Expresses Sentence Examples
It also expresses all that is necessary in this connexion.
Equation (3), § I expresses the fundamental condition which must be satisfied when a locomotive is starting a train.
He addresses him as an equal; he expresses sympathy with the prominent part he played in public life, and admiration for his varied accomplishments, but on his own subject claims to speak to him with authority.
Of other Greek prose writers he knew Thucydides and Hippocrates; while of the poets he expresses in more than one passage the highest admiration of Homer, whom he imitated in several places.
It has been thought necessary to give in detail the facts relating to the conversion of the logarithms, as unfortunately Charles Hutton in his history of logarithms, which was prefixed to the early editions of his Mathematical Tables, and was also published as one of his Mathematical Tracts, has charged Napier with want of candour in not telling the world of Briggs's share in the change of system, and he expresses the suspicion that " Napier was desirous that the world should ascribe to him alone the merit of this very useful improvement of the logarithms."
One section of the law expresses the fact that the weights of two substances, not necessarily elements, that are equivalent in one reaction, are often found to be equivalent in a number of other reactions.
Liman von Sanders expresses the opinion that the German submarines on the spot were of no assistance to him, and that the British boats, in spite of their frequent raiding of the Sea of Marmora, did not seriously interfere with his water movements.
The first equation to be established is the equation of continuity, which expresses the fact that the increase of matter within a fixed surface is due to the flow of fluid across the surface into its interior.
The value of the angular coefficient d(pv)/dp is evidently (b - c), which expresses the defect of the actual volume v from the ideal volume Re/p. Differentiating equation (17) at constant pressure to find dv/do, and observing that dcldO= - nc/O, we find by substitution in (is) the following simple expression for the cooling effect do/dp in terms of c and b, Sdo/dp= (n+I)c - b..
The value of B is determined by observing the latent heat, Lo = F"o - F'0, which gives B =B" - B' =L0+(s' - So)00+(n+r)copo - bpo+dho (45) This constant may be called the absolute latent heat, as it expresses the thermal value of the change of state in a manner independent of temperature.
AdvertisementTrajan in his reply (Epp. 97) expresses approval of Pliny's course of action in the case of the Christians brought before him.
No wonder that the earth expresses itself outwardly in leaves, it so labors with the idea inwardly.
In the preface Chillingworth expresses his new view about subscription to the articles.
Savary expresses preference for this second plan, and makes the pertinent remark that in both these models " the rays of red light in the two solar images will be next to each other, which will render the sun's disk more easy to be observed than the violet ones."
Religion ultimately then rests upon the practical reason, and expresses some demand or want of the pure ego.
AdvertisementQuintilian asserts that he was far superior to any writer of tragedies he had known, and Tacitus expresses a high opinion of his literary abilities.
As Jellinek expresses it.
It expresses the feeling common to the Apostolic Fathers and general in the sub-apostolic age, at any rate in regions where apostles had once laboured, that local tradition, as held by the recognized church leaders, did but continue apostolic doctrine and practice.
The wider view, according to which the hypothesis of direct transmission of physical influences expresses only part of the facts, is that all space is filled with physical activity, and that while an influence is passing across from a body, A, to another body, B, there is some dynamical process in action in the intervening region, though it appears to the senses to be mere empty space.
The transformed spiritual life of the believer expresses itself not in the observance of the Jewish law, but in love, purity and peace.
AdvertisementKetteler and known as the Ketteler-Helmholtz formula, has been much used in calculating dispersion, and expresses the facts with remarkable accuracy.
The incessant change which experience brings before us, taken in conjunction with the thought of unity in productive force of nature, leads to the all-important conception of the duality, the polar opposition through which nature expresses itself in its varied products.
Vigfusson, Origines Islandicae (1905), which strangely expresses a preference for the Flatey Book " account of the first sighting of the American continent" by the Norsemen.
Here we have only room for its spirit, which we shall try to give as if he were himself speaking to us, as head of the Peripatetic school at Athens, and holding no longer the early views of his dialogues, or the immature views of such treatises as the Categories, but only his mature views, such as he expresses in the Metaphysics.
If V = N/A then N expresses the ratio of the volume of the instrument up to the zero of the scale to that of one of the scale-divisions.
