensions?
Fashion has embraced hair extensions, so here's your green light to go and try the multitude of styles you covet.
While the more money you spend the better the quality will be when it comes to hair pieces, Jessica Simpson hair extensions are a terrific value for the money.
Made from a variety of either human or synthetic hair, some pieces from the HairDo! line of clip in extensions can even be cut, colored, and permed as you wish to create endless possibilities.
If you have wavy hair, select wavy extensions.
If you're opting for extensions in the first place, you might as well go for the gusto and purchase clip-ins that will offer the most length you can handle.
While buying hair extensions online may seem intimidating, most sellers of Jessica Simpson hair extensions offer a pretty generous return policy.
Whether you want to create a variety of looks ease the grow-out process or help to disguise a less than stellar cut, you can do it all in celebrity style with Jessica and Ken's full line of budget-friendly hair extensions.
Hair extensions are a popular option for bridal styles.
Even if your hair is already medium-length or long, extensions can add additional length and volume for a variety of looks.
Temporary hair color can provide this effect with less stress to every strand, though Lady Gaga has also been known to opt for colored hair extensions to achieve the look she wants.
If these tips for fast hair growth just won't give you longer hair soon enough and you want longer hair instantly, consider hair extensions, clip-on hairpieces, or a wig for a quicker style change.
If hair is short or medium length, you can use clip-in hair extensions to add the needed hair for a more elaborate style.
Consider adding hair accessories to your cut to add drama and style.Clip on hair extensions, braids and crimped locks can instantly morph an ordinary cut into a punk look.
If you want to add bohemian edge to your hairstyle, consider adding feather hair extensions.
Unlike traditional hair extensions, feathers add a wispy and eccentric accent to your look and can help define your free-spirited style.
Feather extensions are a hybrid of hair extensions and the thread wrapped vacation braids so many women opt for while tanning somewhere tropical.
Whether it be a simple feather that graces the clavicle or a bottom layer of colorful feathers that moves and adds drama, the following tools and tips will get you started in the world of feather extensions.
The following tools are needed to affix feather hair extensions.
In addition, if you'd rather add just a single feather accent without the tools and supplies needed for temporary feather extensions, consider a single feather hair accessory instead.
The program has hands-on lessons that teach the foundations and includes practice lessons and extensions.
On the other end, there are beautiful and extremely function sewing cabinets that incorporate bins, drawers, spindles, cutting tables, extensions for sergers and more.
If you are wearing extensions, clip-ins or wigs to the pool or beach take caution that there is a strong possibility that they could come off in the water.
The PEI matrix allows us to offer product extensions for men's swim wear under our existing brands/labels.
In recent years, Victoria's Secret swimwear has enjoyed success as one of the most popular extensions of the world-renowned lingerie company.
If you're tired of being a slave to extensions and are looking to take your short locks long, popping a selenium supplement can dramatically increase hair growth in black hair.
Kids WB games are extensions of the programs offered by this television channel for children.
Itineraries usually run between seven and fifteen days and some tour outfitters offer extensions.
Straps are helpful for arm and leg extensions; blocks help yogis balance in any number of poses; and bolsters add a foundation of support, as well help practitioners open up areas of the body such as the chest, hips, and back.
These extensions include nice touches like an ad banner remover, a built-in spell-checker, flash video downloaders and much more.
They can also apply for and get several extensions from the courts, in effect, staying in place for months or years.
Only landlords can grant additional extensions which gives them more control of their properties allowing for quicker turnaround of underused properties.
It includes a number of extensions, brushes, and attachments, as well as a special tool for cleaning even the most difficult-to-reach crevices.
The handy cleaning tool comes in an array of different sizes and most have extensions that will help you clean hard to reach spots.
You can also use the machine for doing leg extensions and curls.
Why play with fire and risk months on the sidelines when you can get great workouts with much safer exercises like classic front squats, leg presses and leg extensions?
Stretches should be long, slow extensions of the body - never bouncing, never forcing the body to go further than it wants to release.
Although triceps extensions utilizes a special triceps machine, many people find that pressing their elbows into the pad is uncomfortable.
Both bicep curls and triceps extensions originate from the elbow joint.
This triceps workout is called overhead weight extensions or overhead press.
Work your triceps with triceps extensions.
By purchasing a starter kit that allows for extensions, you can keep increasing the weight as you need it, without increasing the amount of space you need to give to your weight room.
Triceps extensions and triceps dumbbell kickbacks are two exercises that will help you work the smaller muscles of your upper body.
