Explosives Sentence Examples
Hey, boss, the storm blew out our explosives work.
Bring in the explosives teams to prep the country club and hotels.
Explosives are under the control of the local authorities.
Accidents from the misuse and careless handling of explosives are unfortunately too frequent in mines.
There are coalmines, several ironworks - one is among the largest in Scotland - and, on the sandhills along the shore, the works of Nobel's Explosives Company, which cover an area of a mile, the separatehut principle being adopted to minimize the risks attendant upon so dangerous an occupation.
Lode tin, as tinstone derived from primary deposits is often termed, is mined in the ordinary method, the very hard gangue in which it occurs necessitating a liberal use of explosives.
In mining operations explosives are used on a large scale and the powder gases contain large quantities of the very poisonous gas, carbon monoxide, a small percentage of which may cause death, and even a minute percentage of which in the air will seriously affect the health.
To guard against explosions from this cause it is necessary to use explosives in moderate quantities and to see that the blast-holes are properly placed, so that the danger of blown-out shots may be lessened.
To lessen the danger from blasting operations the use of special safety explosives is required in Great Britain and some European countries.
The use of such explosives decreases to some extent the danger from dust explosions; but experiment shows that no efficient explosive is absolutely safe, if used in excessive quantity, or in an improper manner.
AdvertisementThe conditions under Accidents which explosives may be stored, handled and used are from carefully formulated in the mining laws of most states, fro Explosives.
In some states it has become necessary to provide for fines and even imprisonment of men disobeying the regulations regarding explosives.
On the other hand, the progressive reduction of mining and metallurgical costs effected by improved transportation and machinery, and the use of high explosives, compressed air, electric-power transmission, &c., resulted in California (as elsewhere) in a notable revival of deep mining.
Another very important industry is the manufacture of dynamite and other explosives at Baracaldo, closely connected with the mining interests.
In all British coal-mines, when gas in dangerous quantities has appeared within three months, and in all places that are dry and dusty, blasting is prohibited, except with Safety ex= c, „ permitted explosives, whose composition and pro perties have been examined at the testing station at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich.
AdvertisementNew explosives that are found to be satisfactory when tested are added to the list from time to time, the composition being stated in all cases.
This fact having been fully demonstrated, acetylene dissolved in this way was exempted from the Explosives Act, and consequently upon this exemption a large business has grown up in the preparation and use of dissolved acetylene for lighting motor omnibuses, motor cars, railway carriages, lighthouses, buoys, yachts, &c., for which it is particularly adapted.
In France, where large stocks of alcohol were left over from the manufacture of explosives during the war, it was unable to compete with petrol as regards price, and was only being used in comparatively small quantities, and mixed with benzol.
Pressures Observed In A Closed Vessel With Various Explosives 20 15 s n 05 10 -15 20 25 30 35 40.45 50.
It is replaced by modern explosives such as those indicated on fig.
AdvertisementOther important manufactories are flour mills, of which there were over 500 in 1904; iron and steel works, of which there are 7 large establishments, including the immense plant at Monterey; 90 smelters for the reduction of precious metals; tanneries, potteries, and factories for the manufacture of hats, paper, linen, hammocks, harness and saddles, matches, explosives, aerated waters, soap, furniture, chocolate and sweetmeats.
He was president of the Chemical Society in 1897, and of the British Association in 1902, served on the Balfour Commission on London Water Supply (1893-1894), and as a member of the Committee on Explosives (1888-1891) invented cordite jointly with Sir Frederick Abel.
In 1870 Fort Merxem and the redoubts of Berendrecht and Oorderen were built for the defence of the area to be inundated north of Antwerp. In 1878, in consequence of the increased range of artillery and the more destructive power of explosives, it was recognized that the fortifications of Antwerp were becoming useless and out of date.
Nitric acid finds extensive application in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, certain coal-tar colouring matters, explosives, and in the production of various nitrates.
There are cordite and explosives works, established by Messrs Kynoch of Birmingham, England.
AdvertisementIt is probable that the whole phenomenon of isomerism is due to the possibility that compounds or systems which in reality are unstable yet persist, or so slowly change that practically one can speak of their stability; for instance, such systems as explosives and a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, where the stable form is water, and in which, according to some, a slow but until now undetected change takes place even at ordinary temperatures.
