Expressions Sentence Examples
Of course, she had never been able to read the expressions on his face.
From the tone in which the courtiers addressed him and the way Paulucci had allowed himself to speak of him to the Emperor, but above all from a certain desperation in Pfuel's own expressions, it was clear that the others knew, and Pfuel himself felt, that his fall was at hand.
The general type of problem is to find two, three or four numbers such that different expressions involving them in the first and second, and sometimes the third, degree are squares, cubes, partly squares and partly cubes, &c. E.g.
Miss Sullivan never needlessly belittled her ideas or expressions to suit the supposed state of the child's intelligence.
For the most part, the facial expressions of those sitting around the table were sympathetic, but Dulce looked as if she was ready to break into tears.
Their expressions were unusually sober.
The soldiers lifted the canteen lids to their lips with reverential faces, emptied them, rolling the vodka in their mouths, and walked away from the sergeant major with brightened expressions, licking their lips and wiping them on the sleeves of their greatcoats.
The people they draw show varying expressions.
Language has crystallized them into certain definite notions and expressions, without which we cannot proceed a single step, but which we have accepted without knowing their exact meaning, much less their origin.
He urged on the bill by which Catholics were prohibited from sitting in either House of Parliament, and was bitter in his expressions of disappointment when the Commons passed a proviso excepting James, against whom the bill was especially aimed, from its operation.
AdvertisementThe resistance found from the above expressions includes the components I, 2 and 4 of § 4.
The Gathas alone claim to be authentic utterances of Zoroaster, his actual expressions in presence of the assembled congregation.
For a moment they silently exchanged determined expressions.
To endow the universal substance with moral attributes, to maintain that it is more than the metaphysical ground of everything, to say it is the perfect realization of the holy, the beautiful and the good, can only have a meaning for him who feels within himself what real not imaginary values are clothed in those expressions.
On the 25th of November Cromwell charged Manchester with "unwillingness to have the war prosecuted to a full victory"; which Manchester answered by accusing Cromwell of having used expressions against the nobility, the Scots and Presbyterianism; of desiring to fill the army of the Eastern Association with Independents to prevent any accommodation; and of having vowed if he met the king in battle he would as lief fire his pistol at him as at anybody else.
AdvertisementThe book contains expressions such as daemones, angelica virtus, and purgatoria dementia, which have been thought to be derived from the Christian faith; but they are used in a heathen sense, and are explained sufficiently by the circumstance that Boetius was on intimate terms with Christians.
Literature and affairs, science and statecraft, poetry and medicine, these various expressions of human nature and activity were so harmoniously balanced that they might be found in the possession of one and the same individual.
Its foundation was probably certain expressions lamenting Scottish interference in English affairs.
Before the rise of Neoplaton ism proper we meet with various mystical or semimystical expressions of the same religious craving.
But the exact meaning which he attaches to such expressions is not quite clear; and they occur, moreover, only incidentally and with the air of current phrases mechanically repeated.
AdvertisementIt is not surprising that with such maxims as these in his mouth, unguarded in his expressions and careless of his reputation, he should have afforded room for the circulation of many stories to his disadvantage."
With one symbol for an unknown, it will easily be understood what scope there is foradroit assumptions, for the required numbers, of expressions in the one unknown which are at once seen to satisfy some of the conditions, leaving only one or two to be satisfied by the particular value of x to be determined.
Evidence in support of this view is sought for in the accounts in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and elsewhere, where the decisions of the witan were received with loud expressions of approval or of disapproval by an assembled crowd, and it is argued that this is a survival from an earlier age, when all the freemen attended the witan.
If we are to follow von Sybel rather than Kugler, this saga of the First Crusade found one of its earliest expressions (c. 1120) in the prose work of Albert of Aix (Historia Hierosolymitana) - genuine saga in its 1 His somewhat legendary treatise, De liberatione civitatum Orientis, was only composed about 1155.
As it is rich in specific expressions for the various aspects of certain ideas, it is requisite to employ always the most appropriate term suited to the particular aspect.
AdvertisementThe collected works of Hrabanus himself contain nothing new, but in some glosses on Aristotle and Porphyry, first exhumed by Cousin, there are several noteworthy expressions of opinion in a Nominalistic sense.
Some of the expressions used by Anselm in controverting his position favour this idea.
In the French Corps Legislatif, also, the vice-president, Forgade la Roquette, referred to his death, and warm expressions of esteem were repeated and applauded on every side.
Logical in its derivatives and in its grammatical structure, the Magyar language is, moreover, copious in idiomatic expressions, rich in its store of words, and almost musical in its harmonious intonation.
The distinction between algebraical and arithmetical reasoning then lies mainly in the fact that the former is in a more condensed form than the latter; an unknown quantity being represented by a special symbol, and other symbols being used as a kind of shorthand for verbal expressions.
The two expressions whose equality is stated by an equation or an identity are its members.
Another useful set of graphs comprises those which give the relation between the expressions of a length, volume, &c., on different systems of measurement.
Let X and Y be the related quantities, their expressions in terms of selected units A and B being x and y, so that X=x.A, Y = y.
The expressions obtained in this way are called the first, second,.
In the course of reducing such expressions as (AB)C, (AB){C(DE)} and the like, where a chain of multiplications has to be performed in a certain order, the multiplications may be all progressive, or all regressive, or partly, one, partly the other.
Its great merit consists in the complete notation and symbolism, which avoided the cumbersome expressions of the earlier algebraists, and reduced the art to a form closely resembling that of to-day.
A fantastic and elaborate doctrine of symbolism existed which comprised all nature; witchcraft, alchemy and medicine were its practical expressions.
That state of mind was due to the fact that the groupings so recognized did not profess to be simply the result of scientific reasoning, but were necessarily regarded as the expressions of the " insight " of some more or less gifted persons into a plan or system which had been arbitrarily chosen by the Creator.
In these expressions we are to replace p by ks/f, or rather, since the diffraction pattern is symmetrical, by kr/f, where r is the distance of any point in the focal plane from the centre of the system.
If we put for shortness 7 for the quantity under the last circular function in (I), the expressions (i), (2) may be put under the forms u sin T, v sin (T - a) respectively; and, if I be the intensity, I will be measured by the sum of the squares of the coefficients of sin T and cos T in the expression u sin T +v sin (T - a), so that I =u 2 +v 2 +2uv cos a, which becomes on putting for u, v, and a their values, and putting f =Q .
Expressions suitable for discussion when v is large were obtained 1 In experiment a line of light is sometimes substituted for a point in order to increase the illumination.
Comparing the expressions for C, S in terms of M, N, and in terms of G, H, we find that G = z (cos u+sin u)-M, H = z (cos u-sin u) +N.
Thus, though the psalms represent a great range of individual religious experience, they avoid such situations and expressions as are too unique to be used in acts of public devotion.
These considerations, in addition to numerous phrases and expressions which cannot here be noticed, of which the full force can only be felt by those who have specially studied the Maccabaean period and those other portions of the Old Testament, such as Zechariah ix.
Cicero frequently reproduces his expressions, applies passages in his plays to his own circumstances, and refers to his personages as typical representations of character.'
The fragments of the old tragedian Pacuvius and of the satirist Lucilius show that Lucretius had made use of their expressions and materials.
Hero's expressions for the areas of regular polygons of from 5 to 12 sides in terms of the squares of the sides show interesting approximations to the values of trigonometrical ratios.
A careful examination, however, of the "we" sections shows that words and expressions characteristic of the author of the third Gospel and the Acts are found in them to an extent which is very remarkable, and that in many instances they belong to the very texture of the passages.
The reign of !Ethelred, which witnessed the greatest national humiliation and the greatest crime in English history, is also marked by the most lavish expressions of religious feeling and the most frequent appeals to morality.
Enactments about the pursuit of thieves, and the calling in of warrantors to justify sales of chattels, are other expressions of the difficulties attending peaceful intercourse.
Such remains as there are of their language, a few expressions and the proper names of ancient chieftains still borne by certain families, connect it with the Berber dialects.