AdvertisementA weekly service between Constantza and Constantinople is conducted by state-owned steamers, including the fast mail and passenger boats in connexion with the Ostend and Orient expresses.
He holds, like Hume, that nothing is real except our sensations and complexes of sensory elements; that the ego is not a definite, unalterable, sharply bounded unity, but its continuity alone is important; and that we know no real causes at all, much less real causes of our sensations; or, as he expresses it, bodies do not produce sensations, but complexes of sensations form bodies.
On the 3rd of August, shorn of much of its original bitterness, the so-called Confutatio pontificia was read; it well expresses the views approved in substance by the emperor and all the Catholic party.
Hippocrates, writing about 450 B.C., expresses his belief in the influence of environment in determining disposition, and in the reaction of these upon feature, 4 a view in which he is supported later by Trogus.
It expresses the savage belief that there departs from the dying in the final expiration a something tangible, capable of separate existence - the soul.
The subjoined table expresses the typical subdivisions which can be recognized, with modifications, in the United Kingdom.
It expresses Hume's feelings rather than the real facts.
With respect to arithmetic and algebra, the science of numbers, he expresses an equally definite opinion, but unfortunately it is quite impossible to state in any satisfactory fashion the grounds for it or even its full bearing.
The modern use expresses the idea of a very large and strong animal.
As carbon tends to hold the atom attached to it, one may presume that this property expresses itself in a predominant way where the other element is carbon also, and so the linkage represented by -C-C-is one of the most difficult to loosen.
Now, in this case, the first definition expresses much better the whole chemical behaviour of ozone, which is that of "energetic" oxygen, while the second only includes the fact of higher vapour-density; but in applying the first definition to organic compounds and calling isobutylene "butylene with somewhat more energy" hardly anything is indicated, and all the advantages of the atomic conception - the possibility of exactly predicting how many isomers a given formula includes and how you may get them - are lost.
It expresses the spirituality of Yahweh in a way that indicates a marked advance in the conception of his nature.
The title Elementorum philosophise sectio tertia, De dive, expresses its relation to the unwritten sections, which also comes out in one or two back-references in the text.
Possibly it is the feeling of south Syria or Palestine that here expresses itself in remonstrance against usages prevalent in north Syria.
In the pieces of the first period the convulsive excitement of the Prophet often expresses itself with the utmost vehemence.
Several of the more important fragments are found in Cicero, who expresses a great admiration for their manly fortitude and dignified pathos.
Ovid expresses the grounds of that esteem when he characterizes him as "Ingenio maximus, arte rudis."
It has already been explained that the writing expresses only consonants.
The first precept of the Philonic scheme enjoins monolatry, the second expresses God's spiritual and transcendental nature.
At the same time Sulpicia expresses the hope that no harm will befall Calenus.
The law of the land expresses the original commandment of God, and the plain duty of the pastorate is to denounce bigamy.
The casual concept, as given by experience, expresses not a necessary objective order of things, but an ordered scheme of perception; it is subjective and cannot be postulated as a concrete law apart from consciousness.
A place in the history of philosophy can be yielded to Hamann only because he expresses in uncouth, barbarous fashion an idea to which other writers have given more effective shape.
Concreteness, therefore, is the one demand which Hamann expresses, and as representing his own thought he used to refer to Giordano Bruno's conception (previously held by Nicolaus Curanus) of the identity of contraries.
The breach, however, was bound to come, and the saying, maliciously attributed to Cicero, that Octavian was an " excellent youth who must be praised and - sent to another place," neatly expresses the popular view of the situation.'
Of late years however a new school has arisen in Belgium which expresses strong doubts of the wisdom or efficacy of prolonged cellular confinement.
They overlooked the fact that man thinks long before he speaks, makes judgments which he does not express at all, or expresses them by interjections, names and phrases, before he uses regular propositions, and that he does not begin by conceiving and naming, and then proceed to believing and proposing.
It expresses a relation between the content of two ideas, not a relation of these ideas (Lotze).
But of these universal propositions the first imperfectly expresses a categorical belief in existing things, the second in thinkable things, and the third in nameable things, while the fourth is a slipshod categorical expression of the hypothetical belief, " If any candidates arrive late they are fined."
