Expressing Sentence Examples
I was merely expressing a personal opinion.
Haydn finds the pianoforte so completely capable of expressing his meaning that he is at a loss to find independent material for any accompanying instruments; and the violoncello in his trios has, except perhaps in four passages in the whole collection of thirty-three works, not a note to play that is not already in the bass of the pianoforte; while the melodies of the violin are, more often than not, doubled in the treble.
But in Italy, although they were severally identified with the papal and imperial parties, they really served as symbols for jealousies which altered in complexion from time to time and place to place, expressing more than antagonistic political principles, and involving differences vital enough to split the social fabric to its foundation.
In Milan the archbishop organizes the hitherto voiceless, defenceless population into a community capable of expressing its needs, and an army ready to maintain its rights.
He glanced at the empty table and then at her, the dark eyes expressing concern.
This conference adopted an address to the queen expressing its loyalty and attachment, and submitting certain resolutions which affirmed the desirability of an early union, under the crown, of the Australasian colonies, on principles just to all, and provided that the remoter Australasian colonies should be entitled to admission upon terms to be afterwards agreed upon, and that steps should be taken for the appointment of delegates to a national Australasian convention, to consider and report upon an adequate scheme for a federal convention.
Every face bore almost the same smile, expressing unseemly thoughts about the women.
To Sir William Kingston she protested her entire innocence, and on the scaffold while expressing her submission she made no confession.
A physicist, however, does more than merely quantitatively determine specific properties of matter; he endeavours to establish mathematical laws which co-ordinate his observations, and in many cases the equations expressing such laws contain functions or terms which pertain solely to the chemical composition of matter.
The limiting law expressing the behaviour of gases under varying temperature and pressure assumes the form pv= RT; so stated, this law is independent of chemical composition and may be regarded as a true physical law, just as much as the law of universal gravitation is a true law of physics.
AdvertisementThere is no difficulty in expressing the resultant by the method of symmetric functions.
The important thing to notice is that where, in any of these five cases, one statement is followed by another, the second is not to be regarded as obtained from the first by logical reasoning involving such general axioms as that " if equals are taken from equals the remainders are equal "; the fact being that the two statements are merely different ways of expressing the same relation.
You are simply expressing a disgust for his public behavior.
For example, you may find a spring rain to be refreshing and renewing but the one you are expressing it to may find that to be dreary and depressing, so know your audience.
Berengar's belief was not shaken by their arguments and exhortations, and hearing that Lanfranc, the most celebrated theologian of that age, strongly approved the doctrine of Paschasius and condemned that of " Scotus " (really Ratramnus), he wrote to him a letter expressing his surprise and urging him to reconsider the question.
AdvertisementAs in quaternions, so in the extensive calculus, there are numerous formulae of transformation which enable us to deal with extensive quantities without expressing them in terms of the primary units.
The germs of the theory of determinants are to be found in the works of Leibnitz; Etienne Bezout utilized them in 1764 for expressing the result obtained by the process of elimination known by his name, and since restated by Arthur Cayley.
The formula expressing the optical power of prismatic spectroscopes may readily be investigated upon the principles of the wave theory.
It may be worth while to examine further the other variations from correct ruling which correspond to the various terms expressing the deviation of the wave-surface from a perfect plane.
Evidently derived from the Chinese, of which it appears to be a very ancient dialect, the Annamese language is composed of monosyllables, of slightly varied articulation, expressing different ideas according to the tone in which they are pronounced.
AdvertisementThe abdomen is still "full of surprises"; and he who has most experience of this deceptive region will have least confidence in expressing positive opinions in particular cases of disease without operative investigation.
Bornemann re-examined all these results with great care, and gave formulae expressing the variation of the coefficients of discharge in different conditions (Civil Ingenieur, 1880).
Both at Euyuk and Yasili Kaya reliefs in one and the same series are widely separated in artistic conception and execution, some showing the utmost naiveté, others expressing both outline and motion with fair success.
Potent, however, as such a vehicle is for expressing thought, its ideographic script constitutes a great obstacle to general acquisition, and the Japanese soon applied themselves to minimizing the difficulty by substituting a phonetic system.
He caused his chief minister Fagel to write a letter expressing his disapprobation of the religious policy of James, which was published in November 1687.
AdvertisementObserving that F is a function of the co-ordinates expressing the state of the substance, we obtain for the variation of S with pressure at constant temperature, dS/dp (0 const) '=' 2 F/dedp =-0d 2 v/d0 2 (p const) (12) If the heat supplied to a substance which is expanding reversibly and doing external work, pdv, is equal to the external work done, the intrinsic energy, E, remains constant.
The other heads are badly damaged owing to the fact that the white marble from Doliana, of which they are made, does not resist damp. But they still show in the intensity of their expression the power of expressing passion for which Scopas was famous beyond all other ancient sculptors.
But notwithstanding its general prevalence in the East for many centuries, authors using it differ much with regard to their manner of expressing dates, in consequence of the different epochs adopted for the beginning of the year.
It is sincere and straightforward, and obviously innocent of any motive beyond that of clearly expressing the writer's meaning.
In February, however,Bolivar formally resigned the presidency of the republic,at the same time expressing a determination to refute the imputations of ambition which had been so freely cast upon him, by retiring into private life, and spending the remainder of his days on his patrimonial estate.
Other standards of reference may be used in special connexions; for example, the Earth is the usual unit for expressing the relative density of the other members of the solar system.
Late in 1545, or very early in 1546, he opened a fatal correspondence with Calvin, forwarding the manuscript of a much-enlarged revision of his theological tracts and expressing a wish to visit Geneva.
Again, while the Gospel and the Epistle of John show marks of agreement which suggest a common authorship, the Apocalypse differs widely from both in its ideas and in its way of expressing them; we miss in it the frequent references to ` life,' ` light,' ` truth,' ` grace ' and ` love ' which are characteristic of the Apostle and find ourselves in a totally different region of thought..
The accused repudiated the charge of having abandoned the Catholic doctrine, while expressing hearty admiration and respect for the memory of Wycliffe.