His opposition to 'the philosophes had its strongest expressions in Fanatisme des philosophes (Geneva and Paris, 1764) and Histoire des revolutions de l'empire romain (Paris, 1766-1768).
His appeal to Caesar involved a protracted process, and it is very difficult to put expressions like those e.g.
The great undertaking was supported by liberal subscriptions, and Walton's political opinions did not deprive him of the help of the Commonwealth; the paper used was freed from duty, and the interest of Cromwell in the work was acknowledged in the original preface, part of which was afterwards cancelled to make way for more loyal expressions towards that restored monarchy under which Oriental studies in England immediately began to languish.
Incidentally he introduces into his explanations the current German expressions for the things he is treating of, with the apology that Solomon had 1 In the oldest MSS.
Even if there were no such unmistakable expressions as these, the most cursory glance into Saint-Simon's writings is enough to reveal the thread of connexion between the ingenious visionary and the systematic thinker.
The terms trinomial, quadrinomial, multinomial, &c., are applied to expressions composed similarly of three, four or many quantities.
The above expressions for the capacity of an ellipsoid of three unequal axes are in general elliptic integrals, but they can be evaluated for the reduced cases when the ellipsoid is one of revolution, and hence in the limit either takes the form of a long rod or of a circular disk.
Let V be the potential at the centre of the prism, then the normal forces on the two faces of area dy.dx are respectively RI dx2 d xl and (dx 2 d x), dV d2 and similar expressions for the normal forces to the other pairs of faces dx.dy, dz.dx.
Hence, multiplying these normal forces by the areas of the corresponding faces, we have the total flux parallel to the x-axis given by - (d 2 V/dx 2)dxdydz, and similar expressions for the other sides.
We thus obtain the expressions dH = sdo +0 (dp I dO) dv = Sd0 - o (dv/do) dp..
Since the two expressions (9) are the partial differential-coefficients of a single function E of the independent variables v and 0, we shall obtain the same result, namely d 2 E/d0dv, if we differentiate the first with respect to v and the second with respect to 0.
If we also assume that they are constant with respect to temperature (which does not necessarily follow from the characteristic equation, but is generally assumed, and appears from Regnault's experiments to be approximately the case for simple gases), the expressions for the change of energy or total heat from 00 to 0 may be written E - Eo = s(0 - 0 0), F - Fo = S(0-00).
Many complicated expressions have been suggested by subsequent writers in the attempt to represent the continuity of the gaseous and liquid states in a single formula, but these are of a highly empirical nature, and beyond the scope of the present inquiry.
The early Montanists (the prophets themselves) used expressions which seem to indicate a Monarchian conception of the person of Christ.
Every endeavour is made to gloss over, or modify, expressions which seemed derogatory to the ancestors of ' According to Zunz, Gottesdienstliche Vortrdge, 2nd ed., p. 80, its contents bear the following proportions to Genesis, z o o to Exodus, about 1 1 4 to Leviticus, s to Numbers, and 4 to Deuteronomy.
He has most of the characteristic expressions of the Eastern creeds.
Another of his works, Recensio canonica effectionum geometricarum, bears a stamp not less modern, being what we now call an algebraic geometry - in other words, a collection of precepts how to construct algebraic expressions with the use of rule and compass only.
Nevertheless on her deathbed, when she was attended by the archbishop of Canterbury and the bishop of London, she used expressions which were construed as a declaration of Protestantism.
Fox, of the Central Laboratory of the International Council at Christiania, has investigated the relation of the atmospheric gases to sea-water by very exact experimental methods and arrived at the following expressions for the absorption of oxygen and nitrogen by sea-water of different degrees of concentration.
He had read widely and deeply, and in his own writings we come across many expressions familiar to us in earlier systems. Yet his philosophy is no eclecticism.
The numbers obtained by giving n any value in these expressions are of the first, second, third,.
In 1408, however, the clergy of the city and archiepiscopal diocese of Prague laid before the archbishop a formal complaint against Huss, arising out of strong expressions with regard to clerical abuses of which he had made use in his public discourses; and the result was that, having been first deprived of his appointment as synodal preacher, he was, after a vain attempt to defend himself in writing, publicly forbidden the exercise of any priestly function throughout the diocese.
His death, on the 17th of May 1838, called forth widespread expressions of esteem for the statesman who had rendered such great and varied services to his country.
The author maintains that the Graeco-Hebraic expressions must not be interpreted literally, but explained in terms intelligible to the modern mind.
The result of performipg both operations, in order to obtain the volume, is the result of the operation denoted by the product of these two expressions; and in this product the powers of E and of E' may be dealt with according to algebraical laws.
The calculation of the expressions in brackets may be simplified by taking the pairs in terms from the outside; by finding the successive differences of uo + um, ill + um_l, ..., or of uI u i +umi, ..
The expressions in square brackets are in each case to be taken as relating to the extreme values x =xo and x=xm, as in §§ 75 and 76.
Either or both of the expressions K and L will have to be calculated by means of the formula of § 84; if this is applied to both expressions, we have a formula which may be written in a more general form f f 4 u4(x, y) dx dy = u dx dy.
Thus there is many " a pedagogue to Christ," and the Christian visible means and expressions are the culmination and measure of what, in various degrees and forms, accompanies every sincerely striving soul throughout all human history.
If the loads on the right of the section are considered the expressions are similar and give the same results.
Yet they do not really add much to what is there already, and they have the drawbacks of pseudonymity; they lack concrete and personal qualities; they are general expressions of tendencies which we cannot well locate or measure, save by means of the Apostolic Fathers themselves or of their earliest Catholic successors.
They are after all personal expressions of Christianity, in which are discernible also specific types of local tradition.
This "Palace language" appears to have come into existence from a desire to avoid the employment in the presence of royalty of downright expressions of vulgarity or of words which might be capable of conveying an unpleasant or indelicate idea other than the meaning intended.
The work contains, in more or less alphabetical order, notes on well-known events and persons mentioned by the orators, and explanations of legal and commercial expressions.
Ultimately, indeed, as sanctuaries were multiplied and the priests all over the land came to form one well-marked class, " Levite and legitimate priest became equivalent expressions, as is explained in the article Levites.
In the first of these, entitled " Recherches sur l'attraction des spheroides homogenes," published in the Memoires of the Academy for 1785, but communicated to it at an earlier period, Legendre introduces the celebrated expressions which, though frequently called Laplace's coefficients, are more correctly named after Legendre.
The former was now mixed with Latin and classical expressions; much of the literature consists of fulsome panegyric, verses written on the marriages and funerals of nobles, with conceits and fantastic ideas, devoid of all taste, drawn from their coats of arms. The poets of this period are, as may be imagined, in most cases mere rhymesters; there are, however, a few whose names are worth recapitulating, such as Waclaw Potocki (c. 1622 - c. 1696), now known to have been the author of the Wojna Chocimska, or "War of Khotin," the same campaign which afterwards formed the subject of the epic of Krasicki.
The mastery which he had obtained over the mathematical symbols was so complete that he never shrank from the use of expressions, however complicated - nay, the more complicated they were the more he seemed to revel in them - provided they did not sin against the ruling spirit of all his work - symmetry.
The Proverbs of Jesus, the son of Sirach (c. 200 B.C.), which form now the apocryphal book Ecclesiasticus, were translated into Greek by the grandson of the author at about 130 B.C.; and in the preface prefixed by him to his translation he speaks of " the law, and the prophets, and the other books of our fathers," and again of " the law, and the prophets, and the rest of the books," expressions which point naturally to the same threefold division which was afterwards universally recognized by the Jews.
The style of Deuteronomy, when once it had been formed, lent itself readily to imitation; and thus a school of writers, imbued with its spirit, and using its expressions, quickly arose, who have left their mark upon many parts of the Old Testament.
The style of " P " is strongly marked - as strongly marked, in fact, as (in a different way) that of Deuteronomy is; numerous expressions not found elsewhere in the Hexateuch occur in it repeatedly.