It is the wealth of illustration with which Plato expresses his meaning, and the range of application which he gives the idea - to the class 4 For whom see Diimmler, Antisthenica (1882, reprinted in his Kleine Schriften, 1901).
Thirdly we have the limiting cases of this in the inductive syllogism 5ui 7riu'mw, 7 a syllogism in the third figure concluding universally, and yet valid because the copula expresses equivalence, and in analogy 8 in which, it has been well said, instances are weighed and not counted.
Berkeley, though at length the notions of spirits, acts and relations 6 give him pause, prefers the formula which Hume expresses in the phrase that " some ideas are particular in their nature but general in their representation," 7 and the afterhistory of " abstraction " is a discussion of the conditions under which one idea " stands for " a group. Not from those for whom general ideas mean schematic concepts, not imageable.
It expresses itself in outward forms, yet there are not two Churches visible and invisible, but only one.
Thoroughgoing reconstruction in every item of theology and in every detail of polity there may be, yet shall the Christian life go on - the life which finds its deepest utterance in the words of Christ, " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and thy neighbour as thyself "; the life which expresses its profoundest faith in the words Christ taught it to pray, "Our Father"; the life which finds its highest rule of conduct in the words of its first and greatest interpreter, " Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Since the four co-ordinates (Cartesian or other) of these two points are connected by the relation which expresses the invariability of the length AB, it is plain that virtually three inde pendent elements are re quired and suffice to specify the position of the lamina.
The former equation expresses that the horizontal tension is constant.
The formula (16) expresses that the squared radius of gyration about any axis (Ox) exceeds the squared radius of gyration about a parallel axis through G by the square of the distance between the two axes.
Ihe number which expresses a physical quantity of any particular kind will of course vary inversely as the magnitude of the corresponding unit.
These co-ordinates may be chosen in an endless variety of ways, but their number is determinate, and expresses the number of degrees of freedom of the system.
This equation expresses that the kinetic energy is increasing at a rate equal to that at which work is being done by the forces.
In the investigation, therefore, of the comparative motion, of the driver and follower, in an elementary combination, it is unnecessary to consider relations of angular direction, which are already fixed by the connection of each piece with the frame; so that the inquiry is confined to the determination of the velocity ratio, and of tbe directional relation, so far only as it expresses the connection between forward and backward movements of the driver and follower.
The length L of an endless belt connecting a pair of pulleys whose effective radii are r,, r,, with parallel axes whose distance apart is c, is given by the following formulae, in each of which the first term, containing the radical, expresses the length of the straight parts of the belt, and the remainder of the formula the length of the curved parts.
This paper, with others published in 1786 and 1788, is concerned with the phenomena attending the freezing of various substances, and is noteworthy because in it he expresses doubt of the supposition that "the heat of bodies is.
His letter to Burghley,' who had told him of the queen's displeasure with his speech, offers no apology for what he had said, but expresses regret that his motives should have been misunderstood.
Heath, who expresses a strong opinion against Bacon's action in the matter.
Such a man expresses his ideas much better by word of mouth than in the cold formality of print; and Fenelon's contemporaries thought far more highly of his conversation than his books.
The symbol x expresses the energy of unit of mass of the liquid at a depth v within the bounding surface.
On this point Plateau's explanations are not very clear, and he sometimes expresses himself as if the time of disintegration depended only upon the capillary tension, without reference to initial disturbances at all.
Humiliating is not too strong a term to apply to a letter in which he expresses his desire to "efface the past by every action of his life," in order that he may stand well with the king.
Morgan more than once expresses a theory that would now be pronounced one of immanence.
He evinced no rancour or spite; his " Farewell Sermon " was dignified and temperate; nor is it to be ascribed to chagrin that in a letter to Scotland after his dismissal he expresses his preference for Presbyterian to Congregational church government.
The missionaries, who have reduced the language to writing (Gospel of St Luke, London, 1881), assert that it contains no fewer than 30,000 words, although the numerals stop at five, already a compound form, and although the same word expresses both hand and finger; but it appears that a large number of the words included in this total are compounds.