The equation of energy is dQ=dE+pdv, (17) expressing that the total energy dQ is used partly in increasing the internal energy of the gas, and partly in expanding the gas against the pressure p. If we take p = RNT/v from equation (14) and substitute for E from equation (16), this last equation becomes dQ 2 (n +3)RNdT +RNTdv (18) which may be taken as the general equation of calorimetry, for a gas which accurately obeys equation (14).
His simple and forcible mode of expressing himself gave birth to the proverbial expression "Scythian eloquence," but his epigrams are as unauthentic as the letters which are often attributed to him.
Next day the National Assembly issued a decree expressing their great sorrow on account of his death; and the public funeral on the 7th of July was one of the most striking spectacles of its kind.
Cleveland had written a letter for publication before he became president, saying that a financial crisis of great severity must result if this coinage were continued, and expressing the hope that Congress would speedily put an end to it.
It was a rude way of expressing a desire for a more spiritual community.
The terms quadratureformula and cubature-formula are sometimes restricted to formulae for expressing the area of a trapezette, or the volume of a briquette, in terms of such data.
The first, which is the best known but is of limited application, consists in replacing each successive portion of the figure by another figure whose ordinate is an algebraical function of x or of x and y, and expressing the area or volume of this latter figure (exactly or approximately) in terms of the given ordinates.
The majority of the white farmers in Kok's territory sent a deputation to the British commissioner in Natal, Henry Cloete, asking for equal treatment with the Griquas, and expressing the desire to come on such terms, under British protection.
At the end of 1851 an important event took place, which ended a long-standing grievance on the part of the queen, in Lord Palmerston's dismissal from the office of foreign secre- The tary on account of his expressing approval of Louis Napoleon's coup d'etat in Paris.
Smith on the 2nd of July, expressing, on the one hand, the queen's desire to provide for Prince Albert Victor of Wales, and, Mr Smith, seconded by Gladstone, a select committee was appointed to consider these messages and to to report to the house as to the existing practice and as to the principles to be adopted for the future.
In combining the two and expressing the effect of nature on the feelings and of the feelings on the aspect of nature he was absolutely without a forerunner or ` a model.
At present the belief in an objective atonement is still widely held; whether in the form of penal theories - the old forensic view that the death of Christ atones by paying the penalty of man's sin - or in the form of governmental theories; that the Passion fulfilled a necessity of divine government by expressing and vindicating God's righteousness.
Later still he engaged in the study of the relations between chemical constitution and rotation of the plane of polarization in a magnetic field, and enunciated a law expressing the variation of such rotation in bodies belonging to homologous series.
He must have died before 246, in which year his sister Claudia was fined for publicly expressing a wish that her brother Publius could rise from the grave to lose a second fleet and thereby diminish the number of the people.
His most celebrated pieces are Hugo; Mnich (" The Monk"); Lambro, a Greek corsair, quite in the style of Byron; Anhelli, a very Dantesque poem expressing under the form of an allegory the sufferings of Poland; Krol duck (" The Spirit King"), another mysterious and allegorical poem; Waclaw, on the same subject as the Marya of Malczewski, to be afterwards noticed; Beniowski, a long poem in ottava rima on this strange adventurer, something in the style of Byron's humorous poems; Kordyan, of the same school as the English poet's Manfred; Lilla Weneda, a poem dealing with the early period of Slavonic history.
The outline of Job's story was no doubt supplied by tradition; and a later poet has developed this outline, and made it a vehicle for expressing his new thoughts respecting a great moral problem which perplexed his contemporaries.
The orderliness of nature is appealed to as expressing the mind of its Creator.
Papineau, By Dealing With More Complex Questions, Taking A Higher Point Of View, And Expressing Himself With A Much Apter Flexibility Of Style.
Indeed, throughout his writings he shows a constant wish to avail himself of what is true in the opinions of others, whether they are philosophers, or poets or ordinary people expressing their thoughts in sayings and proverbs.
He conceived the agitation for reform to be a purely fictitious one, worked up by partisans and men of disorder in their own interest, and expressing no real want on the part of the public at large.
The letters r and t have been discarded in favour of 1 and k, as expressing more accurately the native pronunciation, so that, for example, taro, the former name of the Colocasia plant, is now kalo.
His dialectical dexterity in evading the necessity of expressing his fiscal opinions further than he had already done became a daily subject for contemptuous criticism in the Liberal press; but he insisted that in any case no definite action could be taken till the next parliament; and while he declined to go the "whole hog" - as the phrase went - with Mr Chamberlain, he did nothing to discourage Mr Chamberlain's campaign.
His strong, picturesque mode of seizing and expressing things gave him an immense living influence both in speech and writing, and disseminated a popular knowledge of physical science such as had not previously existed.
This attitude towards existence, expressing itself in different phraseology, has been prominent to a greater or less degree since Xenophanes and Heraclitus.
Owing to the imperfection of the Hebrew alphabet, which, like that of most Semitic languages, has no means of expressing vowel-sounds, it is only partly possible to trace the development of the language.
Mary received the announcement with majestic tranquillity, expressing in dignified terms her readiness to die, her consciousness that she was a martyr for her religion, and her total ignorance of any conspiracy against the life of Elizabeth.
Cleanthes and Philo come to an agreement, in admitting a certain illogical force in the a posteriori argument, or, at least, in expressing a conviction as to God's existence, which may not perhaps be altogether devoid of foundation.
The most powerful of the Belgian poets, Emile Verhaeren, is the most daring in his technical methods of expressing bizarre sensation, and has been called the " poet of paroxysm."
He succeeded more nearly than any of his predecessors in expressing or suggesting ideas and emotions which might have been supposed to be capable of translation only in terms of music. " The unconscious self, or rather the sub-conscious self," says Emile Verhaeren, " recognized in the verse and prose of Maeterlinck its language or rather its stammering attempt at language."
At last, at the famous sitting of the 9th Thermidor, he ventured to present as the report of the committees of General Security and Public Safety a document expressing his own views, a sight of which, however, had been refused to the other members of committee on the previous evening.
By this means we have a convenient mode of expressing on paper the exact position of the leaves upon an axis.
Fourier defined another constant expressing the rate of loss of heat at a bounding surface per degree of difference of temperature between the surface of the body and its surroundings.