The Latin original is a glossed version of the Vulgate, and in the English translation the words of the gloss are often substituted for the strong and picturesque expressions of the Biblical text;.
He made many alterations in the Matthew Bible, characterized by critical acumen and a happy choice of strong and idiomatic expressions.
The characteristics of Lelewel as an historian are great research and power to draw inferences from his facts; his style is too often careless, and his narrative is not picturesque, but his expressions are frequently terse and incisive.
The second of these two expressions is generally given as the definition of dispersive power.
This conception of a difference, of an internal structure in the absolute, finds other and not less obscure expressions in the mystical contributions of the Menschliche Freiheit and in the scholastic speculations of the Berlin lectures on mythology.
The following table gives the values of this constant and several expressions involving it Useful fractional approximations are 22/7 and 355/113.
Especially in this last he shows a tendency to epigram and often uses humorous and pathetic expressions.
The irritation caused by the decision gradually subsided, but at the moment it led to strong expressions on the part of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and others in favour of securing for Canada a fuller power of making her own treaties.
A text so transmitted must in the lapse of time be profoundly though insensibly modified, its forms and expressions modernized, and, if widely disseminated, local variations introduced into it.
Proper names, technical expressions, quotations from foreign languages, and frequent change of subject, are all likely to cause difficulty to a scribe and error in his work.
After many expressions of regret at finding no method of giving effect to the proposal, the commission confined itself to recording its opinion that " a further examination of the question by the Powers would prove a great benefit to humanity."
The general assembly, to which the case was appealed, suspended Dr Briggs in 1893, being influenced, it would seem, in part, by the manner and tone of his expressions - by what his own colleagues in the Union Theological Seminary called the " dogmatic and irritating " nature of his inaugural address.
From these introductions we are able to judge of the style of Pappus's writing, which is excellent and even elegant the moment he is free from the shackles of mathematical formulae and expressions.
On the whole there is clearly a presumption that where we have striking expressions which are known to us besides only in one of our Gospel-records, that particular record has been the source of it.
With much reluctance the royal permission was given and the resignation accepted, on the 10th of May 1532, with many gracious expressions of goodwill on the part of the king.
Sometimes he spoke of mind as an effect of matter; but, though his expressions may be careless, nothing is to be made of the difference, for he called it movement and effect indifferently in the same context.
He divides phenomena into impressions and ideas, vivid and faint, object and subject, non-ego and ego, outer and inner, physical and psychical, matter and spirit; all of which are expressions of the same antithesis among phenomena.
Af ter the 4th century other names or expressions come into use, such as mensa tremenda, sedes corporis et sanguinis Christi.
Such a circumstance occurring at a time of general festivity, when devices, mottoes and conceits of all kinds were adopted as ornaments or badges of the habits worn at jousts and tournaments, would naturally have been commemorated as other royal expressions seem to have been by its conversion into a device and motto for the dresses at an approaching hastilude."
It is one of the expressions used in the Targums in place of "God."
Great care was taken by the scribes in these renderings to mitigate the anthropomorphic expressions applied to God in the Scriptures, and by paraphrase, the use of abstract terms and indirect phraseology, to prevent such expressions from giving rise to erroneous views as to God's personal manifestation in the popular mind.
Tears, dejection and passionate expressions of a despair "wishing only for death," bore fitful and variable witness to her first sense of a heavier yoke than yet had galled her spirit and her pride.
Perhaps our knowledge of Johnson's sentiments regarding the Scots in general, and of his expressions regarding Hume and Smith in particular, may lessen our surprise at this vehemence.
The quarrel which all the acquaintances of the two philosophers had predicted soon came, and no language had expressions strong enough for Rousseau's anger.
Moreover, if we remain faithful to the fundamental conception that the contents of the mind are merely matters of experience, it is evident in the first place that as impressions are strictly individual, ideas also must be strictly particular, and in the second place that the faculties of combining, discriminating, abstracting and judging, which Locke had admitted, are merely expressions for particular modes of having mental experience, i.e.
The subscribers engaged by oath to maintain religion in the state in which it existed in 1580, and to reject all innovations introduced since that time, while professed expressions of loyalty to the king were added.
When the formula cited is not used, other somewhat nebulous expressions are sometimes employed, as, for example, that.
In the chapter (xx.) of that work where Hobbes dealt with the famous problem whose solution he thought he had found, there were left expressions against Vindex (Ward) at a time when the solutions still seemed to him good; but the solutions themselves, as printed, were allowed to be all in different ways halting, as he naively confessed he had discovered only when he had been driven by the insults of malevolent men to examine them more closely with the help of his friends.
On the other hand, expressions such as " Austrian citizens," " Austrian law " are found.
Just as the prophet often misunderstood traditional traits of the sacred history, he may, as an unlearned man, likewise have often employed foreign expressions wrongly.
Sprenger has rightly observed that Mahomet makes a certain parade of these foreign terms, as of other peculiarly constructed expressions; in this he followed a favourite practice of contemporary poets.
It is the tendency of the imperfectly educated to delight in out-of-the-way expressions, and on such minds they readily produce a remarkably solemn and mysterious impression.
The close connexion of the two expressions, it is true, makes it probable that Mahomet only added the adjective Rahim to the substantive Rahman in order to strengthen the conception.
Their common discourse is full of asseverations and expressions respecting sacred things.
It is clear that the basis which they chose for the new literature was the simplest language of daily life in the monasteries, charged as it was with expressions taken from Greek, pre-eminently the language of patristic Christianity.
In such work the painters of Upper Germany at this time, working in the spirit of the late Gothic style just before the dawn of the Renaissance, show considerable technical attainments, with a love of quaint costumes and rich draperies crumpled in complicated angular folds, some feeling for romance in landscape backgrounds, none at all for clearness or balance in composition, and in the attitudes and expressions of their overcrowded figures a degree of grotesqueness and exaggeration amounting often to undesigned caricature.
No doubt there must have been some kind of foundation for Pirkheimer's charges; and it is to be noted that neither in Darer's early correspondence with this intimate friend, nor anywhere in his journals, does he use any expressions of tenderness or affection for his wife, only speaking of her as his housemate and of her helping in the sale of his prints,&c. That he took her with him on his journey to the Netherlands shows at any rate that there can have been no acute estrangement.
Luther, though he had probably uttered in private certain expressions of dissatisfaction with Melanchthon, maintained unbroken friendship with him; but after Luther's death certain smaller men formed a party emphasizing the extremest points of his doctrine.'
The reading of 15thand 16thcentury verse in the light of these will bring home the critical error of treating such poems as Burns's Collar's Saturday Night, the Address to the Deil, and Scotch Drink as entirely expressions of the later poet's personal predilection.
We are familiar enough in the West with similar classifications, summed up in such expressions as the Seven Deadly Sins, the Ten Commandments, the Thirty-nine Articles, the Four Cardinal Virtues, the Seven Sacraments and a host of others.
The oldest verses are all lyrics, expressions either of emotion, or of some deep saying, some pregnant thought.
The promotion was unexpected, and was accompanied by expressions from the king which made it still more honourable, as showing that if he had been in some things too subservient, it was from no abject, selfseeking policy of his own.
Heresy was gaining ground in high places, especially after the king's marriage with Catherine Parr; and there seems to be some truth in the story that the queen herself was nearly committed for it at one time, when Gardiner, with the king's approbation, censured some of her expressions in conversation.
This last sentence has led some modern writers to suppose that he made two different voyages; but this is improbable; the expressions of Polybius imply that his explorations in both directions, first towards the north and afterwards towards the east, formed part of the same voyage.
Exquisite as he is in his special mode of execution, he undoubtedly falls far short, not only of his great naturalist contemporaries such as 1Vlasaccio and Lippo Lippi, but even of so distant a precursor as Giotto, in all that pertains to bold or life-like invention of a subject or the realization of ordinary appearances, expressions and actions - the facts of nature, as distinguished from the aspirations or contemplations of the spirit.