This explains a good deal of the possible instability; and, from a practical point of view, it coincides with the fact that such a large amount of energy can be stored in our most intense explosives such as dynamite, the explanation being that hydrogen is attached to carbon distant from oxygen in the same molecule, and that only the characteristic resistance of the carbon linkage prevents the hydrogen from burning, which is the main occurrence in the explosion of dynamite.
It is employed for fire-works, for some descriptions of explosives, for safety matches and as an oxidizer in some operations, especially in dyeing and tissue printing.
The district is rich in coal and iron, which supply the predominant industries, Falkirk being the chief seat of the light casting trade in Scotland; but tanning, flour-milling, brewing, distilling and the manufacture of explosives (Nobel's) and chemicals are also carried on.
During his tenure of this office, which lasted until 1888, he carried out a large amount of work in connexion with the chemistry of explosives.
The chief application of picric acid and its salts is in the manufacture of explosives.
Baluch, the language of Baluchistan, also very closely akin to New Persian, but especially distinguished from it in that all the old spirants arc changed into explosives, e.g.
The acts referred to include those relating to the diseases of animals, destructive insects, explosives, fish conservancy, gas meters, margarine, police, reformatory and industrial schools, riot (damages), sale of food and drugs, weights and measures.
All such boroughs form part of the county for the purposes of pauper lunatics, analysts, reformatory and industrial schools, fish conservancy, explosives, and, of course, the purposes for which the larger quarter sessions boroughs also form part of the county, such as main roads, and are assessed to county rate accordingly.
This business consists of the licensing of houses or places for the public performance of stage plays, and the execution, as local authority, of the Explosives Act 1875.
There is, besides, a dynamite factory, which produces over 2,000,000 lb of explosives annually, a large cloth factory and several flourmills.
To the county councils were also assigned the power of assessing and levying the poor rate in rural districts, the management of lunatic asylums, and the administration of certain acts such as the Explosives Act, the Technical Education Act and the Diseases of Animals Act.
Harcourt, brought in an Explosives Bill on the 9th of April, which was passed through all its stages in one day and received the royal assent on the next.
The Explosives Act, strong as it was, did not at once 'effect its object.
An active propaganda was carried on in Turkish Armenia by emissaries, who tried to introduce arms and explosives, and represented the ordinary incidents of Turkish misrule to Europe as serious atrocities.
Both methods become difficult to implement if large boulders have to be propped up or if explosives have to be used on indurated breccias.
They also facilitate the use of optical diagnostics which are often impractical in explosives environments.
The Mole evacuates the area and Brains detonates the explosives.
A scar runs along the left side of his face, possibly the product of an accident with improvised explosives.
During part of 1989 I carried out research into a practical method of detecting explosives concealed in aircraft baggage.
Wires and candles stuffed into a jacket made it look like he was carrying explosives.
Often these bombs contained hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of pounds of home-made explosives.
In order for detonation to occur, a sphere of plutonium has to be rapidly compressed by a series of conventional high explosives.
They are shot and blown apart with plastic explosives.
The terrorists ' weapons of choice are high explosives.
Within 48 hours, the printing presses of the newspaper lay in a twisted, tangled heap, destroyed by anti-tank explosives.
We were using high explosives and radioactive material in large quantities for the first time.
These small munitions contain high explosives that produce radio frequency energy as their primary kill mechanism.
This line runs through a district which formerly had ironworks, coal mines and explosives factories and associated ports.
Next up was the Lochnager crater, created when the British tunneled under the german redoubt and detonated 60,000 lbs of explosives.
For lighting only approved safety lamps should be used, and blasting operations should be performed with " Permitted " explosives only.
The Hood takes cover in the surrounding shrubbery as the explosives go off.
This branch of study naturally conducted him to the investigation of explosives, and on the theoretical side led to the results published in his work Sur la force de la poudre et des matieres explosives (1872), while on the practical side it enabled him to render important services to his country as president of the scientific defence committee during the siege of Paris in 1870-71 and subsequently as chief of the French explosives committee.
The early history of mercuric fulminate and a critical account of its application as a detonator is given in The Rise and Progress of the British Explosives Industry (International Congress of Applied Chemistry, 1909).
The manufacture and modern aspects are treated in Oscar Guttmann, The Manufacture of Explosives, and Manufacture of Explosives, Twenty Years' Progress (1909).