The rate of diminution of amplitude expressed by the coefficient a in the index of the exponential is here greater than the coefficient b expressing the retardation of phase by a small term depending on the emissivity h.
The Olympiacus (388 B.C.) is a brilliant fragment, expressing the spirit of the festival at Olympia, and exhorting Greeks to unite against their common foes.
In 462 B.C. a tribune proposed that the appointment of a commission to draw up a code expressing the legal principles of the administration was necessary to secure for the plebs a hold over magisterial caprice.
Moreover, as they proceeded from a large number of independent authors, who wrote expressing their own opinions, they contained many discrepancies and contradictions, the dicta of one writer being controverted by another, while yet both writers might enjoy the same formal authority.
In view of the connexion, the poem is interpreted as expressing Lamech's exultation at the advantage he expects to derive from Tubal-Cain's new inventions; the worker in bronze will forge for him new and formidable weapons, so that he will be able to take signal vengeance for the least injury.
He is not the only man whom absorption in work and infirmity of temper have made into a provoking husband, though few wives have had Mrs Carlyle's capacity for expressing the sense of injustice.
It is true that down to the 15th century there were many Teutonic Scots who had difficulty in expressing themselves in " Ynglis," and that, at a later date, the literary vocabulary was strongly influenced by the Latin habit of Scottish culture; but the difficulty was generally academic, arising from a scholarly sensitiveness to style in the use of a medium which had no literary traditions; perhaps also from medieval and humanistic contempt of the vulgar tongue; in some cases from the cosmopolitan circumstance of the Scot and the special nature of his appeal to the learned world.
In a survey of the vernacular literature of Scotland it is advantageous to keep in mind that there are two main streams or threads running throughout, the one literary in the higher sense, expressing itself in " schools " of a more artificial or academic type; the other popular, also in the better sense of that term, more native, more rooted in national tradition, more persistent and conversely less bookish in fashion.
The unwieldiness of the plot and its inconsistencies show, too, that Schiller had not yet mastered the new form of drama; but Don Carlos at least provided him with an opportunity of expressing ideas of political and intellectual freedom with which, as the disciple of Rousseau, he was in warm sympathy.
When his business was enlarged in 1881 by the establishment of a tapestry industry at Merton, in Surrey, Morris found yet another means for expressing the medievalism that inspired all his work, whether on paper or at the loom.
But this version of the idea of Antichrist, hostile to the Jews and better expressing the relation of Christianity to the Roman empire, was prevented from obtaining an absolute ascendancy in Christian tradition by the rise of the belief in the ultimate return of Nero, and by the absorption of this outcome of pagan superstition into the Jewish-Christian apocalyptic conceptions.
Expressing this condition we obtain mb = 1/ nc = o as the relation which must hold between the co-efficients of the above equation and the sides of the triangle of reference for the equation to represent a parabola.
The various forms in areal co-ordinates may be derived from the above by substituting Xa for 1, µb for m and vc for n, or directly by expressing the condition for tangency of the line x+y+z = o to the conic expressed in areal coordinates.
No pantheistic theory of an eternal substance continuously expressing itself in different individuals who fall back into its being like drops into the ocean will here be sufficient.
For openly expressing his opinion that lenient measures ought to be pursued towards the Vendeans he was recalled; but in April 1794 he was once more reinstated and sent to the Army of the Sambreand-Meuse.
Let it be supposed that two positive lenses of equal curvature powers are made out of these two glasses, then in order to represent the combined dispersion of the two together the two 0µ's for each spectral region may be added together to form 0'µ as in the line below, and then, on again expressing the partial z'µ in terms of L'µ (C to F) we get the new figures in the bottom row beneath the asterisks.
On June 13 Cadorna took counsel with his generals, who were nearly unanimous in expressing a grave view of the situation.
When Bosanquet says that in " Heat is a mode of motion " there is no reference to individual objects, but " a pure hypothetical form which absolutely neglects the existence of objects," he falls far short of expressing the nature of this scientific judgment, for in his Theory of Heat Clerk Maxwell describes it as " believing heat as it exists in a hot body to be in the form of kinetic energy."
The four judgments are different, and therefore logically the propositions fully expressing them are also different.
If we abstract from any actual combination of subject and predicate and proceed to determine the types of predicate asserted in simple propositions of fact, we have on the one hand a subject which is never object, a " first substance " or concrete thing, of which may be predicated in the first place " second substance " expressing that it is a member of a concrete class, and in the second place quantity, quality, correlation, action and the like.
The comparative motion of two points at a given instant is capable of being completely expressed by one of Sir William Hamiltons Quaternions,the tensor expressing the velocity ratio, and the versor the directional relation.
The comparative motion of the first driver and last follower is obtained by combining the proportions expressing by their terms the velocity ratios and by their signs the directional relations of the several elementary combinations of which the train consists.
Principle of the Conservation of Energy in Machines.The following principle, expressing the general law of the action of machines with a velocity uniform or varying, includes the law of the equality of energy and work stated in 89 for machines of uniform speed.
Yet even the most defective poems commonly have, at least, a single verse, expressing some profound thought or tender shade of feeling, for which the sympathetic reader willingly pardons artistic imperfections in the rest.
The complex onward effort of the modern nations, expressing itself in Italy as Renaissance, in Germany as Reformation, had aroused the forces of conservatism.
Ogilvy in a Catalogue of Australian Mammals, published at Sydney in 1892; the writer going however one step further and expressing the belief that the dingo is the ancestor of all domesticated dogs.
It is certainly true that the same emotional temperament, dissolving in tears at the spectacle of the country's woes, and expressing itself to a great extent in the same or similar language, is noticeable in the author(s) of Lamentations i.-iv.
Lambert for expressing as a continued fraction of the preceding type the quotient of two convergent power series.
The edict expressing the royal will on the religious question is dated in June, but the date of coronation is uncertain.
In 1780 van Plettenberg, the governor, proclaimed the Sneeuwbergen the northern boundary of the colony, expressing " the anxious hope that no more extension should take 'place, and with heavy penalties forbidding the rambling peasants to wander beyond."
Though generally temperate in his views, he was extremely incisive and often violent in his modes of expressing them, so that he made many enemies and sometimes incurred the displeasure of the press-censure and the ministers, against which he was more than once protected by Alexander III.