The history of the Afghan countries under the Mongols is obscure; but that regime must have left its mark upon the country, if we judge from the occurrence of frequent Mongol names of places, and even of Mongol expressions adopted into familiar language.
Plato's criticisms of the sophists are then, in the opinion of the present writer, no mere obiter dicta, introduced for purposes of literary adornment or dramatic effect, but rather the expressions of profound and reasoned conviction, and, as such, entitled at any rate to respect.
Although these expressions were equivocal, the Republicans were satisfied and embarked on the vessels prepared for them.
Army to the minimum in order to strengthen his attack on the Isonzo, and in reply to Brusati's expressions of anxiety regarding the adequacy of his forces during this period Cadorna pointed out that the requirements of the Isonzo front made it necessary to reduce the numbers of the I.
The expressions of them are simply the speech-signs for them.
The consideration that mere double negation leaves us precisely where we were and not upon a higher plane where the dominant concept is richer, is, of course, fatal only to certain verbal expressions of Hegel's intent.
Neither of these men professed to employ the calculus itself, but they recognized fully the extraordinary clearness of insight which is gained even by merely translating the unwieldy Cartesian expressions met with in hydrokinetics and in electrodynamics into the pregnant language of quaternions.
These works are lost; but their titles, combined with expressions in the letters of Synesius, who consulted her about the construction of an astrolabe and a hydroscope, indicate that she devoted herself specially to astronomy and mathematics.
The leading thesis seems to have been that all the great religions of the world originated from the same supreme source, and that they were all to be regarded as so many divers expressions of one and the same fundamental truth, or "Wisdom Religion," in such form and dress as was best adapted to suit the times and the people for whose spiritual growth and development religious instruction was required.
The Eastern Church affirms belief in an intermediate state after death, but the belief is otherwise as vague as the expressions of the pre-Nicene fathers on the subject.
By an obvious analogy, the expressions OTfO4r may be called the generalized components of momentum; they are usually denoted by Pr, thus = OT/aq,.
There is no proof that he was the author of any of these poems, but from expressions in the poems of Sir David Lindsay, who was on terms of intimacy with him, it appears that occasionally he wrote verses.
As the Genesis begins with a line identical in meaning, though not in wording, with the opening of Cmdmon's Hymn, we may perhaps infer that the writer knew and used Cmdmon's genuine poems. Some of the more poetical passages may possibly echo Cmdmon's expressions; but when, after treating of the creation of the angels and the revolt of Lucifer, the paraphrast comes to the Biblical part of the story, he follows the sacred text with servile fidelity, omitting no detail, however prosaic. The ages of the antediluvian patriarchs, for instance, are accurately rendered into verse.
This appears, on the one hand, in the use of expressions having a Modalistic ring about them - see especially the poems of Commodian, written about the time of Valerian - and, on the other hand, in the rejection of the doctrine that the Son is subordinate to the Father and is a creature (witness the controversy between Dionysius of Alexandria and Dionysius of Rome), as well as in the readiness of the West to accept the formula of Athanasius, that the Father and the Son are one and the same in substance (O,uoou6coc).
The expressions " science of finance " and " public finance " have been suggested as suitable to delimit the last mentioned application.
He was ignorant of the rules of grammar, confused genders and cases, and wrote in the vernacular Latin of his time, apart from certain passages which are especially elaborated and filled with poetical and elegant expressions.
Two so-called friends endeavoured, on the plea of doubts of their own, to lead him into a theological discussion; and, some of Spinoza's expressions being repeated to the Jewish authorities, he was summoned to give an account of himself.
The latter regarded dogmatic as stating in scientific connexion "the doctrine prevailing in a (single) Christian church at a given time" - as "not merely historical (geschichtlich)," but containing an "apologetic element" - as "not confined to the symbolical books, but" including all - even local expressions of the common faith which produce no breach of harmony - and as having for its "very business and task" to "purify and perfect" doctrine (Der christliche Glaube, § 19).
His opponents, moreover, have preserved some expressions of his, with extracts from his principal work; so that our knowledge of Marcion's views is in part derived from the best sources.
All private meetings and public gatherings, with the expressions of opinion and the class of subjects discussed, were to be controlled by the police.
The words and phrases which are common to the pastorals and the rest of the Pauline epistles are neither so characteristic nor so numerous as those peculiar to the former, and the data of style may be summed up in the verdict that they point to a writer who, naturally reproducing Paul's standpoint as far as possible, and acquainted with his epistles, yet betrays the characteristics of his later milieu in expressions as well as in ideas.'
His friend Naudee, however, declares that the expressions used by Campanella were wrongly interpreted as revolutionary.
Owing probably to the fact that Makran was for many generations under the rule of the Persian kings, the Baluchi spoken on the west of the province, which is also called Makrani, is more largely impregnated with Persian words and expressions than the Eastern dialect.
A full account of the principal trials, and of the various legislative measures for repressing the expressions of popular opinion for which he was more or less responsible, will be found in Twiss's Public and Private Life of the Lord Chancellor Eldon, and in the Lives of the Lord Chancellors, by Lord Campbell.
With regard to the literary relation of this chapter with Ezekiel, it must be admitted that Ezekiel presents many striking parallels, and in particular makes use, in common with chap. xxvi., of several expressions which do not occur elsewhere in the Old Testament.
We shall then have E 1 - Mixoi S f El E - 4 S 2 Adding these expressions, and dividing the second member by S, we obtain for the tension of the surface of contact of the two liquids T,.
This circumstance gave rise to a number of proverbial expressions, like Avriicbpas oe bei or "naviget Anticyram," and to frequent allusions in the Greek and Latin writers.
Rabelais wrote a panegyrical memoir of Guillaume, which is lost, and the year before saw the publication of an edition of Gargantua and Pantagruel, book i., together (both had been repeatedly reprinted separately), in which some dangerous expressions were cut away.
On the other hand, there are in the book, in the description of Gargantua's and Pantagruel's education, in the sketch of the abbey of Thelema, in several passages relating to Pantagruel, expressions which either signify a sincere and unfeigned piety of a simple kind or else are inventions of the most detestable hypocrisy.
The effect is produced partly by the comments of the evangelist, which especially take the form of citations from the Old Testament; partly by the frequency with which certain expressions are used, and the prominence that is given in this and other ways to particular traits and topics.
In his works written during this period (for instance, the Praeparatio evangelica and Demonstratio evangelica), as in the works of Origen himself and other anteNicene fathers, expressions occur looking in the direction of Arianism, and others looking in the opposite direction.
The expressions "Chaldaea r" and "Chaldaeans" are frequently used in the Old Testament as equivalents for "Babylonia" and "Babylonians."
Skeat has connected it with Old English lcietan, to let, which is very doubtful, though this is the origin of the use of the word in such expressions as "two-" "three-way leet," a place where cross-roads melt.
It may be pointed out here that these expressions are defined by the act, the effect of the definitions being shortly that a drain is a conduit for the drainage of one building or of several within the same curtilage, while a sewer comprises every kind of drain except that which is covered by the definition of a drain as above stated.
It has always been politic for powerful states to facilitate and hide schemes of aggrandizement under euphemistic expressions; to cloak subjection or dependence by describing it in words inoffensive or strictly applicable to other relations.
This whole prophecy, which is perhaps the most interesting in the Book of Daniel, presents problems which can never be thoroughly understood, first because the author must have been ignorant of both history and chronology, and secondly, because, in his effort to be as mystical as possible, he purposely made use of indefinite and vague expressions which render the criticism of the passage a most unsatisfactory task.
Strange shapes of hills and rocks, rare plants and animals, unusual faces and figures of men, questionable smiles and expressions, whether beautiful or grotesque, far-fetched objects and curiosities, were things he loved to pore upon and keep in memory.
In 1490, the seventh year of his residence at Milan, after some expressions of impatience on the part of his patron, he had all but got his model ready for display on the occasion of the marriage of Ludovico with Beatrice d'Este, but at the last moment was dissatisfied with what he had done and determined to begin all over again.