It expresses the idea of an immanent reason in the world, and, under various modifications, is met with in Indian, Egyptian and Persian systems of thought.
It is relation, therefore, as Schleiermacher expresses it, or reason, not speech or word.
He accompanied this emperor, for whom he expresses enthusiastic admiration, in his campaigns against the Alamanni and the Persians; after his death he took part in the retreat of Jovian as far as Antioch, where he was residing when the conspiracy of Theodorus (371) was discovered and cruelly put down.
Warwick represented the better side of the -victorious cause; he was no mere factious king-maker, and his later nickname of the last of the barons by no means expresses his character or his position.
The expression 2 is that of the number of the disposable constants in a curve of the order m with nodes and cusps (in fact that there shall be a node is I condition, a cusp 2 conditions) and the equation (9) thus expresses that the curve and its reciprocal contain each of them the same number of disposable constants.
For a curve of the order the expression Zm(m - I) - 6 - K is termed the " deficiency " (as to this more hereafter); the equation (to) expresses therefore that the curve and its reciprocal have each of them the same deficiency.
Admission is granted to any Druse of either sex who expresses willingness to conform to the laws of the society, and during a year of probation gives sufficient proof of sincerity and stability of purpose.
A paper on the " Roman Commonwealth" which belongs to this period, expresses convictions about religious liberty and the relations of religion to the state that were modified and deepened afterwards; objections to the sacerdotal conception of Christianity appear in another article; short work is made of ecclesiastical claims to infallibility in the interpretation of Scripture in a third; a scheme of utilitarian ethics, wider than that of Hobbes, is suggested in a fourth.
Their statement in this language may be regarded as perfect, because it completely and unambiguously expresses the naked phenomena of the motion.
The power and spirit of the analytic method will be appreciated by showing how it expresses the relations of motion as they were conceived geometrically by Newton and Kepler.
The periodic time varying inversely as n, this equation expresses Kepler's third law.
Kepler's third law therefore expresses the fact that the mass of the sun is the same for all the planets, and deviates from the truth only to the extent that the masses of the latter differ from each other by quantities which are only a small fraction of the mass of the sun.
The idea of "free" as opposed to necessary expresses simply the fact that the mind can propose to itself ends, though a man cannot alter his own nature.
It is in four books, and at the conclusion of the fourth book Richard expresses his intention of continuing his narrative from the accession of William I., and incorporating a sketch of the Conqueror's career from his birth.
His disciples speak of theirs as the "exact philosophy," and the term well expresses their master's chief excellence and the character of the chief influence he has exerted upon succeeding thinkers of his own and other schools.
The first law of motion - that which expresses the principle of inertia - is virtually contained in the idea of uniformly accelerated velocity.
On this hypothesis, if we confine our attention to one of the two metals, say p", in which the current is supposed to flow from hot to cold, we observe that p"dT expresses the quantity of heat converted into electrical energy per unit of electricity by an E.M.F.
The parents paid thirty marks for their son's admission; and he expresses the conviction that they imposed this exile upon him from an earnest desire for his welfare.
It`was held by Gregory of Nyssa, Ambrose, who uses the phrase pia fracas, Augustine, Leo I., and Gregory I., who expresses it in its worst form.
This expresses I as the resolving power in the case of direct lighting.
An absolutely new conception of experience was necessary, if the fact of cognition was to be explained at all, and the various modes in which Kant expresses the business of his critical philosophy were merely different fashions of stating the one ultimate problem, differing according to the particular aspect of knowledge which he happened to have in view.
As Kant expresses it in a remarkable passage of the Kritik, " The systematic unity of ends in this world of intelligences, which, although as mere nature it is to be called only the world of sense, can yet as a system of freedom be called an intelligible, i.e.
Kuchar expresses consternation over his friends' moral fiber as a whole community goes awry.
The design by Foster's and Partners expresses the transparency of the democratic process and promotes the image of a modern vibrant world city.
He has a name, the Word of God, which expresses His incarnate deity.
He expresses himself in very discourteous terms about you, my dear Comrade Radek.
Eliza expresses her own towering exaltation in I Could Have Danced All Night.
Hence the sentence " The existent perfect being is existent perfect being is existent " expresses a truth.