Compounds formed with the evolution of heat are termed exothermic, while those formed with an absorption are termed endothermic. Explosives are the commonest examples of endothermic compounds.
Even then, however, the liquid nature of the substance, though advantageous in one or two directions, constituted a serious obstacle to its safe transport and storage and to its efficient employment; it was therefore not until Nobel produced plastic solid preparations by mixing the liquid with porous substances, such as gunpowder, or carbon and sulphur, and finally kieselguhr in a fine state of division, capable of absorbing and retaining considerable quantities of it, that it could be employed as a blasting agent (see Explosives, Dyna Mite, Cordite).
Mining laws have proved chiefly serviceable in securing the introduction of efficient ventilation, the use of safety-lamps, and of proper explosives, to lessen the danger from fire-damp and coal-dust in the coal-mines, the inspection of machinery for hoisting and haulage, and prevention of accidents due to imperfection in design or in working the machinery.
According to a British consular report for 1904 there were 153 manufacturing establishments in the city producing cotton, linen and silk textiles, leather, boots and shoes, alcohol and alcoholic beverages, beer, flour, conserves and candied fruits, cigars and cigarettes, Italian pastes, chocolate, starch, hats, oils, ice, furniture, pianos and other musical instruments, matches, beds, candles, chemicals, iron and steel, printing-type, paint and varnish, glass, looking-glass, cement and artificial stone, earthenware, bricks and tiles, soap, cardboard, papier mache, cartridges and explosives, white lead, perfumery, carriages and wagons, and corks.
Of the powers vested in the county authority under the Highway Act 1878, the most important are those relating to main roads, which are specially noticed hereafter; (ix.) the tables of fees to be taken by and the costs to be allowed to any inspector, analyst or person holding any office in the county other than the clerk of the peace and the clerks of the justices; (x.) the appointment, removal and determination of salaries of the county treasurer, the county surveyor, the public analysts, any officer under the Explosives Act 1875, and any officers whose remuneration is paid out of the county rate, other than the clerk of the peace and the clerks of the justices; (xi.) the salary of any coroner whose salary is payable out of the county rate, the fees, allowances and disbursements allowed to be paid by any such coroner, and the division of the county into coroners' districts and the assignments of such districts; (xii.) the division of the county into polling districts for the purposes of parliamentary elections, the appointment of the places of election, the places of holding courts for the revision of the lists of voters, and the costs of, and other matters to be done for the registration of parliamentary voters; (xiii.) the execution as local authority of the acts relating to contagious diseases of animals, to destructive insects, to fish conservancy, to wild birds, to weights and measures, and to gas meters, and of the Local Stamp Act i 869; (xiv.) any matters arising under the Riot (Damages) Act 1886.
They were well-hidden and purpose-built to house the patrol along with the necessary food, water, ammunition and explosives.
Next up was the Lochnager crater, created when the British tunneled under the German Redoubt and detonated 60,000 lbs of explosives.
They dropped 3,000 tons of explosives on the city.
It looks like explosives went off in the house, even if we only leave him for an hour.
When you enter the building to damage the radio equipment, find the room with all the explosives.
Collect the cans of beans to build up enough energy to get past the defenders, but avoid the explosives that hurt you along the way.
Somewhere down the path is a mining cart with a barrel of explosives in it.
You do so based on the numbers found in non-mine squares that indicate how many explosives are in its immediate vicinity.
Use a hand-to-hand combat and variety of weapons like Plasma Baton, Canister Bomb, C4 explosives and others to defeat the Terminator machines.
Firearms and explosives should be used only by adults with explicit training; they should also be kept locked and away from children.
The chief articles of import are apparel and textiles, machinery and hardware, stimulants, narcotics, explosives, bags and sacks, books and paper, oils and tea.
The former apply principally to successions, stamps, registrations, mortgages, &c.; the latter to distilleries, breweries, explosives, native sugar and matches, though the customs revenue and octrois upon articles of general consumption, such as corn, wine, spirits, meat, flour, petroleum butter, tea, coffee and sugar, may be considered as belonging to thu class.
The truth is, without doubt, that the dwellings of the lower classes were still built of reeds and mud, and covered the greater part of the city's area, otherwise it is impossible to understand how a mere handful of Spanish soldiers, without tools and explosives, could so easily have levelled it to the ground.