Judging by the accounts of those who saw it, and the fragmentary evidences which remain, the tumultuous medley of men -and horses, and the expressions of martial fury and despair, must have been conceived and rendered with a mastery not less commanding than had been the looks and gestures of bodeful sorrow and soul's perplexity among the quiet company on the convent wall at Milan.
The old familiar name Yahweh became a secret; its place was taken by such general expressions as the Holy, the Almighty, the Majesty on High, the King of Kings, and also by the simple word "Heaven."
His public expressions of opinion were hostile in tone to the policy pursued by Mr Chamberlain and Sir Alfred Milner.
Mr Schreiner, in reply, used expressions which called down upon him the severest censure and indignation, both in the colony and in Great Britain.
The shock to the public, to the House of Commons, to his party, and to Mr. Lloyd George was great; and genuine expressions of regret were heard on every side.
The expressions 4 r are then fractional numbers, their relation to n' n' n' ' ' ordinary or integral numbers being that /2 n times n times is equal to p times.
While at Berlin in1824-1825he was thrown into prison, either on some ill-defined political charge at the instance of the French police, or on account of certain incautious expressions which he had let fall in conversation.
The word the Jains use for soul is jiva, which means life; and there is much analogy between many of the expressions they use and the view that the ultimate cells and atoms are all, in a more or less modified sense, alive.
In deciding on war the British government relied on the capacity of its fleet, which was entrusted to the command of Sir Charles Napier, to strike a great blow in the Baltic. The fleet was despatched with extraordinary rejoicings, and amidst loud and confident expressions of its certain triumph.
In every portion of the globe the sixtieth anniversary of the queens reign excited interest; in every country the queens name was mentioned with affection and respect; while the people of the United States vied with the subjects of the British empire in praise of the queens character and in expressions of regard for her person.
It is a form of the theorem for the case D = r, that the coordinates x, y, z of a point of the bicursal curve, or in particular the co-ordinates of a point of the cubic, can be expressed as proportional to rational and integral functions of the elliptic functions snu, cnu, dnu; in fact, taking the radical to be r -0 2 .r - k 2 0 2, and writing 8 =snu, the radical becomes = cnu, dnu; and we have expressions of the form in question.
Burke, no doubt, in the course of that unparalleled trial showed some prejudice; made some minor overstatements of his case; used many intemperances; and suffered himself to be provoked into expressions of heat and impatience by the cabals of the defendant and his party, and the intolerable incompetence of the tribunal.
The chief liturgical expressions of this cult are the institution of a feast of the Sacred Heart and public representations of it by statues and pictures.
By the recognition of this law the church was constituted as an ordered community, essentially distinct from the State; the distinction between the two was emphasized by the withdrawal of the early Christians from civic life, to avoid the performance of idolatrous ceremonies imposed as official expressions of loyalty, and by the persecutions which they had to endure, when the spread of an association apparently so hostile to the framework of ancient society had at length alarmed the imperial government.
Moral judgments, then, are expressions of the complex normal sympathy of an impartial spectator with the active impulses that prompt to and result from actions.
It was believed that the vernacular could not be raised to the dignity of a literary language, and that literature and science needed words and expressions which were entirely lacking in the common language.
Moreover, as a third advantage, these expressions are entirely free from those difficulties and ambiguities which are met with in every attempt to express the laws of motion in ordinary language.
The solution of these equations would lead to expressions of the form a= 41(x,y,x',y',t) b= (x,y,x',y',t) (4) &c. &c.
We first conceive of the planets as moving in invariable elliptic orbits, and thus obtain approximate expressions for their positions at any moment.
With these expressions we express their mutual action, or their pull upon each other at any and every moment.
Knowing these variations it becomes possible to represent by integration the value of the elements as algebraic expressions containing the time, and the elements with which we started.
The computations are, as a general rule, simpler, and the algebraic expressions less complex, than when the computations of the longitude itself are calculated.
The longitudes, latitudes and radii vectores of a planet, being algebraically expressed as the sum of an infinite periodic series of the kind we have been describing, it follows that the problem of finding their co-ordinates at any moment is solved by computing these expressions.
The expressions for the longitude, latitude `and parallax appear as an infinite trigonometric series, in which the coefficients of the sines and cosines are themselves infinite series proceeding according to the powers of the above small numbers.
Wherever the noblest expressions of her mind are honoured, wherever the large conceptions of Pericles command the admiration of statesmen, wherever the architect and the sculptor love to dwell on the masterpieces of Ictinus and Pheidias, wherever the spell of ideal beauty or of lofty contemplation is exercised by the creations of Sophocles or of Plato, there it will be remembered that the spirit which wrought in all these would have passed sooner from among men, if it had not been recalled from a trance, which others were content to mistake for the last sleep, by the passionate breath of Demosthenes.
Along with strong expressions of empiricism we find him holding doctrines absolutely irreconcilable with empiricism in any form.
Many of the wilder myths are the expressions of the sportive and humorous faculties.
Nifo had edited the works of Averroes (1495-1497); but his expressions gave offence to the dominant theologians, and he had to save himself by distinguishing his personal faith from his editorial capacity.
Virtue is the perfect conformity of the will with the moral ideas; of this the single virtues are but special expressions.
The expressions for the intensity of the refracted light may be obtained from those relating to the reflected light by the principle of energy.
Now Fresnel's formulae were obtained by assuming that the incident, reflected and refracted vibrations are in the same or opposite phases at the interface of the media, and since there is no real factor that converts cos T into cos (T+p), he inferred that the occurrence of imaginary expressions for the coefficients of vibration denotes a change of phase other than 7r, this being represented by a change of sign.
Formulae for metallic reflection may be obtained from Fresnel's expressions by writing the ratio sin i / sin r equal to a complex quantity, and interpreting the imaginary coefficients in the manner explained above.
His appointment was three times renewed, on each occasion with the expressions of the highest esteem on the part of the governing body, and his yearly salary was progressively raised from 180 to l000 florins.
Returning again to the equations already given in § i i for an elementary thermocouple, we have the following equivalent expressions for the E.M.F.
But the two expressions are equivalent, and give the same results.
Neglecting" conduction, all the expressions which he gives are equivalent to the equations of Thomson.
The sole argument, though a very weighty one, is found in the undeniable relation, revealed in an astonishing similarity both in expressions and composition, which exists between these forgeries and some other documents certainly fabricated at Le Mans, under the episcopate of Aldric (832-856), notably the Actus Pontificum Cenomanis in urbe degentium, in which there is no lack of forged documents.
From certain expressions used in astrological texts that are earlier than the 7th century B.C. it would appear, indeed, that the beginnings at least of the calculation of sun and moon eclipses belong to the earlier period, but here, too, the chief work accomplished was after 400 B.e., and the defectiveness of early Babylonian astronomy may be gathered from the fact that as late as the 6th century B.C. an error of almost an entire month was made by the Babylonian astronomers in the attempt to determine through calculation the beginning of a certain year.
In the case of the expressions bien or mal lune, well or ill mooned, avoir un quartier de lune dans la tete, to have the quarter of the moon in one's head, the German mondsiichtig and the English moonstruck or lunatic, the fundamental idea lies in the strange opinions formerly held about the moon.
The postulates of experience are general expressions of the significance of existence in the experience of a conscious subject.
These conditions, the postulates of practical reason, are the concrete expressions of the three transcendental ideas, and in them we have the full significance of the ideas for reason.
The Greek in turn is derived from the Hebrew, for unintelligible expressions in the Syriac can be explained and the text restored by retranslation into Hebrew.
She had the artless expressions of a human, an endearing trait that made him want to wrap his arms around her.
The expressions "4" and "8/2" have the same denotation; but, they express different senses and different ways of conceiving the same number.
That problem is inherent in the discipline and process of creating of fresh expressions of loyalty.
Facial expressions can have many nuances, with even a slightly raised eyebrow speaking volumes.
Public expressions of anger were met with the ' repressive state apparatus ' in the form of riot police.