These weight stations should offer you the ability to perform squats, lunges, deadlifts, and in some cases, leg extensions and leg curls.
Make sure you understand the difference and choose file extensions that are compatible with your operating system.
It covers the top of his head and it is difficult to discern whether the long blonde locks of hair that do show are his real hair or instead realistic extensions.
Still, the existence of extensions would point to the existence of real hair for the extensions to attach to, so if Bret has extensions it means that there has to be some hair on his head.
A former Rock of Love contestant told the media that she personally pulled on Bret's hair and that it certainly not a wig, although she did make the claim that he does wear extensions.
This leads some to speculate that Bret wears a full wig when appearing without his bandana or hat, but only wears extensions when something is covering his head.
Over the years, the governing body of domain registrations added several new extensions.
Instead, Adobe created an "Exchange" where developers could release both free and commercial "Extensions" for Dreamweaver.
When you first install Dreamweaver, either as part of Adobe's Creative Suite or from a free trial download, the download will also trigger the install of Adobe's Extensions Manager.
Using the Adobe AIR platform for downloading and installing the extensions is a simple matter of following the prompts.
Once you've installed the extensions with the Manager, you will need to restart Dreamweaver before the extension becomes available to use.
However, some extensions that require extensive configuration such as Flexi CSS Layouts (which enables CSS instead of tables) will have their own menus within the tool suite, usually located to the right of the Dreamweaver screen.
Right next to those are commercial plugins from companies that have specialized in Dreamweaver extensions for years.
However, while Adobe does have some minimum standards for the plugins and extensions that are submitted, they still vary widely.
Some extensions even conflict with each other, and if you have a lot of extensions installed it can be difficult to determine which ones are causing trouble with the program.
This is where support becomes vital, but not all extensions will have it available.
Companies such as F-Source have a fairly good record for providing thorough documentation for their extensions, and sites such as PlugInLab boast big-name clients such as Sony.
However, the last update on that site was back in 2009, which is one of the warning signs to look out for when choosing which extensions to install.
While it may be tempting to simply go wild on the Exchange and install dozens of free extensions, it's probably a better strategy to limit yourself to those that you actually need for your website design.
Sites such as BrightHub list useful extensions and can give you a good idea of what the challenges and benefits are for each.
If you keep your focus on your site requirements, you'll know which extensions best suit your purpose.
The trial of St Athanasius led to extensions of the right of appeal.
It is excentric as regards the pole and sends tapering extensions towards the south.
Extensions of the flora occur southwards of the high mountains of tropical Africa; A denocaf pus, a characteristic Mediterranean genus, has been found on Kilimanjaro and 2000 m.
At the same time that these two extensions were being undertaken by old and well-established railways, a new company-the Kansas City, Mexico && Orient-was engaged in constructing a line almost due south-west from Kansas City, Mo., to the lower part of the gulf of California in Mexico; while an additional independent line was under construction from Denver in a north-westerly direction towards the Pacific coast.
These far extensions furnish the basis for a vast amount of exploratory survey of a strictly geographical character, and they have contributed largely towards raising the standard of accuracy in Asiatic geographical surveys to a level which was deemed unattainable fifty years ago.
Economics is therefore, on the whole, an intensely conservative science, in which new truths are cautiously admitted or incorporated merely as extensions or qualifications of those enunciated by previous writers.
The extensions, the changes or the qualifications, of old doctrines, which at any rate in the works of responsible writers are rarely made without good if not always sufficient reason, have modified very considerably the whole science, and weakened the confidence of ordinary educated men in its conclusions.
To deal adequately with the numerous extensions or qualifications of these and other doctrines in the hands of modern economists would involve us in an attempt to do what we have already said is impossible except on conditions not at present realized.
But irrepressibles like John Benton broke through the "non-mission law," and pressed forward through the "Adam Bede" country to Derby (which became the 2nd circuit in 1816); Nottingham, where a great camp-meeting on Whit Sunday 1816 was attended by 12,000 people; Leicestershire, where Loughborough became the 3rd circuit, with extensions into Rutland, Lincolnshire and Norfolk; and ultimately to Hull, which became the 4th circuit, and where a meeting which deserves to be called the First Conference was held in June 1819.
From Macclesfield a descent was made on Manchester; from Oakengates in South Shropshire came extensions to Herefordshire, Glamorganshire and Wiltshire, where the famous Brinkworth circuit was established.
In 1721 he wrote a supplement to the Geometria organica, which he afterwards published, with extensions, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1735.
The theory of these extensions of the ideas of number is dealt with in the article Number.