Number of times the user expresses frustration or satisfaction.
Elsewhere, too, Dunn frequently and understandably expresses incomprehension of Lesley's death, asking the rhetorical " Why?
As her confidence increases, she expresses her growing infatuation with bolder and longer steps.
Moreover, the Iliad expresses an elaborate theology, which does not fall behind the Quran in the slightest iota.
Nobel literature laureate 1968 " for his narrative mastery, which with great sensibility expresses the essence of the Japanese mind " .
In addition to the one myosin II gene, Dictyostelium expresses two myosin XI genes and at least six myosin I genes.
Jacob expresses the tension between human perversity and divine love.
It expresses a deep-seated pessimism about the potential of art to effect radical change.
Each individual phage expresses 5 copies of the same peptide, and the library contains phage expressing over 10 10 different peptides.
For that reason, amendment 2 expresses concern at the slow progress toward achieving the Welsh housing quality standard by 2012.
I like how it sounds, what Berman talks about and the way he expresses himself it's tender, but not saccharine.
Maintaining The Ulster Sunday This article expresses concern at increasing secularism.
No more carefree laughter Silence ever after mostly self-explanatory, this verse simply expresses ABBA's sadness at the loss of Buddy Holly.
I once composed a sonnet as I was climbing which expresses something of my feelings on that occasion.
Also, Prince Henry expresses some sorrow over his father's failing health.
He adopts instead a studied unconcern, which expresses itself in two complementary economic inclinations.
We say it expresses a clear untruth that can be demonstrated as such.
She expresses wonderment at the extraordinary achievements of each child.
In Roman epitaphs we meet with the formula tumulum faciendum curavit, meaning the grave and its monument; and on the inscribed monumental stones placed over the early Christian graves of Gaul and Britain the phrase in hoc tumulo jacet expresses the same idea.
Thus the symbol or formula H 2 O for water expresses the view that the molecule of water consists of one atom of oxygen and two of hydrogen; and if we know the atomic weights of oxygen and hydrogen, it also tells us the composition of water by weight.
But it is futile to seek the effect of much dealing in " futures " in the differences between price movements in the various markets, because (I) demand expresses itself in different ways-in Germany, for example, spinners buy to hold large stocks-and (2) the markets are in telegraphic communication, so that their price movements are kept parallel.
Huxley expresses himself much more cautiously, as he recognizes that we do not know the continuity of nature so thoroughly as to be able to declare that this or that event is necessarily an interruption of it.
In addition to the doubt thrown on this result by the discrepancy between various determinations of the constant of aberration, it is sometimes doubted whether the latter constant necessarily expresses with entire precision the ratio of the velocity of the earth to the velocity of light.
This therefore expresses the secondary disturbance at a distance r and in a direction making an angle cp with OZ (the direction of primary vibration) due to the element dS of the wave-front.
For his own countryman Ennius he expresses an affectionate admiration; and he imitates his language, his rhythm and his manner in many places.
Micah resembles Amos, both in his country origin, and in his general character, which expresses itself in strong emphasis on the ethical side of religion.
With Horace and Tibullus he was on intimate terms, and Ovid expresses his gratitude to him as the first to notice and encourage his work.
The term which expresses the connotation of a word is therefore an abstract term, though it is probably not itself connotative; adjectives are concrete, not abstract, e.g.
The man who impeaches the knowing faculties because of the fact of relation which they involve is pursuing the phantom of an apprehension which, as Lotze expresses it, does not apprehend things, but is itself things; he is desiring not to know but to be the things themselves.
But he was certainly a prudent and circumspect ruler of blameless life, possessing, as Arnold of Lubeck (c. 1160-1212) expresses it, "the sober wisdom of old age even in his tender youth."
His title "the Bad" seems little merited and expresses the bias of the historian Falcandus and the baronial class against the king and the official class by whom he was guided.
She seems to be more nervous than she really is, because she expresses more with her hands than do most English-speaking people.
When Miss Keller speaks, her face is animated and expresses all the modes of her thought--the expressions that make the features eloquent and give speech half its meaning.
Miss Sullivan knew at the beginning that Helen Keller would be more interesting and successful than Laura Bridgman, and she expresses in one of her letters the need of keeping notes.