The linguistic characteristics of natural argumentation, including discourse markers, sentence format, referring expressions, and style.
Demetrius's use of proper names and characteristic expressions match the Septuagint, the Greek Bible, not the Hebrew scriptures.
These calculations not only involved difficult mathematical expressions but also dealt with heavy arithmetical calculations.
They should be familiar with the series expressions for the virial coefficients for a Lennard-Jones potential.
Students are given incomplete collocations and semi-fixed expressions that appeared in the texts and try to complete them from memory.
They were often expressions of amorous dalliance, votive images given by a knight to his lady in pledge of devotion.
The linguistic forms of this pointing are called deictic expressions, deictic expressions, deictic markers or deictic words; they are also sometimes called indexicals.
To facilitate the discovery of morphemes, the words in the Word Collection can also be filtered using regular expressions.
The animals ' expressions seem almost ecstatic, swept away by the moment until it is too late and the deed is done.
All these willingly embraced changes are not a million miles away from the language of Fresh Expressions.
At this stage we would like to invite expressions of interest from anyone wishing to attend, contribute to or host panels.
This gives us an unambiguous way of evaluating expressions.
His facial expressions are sketched in my memory for life.
The Church of England is desperate to give birth to fresh expressions of church.
Regular expressions can get quite fiendish to read at times.
Very few animal lovers are not familiar with our collectible figurines with their open expressions and smiling faces.
You could tell by their body postures and facial expressions, they found the discussion awkward, but the atmosphere felt honest.
His main research interest is the molecular pathology of cancer particularly the differential expressions of proteins.
It also has a fun section where members can exchange expressions and slang by creating, playing and discussing phrasal Hangman word games.
Expressions in Wood I specialize in hand carving bowls, platters, dishes and abstract sculptures mostly from native grown hardwoods.
It has been accepted in post-Gricean pragmatics that communicators convey more information than is contained in the expressions they utter.
The site is part of an optical microscopy primer from the Molecular Expressions site.
Factorizing quadratics An essential skill in many applications is the ability to factorize quadratic expressions.
It is for this reason that the expressions toner and new paper cannot provide referents for it.
There are expressions like +, - but also relational ones like =, and!= .
It was the expressions on the faces, frozen at the moment of death, that caused the greatest revulsion.
This proliferation makes rather risible the Guardian's expressions of expletive fatigue in relation to Gordon Ramsay's television appearances.
The current portfolio offers over 80 different single malts and more than 450 expressions aged between five and sixty years.
Mathematical Expressions use the solidus whenever possible in preference to built-up fractions.
Traditional models generally assume very simple functional forms for f i, in order to have analytically tractable expressions for g t.
His facial expressions, moves and gestures were wonderfully underplayed and he gave a great first impression of " the underdog " .
Five blank black visors looked down at him, masking the wearers ' expressions.
The King was bold, excellent facial expressions, and a good speaking voice.
They are no clamorous expressions of anger at the discrepancies and contrasts of humanity, but plain, solemn pictures of conditions of life, which neither the politician nor the moralist can deny to exist, and which they are imperatively called upon to remedy.
Towards the morning of the 3rd of September he again spoke, "using divers holy expressions, implying much inward consolation and peace," together with "some exceeding self-debasing words, annihilating and judging himself."
The inconsistency of his attitude is shown by his use, side by side, of the contemptuous expressions barbarus (applied to the Romans) and pergraecari (applied to the Greeks).
It consisted essentially in the adoption of Delauny's final numerical expressions for longitude, latitude and parallax, with a symbolic term attached to each number, the value of which was to be determined by substitution in the equations of motion.
Ribot, then president of the council, in the Chamber of Deputies, but the expressions he used were so vague that they did not entirely remove the prevailing doubts as to the existence of a formal treaty.
In the preface to the latter work he referred to Jerome as an admirer of Origen, and as having already translated some of his works with modifications of ambiguous doctrinal expressions.
Constitutional formulae like these, in fact, are nothing more than symbolic expressions of the character of the compounds which they represent, the arrangement of symbols in a certain definite manner being understood to convey certain information with regard to the compounds represented.
The expressions designated by Dr Whewell, Laplace's coefficients (see Spherical Harmonics) were definitely introduced in the memoir of 1785 on attractions above referred to.
This climax was reached at the very moment when Darwin was publishing the Origin of Species (1859), by which universal opinion has been brought to the position that species, as well as genera, orders and classes, are the subjective expressions of a vast ramifying pedigree in which the only objective existences are individuals, the apparent species as well as higher groups being marked out, not by any distributive law, but by the interaction of living matter and its physical environment, causing the persistence of some forms and the destruction of vast series of ancestral intermediate kinds.
And in another speech he said that the British had insanely placed themselves .Effect of Mr in the strange predicament of the free subjects of a monarchy going to coerce the free subjects of a Speeches republic. Expressions such as these were trans lated into Dutch and distributed among the Boers, and they exercised a good deal of influence in fanning the agitation already going on in the Transvaal.
But the cynical expressions of such a man are not to be taken too literally; and the mere fact that he lived and died in the esteem of many friends suffices to show that the theoretical selfishness which he sometimes professed cannot have been consistently and at all times carried into practice.
Many ideas and expressions of the Sicilian have been reproduced by the Roman poet; and the same tone of impassioned solemnity and melancholy seems to have pervaded both works.
The idiom of ordinary life and social intercourse and the more fervid and elevated diction of oratorical prose had made great progress, but the language of imagination and poetical feeling was, if vivid and impressive in isolated expressions, still incapable of being wrought into consecutive passages of artistic composition.
The brewer has gone a step further in simplifying his expressions by multiplying the density by 1000, and speaking of the difference between the density so expressed and 1000 as "degrees of gravity" (see Beer).
The style is heavy and involved, loaded with metaphor and bizarre expressions, and verbose to excess.
Though not endowed with the strength and originality of mind that characterized Tyndale's work, Coverdale showed great discrimination in the handling and use of his authorities, and moreover a certain delicacy and happy ease in his rendering of the Biblical text, to which we owe not a few of the beautiful expressions of our present Bible.
But the genealogical relations were rather with the Edomites, Midianites and other peoples of North Arabia and the eastern desert than with Egypt proper, and this is indicated by the expressions that "they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur that is east of Egypt, and he settled to the eastward of his brethren" (see MIZRAIM).
The attitude itself is as old as Scepticism; but the expressions "agnostic" and "agnosticism" were applied by Huxley to sum up his deductions from those contemporary developments of metaphysics with which the names of Hamilton ("the Unconditioned") and Herbert Spencer ("the Unknowable") were associated; and it is important, therefore, to fix precisely his own intellectual standpoint in the matter.
By these methods the series converge so slowly, and the final expressions for the moon's longitude are so long and complicated, that the series has never been carried far enough to ensure the accuracy of all the terms. This is especially the case with the development in powers of m, the convergence of which has often been questioned.
From the meaning of "top" or "head," as applied to a plant, herb or rower, comes the common use of the word for the produce of cereals or other cultivated plants, the wheat-crop, the cotton-crop and the like, and generally, "the crops"; more particular expressions are the "white-crop," for such grain crops as barley or wheat, which whiten as they grow ripe, and "green-crop" for such as roots or potatoes which do not, and also for those which are cut in a green state, like clover (see Agriculture).
Here again, I am unable to state where she acquired these expressions.
The rapt, anxious expressions of the group are most striking.
There are expressions like +, - but also relational ones like =, and !=.
This proliferation makes rather risible the Guardian 's expressions of expletive fatigue in relation to Gordon Ramsay 's television appearances.
The usual rules for interpreting sexagesimal values in expressions are followed.
Mathematical Expressions Use the solidus whenever possible in preference to built-up fractions.
In the preceding example you might feel that it's tedious to write out all of those instanceof expressions, and you're right.
People have tonalities that say " do n't bother me right now " and tonalities combined with facial expressions that indicate something is wrong.