But - the o,uoo iatos has been laid down, and must be recognized as correctly expressing the mystery; only one ought to rest satisfied with that word and with the repudiation of Arianism.
The writer of the Kitab-al-Fihrist says he had been assured that Jaber only wrote one book and even that he never existed at all, but these statements he scouts as ridiculous, and expressing the conviction that Jaber really did exist, and that his works were numerous and important, goes on to quote the titles of some 500 treatises attributed to him.
Article 1, after expressing the regret felt by Her Majesty's government for the escape, in whatever circumstances, of the "Alabama" and other vessels from British ports, and for the depredations committed by these vessels, provided that "the claims growing out of the acts of the said vessels, and generically known as the ` Alabama ' claims" should be referred to a tribunal composed of five arbitrators, one to be named by each of the contracting parties and the remaining three by the king of Italy, the president of the Swiss Confederation and the emperor of Brazil respectively.
Instead of expressing the amounts of gold and silver in percentages of the weight of ore, they are expressed in ounces to the ton, the ounce being the troy ounce and the ton that of 2000 avoirdupois pounds.
In July 1600 he sent home to the In Liefde bloeiende a very fine letter in verse, expressing his aspirations for the development of Dutch poetry.
Not one of the conspirators, even when all hope of saving life was gone, made any accusation against Salisbury or the government and all died expressing contrition for their crime.
At the same time it will be conceded that he possessed a copious vocabulary, a fine ear for cadence, and the faculty of expressing every shade of thought or feeling.
As a matter of fact, it confined itself to expressing certain desiderata in a "libellus supplicatorius" which it submitted to the new pope.
The dialogue is so spontaneous a mode of expressing and noting down the undulations of human thought that it almost escapes analysis.
It is true that to some extent these means of utterance are common to the lower animals, the power of expressing emotion by cries and tones extending far down in the scale of animal life, while rudimentary gesture-signs are made by various mammals and birds.
His language, expressing thoughts by conventional articulate sounds, is the same in essential principle as the most cultivated philosophic dialect, only less exact and copious.
Both ideas, or both modes of expressing what is fundamentally the same idea, have this in common, that life is not a sum of the qualities of the chemical elements contained in protoplasm, but a function first of the peculiar architecture of the mixture, and then of the high complexity of the compounds contained in the mixture.
All this time Heloise had lived amid universal esteem for her knowledge and character, uttering no word under the doom that had fallen upon her youth; but now, at last, the occasion came for expressing all the pent-up emotions of her soul.
These are among the greatest treasures ever given to the world by the human spirit expressing itself in pen and pencil.
A remarkable manifestation of this unprecedented reunion was the fact that a committee of the associated churches prepared and published a catechism expressing the positive and fundamental agreement of all the Evangelical Free Churches on the essential doctrines of Christianity (see The Contemporary Review, January 1899).
Without expressing any decided opinion as to the morphology of the double cone-scale of the Abietineae, preference may be felt in favour of regarding the cone-scale of the Araucarieae as a simple carpellary leaf bearing a single ovule.
Mayor's show in London is the most conspicuous survival; the processions connected with royal coronations and with court ceremonies generally; the processions of friendly societies, so popular in Great Britain and America; processions organized as a demonstration of political or other opinions; processions forming part of the ceremonies of public worship. In a narrower sense of "going forth, proceeding," the term is used in the technical language of theology in the phrase "Procession of the Holy Ghost," expressing the relation of the Third Person in the Triune Godhead to the Father and the Son.
He made a short speech on the scaffold, expressing his repentance, and mounted the ladder last and with assistance, being weak from torture and illness.
One can see how a language not originally suited for abstract problems and theological dialectics was slowly but surely improved and made capable of expressing profound and subtle ideas.
Jorge Villalonga, Count de la Cueva, expressing his opinion that the maintenance of this dignity was too great a burden on the settlers, the viceroyalty gave place to a simple presidency.
Addition is the process of expressing (in numeration or notation) a whole, the parts of which have already been expressed; while, if a whole has been expressed and also a part or parts, subtraction is the process of expressing the remainder.
Also most fractions cannot be expressed exactly as decimals; and this is also the case for surds and logarithms, as well as for the numbers expressing certain ratios which arise out of geometrical relations.
The pth root of a number (§43) may, if the number is an integer, be found by expressing it in terms of its prime factors; or, if it is not an integer, by expressing it as a fraction in its lowest terms, and finding the pth roots of the numerator and of the denominator separately.
The theory of continued fractions gives a method of expressing a number, in certain cases, as a continued product.
Any exact fraction can be expressed as a continued fraction, and there are methods for expressing as continued fractions certain other numbers, e.g.
There is as yet no satisfactory classification of the Ophiurida into orders expressing lines of descent; even as regards families, leading writers are at variance.
But modifica tions in the order of placing the natural groups are of importance in expressing the results of such investigations.
Some twenty thousand Parisians signed a petition expressing sympathy with Louis.
The Stoics, in fact, seem generally to have regarded the eccentricities of Cynicism as an emphatic manner of expressing the essential antithesis between philosophy and the world; a manner which, though not necessary or even normal, might yet be advantageously adopted by the sage under certain circumstances.2 Wherein, then, consists this knowledge or wisdom that makes free and perfect?
It belongs to this view to regard the imperfection of things as devoid of real being, and so incapable of being definitely thought or known; accordingly, we find that Plato has no technical term for that in the concrete sensible world which hinders it from perfectly expressing the abstract ideal world, and which in Aristotle's system is distinguished as absolutely formless matter (An).
The development of this branch has infused life and interest into what might a few years ago have been regarded as the most lifeless mass of figures possible, expressing merely the positions and motions of innumerable individual stars, as determined by generations of astronomical observers.
The equations do this without expressing any conception, such as that of force, not associated with the actual phenomena.
Investigation soon showed that certain integrals expressing relations between the motions not only of three but of any number of bodies could be found.
The general equations expressing the motion of a planet considered as a material particle round a centre of attraction lead to theorems the more interesting of which will now be enunciated.
Now, consider the values of these same variables expressing the position of the planet at a second point Q, and the speed with which it passes that point.