Like her baby cousin, she expresses whole sentences by single words.
He firmly and clearly expresses his opinion to Kutuzov, to Weyrother, and to the Emperors.
If the whole activity of the leaders serves as the expression of the people's will, as some historians suppose, then all the details of the court scandals contained in the biographies of a Napoleon or a Catherine serve to express the life of the nation, which is evident nonsense; but if it is only some particular side of the activity of an historical leader which serves to express the people's life, as other so-called "philosophical" historians believe, then to determine which side of the activity of a leader expresses the nation's life, we have first of all to know in what the nation's life consists.
On condition that that person expresses the will of the whole people.
If the Deity issues a command, expresses His will, as ancient history tells us, the expression of that will is independent of time and is not caused by anything, for the Divinity is not controlled by an event.
I like how it sounds, what Berman talks about and the way he expresses himself it 's tender, but not saccharine.
He switches to a scornful tone, which I think at first may just be the way he expresses enthusiasm.
No more carefree laughter Silence ever after Mostly self-explanatory, this verse simply expresses ABBA 's sadness at the loss of Buddy Holly.
Also, Prince Henry expresses some sorrow over his father 's failing health.
He expresses surprise at the supine attitude of the Labor Party and the Trade Unions toward the motor slaughter.
But it usually expresses worries about the future, understanding of possible future difficulties and vicissitudes of life, farewell wishes, advice.
The baritone soloist expresses the yearning of the Jews to return to Jerusalem and their responsibility to remember and cherish it.
Mom simply expresses some breast milk onto the test strip, and the color will begin to change if there is alcohol present.
While people have varying religious practices, they can find unity in art that expresses all they hold dear in their faith.
Combining individual scents to create an aurora of feeling, this cologne expresses smell clusters as aromas resembling the tropical beach air, coolness and the essence of a home run.
Indeed, each note expresses itself fully in this evocative, unique scent.
Everyone expresses their anxieties in different ways.
Wearing an animal print or zebra print prom dress gives you an exotic prom look that expresses your personal style.
If you choose to have your wedding rehearsal dinner party in a restaurant, consider choosing a location that really expresses your likes and interests as a couple.
Be sure to attach a tag that expresses your gratitude for their attendance at your wedding.
Attach a wedding favor tag to each homemade favor that expresses your gratitude for their attendance at your wedding.
Adding a candy poem that expresses what the candies mean is another way to personalize the candy bar.
A 40th birthday cake can be simple or elaborate, but it becomes extra special if it reflects or expresses the birthday celebrant's personality in some way.
The school's mission statement expresses the institution's dedication to helping students find high quality and affordable education.
If you are serious about your look, you should have a coat made that absolutely expresses you - it will look excellent and last for years.
There are endless styles to choose from, making it easy to find the one that best expresses your own personality.
When writing a good retirement dinner speech, there are a few things that can be done to make sure the end product is witty, expresses gratitude, and is respectful.
Through your journeys on the Internet, you may have encountered this guy who expresses a fair bit of anger toward a number of video games.
Zinfandel is the virile and lusty kingpin in Dry Creek while Pinot Noir expresses nuance, finesse, and cherry sexiness in Russian River.
Looking toward the future, it is possible that you'll see a North America-friendly GSM Palm Pre, especially if AT&T expresses more interest in this area.
If a child expresses reluctance to participate in any aspect of the rituals of death, adults should accept the child's feelings and not exert pressure.
The bereaved often need to see the body of the deceased or participate in some activity that expresses the letting go of their dead loved one's presence in this life.
However, they may be able to draw a picture that expresses their emotions or communicates what they know.
Emotional abuse usually expresses itself in verbal attacks involving rejection, scapegoating, belittlement, and so forth.
Experts recommend that therapy begin when a woman expresses concern about her onset of puberty or by the age of 15.
Usually the middle of a story expresses some sort of conflict as well, which will be resolved by the end in a way that makes the audience feel satisfied.
If your child expresses an interest in dance, you can easily cultivate it by signing him or her up for a session of group instruction.
There may not be one that expresses your feelings exactly.