His facial expressions, moves and gestures were wonderfully underplayed and he gave a great first impression of " the underdog ".
Self-pity (as a mode of guilt) leads to housework or business as the expressions of endless activity. [The workaholic person ].
Our eyes and facial expressions can communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion.
Pat kept her facial expressions so reserved that her emotions were unfathomable.
Since you are with your baby night and day, make sure to have a camera handy for those incredibly cute expressions.
You'll find her attention is captured by the expressions of your face and the varying sounds of your voice as you talk and sing to her.
The training usually focuses on cuddling, eye to eye communication, facial expressions, and of course gentle, rhythmic touching.
In some cases, chimps have been taught to communicate with sign language and facial expressions.
After playing with my new favorite eyeshadow collection I am ready to share my Wet N Wild Ultimate Expressions Eyeshadow Review.
I chose the "Sand Castle" collection for my Wet N Wild Ultimate Expressions Eyeshadow Review.
This can make it difficult for those watching to see facial characteristics and expressions, which can be very important for the story line being told or performed.
When completed, it is expected to contain more than 400 modern languages, 10 ancestral languages, and more than 30 million individual expressions, technical terms, and words.
The Babylon translation tool is a fascinating version because it not only does simple translations, but it actually looks up expressions, idioms and "technical terminologies."
The player's expressions, the angle of the ball, even beads of sweat are captured in the perfect shot.
Not only will your flash work more effectively, but you'll also be able to capture natural expressions from the child's perspective.
Direct light in a newborn's eyes will cause some priceless, but probably undesirable facial expressions.
With the exception of highly stylized art images, most photographers who shoot artistic portraits would rather have lifelike positions and expressions over the calculated look of overly posed subjects.
Common phrases or expressions, poetry, song lyrics, famous quotes, funny quotes from loved ones, and pre-made scrapbook embellishments can all be great sources of sayings for your project.
The English language is full of colorful phrases and expressions that work well for scrapbooking.
This large directory features more than 4,000 phrases and expressions grouped according to the most common scrapbook project themes.
Instead of forced grins, you'll get photos with natural expressions that showcase the excitement of the party.
Joyful Expressions takes hunting for Easter eggs to a new level by incorporating Christian themed sayings.
Add a little romance to your relationship with thoughtful expressions, hand holding, love notes, and extra consideration for your partner's feelings.
Algebra Tutor-Teachers and students will find this website useful for help with writing math expressions and algebra word problems.
Impulsivity can quickly lead to over emotional speech and expressions.
By now, the song had devolved into an agonizing guitar solo, prompting puzzled expressions from the guests.
Offering the latest trends with modest styling, the dresses from Bridal Expressions are contemporary choices for today's LDS bride.
Things like crossing arms, looking away and limiting physical expressions are indicators of lying.
He will have stiff facial expressions including a smile that does not match the expression of the eyes.
With her soulful brown eyes and earnest expressions, Katie Holmes won legions of teenage fans.
With his soulful eyes, earnest expressions and boyish voice, Jake is able to poignantly display a range of emotions, taking moviegoers on emotional roller coasters.
Dogs typically gnaw on each other's extremities and fur in expressions of love and playfulness.
Elegant Expressions 1 offers high quality designer suits that are elegant and sophisticated.
Food dye tends to be mostly tasteless, but pouring yourself a glass and taking a big drink of green milk as someone is just entering can result in comical expressions.
Swap out the sugar for salt (not advisable for some people on their first cup of coffee), but it can be hilarious to see expressions after they've had a chance to wake up some.
Lafont offers frames that offer everything from subtle expressions to bold statements.
Branching out into the honey and amber colors will make it easier for you to purchase contact lenses because they are available in regular soft contact lens brands such as Expressions.
You can look into Expressions Accents for subtle enhancements to your eye color or take the plunge with more dramatic Expressions Colors.
Crypto sounds and has many of the same expressions as Jack Nicholson.
It is fun to see the changing expressions of the customers as they go from extremely happy to hopping mad!
Levels are bookended by short expository cut scenes in which our mostly silent heroes use Lego body language and facial expressions to keep us up on the action.
They make the funniest expressions as they scream and yell at you, they yield some strange weapons, and some of the events will have you in stitches.
One of the best parts of the graphics are the facial expressions.
At times their expressions appear a little flat.
Character motion is pretty fluid, but specific detail like facial expressions and certain objects appear to be a bit flat.
From funny facial expressions and physical humor to teenage boys ogling beautiful women and lusting after their phone numbers, there's a type of humor for everyone.
Full-term babies should be able to see their mother's facial expressions within a week of birth.
They are merely artistic expressions and may present a variety of emotions, representations, and themes that are explored and then discarded.
Children's drawings become expressions of how and what each child sees.
Tattoos and body piercing are done as expressions of independence, for religious or cultural reasons, or to adorn one's body.
Some children learn words for social situations, greetings, and expressions of love more readily than others.
The ancient theory survives in the form of such expressions as "being in a bad (or good) humor."
Other babies may exhibit confusing patterns such as crying unexpectedly after being held or displaying odd, dazed expressions.
Perhaps it's the joyous expressions on the bears' faces that made everyone think they were dancing.
It's the interaction of yin and yang that creates life and becomes the five expressions.
Chi goes through a transformation when it moves through these five expressions and manifests into five physical elements.
This manifestation creates five expressions of the chi energy that you know as feng shui elements.
The five elements (five expressions of chi energy) are constantly trying to recreate the perfection of chi energy prior to its manifestation into the physical world, the earth.
These symbols are great expressions as well as activating the elements for love relationships.
These manifestations of the chi energy are called expressions.
There are five basic expressions (elements) and it's through the process of their interaction that chi energy realizes perfection in physical creation.
Pantene Pro-V Expressions and Dove Advanced Color Care Shampoo are two lines that offer products especially made for different kinds of color-treated hair.
The inner and outer edges should be horizontally even to avoid unintentional expressions.
Sharp angles are unnatural and will create false expressions - keep the brow gently curving following its natural shape for the best results.
Watch the body language, facial expressions and comments of the interviewer to determine how many more questions the interviewer would feel comfortable answering.
Other fashionable Ortho designs include Fuchsia Daisy, Expressions, Onyx, and Lapis.
The wooden travel backgammon game offered by Wood Expressions is similar to the ones from GameCorner.
Christmas poetry, prayers and songs provide joyful expressions of the season.
Poems and prayers may follow strict rhyme and meter conventions, or they may be free form expressions of sincere and heartfelt emotion.
Easter Bunny costumes are also available in a variety of colors and with different facial expressions.
Second, our speaking voice tends to follow our facial expressions.
If your facial expressions are serious, your speaking voice will sound hard and tight.
This language is spoken through eye contact, facial expressions, body gestures, posture and other mannerisms.
For example, I can choose when and where I am going to talk to another person, thereby avoiding the person on the other end of the conversation seeing my facial expressions, mannerisms or how I might interact in public.
When you are talking to your fiancé on the phone, you cannot see the expressions on her face and therefore are unable reach out and comfort her when she needs comforting or reassurance.
Holding hands, rubbing his back, or neck are physical expressions of flirting.
Everyone within a culture understands the meaning of certain gestures, personal space, eye contact and facial expressions.
The following are ways that cultures differ through nonverbal expressions.
Body language is a nonverbal form of communication, displayed by facial expressions, stances, and gestures.
Expressions can sometimes be involuntary; many people have a difficult time hiding their true feelings about a specific topic, no matter how hard they try.
Alternatively, others can control their expressions making it hard to decipher how they really feel.
Men's facial expressions are usually neutral and do not express comfort when speaking with others.
Women's facial expressions are flexible and change as the conversation changes.
The "heart meter" is the way that RED indicates how well or badly you are doing - other games, such as Speed Dating use facial expressions to let you know (more on that later).
More than that, there are distractions such as work, friends, and sometimes other family members that can take away from the expressions of love and devotion that were so beautiful in the beginning of a relationship.