Plana (1781-1864), effected the integration by expressing the time in terms of the moon's true longitude.
The essences or forms - the intelligibilia which constitute the world of real knowledge - may be looked at in themselves (metaphysically), or as embodied in the things of sense (physically), or as expressing the processes of thought (logically).
Secondly, the form may be looked at as the similarity evolved by a process of comparison, as the work of mental reflection, and in that way as essentially expressing a relation.
This first period of human culture has been subdivided by Lord Avebury into Palaeolithic and Neolithic, words which have been generally accepted as expressing the two stages of the rough, unpolished and the finely finished and polished stone implements.
The determination of the curves of constant retardation depends upon expressing the retardation in terms of the optical constants of the crystal, the angle of incidence and the azimuth of the plane of incidence.
The idea of convection of heat by an electric current, and the phrase "specific heat of electricity" were introduced by Thomson as a convenient mode of expressing the phenomena of the Thomson effect.
As a convenient method of expressing the arrangement of the parts of the flower, floral formulae have been devised.
But it is certain that he explained to his own satisfaction and accepted every item of the Roman Catholic creed, even going beyond it, as in holding the pope to be infallible in canonization; and while expressing his preference for English as compared with Italian devotional forms, he was himself one of the first to introduce such into England, together with the ritual peculiarities of the local Roman Church.
The olive press, which was also used in the vineyards for expressing the grape juice, found its way from the south of France to the north, and was employed there for expressing poppy seed and rape seed.
Hence this kind of press finds only limited application, as in the industry of olive oil for expressing the best and finest virgin oil, and in the production of animal fats for edible purposes, such as lard and oleomargarine.
A further quantity is obtained by expressing the seed meal at a somewhat elevated temperature, reached by warming the comminuted seeds or fruits either immediately after they leave the five-roller mill, or after t'ie "cold drawn oil" has been taken off.
If care be exercised in the process of rendering animal oils and fats or expressing oils in the cold, the products are, as a rule, sufficiently pure to be delivered to the consumer, after a preliminary settling has allowed any mucilaginous matter, such as animal or vegetable fibres or other impurities, and also traces of moisture, to separate out.
He very commonly employs the term affection of the faculty of sense as expressing the mode of origin, but offers no further explanation of a term which has significance only when interpreted after a somewhat mechanical fashion.
I've always been a little inept at expressing my feelings.
He was clumsy at expressing verbal emotion and physical emotion was beyond him, but his eyes.
Incapable of human emotion, Darkyn was nonetheless expressing what demon emotions he had.
She could almost forgive him expressing his blunt opinion to his father.
Dean was hoping his wife would refrain from expressing her concerns about the woman, but no such luck.
Gladys flitted back and forth, like a moth in a lamp shop, alternating with Dean for the hall phone, apparently conversing with an editor who was expressing interest in the lurid tales of Belfair of Draghow and her sexual mischief about the stars.
The Prime Minister began the event by expressing sympathy with the people of Russia following last week's school siege.
Workers on the advice line can also prepare a self advocacy letter to social services expressing your concerns.
Also involves the anthropologist expressing feelings felt during fieldwork, and relations built w / members of community.
When Panorama put out a program which included some Conservative backbenchers expressing doubts about the use of military force she was consumed with rage.
The loyalist cease-fire allowed people to feel safer in publicly expressing political feelings in such a campaign.
To win Middle England there is little point in expressing compassion for those children who would be excluded by the Government's reforms.
I know that that's a throwaway comment expressing your frustration strathclyde, but I'm utterly convinced of the opposite!
I have very few rules, but I do maintain unswerving dedication to expressing 'one thing ' .
This is simply the rebel expressing his/her displeasure at their own lack of autonomy.
Even some of the Prime Minister's oldest allies are now expressing doubts.
The Aussies start expressing their support for their fella and the Australian Alps are still full, if slightly downcast.
At Oxford, he engaged in amateur dramatics, expressing a wish to be an actor.
Itfs more on showing the rare skill of getting your idea across to someone else expressing the elation you have for it.
Accordingly, the lyrics were concerned with expressing affection and exploring more tender emotions.
Predicate logic provides remarkable insight into these questions by providing a precise formalism capable of expressing all ordinary mathematics.
The toxin is released in root exudates from a number of maize hybrids expressing three different transformation events [22] .
Turner's vision remains as vital today, expressing as it does the often inchoate and funereal qualities of the Venetian experience.
It is a set of metaphors and images and a language for expressing intuitions honed after years of training.
The music and dancing is raw and emotive, expressing joy, love and life.
C. McGowan (Scripps Research Institute, U.S.A.) for various constructs expressing human wee1 kinase.
Pusztai and his coworkers created GM potatoes expressing a snowdrop lectin (GNA) to increase resistance to insects and nematodes.
Effect of diets containing genetically modified potatoes expressing Galanthus nivalis lectin on rat small intestine.
Such a differential structure, expressing the local versus global nature of brain structure, is lacking in adaptive linear algebra.
Protection of transgenic plants expressing the coat protein gene of watermelon mosaic virus II or zucchini yellow mosaic virus against six potyviruses.
In high-grade cervical neoplasia, cells expressing the viral E7 protein can be found close to the epithelial surface.
Each individual phage expresses 5 copies of the same peptide, and the library contains phage expressing over 10 10 different peptides.
Singing, playing instruments, dancing, painting and composing poetry are all various ways of expressing human emotions in a creative manner.
Production of transgenic soybean lines expressing the bean pod mottle virus coat protein precursor gene.
Overhead, the striking roof structure is exposed, expressing the oak rafters, posts, collars and braces.
Regionally produced drama and entertainment can be a potent and effective means of expressing such regionalism and meeting the needs of audiences.
The lighting effect here is somewhat subliminal, more about rendering the image expressing a lighting style.
So long as the particles are supposed to be very small and to differ little from their environment in optical properties, there is little difference between the electric and the elastic solid theories, and the results expressing the character of the scattered light are equivalent to (5).
The verb presents a variety of conjugations, expressing nearly all the moods and tenses of the Greek.
His "hypocrisy" consists principally in the Biblical language he employed, which with Cromwell, as with many of his contemporaries, was the most natural way of expressing his feelings, and in the ascription of every incident to the direct intervention of God's providence, which was really Cromwell's sincere belief and conviction.