The key to a great teen hair style, however, is finding one that truly expresses your personality.
A child that expresses difficulty with the more abstract mathematical concepts should use lesson plans that serve to make these "abstract" ideas tangible.
This lively carol celebrates the birth of the Divine Child, and expresses that we must herald the arrival with music and song.
On the other hand, if your business is known as one based on Christian ideals, then a religious verse that expresses the joy of Christ's birth will express those principles best.
Pirates prided themselves on their individuality, so the goal is to have a costume that expresses your true inner pirate.
You're sure to find one that mirrors exactly how you feel about your significant other or that expresses just the message you want to communicate about your relationship.
The great thing about any type of card is you can find one that expresses exactly how you feel without coming up with the words yourself.
Use these tips on how to write a beautiful poem or find the perfect one that expresses your love.
There are plenty of things you can give to loved ones that won't cost a lot but still expresses your feelings.
This poem on Net Poets is a very amusing, somewhat scandalous bit of verse from the point of view of a woman who is very happy not in her life - not any kind of man, she expresses quite eloquently.
The best kind of flirting not only expresses interest in you in flattering ways but also puts no expectation or demand on you.
By sending such a card, the giver expresses support for the relationship, and as the stress of wedding planning mounts, that support will be welcomed and appreciated.
Each ring is meticulously handcrafted for individual style, ensuring that each design expresses its ultimate glamour.
Regardless of what gifts are exchanged, the key to a meaningful gift is that it expresses the special feelings between the giver and the recipient.
A card shows that you are thinking of the couple and expresses your good wishes for their future.
The proposal poem stands out from other romantic poetry because it expresses love for a lifetime.
For some this is a religious choice and expresses that individual's desire to wait until she is in love or married to have sex.
It also rules how the individual expresses love.
If you really want to get to know her beyond a Pisces profile, you need to engage her in a genuine conversation that expresses ideas and feelings.
If Pisces wants to keep her relationship with the earth sign, she'll need to curb how she expresses what she feels.
He expresses this generosity by giving of his wealth to others, and he is typically a patron of various art societies and charities.
Permissive parents often "give in" to their children's wishes, hesitating on boundaries as soon as their child protests, gets angry, throws a tantrum, or expresses disapproval in some way.
Meghan gives Felicity a book on wicca when Felicity expresses a desperation to get back to Noel, and Felicity searches through the book herself to find the correct spell after Meghan refuses to help.
However, some people argue that it's alright to get a tat that expresses your faith in Jesus or Christianity at large.
Find the design that expresses who you are, and what is important to you.
For example, you could have the name of "Jesus Christ" circle one wrist if you want a tat that expresses Christianity.
Some people keep their nautical star black, which lends a tribal-like feel to the image, whereas others opt for full-blown color that expresses their unique style throughout the pattern and body of the star.
If you're considering a cross tattoo, make sure you and your tattoo artist find the cross design that best expresses your personality and belief systems.
Zodiac tattoos are always a popular choice, as many people feel their personal Zodiac symbol frequently expresses so many of their own traits.
The term Jivamukti expresses "liberation while living".
While it helps to be a good writer who expresses thoughts well, the writer and applicant can certainly collaborate on the letter if need be.
Looking at thank you letter examples will help you craft a note that expresses what you want to say.
Begin with a statement that paints a clear vision of why your business idea is likely to succeed or that clearly expresses why there is a need for the type of company you have to offer.
Most crafters who design their own cards don't do it to save money - they do it because they love being creative and making a unique item that expresses their feelings.
This poem expresses what the person in love is going to do on the next day because he or she is so in love that they cannot stand to stay away from their beloved any longer.
The ratio is expressed in terms of per person bodily injury/per incident bodily injury/per incident property damage.For example, Alabama expresses the required minimums as 25/50/25.
As a singer unashamed of her Christian faith, Plumb also reveals that "In My Arms" expresses love from another perspective - the love God shared through his son Jesus.
Still, Smith says it is one of the three Cure albums that best "expresses" the band (the other two being Pornography and Disintegration).
Chelsea and Sheila - No hook up here, but Chelsea expresses her interest in wanting to be more than houseguests with Sheila in season nine.