People who cover their mouth or eyes while talking could be trying to cover up involuntary expressions.
For example, it is often more difficult to communicate a feeling or sentiment when the person you must relay such feelings to is sitting right across from you, displaying a wealth of facial expressions and harboring volatile emotions.
Each ring is hand-finished one detail at a time to build quality into every step of the design process, creating designer wedding bands and engagement rings that are true expressions of jewelry art as well as symbols of a couple's love.
Archaeological digs have uncovered Celtic artistic expressions and the famous Christian Book of Kells displays beautiful Celtic symbols.
Are there certain expressions or buzzwords that are popular?
A punchline said out loud doesn't directly translate into written humor because readers can't hear a comedian's tone of voice or see facial expressions and gestures.
This sign will often manifest love through gift-giving and ceremonious expressions of affection.
Kids of all ages can indulge their inner artist at Expressions, an art studio featuring paint, easels, clay, and computers.
Human Expressions creates custom-made and lovely cards perfect for keepsakes.
The Care Bears' popularity may have been attributed to their cute expressions and cheery demeanors, but it was their unique colors, tummy symbols and secret "weapon" that really made them a hit amongst children.
Where Peter conveys great emotion with only his eyes - or the slightest of facial expressions, CLB uses his whole body and being.
Their expressions, stances, color schemes, and everything about them can radiate anything from a slight naughtiness to true evil or even an extreme erotic quality.
Those with autistic disorder are often unable to use or understand non-verbal communication cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and body posture.
They don't understand the meaning of facial expressions.
Non-verbal communication is frequently impaired as well, making it difficult for those with autism to understand non-verbal cues such as body posture, tone of voice, facial expressions or gestures.
The inability to recognize social cues, body language and facial expressions can significantly interfere with a person's ability to function in the social realm.
Selecting toys that encourage verbal communication, body language, and facial expressions can help your child learn more than one way to express her emotions, desires, and fears.
With practice, even a nonverbal child can learn how to recognize and reciprocate most facial expressions.
A wonderful result of improving communication and the ability to read facial expressions is that overall social skills improve as well.
Difficulties understanding figurative language and facial expressions are examples of how the condition affects social communication.
Words for cheers are nothing more than expressions of positive support for your team, and if hoots and hollers will do that as well as verbs or a nouns, by all means, use them.
Expressions may range from frightening to funny.
While an adult should do the carving, get the children's input for facial expressions.
When traveling to France or another French speaking area for an extended amount of time, you'll need a repertoire of French travelers' expressions that goes beyond a small collection of simple French phrases.
Even if you don't speak French very fluently, you can learn enough common expressions for travel situations to be able to get through many encounters in French.
The situations below are some of the things that tourists do most often; however, learning all of these expressions in French class is uncommon.
The more French travelers' expressions you know, the more you are free to enjoy all the great experiences of traveling without worrying.
It is also used in a few other idiomatic expressions but since it is one of the most common French verbs, it is worth memorizing the conjugation even if it seems difficult.
Soon you'll be able to add in the right nouns, verbs and expressions to ask questions and participate in conversation.
There are several expressions with the verb connaître that French learners should know as well.
While the verb can be used literally in all the above meanings, there are also some expressions that have non-literal meanings.
Keep in mind that translating word for word will cause you to miss idiomatic expressions and will sometimes yield unreliable translations.
Basic French classes tend to focus on traveler expressions, talking about oneself and one's family, and asking basic questions.
These additional expressions are not interchangeable the way that "bienvenue" is, meaning you'll have to learn these expressions carefully so that you use them in the right contexts.
For the poetic, and the deeply romantic, additional expressions can nuance your feelings of love for a person.
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If you are still searching for the perfect matching set, then you'll also want to explore Expressions, as this site features the Caroline Nightgown and Robe Set.
While the primary cause of wrinkles is the aging of the epidermis (the skin's under-layer), sun, other weather conditions, and even the facial expressions you use can contribute to those wrinkles!
A peptide with amino acids that works to reduce wrinkles caused by repeated facial expressions.
It's also possible that habitual facial expressions contribute to wrinkles.
Most people aren't especially aware of the expressions on their faces at all times, but a conscious effort should be made to correct a known habit, such as perpetually frowning.
Often, tense facial expressions are the result of stress.
Be mindful of your facial expressions, particularly focusing on your brows and forehead.
It is created in the lab under carefully controlled conditions and measured in small doses for injection, usually in the forehead and around the eyes, where facial expressions can cause lines and wrinkles - signs of premature aging.
Our eyes are constantly moving, blinking and making facial expressions.
In other forms of communication, emotion is indicated through voice tone or through facial expressions.
All of the techniques for changing the expressions of various facial features apply.
Also, if you use Microsoft Frontpage or Expressions to build your web page, then you can directly load them in from the Microsoft program.
The following example shows how to search the XML file using numerical expressions.
They watched her with matching troubled expressions, asking the same questions and getting the same answer.
She saw their expressions change as they got a whiff of her blood.
All wore similar dreamy expressions to Toni's.
We find in the Meditations no speculations on the absolute nature of the deity, and no clear expressions of opinion as to a future state.
It may be inquired what meaning is to be attached to these expressions, and what are the conditions and the nature of the changes assumed by them.
The curves corresponding to the above expressions are plotted in fig.
To treat the actual forms of religion as expressions of our various human needs is a fruitful idea which deserves fuller development than it has yet received; but Feuerbach's treatment of it is fatally vitiated by his subjectivism.
The Malay language abounds in idiomatic expressions, which constitute the chief difficulty in its acquisition.
On the analogy between this case and that of the interface between two solutions, Nernst has arrived at similar logarithmic expressions for the difference of potential, which becomes proportional to log (P 1 /P 2) where P2 is taken to mean the osmotic pressure of the cations in the solution, and P i the osmotic pressure of the cations in the substance of the metal itself.
Hence in all there are mn such systems. If, therefore, we have a third equation, and we substitute each system of values in it successively and form the product of the mn expressions thus formed, we obtain a function which vanishes if any one system of values, common to the first two equations, also satisfies the third.
Symbolic Identities.- For the purpose of manipulating symbolic expressions it is necessary to be in possession of certain simple identities which connect certain symbolic products.
When R =0, and neither of the expressions AC - B 2, 2AB -3C vanishes, the covariant a x is a linear factor of f; but, when R =AC - B 2 = 2AB -3C =0, a x also vanishes, and then f is the product of the form jx and of the Hessian of jx.
Denoting by So, so, these constant limiting values at p=o, we may obtain the values at any pressure by integrating the expressions (27) and (28) from co to v and from o to p respectively.
This simple result is generally true, and the corresponding expressions for G" and J" are valid, provided that c - b in formula (17) is a function of the temperature only.
When Miss Keller speaks, her face is animated and expresses all the modes of her thought--the expressions that make the features eloquent and give speech half its meaning.
In this way, she learns countless new expressions without any apparent effort.
All he had seen that day, all the significant and stern expressions on the faces he had seen in passing, were lit up for him by a new light.
Examining only those expressions of the will of historical persons which, as commands, were related to events, historians have assumed that the events depended on those commands.
By three months old, infants can recognize faces; imitate the facial expressions of others, such as smiling and frowning; and respond to familiar sounds.
If a hollow sphere 7 of which the outer radius is R and the inner radius r is placed in a uniform field Ho, the field inside will also be uniform and in the same direction as Ho, and its value will be approximately 3 i - R 3 For a cylinder placed with its axis at right angles to the lines of force, 2 = Ho (41) 2 +4(-2)(i - R2) These expressions show that the thicker the screen and the greater its permeability o, the more effectual will be the shielding action.
We may therefore generally substitute s/2n for tan 0 in the various expressions which have been given for I.
It deserves to be recorded as one of the numerous coincidences of discovery that Laplace, on being made acquainted by Lagrange with his new method, produced analogous expressions, to which his independent researches had led him.
Hitherto, in order to prove the equality of two expressions for the same function, it was necessary to transform the one into the other, i.e.