Taking up his residence at Philadelphia, he wrote a few months later to Thomas Russell expressing unqualified dislike of the American people, whom he was disappointed to find no more truly democratic in sentiment and no less attached to order and authority than the English; he described George Washington as a "high-flying aristocrat," and he found the aristocracy of money in America still less to his liking than the European aristocracy of birth.
Harvey proceeds to contrast this view with that of the " Medici," or followers of Hippocrates and Galen, who, " badly philosophizing," imagined that the brain, the heart, and the liver were simultaneously first generated in the form of vesicles; and, at the same time, while expressing his agreement with Aristotle in the principle of epigenesis, he maintains that it is the blood which is the primal generative part, and not, as Aristotle thought, the heart.
He followed Ptolemy closely, enlarging on his distinction between geography and chorography, and expressing the artistic analogy in a rough diagram.
The latter, after expressing an opinion favourable to Athanasius, adroitly invited both parties to lay the case before a synod to be presided over by himself.
To the right-hand member of the equation he then adds the number expressing the thermal effect of the reaction, heat-evolution being as before counted positive, and heat-absorption negative.
Moreover, all Mr. Henderson's Labour colleagues in the Government opposed his views; and on Mr. Lloyd George expressing the surprise of the rest of the War Cabinet at his action and their dissent from his policy he resigned and was succeeded by Mr. George Barnes.
Had Wagner been a man of more urbane literary intellect he might have been less ambitious of expressing a world-philosophy in music-drama; and it is just conceivable that the result might have been a less intermittent dramatic movement in his later works, and a balance of ethical ideas at once more subtle and more orthodox.
But people whose love of literature is more independent find it hard to take Wagner's poetry and prose seriously, unless they have already measured him by his music. He effected no reform in literature; his meticulous adherence to the archaic alliteration of the Nibelungenlied is not allied with any sense of beauty in verbal sound or verse-rhythm; and his ways of expressing emotion in language consist chiefly in the piling-up of superlatives.
As a result of this left-handed censure, a counter-demonstration was organized, led by Sir Bartle Frere, and a public address, signed by over 370,000 persons, was presented to Lord Milner expressing high appreciation of the services rendered by him in Africa to the crown and empire.
He quotes Fenelon and Addison, "deux esprits polis et doux, de la meme famille litteraire," as expressing their admiration for the inimitable beauty and naturalness of one of his scenes.
But, whatever might be Shaftesbury's speculative opinions or his mode of expressing them, all witnesses bear testimony to the elevation and purity of his life and aims. As an earnest student, and ardent lover of liberty, an enthusiast in the cause of virtue, and a man of unblemished life and untiring beneficence,, Shaftesbury probably had no superior in his generation.
It contains speeches in the antique manner, which may be taken partly as embodying the author's commentary upon situations of importance, partly as expressing what he thought dramatically appropriate to prominent personages.
He appears, in the composition of his various pieces, to have treated everything that occurred to him in the most desultory fashion, sometimes adopting the form of dialogue, sometimes that of an epistle or an imaginary discourse, and often to have spoken in his own name, giving an account of his travels and adventures, or of amusing scenes that he had witnessed, or expressing the results of his private meditations and experiences.
In the French drama an unimaginative imitation of ancient models had long prevailed; even in art Poussin and Le Sueur were successful by expressing a bias in the same direction; and in the first years of the revolutionary movement the fashion of imitating the ancients even in dress and manners went to the most extravagant length.
The equation to a parabola in triangular co-ordinates is generally derived by expressing the condition that the line at infinity is a tangent in the equation to the general conic. For example, in trilinear co-ordinates, the equation to the general conic circumscribing the triangle of reference is 113y+mya+naf3=o; for this to be a parabola the line as + b/ + cy = o must be a tangent.
Derivatively it includes the practice of polyandry, but it has become definitely restricted to expressing what has been, and still is, far the commonest type of relations between the sexes (see Family and Marriage).
His writings divide themselves into dissertations upon such topics as the "Liberality of Princes" or "Ferocity," composed in the rhetorical style of the day, and poems. He was distinguished for energy of Latin style, for vigorous intellectual powers, and for the faculty, rare among his contemporaries, of expressing the facts of modern life, the actualities of personal emotion, in language suffPciently classical yet always characteristic of the man.
Then if 0 is the centre of curvature in the plane of the paper, and BO =u, I _ cos sinew u R 1 R2 Let POQ=o, PO=r, PQ=f, BP=z, f 2 = u 2 +r 2 -2ur cos 0 (26) The element of the stratum at Q may be expressed by ou t sin o do dw, or expressing do in terms of df by (26), our 1fdfdw.
While expressing admiration for the signs which had come under its notice of the advance of civilization in the Congo State, the commission confirmed the reports of the existence of grave abuses in the upper Congo, and recommended a series of measures which would in its opinion suffice to ameliorate the evil.
Day after day she moved her pencil in the same tracks along the grooved paper, never for a moment expressing the least impatience or sense of fatigue.
At first, the words, phrases and sentences which she used in expressing her thoughts were all reproductions of what we had used in conversation with her, and which her memory had unconsciously retained.
If I suggested any improvement in his mode of life, he merely answered, without expressing any regret, that it was too late.
It is only expressing to men feebly your desire that it should prevail.
But at the very time he was expressing this conviction to himself, in another part of his mind her image rose in all its womanly beauty.
It looked as if by that slight motion the army itself was expressing its joy at the approach of the Emperors.
Moreover, paying such honor to Bagration was the best way of expressing disapproval and dislike of Kutuzov.
The committeemen met him at the first door and, expressing their delight at seeing such a highly honored guest, took possession of him as it were, without waiting for his reply, surrounded him, and led him to the drawing room.
Boris, speaking with deliberation, told them in pure, correct French many interesting details about the armies and the court, carefully abstaining from expressing an opinion of his own about the facts he was recounting.
Though he usually spoke easily and well, he felt a difficulty in expressing himself now while talking with Speranski.
He could apparently not refrain from expressing the thoughts that had suddenly occurred to him.