She begins a relationship with new student Tyler, but jealously grows as Tyler expresses interest in fellow cast member Mia.
The subject is interviewed several times, and expresses his or her feelings about what's going on as it happens.
The inarticulate R2D2 expresses himself mainly in beeps and boops (which fortunately Threepio understands), but you can usually tell what his main message is by 'tone of voice'.
This was reflected in The Lord of the Rings when Boromir expresses apprehension about the Golden Wood of Lothlorien, followed by Eomer's superstitious comment that a "Lady of the Wood" lives there, and is a sorceress.
When Joanna expresses her fear to her husband, he dismisses it, but continues to spend more and more time at the men's club with the other husbands.
Follow these simple steps to create a background that expresses your interests and personality.
MySpace clearly expresses in their policy that you are sharing your information at risk.
The goal is to come up with a site that expresses your company's value, brand identity, and purpose clearly.
It is very interesting, but it does not constitute any marked advance in the history of parliament, as it merely expresses the customary method of summoning a council.
Bonnet's eminent contemporary, Buffon, held nearly the same views with respect to the nature of the germ, and expresses them even more confidently.
Such a system of classification, although convenient, is not the most natural one, and a sketch of the system which better expresses the relationships between the various subdivisions is given here.
The quality which Geoffrey Malaterra expresses by the word "effrenatissima" is also clearly marked in Norman history.
The name expresses the most universal character of the class, the importance of which was first noticed by John Ray, namely, the presence of a pair of seed-leaves or cotyledons, in the plantlet or embryo contained in the seed.
In all countries passenger trains must vary in weight according to the different services they have to perform; suburban Weight trains, for example, meant to hold as many pas ah d sengers as possible, and travelling at low speeds, do not weigh so much as long-distance expresses, which include dining and sleeping cars, and on which, from considerations of comfort, more space must be allowed each occupant.
Herodotus, who declines to commit himself as to the existence of Zalmoxis, expresses the opinion that in any case he must have lived long before the time of Pythagoras.
The " true mother of his mind as well as of his health " was a maiden aunt - Catherine Porten by name - with respect to whom he expresses himself in language of the most grateful remembrance.
He thus writes S+02=S02+7110o cal., which expresses the fact that the intrinsic energy of the quantities of sulphur and oxygen considered exceeds that of the sulphur dioxide derived from them by 71100 cal.
The precise part these figures play is often idealized and expresses the later views of their prominence.
Whereas the Hebrew verb is devoid of real tenses, and only expresses an action as completed or as in process without indicating time past, present or future, Syriac has by the help of an auxiliary verb constructed a set of tenses.
This equation, which is mathematically deducible from the kinetic theory of gases, expresses the behaviour of gases, the phenomena of the critical state, and the behaviour of liquids; solids are not accounted for.
The Rhine-daughter sings it in a childlike, indolently graceful way which well expresses the kind of toy the ring or the world itself would be to her.
Cuvier expresses the opinion that the dog exhibits the most complete and the most useful conquest that man has made.
Such is this famous work, full of obscurities, redundancies and contradictions, in which the thread of the argument is sometimes lost in a labyrinth of reasonings and citations, both sacred and profane, but which nevertheless expresses, both in religion and politics, such audacious and novel ideas that it has been possible to trace in it, as it were, a rough sketch of the doctrines developed during the periods of the Reformation and of the French Revolution.
Hermite expresses the quintic in a forme-type in which the constants are invariants and the variables linear covariants.
If now the nti c denote a given pencil of lines, an invariant is the criterion of the pencil possessing some particular property which is independent alike of the axes and of the multiples, and a covariant expresses that the pencil of lines which it denotes is a fixed pencil whatever be the axes or the multiples.
The magnetic susceptibility expresses the numerical relation of the magnetization to the magnetizing force.
This expresses the retardation of the extreme relatively to the central ray, and is to be reckoned positive, whatever may be the signs of w, and 0 .
The first term on the right hand side expresses the energy of the surface electrification of the conductors in the field, and the second the energy of volume density (if any).
Anything shallower than a half-inch bas-relief is a blank to her, so far as it expresses an idea of beauty.
Each of them expresses his opinion as to how and where to haul it.