He was in a state of physical suffering as if from corporal punishment, and could not avoid expressing it by cries of anger and distress.
Only then, expressing known historic facts by equations and comparing the relative significance of this factor, can we hope to define the unknown.
It very often happened that in a moment of irritation husband and wife would have a dispute, but long afterwards Pierre to his surprise and delight would find in his wife's ideas and actions the very thought against which she had argued, but divested of everything superfluous that in the excitement of the dispute he had added when expressing his opinion.
Natasha and Pierre, left alone, also began to talk as only a husband and wife can talk, that is, with extraordinary clearness and rapidity, understanding and expressing each other's thoughts in ways contrary to all rules of logic, without premises, deductions, or conclusions, and in a quite peculiar way.
Some react to stress by expressing their fears openly.
We talked about expressing one 's religiosity in a way not to touch another person.
Results from other groups using transgenic animals expressing different variants of ret rearrangement support our findings in man.
The product is based on a highly engineered retrovirus gene delivery system expressing a specific human cytochrome P450 gene.
Expressing sexuality A tracheostomy involves an alteration in the normal body functioning of breathing, which requires some adaptation to an altered body image.
The Prime Minister began the event by expressing sympathy with the people of Russia following last week 's school siege.
Production of transgenic citrus plants expressing the citrus tristeza virus coat protein gene.
Expressing and releasing your deepest emotions, whether positive or negative, is a healing process called catharsis.
Laughter can be a catharsis for expressing joy and amusement.
Others write dedication poems to their children, expressing their love and loss in beautiful words.
The site also includes cards expressing thanks, congratulations, and friendship.
If you share your home with cats, then you might enjoy expressing your holiday spirit this season by decking the halls with a few cat Christmas ornaments and cards.
Other vets caution against a raw diet, expressing concern over any ground bone meal or lack of specific nutrients your cat might need.
Books that teach about emotions are also good choices for toddlers, who often have trouble expressing their feelings adequately.
Also, the children's physician and teachers may be able to refer you to a children's divorce support group where your children can feel comfortable expressing themselves.
Bohemian style decorating is all about living simply and expressing one's creativity throughout the design.
As an independent professional, an image consultant guides you in presenting yourself to your best advantage and in expressing your highest potential.
The actress held nothing back in fully expressing her passion for scent when she introduced her first fragrance.
With advanced planning and a bit of inspiration, you can create a party face that compliments your costume while expressing your artful creativity and spirit!
When contacted by a spam profile, the text will often be something very generic about having just signed up for the site and expressing interest in meeting new people with few specifics.
Scrapbooking is all about expressing your creativity, so don't feel as if you need to be confined to one particular organizational system.
One form of constructive anger is expressing your feelings in a way that is assertive but nonthreatening.
When expressing your angry feelings always be tactful.
Expressing this uncontrolled anger at work is a great way to quickly lose a job.
While expressing displeasure is often the first step toward a resolution, people with anger management problems tend to become stuck at this step.
But that's not what you are thinking about right now-you're in love and for you, it's all about expressing that love.
As a teenage girl, clothes are a way of expressing yourself and it can be helpful to browse at junior clothing stores online to find the latest trends as well as amazing deals and unique styles.
The best thing about youth group games is that the group is a safe haven for expressing yourself.
Even the most caring son can have trouble expressing his sentiments when it comes to the woman who raised him.
Even if you are not writing funny vows, you may want to include a few lighthearted moments to give your spouse (and guests) a moment to recover from the loving sentiments you are expressing.
Choosing or writing personal wedding vows is a intimate and romantic way to customize a wedding ceremony while expressing love, friendship, trust, and commitment for a happily ever after.
Always add a ribbon, cellophane wrap or favor box, and tag to each guest's favor expressing your thanks for their presence at your wedding.
Expressing happiness about the new addition to the family is essential.
Sometimes even the most articulate writers are at a loss when it comes to truly expressing how they feel about a marriage involving their best friends or siblings.
However, you have the right to choose whatever type of dessert you want, and there's no good reason why you should refrain from expressing your personality and creativity with an unusual wedding cake design.
Since teens have such a different life from adults, they have different ways of expressing their inner turmoil.
Many fellow actors, including former boyfriend Ashton Kutcher, are expressing their sadness and condolences via Twitter, with Kutcher ending his Tweet with "…see you on the other side kid."
Former co-stars such as Alicia Silverstone are also expressing their heartfelt condolences to the Murphy family.
Her internet show is her way of expressing herself, and she is well-known as a local star.
The trickiest part is deciding which pair is right for the young girl in your life when it comes to expressing her own personal style.
The "emo style" is all about expressing an individual look, and that look can vary from one girl to the next.
You might also need to consider whether your dog needs to come along for every visit, especially if anyone is expressing displeasure about the house soiling.
Write letters to your local congressmen and senators expressing your concern about dog mills.
Gem stone wire wrapped jewelry is always highly unique and offers the wearer the opportunity to own a piece of jewelry expressing their own individuality.
Biker clothing is all about lifestyle and expressing how you feel.
However, independent bloggers such as the KhakiCargoShorts blog are filled with commenters expressing negative opinions about men in capri pants.
However, he suggested that nightmares were ways of the mind expressing events that people actually didn't want to have happen, so nightmares might occur as a warning to the conscious mind.
Wish-fulfilling dreams from the output perspective are expressing your deepest desires.
A little more of your personality can come through in this way, rather than simply expressing yourself with a username.
Clearly different wines, with each expressing its individuality.
Expressing milk manually or with a breast pump can alleviate this problem.
Behaviors that warrant grief counseling or therapy are unresolved anger and hostility, not expressing grief at all or minimally, or depression or anxiety that interferes with daily activities that lasts for weeks or months.
People with Tourette syndrome are more likely to exhibit non-obscene, socially inappropriate behaviors such as expressing insulting or socially unacceptable comments or performing socially unacceptable actions.
Children at this stage can be easily discouraged about creating art if they are overly criticized, teased by their peers, or become frustrated with art media or problems expressing what they see in their minds.
This use of the creative process is believed to provide the patient/artist with a means to gain insight to emotions and thoughts they might otherwise have difficulty expressing.
Children first learn to receive communications by listening to and understanding what they hear (supported by accompanying gestures); next, they experiment with expressing themselves through speaking and gesturing.
Others believe multicultural education interferes with a child expressing his or her own individuality, by placing too much emphasis on ethnic or racial backgrounds.
When a child is awakened by a nightmare she will soon become fully alert and able to remember the scary dream in elaborate detail, expressing emotions appropriate to the dream content.
Children who steal are often expressing displaced feelings of anxiety, rage, or alienation resulting from a disruption in their life, such as a parent's divorce or remarriage.
A habitual stealer is expressing a serious internal problem that needs close attention.
The therapy focuses on helping stutterers to discover easier and different ways of producing sounds and expressing thoughts.
This classification is often referred to as anxious-ambivalent because the child will demonstrate anger towards the caregiver at the same time they are expressing their need for comforting.
It's not just the task of creating a dance that will fit the abilities and styles of multiple dancers - it is also treating the group as a single organism that is expressing an idea through movement.
Many other people will be expressing their condolences in a short amount of time and it can be overwhelming for the family.
If you are expressing your sympathy with a letter or card, you will have the benefit of taking your time to compose your thoughts.
However, there's no hard and fast rule when it comes to expressing individuality, so there is no reason to consider black an absolute must.
By expressing themselves through a creative hair style, the emo look can help express emotions that may be hard to describe.
This style is less about emulating Heidi and more about expressing your bohemian side.
Punks are about being themselves and expressing their beliefs often through their style instead of words.
Not every girl can, nor would, wear a funky style on a formal occasion, but that doesn't mean you should shy away from expressing your eclectic personality for fear of standing out.
Finally, students work on expressing their knowledge.
Most of the upper-level job opportunities at Kmart are applied for online, where you can send resumes and cover letters expressing your qualifications.
If you love history or have a way with words and expressing your thoughts, or even if you just enjoy recording the thought of others, one of the 100 best careers in writing, researching or recording may be perfect for you.
They also make a great starting point for expressing yourself creatively with embellishments.
Who can say for sure, but in the North, wearing skimpy styles seems to have more to do with expressing your sexuality, while in the South they're really just viewed as more practical.
In the long run, it may or may not attract this specific girl, but expressing a true self confidence will help you to attract good friends and strong healthy relationships.
J. Date offers many different ways of expressing your interest in someone and then communicating with them.
People of all sizes can have difficulty in expressing their sexual needs, particularly if they have fetishes.
For example, a guy may one day realize that in order to have a loving relationship with a woman, he will need to be more respectful towards women, not cheat with other women and he will need to work on expressing his honest feelings.
Are you expressing your thoughts and feelings honestly and straightforward or is your body language saying "don't get to close or show too much interest?"
Likewise, I wonder what gets in your way of expressing your feelings without the aid of alcohol or long distance.
If you know the person well enough, and it is appropriate to do so, lightly touching his or her arm while you are conversing is another effective way of expressing interest through body language.
The fighting is a way for expressing the unspoken words and fears you and/or he feels.
This means, expressing how you have improved because of her being in your life.
In reality, though, it was simply a kiss, between humans expressing their genuine emotions for each other in a public way.
Something about the beauty of two women expressing romance and lust for each other has always captured the attention of the public, whether in a positive or negative way.
Some people are perfectly comfortable expressing their opinions on these topics without the potential of it leading to an argument.
Showing compassion and expressing empathy shows how much you care about the person you are with and keeps that love alive.
Beaudry designer rings are elegant and lavish, expressing not only romance and love but also the pure beauty and art of gemstones and fine metals.
By using good manners, sincerely expressing your congratulations and spending time with them you are bound to do exactly the right thing.
Relax and have fun! engagement poetry is all about expressing your love, and chances are good you can do that easily.
Getting engaged on Valentine's Day is very symbolic of your love for each other because it is a holiday that honors expressing love.
These sentimental cards have been around forever, and they are often filled with heartfelt rhymes that focus on expressing a syrupy message.
Ghostwriting projects often require that you mimic the style of another writer, instead of expressing yourself as you would normally.
Unless you are a globe-trotter or a person expressing the true source of his or her cultural heritage, it may be difficult for you to pull off the look of these noticeable handbags.
When it comes to expressing yourself, almost nothing makes a statement stronger than a great accessory.
Your Virgo really is expressing love for you.
If you are still trying to lure him, demonstrate how affectionate you can be by expressing your passion for life, for your friends, for the environment, whatever.
Expressing kindness towards animals is of paramount importance when you are trying to snag a Sag.
Passion is not to be confused with emotion in relationships because Capricorns are famously practical and try to steer clear of expressing dramatic thoughts and emotions whenever possible.
Virgo's fearfulness about change can sometimes make Scorpio feel as though she's being held back and prevented from fully expressing her sign.
Capricorns feel things deeply, but they have a very difficult time expressing and allowing those feelings to rise to the surface.
If each can learn from the other, with Scorpio sublimating some of her passionate responses and Virgo learning that expressing his feelings is a good thing, these two zodiac signs can remain well suited for some time to come.
He just doesn’t see the need for verbally expressing the depth of his feelings and, truth be told, is actually quite scared of needing someone too much.
Is he acting out or expressing violent emotions?
Autistic children often have great difficulty expressing themselves, frequently throwing temper tantrums instead of using speech.
That depends upon the day and the year, but teens and preteens won't have a problem expressing whatever style they prefer.
Help kids draw a few pictures expressing their gratitude, or bake cookies for the staff.
There's also a quiz for adults to test themselves on whether they are expressing that value, since children learn more from example than from anything else.
The act of loving and expressing gratitude to your child is a gift that should never be withheld.
According to The Great Amherst Mystery by Walter Hubbell, the doctor later wrote to a colleague regarding the case, expressing the sentiment that no one would believe him if he published what he had witnessed.
Although he began expressing himself artistically through graffiti, Chris now uses tattoo ink as his medium.
While prison tattoo guns are by far inferior to professional equipment, there is no stopping the men and women locked up behind bars from expressing their individuality with body art.
Expressing humility by tending to trash, scrubbing toilets and lessening the toil of your teachers is pretty standard and healthful in my opinion.
Remember to avoid expressing your emotions in front of your child, if possible.